1940 U.S. Federal Census of Riveston, Colbert, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Colbert County > 1940 Census of Riveston

A SurnamesH SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesP Surnames
G SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AgeeAleen born about 1928
AgeeEdgar born about 1903
AgeeEdward born about 1926
AgeeMildred born about 1924
AgeeRay born about 1931
AgeeRobert born about 1933

B Surnames

BartonAdlaid born about 1889
BartonSim born about 1871
BenettHelen Sueborn about 1939
BenettInez born about 1918
BenettMarvin born about 1910
BennettBerthie born about 1891
BennettJohn Aborn about 1922
BennettMarie born about 1928
BennettMattie born about 1924
BennettOla born about 1890
BennettSam born about 1883
BlackDealie born about 1894
BlackFloyd born about 1920
BlackGeorge Willieborn about 1919
BlackJohn Tborn about 1894
BlackLevie Dellborn about 1931
BlackMadrew born about 1929
BlackNellie born about 1924
BlackRuby Maeborn about 1938
BlackShirley born about 1925
BlankenshipE Hborn about 1873
BlankenshipGrace born about 1901
BlankenshipMamie born about 1907
BlueEarley born about 1916
BlueMonroe born about 1939
BordanBerdie born about 1914
BordanEmma born about 1880
BordanJames Tborn about 1888
BordanJunita born about 1937
BordanLacybee born about 1914
BordanLarry Leeborn about 1939
BordanLaurence J Tborn about 1924
BordanLemmette Imogeneborn about 1932
BordanLon Mborn about 1908
BordanLou Ellaborn about 1909
BordanMartha born about 1922
BordanOla Maeborn about 1930
BordanShelby Gayborn about 1939
BordanWilliam Tborn about 1928
BowlingAlbert Frankborn about 1933
BowlingCharles Cliffordborn about 1925
BowlingElgustha born about 1929
BowlingLottie Louiseborn about 1928
BowlingPiccola born about 1901
BowlingWillie Eborn about 1901
BowlingWillie E Jrborn about 1931
BrattonAnnie born about 1912
BrattonDora Bellborn about 1912
BrattonFrank born about 1923
BrattonGarlon born about 1894
BrattonJames born about 1928
BrattonJohn born about 1866
BrattonNoah born about 1906
BrattonThelma born about 1909
BrownBeatrice born about 1918
BrownDallis born about 1913
BrownDorthy born about 1913
BrownEugene born about 1939
BrownL Juffborn about 1902
BrownLucian born about 1912
BrownVictoria born about 1903
BrownZuma born about 1882
BryantBobby Jeanborn about 1936
BryantElvira born about 1913
BryantHubert Cborn about 1913
BryantJ Bborn about 1934
BryantMildred Lborn about 1931
BuchananMary Eborn about 1860

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C Surnames

CarryGladys born about 1913
CarryGrace born about 1934
CarryJewel Berniceborn about 1936
CarryWalter born about 1914
CherryFlorence born about 1881
ClacklerA Lborn about 1890
ClacklerCecil Harfordborn about 1928
ClacklerGeorgia Gborn about 1939
ClacklerLige Jr born about 1937
ClacklerMary born about 1908
ClacklerMinnie born about 1931
ClarkEdd born about 1892
CochranArnold born about 1911
CochranArnold Jeanborn about 1938
CochranDorthy Maeborn about 1934
CochranEllma Earlborn about 1930
CochranFred Almonborn about 1932
CochranGertrude born about 1915
CochranIda Elizabethborn about 1939
CochranLila Ruthborn about 1932
CochranMary Emmaborn about 1912
CochranNellie Cathrinborn about 1934
CochranWiley Aborn about 1885
CochranWiley Jr born about 1936
CookeLennie Belleborn about 1912
CraigLonenia born about 1870
CrenshawMary Tborn about 1882

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D Surnames

DavisGladys born about 1921
DavisLafay born about 1928
DavisM Lborn about 1887
DavisMattie born about 1891
DavisTilman born about 1918
DouthitC Rborn about 1894
DouthitCreasy born about 1894

F Surnames

FletcherZeladole born about 1923
FranksAleen born about 1930
FranksBessie Maeborn about 1936
FranksBill born about 1910
FranksCharles born about 1928
FranksCharles Edwardborn about 1939
FranksDorthy Jeanborn about 1938
FranksEarline born about 1935
FranksGus born about 1906
FranksHarold born about 1938
FranksHenry born about 1889
FranksHenry Jr born about 1936
FranksHomer born about 1915
FranksHoward born about 1940
FranksIda Maeborn about 1906
FranksJ Lborn about 1929
FranksJ Wborn about 1932
FranksJohn born about 1882
FranksJohn Allenborn about 1940
FranksLilie Maeborn about 1910
FranksMary Paulineborn about 1931
FranksNina born about 1933
FranksOla Maeborn about 1904
FranksOllie Ruthborn about 1932
FranksSam Jr born about 1934
FranksSusie born about 1931
FranksVirginia born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GloverJack Sborn about 1904
GloverJohn Wborn about 1933
GloverMollie Maybellborn about 1912
GloverRuba Francesborn about 1930
GoodloeCora Leeborn about 1909
GoodloeCorine born about 1917
GoodloeElizabeth born about 1912
GoodloeElla Maeborn about 1934
GoodloeEssie Maeborn about 1936
GoodloeHellen born about 1929
GoodloeJimmie Kborn about 1906
GoodloeJoseph born about 1938
GoodloeLue born about 1875
GoodloeOstell born about 1931
GoodloeRobert Mborn about 1913
GoodloeThurothy born about 1940
GoodloeWilmer Jamesborn about 1932
GreenhillElla born about 1881
GreenhillGuss Pborn about 1928
GreenhillHandy born about 1889
GreenhillMildred born about 1923
GreenhillMinnie born about 1902
GreenhillOddie born about 1913
GreenhillOdell born about 1924
GreenhillPles born about 1877

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H Surnames

HallCarry Dellborn about 1924
HallD B Jrborn about 1924
HallDaniel Bborn about 1885
HallJ Lborn about 1882
HallJohn Turnerborn about 1926
HallLarunia born about 1930
HallLucile born about 1919
HallMary born about 1886
HallMary Bborn about 1921
HallMattie born about 1900
HardemanJoan born about 1937
HardemanLela Louiseborn about 1940
HardemanLilian born about 1916
HarlandBettie born about 1939
HarlandCharlie Cborn about 1868
HarlandEdgar Wborn about 1902
HarlandG Jborn about 1882
HarlandLela Aborn about 1875
HarlandLeonard born about 1914
HarlandLue Cresieborn about 1878
HarlandMae born about 1903
HarlandMargie born about 1929
HarlandNona born about 1919
HarlandWilie Prideborn about 1923
HarlandWillard born about 1919
HarlinRiley born about 1887
HarrelA Bborn about 1880
HarrelBedford born about 1907
HarrelBertie born about 1911
HarrelElizabeth Annborn about 1939
HarrelFrancis born about 1931
HarrelJ Bborn about 1938
HarrelMinnie born about 1898
HarrelNellie Maeborn about 1919
HarrelPeggy Joyceborn about 1934
HatcockBen born about 1888
HatcockCallie born about 1890
HatcockEra born about 1929
HatcockEthyl born about 1924
HatcockMary Ruthborn about 1931
HatcockU Zellborn about 1922
HawnCora born about 1886
HawnJessie Mackborn about 1911
HawnRobert Lborn about 1878
HayesAnnie Bellborn about 1922
HayesBell born about 1866
HayesBishop born about 1926
HayesDona born about 1905
HayesDorthy born about 1924
HayesDossie born about 1900
HayesJonise born about 1916
HayesLettie born about 1895
HayesMaylull born about 1926
HayesOlean born about 1928
HayesRichard born about 1906
HayesThadie born about 1892
HaysAubrey born about 1931
HaysEmmit born about 1926
HaysJames born about 1935
HaysLee born about 1928
HaysRay born about 1933
HaysSammie born about 1924
HaysViola born about 1898
HiggensLee Rborn about 1900
HiggensMattie Jeanborn about 1934
HiggensNellie born about 1910
HillAnnie Francesborn about 1911
HillDelara Annborn about 1937
HillHollis Hborn about 1913
HillHollis H Jrborn about 1935
HogenDane born about 1885
HogenEarl born about 1928
HogenMae born about 1893
HolidayCarlean born about 1937
HolidayCatherine born about 1928
HolidayCharles Edwardborn about 1930
HolidayCharlotte born about 1904
HolidayClarence born about 1892
HolidayClifton born about 1904
HolidayEarnestine born about 1930
HolidayEsta born about 1890
HolidayFred born about 1894
HolidayFreddie Perlineborn about 1926
HolidayGarris Yuvonsborn about 1938
HolidayHezikiah Jr born about 1939
HolidayIola Lorettaborn about 1937
HolidayIsabella born about 1923
HolidayLucy born about 1901
HolidayMargret Louiseborn about 1936
HolidayMary born about 1913
HolidayRobert Alvinborn about 1935
HolidayRuth Helenborn about 1932
HolidayWilliam Thomas Lborn about 1935
HollBarbra born about 1928
HollEmery Ruthborn about 1929
HollWalter Frankborn about 1924
HollinsBillie born about 1936
HollinsMargret born about 1910
HollisCarnelia born about 1902
HollisCharles Henryborn about 1923
HollisEddie Leeborn about 1922
HollisElmore born about 1897
HollisGeorge born about 1879
HollisHibbie born about 1912
HollisJim born about 1895
HollisMargret born about 1866
HollisPurcy born about 1918
HollisRoger born about 1892
HollisWellis born about 1919

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J Surnames

JacksonE Manuelborn about 1939
JacksonGladys Maeborn about 1936
JacksonMildred born about 1920
JacksonRubin Eborn about 1913
JohnsonElla born about 1885
JohnsonSam born about 1884
JohnstonMurl born about 1890
JohnstonRalph born about 1895

L Surnames

LaneIke born about 1865
LaneLaura born about 1897
LongCharles Arthur Sborn about 1929
LongLola Laneborn about 1933
LongLula Maeborn about 1937
LongMary Mborn about 1909
LongThomas born about 1907
LongThomas Jr born about 1935
LongWillie born about 1931

M Surnames

ManleyArchie born about 1918
ManleyBell born about 1900
ManleyBennie Leeborn about 1921
ManleyFloyd born about 1893
ManleyJonnie Estonborn about 1939
ManleyMary Celiaborn about 1923
MayoMaggie Lueborn about 1915
MayoMary Sueborn about 1938
MayoR Wborn about 1940
MayoRobert born about 1913
McKinleyAnna born about 1891
McKinleyBertha Louiseborn about 1939
McKinleyEarnestine born about 1932
McKinleyEmmit born about 1910
McKinleyEmmit Jr born about 1931
McKinleyEstell born about 1933
McKinleyJames born about 1887
McKinleyJames Isiahborn about 1935
McKinleyJonnie Robertborn about 1937
McKinleyNettie born about 1910
McKinleyWilliam Henryborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PickensJannice Marieborn about 1937
PickensJimmie born about 1933
PickensJinnie born about 1910
PickensJohn Bborn about 1908
PickensLula Maeborn about 1915
PorterEdd born about 1875
PorterMary Janeborn about 1885
PrideDane born about 1899
PrideDane Lzoeborn about 1932
PrideJames Danielborn about 1934
PrideMary Eborn about 1926
PrideOla Bborn about 1931
PrideRobert born about 1929
PrideWilliam Eborn about 1927

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R Surnames

RaneyIva Daleborn about 1927
RaneyLaurence born about 1929
RaneyLeonard Vborn about 1925
RaneyLeroy born about 1934
RaneyLoucile born about 1932
RaneyMary born about 1902
RaneyTalmage Victoryborn about 1937
RaneyTolmage born about 1901
ReenesEllis Cborn about 1905
ReenesMary Lolaborn about 1905
RienesJoseph Fborn about 1883
RienesMinnie Leeborn about 1878
RunesMandy born about 1868
RunesP Wborn about 1874
RusselG Bborn about 1874
RusselGun Autryborn about 1939
RusselGuy Tborn about 1908
RusselH Tborn about 1869
RusselLela Odellborn about 1931
RusselMary Louiseborn about 1933
RusselOllie Adellborn about 1911

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S Surnames

ShannonElsie born about 1928
ShannonGurniece born about 1932
ShannonJoe born about 1888
ShannonJoe Vannonborn about 1919
ShannonLue born about 1895
ShannonSyble born about 1916
ShannonWillie Maeborn about 1925
SheltonAda born about 1932
SheltonAnnie born about 1932
SheltonBessie born about 1936
SheltonDelmar born about 1937
SheltonLacy born about 1939
SheltonLocy born about 1905
SheltonOwen born about 1933
SheltonRaymond born about 1935
SheltonVelma born about 1937
SheltonVister born about 1907
SloanJ Sborn about 1893
SloanMable born about 1906
SloanMargret born about 1897
SloanMinnie born about 1893
SloanS Mborn about 1862
SmithDi Nkborn about 1895
SmithEleanor born about 1929
SmithEmmer Leeborn about 1897
SmithGenie born about 1937
SmithHubert Dborn about 1924
SmithJ Walterborn about 1891
SmithJames Walter Jrborn about 1926
SmithJoa Rileyborn about 1927
SmithLila Maeborn about 1933
SmithRuby born about 1892
SmithWilliam Alfredborn about 1928
SteninsAgnes born about 1882
SteninsD Aborn about 1926
SteninsJohn Thomasborn about 1939
SteninsThomas Pborn about 1918
SteninsVirginia born about 1919
StricklerBlone born about 1931
StricklerNellie born about 1927
SummerhillLetha born about 1862

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T Surnames

TalleyBetty Annborn about 1937
TalleyJannie born about 1938
TalleyLetta Maeborn about 1921
TalleyLevi born about 1871
TalleyMargie born about 1936
TalleyMary Marieborn about 1939
TalleyMillard born about 1910
TalleyOlian born about 1932
TalleyOpal born about 1914
TalleyPorter born about 1913
TalleyVirginia born about 1879
TalleyVirginia born about 1939
TalleyWilliam born about 1924
TerryJack born about 1896
TerryLoda born about 1925
TerryLucy born about 1898
TerryNancy born about 1869
TerryRobert born about 1921
ThompsonAnna Leathaborn about 1923
ThompsonAnnie born about 1886
ThompsonBertha Louiseborn about 1932
ThompsonBulah born about 1922
ThompsonCharlie born about 1923
ThompsonCharlie Hborn about 1884
ThompsonCharlie Rborn about 1898
ThompsonChina Lborn about 1904
ThompsonCleveland born about 1921
ThompsonConnie Dborn about 1928
ThompsonDane born about 1882
ThompsonF Dborn about 1856
ThompsonJames Turnerborn about 1934
ThompsonJonnie Williamborn about 1925
ThompsonJoseph Hborn about 1923
ThompsonMarie born about 1921
ThompsonMary Kborn about 1897
ThompsonMillie born about 1898
ThompsonMinnie born about 1890
ThompsonOdis born about 1926
ThompsonRichard Henryborn about 1926
ThompsonSam born about 1896
ThompsonSam Jr born about 1914
ThompsonWylodean born about 1938
TiceClarence born about 1877
TiceMagie born about 1881
TignerAllen born about 1914
TignerCharles Sborn about 1882
TignerForest born about 1923
TignerLester born about 1917
TignerNancy Lauraborn about 1882
TillHattie born about 1925
TillLena born about 1901
TillMarcella Iborn about 1877
TolleyBilly Deanborn about 1936
TolleyCloud Hustonborn about 1939
TolleyEdna born about 1906
TolleyEllie Hborn about 1906
TolleyGladys born about 1929
TolleyMay Bellborn about 1933
TolleyRuth born about 1927
TonnerBarbra Geanborn about 1938
TonnerHoward born about 1934
TonnerJames Eborn about 1903
TonnerLilian born about 1901
TonnerRaydean born about 1929
TonnerShirley Annborn about 1939
TonnerVirginia born about 1924

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V Surnames

VeollAustin Hborn about 1894
VeollAustin Jr born about 1936
VeollBobby Joeborn about 1940
VeollJames Herbertborn about 1934
VeollLois Marieborn about 1932
VeollMaud Beatriceborn about 1938
VeollWillie Bborn about 1914

W Surnames

WaddellArthur born about 1926
WaddellBobby Geanborn about 1935
WaddellEsta born about 1923
WaddellG Wborn about 1898
WaddellGeorge Jr born about 1928
WaddellJames Clydeborn about 1931
WaddellMary Eborn about 1861
WaddellMaud born about 1900
WadkinsArtie born about 1918
WadkinsDee born about 1906
WadkinsEarnest Wborn about 1911
WalkerLula Dborn about 1877
WalkerW Wborn about 1870
WarePiggie born about 1932
WeltonJeff Lborn about 1905
WeltonMertle Oborn about 1911
WeltonNadeen born about 1931
WhetakerEslie Josephborn about 1919
WhetakerJohn Wborn about 1881
WhetakerLizzie born about 1888
WhitakerGeneva born about 1918
WhitakerJonner born about 1911
WhitrettMiltilda born about 1870
WilinghamFannie born about 1910
WilinghamFrancis Lborn about 1926
WilinghamJ Turnerborn about 1928
WilinghamJack Rborn about 1930
WilinghamJessie Odellborn about 1933
WilliamsA Fborn about 1868
WilliamsBertha born about 1909
WilliamsEthyl Tillborn about 1892
WilliamsJeanette born about 1887
WilliamsLynn born about 1917
WilliamsMarline born about 1914
WilliamsR Rborn about 1870
WoodruffJessie born about 1873
WoodruffNellie born about 1872
WoodruffZuma born about 1910
WorshamDissie Corntierborn about 1934
WorshamErvin born about 1919
WorshamEugene born about 1932
WorshamHilda born about 1899
WorshamHollis born about 1925
WorshamImogene born about 1931
WorshamJames Edwardborn about 1922
WorshamJessie born about 1895
WorshamPauline born about 1937
WorshamRuby Deanborn about 1939

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