1940 U.S. Federal Census of Semmes, Mobile, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Mobile County > 1940 Census of Semmes

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AdamBerna Maeborn about 1928
AdamLa Dean born about 1939
AdamM Mborn about 1910
AdamMarcella born about 1930
AdamMaud born about 1910
AdamWayrah born about 1933
AikensAbbie Jeanborn about 1929
AikensAddie born about 1890
AikensAlice Mborn about 1931
AikensBennie born about 1919
AikensGeorge Pborn about 1891
AikensHazel born about 1921
AikensMarvin born about 1925
AikensMyrtle born about 1923
AllenAubrey born about 1924
AllenCharles born about 1912
AllenEmory born about 1923
AllenH Wborn about 1875
AllenHarriet Gborn about 1876
AllenJoan born about 1937
AllenJoyce Annborn about 1939
AllenNelree born about 1913
AllenW Tborn about 1873
AndradeFrank Jborn about 1908
AndradeFrank Jr born about 1939
AndradeMarguerite born about 1914
AnsleyEdison born about 1917
AnsleyMartha Cborn about 1891
AnsleyMary Francisborn about 1927
AnsleyWillie born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaltonDorothy born about 1922
BaltonEvelyn born about 1928
BaltonGloria born about 1926
BaltonJ Lborn about 1893
BaltonKenneth born about 1931
BaltonLouise born about 1924
BarriosCharles born about 1916
BatesCarl born about 1917
BatesCharles Eborn about 1937
BatesEvelyn Cborn about 1940
BatesVonceil born about 1919
BazorBennie born about 1906
BazorCorbet born about 1937
BazorJ Bborn about 1930
BazorLois born about 1928
BazorLuverne born about 1927
BazorMarti born about 1931
BazorT Albotborn about 1933
BazorTiny born about 1907
BeetesFrank Gborn about 1875
BizzellRichard born about 1871
BlackwellAlyne born about 1917
BlackwellArnell born about 1919
BlackwellBertha born about 1906
BlackwellCaroline born about 1932
BlackwellClausell born about 1899
BlackwellClausell Jr born about 1938
BlackwellJ Nborn about 1862
BlackwellJacqueline born about 1929
BlackwellJo Aliceborn about 1939
BlackwellJoe born about 1929
BlackwellLavaine born about 1915
BlackwellMabel born about 1893
BlackwellMabel Eborn about 1934
BlackwellOctavia born about 1924
BlackwellR Oborn about 1889
BlackwellR O Jrborn about 1911
BlackwellR O Jrborn about 1939
BlackwellSally born about 1888
BlackwellSylvia born about 1937
BlackwellVivian born about 1908
BlackwellWaureen born about 1926
BondsWesley born about 1915
BonnerAndrew born about 1895
BonnerElla born about 1926
BonnerElsie Maeborn about 1922
BonnerJ Cborn about 1922
BonnerLeo born about 1923
BonnerWilhemenia born about 1899
BorahElizabeth born about 1909
BorahHarry Aborn about 1902
BorahSamuel Pborn about 1940
BroadusAubrey born about 1926
BroadusBetty Juneborn about 1939
BroadusDelores born about 1929
BroadusNedra Gborn about 1935
BroadusOna Lborn about 1901
BroadusT Aborn about 1905
BroadusT A Jrborn about 1931
BroadusTom born about 1865
BrownClinton born about 1915
BrownHelen born about 1922
BrownLetslie born about 1905
BrownMary Ellaborn about 1914
BrownWiley born about 1910
BryantThomas born about 1880
BryarsAubrey born about 1928
BryarsClarence born about 1937
BryarsMarie born about 1925
BryarsOswell Jr born about 1926
BryarsThomas Oborn about 1892
BryarsViola born about 1898
BurtRufus born about 1918
BushyCharlie born about 1880

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C Surnames

CaineFern born about 1920
CaineFloyd born about 1915
CambpellB Fborn about 1878
CambpellMinnie Lborn about 1880
CarrieHelen born about 1909
CarriePaul born about 1907
ChildsModest born about 1915
ChristianAudrey Iborn about 1934
ChristianAulyn born about 1936
ChristianJimmie born about 1932
ChristianLouise born about 1912
ChristianMarshall born about 1910
ChristopherBell born about 1872
ChristopherBetty born about 1936
ChristopherBuddy Nelsonborn about 1939
ChristopherFannie born about 1882
ChristopherJ Cborn about 1887
ChristopherJuanita born about 1930
ChristopherMary born about 1884
ChristopherMary Leeborn about 1926
ChristopherMary Sueborn about 1937
ChristopherPearl born about 1908
ChristopherPearl born about 1916
ChristopherPearl Eborn about 1927
ChristopherWalter Eborn about 1906
ChristopherWalter E Jrborn about 1940
ChristopherWasdrow born about 1912
ChristopherWilson born about 1917
ChunnJoel born about 1917
ChunnMelva born about 1922
ClaytonMary born about 1901
CobbGeorge Wborn about 1890
CobbHarold born about 1924
CobbHerman born about 1924
CobbLeonard born about 1922
CochranDaisy born about 1884
ColemanD Cborn about 1931
ColemanDavid born about 1939
ColemanDennie born about 1892
ColemanEdna born about 1924
ColemanEverett born about 1927
ColemanGladys born about 1937
ColemanJames Eborn about 1922
ColemanLouise born about 1934
ColemanMuriel born about 1902
CorleyAda born about 1896
CorleyBernam born about 1926
CorleyBessie born about 1912
CorleyEva born about 1922
CorleyFrederick born about 1931
CorleyHarry born about 1901
CorleyHughie born about 1938
CorleyIrvin born about 1938
CorleyLorena born about 1897
CorleyMarguerite born about 1927
CorleyMarilyn born about 1939
CorleyNewton born about 1892
CorleyOliver born about 1905
CorleyPerry born about 1934
CorleyVermell born about 1935
CorleyVirginia born about 1925
CorleyVirginia born about 1932
CorleyVivian born about 1928
CowanAnnah born about 1922
CowanDaisy born about 1899
CowanDaniel born about 1920
CowanDaniel Aborn about 1882
CowanDay Deanborn about 1932
CowanGueron born about 1924
CowanMilton born about 1928
CowanPatricia born about 1935
CoxCharles Hborn about 1860
CreightonDavid Gborn about 1936
CreightonEpsie born about 1912
CreightonHollis born about 1907
CreightonHorace born about 1935
CreightonMerle born about 1912
CreightonMyrtle born about 1916
CreightonRaymond born about 1933
CreightonWalter born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavenportPerry born about 1927
DavidsonCecil born about 1926
DavidsonDrucilla born about 1884
DavidsonEthel born about 1922
DavidsonGay born about 1929
DavidsonGeorge born about 1855
DavidsonJames born about 1937
DavidsonM Hborn about 1884
DavidsonMelvyn ???born about 1940
DavidsonNellie born about 1924
DavidsonOra born about 1887
DavidsonReby born about 1896
DavidsonSusie born about 1918
DavidsonW Hborn about 1908
DavisO Jr born about 1872
DavisRiley born about 1923
DavisSarah Lborn about 1872
DeanBennie Sborn about 1939
DeanHelen born about 1915
DeanHorace born about 1913
DeasEunice born about 1902
DeasGwendolyn born about 1929
DeasIvy Cborn about 1896
DeasIvy C Jrborn about 1932
DentonCharlie Maeborn about 1930
DixonDeanbo born about 1930
DixonJohn born about 1920
DixonLee born about 1928
DixonPearl born about 1904
DoddAdalaide born about 1919
DoddBessie Aborn about 1888
DoddBill born about 1921
DoddHarold born about 1924
DoddJoe born about 1925
DoddJohn born about 1922
DoddPaul born about 1928
DoddSteven born about 1917
DoddThomas born about 1915
DoddTom born about 1888
DoddTrunett born about 1929
DolleMae Eborn about 1890
DraughonBell born about 1887
DraughonHenry born about 1920
DraughonJ Hborn about 1861
DraughonRobert born about 1923
DriskellCora Bellborn about 1933
DriskellDe Witt born about 1930
DriskellFlorence born about 1890
DriskellGeorge Pborn about 1891
DriskellGeorge Paeborn about 1924
DriskellLena Pborn about 1920
DriskellNana Maeborn about 1923
DulaneyHenry born about 1877
DunnElois born about 1924
DunnEula born about 1902
DunnGrady born about 1928
DunnLeonard born about 1930
DunnWinton born about 1900

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E Surnames

EdwardsJesse born about 1885
EldonGene born about 1940
EnglishFlora born about 1900
EnglishGene born about 1936
EnglishHarvey Leeborn about 1928
EnglishL Zborn about 1897
EnglishOpal born about 1934
EnlowAda Ruthborn about 1930
EnlowEliza born about 1893
EnlowElizabeth born about 1927
EnlowJesse born about 1892

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F Surnames

FairclotheJenny born about 1912
FairclotheMary Aborn about 1936
FairclotheMose born about 1904
FairleyAnnie born about 1888
FairleyBetty Eborn about 1923
FairleyJohn born about 1880
FeslerO Wborn about 1900
FeslerViolet born about 1905
FinchBernice born about 1928
FinchClercy born about 1888
FortLue born about 1881
FortMunson born about 1877
FosterBurl born about 1901
FosterCamie born about 1897
FosterFrank born about 1911
FosterHazel born about 1921
FosterHerman born about 1928
FosterLouis born about 1938
FosterMelvelee born about 1923
FosterNorma born about 1922
FosterOwen born about 1914
FosterPaul Mborn about 1939
FosterPlumber born about 1885
FosterRoy born about 1926
FosterS Gborn about 1937
FosterVivian born about 1916
FosterWilliam born about 1926
FreemanL Cborn about 1885
FreemanMattie born about 1888
FultonAuthor born about 1913
FultonLeona born about 1917
FultonOtis born about 1905

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G Surnames

GartmanDoris Earlborn about 1936
GartmanEdna born about 1918
GartmanGerusha born about 1896
GartmanHarvey born about 1939
GartmanJoyce Annborn about 1938
GartmanLucille born about 1918
GartmanMaurese born about 1921
GartmanOtis born about 1915
GartmanWade born about 1895
GashCarrie born about 1881
GashN Dillborn about 1878
GeorgeEdward Jr born about 1903
GeorgeGetrude born about 1913
GeorgeOliver Wborn about 1933
GloversB Lborn about 1884
GloversBertie born about 1887
GloversHorace born about 1927
GloversLinton born about 1923
GrahamBurnice born about 1886
GrahamCatherine born about 1898
GrahamEd born about 1882
GrahamGerald born about 1932
GrahamGordon born about 1896
GrahamHarold born about 1933
GrahamHenry born about 1897
GrahamHoward born about 1922
GrahamJoseph born about 1928
GrahamJulian born about 1923
GrahamL Gborn about 1926
GrahamLydia born about 1905
GrahamMaggie born about 1888
GrahamMary born about 1927
GrahamMary Louborn about 1928
GrahamMildred Eborn about 1940
GrahamNan born about 1924
GrahamP Raymondborn about 1926
GrahamPaul Mborn about 1928
GrahamPauline born about 1932
GrahamPercy born about 1902
GrahamRamona born about 1934
GrahamSadie born about 1890
GrahamSharron born about 1939
GrahamVelata born about 1907
GrahamVelata Maeborn about 1936
GrebFlorence born about 1898
GrebHarry born about 1934
GrebWilliam born about 1896
GreenGeorge Hborn about 1914
GreenJoe born about 1881
GreenLora born about 1885
GreenMary Mborn about 1856
GreenWillie born about 1906
GriffinNellie Bborn about 1862
GrimesAdelle Aborn about 1924
GrimesAlbert Lborn about 1926
GrimesAlexander born about 1921
GrimesAnnie Aborn about 1890
GrimesEly born about 1884
GrimesErmie born about 1933
GrimesMarie born about 1927
GrimesMarion born about 1922
GrimesMary Hborn about 1898
GrimesRaymond born about 1917
GrimesTheresa born about 1928
GrimesWalter Aborn about 1914
GrimesWalter Bborn about 1888
GullyEthel Eborn about 1902
GullyR Pborn about 1892
GullyRobert Nborn about 1927
GullyThomas Earlborn about 1931
GuyEdwina born about 1923
GuyRadford born about 1920

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H Surnames

HaltmanGlen born about 1925
HaltmanLucy born about 1886
HaltmanSamuel born about 1919
HalymanE Bborn about 1886
HalymanMabel born about 1884
HalymanWilliam born about 1923
HamackBernice born about 1910
HamackDoris born about 1939
HamackErnest born about 1917
HamiltonEvelyn born about 1872
HamiltonThomas Aborn about 1879
HareDorothy Mborn about 1928
HareIvy born about 1904
HareMarshall Oborn about 1931
HareRena born about 1905
HartschC Rborn about 1894
HartschJessie Bborn about 1868
HavardAnnie Cborn about 1924
HavardCarrie Eborn about 1899
HavardElma born about 1919
HavardEthel born about 1919
HavardFred born about 1915
HavardJanette born about 1926
HavardJoe Fborn about 1920
HavardMiriam Eborn about 1923
HavardT Bborn about 1893
HavardWinifred born about 1937
HavenM Kborn about 1917
HavenM K Jrborn about 1939
HavenSarah Leeborn about 1913
HavensAgnes born about 1897
HavensAugretta born about 1917
HavensBetty born about 1932
HavensCalvin born about 1938
HavensCaroline Pborn about 1938
HavensCharles born about 1927
HavensCharles born about 1929
HavensClifton born about 1922
HavensClifton Eborn about 1939
HavensCora Eborn about 1899
HavensDonald Eborn about 1936
HavensDorothy born about 1936
HavensEldora born about 1905
HavensFred Uborn about 1887
HavensFrederick born about 1924
HavensGaines born about 1896
HavensGaines Jr born about 1917
HavensGenevia born about 1906
HavensGeorge born about 1904
HavensGeorge Jr born about 1927
HavensH Deloresborn about 1930
HavensHazel Mborn about 1933
HavensHenry Jborn about 1934
HavensHilton Lborn about 1936
HavensHorace born about 1926
HavensMary Aborn about 1937
HavensMilton Aborn about 1927
HavensR Bborn about 1924
HavensRoston Lborn about 1898
HavensShelly born about 1925
HavensW Leonborn about 1929
HewittElsworth born about 1865
HillHarvey Jr born about 1908
HillMiriam born about 1911
HillWm Harveyborn about 1937
HillsLeonard born about 1928
HoffmanElizabeth born about 1925
HoffmanEmma Aborn about 1887
HoffmanJ Fborn about 1885
HoustonAlberta born about 1900
HoustonFrank born about 1895
HoustonFrank Jr born about 1925
HowellAgustine born about 1935
HowellAlice born about 1859
HowellAlice born about 1926
HowellAlton born about 1926
HowellAmos born about 1921
HowellAnna born about 1895
HowellAnnie born about 1910
HowellArnell born about 1932
HowellArvid born about 1936
HowellBarbara Hborn about 1939
HowellBennie E Sborn about 1937
HowellBertha Mborn about 1897
HowellBertis born about 1936
HowellBobbie born about 1934
HowellC Lborn about 1890
HowellC Sborn about 1895
HowellC S Jrborn about 1919
HowellCalvin born about 1937
HowellCarolyn born about 1938
HowellCarrie born about 1919
HowellCharles born about 1905
HowellClairlela born about 1920
HowellClarence born about 1904
HowellCurtis born about 1898
HowellCurtis born about 1936
HowellCurtis Hborn about 1896
HowellDaniel Jr born about 1923
HowellDonniece born about 1929
HowellDorlan born about 1931
HowellDorothy Mborn about 1924
HowellDuey born about 1907
HowellEdward born about 1931
HowellElbert born about 1893
HowellEllis born about 1883
HowellEllis born about 1921
HowellEudora born about 1939
HowellEugenia born about 1922
HowellFreda born about 1938
HowellGordon born about 1918
HowellGrover born about 1929
HowellHarvey born about 1921
HowellHazel born about 1931
HowellHelen born about 1934
HowellHerman born about 1927
HowellHugo born about 1931
HowellIda born about 1883
HowellIla born about 1923
HowellImogene born about 1937
HowellJack born about 1915
HowellJames born about 1925
HowellJohn Eborn about 1939
HowellJoseph born about 1932
HowellLillian born about 1934
HowellLillie born about 1927
HowellLillie Bellborn about 1908
HowellMargaret born about 1912
HowellMargaret Aborn about 1940
HowellMarion born about 1923
HowellMary born about 1921
HowellMavis born about 1922
HowellMaxine born about 1929
HowellNevada born about 1895
HowellOwen born about 1935
HowellRosalee born about 1916
HowellSarah born about 1902
HowellStuart born about 1927
HowellSusie born about 1906
HowellSylvester born about 1925
HowellVaudi born about 1916
HowellVaudi born about 1919
HowellViola born about 1924
HowellVirginia born about 1916
HowellWallace born about 1905
HowellWallace Jr born about 1939
HoyesDilliard born about 1921
HurdBuddie born about 1926

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J Surnames

JacksonB Jborn about 1919
JainerBertha born about 1871
JarvisAndrew Wborn about 1914
JarvisBetty born about 1920
JarvisDiane born about 1938
JarvisEdmond born about 1930
JarvisElla born about 1914
JarvisGlo Ethelborn about 1932
JarvisH Mborn about 1910
JarvisIda Joborn about 1911
JarvisNelson born about 1934
JarvisSam Mborn about 1912
JohnsonFrank Wborn about 1930
JonesAugusta born about 1918
JonesFritz born about 1939
JonesReece born about 1909

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K Surnames

KempWillie born about 1919
KeyEdward born about 1930
KeyRoss born about 1893
KeySarah born about 1895
KeyVera born about 1927
KiddAaron Jborn about 1939
KiddCora Gborn about 1931
KiddDorothy Mborn about 1935
KiddLeola born about 1933
KiddLovelace Jborn about 1932
KiddLucy born about 1909
KiddRobert born about 1908
KiddTom Robertborn about 1929
KiddWilliam Cborn about 1937
KnightAlbert born about 1923
KnightBob born about 1875
KnightDavid born about 1920
KnightDevatee born about 1913
KnightDevatee Jr born about 1937
KnightLila born about 1876
KnightRobert born about
KnightRoberta born about 1938
KnightScottie Maeborn about 1917
KnightWilimena born about 1933

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L Surnames

LackAlex born about 1906
LackAlex Jr born about 1933
LackElneta born about 1905
LackGeorge born about 1939
LackLila Leeborn about 1931
LackMary Ellaborn about 1929
LackRobert born about 1925
LackRoosevelt born about 1922
LackRuben born about 1928
LackWesley born about 1935
LackWheeler born about 1937
LambertConrad born about 1936
LambertGrace born about 1913
LambertLonnie born about 1880
LambertMary Ellenborn about 1937
LambertMary Fborn about 1933
LambertMattie Bellborn about 1915
LambertR Eborn about 1904
LambertRecile Eborn about 1924
LambertReginal E Jrborn about 1926
LambertW Tborn about 1905
LambertW T Jrborn about 1931
LambertWill born about 1875
LaurendineL Dborn about 1921
LaurendineTravis born about 1923
LavenderAlma born about 1917
LavenderRoy born about 1916
LavenderRoy Jr born about 1937
LavenderWilliam Oborn about 1940
LeeAaron born about 1929
LeeAda born about 1852
LeeAngry born about 1920
LeeBeatrice born about 1932
LeeBobbie Jeanborn about 1935
LeeBrady born about 1936
LeeCandia Fborn about 1856
LeeClaude born about 1916
LeeClaudette born about 1936
LeeDaisy born about 1920
LeeElizah born about 1922
LeeElsie born about 1932
LeeEvy Ellaborn about 1929
LeeFlora Maeborn about 1933
LeeFlorence born about 1932
LeeForest born about 1919
LeeForest Jr born about 1940
LeeFreddie Gborn about 1938
LeeGertrude born about 1922
LeeHarry born about 1888
LeeHerbey born about 1914
LeeHilliard born about 1900
LeeHiram born about 1924
LeeJesse born about 1925
LeeJohn born about 1913
LeeJosephine born about 1928
LeeJudy Mborn about 1939
LeeLillie Maeborn about 1939
LeeLinge born about 1935
LeeLouise born about 1911
LeeLucille born about 1915
LeeLulu born about 1904
LeeMary Aborn about 1926
LeeMattie born about 1890
LeeMinnie born about 1900
LeeNancy Mborn about 1940
LeeR Tborn about 1928
LeeRobert born about 1937
LeeRoselle born about 1925
LeeRoston born about 1933
LeeSarah born about 1936
LeeTaylor born about 1939
LeeViola born about 1933
LeeWalter born about 1889
LeeWm Thomasborn about 1899
LockeDaulten Lborn about 1900
LockeMattie Eborn about 1899
LoganCharles Dborn about 1939
LoganDoris born about 1931
LoganGeorge born about 1933
LoganHarry born about 1922
LoganJoe born about 1899
LoganJoe Jr born about 1936
LoganJohn born about 1924
LoganLouise born about 1916
LoganMyrtle born about 1926
LottJ Cborn about 1923
LoweryBerte born about 1900
LoweryBettie Euniceborn about 1931
LoweryCamey Cborn about 1885
LoweryClifford born about 1915
LoweryEdward born about 1940
LoweryEllis Aborn about 1922
LoweryGeorge Hborn about 1908
LoweryGurlca born about 1904
LoweryHarris Eborn about 1937
LoweryIsabel born about 1871
LoweryJulia Vborn about 1873
LoweryKatie born about 1911
LoweryLouise born about 1921
LoweryR Rborn about 1868
LoweryWilton born about 1907
LoweryWilton Jr born about 1927
LucadBessie born about 1895
LucadDaymon Jr born about 1880

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M Surnames

MacadamsBennie born about 1936
MacadamsBessie born about 1892
MacadamsElmo born about 1931
MacadamsHazel born about 1925
MacadamsJoe Cborn about 1928
MacadamsLarkin born about 1876
MacadamsOscar born about 1920
MacadamsOtis born about 1921
MacadamsWilliam born about 1924
MacnealBerley Jborn about 1929
MacnealBernice born about 1908
MacnealJerome born about 1934
MacnealNona Rborn about 1940
MacnealShirley Rayborn about 1937
MacnealVelma born about 1908
MacnutCharles Gborn about 1914
MacnutLaura Eborn about 1870
MannigDeemie born about 1886
MannigFrancis born about 1927
MannigSherril born about 1927
MannigW Aborn about 1882
MaplesAlmeda born about 1871
MaplesAnnie born about 1884
MaplesGus born about 1892
MaplesLula Maeborn about 1922
MartinBetty Annborn about 1937
MartinEdna Earlborn about 1927
MartinElizabeth born about 1922
MartinEssie born about 1899
MartinJack born about 1934
MartinJimmie born about 1935
MartinJohnny Pborn about 1899
MartinJohnny Ruthborn about 1932
MartinLucille born about 1924
MartinThomas Eborn about 1939
McCraryC Fborn about 1872
McCraryEugene born about 1922
McCraryEvelyn born about 1900
McCraryHelen born about 1926
McCraryLawrence born about 1877
McCraryMarvin born about 1924
McCraryMildred born about 1929
McCraryVada born about 1889
McDuffieDan born about 1879
McDuffieDorothy Lborn about 1932
McDuffieElvey born about 1910
McDuffieEuline born about 1882
McDuffieEunice born about 1938
McDuffieEvelyn Lborn about 1939
McDuffieGeneva born about 1928
McDuffieIren born about 1911
McDuffieJohn Wborn about 1931
McDuffieLanie born about 1890
McDuffieLee born about 1905
McDuffieLeo born about 1925
McDuffieMalton born about 1930
McDuffieNattie born about 1921
McDuffieRaymond born about 1936
McDuffieThomas Eborn about 1937
McDuffieVirginia born about 1922
McDuffieWesle born about 1879
McLeodDan born about 1869
McLeodNannie born about 1875
McLeodToll born about 1901
MetcalfAlice born about 1929
MetcalfAnnie Fborn about 1924
MetcalfFellie born about 1894
MetcalfJ Tborn about 1896
MetcalfJames born about 1926
MetcalfThomas born about 1930
MetcalfVirginia born about 1922
MetcalfWilliam born about 1935
MeyersDavid born about 1924
MeyersDouglas born about 1927
MeyersHarriet born about 1900
MeyersJ Jborn about 1887
MeyersJ J Jrborn about 1922
MillerAbbie born about 1913
MillerAline Gborn about 1936
MillerBill born about 1939
MillerCalvin born about 1917
MillerClayton Rborn about 1910
MillerDaisey Eborn about 1938
MillerDavid born about 1934
MillerEdward born about 1935
MillerElizabeth Aborn about 1940
MillerFlossie born about 1919
MillerHelen born about 1925
MillerIna Maeborn about 1925
MillerJoe born about 1919
MillerJudith Ruthborn about 1932
MillerKatie born about 1898
MillerL Curtborn about 1894
MillerLois Eborn about 1939
MillerMark Wborn about 1939
MillerMartha Cborn about 1910
MillerMaxine born about 1936
MillerOpal born about 1918
MillerPat born about 1930
MillerRobert Aborn about 1934
MillerRuthie born about 1904
MillerTheodore born about 1914
MillerVester Fborn about 1937
MillerWalter Dborn about 1903
MooreWillie born about 1908
MorisettaDevotie born about 1916
MorrisAlura born about 1917
MorrisGrace born about 1935
MorrisJ Dborn about 1904
MorrisJohn born about 1881
MorrisLeo born about 1891
MorrisMarguerite born about 1895
MorrisMurriel born about 1933
MorrisNellie Roseborn about 1939
MorrisStella born about 1882
MorrisettaSherman born about 1926
MurphreeHarry born about 1896

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N Surnames

NelsonEmmett Lborn about 1924
NelsonJessie born about 1922
NelsonMary E Eborn about 1888
NelsonWalter born about 1919
NewburnDavid Nborn about 1935
NewburnElla born about 1882
NewburnEstella born about 1909
NewburnFloy Hbborn about 1925
NewburnHeber Aborn about 1924
NewburnHomer Bborn about 1907
NewburnHomer Cborn about 1939
NewburnJoe born about 1878
NewburnJoseph Bborn about 1933
NewburnWinnie Ellaborn about 1932
NicholasEsther born about 1900
NicholasEsther born about 1917
NicholasJames born about 1921
NicholasW Aborn about 1890
NicholasW A Jrborn about 1919
NuttallJohn Tborn about 1872

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O Surnames

OliverHaskew born about 1917
OliverRena born about 1916

P Surnames

PadgettEddie Eborn about 1931
PalmerLaura born about 1868
PardenBeneford born about 1934
PardenEthel Maeborn about 1938
PardenFloyd born about 1905
PardenFloyd Jr born about 1939
PardenGlen born about 1930
PardenGypsey born about 1929
PardenMattie Lowborn about 1910
PardenOuin born about 1930
PardenShelton born about 1932
ParkerCatherine born about 1927
ParkerClyde born about 1906
ParkerClyde Pearlborn about 1934
ParkerFannie born about 1906
ParkerFloyd born about 1928
ParkerJesse Lborn about 1936
ParkerM Estelleborn about 1902
ParkerShirley born about 1931
ParkerSimmon Eborn about 1925
ParkerThomas J Jrborn about 1927
ParkerTom born about 1883
ParkerVirginia born about 1924
ParkerWilliam born about 1933
ParkerYvonne born about 1937
PatrickCora born about 1919
PatrickJohn born about 1908
PatrickJohn Eborn about 1938
PeeblesDaisy Bborn about 1916
PeeblesGrace Aliceborn about 1939
PeeblesHugh Aborn about 1936
PeeblesWilliam Sborn about 1907
PhelpsAlfred Hborn about 1893
PhelpsAlfred L Tborn about 1939
PhelpsAlice Imogeneborn about 1915
PhelpsSarah Bellborn about 1937
PhelpsSeth Vincentborn about 1940
PhilipsBetty Eborn about 1932
PhilipsClarence Eborn about 1906
PhilipsHenry born about 1911
PhilipsJesse born about 1914
PhilipsMyrtle Eborn about 1908
PhilipsNorma Cborn about 1930
PhilipsOrville born about 1934
PierceAmelia born about 1881
PierceAnnie Bellborn about 1921
PierceAntonio Lborn about 1935
PierceArthur Rborn about 1939
PierceBetty Jeanborn about 1938
PierceCharles Lborn about 1937
PierceEloise born about 1928
PierceFritz born about 1918
PierceG Lborn about 1931
PierceGarner Gborn about 1893
PierceGeorge Wborn about 1939
PierceGracie Mborn about 1894
PierceGrey born about 1904
PierceGus born about 1905
PierceHarny born about 1913
PierceHubbord born about 1903
PierceIda Maeborn about 1934
PierceIotis born about 1913
PierceJames born about 1891
PierceJames Iborn about 1939
PierceJohnny born about 1916
PierceLavada born about 1907
PierceLawrence born about 1937
PierceLonie born about 1918
PierceLouise born about 1934
PierceRebecca born about 1915
PierceRobert Kborn about 1871
PierceVinie born about 1913
PippinsBertha Fborn about 1921
PippinsBetty Jeanborn about 1933
PippinsCharles Eborn about 1928
PippinsClayde Royborn about 1930
PippinsJames Cborn about 1920
PippinsMaige Gborn about 1937
PollardCatherine born about 1926
PollardEdward born about 1924
PollardEsther born about 1931
PollardHenry born about 1900
PollardHiram born about 1922
PollardIris born about 1938
PollardJack born about 1936
PollardJane born about 1936
PollardJoseph born about 1928
PollardLena born about 1900
PollardMildred born about 1920
PollardPete born about 1932
PollardThad born about 1930
PolundC Rborn about 1912
PolundDenver Aborn about 1881
PolundPauline born about 1910
PoseyElizabeth born about 1892
PoundCarolyn born about 1938
PoundFloyd born about 1932
PowellAdam born about 1898
PowellAgnes born about 1900
PowellAlma born about 1905
PowellAubrey born about 1926
PowellAudrey born about 1937
PowellAugusta born about 1917
PowellBlanche born about 1922
PowellCarnie born about 1888
PowellCatherine born about 1927
PowellClarence Lborn about 1937
PowellClayton born about 1930
PowellDarriel born about 1940
PowellDavid born about 1939
PowellDoris Mborn about 1926
PowellEffie born about 1902
PowellEmory born about 1935
PowellEugene born about 1916
PowellEva born about 1921
PowellFrancis born about 1933
PowellGenevieve born about 1908
PowellGeorgia Eborn about 1939
PowellHoward born about 1939
PowellIduma born about 1920
PowellItis born about 1933
PowellJames born about 1887
PowellLillian born about 1925
PowellMae born about 1906
PowellMae Gborn about 1939
PowellMary born about 1868
PowellMary born about 1891
PowellMary Joanborn about 1936
PowellMavis born about 1922
PowellMurphy born about 1905
PowellNorris born about 1911
PowellOra Bellborn about 1928
PowellV Gborn about 1904
PowellWayne born about 1936
PowellWebb born about 1895
PowellWebster Jr born about 1918
PowellWeltman born about 1908
PowellWilliam born about 1920
PowellWoodie born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabbyCinthia born about 1935
RabbyEdith born about 1908
RabbyWillie born about 1902
RanElsie born about 1895
RanOtto born about 1895
RanOtto born about 1921
RanRudolph born about 1931
RanSiegfield Eborn about 1933
RanWalter born about 1926
RanWillie born about 1923
RasherryDom born about 1885
RasherryEthel born about 1901
RasherryJohn Aborn about 1891
ResterAuguta born about 1937
ResterGene Mborn about 1935
ResterKate born about 1918
ResterL Sborn about 1915
ResterLucyle born about 1936
ResterMerita born about 1937
ResterMissouri born about 1916
ResterRichard born about 1913
ResterThelma born about 1919
ResterWillie born about 1911
RevereClaude born about 1903
RevereClaude Jr born about 1926
RevereEdmond Jborn about 1928
RevereJo Marieborn about 1934
RevereRita Mborn about 1905
RevereRita Mborn about 1936
RevereRose Maryborn about 1936
RobertsBillie born about 1932
RobertsD Oborn about 1897
RobertsDelorean born about 1926
RobertsErnest Lborn about 1891
RobertsHazel born about 1908
RobertsM Eborn about 1899
RobertsMartie born about 1901
RobertsNan born about 1931
RudolphAndrew born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SasserEdna born about 1933
SasserK Hborn about 1898
SasserViolet born about 1904
SeabrookHarry born about 1893
SeabrookMae born about 1907
SealsHewell born about 1918
ShirleyBetty Joborn about 1940
ShirleyHarry born about 1937
ShirleyMary born about 1928
ShirleyR Fborn about 1904
ShirleyWinnie Bellborn about 1911
ShumockCarlton born about 1932
ShumockEarl born about 1923
ShumockElmira born about 1926
ShumockFrank born about 1903
ShumockJunior born about 1928
ShumockLeona born about 1904
ShumockSharon born about 1930
SimpsonC Aborn about 1886
SimpsonLotta Sborn about 1886
SimpsonVirginia born about 1917
SimsErnest born about 1931
SmithEvy Dborn about 1912
SmithJames born about 1920
SmithM Cborn about 1916
SmithMary born about 1889
SmithScott born about 1870
SmithWillie born about 1884
SnowdenA Cborn about 1888
SnowdenAubrey born about 1936
SnowdenFlorence born about 1926
SnowdenJanette born about 1932
SnowdenPeggy born about 1930
SnowdenShirley born about 1901
SpoonerEddie Rborn about 1934
StagnerLeslie born about 1918
StephensAnnie Mborn about 1894
StephensC Rborn about 1894
StephensDouglas Lborn about 1922
StephensRobert Mborn about 1927
StrikeMary Dborn about 1870
StrikeT Jborn about 1871
StringfellowAlbert Lborn about 1917
StringfellowAurietta born about 1907
StringfellowBertha born about 1933
StringfellowBilly born about 1939
StringfellowCharles Eborn about 1937
StringfellowClara born about 1885
StringfellowClyde born about 1922
StringfellowDan born about 1895
StringfellowEarl born about 1906
StringfellowEarl born about 1921
StringfellowEarl Jr born about 1925
StringfellowErnest born about 1929
StringfellowFannie born about 1898
StringfellowHattie Beeborn about 1919
StringfellowHelen born about 1924
StringfellowJack born about 1933
StringfellowJanet born about 1927
StringfellowJulia born about 1935
StringfellowMarvin born about 1920
StringfellowMertie born about 1924
StringfellowNan born about 1938
StringfellowRuth born about 1871
StuartNettie born about 1878
SylvesterJames born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerBruise born about 1931
TannerCalvin born about 1926
TannerClyde born about 1928
TannerDuel born about 1892
TannerFannie born about 1874
TannerGene born about 1933
TannerLeona born about 1895
TannerMollie born about 1885
TannerOlen born about 1924
TaylorAnnie Mborn about 1913
TaylorBetty Annborn about 1937
ThompsonAnnie born about 1892
ThompsonJ Wborn about 1875
ToletomCeola born about 1920
TurnerCatherine born about 1927
TurnerDouglas Eborn about 1930
TurnerEdwin born about 1933
TurnerElla born about 1896
TurnerEmma Lborn about 1924
TurnerErvel Oborn about 1927
TurnerGeorge Wborn about 1885
TurnerNina Gborn about 1887
TurnerP Aborn about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VickersAlbert born about 1908
VickersBessie born about 1899
VickersBetty born about 1931
VickersCalvin born about 1921
VickersClource born about 1893
VickersDarriel born about 1938
VickersDinty born about 1901
VickersDonald Wborn about 1937
VickersDorothy Jborn about 1921
VickersEloise born about 1922
VickersGaldys born about 1919
VickersGeorge born about 1864
VickersGeorge Jr born about 1903
VickersInez born about 1921
VickersInfant born about 1940
VickersIvy born about 1924
VickersJaney born about 1866
VickersJese Oborn about 1917
VickersJesse O Jrborn about 1939
VickersJoseph born about 1893
VickersKenneth born about 1928
VickersLeander born about 1916
VickersLenora Inezborn about 1940
VickersLorraine born about 1935
VickersMace born about 1890
VickersMertie born about 1926
VickersPrice born about 1916
VickersRoy born about 1932
VickersSanny born about 1933
VickersShirley Cborn about 1939
VickersTory born about 1932
VickersW Cborn about 1926
VickersWilson born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltmanA Marlowborn about 1912
WaltmanAdell born about 1920
WaltmanAlvin born about 1935
WaltmanAnita born about 1924
WaltmanCecil born about 1911
WaltmanCharles born about 1937
WaltmanClara born about 1909
WaltmanDorothy born about 1921
WaltmanGlenelle born about 1938
WaltmanLouis born about 1917
WaltmanM Eborn about 1909
WaltmanMelinda born about 1865
WaltmanNancy born about 1940
WaltmanR Forneyborn about 1891
WaltmanRosetta born about 1891
WaltmanWillis born about 1860
WardA Bborn about 1893
WardDoris born about 1925
WardDorothy Lborn about 1925
WardElbert born about 1892
WardEtta Maeborn about 1914
WardGeorge born about 1935
WardGladys born about 1934
WardGrace born about 1934
WardI Dborn about 1895
WardJames Hborn about 1901
WardJames H Jrborn about 1936
WardLeona Mborn about 1937
WardLula Maeborn about 1933
WardM Eborn about 1861
WardMartha Annborn about 1929
WardMary Eborn about 1906
WardMary Eborn about 1927
WardNettie born about 1899
WashingtonJoe born about 1872
WashingtonWillard born about 1878
WatersGladys Eborn about 1933
WatersLaura born about 1908
WatersMargaret born about 1935
WatersMary Ellaborn about 1935
WatersOliver Lborn about 1911
WatersOliver Jr born about 1937
WatersRoy born about 1907
WatersSelma born about 1915
WatersWilliam Eborn about 1931
WatkinsEudell born about 1915
WernethHerman born about 1918
WernethHilton born about 1920
WernethHolcomb born about 1893
WernethLillian born about 1897
WestC Lborn about 1915
WheelerTaylor born about 1939
WhiteAdrian born about 1924
WhiteAudrey born about 1924
WhiteCora born about 1905
WhiteDollie born about 1933
WhiteJohn born about 1906
WhiteMartin born about 1895
WhiteMartin Jr born about 1940
WhiteWillie Jborn about 1927
WhiteWondies born about 1930
WilkinsAgnes Vborn about 1931
WilkinsLeona born about 1928
WilkinsMamie born about 1905
WilkinsMayo born about 1922
WilkinsNettie Eborn about 1927
WilkinsSarah Eborn about 1926
WilkinsWill Fborn about 1880
WilliamsAda born about 1896
WilliamsCreola born about 1911
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1937
WilliamsFlorence born about 1905
WilliamsFlorence born about 1934
WilliamsGloria born about 1934
WilliamsJeff born about 1859
WilliamsL Cborn about 1872
WilliamsMargaret born about 1926
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1888
WilliamsP Sborn about 1909
WilliamsPrice Jr born about 1939
WilliamsSam Gborn about 1894
WilsonBetty Janeborn about 1938
WilsonCora born about 1896
WilsonMartin born about 1895
WoatenDaniel born about 1927
WoatenEvella born about 1902
WoatenJ Dborn about 1902
WoatenRoxy born about 1925
WolfeJ Vborn about 1870
WoodardMary born about 1879
WoodhamAllen born about 1917
WoodhamCoit born about 1938
WoodhamMary Mborn about 1888
WoodhamNellie Sueborn about 1935
WoodhamRuby born about 1918
WrightInez born about 1925
WrightJ Wborn about 1880
WrightJulia born about 1882
WulffBeatrice Mborn about 1925
WulffEmma born about 1874
WulffGertrude born about 1890
WulffLeland born about 1898
WulffLouise born about 1915
WulffMary Tborn about 1875
WulffP Bborn about 1901
WulffRussell born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAnnie Maeborn about 1926
YoungMarvin born about 1910
YoungMarvin Jr born about 1933
YoungRuthie born about 1912

Z Surnames

ZeucheH Jborn about 1866
ZeucheHenry Oborn about 1893

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