1940 U.S. Federal Census of Flint, Morgan, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Flint

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsJun born about 1867
AndersonClyde born about 1919

B Surnames

BadeyAnnie Leeborn about 1933
BadeyAnnie Pborn about 1896
BadeyBell born about 1873
BadeyDentis born about 1931
BadeyFrances born about 1923
BadeyJames born about 1929
BaileyDennis born about 1930
BaileyWilliam Pborn about 1881
BakerAlphonse born about 1926
BakerCaroline born about 1938
BakerCora born about 1928
BakerElizabeth born about 1883
BakerElla Kborn about 1907
BakerGeorge born about 1906
BakerHarry born about 1876
BakerIva Nborn about 1923
BakerJames Mborn about 1889
BakerJohn Mborn about 1899
BakerJosephine Gborn about 1929
BakerLizzie born about 1880
BakerLouise born about 1920
BakerLoyd Lborn about 1918
BakerMarry Wborn about 1912
BakerMurray Mborn about 1914
BakerSue Cborn about 1931
BakerSusie born about 1916
BakerTexie Mborn about 1896
BakerWillie Hborn about 1879
BathinieLarine born about 1916
BathinieRogers Hborn about 1900
BathinieSudi Aborn about 1874
BaydEthel born about 1931
BaydInella born about 1911
BaydIona born about 1929
BaydLeo Cborn about 1937
BaydLouise born about 1934
BaydMattie Lborn about 1932
BaydPauline born about 1938
BaydWillie born about 1910
BeggsAlbert Lborn about 1906
BeggsAlbert Tborn about 1935
BeggsAline born about 1937
BeggsHarace Eborn about 1939
BeggsRuby born about 1913
BertBernice Gborn about 1938
BertBettie Gborn about 1940
BertClarence Rborn about 1862
BertDora born about 1875
BertEthel born about 1930
BertEthel Bborn about 1928
BertEvan Nborn about 1936
BertHarrar Bborn about 1935
BertJesse born about 1893
BertMattie Mborn about 1927
BertSigar Aborn about 1911
BethanyBillie born about 1929
BethanyClaudy Jborn about 1906
BethanyJophine Floraborn about 1874
BethanySiluirter born about 1872
BettertonHerbert Mborn about 1894
BettertonHubert M Jborn about 1924
BettertonJackson Aborn about 1930
BettertonJoe Bborn about 1932
BettertonLola Mayborn about 1902
BlackLithia Wborn about 1880
BoboJoe Sborn about 1892
BoboSuy Bborn about 1906
BondHelen born about 1907
BrachnaVernie born about 1901
BrachnaWilliam born about 1861
BrandGeorge born about 1892
BrandJessie Jborn about 1905
BrandMary Eborn about 1927
BrandWill Jborn about 1932
BratherAnnie Rborn about 1908
BratherCatherine born about 1909
BratherCharles Mborn about 1938
BratherJulean born about 1928
BratherThomas Dborn about 1931
BratherWayne born about 1933
BrathersAddie Mayborn about 1891
BrathersHally born about 1894
BrathersZelma born about 1904
BrounEarl born about 1899
BrounLillian Pborn about 1927
BrounMary Bborn about 1929
BrounMiles Jborn about 1938
BrounPearl Mborn about 1910
BrounThomas Wborn about 1934
BrounWilliam E Jrborn about 1932
BufordBelly Rborn about 1933
BufordCara Lborn about 1905
BufordDoris Mborn about 1927
BufordHelen Mborn about 1924
BufordJohn Wborn about 1878
BufordMary Gborn about 1922
BufordMinnie Hborn about 1883
BufordRay Fborn about 1904
BufordRobert Jborn about 1920
BurkAnne born about 1934
BurkCecil born about 1929
BurkDorris born about 1935
BurkEdward born about 1937
BurkEffie Lborn about 1923
BurkEvylen born about 1936
BurkJames born about 1922
BurkJulia born about 1927
BurkLouisiana born about 1904
BurkLucy born about 1919
BurkMargerette born about 1931
BurkMattie born about 1939
BurkNettie born about 1932
BurkSam born about 1928
BurkSusie born about 1912
BurkWilliam born about 1901
BurnsLeonard Bborn about 1918
BurnsStella Cborn about 1917
BusbeyGrace Lborn about 1908
BusbeyHavard born about 1936
BusbeyLelton born about 1932
BusbeyWalter Eborn about 1907
BusheyRuby Eborn about 1890
BuskyBethel born about 1936
BuskyElak born about 1924
BuskyIla born about 1912
BuskyMartin Eborn about 1896
BuskyMarvin Eborn about 1853
BuskyMary born about 1937
BuskyNancie born about 1922
BuskySusie born about 1935
BuskyVeley born about 1939
BuskyWilliam Tborn about 1939
BussyBellie Jborn about 1939
BussyCharley Wborn about 1910
BussyVera Eborn about 1913
ButterDollie born about 1911
ButterJames Eborn about 1935
ButterJohn Aborn about 1912
ButterWilliam Aborn about 1929
ByarsMildridge born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarbarAnnie Fborn about 1902
CarbarChester Fborn about 1928
CarbarElsie Pborn about 1926
CarbarFlora Mborn about 1924
CarbarIda Bel Mborn about 1922
CarbarWilbert Eborn about 1896
CarlerDorothy Mborn about 1929
CarlerDorthy born about 1904
ChandlerAddie Sborn about 1881
ChandlerJoseph Eborn about 1877
ChumMary Eborn about 1908
ChumPerrcy born about 1902
ChunnAlin born about 1915
ChunnEarl Dborn about 1926
ChunnEnna born about 1903
ChunnEthel born about 1911
ChunnFred Hborn about 1905
ChunnHoward born about 1919
ChunnIma born about 1875
ChunnLewine born about 1914
ChunnLoise born about 1909
ChunnOscar Dborn about 1932
ChunnRoss born about 1909
ClardyDorthy born about 1923
ClardyJessie Cborn about 1921
ClarkAnnie Leeborn about 1900
ClarkDewey Kborn about 1900
ClarkDewey R Jrborn about 1923
ClarkJames Wborn about 1924
ClarkJoy born about 1927
ClarkKeith born about 1929
ClaytonAlice born about 1873
ClurdyAvery born about 1924
ClurdyC Dborn about 1928
ClurdyClara Mayborn about 1926
ClurdyFannie Mayborn about 1903
ClurdyOnella born about 1924
ClurdySamuel Rborn about 1892
CollierGeorge Wborn about 1880
ConningsMarick born about 1877
ConningsMingle born about 1919

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D Surnames

DamkardMay born about 1897
DamkardOsie Wborn about 1897
DamkardTravis born about 1920
DamkardWilliam Gborn about 1918
DavisAndreu born about 1927
DavisAnnie Gborn about 1909
DavisDessie Lborn about 1932
DavisElsie born about 1903
DavisJoe Jr born about 1936
DavisJol born about 1908
DavisLucy Mborn about 1919
DavisMarion born about 1938
DavisMelrad born about 1930
DavisMorris Cborn about 1939
DavisP Hillborn about 1935
DayDavid Vborn about 1882
DayGenerie born about 1930
DayMarcie Mborn about 1890
DayShodice Cborn about 1920
DayTheodoric Vborn about 1918
DoddRonald born about 1937
DrolarEdward Cborn about 1876
DuttonAlice Aborn about 1896
DuttonFrank Eborn about 1885

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E Surnames

EdgmanIrene born about 1885
EdgmanJohnson born about 1884
EdwardsBessie born about 1899
ElardyJesse Cborn about 1921
ElardyMattie born about 1923
ElliotBessie Mborn about 1929
ElliotEloise born about 1927
ElliotEra born about 1924
ElliotRandolph born about 1881
ElliotRandolph Jr born about 1925
EllottDewey Mborn about 1928
EllottEdsel born about 1925
EllottEliza born about 1900
EllottWilliam Hborn about 1892
EvansAlberta Cborn about 1923
EvansBobbie Jborn about 1939
EvansCharley Eborn about 1919

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F Surnames

FosterBettie Sborn about 1939
FosterMary born about 1918
FosterMike Bborn about 1914
FowlerDorothy Lborn about 1923
FowlerEthel Aborn about 1929
FowlerHerman Iborn about 1921
FowlerRita Bborn about 1937
FowlerZena Pborn about 1925
FuchMary Annborn about 1931

G Surnames

GarthDorthy Lborn about 1932
GarthRoosevelt born about 1927
GarthWillie born about 1912
GillespieDavid born about 1940
GillespieKattie born about 1920
GillespieLosson Lborn about 1917
GillesppiJewel Rborn about 1937
GillesppiMary born about 1890
GillesppiMary Sueborn about 1925
GillesppiTexana Gborn about 1871
GorthArtha born about 1927
GorthLeona born about 1890
GorthRoy born about 1884
GrandBiren Mborn about 1913
GrandGuendolyn Jborn about 1939
GrandLewis Pborn about 1938
GrandRosa Lborn about 1917
GrantAline Hborn about 1918
GrantBarbar Gborn about 1938
GrantBennie Lborn about 1921
GrantBerrel Lborn about 1921
GrantClara Bborn about 1896
GrantDorothy Nborn about 1918
GrantLouis Sborn about 1884
GrantMary Pborn about 1931
GrantMavolene Lborn about 1923
GrantWilliam Rborn about 1914
GriffinDelma Bborn about 1906
GriffinEdith born about 1924
GriffinEdith born about 1925
GriffinRosa born about 1902

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H Surnames

HaganGladys born about 1905
HaganLeonard Aborn about 1895
HaganLeonard Jr born about 1921
HaganRodney born about 1923
HaganRogers born about 1923
HalladayDessie Mborn about 1912
HalladayMary Lborn about 1932
HalladayOzell Mborn about 1934
HalladaySam Aborn about 1907
HamakerAndrew Jborn about 1880
HamakerEthel born about 1891
HambricFannie Nborn about 1881
HambricJoseph Wborn about 1874
HardemanChas Jborn about 1876
HardemanFannie Bborn about 1879
HarrisJosie born about 1870
HartGeorge born about 1921
HastenHelen Mborn about 1931
HastenJohn born about 1893
HastenLora Fborn about 1929
HastenMalon Cborn about 1924
HastenSally Sborn about 1895
HaukinAndrew Eborn about 1881
HaukinOtto born about 1924
HaukinRuby born about 1930
HaukinRuth born about 1927
HaukinSussie born about 1895
HaynesBen Tonyborn about 1914
HaynesGenette born about 1940
HaynesGlenora born about 1921
HaynesJimmie Eborn about 1938
HendrickFrank Wborn about 1922
HerringHessie Mborn about 1906
HerringJewel Rborn about 1928
HerringJudsonia born about 1905
HerringLane born about 1927
HodgesMilla born about 1886
HoodCreasie born about 1871
HooperLily Mayborn about 1901
HooperOphal Rborn about 1919
HooperRobert born about 1934
HooperWilliam Lborn about 1895
HooperWillie Edwardborn about 1924
HooperWillie Mayborn about 1921
HouardCarol Lborn about 1933
HouardFrank Bborn about 1938
HouardJames Lborn about 1903
HouardMargarett Mborn about 1908
HowardAnnie Cborn about 1934
HowardDorothy Gborn about 1937
HowardEtchy born about 1906
HowardSusie Mborn about 1906
HullerChas Rborn about 1874
HullerHoward Cborn about 1906
HullerNina born about 1881

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I Surnames

IsleyBlythe Mborn about 1917
IsleyCarolyn born about 1934
IsleyLura born about 1919
IsleyLyn Hborn about 1937
IsleyMarjorie Eborn about 1935
IsleyOpal Jborn about 1918
IsleyPerin Jborn about 1932
IsleyPerin Rborn about 1911
IsleySylrie Bborn about 1938

J Surnames

JacksonArthur born about 1923
JacksonFloy born about 1872
JacksonIsacc Dborn about 1919
JacksonMeredith born about 1907
JacobsHoyce born about 1880
JacobsMattie Leeborn about 1908
JohnsonAda born about 1880
JohnsonAdey Gborn about 1931
JohnsonAdley born about 1909
JohnsonArtie Lborn about 1927
JohnsonBessie Mborn about 1894
JohnsonBobbie born about 1903
JohnsonCharles Bborn about 1934
JohnsonClaudie born about 1912
JohnsonDorthy Cborn about 1936
JohnsonDoshie born about 1922
JohnsonEdward Dborn about 1885
JohnsonEva born about 1882
JohnsonFlorence born about 1866
JohnsonGrace Bborn about 1909
JohnsonHarris Leeborn about 1916
JohnsonHerschel born about 1938
JohnsonIda Dborn about 1873
JohnsonJake born about 1853
JohnsonJessie Hborn about 1882
JohnsonLaura Lborn about 1931
JohnsonLeona Pborn about 1906
JohnsonLeonard born about 1919
JohnsonMack born about 1923
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1902
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1903
JohnsonMelvin born about 1914
JohnsonMildred Eborn about 1929
JohnsonMinne born about 1871
JohnsonNorma Gborn about 1935
JohnsonOllie Pborn about 1873
JohnsonPearley Bborn about 1898
JohnsonRayburn Gborn about 1931
JohnsonRuby Jborn about 1925
JohnsonSally Mborn about 1923
JohnsonSam Gborn about 1909
JohnsonShelby Gborn about 1939
JohnsonTroy Lborn about 1937
JohnsonVelma Iborn about 1933
JohnsonVirginia Hborn about 1918
JohnsonWilliam Pborn about 1939
JohnsonWillie Bborn about 1910
JohnsonWoody born about 1901
JohnsonWoody Jr born about 1928
JonesCathern Kborn about 1920
JonesFannie Lborn about 1879
JonesRufus Wborn about 1879
JonesShirley born about 1939
JonesWalter Lborn about 1917
JonesWelma Wborn about 1921

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K Surnames

KelleyEffie Cborn about 1884
KelleyIma Gborn about 1926
KelleyLewis Eborn about 1913
KelsoeBuford Cborn about 1921
KelsoeJohn born about 1922
KelsoeJohn Eborn about 1888
KingRichard born about 1913
KingThomas Lborn about 1889
KingThomas Jr born about 1939
KingVina Vborn about 1892
KingsBertie Lborn about 1920
KingsEthel Mborn about 1926
KingsGeraldine Aborn about 1927
KingsMyrtle Mborn about 1931
KingsRosa Lborn about 1897

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L Surnames

LamonElizabeth born about 1913
LamonSue Kathrinborn about 1869
LamonWill Wborn about 1872
LaneAlfred Wborn about 1924
LaneBettie Mayborn about 1883
LaneCharles Wborn about 1871
LaneHarvey born about 1928
LaneWilburn Hborn about 1919
Layman??? born about 1877
LaymanChales Eborn about 1868
LaymanDella Sborn about 1872
LaymanElizabeth born about 1907
LaymanLellan born about 1919
LaymanMary Hborn about 1876
LaymanRobert Eborn about 1912
LeibfortLena born about 1894
LemleyElsie born about 1912
LemleyNorma born about 1937
LemleyOrr Cborn about 1908
LemleyWand born about 1933
LewisMattie Rborn about 1911
LewisRobert Lborn about 1903
LongAnnie Iborn about 1936
LongEmma Rborn about 1910
LongHerbert Cborn about 1890
LongPeggy Aborn about
LooneyAnthony born about 1854
LooneyIda Mborn about 1925
LooneyL Vborn about 1932
LooneyMabel born about 1904
LooneyMarcie born about 1900
LooneyNadene born about 1928
LooneyStanley born about 1934

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M Surnames

MannGrover Cborn about 1889
MannLillian born about 1899
MannTalmadge born about 1925
MannVictoria born about 1906
MannWilliam Tborn about 1866
MarcumPhelah born about 1875
MartinAleta Annborn about 1930
MartinAlex born about 1872
MartinAtha born about 1914
MartinBelly Cborn about 1933
MartinClaraday born about 1931
MartinEdna Lucileborn about 1931
MartinElnora Quienborn about 1928
MartinEzra Eborn about 1883
MartinHaskell born about 1932
MartinImogene born about 1928
MartinIshman Eborn about 1921
MartinJames Hborn about 1926
MartinMary born about 1876
MartinMillie Leeborn about 1889
MartinOtto Jborn about 1891
MartinPatrina born about 1939
MartinRay Wborn about 1937
MartinSavanah Dborn about 1893
MartinWallace Hborn about 1913
MatthensAndrew Jborn about 1925
MatthwsJohn Eborn about 1918
MatthwsLucille born about 1910
MayfieldBettie Janeborn about 1937
MayfieldBounan Aborn about 1911
MayfieldEllen Rborn about 1934
MayfieldMary Mborn about 1917
MayfieldTexanna Gborn about 1873
McCellanHugh Aborn about 1939
McCellanHugh Lborn about 1892
McCellanNettie Pborn about 1935
McCellanSara Bborn about 1900
McClellanMary Eborn about 1868
McClenohanEmma Rborn about 1880
McClenohanIrvan Cborn about 1905
McClenohanJohn Wborn about 1874
McClenohanWilliam Kborn about 1914
McCroskeyEvelyn born about 1928
McCroskeyGladis born about 1929
McCroskeyJohnnie born about 1936
McKeeHelen Lborn about 1899
McKeeLouise Hborn about 1937
McKeeVera Mborn about 1930
MerrittCyrus born about 1882
MerrittEthel born about 1884
MesserEva Lborn about 1902
MesserMartha Vborn about 1939
MesserPrice Jborn about 1901
MesserRobert Eborn about 1929
MesserRuben Jborn about 1932
MichelCharles Mborn about 1862
MichelEstell born about 1883
MichelHorace Vborn about 1911
MienhartC Edd Jrborn about 1921
MienhartJosephine born about 1920
MienhartLula Hborn about 1890
MienhartOrris Hborn about 1920
MienhartSally Mborn about 1924
MilesNavilla Lborn about 1931
MilesOlamay born about 1922
MilesRay Pborn about 1927
MilesRosa Bborn about 1882
MilesWilliam Aborn about 1866
MilesWoodrow born about 1920
MitchellDorris born about 1932
MitchellThomas born about 1935
MorganBen Bborn about 1896
MorganEnna Lborn about 1900
MorganFrancis Lborn about 1924
MoseleyA Jborn about 1914
MoseleyEzra born about 1911
MoseleyRobert born about 1909
MoseleyWillis born about 1918

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N Surnames

NewCecil Lborn about 1927
NewClifford Sborn about 1916
NewMargarett Aborn about 1931
NewNora Bborn about 1893
NewWelson Sborn about 1918
NewWilliam Eborn about 1921
NewWilliam Hborn about 1878
NewWinne Lborn about 1923
NorrisAlere Cborn about 1921
NorrisAlma born about 1892
NorrisDavid Dborn about 1890
NorrisDessie Dborn about 1889
NorrisJackson Hborn about 1919
NorrisLuke Pborn about 1891
NorrisLuke Pborn about 1916
NorrisMary Mborn about 1924

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O Surnames

OsburnGeorge Lborn about 1906
OsburnGeorgia Bborn about 1933
OsburnJames Rborn about 1930
OsburnLarene Oborn about 1928
OsburnLucy Lborn about 1911

P Surnames

PallersonCharlsie Mborn about 1924
PallersonEdith born about 1894
PallersonLaurence Wborn about 1926
ParkerClara Dborn about 1890
ParkerEdward born about 1885
ParkerEveret Lborn about 1928
ParkerMargarette Cborn about 1908
ParkerMarie Lborn about 1927
ParkerWilliam Oborn about 1932
ParkesDella Rborn about 1924
ParkesEra Tborn about 1930
ParkesFloyd Oborn about 1903
ParkesFloyd R Jrborn about 1936
ParkesLaura Lborn about 1928
ParkesLillian Mborn about 1906
PaymanBryan Kborn about 1911
PaymanMary Pborn about 1919
PaymanNancy Annborn about 1936
PayneCarrie Bborn about 1893
PayneIsam Cborn about 1878
PeaplesMalinda born about 1879
PeekCloyd Aborn about 1928
PeekGeorge Mborn about 1878
PeekGeorge Sborn about 1906
PeekGrace Mborn about 1931
PeekMary Gborn about 1908
PeekMattie Aborn about 1881
PeoplesBen Fborn about 1882
PeoplesElick born about 1868
PeoplesNora born about 1870
PeoplesSavanah Mborn about 1902
PettersonOphelta born about 1912
PoaleCharles born about 1875
PoaleHelen Eborn about 1931
PoaleMartha born about 1876
PoaleMercedes born about 1912
PoaleTed born about 1937
PoaleTheodore born about 1912
PoffHarace Lborn about 1893
PolkHazel born about 1928
PolkMarjorie born about 1931
PooleAnne Bborn about 1936
PooleChristoper Hborn about 1940
PooleChristoper Mborn about 1913
PooleClyde Eborn about 1893
PooleEarnest Aborn about 1938
PooleEllma born about 1895
PooleEvilyn Eborn about 1925
PooleHarvey Gborn about 1931
PooleMargerette born about 1916
PooleMary Eborn about 1934
PooleWillidene born about 1926
PooleWillie Eborn about 1905
PorkerCarl Eborn about 1922
PorkerEmery Jborn about 1877
PorkerJulia Rborn about 1881
PowrsAndrew born about 1929
PowrsMance born about 1886
PowrsMary born about 1925
PriceGennie born about 1897
PriceKate Dborn about 1864
PriceWalker Lborn about 1886
PryarAnderson born about 1872
PryarMattie born about 1880

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R Surnames

RatherMattie born about 1917
RatherWillie born about 1921
RattiffDwight born about 1933
RattiffJohn Aborn about 1937
RattiffKatie Mborn about 1914
RattiffLuther Oborn about 1884
RattiffLuther Wborn about 1936
RattiffParilee born about 1890
RattiffTony Aborn about 1912
RattiffWilburn Aborn about 1940
RileyJoan born about 1939
RileyUla Lborn about 1918
RileyVesta Gborn about 1938
RileyWilliam Rborn about 1913
RobisonIsiah born about 1872
RobisonLaura born about 1894
RogersBessie born about 1925
RogersBooker Tborn about 1927
RogersEllis Mborn about 1912
RogersEmila Lborn about 1935
RogersHelen Gborn about 1939
RogersHollis Rborn about 1903
RogersJackie Cborn about 1939
RogersJames Hborn about 1929
RogersLugene born about 1905
RogersMary Bborn about 1921
RogersWalter Rborn about 1898
RogersWalter R Jrborn about 1937
RogersWillie Gborn about 1922
RuffinRichard born about 1883
RyanLaurice born about 1904
RyenClarence Mborn about 1932
RyenJohn Lborn about 1936
RyenLilly Oborn about 1907
RyenLucile Bborn about 1927
RyenMary Jborn about 1940
RyenMinnie Mborn about 1938
RyenWilliam Aborn about
RyenWilliam Sborn about 1931

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S Surnames

SaintErie Aborn about 1905
SaintJames Mc Kborn about 1932
SaintMary Eborn about 1930
SaintNettie Gborn about 1938
SaintPhel Jr born about 1884
SandersAusie Bellborn about 1921
SandersManize born about 1894
SandersMattie Lueborn about 1920
SandersSullie Bborn about 1874
SandersWifter Deonborn about 1928
SandersWilliam Hborn about 1893
SandersWilliam H Jrborn about 1926
SansburyGladice Lborn about 1915
SansburyO Bborn about 1916
ScottBettie born about 1890
ScottMorgan Eborn about 1923
ScottMorgan Wborn about 1886
ShafferMartha born about 1921
ShafferRobert born about 1890
ShafferThelma born about 1924
ShafferVirginia born about 1890
ShaneyfettBarbara born about 1940
ShaneyfettBooth born about 1915
ShaneyfettGeorge born about 1899
ShaneyfettHannah born about 1877
ShaneyfettLeiel Bborn about 1916
ShaneyfettMary born about 1902
ShaneyfettShelley Jborn about 1938
ShaneyfettVirginia Bborn about 1917
ShaneyleltBetty Cborn about 1936
ShaneyleltBilly Joeborn about 1934
ShaneyleltHarold born about 1913
ShaneyleltHarry born about 1910
SharpMary Bborn about 1874
SharpObill born about 1908
SharpWilliam Lborn about 1874
SharpWilliam L Jrborn about 1912
SharpleyBettie born about 1926
SharpleyHarvey born about 1930
SharpleyWoody born about 1923
ShipleyRuth born about 1911
SimpsonSarah born about 1890
SimpsonTheotis born about 1932
SkillingtonJefferson Bborn about 1918
SkillingtonJoe Cborn about 1920
SkillingtonJoe Hborn about 1885
SkillingtonMartha Eborn about 1886
SlaughterLuke born about 1886
SmithBeverly Mborn about 1907
SmithDavid Cborn about 1905
SmithLena Eborn about 1927
SmithRancy Bborn about 1935
SpakmanJun born about 1883
SpakmanLizzie born about 1889
SpakmanRobert Eborn about 1939
SpakmanWilladean born about 1924
SpakmanWoodrow born about 1919
SpeakmanByrd Eborn about 1908
SpeakmanCurtiss born about 1917
SpeakmanGladys Rborn about 1922
SpeakmanGlenn born about 1922
SpeakmanLurline born about 1928
SpeakmanMary Mborn about 1910
SpeakmanR Aborn about 1927
SpeakmanSam Eborn about 1884
SpeakmanSarah Aborn about 1885
SpeakmanWillis Eborn about 1916
StarrAnnille Jr born about 1922
StarrDorothy Fborn about 1930
StarrJames Lborn about 1926
StarrLannie Rborn about 1933
StarrOrvill born about 1893
StarrRobert born about 1928
StarrRosa Lborn about 1892
StevensonAllen born about 1939
StevensonEdith born about 1914
StevensonHunn born about 1936
StevensonJoe Rborn about 1912
StoneJames Hborn about 1877
StoneMattie Wborn about 1882
StonerDudd Eborn about 1888
StonerFleeta Mborn about 1908
StonerOdell born about 1927
StovallFloyd Rborn about 1939
StovallJames Bborn about 1910
StovallMaureline born about 1915
StoverDorothy born about 1933
StoverDorothy Jborn about 1934
StoverElizabeth born about 1931
StoverElwood born about 1927
StoverEstelle born about 1936
StoverGeorgia born about 1909
StoverMaria Nborn about 1872
StoverMattie born about 1925
StoverNora born about 1907
StoverVernie Mayborn about 1925
StoverWoody Jr born about 1937
StrainGrace born about 1932
StrainJames born about 1919
StrainJohn Wborn about 1898
StrainMary born about 1900
StrainPearl born about 1934
StrainSarah born about 1921
StraingBeatrice born about 1888
StraingJames born about 1913
StraingLennie born about 1924
StraingMatthew born about 1879
StraingMatthew born about 1931
StraingOra born about 1912
StraingWillie born about 1930
StraingWillie Jborn about 1934
StratherJoe born about 1872
SuopeHenry born about 1912
SuopeHenry Jborn about 1939
SuopeIdella born about 1918
SuopeJoe Eborn about 1937

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T Surnames

TeageAlice Rborn about 1911
TeageDorothy Mborn about 1908
TeageElyah born about 1912
TeageElyah born about 1935
TeageLouise Nborn about 1939
TerryConrad born about 1917
TerryLellyn born about 1911
TesscottMarie born about 1919
ThompsonBessie Aborn about 1927
ThompsonCarlisle born about 1914
ThompsonFairlena born about 1894
ThompsonFrancis Vborn about 1924
ThompsonJames Eborn about 1923
ThompsonJames Rborn about 1881
ThompsonJohn Wborn about 1922
ThompsonMyrtle Oborn about 1932
ThompsonWilliam Eborn about 1928
TunslallEdward born about 1933
TunslallEthel born about 1902
TunslallLewis born about 1921
TunslallMarie born about 1930
TunslallMildred born about 1935
TunslallThelma born about 1938

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V Surnames

VandeneBettie Mborn about 1936
VandeneCharles Lborn about 1938
VandeneHaralene born about 1930
VandeneJames Lborn about 1910
VandeneJimmie Lborn about 1934
VandeneJohnnie Lborn about 1912
VandeneNorma Lborn about 1932
VanorJohn Rborn about 1875
VanorKathrine born about 1900
VaughnBettie Jborn about 1939
VaughnEarl Jborn about 1929
VaughnFloy Wborn about 1926
VaughnFred Wborn about 1905
VaughnHenry Wborn about 1911
VaughnJancy Gborn about 1909
VaughnJohn Pborn about 1940
VaughnLouise Aborn about 1919
VestAnnie Vborn about 1928
VestClarence Bborn about 1936
VestDewey Cborn about 1924
VestEarnest Fborn about 1923
VestEarnest Lborn about 1934
VestEarnest Mborn about 1934
VestEdna Rborn about 1936
VestFannie Gborn about 1911
VestIda Mborn about 1886
VestLeemon Lborn about 1908
VestLorine born about 1932
VestLouise born about 1930
VestNellie Mborn about 1937
VestRuby Eborn about 1939
VestVelmer Eborn about 1906
VestWiley born about 1882
VestWillie Rborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerCharley born about 1890
WalkerCharley Jr born about 1921
WalkerHenry Leeborn about 1938
WalkerJohnnie Bborn about 1914
WalkerMartha born about 1897
WalkerQueen Estherborn about 1935
WalkerThomas born about 1912
WalkerWillie Leeborn about 1922
WardGorland Lborn about 1925
WardLee Vaughborn about 1931
WardLouison Jborn about 1889
WardPauline Lborn about 1908
WashburnEunice born about 1927
WashburnJohn Rborn about 1925
WashburnJones Sborn about 1889
WashburnMattie Bborn about 1929
WashburnSarah Mborn about 1891
WelsonTumpey born about 1861
WestNannie Mborn about 1900
WestPete born about 1880
WhiteAder Cborn about 1939
WhiteAnnie born about 1873
WhiteBertha Lborn about 1897
WhiteDorothy born about 1922
WhiteEdward born about 1874
WhiteEdward Kborn about 1896
WhiteGeorgia Annborn about 1874
WhiteJim Aborn about 1896
WhiteJim Cborn about 1914
WhiteJunior born about 1921
WhiteMaggie Lborn about 1923
WhiteMark Mborn about 1885
WhiteMark Mborn about 1928
WhiteMinnie Oborn about 1885
WhittenDemenda born about 1902
WhittenShafter born about 1900
WigginsBeverly Rborn about 1893
WigginsJosephine born about 1901
WilderAble born about 1908
WilderBessie born about 1902
WilderBessie born about 1936
WilderCleveland Tborn about 1935
WilderDally born about 1904
WilderEarl born about 1922
WilderHarman born about 1925
WilderMary Jborn about 1881
WilderWill born about 1901
WillinghamBud born about 1871
WillinghamDorothy born about 1931
WillinghamEdward Aborn about 1925
WillinghamElla Iborn about 1908
WillinghamEtt born about 1905
WillinghamEvelyn Eborn about 1929
WillinghamGarland Aborn about 1928
WillinghamGrady Dborn about 1924
WillinghamJames Hborn about 1924
WillinghamJulia Aborn about 1883
WillinghamRichard born about 1904
WillinghamTom Aborn about 1908
WillinghamWanda Lborn about 1935
WilsonAustin Wborn about 1888
WilsonLulla born about 1891
WinsettIda born about 1881
WinsettJames Aborn about 1917
WiseEuard Mborn about 1872
WiseMae Cborn about 1874
WolfElla Lborn about 1892
WolfHenry born about 1886
WolfJimmie Lborn about 1920
WoodallAnnie Mborn about 1861
WoodruffRuth Aborn about 1904
WoodruffThomas Fborn about 1924
WoodruffWendell Pborn about 1938
WoodruffWilliam born about 1882
WynnClaude Lborn about 1928
WynnDaisy Lborn about 1895
WynnDoris Eborn about 1934
WynnEarnest Rborn about 1890
WynnRanson born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaungBen Fborn about 1887
YaungEtta born about 1900
YaungEvaline born about 1926
YaungJames Pborn about 1923

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