1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ridge in Lamar County, Lamar, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Lamar County > 1940 Census of Ridge in Lamar County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenAllie Vellborn about 1916
AllenDake born about 1866
AllenEdward born about 1928
AllenElla Fborn about 1874
AllenFranklin born about 1933
AllenGrace born about 1930
AllenJames born about 1926
AllenJimmie Mborn about 1871
AllenLar Cillaborn about 1880
AllenMyrt Fborn about 1891
AllenMyrtle born about 1891
AllenO Gborn about 1927
AllenW Tildonborn about 1911
AyresAnna Graceborn about 1932
AyresBertha Sborn about 1927
AyresClifton born about 1900
AyresDale born about 1932
AyresHerman born about 1921
AyresI Relusborn about 1883
AyresJohnson born about 1927
AyresLavader born about 1904
AyresLena born about 1891
AyresMary Francesborn about 1935
AyresMary Lborn about 1857
AyresMaudine born about 1930

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B Surnames

BarnesAddie Fborn about 1893
BarnesBlanch born about 1933
BarnesChapel born about 1929
BarnesLong Pborn about 1895
BarnesPaul born about 1923
BarnesTitus born about 1926
BlakneyMary born about 1857
BoboAlice Jborn about 1883
BoboMurphy born about 1876
BomanCharlene born about 1937
BomanEmmett born about 1910
BomanFaye born about 1934
BomanLanelle born about 1930
BomanMattie Louborn about 1909
BomanPernell born about 1853
BrewerKizzie Mborn about 1895

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C Surnames

CalvinAndy Mborn about 1869
CalvinBetty Annborn about 1940
CalvinDelma born about 1912
CalvinS Floydborn about 1907
CalvinSallie born about 1876
CalvinSarah Kateborn about 1932
CarpenterBetty Geneborn about 1936
CarpenterBurnis born about 1920
CarpenterDorothy born about 1930
CarpenterHarold born about 1926
CarpenterKathryn born about 1923
CarpenterKitty Maeborn about 1900
CarpenterM Eborn about 1899
CarpenterMertha Fayeborn about 1934
CarpenterSebern born about 1921
CarrLily born about 1899
CarrNathan born about 1925
CharmanArris Deanborn about 1936
CharmanJohn Bborn about 1866
CharmanLydia born about 1871
CharmanMildred Oborn about 1912
CharmanVera Fayborn about 1932
CharmanVerbon Aborn about 1908
ColeAdeen born about 1916
ColeBilly Dowellborn about 1939
ColeClarence Hborn about 1912
ColeEdna Fayeborn about 1936
ColeEssie born about 1893
ColeEvelyn born about 1913
ColeGeorge Sborn about 1873
ColeHelen Marieborn about 1939
ColeJ Morrisborn about 1902
ColeJames Dborn about 1878
ColeJim Aborn about 1891
ColeJohn Hborn about 1886
ColeLaunell born about 1918
ColeLeslie Iborn about 1906
ColeM Idaborn about 1873
ColeRuby Leeborn about 1909
ColeSarah Deanborn about 1931
ColeTheo Jborn about 1867
ColeZarah born about 1884
CollinsGrady born about 1911
CollinsRuby born about 1912
CrawfordAldie born about 1893
CrawfordBen born about 1895
CrawfordBetty born about 1936
CrawfordBilbo born about 1927
CrawfordBobby born about 1936
CrawfordChapel born about 1926
CrawfordDora born about 1904
CrawfordEdna ???born about 1924
CrawfordErbie born about 1929
CrawfordHelen born about 1922
CrawfordHoyt born about 1932
CrawfordHunter born about 1930
CrawfordJ Finisborn about 1890
CrawfordJimmie born about 1933
CrawfordLois born about 1925
CrawfordLuther born about 1923
CrawfordMartin born about 1888
CrawfordRosa Annborn about 1855
CurryChapel born about 1927
CurryDoris born about 1930
CurryDorothy born about 1923
CurryFoy born about 1932
CurryGirthel born about 1925
CurryGolden born about 1895
CurryLavala born about 1936
CurryRuby born about 1908

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D Surnames

DeesEunice born about 1899
DeesHoward born about 1925
DeesL Hobsonborn about 1899
DeesSyble born about 1924
DobbinsBethine born about 1886
DobbinsFlorine born about 1918
DobbinsHoward born about 1927
DobbinsL Millardborn about 1916
DobbinsMill born about 1866
DraperAnnie Mborn about 1904
DraperCecil Pborn about 1904
DraperCrofton born about 1918
DraperEsstes* born about 1878
DraperGustie born about 1916
DraperJohn born about 1867
DraperRuth Gborn about 1932
DuncanBelva Jeanborn about 1934
DuncanJessie Cborn about 1877
DuncanMartha Deanborn about 1932
DuncanWilma Mborn about 1909

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E Surnames

ElaydArmon born about 1916
ElaydArmon born about 1921
ElaydCharles born about 1928
ElaydDoris born about 1923
ElaydG?alia born about 1933
ElaydKeneth born about 1930
ElaydRobbie born about 1919
ElaydRoyce born about 1920
ElaydThomas born about 1935
ElaydVictor born about 1927
ElaydVirginia born about 1937
ElliotFlora Maeborn about 1913
ElliotOrval born about 1922
ElliotT Rayborn about 1927
ElliotZellion Tborn about 1892

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F Surnames

FalknerBurley Sborn about 1869
FalknerF Rooseveltborn about 1900
FalknerJ Dickersonborn about 1856
FalknerL Annborn about 1875
FalknerLettie Cborn about 1904
FalknerS Geneborn about 1930
FowlerEdward born about 1919

G Surnames

GivensAlice born about 1882
GlascowEmma Leeborn about 1921
GlascowFrank born about 1880
GlascowG Caeborn about 1896
GlascowJack born about 1926
GlascowJane born about 1940
GlascowJesse Tborn about 1884
GlascowJoan born about 1934
GlascowJoe born about 1926
GlascowLaudean born about 1912
GlascowLizzie born about 1906
GlascowMarilyn born about 1931
GlascowMary Nellborn about 1940
GlascowMetta born about 1892
GlascowMildred born about 1915
GlascowMorris born about 1909
GlascowMynell born about 1930
GlascowPaul born about 1922
GlascowPeggy born about 1938
GlascowPolly born about 1932
GlascowPret born about 1914
GlascowS Rborn about 1859
GlascowSam born about 1928
GlascowTallie born about 1889
GlaslowEddie born about 1890
GlaslowMaude born about 1903
GlaslowW Lborn about 1923
GodpeyTom born about 1871
GrahamAnnie born about 1886
GrahamJasper born about 1882
GrahamMarion born about 1925
GriffinAndrew born about 1905
GriffinCharles Nborn about 1929
GriffinJessie Nellborn about 1939
GriffinLeonard born about 1931
GriffinLouie born about 1909
GriffinLounelle born about 1934
GuaghtBondo born about 1911
GuaghtEva Louborn about 1913
GuaghtJerry born about 1887
GuaghtPearl born about 1890
GuyheardAuthur born about 1891
GuyheardBobby Nellborn about 1932
GuyheardBoddy* born about 1927
GuyheardExie Wborn about 1897
GuyheardLouise born about 1923
GuyheardShelby Geneborn about 1936
GuytonBraxton born about 1915
GuytonE Lborn about 1889
GuytonEldon born about 1922
GuytonGrafton born about 1916
GuytonR Wborn about 1919

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H Surnames

HallDrucilla born about 1905
HallJohn Hborn about 1868
HallNancy Eborn about 1875
HardyE Hborn about 1914
HardyLandon born about 1937
HardyLeon born about 1938
HardyMilma born about 1917
HarrisA B Jrborn about 1928
HarrisAlbert born about 1896
HarrisEdward born about 1922
HarrisHazel born about 1921
HarrisJ Mborn about 1894
HarrisKnowtten* born about 1935
HarrisLillie born about 1916
HarrisLula Bborn about 1893
HarrisPauline born about 1925
HarrisS Beachelborn about 1930
HarrisSilby born about 1925
HaysG Aborn about 1862
HenningtonBraxton born about 1914
HenningtonLucille born about 1914
HoatsGurley born about 1912
HoatsPauline born about 1922
HudsonGutherie born about 1924
HudsonJames born about 1930
HudsonLee born about 1875
HudsonMetta Leeborn about 1925
HudsonOscar born about 1892
HudsonSarah Eborn about 1881
HudsonWallace born about 1931
HughesThomas Jr born about 1931

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J Surnames

JanesBilly born about 1926
JanesEdwan Nborn about 1924
JanesH Hartenseborn about 1905
JanesHelen Grageborn about 1931
JanesL Brooksborn about 1922
JanesMax Cborn about 1929
JanesOscar Lborn about 1898
JaurdanAlex born about 1870
JaurdanJohn Aborn about 1922
JaurdanLay born about 1912
JaurdanLeona born about 1887
JohnsonArminnie born about 1856
JohnsonBruce born about 1912
JohnsonBud born about 1912
JohnsonCal born about 1884
JohnsonCarl born about 1921
JohnsonCassie born about 1882
JohnsonCay born about 1922
JohnsonD Gborn about 1927
JohnsonDaniel Cborn about 1894
JohnsonDolly born about 1923
JohnsonEdree born about 1924
JohnsonEllie born about 1905
JohnsonEmma born about 1893
JohnsonEston born about 1906
JohnsonFlora Deanborn about 1923
JohnsonFlorence born about 1898
JohnsonGilbert born about 1919
JohnsonJames Calvinborn about 1939
JohnsonJanice Mborn about 1940
JohnsonJessie Bborn about 1918
JohnsonJohn Lborn about 1931
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1853
JohnsonJohnny Maeborn about 1934
JohnsonKeiper born about 1917
JohnsonKinis born about 1919
JohnsonKitty born about 1920
JohnsonLily Janeborn about 1926
JohnsonLinnie born about 1907
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1921
JohnsonMary Sueborn about 1938
JohnsonMilner born about 1913
JohnsonNancy Eborn about 1888
JohnsonNaoma born about 1918
JohnsonNell born about 1925
JohnsonNewt Hborn about 1913
JohnsonPriscilla born about 1917
JohnsonRay born about 1928
JohnsonRex born about 1927
JohnsonSarah born about 1889
JohnsonThelma born about 1926
JohnsonTip born about 1893
JohnsonTravis born about 1929
JohnsonVelma born about 1926
JohnsonVivian born about 1924
JohnsonW Eddborn about 1889
JohnsonWalter born about 1883
JohnsonWill born about 1910
JonesMaudie born about 1893
JonesWillie born about 1891

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L Surnames

LawrenceHarvey born about 1920
LawrenceMillard born about 1924

M Surnames

McDanielArman Geneborn about 1937
McDanielBetty Sueborn about 1932
McDanielCalvin Cborn about 1939
McDanielClayton born about 1906
McDanielDavid born about 1916
McDanielDezzie Rayborn about 1928
McDanielEdgar born about 1896
McDanielElbert born about 1875
McDanielEthel born about 1921
McDanielJessie born about 1912
McDanielLannie born about 1894
McDanielLarry Joeborn about 1937
McDanielLeon born about 1924
McDanielLeonel born about 1922
McDanielLoman born about 1926
McDanielMary Eborn about 1880
McDanielMary Louborn about 1939
McDanielMonroe born about 1931
McDanielOnie born about 1912
McGeeAdell born about 1910
McGeeAlma born about 1909
McGeeAndrew Mborn about 1903
McGeeAnnie Lborn about 1901
McGeeArman Dborn about 1938
McGeeBilly born about 1930
McGeeBonzell born about 1937
McGeeClay born about 1916
McGeeEugene born about 1934
McGeeHettie born about 1893
McGeeIrene born about 1919
McGeeJ Emmettborn about 1925
McGeeJames born about 1932
McGeeJess born about 1891
McGeeJohn Pborn about 1893
McGeeKatherine born about 1928
McGeeLaura Elineborn about 1938
McGeeMax born about 1922
McGeeNoah born about 1890
McGeePatrica Annborn about 1935
McGeePaul born about 1928
McGeeRobert born about 1924
McGeeVirginia born about 1926
McReynoldsA Gborn about 1939
McReynoldsArnold born about 1934
McReynoldsBeatrice born about 1911
McReynoldsBetty Louborn about 1937
McReynoldsBob born about 1899
McReynoldsBobby born about 1933
McReynoldsClara Bborn about 1932
McReynoldsJ Cborn about 1925
McReynoldsJoe born about 1913
McReynoldsLeon born about 1920
McReynoldsLula born about 1903
McReynoldsLyda born about 1873
MerchantEdith born about 1920
MerchantLuther born about 1921
MillerFreddie born about 1915
MillerHenry born about 1918
MillerMargaret Aborn about 1888
MitchellAdine born about 1917
MitchellBilly Gborn about 1930
MitchellEmma born about 1888
MitchellHarvey born about 1896
MitchellJ Murrahborn about 1895
MitchellJ Tborn about 1919
MitchellJerry Kborn about 1939
MitchellJoe Wborn about 1936
MitchellJohn Lborn about 1884
MitchellKatie born about 1924
MitchellL Dborn about 1921
MitchellLavay* born about 1926
MitchellMarilois born about 1925
MitchellMay born about 1897
MitchellMyrtle born about 1901
MitchellOscar born about 1870
MitchellReese born about 1916
MooreAddine born about 1901
MooreAlice Sueborn about 1928
MooreAllie born about 1917
MooreAnne Maeborn about 1902
MooreBetty Geneborn about 1930
MooreBirtie born about 1895
MooreBobbie Dborn about 1929
MooreCarl born about 1915
MooreCarol Sueborn about 1938
MooreChristine born about 1937
MooreClarence born about 1912
MooreClaudine born about 1931
MooreDonald Vborn about 1933
MooreDorothy born about 1935
MooreEdna Fayborn about 1928
MooreElaine born about 1936
MooreErbie born about 1908
MooreEtmer Nellborn about 1924
MooreFrances born about 1916
MooreGeorge Wborn about 1882
MooreGeraldine born about 1939
MooreInfant born about 1940
MooreIvan Joeborn about 1926
MooreJim Hborn about 1870
MooreJohny Bborn about 1927
MooreLaura Annborn about 1938
MooreLawrence born about 1930
MooreLonnie Tborn about 1899
MooreLuther Thomasborn about 1937
MooreMargaret born about 1881
MooreMella Lucileborn about 1925
MooreMelvin Aborn about 1940
MooreMillie born about 1908
MooreMrs Esther born about 1903
MooreN Clintonborn about 1898
MooreNancy Carolborn about 1934
MooreNettie Grayborn about 1926
MooreRobert born about 1901
MooreRuby Grayborn about 1932
MooreThurston born about 1932
MooreTommy Nborn about 1940
MooreTroy Cborn about 1934
MooreVernett born about 1933
MooreWalter born about 1875
MooreWilliam Cborn about 1937

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N Surnames

NetherlyDarsy Maeborn about 1933
NetherlyHoward Fborn about 1930
NetherlyOdus Dborn about 1929
NetherlyOlen born about 1910
NetherlyRuby born about 1911
NetherlyWillie Deanborn about 1939
NewellLillian born about 1926
NewellLonnie Cborn about 1928
NicholsArdis born about 1926
NicholsCarina born about 1900
NicholsJack born about 1870
NicholsJerbane* born about 1923
NicholsJoe Jr born about 1935
NicholsLucile born about 1921
NicholsRufus born about 1913

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O Surnames

OvertonAnna Lborn about 1921
OvertonCecil born about 1918
OvertonDela Annborn about 1881
OvertonG Mayborn about 1925
OvertonWilliam Jborn about 1873
OwensEarnest born about 1930
OwensMary Aborn about 1926
OwensMrs J Jborn about 1902

P Surnames

PaceA Clintonborn about 1923
ParkerBell born about 1900
ParkerCecil born about 1920
ParkerChester born about 1917
ParkerDaisy born about 1900
ParkerElizabeth born about 1874
ParkerEvelyn born about 1922
ParkerHattie born about 1919
ParkerLewis Eborn about 1890
ParkerMarshall Wayneborn about 1939
ParkerR Bobborn about 1868
ParkerRalph born about 1927
ParkerRoland born about 1925
ParkerVictor born about 1923
ParkerW Finnyborn about 1860
ParkerWellon born about 1926
PatrieAllie Fayborn about 1936
PatrieChane born about 1907
PatrieErdeal born about 1918
PatrieGalden Fborn about 1938
PenningtonAllie Maeborn about 1930
PenningtonBerta Leeborn about 1929
PenningtonBetty Janeborn about 1935
PenningtonBuck born about 1934
PenningtonC Thurmanborn about 1906
PenningtonClarence born about 1927
PenningtonDarius Annborn about 1939
PenningtonDorothy born about 1917
PenningtonElarey* born about 1895
PenningtonEllie born about 1891
PenningtonEvie born about 1898
PenningtonH Frasierborn about 1930
PenningtonJ Willardborn about 1921
PenningtonJames Gborn about 1923
PenningtonJr Roy born about 1929
PenningtonKatherine born about 1883
PenningtonMildred born about 1911
PenningtonMillie Aborn about 1890
PenningtonNoah Mborn about 1909
PenningtonPolly Annaborn about 1932
PenningtonReese born about 1926
PenningtonRobbie Kateborn about 1933
PenningtonSherman born about 1917
PenningtonSidney born about 1921
PenningtonTheo born about 1923
PenningtonTravis Leeborn about 1932
PenningtonViola born about 1872
PenningtonW Donaldborn about 1938
PenningtonW Fredborn about 1925
PenningtonW Gilbertborn about 1913
PenningtonW Merleborn about 1916
PenningtonWillie Janeborn about 1909
PerkinsAlice born about 1885
PerkinsCoolige born about 1926
PerkinsGrady born about 1914
PerkinsJr Kruthus born about 1939
PerkinsMildred born about 1918
PerkinsPercy Aborn about 1883
PraterBreylon born about 1926
PraterHelen born about 1932
PraterLela born about 1902
PraterMiles born about 1922
PraterMorris born about 1923
PraterThedus born about 1929

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R Surnames

RainwaterJulia born about 1875
RainwaterWalter born about 1875
RainwaterWillie born about 1913
RestarAnie born about 1888
RestarBanks Hborn about 1905
RestarFlora Bborn about 1926
RestarFlora Leeborn about 1906
RestarLeon Bborn about 1920
RestarMammie born about 1882
RestarMildred Jborn about 1936
RestarNellie Gborn about 1928
RestarWheeler born about 1927
RestarWill Brownborn about 1888
RickmanAlis born about 1912
RickmanBrown born about 1910
RickmanElna born about 1927
RickmanKate born about 1857
RickmanR Huseborn about 1886
RickmanRatchel born about 1889
RickmanRichard born about 1917
RickmanTalmadge born about 1929
RobertsonAnnie Louborn about 1910
RobertsonBart born about 1876
RobertsonDeatrice born about 1923
RobertsonEdward Aborn about 1939
RobertsonEffie born about 1894
RobertsonEllie born about 1877
RobertsonEppie born about 1908
RobertsonErlene born about 1920
RobertsonHugh born about 1920
RobertsonIda Bborn about 1887
RobertsonJohn Dborn about 1888
RobertsonKara born about 1906
RobertsonL Floydborn about 1907
RobertsonLart born about 1877
RobertsonLavoy born about 1929
RobertsonLeda born about 1914
RobertsonM Lavborn about 1866
RobertsonMary born about 1890
RobertsonNewton born about 1926
RobertsonNolen born about 1935
RobertsonOdus Aborn about 1907
RobertsonOple born about 1916
RobertsonReba Joborn about 1935
RobertsonSallie born about 1888
RobertsonSelma Lborn about 1908
RobertsonSue born about 1931
RobertsonW Arvinborn about 1910
RobertsonW Daneborn about 1881
RobertsonWoodford born about 1917
RobinsonAnna born about 1892
RobinsonArdree born about 1928
RobinsonBill born about 1871
RobinsonBilly Rayborn about 1939
RobinsonBobby born about 1933
RobinsonDorothy Sborn about 1937
RobinsonEdna Fborn about 1919
RobinsonElla born about 1872
RobinsonEthel born about 1921
RobinsonFlora Leeborn about 1926
RobinsonIvan born about 1913
RobinsonNettie born about 1917
RobinsonRay born about 1931
RobinsonSam born about 1924
RobinsonStanul* born about 1916
RoblisAnna Jborn about 1885
RoblisJa born about 1886
RuterAnnie born about 1903
RuterBilly born about 1928
RuterBobby born about 1934
RuterEddie Brownborn about 1900
RuterKitty Leeborn about 1926
RuterLouise born about 1930
RuterPolly born about 1937
RuterRuta born about 1933
RyeBradley born about 1906
RyeEllen born about 1910
RyeHazel Nborn about 1935

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S Surnames

SeayA Jepthaborn about 1878
SeayJ Graydonborn about 1907
SeayMavis born about 1921
SeaySymantha Cborn about 1879
SimsDenice born about 1931
SimsFrank born about 1902
SimsGladys born about 1925
SimsHenry Aborn about 1934
SimsJewell born about 1927
SimsJohn Aborn about 1932
SimsJohn Pborn about 1938
SimsOzie born about 1887
SimsPeggy Annborn about 1936
SimsRosa Leeborn about 1901
SissonIlie born about 1904
SissonLavenia born about 1861
SmithAlen Mborn about 1888
SmithFloy born about 1922
SmithJ Robertborn about 1929
SmithS Arwinborn about 1894
SpeedAndrew Jborn about 1916
SpeedMamie Zaraborn about 1918
StacyGeorge Bborn about 1927
StacyJ Albertborn about 1878
StacyJames Aborn about 1925
StacyJohn Hborn about 1876
StacyMalcolm born about 1916
StacyMandy born about 1888
StanfordAlice born about 1928
StanfordDavid born about 1926
StanfordDessie* born about 1889
StanfordGeorge born about 1922
StanfordKitty born about 1924
StanfordVirginia born about 1931
StanfordW Tborn about 1886
StanleyA Gborn about 1931
StanleyAbbie born about 1890
StanleyArlene born about 1924
StanleyBert born about 1927
StanleyBetty Rayborn about 1937
StanleyExie Leeborn about 1937
StanleyFelton born about 1921
StanleyGertrue born about 1915
StanleyIrene born about 1922
StanleyJohnny Mborn about 1886
StanleyLinwood born about 1914
StanleyLonnie Oborn about 1892
StanleyMarion born about 1931
StanleyMary born about 1861
StanleyNelson born about 1924
StanleyReuben born about 1920
StanleyRuby Leeborn about 1927
StanleySarah Mborn about 1883
StanleyVina Eborn about 1914
StanleyWillard born about 1917
StappAnie born about 1904
StappArlie Mborn about 1904
StappRalph born about 1929

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T Surnames

TaggartBetty born about 1938
TaggartDoris born about 1936
TaggartFloy born about 1901
TaggartHowe born about 1903
TaggartMarilyn born about 1930
TaggartMarion born about 1931
TaggartMiles born about 1928
TateArleen born about 1918
TateBarbara Jborn about 1939
ThomasEthel born about 1908
ThomasJohn Aborn about 1907
ThomasJr born about 1928
ThomasLewis born about 1933
ThomasTrellas born about 1934
ThomasWillis born about 1930
ThompsonAnna born about 1925
ThompsonCleasie born about 1895
ThompsonCleo born about 1936
ThompsonEunice born about 1933
ThompsonFaye born about 1932
ThompsonHelen born about 1929
ThompsonHoyte born about 1920
ThompsonLois born about 1924
ThompsonWilliam Pborn about 1927
ThompsonWilliam Sborn about 1872
ToddElmo born about 1926
ToddErnestine born about 1930
ToddEulane born about 1930
ToddFrances born about 1901
ToddKatheline born about 1929
TraywickBonnie Leeborn about 1940
TraywickBrandon born about 1907
TraywickJ Bborn about 1933
TraywickL Dborn about 1936
TraywickMyrtie born about 1916
TrimA Endoraborn about 1868
TrimSam Jborn about 1865

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V Surnames

ViceAvis born about 1925
ViceHury born about 1930
ViceIdella born about 1923
ViceMary Francisborn about 1927
ViceSidney born about 1920
ViceWillie Eborn about 1895

W Surnames

WaldonBobbie Jborn about 1928
WaldonDeloyn born about 1921
WaldonF Virginiaborn about 1923
WaldonFrank born about 1882
WaldonJohnny born about 1919
WaldonLarry Jborn about 1888
WaldonLean born about 1921
WaldonLola Banksborn about 1923
WaldonMillie Caleborn about 1919
WaldonPinkney born about 1875
WaldonSarah Iborn about 1878
WallaceJaunati born about 1912
WallaceMildred born about 1934
WallaceTolliver born about 1863
WallaceW Authorborn about 1900
WallaceW Glenborn about 1930
WardAddie Louborn about 1911
WardDock born about 1911
WardErbie born about 1907
WardEunice born about 1882
WardLuther born about 1882
WardTezzie Rayborn about 1933
WardWillie born about 1917
WatsonMinnie Eborn about 1876
WebsterAbbie Lucilleborn about 1929
WebsterAddine born about 1918
WebsterClarence Rborn about 1908
WebsterDaizy born about 1913
WebsterElna Fayeborn about 1937
WebsterJames Wborn about 1931
WebsterJohn Rborn about 1880
WebsterJohn Rborn about 1933
WebsterSusie born about 1879
WebsterWillard born about 1916
WelchBetty Janeborn about 1935
WelchMorris born about 1932
WelchOla Maeborn about 1908
WelchRoy born about 1930
WelchSam Jr born about 1938
WelchStanley Sborn about 1909
WheelerCarl born about 1903
WheelerChesley born about 1934
WheelerDempsy Rayborn about 1928
WheelerE S Dellborn about 1938
WheelerEldon born about 1921
WheelerEllie born about 1900
WheelerEsker* Lborn about 1896
WheelerFarrell Wborn about 1939
WheelerFlaudie born about 1909
WheelerHazzie Cborn about 1902
WheelerJ Lowellborn about 1935
WheelerLethan born about 1921
WheelerLizzie Maeborn about 1912
WheelerMellie born about 1892
WheelerMelvin born about 1922
WheelerPauline born about 1930
WheelerRuby Leeborn about 1930
WheelerW Jborn about 1890
WheelerWillard Deanborn about 1932
WilliamsAlice Fayeborn about 1935
WilliamsC Bradleyborn about 1905
WilliamsD Bborn about 1921
WilliamsLaura born about 1882
WilliamsLeola born about 1917
WilliamsLuther born about 1914
WilliamsMarvin born about 1917
WilliamsMary Joyceborn about 1939
WilliamsOphlia born about 1908
WilliamsOscar born about 1882
WilliamsRedus Wayneborn about 1936
WilliamsSephyr Deanborn about 1930
WrightAddie born about 1904
WrightBernice Eborn about 1939
WrightBertie Maeborn about 1932
WrightBetty Geneborn about 1932
WrightCarrie Leeborn about 1916
WrightCloud born about 1864
WrightDessie Sueborn about 1929
WrightFestus born about 1910
WrightFloyd born about 1905
WrightHenry Gborn about 1924
WrightJ Tborn about 1926
WrightJames Rborn about 1934
WrightJoe Barnesborn about 1939
WrightJoe Prownborn about 1937
WrightLester born about 1904
WrightLily born about 1902
WrightLin born about 1900
WrightLucile born about 1911
WrightLynette born about 1936
WrightMargie born about 1925
WrightMary Eborn about 1898
WrightMurrah born about 1927
WrightOzene born about 1935
WrightS Jborn about 1868
WrightSarah Kborn about 1926
WrightTunnel born about 1929
WrightVerne Jewellborn about 1924

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Y Surnames

YarkBill Cborn about 1884
YarkSilas born about 1926
YarkSusie Eborn about 1889
YarkSylvia born about 1924
YarkVerlie born about 1916

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