1940 U.S. Federal Census of Nectar, Blount, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Blount County > 1940 Census of Nectar

A SurnamesG SurnamesO Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesR Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesS Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBilly born about 1935
AdamsCatherine born about 1930
AdamsEdridge born about 1932
AdamsGrady born about 1904
AdamsNida born about 1905
AdamsWalton born about 1937
AdcockBobby born about 1931
AdcockCliftin born about 1923
AdcockD born about 1877
AdcockEtta born about 1891
AdcockGertie born about 1901
AdcockHansel born about 1923
AdcockHoward born about 1931
AdcockJim Lborn about 1881
AdcockJoe Bborn about 1913
AdcockJohnny born about 1936
AdcockJoseph Lborn about 1921
AdcockLawrence born about 1895
AdcockLouise born about 1916
AdcockMarvin born about 1902
AdcockMary Jewelborn about 1929
AdcockMax born about 1940
AdcockMinnie born about 1907
AdcockNancy born about 1884
AdcockOsie born about 1907
AdcockPauline born about 1925
AdcockPeggy Annborn about 1935
AdcockQuintin born about 1919
AdcockRalphine born about 1927
AdcockTular born about 1862
AdcockWife born about 1928
AdcockWildace born about 1924
AdemrsAsilee born about 1912
AdemrsHarrold born about 1934
AdemrsJames born about 1932
AdemrsJulia born about 1907
AdemrsThomas born about 1936
AldredgeJoe born about 1927
AldredgeM Aborn about 1887
AldredgeMae born about 1891
AndersonBetty born about 1925
AndersonWalter born about 1914
AndertonEdgar born about 1903
AndertonEsther born about 1906
AndertonGeneva born about 1924
AndertonLaura Rborn about 1875
AndertonMorn born about 1884
AndertonS Aborn about 1868
ArmstrongAlice born about 1868
ArmstrongElaise born about 1927
ArmstrongFay Cannonborn about 1936
ArmstrongFlora born about 1912
ArmstrongFred born about 1908
ArmstrongGerstle born about 1909
ArmstrongJ Dborn about 1910
ArmstrongMarjorie born about 1933
ArmstrongMelvine born about 1929

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B Surnames

BorenElbert born about 1922
BorenGloria born about 1931
BorenLawton born about 1933
BorenMarylee born about 1901
BorenR Tborn about 1899
BorenRoland born about 1928
BraggBetty Geanborn about 1934
BraggMary Louborn about 1936
BraggRichard born about 1930
BranhamConrad born about 1913
BranhamDaffie born about 1924
BranhamElizabeth born about 1928
BranhamEllis born about 1926
BranhamEulis born about 1929
BranhamGlenllton born about 1927
BranhamJames born about 1939
BranhamJudie born about 1886
BranhamO Jborn about 1873
BranhamOdrick born about 1911
BranhamRay born about 1904
BranhamRussel born about 1920
BranhamVernon born about 1922
BranhamWill born about 1883
BrasseleA Jborn about 1926
BrasseleAndrew born about 1877
BrasseleAnna born about 1892
BrasseleJ Pborn about 1929
BrasseleLena Cborn about 1933
BrasseleLenord Eborn about 1917
BrasseleLois Fborn about 1923
BrasselsInez born about 1920
BullardAlma born about 1918
BullardCarter born about 1918
BullardFaye born about 1935
BullardH Cborn about 1939
BullardHenry born about 1888
BullardKathleen born about 1937
BullardLilian born about 1906
BullardWillene born about 1931
BurnesEstelle born about 1906
BurnesEzra born about 1939
BurnesGail born about 1937
BurnesJames born about 1934
BurnesJames Dborn about 1908
BurnsEliza born about 1889

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C Surnames

CampbellEstell born about 1918
CampbellLoyd born about 1915
CarnellEma Jborn about 1881
CarnellErice born about 1921
CarnellLee Hborn about 1882
ChambersEthel born about 1916
ChastainIrene born about 1921
ChastainLamar born about 1926
ChastainRosy born about 1895
ChastainVida born about 1904
ClaytonAllena born about 1874
ClaytonCharlie Bborn about 1875
ClaytonDonal Rayborn about 1938
ClaytonEstella born about 1898
ColemanMelvina born about 1855
CookCarrie born about 1894
CookJ Aborn about 1895
CorneliusAnnie born about 1928
CorneliusChellie born about 1900
CorneliusMattie born about 1899
CornelliusBillie born about 1920
CornelliusLavada born about 1918
CornelliusRossie born about 1923
CornelliusTimothy born about 1917
CrowZuda born about 1923

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D Surnames

DertonCarl born about 1925
DertonCleve born about 1893
DertonMabelene born about 1921
DertonMalclon born about 1937
DertonVirgia born about 1897
DewsAnthony born about 1930
DewsBettie Lborn about 1936
DewsElma born about 1940
DewsGeorge born about 1904
DewsGuy born about 1928
DewsKattie born about 1936
DewsLena born about 1906
DotyA Mborn about 1881
DotyCallie Ruthborn about 1927
DotyCalvin born about 1927
DotyCoy Wborn about 1932
DotyDimple born about 1919
DotyEmily Jborn about 1871
DotyEtta born about 1882
DotyEva born about 1918
DotyFloyed Edwardborn about 1931
DotyG Eborn about 1894
DotyIda born about 1899
DotyIrene born about 1921
DotyJames Paulborn about 1925
DotyJerry Wayneborn about 1937
DotyLouis Jeanborn about 1938
DotyLouise born about 1924
DotyLula Aborn about 1891
DotyM Wborn about 1891
DotyRachel Annborn about 1940
DotyT Wborn about 1918
DotyWarren born about 1922

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E Surnames

EdgeLucy born about 1891
EdgeW Cborn about 1891

F Surnames

FowlerBettie born about 1935
FowlerBetty Jeanborn about 1933
FowlerDorothy born about 1915
FowlerEston born about 1922
FowlerEthridge born about 1914
FowlerGertha born about 1920
FowlerHansel born about 1930
FowlerJ Wborn about 1886
FowlerLeila born about 1896
FowlerLonnie born about 1911
FowlerLucy Edwardborn about 1933
FowlerLunnell born about 1926
FowlerMarty born about 1891
FowlerMaxine born about 1930
FowlerNaoma born about 1910
FowlerOllie born about 1895
FowlerOllie J Rborn about 1927
FowlerRoxie born about 1914
FowlerVida born about 1897
FranksJ Lborn about 1865

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G Surnames

GallopsMaggie born about 1883
GallopsWill born about 1882
GarettBetty Louborn about 1932
GarettFrances born about 1907
GarettJ Dborn about 1935
GarettSherlie born about 1929
GarettSims born about 1892
GarrenArtie born about 1887
GarrenLetha born about 1882
GarrenRalph born about 1917
GarrenTom born about 1914
GlancockEvelin born about 1854
GreenA Iborn about 1872
GreenBell born about 1905
GreenClida born about 1915
GreenEdward born about 1932
GreenEliase born about 1924
GreenErnest born about 1900
GreenEva born about 1898
GreenFrank born about 1934
GreenGeneva born about 1931
GreenGeorge born about 1912
GreenHugh born about 1910
GreenJ Aborn about 1877
GreenJ Rborn about 1908
GreenJasper born about 1924
GreenJuanita born about 1906
GreenLetha born about 1877
GreenMarie born about 1936
GreenMary Gathrenborn about 1930
GreenMary Jborn about 1867
GreenMinnie born about 1894
GreenOlene born about 1926
GreenParilee born about 1912
GreenR Bborn about 1900
GreenThedford born about 1934
GreenVernell born about 1927
GreenW Cborn about 1938
GreenWalter Eborn about 1898
GreenWill born about 1897
GreenZuma born about 1916
GrigsbyClara born about 1917
GrigsbyE Lborn about 1867
GrigsbyEugene born about 1896
GrigsbyG Wborn about 1914
GrigsbyKathren born about 1925
GrigsbyNellie Ellenborn about 1879
GrigsbyRuth born about 1900
GrigsbyZell born about 1922
GrigslyF Wborn about 1890
GrigslyHilton born about 1922
GrigslyMary born about 1890
GrigslyMynell born about 1923
GugshyBilly Cborn about 1936
GugshyI Lborn about 1912
GugshyThelma born about 1916

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H Surnames

HardinClarence born about 1927
HardinEdith born about 1930
HardinEdward born about 1936
HardinEnos born about 1903
HardinIlos Maeborn about 1903
HardinRitha born about 1929
HardinSpince born about 1931
HardinZalebee born about 1934
HathcockAnna born about 1926
HathcockBetty born about 1932
HathcockCatherine born about 1928
HathcockEstelle born about 1924
HathcockLorene born about 1922
HathcockLucy born about 1890
HathcockMargaret born about 1936
HathcockW Tborn about 1899
HayerDavid born about 1908
HayerEzkiel born about 1863
HayerHester born about 1918
HayerMarie born about 1932
HayerMarthy born about 1871
HaysAlma born about 1929
HaysDorothy born about 1926
HaysEarl born about 1931
HaysEdward born about 1928
HaysEldridge born about 1937
HaysEmeline born about 1878
HaysErman born about 1931
HaysErnest born about 1934
HaysErvin born about 1933
HaysEzra born about 1936
HaysIndia born about 1907
HaysJ Cborn about 1901
HaysJ Mborn about 1879
HaysJoe born about 1904
HaysLuddie born about 1905
HaysMyrtle born about 1926
HaysRihard born about 1908
HaysRilla born about 1908
HoltA Lborn about 1856
HoltBarbara Allanborn about 1935
HoltBuie born about 1901
HoltEldridge born about 1926
HoltElzie born about 1929
HoltEmmitt born about 1908
HoltFannie born about 1913
HoltKirk born about 1906
HoltKirk Juniorborn about 1939
HoltLittie born about 1869
HortonBirtie born about 1883
HortonBoyed born about 1917
HortonErmon born about 1935
HortonEssie born about 1911
HortonEthel born about 1926
HortonJohn Hborn about 1881
HortonMary born about 1886
HortonNora born about 1920
HortonOrben born about 1915
HortonSubie born about 1919
HortonW Hborn about 1883
HortonZilmer born about 1922
HudsonBobbie born about 1935
HudsonChadmus born about 1917
HudsonEthyline born about 1928
HudsonHelen born about 1921
HudsonJoe born about 1905
HudsonJoseph Eborn about 1932
HudsonLillian born about 1897
HudsonLucy Iborn about 1875
HudsonLudie born about 1908
HudsonMargret born about 1923
HudsonMarjorie born about 1922
HudsonNancy born about 1939
HudsonPaul Eborn about 1929
HudsonRichard born about 1930
HudsonS Bborn about 1896

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K Surnames

KellionBedia born about 1918
KellionEdith born about 1923
KernerCatherine Cborn about 1892
KernerJacob Vborn about 1873

L Surnames

LinelyLeanermae* born about 1895
LinelyTed born about 1927
LinelyW Oborn about 1894
LingoAudie born about 1934
LingoElma born about 1909
LingoHomer Pborn about 1906
LingoJack born about 1913
LingoLorene born about 1930
LingoLuisa born about 1907
LingoO Wborn about 1899
LingoW Sborn about 1865
LingoWalton born about 1929
LingoWillie born about 1936
LoveCharles Edwardborn about 1937
LoveCora born about 1910
LoveDoffus born about 1867
LoveGeraldine born about 1933
LoveIdus born about 1910
LoveMary Helenborn about 1930
LoveMinnie Jborn about 1878

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M Surnames

MannAlvichc* born about 1864
MannJohnie born about 1878
MarishAlfa born about 1924
MarishAlvin born about 1938
MarishAnny born about 1933
MarishAuther born about 1915
MarishBonnie born about 1924
MarishCarl born about 1911
MarishEarl born about 1911
MarishEldridge born about 1928
MarishElla born about 1891
MarishEmma born about 1893
MarishGeorge born about 1886
MarishGlynnis born about 1930
MarishGrady born about 1920
MarishIda born about 1913
MarishIdes born about 1906
MarishJ Nborn about 1897
MarishJoe Rborn about 1853
MarishJohn born about 1881
MarishKenneth born about 1936
MarishLee born about 1927
MarishMary born about 1917
MarishNellie born about 1912
MarishPearl born about 1912
MarishRay born about 1928
MarishRobert born about 1936
MarishVenia born about 1894
MarishVirgil born about 1920
MarishWalter born about 1886
MarishWanda Genyborn about 1939
MarshBilly born about 1934
MarshClaude Tborn about 1909
MarshDoris born about 1929
MarshLouisele born about 1931
MarshMaggie Lborn about 1910
McRishAgniss born about 1898
McRishCecil born about 1930
McRishDorthy born about 1928
McRishE Eborn about 1891
McRishEva born about 1925
McRishIrene born about 1927
McRishLester born about 1921
McRishLewis born about 1932
McRishLon born about 1895
McRishMilton born about 1923
McRishOddis born about 1918
McRishPearl born about 1899
McRishRaney born about 1865
McRishRuby born about 1932
McRishW Fborn about 1891
MerishBige Jborn about 1878
MerishJack born about 1922
MerishLillie born about 1901
MerishLucile born about 1926
MerishPauline born about 1924
MervillBerry born about 1903
MervillEsther born about 1909
MervillT Gborn about 1930
MontgomeryJ Cborn about 1884
MontgomeryLillie born about 1923
MontgomeryNeia born about 1892
MullinsTommy born about 1879

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N Surnames

NeelyHoward born about 1940
NeelyJ Wborn about 1920
NeelyMildred born about 1923
NellyCledith born about 1927
NellyEzekiel born about 1895
NellyNancy born about 1895
NelsonEnzes born about 1938
NelsonGrady born about 1913
NelsonIda born about 1915
NelsonKathleen born about 1939
NewmanEdith born about 1931
NewmanGeorge born about 1909
NewmanJ Bborn about 1932
NewmanLendae born about 1939
NewmanMamie born about 1905
NewmanNina Gayborn about 1936
NewmanVera Nellborn about 1935
NicholsCarl born about 1905
NicholsEarl born about 1930
NicholsLawrence born about 1935
NicholsLetha born about 1908
NicholsWayne born about 1932

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O Surnames

OdenBill born about 1868
OdenGoldie born about 1940
OdenHelen born about
OdenLetha born about 1917
OdenLizzey born about 1882
OdenNellie born about 1938
OdenPaul born about 1911
OdenToney born about 1914
OdenZula Maeborn about 1912
OotenJoe born about 1893

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P Surnames

PatersonGeorgia born about 1893
PatersonJohn Aborn about 1891
PoseyDan born about 1924
PoseyE Mborn about 1886
PoseyEdward born about 1927
PoseyEna Nellborn about 1929
PoseyIda born about 1892
PoseySam born about 1922
PoseyStafford born about 1918
PriceArdis born about 1919
PriceCurtis born about 1922
PriceLinnie born about 1900
PriceNellie Ruthborn about 1924
PriceT Cborn about 1894

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R Surnames

RatliffMargaret born about 1863
RichardBennie Lueborn about 1935
RichardCecil born about 1928
RichardE Lborn about 1896
RichardFlorence born about 1903
RichardImogene born about 1925
RichardJames Vergilborn about 1923
RichardLesley born about 1927
RichardWalls Maeborn about 1922
RiddleNancy Eborn about 1868
RiddleWilam Jborn about 1868
RohertsonMarie born about 1889
RohertsonMark born about 1879
RucksCurtis born about 1927
RucksHerman born about 1914
RucksMozell born about 1925
RucksOpal born about 1920
RucksW Bborn about 1886
RusllHerbert born about 1918

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S Surnames

SargentBertha born about 1906
SargentEthelene born about 1929
SargentJ Cborn about 1904
SargentJohn born about 1928
ShadrilAlaster born about 1923
ShadrilAnnie Maeborn about 1932
ShadrilJ Vborn about 1929
ShadrilOtis born about 1934
ShadrilPauline born about 1925
ShadrilR Bborn about 1927
ShadrilRachel born about 1938
ShadrilRufus born about 1897
ShadrilViola born about 1896
SherbittGerstle born about 1917
SherbittJoseph born about
SherbittVergil born about 1917
SmithE Almaborn about 1903
SmithFrank born about 1936
SmithGerstl born about 1900
SmithJessie born about 1906
SmithMary Jborn about 1929
SmithNergil born about 1934
SmithR Lborn about 1874
SmithRichard born about 1931
SmithRuby born about 1932
SmithVirgil born about 1922
StandredgeAmuel born about 1920
StandredgeNiola born about 1892
StandredgeO Gborn about 1893
StandredgeOpal born about 1928
StandridgeBilly Rayborn about 1939
StandridgeDonald born about 1932
StandridgeEldories born about 1937
StandridgeEmmit born about 1925
StandridgeFred born about 1920
StandridgeGertie born about 1914
StandridgeGertrude born about 1903
StandridgeGustinlenghan born about 1934
StandridgeHenry born about 1897
StandridgeHinma* born about 1934
StandridgeIra born about 1924
StandridgeMary Ellenborn about 1930
StandridgeNellie born about 1923
StandridgeO Aborn about 1908
StandridgeOtto born about 1900
StandridgePearl born about 1923
StandridgeRose born about 1891
StandridgeRubye born about 1912
StandridgeThelma Cborn about 1939
StandridgeWilliam born about 1914
StandridgeYvonne born about 1937
StarnsBettie Joyceborn about 1935
StarnsCharlie born about 1940
StarnsClains born about 1912
StarnsDorthy born about 1937
StarnsLonie born about 1904
StephesonBobby born about 1939
StephesonJewel born about
StephesonLezora born about 1915
StephesonRoscio born about 1913
StephesonW Dborn about 1934
StevensonAndrew born about 1884

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T Surnames

TarbroughElgen born about 1939
TarbroughErnest born about 1927
TarbroughGena born about 1907
TarbroughJ Dborn about 1905
TewgalAlbert Aborn about 1903
TewgalCarol born about 1939
TewgalMae born about 1919
TewgalWilda born about 1938
ThomasAlfred born about 1926
ThomasEfrom born about 1895
ThomasHubert born about 1931
ThomasHurshel born about 1905
ThomasHuston born about 1920
ThomasJ Tborn about 1888
ThomasLeda born about 1896
ThomasLucile born about 1924
ThomasLula born about 1882
ThomasN Lborn about 1881
ThomasNancy born about 1897
ThomasNellie born about 1922
ThomasNellie born about 1927
ThomasOttis born about 1923
ThomasRoselin born about 1893
ThomasRuby born about 1921
ThomasSaul born about 1913
ThomasToney born about 1930
ThomasVerbon born about 1927
ThomasWilburn born about 1930
ThomasZelma born about 1914
ThomasonAlbert Jborn about 1893
ThomasonHurbert born about 1919
ThomasonIda born about 1905
ThomasonLillian born about 1923
ThomasonMaudie born about 1921
ThomasonR Cborn about 1925
TidmoreLizzy born about 1876
TidmoreMary Jborn about 1885
TidmoreW Dborn about 1857
TidmoreW Lborn about 1890
TroenBlanche born about 1905
TroenIrene born about 1925
TroenMilburn born about 1922
TroenRuby born about 1931
TuckerIda born about 1904
TuckerJ Hborn about 1872
TuckerOscar born about 1900
TumlinCelesta born about 1892
TumlinDewey born about 1908
TumlinJulie born about 1890

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W Surnames

WaglandGurie born about 1886
WaglandLuther born about 1887
WalkerAlda Rborn about 1909
WalkerCalvin born about 1929
WalkerCathren born about 1931
WalkerColumlus born about 1939
WalkerDaniel Lborn about 1910
WalkerEllard born about 1913
WalkerEuel born about 1919
WalkerGeneva born about 1928
WalkerIda born about 1907
WalkerIren born about 1935
WalkerJ Lborn about 1936
WalkerJeneth born about 1936
WalkerLeda born about 1914
WalkerLedton born about 1935
WalkerLeona born about 1908
WalkerLuna born about 1915
WalkerMary born about 1854
WalkerMurtie born about 1896
WalkerOnell born about 1934
WalkerSyble born about 1937
WalkerT Nborn about 1888
WalkerVander born about 1906
WalkerW Mborn about 1894
WallRoy Rborn about 1924
WardCarolyn born about 1937
WardLucile born about 1915
WardVobby born about 1934
WardWalter born about 1914
WardinElnienmae born about 1939
WardinErsil born about 1932
WardinJenett born about 1935
WardinLois born about 1915
WardinOtis born about 1913
WardinSidonie born about 1936
WatersBarbraann born about 1938
WatersEligea born about 1905
WatersFeraltta born about 1935
WatersLela born about 1917
WolderMary Eborn about 1920
WolderW Wborn about 1918
WynnBetty Louborn about 1939
WynnBritten born about 1922
WynnDelbarene born about 1926
WynnDorilla born about 1906
WynnFelt born about 1880
WynnGoldia born about 1919
WynnHerbert born about 1905
WynnJennie born about 1904
WynnLenzie born about 1928
WynnMargret born about 1931
WynnMarril born about 1929
WynnOather born about 1917
WynnOpales born about 1930
WynnOsaa Rborn about 1902
WynnShirley born about 1937
WynnTheda born about 1879
WynnWilliam born about 1939

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