1940 U.S. Federal Census of Banner in Ashley County, Ashley, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ashley County > 1940 Census of Banner in Ashley County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdairAgnes born about 1919
AdairBertha born about 1895
AdairE Fborn about 1892
AdairThomas born about 1915
AdamsD Lborn about 1918
AdamsE Dborn about 1880
AdamsEllis born about 1923
AdamsImogene born about 1937
AdamsLillia Mayborn about 1914
AdamsMarjorie Annborn about 1939
AdamsPrince born about 1916
AdamsStella born about 1892
AdamsViera born about 1925
AdamsViolet born about 1921
AdenMattie born about 1927
AllisonBilly Fernborn about 1934
AllisonDean born about 1910
AllisonEthel born about 1913
AllisonMarvin Deanborn about 1932
AtkinsC W Mrsborn about 1912
AtkinsCecil Wborn about 1908
AustinToen born about 1870
AustinW Jborn about 1880
AustinWillie born about 1888

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B Surnames

BakerVerla born about 1882
BallAngeie born about 1931
BallArthur born about 1937
BallBilly Jeanborn about 1927
BallBilly Jr born about 1925
BallEddie born about 1928
BallFanny Macborn about 1930
BallJohn Thomasborn about 1926
BallLouise born about 1926
BallMaggie born about 1905
BallMary Sueborn about 1924
BallNaomi born about 1932
BallPatsy Annborn about 1937
BallSelma born about 1933
BallW Rborn about 1901
BarnettHarvey born about 1890
BealerA born about 1902
BealerA Oborn about 1911
BealerCalvin born about 1930
BealerEliz born about 1888
BealerIra born about 1931
BealerJ Bborn about 1876
BealerJ Bborn about 1922
BealerJames born about 1896
BealerL Cborn about 1936
BealerLiza born about 1939
BealerMary born about 1910
BealerNathan born about 1934
BealerNettie born about 1906
BennettG Bborn about 1865
BennettRisga born about 1900
BethuneJimmie Macborn about 1916
BethuneMinnie born about 1879
BethuneShirley Janeborn about 1920
BlackmanGeorgia Leeborn about 1919
BlackmanJ Bborn about 1890
BlackmanP Bborn about 1891
BlakeClarence born about 1925
BlakeHelen born about 1926
BlakeLawrence born about 1889
BlakeMittie born about 1894
BlakeMorris Jr born about 1936
BlakeNathaniel born about 1928
BlakePearley Macborn about 1932
BlakeSamuel born about 1919
BonnerCharley born about 1897
BonnerCharley born about 1926
BonnerGeorgia Macborn about 1931
BonnerLulia Macborn about 1932
BonnerMarshal born about 1923
BonnerMary born about 1905
BonnerNoyd born about 1924
BonnerWalter Leeborn about 1927
BradyFlorence born about 1873
BraswellLellis Dborn about 1912
BreverLelia Mrs born about 1887
BrewerD Cborn about 1933
BrewnMalvin born about 1897
BrewnTyretha born about 1896
BrooksDella born about 1899
BrooksRobert born about 1922
BrownClara born about 1908
BrownDorothy Leeborn about 1924
BrownG Wborn about 1927
BrownJohn Ettaborn about 1932
BrownJohnny born about 1893
BrownJohnny born about 1895
BrownLulla Macborn about 1930
BrownMary born about 1925
BrownMinnie born about 1900
BrownMouse born about 1901
BruceElmira born about 1909
BruceJames born about 1916
BurksHenry born about 1890
BurksJackson Eugeneborn about 1931
BurksPinky born about 1892
BurtonLon born about 1899
BurtonLula born about 1911
ButlerClarence born about 1928
ButlerJames born about 1923
ButlerLilly born about 1893
ButlerRichard born about 1918
ButlerW Dborn about 1885
ButlerWilliam born about 1924

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C Surnames

CarmesThomas Bborn about 1883
ClemensJoe born about 1909
ClemensMattie Maeborn about 1911
ColeJ Cborn about 1872
ColeMaudy born about 1885
ColemanEaster Macborn about 1939
CollinsAlvin born about 1919
CollinsClarence born about 1910
CollinsEvelena born about 1912
CollinsJames born about 1933
CollinsJosephine born about 1933
CollinsMary born about 1916
CollinsNathanel born about 1935
CollinsRutha Macborn about 1934
CollinsWilliams born about 1914
ConeQ Tborn about 1886
ConeQ T Jrborn about 1930
ConeQ T Mrsborn about 1892
CrawfordMary Eborn about 1903
CrawfordThatcher born about 1900
CrealBernice born about 1931
CrealH Lborn about 1926
CrealHenry born about 1894
CrealIdabel born about 1916
CrealLawrence born about 1928
CrealRoosevelt born about 1930
CurtisFannie born about 1924
CurtisJim born about 1906
CurtisMattie born about 1891
CurtisR Cborn about 1881
CurtisRobert born about 1927
CurtisWillie born about 1919

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D Surnames

DinglerBernice born about 1913
DinglerLelafaw born about 1937
DupreeA Cborn about 1927
DupreeAbraham born about 1911
DupreeAbraham Jr born about 1933
DupreeArthur Leeborn about 1937
DupreeDeley born about 1936
DupreeHaskin born about 1904
DupreeLelia born about 1913
DupreeMabel Leeborn about 1938
DupreeNettie born about 1901
DupreeRackmale born about 1935
DupreeSamde born about 1932
DupresC Jborn about 1926
DupresCarrie born about 1909
DupresCarrie Odesesborn about 1939
DupresElaise born about 1936
DupresFreamon born about 1930
DupresJack born about 1900
DupresTyere born about 1927
DupresVester Geanborn about 1934
DupresW Fborn about 1920
DupresWillie born about 1932

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E Surnames

EltonAlice born about 1871
EltonBeatrice born about 1925
EltonBetty Joeborn about 1931
EltonBonnie born about 1927
EltonC Rborn about 1898
EltonC R Mrsborn about 1907
EltonClarence born about 1928
EltonDarline born about 1932
EltonMildred born about 1924
EltonRobert born about 1922
EltonW Cborn about 1868
EssexKatty born about 1916

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F Surnames

FranklinE Aborn about 1882
FranklinE A Mrsborn about 1882
FurnerDurham born about 1889

G Surnames

GaherBethy Joyceborn about 1935
GaherJames Lewisborn about 1939
GaherJessie born about 1915
GaherJessie Lborn about 1900
GaherMargarie Annborn about 1936
GaldenClyde born about 1903
GaldenClydene born about 1930
GaldenJimmie born about 1940
GaldenJohnnie born about 1934
GaldenMalvia born about 1906
GammelBarzalia born about 1886
GammelBrezella born about 1936
GammelEddie born about 1911
GammelElla born about 1935
GammelGeorge born about 1872
GammelLenza born about 1925
GammelLouise born about 1934
GammelMary Elizabethborn about 1927
GammelRoby Wimleyborn about 1912
GammelRufus born about 1940
GardnerJ Lborn about 1866
GardnerJ Wborn about 1892
GardnerJ W Mrsborn about 1898
GardnerJohn Lewisborn about 1920
GlassBarnice born about 1932
GoberAnnie born about 1904
GoberAubrey born about 1924
GoberEnnette born about 1931
GoberOscar born about 1899
GoberQuintin born about 1926
GoberWilford born about 1930
GodleyHenry born about 1908
GodleyLilly born about 1902
GoldenBillie born about 1924
GoldenClaud born about 1890
GoldenLillie born about 1872
GrayGertrude born about 1902
GregoryMattie Mrs born about 1873
GriffinC Rborn about 1911
GriffinDick born about 1918
GriffinM Eborn about 1875
GriffinMark born about 1926
GriffinMary born about 1885
GriffinNeoma born about 1920
GriffinStonewall born about 1940
GwinSherley born about 1923

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H Surnames

HaleDwain born about 1925
HaleJames Wildredborn about 1930
HaleJohn Edwardborn about 1938
HaleNorman born about 1919
HaleRaymond born about 1927
HaleS Mborn about 1893
HaleZelma born about 1898
HamiltonAnner born about 1912
HamiltonTheodore born about 1911
HardnettArchie Leeborn about 1935
HardnettLurina born about 1913
HardnettOmessia born about 1933
HardnettSam born about 1938
HardnettW Lborn about 1937
HarrisBertha born about 1886
HarrisH Jborn about 1881
HenryJack Laldborn about 1931
HenryJaney born about 1902
HenryMary Francisborn about 1927
HenryRoby born about 1900
HenrySally Annborn about 1938
HenryShirley born about 1935
HigginsBernice born about 1927
HigginsEzikiel Greenborn about 1927
HigginsNera born about 1910
HillJosephine born about 1933
HolmesBual born about 1933
HolmesChristine born about 1935
HolmesDan born about 1939
HolmesGeorge born about 1931
HolmesJames born about 1929
HolmesLewis born about 1934
HolmesOnnie born about 1900
HolmesQuensey born about 1910
HolmesSurlistine born about 1935
HolmesThomas born about 1937

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J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1894
JacksonBessie Macborn about 1922
JacksonCleveland born about 1910
JacksonJames born about 1919
JacksonLeon born about 1891
JacksonMariah born about 1902
JacksonMaxine born about 1923
JardonMike born about 1918
JohnsonAbe born about 1901
JohnsonAbe Jr born about 1922
JohnsonAnney born about 1881
JohnsonAubry Carlborn about 1933
JohnsonBertha Macborn about 1916
JohnsonDan born about 1890
JohnsonE Jborn about 1890
JohnsonEliza born about 1895
JohnsonElsice born about 1928
JohnsonJoseph born about 1886
JohnsonJoseph born about 1913
JohnsonKatty born about 1908
JohnsonL Jborn about 1886
JohnsonLarell born about 1927
JohnsonMary born about 1900
JohnsonMaxine born about 1924
JohnsonRoby Vieraborn about 1936
JohnsonRufus born about 1920
JonesEmma born about 1900
JonesH Jborn about 1875
JonesJohn born about 1866
JonesJohnny Leeborn about 1925
JonesJosephine born about 1862
JonesRascoe born about 1922
JonesWiley born about 1892
JunkinsDelis born about 1871
JunkinsJohn Leeborn about 1924

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K Surnames

KellyA Gborn about 1895
KellyGeorge born about 1891
KilporticBeatrice born about 1921
KilporticHenry born about 1915
KilpraticElizabeth born about 1931
KilpraticGeorge born about 1919
KilpraticJames Henryborn about 1935
KilpraticJessie Macborn about 1932
KilpraticOctaney born about 1910
KilraticAlla born about 1929
KilraticAnna Macborn about 1935
KilraticFland born about 1927
KilraticGeorge Ellaborn about 1922
KilraticGladys born about 1936
KilraticJames born about 1920
KilraticLilly born about 1892
KilraticLilly born about 1924
KilraticMarch born about 1887
KilraticRuby born about 1917
KingMartha born about 1906
KingT Jborn about 1908

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L Surnames

LaddGeorge Mrs born about 1867
LaddW Cborn about 1897
LaddW C Mrsborn about 1899
LarkinElnora born about 1915
LarkinsAlberta born about 1902
LarkinsWillie born about 1900
LawsonMithe born about 1893
LeeLarean born about 1914
LeeOdys born about 1905
LessorFred born about 1936
LessorG Cborn about 1891
LessorJack born about 1934
LessorJunior born about 1939
LessorLouise born about 1925
LessorMyrtle born about 1909
LessorO Tborn about 1932
LessorRoby born about 1927
LessorScottie born about 1930
LessorWillie Gloveborn about 1921
LevineyAlice Marieborn about 1939
LevineyHenry born about 1909
LevineySally born about 1918

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M Surnames

MackEliche born about 1890
MackElmer born about 1927
MarmonGrase born about 1921
MarmonJ Wborn about 1871
MarmonJean born about 1927
MarmonJohn born about 1924
MarmonMinnie born about 1896
MarrisAngelle born about 1910
MarrisCharley born about 1913
MatthewsElma born about 1875
MatthewsEstelle born about 1909
MatthewsFlorence born about 1902
MatthewsJohn Cborn about 1897
MatthewsJohn Paulborn about 1927
MatthewsMargaret born about 1929
MatthewsPaul born about 1900
McCroyBritten born about 1875
McGarrClaude born about 1919
McGarrHorace born about 1917
McGarrHorace Mrs born about 1922
McGarrJ M Mrsborn about 1895
McGebeeJr G born about 1875
MessBeatrice born about 1895
MessEvelyn born about 1920
MessJ Wborn about 1932
MessJim born about 1893
MessMorrell born about 1924
MessPearlie Macborn about 1927
MessW Dborn about 1930
MoonJ Lborn about 1905
MoonJ L Mrsborn about 1909
MoonLetha Marieborn about 1936
MoonWilliam Rueborn about 1934
MooreMargaret born about 1927
MooreMary Leeborn about 1925
MooreViela born about 1895
MorrisJohnny born about 1918
MorrisKatherine born about 1916
MowerA Pborn about 1928
MowerH Cborn about 1888
MowerH C Jrborn about 1938
MowerH C Mrsborn about 1897

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N Surnames

NelsonGrant born about 1882
NelsonLouise born about 1916
NelsonMary born about 1901

O Surnames

OdensAndrew born about 1886
OdensTennessie born about 1891
OgdewCatherine born about 1922
OgdewCharles born about 1920
OgdewJessie Jamesborn about 1929
OgdewW Jborn about 1883
OgdewW J Jrborn about 1925
OgdewWillie born about 1902
OzmentAlma born about 1922
OzmentAnna Bellborn about 1918
OzmentBetty Jeanborn about 1936
OzmentBuddy born about 1913
OzmentClyde born about 1911
OzmentClydine born about 1935
OzmentDarrett born about 1939
OzmentDewell born about 1915
OzmentIdell born about 1925
OzmentInez Moeborn about 1916
OzmentLawson born about 1884
OzmentLorelle born about 1931
OzmentMary born about 1890
OzmentMattie born about 1900
OzmentOdell born about 1920

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P Surnames

PamphieE Cborn about 1890
PamphieEunice born about 1897
PamplinC Fborn about 1883
PamplinFrancis Macborn about 1921
PamplinRoy Jborn about 1915
ParkerCharley born about 1910
ParkerJ L Drborn about 1874
ParkerJames born about 1887
ParkerMattie born about 1899
ParkerOllie born about 1916
ParkerRobert born about 1925
ParkerSarah born about 1910
ParkerVienna born about 1875
ParkersonChristene born about 1926
ParkersonDennis born about 1902
ParkersonGeraldine born about 1904
ParkersonJ L Jrborn about 1928
ParkersonJ L Mrsborn about 1883
ParkersonJimmie Gleenborn about 1939
ParkersonMarilyn born about 1931
ParkersonWillie Joeborn about 1935
PaseyBobby Juneborn about 1935
PaseyCarrol born about 1940
PaseyCleo born about 1926
PaseyEthel Macborn about 1901
PaseyHilland born about 1923
PaseyHoward born about 1928
PaseyJ Lborn about 1921
PaseyJessie born about 1925
PaseyLewis Hborn about 1933
PaseySonny born about 1895
PaseySonny Jr born about 1931
PattersonFrank born about 1881
PattersonMandy born about 1882
PendletonCharley Wallaceborn about 1926
PendletonElizabeth born about 1906
PendletonFred born about 1912
PendletonG Cborn about 1865
PendletonHozie born about 1939
PendletonMag born about 1885
PendletonPearlie born about 1901
PendletonPerry Jamesborn about 1920
PendletonW Jborn about 1894
PeppersB Wborn about 1871
PeppersEmma born about 1880
PeppersG Eborn about 1901
PeppersLizzie born about 1918
PerkinsLee born about 1930
PerkinsLeroy born about 1930
PhillipsCeward born about 1927
PhillipsDan born about 1900
PhillipsDuttle born about 1902
PhillipsJ Wborn about 1925
PhillipsJenell born about 1935
PhillipsLeo born about 1936
PhillipsLeon born about 1933
PhillipsLodell born about 1938
PhillipsNara Macborn about 1914
PhillipsNolan born about 1934
PittsMartha born about 1883
PoundeDwain born about 1922
PowellBrady born about 1928
PowellJames born about 1922
PowellR Cborn about 1918
PowellTharnton born about 1870
PresidentLila born about 1900
PrinttChristene Mrs born about 1918
PrinttHubert born about 1919
PrinttJessie born about 1917
PrinttOpal born about 1939
PrinttR M Mrsborn about 1889
PrinttRoy born about 1912

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R Surnames

RayGeorge born about 1906
RayJessie Macborn about 1929
RayModes born about 1908
RayfordBessie born about 1894
RayfordH born about 1874
RestonArthur Lborn about 1933
RestonCera born about 1905
RestonCharlie born about 1932
RestonJoe Lillieborn about 1930
RestonMagelillie born about 1928
RestonOzels born about 1925
RestonPearlie Macborn about 1937
RestonRodell born about 1927
RestonRoosevelt born about 1907
RestonRossevett born about
RestonWillie Macborn about 1935
RidgeHelen born about 1939
RidgeJames born about 1909
RidgeJames Jr born about 1933
RidgeJonnie born about 1913
RidgeOrdessie born about 1931
RidgePinky Bborn about 1937
RidgeVerna Leeborn about 1935
RobertsCumi born about 1893
RobertsPeggy Deanborn about 1931
RobinsonDail born about 1915
RobinsonEllis born about 1900
RobinsonJ Dborn about 1935
RobinsonMartha born about 1852
RobinsonMary Helenborn about 1933
RobinsonMaxine born about 1915
RobinsonR Bborn about 1926
RobinsonRuby born about 1910
RobinsonUler Maeborn about 1928
RogersCora born about 1892
RogersJohnnie born about 1889
RoseEstella born about 1888

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S Surnames

SamuelLouise born about 1935
ScottAlma Leeborn about 1936
ScottCharline born about 1938
ScottDarlean born about 1930
ScottDorthline born about 1939
ScottFlorence born about 1927
ScottFrank born about 1934
ScottHenry born about 1916
ScottHenry Jr born about 1933
ScottIrene born about 1905
ScottJohnny born about 1916
ScottL Vborn about 1918
ScottLonza born about 1929
ScottLorene born about 1927
ScottLouise born about 1936
ScottThedore born about 1931
SelbyBeatrice born about 1918
SelbyDelia Annborn about 1939
SelbyJ Bborn about 1917
SelbyJ Wborn about 1893
SelbyJohn Gordonborn about 1915
SelbyLeon born about 1929
SelbyMary born about 1934
SelbyMary Lucy Annborn about 1895
SelbyR Dborn about 1926
SelbyRuby Helenborn about 1937
SelbyTillman Lloydborn about 1923
SimpsonAlvin born about 1919
SimpsonBuck born about 1934
SimpsonHazel born about 1923
SimpsonIda born about 1894
SimpsonJerry born about 1922
SimpsonMammy Leeborn about 1922
SimpsonReuben born about 1915
SimpsonRuby Maeborn about 1936
SimpsonSam born about 1884
SimpsonWilliam born about 1887
SimsAllen Ollie Leeborn about 1938
SimsCahembus born about 1932
SimsMethney Jr born about 1935
SimsViola born about 1934
SmithBuela born about 1904
SmithElzda born about 1935
SmithExcell born about 1894
SmithG Bborn about 1874
SmithGeorge born about 1893
SmithGracey born about 1920
SmithLeva born about 1889
SmithMartha born about 1905
SmithThomas born about 1888
SpincerJames born about 1901
SpincerMary born about 1899
SpincerMettie born about 1915
StanlyMatt born about 1915
StanlyMildred Teemborn about 1939
StanlyRuby born about 1921
SteenE Sborn about 1878
SteenMary Lborn about 1896
StreeterJessie Macborn about 1929
StreeterRodeel born about 1925
StreeterW Dborn about 1931

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T Surnames

TaylorCharley born about 1866
TaylorCobers born about 1916
TaylorElizabeth born about 1875
TharpDavid born about 1935
TharpJ Mborn about 1903
TharpJ M Jrborn about 1925
TharpJ M Mrsborn about 1904
TharpJack born about 1932
TharpNellie Grayborn about 1928
ThelpaisJohn born about 1921
ThompsonLewis born about 1918
TimberlakeByun born about 1920
TimberlakeElva born about 1885
TimberlakeEugene born about 1917
TimberlakeHilda born about 1917
TimberlakeM P Revborn about 1875
TolfreyEnovn born about 1908
TolfreyG Wborn about 1936
TolfreyLeon born about 1932
TolfreyLevi born about 1928
TolfreyM Jborn about 1937
TolfreyNora Jameborn about 1912
TolfreyViera Janeborn about 1939
TumlisonHarry Joeborn about 1937
TumlisonJ T Mrsborn about 1874
TumlisonMary born about 1916
TumlisonMary Annborn about 1935
TumlisonNoel born about 1913
TurnerC Tborn about 1895
TurnerLuv born about 1908

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W Surnames

WaldonDelia Mrs born about 1897
WallGeorge born about 1921
WallWhit born about 1878
WashingtonB Tborn about 1905
WashingtonB T Jrborn about 1936
WashingtonErnestine born about 1930
WashingtonGeorgia born about 1905
WashingtonHazel born about 1935
WashingtonJohnnie born about 1933
WashingtonMarion born about 1938
WashingtonMary Bborn about 1927
WashingtonMattie Lborn about 1931
WashingtonViola born about 1928
WatkinsJ Vborn about 1936
WatkinsKathy born about 1918
WatkinsSally born about 1903
WhiteAustin born about 1917
WhiteAustin Mrs born about 1916
WhiteBessie born about 1915
WhiteEtta born about 1896
WhiteFranklin Wainborn about 1938
WhiteGeorgia Jeanborn about 1933
WhiteJ W Jrborn about 1929
WhiteJohn born about 1909
WhiteJohn Austin Jborn about 1940
WhiteM Bborn about 1887
WhiteMitchell Jr born about 1931
WhiteOcie born about 1917
WhitePerry born about 1920
WhiteRass born about 1907
WhiteRuby born about 1912
WhiteRuth born about 1928
WhiteSteven born about 1922
WhiteWash born about 1939
WiliamsElbert born about 1904
WiliamsEmma born about 1917
WilliamsAddie born about 1914
WilliamsAlfred born about 1911
WilliamsAlvin born about 1930
WilliamsAndrew born about 1916
WilliamsAnna Macborn about 1911
WilliamsBilli Jaeborn about 1933
WilliamsCaroline born about 1898
WilliamsClinton born about 1933
WilliamsEd born about 1939
WilliamsEdward born about 1939
WilliamsHarrison born about 1897
WilliamsJ Dborn about 1927
WilliamsJohn Henryborn about 1904
WilliamsL Williamsborn about 1898
WilliamsLarelle born about 1928
WilliamsLaura born about 1905
WilliamsLenard born about 1933
WilliamsMabelene born about 1934
WilliamsMaceo born about 1914
WilliamsMartha Macborn about 1935
WilliamsMary born about 1913
WilliamsMary born about 1933
WilliamsNathan Jr born about 1932
WilliamsOliver born about 1937
WilliamsVerna born about 1912
WoodberryJeffie born about 1920
WoodberryJeffie Lawrenceborn about 1940
WoodberryLarene born about 1921
WoodsH Eborn about 1877
WoodsHerman born about 1918
WoodsJ D Mrsborn about 1879
WorleyAdam born about 1937
WorleyJames born about 1936
WorleyJulia born about 1915
WorleyLona born about 1895
WorleyThomas born about 1939
WrenAndrew born about 1887
WrenGerty born about 1901
WrenSusie born about 1929

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Y Surnames

YarboughGeraldine born about
YarboughLeza born about 1931
YarboughPearline born about 1933
YarkSherman born about 1900

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