1940 U.S. Federal Census of Shoshoni, Fremont, Wyoming

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Wyoming > Fremont County > 1940 Census of Shoshoni

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
G SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AlbersLois Jborn about 1937
AlbersMerle Lborn about 1910
AlbersNina Lborn about 1915
AlexanderBessie Lborn about 1892
AlexanderOscar Nborn about 1892
AllenAlvin Aborn about 1917
AllenBruse Gborn about 1926
AllenCora Lborn about 1887
AllenEdgar Dborn about 1923
AllenEthan Wborn about 1879
ArnoldCharles Aborn about 1891
ArnoldMattie born about 1862
AufnGlen Cborn about 1913
AufnJo Anneborn about 1938
AufnJudith Lborn about 1937
AufnLeanna Bborn about 1914

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B Surnames

BainDelbert Aborn about 1926
BainGene Cborn about 1928
BainLucile born about 1903
BainMarjorie Fborn about 1937
BallengeeEva Bborn about 1876
BallengeeScott Aborn about 1876
BeckE Cborn about 1873
BeckerMargaret Bborn about 1903
BergerDora born about 1873
BergerPhilip Bborn about 1877
BlackwellLillian Mborn about 1871
BloomfieldClara born about 1873
BloomfieldW Aborn about 1863
BookerHattie Bborn about 1868

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C Surnames

CainNova Rborn about 1900
CainW Jborn about 1897
CainWilliam Rborn about 1938
CoonerDonald Rborn about 1938
CoonerLois Vborn about 1920
CooterDarrel Wborn about 1919
CooterEva Jborn about 1920
CoxBlanche born about 1891
CoxJ Clintonborn about 1885
CoxRalph Eborn about 1927
CoxRollie Kborn about 1925
CoxV Loraineborn about 1929
CrabbAnita Bborn about 1858
CrabbEdward Lborn about 1864
CrabbPauline Vborn about 1874

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D Surnames

DonaldsonAlonzo Wborn about 1896
DonaldsonMyrtle Eborn about 1905
DornlaserRobert Gborn about 1927
DornlaserV Gborn about 1891

F Surnames

FenleyJames Jborn about 1869
FisherGeorge Fborn about 1871

G Surnames

GabusFredrick Aborn about 1877
GabusNetta Mborn about 1884
GeorgeRose Rborn about 1912
GeorgeRoy Eborn about 1912
GourleyAnna Pborn about 1894
GourleyHarry Rborn about 1920
GourleyLewis Oborn about 1892
GourleyThelma Eborn about 1922
GudmundsonJ Wborn about 1877
GudmundsonN Mborn about 1879
GumsGottlieb Jr born about 1919
GumsHelen Mborn about 1921

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H Surnames

HarperMyrtle born about 1900
HarperWillard born about 1893
HartDonna Lborn about 1931
HartFlorence Vborn about 1901
HartFrances Lborn about 1933
HartJohn Wborn about 1938
HartOtto born about 1908
HartPearl born about 1912
HartRobert Oborn about 1934
HawkinsGrover born about 1885
HendryMarcia born about 1889
HendryxClarence Eborn about 1925
HendryxErnest Gborn about 1902
HendryxErnestine F Cborn about 1932
HendryxHelen Eborn about 1915
HendryxMary Aborn about 1937
HeyerLaurina Oborn about 1882
HornbeckCarl Wborn about 1885
HornbeckEdna Fborn about 1893
HornbeckRuby Rborn about 1927
HowardEssie Mborn about 1900
HowardJohn Fborn about 1893
HowardMable Vborn about 1923
HulseHarold Sborn about 1918
HydeFrances Hborn about 1888
HydeH Nborn about 1878

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I Surnames

IrelandAgnes Vborn about 1884
IrelandRoy Eborn about 1880

J Surnames

JacksonBetty Lonborn about 1933
JacksonGarold Eborn about 1930
JacksonLulla Gborn about 1906
JacksonNeal Kborn about 1926
JewellE L Hborn about 1876
JewellL Aborn about 1889

K Surnames

KaiserCurt Eborn about 1896
KaiserCurt E Jrborn about 1937
KaiserFannie Mborn about 1907
KaiserMary Louborn about 1934
KansonAdolph born about 1864

L Surnames

LaneJacob Eborn about 1864
LarsonLottie Lborn about 1897
LarsonSaul Oborn about 1898
LarsonSaul O Jrborn about 1926
LeichtweisFrank born about 1870
LeichtweisJulia Iborn about 1875
LeichtweisRuth Vborn about 1904
LinnRobert Gborn about 1925
LoganCharles Sborn about 1903
LoganCharles Sborn about 1938
LoganL Nellborn about 1936
LoganLaleah Bborn about 1913
LongG Jborn about 1867
LucasEverett Mborn about 1920
LuebkeCora Iborn about 1894
LuebkeDonald Cborn about 1920
LuebkeJanet Lborn about 1934
LuebkeRichard Hborn about 1923

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M Surnames

McCurdyJohn born about 1885
McNivenSara born about 1915
MertenJoe Henryborn about 1915
MilneElizabeth Cborn about 1915
MooreHelen Fborn about 1919
MossbergFloyd Eborn about 1878

N Surnames

NelsonAgnes Pborn about 1904
NelsonDonald Aborn about 1920
NelsonNels Pborn about 1890
NelsonNorris Lborn about 1928
NelsonOlaf Cborn about 1899
NelsonPalma Gborn about 1930
NicholsGladys Aborn about 1930
NicholsHelen born about 1921
NicholsJ Lborn about 1890
NicholsJames Lee Jrborn about 1925
NicholsJulia Marieborn about 1927
NicholsLuther Pborn about 1928
NicholsMary Sueborn about 1933
NicholsSusie born about 1889
NicholsWatson Bborn about 1923

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P Surnames

PappasJames Aborn about 1880
PappasLillian Eborn about 1888
ParkhurstHanna Aborn about 1900
ParkhurstPaul Rborn about 1930
ParkhurstSylvonnia Dborn about 1928
ParkhurstWilliam Sborn about 1896
ParksB Hborn about 1882
ParksClara Kborn about 1892
PattyHazel Nborn about 1923
PattyLuther Mborn about 1894
PattyOla Eborn about 1896
PeacockCarl Jborn about 1900
PeacockLona Aborn about 1895
PettyHeber Hborn about 1919
PriceR Cborn about 1872

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R Surnames

RiceAnna Mborn about 1930
RiceWilliam Hborn about 1931
RodgersHarold Oborn about 1912

S Surnames

SalayRalph Hborn about 1912
SchaffnerRussel Lborn about 1914
ScottElsie Eborn about 1891
ScottJames born about 1891
ShawverEthel Mborn about 1876
ShawverLewis Aborn about 1893
ShollGrace Bborn about 1903
ShollMarlene Mborn about 1933
ShollRussel Jborn about 1902
ShollRussels J Jrborn about 1926
SnowJ Wborn about 1878
SnowMary born about 1881
SnowOpal Bborn about 1920
SpaldingElizabeth Kborn about 1913
SpaldingKennith Lborn about 1939
SpaldingRobert Mborn about 1935
SpaldingRobert Wborn about 1907
SpivaGeorge Eborn about 1924
SpivaLeonard Pborn about 1927
SpivaPaula Eborn about 1922
SrilerEdna born about 1913
SrilerNick born about 1914
StewartC Royborn about 1919
StreetAgnes born about 1894
StreetM Hborn about 1894
StuchellGrace Bborn about 1872
StuchellJames Wborn about 1867

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T Surnames

TaylorEma Jeanborn about 1931
TaylorEthel Rborn about 1905
TaylorRobert Eborn about 1928
TaylorSheldon Rborn about 1925
TaylorWilliam Dborn about 1934
TeetersAnice Mborn about 1919
TeetersAnna Mborn about 1890
TeetersJesse Mborn about 1877
TeetersLorraine Fborn about 1924
TheobaldH Rborn about 1891
TheobaldMary born about 1884

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U Surnames

UtterbackIva Lborn about 1886
UtterbackWilliam Wborn about 1883

V Surnames

VarahArthur Wborn about 1899
VarahIrene Eborn about 1910

W Surnames

WalcherBillie Juneborn about 1924
WalcherTherasa Hborn about 1896
WalcherWilliam Sborn about 1893
WilliamsC Oborn about 1885
WilliamsMozelle born about 1895
WimseyCecil Bborn about 1912
WolffBobbie born about 1900
WolffCarline Fborn about 1935
WolffCharles born about 1887
WolffCharles Eborn about 1931
WolffGloria Jborn about 1928
WolffJune Sborn about 1922
WolffWesley Lborn about 1927
WolffWiley Rborn about 1937

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