Professional Genealogist Services

  • Are you stuck on how to find out more about your ancestor?
  • Are you not sure what steps to take next?
  • Want to know about your ancestors but aren't sure how to find them?
  • Our professional genealogists and can help you to move forward!
  • If you haven't done anything to make your family tree online yet, you can also try our family tree making services.

About Us

We have 16 years of experience and have helped thousands of people with their family trees. We have extensive genealogy experience in:

  • United States ancestors
  • African American ancestors
  • Immigrant origins
  • Using DNA testing results combined with traditional genealogy research

We can also help with ancestors that lived in England, Scotland, Denmark, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, other Latin American countries, and for Native Americans.

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We charge based on the project and the difficulty, and the rate is typically about $40 per hour.

We are also willing to do a mix of research and consultation where the client does some of the research with the guidance of the genealogist.

Request a Free Quote

Tell me more about the ancestor(s) you are looking for and we will be happy to give you a cost quote.

Your name

Email address

Tell us about what you want help with:

Schedule a Free Consultation

To schedule a free consultation with us, select and date and time from the box below.

Testimonials from Clients

Here are comments a few of the clients I have helped:

  • "Wow, it's so wonderful what you were able to learn about my family! You have no idea what this means to me."
  • "I have been doing genealogy research for many years, but you have been able to find information I was not able to find on my own."
  • "Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with my research."
  • "You know so much and have been able to do so much to help me. I am so happy to learn more about my family."

How the Research Services Work

Our genealogy research services follow these steps:

  1. You gather the information about the ancestor you would like help with and evaluate what you hope to learn.
  2. You give us the information you have about your ancestor, as well as your research goals. You can give us information by scheduling a 15 minute Zoom or phone call using the calendar at the bottom of this page which includes a place to give your detailed information. You include information about your research goal for the consultation and the information you know so far.
  3. We meet for a 15-minute online Zoom meeting or phone call and discuss the information you have thus far.
  4. Based on the information you have and what information you hope to learn, we propose a fee that will fit your situation based on the amount of research needed to meet your research goals. Fees vary depending on the complexity of the research.
  5. If you decide that you would like us to do research for you, you make a payment through PayPal or credit card.
  6. We perform the research on your behalf. Most research takes 1-3 weeks to complete.
  7. Once the research has been completed, we meet again and discuss our findings over Zoom, or we write up a written report of our findings and submit it to you.