1940 U.S. Federal Census of Sycamore, Talladega, Alabama

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Alabama > Talladega County > 1940 Census of Sycamore

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

ArmstrongJames Hborn about 1929
ArmstrongThomas born about 1883
ArmstrongThomas born about 1921
ArmstrongVerga born about 1888
AshworthFannie born about 1879
AshworthFrances Dborn about 1867
AshworthJames born about 1875
AshworthRuby Loisborn about 1920
AtkinsEugene born about 1926
AtkinsJonie born about 1891
AtkinsLewis born about 1882
AtkinsLois born about 1915
AtkinsonsClara born about 1892
AtkinsonsNan born about 1897
AtkinsonsSallah born about 1865
AustinBlois born about 1937
AustinFrances born about 1932
AustinGlenda born about 1939
AustinIrene born about 1901
AustinJohnnie born about 1930
AustinLeonard born about 1926
AustinRobert born about 1900
AustinThelma born about 1928
AustinVerna Mayborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BairdAvis born about 1924
BairdNamer born about 1892
BakerAnnis born about 1932
BakerBill born about 1937
BakerBobbie Jborn about 1934
BakerBud Allenborn about 1914
BakerCarrie born about 1912
BakerRay born about 1936
BakerTemple born about 1910
BakerWillie born about 1909
BakerZane Allenborn about 1936
BarberAnnie Rayborn about 1920
BarberBessie Leeborn about 1938
BarberCharlie Wborn about 1939
BarberRobert Tborn about 1918
BarclayAlexander born about 1939
BarclayMark Earnestborn about 1933
BarclayMary Ruthborn about 1940
BarclayParl Edwardborn about 1936
BarclayRuby Bledsoeborn about 1920
BarclaySimmon Jr born about 1935
BarclaySimon born about 1911
BarnardMarth Joborn about 1920
BarnersFrances born about 1923
BarnersWilliam born about 1895
BarnersZula born about 1899
BarnesAlbert born about 1913
BarnesMargaret Elizabethborn about 1940
BarnesWilliam Albertborn about 1938
BarnesZarads born about 1918
BarnettBetty Jeanborn about 1931
BarnettBlanch born about 1916
BarnettCarol Sueborn about 1939
BarnettCarrie born about 1898
BarnettChristine born about 1932
BarnettClifford Royborn about 1937
BarnettEdward born about 1925
BarnettElizabeth born about 1896
BarnettElla Joeborn about 1932
BarnettEros born about 1928
BarnettEvaleana born about 1927
BarnettGladys born about 1919
BarnettGlen born about 1916
BarnettGrady born about 1926
BarnettHarvey born about 1915
BarnettHenry born about 1891
BarnettHixie born about 1870
BarnettJanett Maryborn about 1934
BarnettJeffie Mayborn about 1908
BarnettJessie born about 1903
BarnettJoan born about 1937
BarnettJoseph Eborn about 1897
BarnettJuliann born about 1930
BarnettLee Ellaborn about 1901
BarnettLeonard born about 1916
BarnettLouise born about 1923
BarnettLouise born about 1924
BarnettLournis born about 1918
BarnettLovada born about 1918
BarnettMarion born about 1920
BarnettMary born about 1880
BarnettMinnie born about 1927
BarnettNaome born about 1928
BarnettNovie born about 1916
BarnettOlin born about 1920
BarnettOliver born about 1908
BarnettOliver born about 1920
BarnettOliver Jr born about 1927
BarnettRobert born about 1923
BarnettThelma born about 1921
BarnettViola born about 1914
BarnettWalter born about 1900
BeckE Edgarborn about 1887
BeckJessie born about 1894
BernettMargaret born about 1938
BernettMary Louiseborn about 1937
BernettMyrtle Jborn about 1922
BevelsNoma born about 1896
BevelsRuby born about 1914
BishopAldren born about 1910
BishopB Aborn about 1886
BishopBettie Joyceborn about 1935
BishopBirdie born about 1917
BishopIcie Harwellborn about 1902
BishopLouise born about 1937
BishopShirley Annborn about 1936
BishopVerbon born about 1911
BishopWillie Mayborn about 1918
BlanchardAlberta born about 1916
BlanchardClyde born about 1929
BlanchardGene born about 1936
BlanchardGordan born about 1913
BlanchardGrady born about 1934
BlanchardGrover born about 1922
BlanchardHarold born about 1927
BlanchardHorace born about 1930
BlanchardHoward born about 1913
BlanchardIra born about 1900
BlanchardIra Jr born about 1927
BlanchardIrene Fborn about 1904
BlanchardIsla born about 1912
BlanchardJanett born about 1938
BlanchardLeonard born about 1903
BlanchardRobert born about 1870
BlanchardSallie born about 1880
BlankenshipAlah born about 1918
BlankenshipAllen born about 1904
BlankenshipDorothy born about 1937
BlankenshipEarl born about 1934
BlankenshipEdyth born about 1926
BlankenshipEmma born about 1896
BlankenshipHarvey born about 1897
BlankenshipHomer born about 1922
BlankenshipJack born about 1913
BlankenshipJames born about 1928
BlankenshipJoseph born about 1865
BlankenshipJoseph Nborn about 1868
BlankenshipMamie Perryborn about 1890
BlankenshipMyrtle born about 1908
BlankenshipSallie born about 1871
BlankinshipClarence born about 1908
BlankinshipElla Maryborn about 1909
BledsoeAndrew born about 1904
BledsoeAndrew Jr born about 1931
BledsoeBelle born about 1868
BledsoeEvelyn born about 1924
BledsoeGladys born about 1933
BledsoeHelen born about 1918
BledsoeHugh born about 1929
BledsoeKatie born about 1894
BledsoeLizzie born about 1905
BledsoeMaggie Leeborn about 1902
BledsoeMary born about 1898
BledsoeMaybell born about 1927
BledsoeNezetta born about 1920
BledsoePolien born about 1885
BledsoeRalph born about 1926
BledsoeTheodore born about 1922
BledsoeWillie born about 1900
BledsoeWillman born about 1890
BledsoeWillman born about 1932
BoatrightElla born about 1898
BoroughsElizabeth born about 1925
BoroughsFannie Jborn about 1900
BoroughsFred born about 1890
BoroughsVirginia born about 1923
BowdenBeula born about 1902
BowdenClarence Jr born about 1922
BowdenClementine born about 1891
BowdenRuth born about 1923
BrooksAnnice born about 1938
BrooksGeorge born about 1911
BrooksJohn Martinborn about 1937
BrowenCharlie born about 1864
BrowenFrank born about 1923
BrownArthur born about 1908
BrownBenjamin Franklinborn about 1919
BrownBertha Leeborn about 1929
BrownBlaise born about 1936
BrownBooker Tborn about 1905
BrownCarl born about 1903
BrownCharles born about 1933
BrownChip Sanfordborn about 1932
BrownClinton born about 1922
BrownCurtis born about 1936
BrownEdna Mayborn about 1936
BrownEmmerson born about 1932
BrownEmmett born about 1907
BrownFannie born about 1911
BrownGeorge Martinborn about 1934
BrownGeorgia born about 1875
BrownHenry Jr born about 1927
BrownHoward born about 1923
BrownI Dborn about 1919
BrownInez born about 1915
BrownJames Everellborn about 1933
BrownJanie born about 1908
BrownJean born about 1935
BrownJennie Bborn about 1924
BrownJohn Eddieborn about 1917
BrownJohn Franklinborn about 1939
BrownJohn Wathanborn about 1933
BrownJohnnie born about 1877
BrownJohnnie Frankborn about 1930
BrownKathrine born about 1933
BrownLaurah born about 1920
BrownLavinia born about 1914
BrownLester born about 1917
BrownLouise born about 1932
BrownLovie Leeborn about 1907
BrownLucile born about 1910
BrownMaholie born about 1911
BrownMary born about 1906
BrownMary Elizabethborn about 1938
BrownMinnie Mayborn about 1926
BrownMyrtis Louiseborn about 1934
BrownRalph born about 1928
BrownRobert born about 1935
BrownRudolph born about 1937
BrownSonny born about 1938
BrownWilliams Earnestborn about 1928
BrownWillie Bborn about 1908
BrownWillie Jamesborn about 1932
BrownWillie Washingtonborn about 1927
BrownfieldMary Jameborn about 1893
BrownfieldRuth born about 1935
BrumbalowJoe born about 1873
BrumbalowRobert Cborn about 1940
BrumbalowWillie Mayborn about 1915
BryantAaron born about 1922
BryantBarbara born about 1911
BryantCalvin born about 1931
BryantCharlie Mayborn about 1929
BryantClarence born about 1913
BryantClyde born about 1919
BryantDavis born about 1926
BryantEliza born about 1874
BryantGrady born about 1920
BryantHerbert born about 1933
BryantHugh Charlainborn about 1939
BryantJohn born about 1886
BryantLizzie born about 1886
BryantLula born about 1888
BryantMargie born about 1926
BryantMary born about 1891
BryantMollie born about 1906
BryantNoah born about 1921
BryantOliver born about 1881
BryantPearlie Mayborn about 1937
BryantPharah born about 1922
BryantRalph born about 1917
BryantRessie born about 1934
BryantRuby born about 1919
BryantSimon born about 1916
BryantTong born about 1926
BryantWilson born about 1930
BryantZonola born about 1918
BullardBuna born about 1898
BullardHarvey born about 1924
BullardHershel born about 1924
BullardPressley born about 1922
BullardWyley born about 1897
BurdettAlbert born about 1873
BurdettMary born about 1883
ByrdTrixie born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CabeDarthula born about 1916
CabeEllen born about 1918
CabeLarry Mborn about 1939
CabeMartha born about 1888
CabeWilliam born about 1916
CallowayEstell born about 1907
CallowayMarie born about 1928
CallowayRalph born about 1903
CameronAnnie born about 1908
CameronJames born about 1926
CarnAnnie born about 1902
CarnBeulah born about 1882
CarnJames Patricborn about 1876
CarpenterAlvis born about 1908
CarpenterAnnie Mborn about 1920
CarpenterClarence Eborn about 1940
CarpenterRobert born about 1938
CarpenterThelma born about 1909
CarpenterVelma born about 1921
CarpenterWoodford born about 1918
CarterCharlott born about 1933
CarterJodie born about 1916
CarterMancel born about 1910
CarterMary born about 1867
CarterNeil born about 1935
CasperAnnie Colemanborn about 1879
CasperArstine born about 1921
CasperColeman Lborn about 1916
CasperEdward born about 1876
CasperScottie born about 1927
CastleberryLoyd born about 1922
CastleberryWilder born about 1924
ChandlerAndrew born about 1902
ChandlerEarl Franklinborn about 1936
ChandlerJames Edwardsborn about 1930
ChandlerOline born about 1911
ChandlerParl Cliffordborn about 1939
ChandlerRuby Nellborn about 1934
ChandlerWilliam Hborn about 1932
ChitwoodDixie born about 1918
ChitwoodGeorge born about 1915
ChitwoodGeorge Thomasborn about 1936
ChitwoodSidney Fayborn about 1939
ClarkBuster born about 1900
ClarkO Cborn about 1927
ClarkPrudy born about 1902
CleghornHarold born about 1931
CleghornJessie born about 1893
CleghornMable born about 1911
CleghornNolda born about 1928
CleghornWestley born about 1892
CobbDolly born about 1895
CobbGrady Freuchborn about 1932
CobbLeroy born about 1891
CobbMary born about 1918
CobbPauline born about 1923
CobbRobert Leroyborn about 1938
CobbTyrus born about 1919
CochronBarney born about 1882
CochronKate born about 1892
CookAda Mayborn about 1925
CookAda Vborn about 1921
CookAdell born about 1938
CookAnita born about 1930
CookAnnie Jborn about 1930
CookArthur born about 1922
CookAugustus born about 1894
CookAugustus Jr born about 1923
CookBenjamin born about 1900
CookBernice born about 1935
CookBettie Polkborn about 1908
CookBillie born about 1939
CookCalvin born about 1917
CookCaois born about 1928
CookCephas Joneborn about 1928
CookChristine born about 1938
CookClarence born about 1888
CookClarence Jr born about 1935
CookClifford born about 1895
CookCurry born about 1923
CookCurtis born about 1922
CookDella born about 1878
CookDois born about 1937
CookDolly Spinksborn about 1910
CookEdward Rayborn about 1939
CookEliza born about 1883
CookEra born about 1919
CookEssie born about 1917
CookEvelena born about 1911
CookFannie Bborn about 1933
CookFannie Leeborn about 1927
CookFannie Mayborn about 1920
CookGertrude born about 1919
CookH born about 1913
CookHannah born about 1901
CookHarold born about 1933
CookHenry born about 1892
CookHenry born about 1919
CookIre born about 1911
CookIsa Leeborn about 1918
CookIvera born about 1939
CookJames Mborn about 1927
CookJaunita born about 1929
CookJohn born about 1865
CookJohn Eddyborn about 1932
CookJohn Richardborn about 1931
CookKatherine born about 1937
CookLucile born about 1924
CookLula born about 1925
CookLuthur born about 1928
CookMarie born about 1925
CookMarvell born about 1930
CookMary Eborn about 1908
CookMary Emmaborn about 1925
CookMary Idaborn about 1869
CookMary Idaborn about 1925
CookMay Loieborn about 1931
CookMaynard born about 1936
CookMccary born about 1939
CookMelton born about 1869
CookMinnie Easterborn about 1925
CookMondy born about 1890
CookNlons born about 1898
CookNorman born about 1931
CookNozarine born about 1897
CookOtis born about 1917
CookOtis Jr born about 1938
CookPalmor born about 1933
CookPearl Ireneborn about 1929
CookRalph born about 1913
CookRaymond born about 1933
CookRoosevelt born about 1916
CookRuth born about 1916
CookSadie born about 1920
CookSallie Mayborn about 1902
CookSeon Harrisonborn about 1939
CookSimon born about 1927
CookSusie Spinksborn about 1890
CookThomas born about 1866
CookTommie Leeborn about 1924
CookW Cborn about 1922
CookWilliam born about 1925
CookWillie born about 1910
CookWillie Jamesborn about 1925
CookWillie Leeborn about 1923
CookWillie Rogersborn about 1926
CookWilmon born about 1902
CookZola Bellborn about 1909
CorleyEarnest born about 1914
CorleyMildred born about 1935
CorleyMinnie Lonborn about 1914
CorleyRichard born about 1939
CorleySteve born about 1874
CottenEugene born about 1938
CottenMark born about 1905
CottenMurel born about 1915
CottenOdell born about 1935
CottenThomas born about 1932
CrowfordEsther born about 1909
CurtisAda Vborn about 1917
CurtisArnold born about 1912
CurtisBettie Ruthborn about 1931
CurtisBill born about 1924
CurtisChristine born about 1928
CurtisDimple Mayborn about 1922
CurtisEliza born about 1869
CurtisEva born about 1889
CurtisHenry born about 1911
CurtisKile born about 1888
CurtisM Vborn about 1911
CurtisMargaret born about 1873
CurtisNoma Jeanborn about 1933
CurtisWilliam Odellborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabbsClinton born about 1939
DabbsMilton born about 1917
DabbsWillian born about 1904
DabsonWalter Leeborn about 1881
DaddClarence born about 1918
DaddEdna born about 1916
DaddMary born about 1884
DaddSara Annborn about 1937
DavidsonAurelius born about 1918
DavidsonBetty born about 1930
DavidsonCathryne born about 1920
DavidsonCharles born about 1923
DavidsonDorothy born about 1928
DavidsonElsie born about 1935
DavidsonEssie born about 1900
DavidsonFred born about 1912
DavidsonHomer born about 1895
DavidsonJames born about 1918
DavidsonJoe born about 1930
DavidsonJohn born about 1915
DavidsonMable born about 1911
DavidsonMargie born about 1908
DavidsonOllie born about 1876
DavidsonPaul born about 1923
DavidsonRex born about 1907
DavidsonWilliam Rborn about 1871
DavisAmos Oborn about 1940
DavisAnnie Mayborn about 1921
DavisBillie born about 1929
DavisCharles born about 1910
DavisClarence born about 1904
DavisEmma born about 1888
DavisEra Dborn about 1919
DavisEugene born about 1927
DavisEugene born about 1936
DavisGeorge born about 1873
DavisGeorgia born about 1907
DavisGladys born about 1924
DavisHarlan born about 1906
DavisIsla born about 1910
DavisJulian born about 1931
DavisKatherine born about 1928
DavisLois Jeanborn about 1933
DavisMargaret born about 1930
DavisMartine born about 1938
DavisMay born about 1907
DavisWalker born about 1906
DavisWilliam born about 1909
DickieLealyah born about 1920
DobbsGrace born about 1916
DoddAnnie Bellborn about 1893
DoddArk born about 1889
DoddAtis Dewittborn about 1916
DoddFayett born about 1886
DoddFlora born about 1924
DoddJoann born about 1933
DoddMelvil born about 1910
DoddOtis Dewitt Jrborn about 1934
DoddRobert Bborn about 1932
DoddStella born about 1912
DoddSula Mayborn about 1897
DowdyCarmel born about 1933
DowdyEugenia born about 1931
DowdyHugh born about 1911
DowdyHugh Jr born about 1937
DowdyIrene born about 1911
DowdyRether born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EckleAlma born about 1919
EdwardsAllie Vborn about 1928
EdwardsAra born about 1904
EdwardsBettie Sueborn about 1939
EdwardsClarence born about 1932
EdwardsDuffy Boyborn about 1929
EdwardsDurwood born about 1925
EdwardsFannie born about 1934
EdwardsHomer born about 1905
EdwardsHouston born about 1935
EdwardsIda born about 1913
EdwardsJanett born about 1935
EdwardsJerrell born about 1914
EdwardsJohn Cliverborn about 1909
EdwardsJulia born about 1888
EdwardsLillian born about 1908
EdwardsLouise born about 1926
EdwardsMarylene born about 1927
EdwardsMildred born about 1937
EdwardsOdessa born about 1938
EdwardsRuth Mborn about 1927
EdwardsVerl born about 1903
EdwardsVivla born about 1902
EdwardsWesley born about 1902
EdwardsWilliam Josephborn about 1883
EllisCharles born about 1927
EllisClaud born about 1908
EllisCora born about 1894
EllisGeorge born about 1886
EllisJodie born about 1911
EllisonAustell born about 1912
EllisonBillie born about 1935
EllisonJ Pborn about 1912
EllisonJohnnie Eborn about 1931
EllisonMary born about 1901
EmfingerEmma born about 1883
EmfingerJack born about 1924
EmfingerJames born about 1927
EpersonFlora born about 1926
EpersonGrady born about 1917
EpersonJ Lborn about 1925
EpersonJames born about 1922
EpersonJanett born about 1933
EpersonJonnie born about 1920
EpersonSallie born about 1892
EpersonViet born about 1897
EppersonA Cborn about 1875
EppersonAnnie born about 1904
EppersonBeatrice born about 1921
EppersonBennie Geneborn about 1934
EppersonCharles Fborn about 1932
EppersonClayton born about 1907
EppersonEldridge Claytonborn about 1938
EppersonEllen born about 1892
EppersonHattie born about 1909
EppersonHoward born about 1933
EppersonIsaac born about 1904
EppersonJack born about 1911
EppersonJack Altonborn about 1936
EppersonJessie Leeborn about 1936
EppersonLouise born about 1930
EppersonLuther Patricborn about 1939
EppersonLydia born about 1895
EppersonMaxine born about 1930
EppersonMildred born about 1930
EppersonRaymond born about 1928
EppersonRobert born about 1932
EppersonRoy Leeborn about 1940
EppersonTeddy born about 1934
EppersonThomas Jborn about 1930
EppersonVelt born about 1911
EstelBufus born about 1940
EstelCeola born about 1905
EstelE Ruthborn about 1929
EstelFannie born about 1872
EstelI born about 1863
EstelInis born about 1938
EstelMagnola born about 1936
EstelN Vborn about 1906
EstelOliva born about 1933
EstelP Fborn about 1910
EstelRaymond born about 1902
EstelRex born about 1931
EstelRuthie Mayborn about 1940
EstelS born about 1935
EstelWillie Jimeborn about 1934
EstellGladdie Mayborn about 1918
EstellHannie born about 1937
EstellHenry born about 1890
EstellHenry Franklinborn about 1916
EstellParalie born about 1910
EstellWilliam Henryborn about 1936
EstillCharles born about 1935
EstillCharlie born about 1910
EstillDorothy born about 1933
EstillEddie Lewisborn about 1937
EstillNellie born about 1932
EstillSura born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarrisAlongs born about 1881
FarrisDaris Clarkborn about 1927
FarrisMartha Elizabethborn about 1886
FloydAnnie born about 1885
FloydCecil born about 1913
FloydCharles Haroldborn about 1934
FloydDonald born about 1935
FloydDoris born about 1934
FloydEthel born about 1918
FloydFlorence born about 1890
FloydGertrude born about 1915
FloydHelen born about 1915
FloydHubbord born about 1891
FloydHubbord Jr born about 1920
FloydJ Wborn about 1931
FloydKatherine born about 1916
FloydKatie born about 1910
FloydRendal Bennettsborn about 1939
FloydZeddie born about 1910
FowlerDaisy born about 1909
FowlerEugene born about 1927
FowlerLouise born about 1934
FowlerMary Ellaborn about 1924
FowlerMay Bellborn about 1890
FowlerWilliam born about 1870
FowlerWilliam born about 1930
FowlerWilliam Earnestborn about 1930
FranklinClyde born about 1914
FranklinEarly born about 1937
FranklinExie born about 1913
FranklinIrene born about 1916
FriezeJuliett born about 1908
FulmerCora Leeborn about 1914
FulmerTommie born about 1910
FunderburgRoosevelt born about 1913
FunderburgVera Mayborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GableJames Edwardborn about 1933
GableMary Francesborn about 1936
GallupsCecil Wborn about 1904
GallupsDalton born about 1905
GallupsDona Annborn about 1904
GallupsElenor born about 1925
GallupsHarold Jimborn about 1932
GallupsJanett born about 1929
GallupsLucile born about 1905
GallupsMattie born about 1881
GambleLouis born about 1910
GambleLucy born about 1917
GarrettLilla born about 1904
GarrettRobert born about 1875
GiddensBillie born about 1939
GiddensHarold born about 1935
GiddensJulius born about 1912
GiddensShirley born about 1937
GiddensVivian born about 1933
GiddensZarado born about 1913
GillamHoza born about 1919
GillamImogene born about 1939
GillamJohn Henryborn about 1916
GillamMargaret born about 1923
GillamMargaret Annborn about 1937
GillamSallie born about 1918
GillamVera born about 1892
GillamVera Loisborn about 1935
GlenAnnie born about 1903
GlenHoover born about 1929
GlenJames born about 1899
GlenJames born about 1925
GlenLeon born about 1927
GlenNiecie born about 1920
GlenOner born about 1923
GobleSanford born about 1893
GoodwinThomas born about 1885
GrayGeorge born about 1890
GrayJenny born about 1893
GrayMary Aliceborn about 1922
GreenBetty born about 1928
GreenElizabeth born about 1922
GreenEva born about 1900
GreenFreagetter born about 1897
GreenHenry born about 1907
GreenHenry Cephnsborn about 1909
GreenIsiah born about 1930
GreenJosephine born about 1936
GreenLon born about 1877
GreenLouise born about 1927
GreenMary born about 1908
GreenMckinley born about 1897
GreenRobert born about 1891
GreenSallie Mayborn about 1920
GreenWarner born about 1916
GunnMeldy born about 1913
GunnVatsher born about 1893
GunnVatsher Jr born about 1937
GwinJohn born about 1875
GwinJohn Oliverborn about 1916
GwinMaggie born about 1878
GwinNlis Mathersonborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HamiltonHelen born about 1927
HamiltonMartha born about 1908
HamiltonRoosevelt born about 1905
HamiltonTheodore born about 1929
HammondBerta born about 1890
HammondBettie Ruthborn about 1934
HammondCelia born about 1926
HammondHugh born about 1921
HammondJ Dborn about 1924
HammondWalker born about 1888
HammondsDolly born about 1908
HammondsDonald Cborn about 1936
HammondsFrank Bborn about 1870
HammondsHarold born about 1936
HammondsHoward born about 1906
HammondsLeonard born about 1916
HammondsLewis born about 1930
HammondsLois born about 1923
HammondsMexico born about 1898
HammondsOlin born about 1921
HammondsSallie born about 1916
HammondsTom born about 1894
HammonsAlton born about 1907
HammonsAmanda born about 1927
HammonsBobbie Jeanborn about 1938
HammonsDorothy born about 1936
HammonsFrank born about 1866
HammonsGeorgina born about 1924
HammonsJames born about 1920
HammonsMallory born about 1894
HammonsMallory Jr born about 1931
HammonsMays born about 1918
HammonsMiles born about 1881
HammonsMinnie Leeborn about 1913
HammonsRilla born about 1868
HammonsSara Elizabethborn about 1897
HammonsSarah Elizabeth Seborn about 1865
HammonsStella born about 1933
HammonsSybil born about 1939
HammonsVictoria born about 1888
HammonsWilsey born about 1934
HamptonCharlie born about 1913
HamptonFannie born about 1887
HamptonHattie born about 1917
HamptonHenderson born about 1909
HamptonMary Bellborn about 1923
HandClifford born about 1921
HandCrockett born about 1894
HandFlorence born about 1921
HandImogene born about 1928
HandIrene born about 1900
HandJoan born about 1934
HandleyJohn Oliverborn about 1882
HandleySadie born about 1883
HarkinsMalcom born about 1904
HarkinsMattie Reeborn about 1915
HarnCollis born about 1924
HarnEarnest born about 1926
HarnIrma born about 1920
HarnJennie Eborn about 1902
HarnMcleayly born about 1933
HarnMoll Allenborn about 1902
HarnSylvan born about 1928
HarnThelma born about 1912
HarrisAdell born about 1910
HarrisCathrine born about 1916
HarrisCoolidge born about 1924
HarrisDan born about 1896
HarrisDaniel born about 1910
HarrisDaniel Jr born about 1934
HarrisElizabeth born about 1927
HarrisGertrude born about 1902
HarrisJosie born about 1889
HarrisLouiza born about 1866
HarrisNeal born about 1923
HarrisNeomi born about 1929
HarrisWyley born about 1871
HartmanBessie born about 1894
HartmanEdmond born about 1892
HaughtonBobbie Geneborn about 1939
HaughtonCorinne born about 1923
HaywoodTabby born about 1901
HaywoodVirgil born about 1900
HazelrigDonald Hborn about 1933
HazelrigIda Jeanborn about 1928
HazelrigJohn Williamborn about 1920
HazelrigMary born about 1897
HazelrigMary Joborn about 1923
HazelrigSamuel Mborn about 1894
HazelrigSamuel M Jrborn about 1932
HazelrigW Cooperborn about 1936
HeaddensGertrude born about 1905
HeaddensJ Dborn about 1932
HeaddensJohn born about 1901
HeaddensLois born about 1930
HeaddensLouise born about 1928
HeaddensLuther Jborn about 1937
HeaddensMarthalee born about 1925
HeaddensMary Anniee Leeborn about 1938
HeaddensRoyerd born about 1940
HeaddensWilliam Jr born about 1933
HicksJasper born about 1875
HicksMinnie Bellborn about 1878
HillAmanda born about 1875
HillDaisy Bborn about 1934
HillIda Mayborn about 1915
HillLewis born about 1936
HillObie born about 1877
HillZadie born about 1908
HillZelma born about 1922
HillyerEthel born about 1913
HillyerLeonard born about 1916
HillyerStacy born about 1910
HilyerCarson born about 1905
HilyerIvera born about 1910
HilyerJames Carson Jrborn about 1936
HindmanHoward born about 1915
HindmanJuliette born about 1938
HindmanPearlie Mayborn about 1920
HodgesDorris born about 1929
HodgesHelen born about 1925
HodgesJettie born about 1912
HodgesOwen born about 1898
HollyLouise born about 1922
HollyRuth born about 1926
HolmesDoris born about 1922
HolmesJohn Tborn about 1915
HolmesShirley born about 1937
HomesJames born about 1928
HomesLoverne born about 1923
HortonJames born about 1920
HortonMary Joborn about 1939
HortonPolly born about 1923
HubbardMader born about 1888
HubbardSadie Mayborn about 1922
HubbardWilliam born about 1878
HubbardWilliam Handlyborn about 1919
HulseyArnold born about 1910
HulseyBud born about 1870
HulseyCecil Harveyborn about 1931
HulseyCindy born about 1875
HulseyGrace Hulseyborn about 1913
HulseyShriley Fayborn about 1937
HurstBillie Jeanborn about 1932
HurstCephas born about 1908
HurstFannie Lonborn about 1931
HurstFay born about 1934
HurstHarold born about 1931
HurstHubert born about 1905
HurstJames Arthurborn about 1929
HurstJeraldine born about 1938
HurstJimmie Rborn about 1933
HurstJulia born about 1910
HurstMollie born about 1913
HurstOliver born about 1935
HurstRobert Earlborn about 1939
HurstShelby Jeanborn about 1937
HurstUrl born about 1936
HutchinsonMaggie born about 1919
HutchinsonMary born about 1901
HutchinsonWillie Jborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonSteve born about 1933
JohnsonLeroy born about 1914
JohnstonAnnie born about 1905
JohnstonBleecher born about 1938
JohnstonDorothy Mayborn about 1922
JohnstonGene born about 1920
JohnstonGeorge born about 1931
JohnstonJohn Thomasborn about 1936
JohnstonLillian born about 1911
JohnstonMilton born about 1911
JohnstonRoy born about 1910
JonesChester born about 1864

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KingAllen born about 1876
KingDonald born about 1920
KingGracie born about 1913
KingGuzell born about 1916
KingInfant born about 1939
KingJohn born about 1913
KingJohn Oliverborn about 1934
KingMinnie Leeborn about 1933
KingMyrna Galeborn about 1938
KiricAnnie born about 1916
KiricLeon Annieborn about 1937
KiricMargery born about 1925
KiricReba Inezborn about 1919
KiricWinston Earlborn about 1939
KissicBelver born about 1862
KissicMillie born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LandthripLottie Mayborn about 1916
LandthripOlin born about 1913
LarueKathrine born about 1932
LawsonBessie born about 1877
LawsonSimona born about 1903
LawsonTaye born about 1913
LawsonWilliam born about 1901
LeachBertha Mayborn about 1917
LeachBittie Rayborn about 1936
LeachJohn born about 1913
LeachLois Jeanborn about 1938
LewisArthur born about 1919
LightseyJohn born about 1879
LillyJessie born about 1918
LillyLusy Ellenborn about 1926
LillyThelma born about 1920
LimbaughOtis born about 1928
LinerBertha born about 1902
LinerBettie Lborn about 1933
LinerBillie Jeanborn about 1932
LinerCharles born about 1936
LinerCurtis born about 1920
LinerEmmett born about 1895
LinerJames Aborn about 1922
LinerJoseph Mborn about 1920
LinerPaul born about 1935
LinerPollie born about 1933
LinerPrincess born about 1929
LinerRobert born about 1927
LinerSophia Ireneborn about 1901
LinerWilliam born about 1896
LinerWilliam Dborn about 1925
LoganCharlton Jr born about 1919
LoganHugh Mosaborn about 1927
LoganJohn Charltonborn about 1895
LoganMadge born about 1875
LoganOletha born about 1897
LoganRichard Byronborn about 1930
LukerAgnes born about 1911
LukerBessie Leeborn about 1921
LukerBillie Joeborn about 1936
LukerCharlott born about 1937
LukerEleth born about 1919
LukerJames Mborn about 1868
LukerLouie born about 1908
LukerMuriel born about 1911
LukerOphelia born about 1883
LukerRoy born about 1914
LukerRunell born about 1918
LukerVonzell born about 1923
LukerWalker born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MachenA Walkerborn about 1854
MachenAaron born about 1894
MachenArthur born about 1887
MachenBessie born about 1902
MachenCharles born about 1902
MachenEdna born about 1915
MachenEvelyn born about 1897
MachenFils born about 1868
MachenHarold born about 1929
MachenLinda born about 1905
MachenLinda Eborn about 1934
MachenLouise born about 1913
MachenMary Elizabethborn about 1924
MachenMary Fborn about 1928
MachenMettis born about 1887
MachenRosa Leeborn about 1916
MachenRuth born about 1925
MachenThomas Leeborn about 1937
MachenThomas Wborn about 1911
MachenVictor born about 1892
MaddoxEvylin born about 1907
MarlowBetty born about 1933
MarlowDolphus born about 1913
MarlowLillian born about 1913
MarlowShirley Annborn about 1936
MarlowTaylor born about 1915
MarlowVonzell born about 1919
MarlowWayne born about 1934
MatsonCathrene born about 1930
MatsonHoward born about 1899
MatsonJack born about 1928
MatsonJames born about 1925
MatsonLillian born about 1902
MatsonMary Wilmaborn about 1922
MattoxBertha Leeborn about 1916
McClendonMerrell born about 1920
McClurkinGene born about 1910
McClurkinGertrude born about 1910
McConathyAbbie born about 1873
McConathyGeorge born about 1904
McDanielAmos born about 1897
McDanielChristine born about 1924
McDanielEarnest born about 1935
McDanielJaunita Fayborn about 1934
McDanielMary Kellyborn about 1891
McDanielMildred born about 1933
McDanielPearline born about 1925
McDonaldAnn born about 1922
McDonaldLewis born about 1910
McDonaldWanda born about 1932
McElrathEarnest born about 1901
McElrathMyrtle born about 1902
McGctheyEva Inezborn about 1923
McGctheyJohn born about 1887
McGctheyLois born about 1919
McGctheyMaggie born about 1889
McGlonInez born about 1931
McGlonJack Pborn about 1923
McGlonJames born about 1891
McGlonLucile born about 1919
McGlonPauline born about 1928
McGlonVoner Jborn about 1926
McGlonVoner Lborn about 1894
McGradyJohn Lborn about 1922
McKinzieArthur born about 1899
McKinzieGrover born about 1926
McKinzieLillie Bulaborn about 1925
McKinzieMary born about 1939
McKinzieMary Cookborn about 1900
McKinzieVirginia born about 1919
McMaeMary Joborn about 1920
McMaeMillan Talyrborn about 1880
McMaePauline born about 1894
McMillanCora born about 1909
McMillanN Vborn about 1911
McMillanOra born about 1878
MilanAgnes born about 1903
MilanRoosevelt born about 1913
MilanVonstell born about 1915
MillerAda born about 1884
MillerBlenard born about 1926
MillerBobbie born about 1928
MillerBurnell born about 1914
MillerChristy Bellborn about 1908
MillerElls born about 1924
MillerMary born about 1890
MillerNathan born about 1903
MillerPeggie Nellborn about 1935
MillerRobert born about 1882
MillerSadil born about 1928
MillerSarah born about 1904
MillerVonie born about 1917
MillerWilliams born about 1900
MilonRobert born about 1928
MimsHenry Nathanborn about 1922
MimsHermaon born about 1906
MimsMary Elizabethborn about 1927
MimsSallie born about 1907
MimsSara Annborn about 1932
MimsTommie Leeborn about 1901
MimsVincent born about 1898
MitchellEugene born about 1872
MitchellNina born about 1876
MixonJoan Fayborn about 1938
MixonMyrtle born about 1911
MixonSpencer born about 1909
MixonSpencer Jr born about 1934
MizzellAmberilla born about 1907
MizzellBeldy born about 1894
MizzellCarey born about 1938
MizzellCecil Lborn about 1897
MizzellCecil L Jrborn about 1928
MizzellCharles born about 1937
MizzellClara Leeborn about 1906
MizzellDexter born about 1926
MizzellDorothy Annborn about 1937
MizzellEugene born about 1930
MizzellGeorge Elmerborn about 1928
MizzellGladys born about 1921
MizzellHarold born about 1921
MizzellHarvey born about 1876
MizzellHugh born about 1928
MizzellJames born about 1934
MizzellJames Jborn about 1868
MizzellJaunita born about 1925
MizzellJoyce born about 1931
MizzellKieron born about 1935
MizzellLewis Jborn about 1867
MizzellLillard born about 1901
MizzellLouise born about 1932
MizzellLoura born about 1927
MizzellMargaret born about 1923
MizzellMary Loniceborn about 1926
MizzellMary Sueborn about 1898
MizzellNellie born about 1930
MizzellOllis born about 1923
MizzellOtes Gborn about 1904
MizzellRena born about 1894
MizzellRobert born about 1939
MizzellSadie born about 1928
MoonAddie born about 1877
MoonJohn born about 1904
MoonLillian born about 1913
MoonMarchal born about 1923
MoonMaxine born about 1932
MoonPauline born about 1908
MoonPeggy born about 1930
MoonRufus born about 1913
MoonVirginia born about 1925
MoonWilliam born about 1934
MooreMary Francesborn about 1921
MorganBarbara Joborn about 1938
MorganBettie Jeanborn about 1935
MorganEvie born about 1911
MorganFord born about 1907
MorganFred born about 1917
MorganGeorge born about 1890
MorganGladys born about 1916
MorganHubbard born about 1924
MorganLorice born about 1927
MorganMissouri born about 1892
MorganN Cborn about 1919
MorganNera born about 1933
MorganWillie born about 1931
MorrisBettie born about 1931
MorrisEleanor born about 1919
MorrisElsie born about 1928
MorrisHattie born about 1923
MorrisJulius born about 1898
MorrisJulius L Jrborn about 1925
MorrisKate born about 1920
MorrisLeila born about 1898
MossFlora born about 1894
MossHendrik born about 1925
MurphyAvie Cborn about 1873
MurphyAvie Earlborn about 1932
MurphyBillie Jeanborn about 1934
MurphyFloy born about 1900
MurphyJeraldine born about 1940
MurphyJerre born about 1917
MurphyJohn born about 1893
MurphyLavenia born about 1925
MurphyMable born about 1923
MurphyMyrtle born about 1922
MurphyPat born about 1936
MurphyWilliam born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeighborsDavid Allenborn about 1933
NeighborsEster Elizabethborn about 1930
NeighborsFlora Bellborn about 1905
NeighborsGladys Evelynborn about 1925
NeighborsJohnnie born about 1905
NeighborsJohnnie Lborn about 1926
NewsomeAgnes born about 1927
NewsomeBobbie born about 1932
NewsomeCharlie born about 1893
NewsomeJames Williamborn about 1924
NewsomeMary Elizabethborn about 1901
NewsomeNellie Ruthborn about 1929
NewsomePauline born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OwenBenjamen born about 1893
OwenCarlos born about 1920
OwenCarol born about 1923
OwenClarence born about 1905
OwenLina Mayborn about 1900
OwenMollie born about 1907

P Surnames

ParkerCharles born about 1867
ParkerEdward born about 1901
ParkerEffie Bellborn about 1877
ParkerMary Bellborn about 1909
ParkerMary Etheldaborn about 1937
ParksBessie Louise Annaborn about 1928
PartridgeEdna born about 1915
PattersonAlbert born about 1934
PattersonAlex born about 1934
PattersonCatherine born about 1934
PattersonCharlie born about 1881
PattersonClarence Rayborn about 1938
PattersonClaud Nelsonborn about 1939
PattersonClinton Lborn about 1939
PattersonClyde born about 1936
PattersonComer born about 1935
PattersonElizabeth born about 1932
PattersonEssie Mayborn about 1907
PattersonFloyd born about 1932
PattersonFrances born about 1931
PattersonFrank born about 1910
PattersonGeorge born about 1932
PattersonHarrison born about 1890
PattersonHorace born about 1936
PattersonIrene born about 1917
PattersonIsaac born about 1915
PattersonIsaac Jr born about 1938
PattersonJack Mcclintonborn about 1903
PattersonJessie born about 1918
PattersonJohn born about 1906
PattersonJune born about 1935
PattersonLucile born about 1917
PattersonLucy born about 1901
PattersonMargie born about 1939
PattersonMargie Aborn about 1921
PattersonMartha born about 1911
PattersonMarvin born about 1932
PattersonMary Eborn about 1883
PattersonMary Elizabethborn about 1894
PattersonMaudie born about 1910
PattersonMyrtle born about 1929
PattersonNancy born about 1908
PattersonOliver born about 1911
PattersonPearl Alineborn about 1922
PattersonRobert Aborn about 1889
PattersonRobert A Jrborn about 1920
PattersonShirley born about 1937
PattersonSynda born about 1912
PattersonWinston born about 1928
PattersonZula born about 1915
PattonCorinne born about 1905
PerryMary Texanaborn about 1934
PerryTommie born about 1910
PerryWalker born about 1932
PerryWalter born about 1932
PerryWillie born about 1900
PlayerDelois born about 1940
PlayerEddie Jeanborn about 1936
PlayerHugh Sborn about 1938
PlayerJames Lborn about 1926
PlayerLeola born about 1907
PlayerMary Ruthborn about 1933
PlayerRichard born about 1932
PokeHannah born about 1894
PokeJoe Manuelborn about 1923
PressleyDaoe born about 1879
PressleyLouie born about 1891
PressleyOdessa born about 1914
PruettEdgar born about 1914
PruettEdgar born about 1915
PruettPauline born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagsdaleAubrey born about 1912
RagsdaleBobbie born about 1916
RagsdaleElois born about 1922
RagsdaleEssie born about 1925
RagsdaleFeene born about 1892
RagsdaleFrances Mayborn about 1939
RagsdaleFrankie Nborn about 1936
RagsdaleGeorge born about 1856
RagsdaleHomer Leeborn about 1923
RagsdaleIrella born about 1874
RagsdaleJessie Bborn about 1895
RagsdaleJimmie Lborn about 1934
RagsdaleLorene born about 1926
RagsdaleLorretta born about 1927
RagsdaleMaud born about 1898
RagsdaleMilton born about 1920
RagsdaleNellie born about 1887
RagsdalePearlie born about 1891
RagsdaleWillburn born about 1885
ReavesRobert born about 1924
RhodesLucie born about 1900
RisenhooverEthel born about 1903
RisenhooverHarriet born about 1857
RisenhooverNoah born about 1902
RobersonCola Villeborn about 1904
RobersonO Eborn about 1874
RobertsJames born about 1911
RobertsJames Earnestborn about 1938
RobertsMargaret born about 1916
RobertsonCarolyn Fayborn about 1934
RobertsonDolly Ruthborn about 1934
RobertsonDonald born about 1920
RobertsonEarnest Leeborn about 1930
RobertsonInez born about 1910
RobertsonJames Ralphborn about 1923
RobertsonJames Woodrowborn about 1932
RobertsonJoe Martonborn about 1931
RobertsonJohn Thomasborn about 1901
RobertsonLewis Eborn about 1918
RobertsonMarton born about 1893
RobertsonRobert Aborn about 1939
RobertsonRoland Eborn about 1924
RobertsonThomas Lborn about 1927
RobisonBerthat Leeborn about 1913
RobisonBettie Sueborn about 1932
RobisonJohn born about 1914
RoweGertrude born about 1921
RoweGwendolyn born about 1939
RuddBertie Leeborn about 1904
RuddClarence Jackborn about 1918
RuddEstell born about 1913
RuddGertrude born about 1930
RuddHenry Claudborn about 1903
RuddHoward born about 1931
RuddJessie Eugeneborn about 1916
RuddOkil born about 1881
RuddOliver born about 1911
RuddPearl Lucileborn about 1923
RuddRuley born about 1933
RuddSammie born about 1936
RuddThomas Mborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaffoldLula Mayborn about 1914
SandersAnnie Bellborn about 1902
SandersHemp born about 1900
SanfordHarriet Mborn about 1881
SchrecongostCharles born about 1885
SchrecongostIda born about 1927
SchrecongostJonie born about 1926
SchrecongostMartha born about 1931
SchrecongostW Cborn about 1930
SealsGeorge born about 1916
SextonAndrew born about 1913
SextonFrances born about 1931
SextonJ Bborn about 1905
SextonLois born about 1907
SextonLorene born about 1935
SextonRuby born about 1910
SextonThomas born about 1937
SheltonDimmis born about 1940
SheltonMary Ruthborn about 1918
SheltonRoy born about 1939
ShieldsElla born about 1875
ShieldsEmmett born about 1915
ShieldsGordan born about 1917
SinclairBuddie born about 1930
SinclairEmma born about 1905
SinclairEula born about 1876
SinclairEunice born about 1927
SinclairGail born about 1936
SinclairHoward born about 1905
SinclairLewis Colenborn about 1871
SinclairLewis Marthesnborn about 1929
SinclairMamie born about 1906
SinclairMary Elizabethborn about 1931
SinclairNina Christineborn about 1927
SinclairNorthern Cborn about 1932
SinclairRay born about 1933
SinclairShirley Annborn about 1937
SinclairSyl Mackborn about 1898
SinclairZera born about 1916
SingletonMargaret born about 1877
SizemoreAda born about 1887
SizemoreClara born about 1923
SizemoreJames born about 1928
SizemorePerry born about 1891
SizemoreRuth born about 1921
SmellyBenjamin born about 1886
SmellyGeorge born about 1891
SmellyMary born about 1895
SmellyMary Elizabethborn about 1922
SmellyNellie born about 1921
SmellyOllie Bellborn about 1893
SmithBritt born about 1905
SmithDemie born about 1896
SmithNoah born about 1893
SmithRethon born about 1913
SpinksHenry born about 1913
SpinksHenry Samuelborn about 1936
SpinksMaggie born about 1918
SpinksMary Annaborn about 1937
SpinksMildred Mayborn about 1939
SpinksVera Leeborn about 1934
StampsThelma born about 1924
StanleyEthel born about 1913
StanleyEugene born about 1935
StanleyMargaret born about 1932
StanleyTalmadge born about 1913
StewartAlice Jeneborn about 1935
StewartAustin born about 1912
StewartBobbie Rayborn about 1935
StewartBrantley born about 1909
StewartCalvin born about 1933
StewartChristine born about 1920
StewartDavid born about 1934
StewartDoris Elizabethborn about 1928
StewartDouglas born about 1938
StewartEarl born about 1938
StewartEarline born about 1904
StewartEarnest born about 1885
StewartEffie born about 1924
StewartEugene born about 1930
StewartGrady Leeborn about 1939
StewartIrene born about 1900
StewartJames born about 1901
StewartJames Loydborn about 1932
StewartLois Juneborn about 1931
StewartLouise born about 1927
StewartMaggie born about 1910
StewartNellie born about 1912
StewartOliver born about 1903
StewartOliver born about 1922
StewartRosa born about 1902
StewartSara born about 1930
StewartShirly Annieborn about 1938
StewartThomas Cliverborn about 1931
StewartWilliam Henryborn about 1926
StewartWoodrow born about 1928
StoneAbraham born about 1924
StoneAnnie Leeborn about 1900
StoneEarnest born about 1907
StoneEarnestine born about 1935
StoneFinn born about 1901
StoneImogene born about 1930
StoneOlin born about 1926
StoneOtis born about 1926
StonePearl born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAda born about 1914
TaylorAda born about 1920
TaylorAgnes born about 1927
TaylorAnderson born about 1932
TaylorBetty Ruthborn about 1929
TaylorBillie Rayborn about 1932
TaylorCarl born about 1921
TaylorCassie Bellborn about 1922
TaylorCharles born about 1924
TaylorClara born about 1920
TaylorClassie born about 1860
TaylorClyde Hubertborn about 1928
TaylorEvaline born about 1904
TaylorFannie born about 1926
TaylorFrances born about 1907
TaylorFrank born about 1910
TaylorFrank born about 1930
TaylorGertrude born about 1899
TaylorJoseph born about 1843
TaylorLarry born about 1939
TaylorLuates Bborn about 1928
TaylorLurlie born about 1918
TaylorMary born about 1895
TaylorNlica Cborn about 1924
TaylorRobert born about 1907
TaylorSam born about 1934
TaylorTamara born about 1908
TaylorTommie born about 1926
TaylorW Thomasborn about 1887
TaylorWarren born about 1893
ThomasAda Leeborn about 1920
ThomasAda Vborn about 1910
ThomasByrd born about 1933
ThomasC Bborn about 1931
ThomasClark Jr born about 1937
ThomasDalton born about 1919
ThomasDoris Jeanborn about 1931
ThomasEstella born about 1920
ThomasEunice born about 1922
ThomasFred Lewisborn about 1939
ThomasJessie Cborn about 1915
ThomasJoe born about 1902
ThomasJonnie Mayborn about 1911
ThomasJoyce born about 1939
ThomasJulia born about 1897
ThomasLeroy born about 1901
ThomasLester born about 1924
ThomasLevi born about 1908
ThomasLuther born about 1917
ThomasMary Welshborn about 1915
ThomasMaxine born about 1916
ThomasOlav born about 1892
ThomasWalker Leeborn about 1910
ThomasonElbert born about 1876
ThomasonViola born about 1883
ThonElizabeth born about 1870
ThurmanElbert Sborn about 1901
ThurmanJoe Thomasborn about 1935
ThurmanJosie Leeborn about 1902
ThurmanLillie born about 1882
ThurmanWoodrow born about 1913
TillJoe born about 1890
TowlerJennie born about 1901
TowlerLewis born about 1917
TurnerA Cborn about 1928
TurnerGus born about 1932
TurnerGussie born about 1907
TurnerHosea born about 1906
TurnerHoward born about 1930
TurnerJ Cborn about 1902
TurnerJohn Dborn about 1936
TurnerMaggie born about 1935
TurnerMamie born about 1888
TurnerOdell born about 1920
TurnerOllie Mayborn about 1926
TurnerOphelia born about 1940
TurnerSusie born about 1908
TurnerWillie Evaborn about 1934
TyreBettie Lonborn about 1940
TyreJohn Lborn about 1915
TyreJohn L Jrborn about 1937
TyreLoucile born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandersliceWinnie born about 1869
VickBertha born about 1908
VickCathrine born about 1929
VickFay born about 1935
VickFrances born about 1931
VickWalter born about 1939
VickWinford born about 1933

W Surnames

WaitesLola born about 1899
WaitesManuel born about 1898
WaitesManuel Jr born about 1938
WaitesOdessa born about 1924
WaitesOliver born about 1928
WaitesOrliss born about 1928
WaitsBettie born about 1935
WaitsFredwill born about 1905
WaitsMargianna born about 1910
WashingtonRuth born about 1909
WattsEmma born about 1909
WattsTom born about 1901
WeeksBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
WeeksBertha Aliceborn about 1933
WeeksHenrietta born about 1923
WeeksHenry Cborn about 1891
WeeksIsabel born about 1895
WeeksLurline born about 1928
WeeksRoy Cborn about 1935
WeeksRuby Helenborn about 1925
WeeksSylvian born about 1930
WellsDalton born about 1922
WellsDaniel born about 1891
WellsWillie born about 1900
WhiteAdell born about 1898
WhiteAlex born about 1893
WhiteArthur born about 1914
WhiteBertha born about 1904
WhiteBessie born about 1904
WhiteBlanche born about 1917
WhiteCarol born about 1933
WhiteCharlie born about 1921
WhiteClarence born about 1896
WhiteDonald born about 1936
WhiteE Vborn about 1937
WhiteEarnest born about 1903
WhiteEarnest born about 1918
WhiteEarnest born about 1921
WhiteEarnest born about 1937
WhiteElla born about 1902
WhiteEmily Sueborn about 1939
WhiteEugene born about 1916
WhiteFay born about 1933
WhiteFrank born about 1901
WhiteFrans born about 1905
WhiteHomer born about 1911
WhiteHorace Rogerborn about 1923
WhiteIda born about 1866
WhiteJanett born about 1918
WhiteJanice born about 1936
WhiteJoy born about 1928
WhiteLamar born about 1933
WhiteLelia Mayborn about 1901
WhiteLester born about 1925
WhiteLorrell born about 1921
WhiteMary Leeborn about 1916
WhiteNellie born about 1908
WhiteRay born about 1929
WhiteShirley born about 1937
WhiteSpucyer born about 1939
WhiteStacy born about 1913
WhiteSylvester born about 1912
WhiteW Jborn about 1932
WiliamsAnnie Lorineborn about 1934
WiliamsJames born about 1910
WiliamsJosephine born about 1919
WiliamsRobert Jeborn about 1936
WiliamsThelma Jeanborn about 1940
WillettFreda Joneborn about 1939
WillettGary born about 1934
WillettMattie born about 1911
WillettThomas born about 1912
WilliamsAlex born about 1922
WilliamsFannie born about 1906
WilliamsFrances born about 1928
WilliamsMinnie born about 1897
WilliamsRaymond Eugeneborn about 1925
WilliamsRichard born about 1927
WilliamsW Raymondborn about 1899
WilliamsonBenjamin Robertborn about 1940
WilliamsonBuford born about 1909
WilliamsonBuford Earlborn about 1936
WilliamsonCharles born about 1931
WilliamsonChristine born about 1932
WilliamsonClifford born about 1911
WilliamsonDollie Helenborn about 1907
WilliamsonDorothy Dearborn about 1939
WilliamsonEstell born about 1911
WilliamsonHarold born about 1924
WilliamsonIrene born about 1937
WilliamsonKatherine born about 1929
WilliamsonKatie Mayborn about 1899
WilliamsonLeon born about 1906
WilliamsonLizzie born about 1916
WilliamsonMinnie born about 1883
WilliamsonMorgan born about 1922
WilliamsonOlean born about 1916
WilliamsonOrdine born about 1918
WilliamsonOrliss Aborn about 1930
WilliamsonP Aborn about 1881
WilliamsonP A Jrborn about 1919
WilliamsonParalee born about 1881
WilliamsonParozetta born about 1881
WilliamsonParticia Annborn about 1933
WilliamsonRachel Inezborn about 1934
WilliamsonRena Fayborn about 1932
WilliamsonRobert Earlborn about 1937
WillsAlvin born about 1914
WillsArabella born about 1915
WillsBertha Steelborn about 1911
WillsClinton born about 1939
WillsJohnnie born about 1910
WillsJohnnie Lborn about 1932
WillsKenneth born about 1938
WillsMyrtis born about 1920
WillsPreston born about 1903
WillsRobert born about 1935
WilsonAthena born about 1926
WilsonBillie Janeborn about 1932
WilsonChristain Annborn about 1940
WilsonChristine born about 1934
WilsonClaudia born about 1932
WilsonClisby born about 1920
WilsonEarnest Leeborn about 1937
WilsonHendrik born about 1936
WilsonIrene born about 1938
WilsonJennie Whiteborn about 1899
WilsonKatie Mayborn about 1922
WilsonLouise born about 1928
WilsonM Lborn about 1901
WilsonMattie born about 1900
WilsonMay Gladysborn about 1938
WilsonPhillip born about 1916
WilsonRuth born about 1930
WilsonS Dborn about 1938
WilsonSamie Louisborn about 1934
WilsonSara Annborn about 1920
WilsonShepard born about 1925
WilsonThelma Velamborn about 1921
WilsonVesta Leeborn about 1910
WilsonWalter born about 1908
WingsGeneva born about 1910
WrightAmmie Mayborn about 1926
WrightBirdie Mayborn about 1926
WrightBobbie Warrenborn about 1938
WrightClifford born about 1924
WrightDewey born about 1899
WrightFred born about 1896
WrightFrederic Jr born about 1933
WrightJohn born about 1912
WrightJohnnie Fayborn about 1935
WrightLois born about 1923
WrightMinnie Leeborn about 1931
WrightPauline born about 1918
WrightPearl born about 1898
WrightSallie Mayborn about 1898
WrightSara Nellborn about 1933
WrightThelma born about 1921
WyckoffBrooksie born about 1911
WyckoffFannie born about 1914
WyckoffGeneral born about 1921
WyckoffRosie born about 1933
WyckoffRuby born about 1934

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