1940 U.S. Federal Census of Barnes, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of Barnes

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsLouise born about 1939
AdkinsonIda Janeborn about 1868
AdkinsonJ Tborn about 1872
AndersonA Lborn about 1898
AndersonAudry born about 1918
AndersonCassey born about 1925
AndersonCurley born about 1923
AndersonDorthy Mayborn about 1927
AndersonEthel born about 1896
AndersonGeneva born about 1934
AndersonJ Cborn about 1925
AndersonJunita born about 1936
AndersonMary Sueborn about 1938
AndersonNadine born about 1928
AndersonNancy born about 1932
AndersonOscar born about 1918
AndersonRay born about 1918
AndersonRay Edwardborn about 1937
AnkromArie Maeborn about 1915
AnkromJ Aborn about 1904
ArmstrondDonald Wayneborn about 1938
ArmstrondF Lborn about 1906
ArmstrondGerald Wborn about 1936
ArmstrondSylva born about 1916
ArmstrondVivian Annborn about 1940
ArmstrongBettie Faeborn about 1935
ArmstrongClara Velmaborn about 1938
ArmstrongDora Merliaborn about 1936
ArmstrongEthel Mayborn about 1908
ArmstrongFannie Sueborn about 1939
ArmstrongHenry born about 1926
ArmstrongJames Aborn about 1895
ArmstrongLewis born about 1926
ArmstrongOllie born about 1909
ArmstrongParica Annborn about 1932
ArmstrongS Jborn about 1908
ArmstrongWanda born about 1937
AshburnAnnie Janeborn about 1931
AshburnB Mborn about 1870
AshburnEdna Maeborn about 1929
AshburnElla Maeborn about 1932
AshburnElmer born about 1910
AshburnEmeline born about 1930
AshburnEmma Nadineborn about 1934
AshburnFrank born about 1904
AshburnFranklin born about 1926
AshburnGerogia born about 1904
AshburnGertie born about 1911
AshburnHarold born about 1939
AshburnJack born about 1891
AshburnMarry Faeborn about 1935
AshburnMary Janeborn about 1874
AshburnRay born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaaswellBill born about 1871
BaaswellBill Jr born about 1929
BaaswellCarry born about 1891
Baggs?lolella born about 1924
BaggsAnnie born about 1903
BaggsBertie born about 1886
BaggsE Eborn about 1900
BaggsI Mborn about 1873
BaggsJimmy born about 1927
BaggsLaomonni* born about 1935
BaggsLavelle born about 1937
BallardA Bborn about 1886
BallardWillie born about 1903
BarkerLucile born about 1918
BarkerShelton born about 1916
BeebeGeo born about 1921
BellL Cborn about 1920
BellL Mborn about 1875
BellSophia Bborn about 1925
BennettAmilniae born about 1904
BennettGeorgia born about 1929
BennettJohn born about 1899
BennettJohn Henryborn about 1933
BennettMargriale born about 1927
BeveleyClance born about 1918
BeverleyAlbert born about 1932
Beverly??? born about 1934
BlassingamBilly Leeborn about 1929
BournsWm Earlborn about 1927
BrandonBroks* Tborn about 1931
BrandunterC Bborn about 1905
BrandunterHellen born about 1907
BritneyBlanche born about 1923
BritneyEmma Sueborn about 1938
BritneyJoseph born about 1913
BritneyLena born about 1890
BritneyRobert born about 1881
BritneyRobert Leeborn about 1936
BritneyRobert Lewisborn about 1925
BritneySarah born about 1915
BroadwaterCharline born about 1939
BroadwaterGladys born about 1921
BroadwaterLaurnce born about 1918
BrockAlie born about 1923
BrockAnnie born about 1908
BrockEliouise born about 1927
BrockErwin born about 1937
BrockFrankie born about 1916
BrockGeorge born about 1925
BrockHenry Edwardborn about 1929
BrockJ Wborn about 1909
BrockMarsella born about 1936
BrockRay Tborn about 1919
BrockRebeca born about 1924
BrockSanford Mborn about 1917
BrownAdron born about 1932
BrownBertha born about 1905
BrownCalvin born about 1930
BrownEloise born about 1936
BrownEvie born about 1908
BrownHugh born about 1894
BrownJames born about 1931
BrownJessie born about 1880
BrownLessie born about 1893
BrownLouis Tborn about 1926
BrownMcheny born about 1925
BrownMillard born about 1902
BrownOla born about 1904
BrownT Jborn about 1934
BrownThomas born about 1929
BrownVirgle Bobbyborn about 1939
BrowrsH Eborn about 1882
BrowrsJane born about 1882
BrowrsLola born about 1925
BrucksBernice born about 1924
BrucksD Bborn about 1894
BrucksJunior born about 1933
BrucksMadie born about 1929
BrucksNellie born about 1905
BrucksRoy born about 1926
BrucksTeonia born about 1923
BrucksTory born about 1935
BrucksVelva born about 1937
BryantAbraham born about 1928
BryantClifford born about 1928
BryantEarnest born about 1927
BryantElsie Leeborn about 1926
BryantEma Louborn about 1918
BryantEugene born about 1934
BryantGeo born about 1895
BryantGeorgia Leeborn about 1932
BryantHattie Maeborn about 1924
BryantLoring born about 1911
BryantLuetta born about 1900
BryantRuthie Maeborn about 1936
BryantWilliam born about 1940
BubrowsBasie born about 1917
BubrowsBasie Jr born about 1939
BubrowsLorine born about 1919
BubrowsWilliam born about 1938
BuchananSallie born about 1915
BuchananW Hborn about 1911
BuckeeridgeJimmie Fborn about 1925
BuckeeridgeKatie born about 1899
BuckugridgeBond Jborn about 1928
BuggessEllouise born about 1920
BuggessHoward born about 1937
BuggessJ Eborn about 1912
BuggessJanice Marieborn about 1936
BuggessJuanita born about 1939
BuggessNettie born about 1912
BuggessW Mborn about 1910
BullBilly Joeborn about 1936
BullCarrol born about 1927
BullCorrine born about 1906
BullD Rborn about 1918
BullDonna Marieborn about 1935
BullKathleen born about 1924
BullMarie born about 1915
BullNera born about 1878
BullR Hborn about 1878
BullRoy born about 1926
BullWayne born about 1912
BurrousDemetra born about 1920
BurrousFrazier born about 1914
BurrousThomas Eborn about 1938
BurrowEllen born about 1882
ButlerKatie born about 1865
ButlerMinie born about 1905

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C Surnames

CaleBetty Louborn about 1933
CaleEarnst Eugeneborn about 1930
CaleMary Elizabethborn about 1931
CaleOrbis born about 1907
CaleRuth Abisborn about 1937
CaleThelma Rayborn about 1935
CaleW Eborn about 1903
CalstonAlthia born about 1901
CalstonBuford born about 1922
CalstonBurnice born about 1931
CalstonChester born about 1919
CalstonFlorine born about 1924
CalstonJohnnie born about 1935
CalstonR Leeborn about 1932
CalstonW Bborn about 1898
CampbellFloyd Tborn about 1909
CampbellIra born about 1887
CampbellLillian born about 1887
CampbellMaggie born about 1916
CampbellMargaret born about 1916
CampbellThelma Leeborn about 1932
CampbellWedson Mborn about 1929
CanleeyBelly Morrisborn about 1931
CanleeyGerald Deanborn about 1933
CanleeyGladys born about 1906
CanleeyKeneth born about 1921
CanleeyMaxine born about 1928
CanleeyWalter born about 1899
CarikerAnnie Lborn about 1896
CarikerE E Mrsborn about 1865
CarikerElmo Cborn about 1917
CarikerG Cborn about 1888
CarikerGrover born about 1893
CarikerIdella born about 1925
CarikerJames Hborn about 1928
CarikerLaverne born about 1920
CarikerMildred born about 1902
CarleyElvira born about 1881
CarleyFoster born about 1875
CarrollArchie born about 1913
CarrollBurma Joannborn about 1939
CarrollLorena born about 1918
CarrollRichard Allenborn about 1937
CarterJohn born about 1918
CasleyL Bborn about 1920
ChaceCorda born about 1930
ChaceFlora born about 1922
ChaceI Wborn about 1872
ChaceLennie Mayborn about 1889
ChristmasHellen born about 1918
ChristmasHelton born about 1917
ChristmasJoyce born about 1939
ChusumFred born about 1912
ClarkArtimes born about 1913
ClarkCurley born about 1938
ClarkCurly born about 1886
ClarkGeraldine born about 1935
ClarkGerdine born about 1934
ClarkLester born about 1906
ClarkLuecindia born about 1888
ClarkLuecindia born about 1936
ClarkRubbin born about 1939
ClarkZenobie born about 1933
CoatsD Cborn about 1911
CoatsD C Jrborn about 1934
CoatsFrances born about 1936
CoatsIrean born about 1933
CoatsJoe Edwardborn about 1938
CoatsLether born about 1913
ColeDonald born about 1936
ColeDossie born about 1907
ColeElwood born about 1922
ColeEveret Aborn about 1905
ColeFreda born about 1924
ColeGarland born about 1914
ColeJessie Florenceborn about 1884
ColeKeneth born about 1934
ColeLester born about 1910
ColeMargie born about 1926
ColePauline born about 1917
ColeUdell born about 1916
ColeW Aborn about 1882
ColstonElvis Bryantborn about 1940
ConnighamCornal born about 1908
ConnighamJohnnie Leeborn about 1915
ConnighamLouise born about 1865
ConnighamMarguriete born about 1924
CookerClance born about 1915
CooperEddie born about 1921
CooperH Cborn about 1886
CooperHollie Qborn about 1897
CooperJames Johnborn about 1893
CooperJennie born about 1928
CooperMary born about 1906
CooperMary Louborn about 1938
CooperVennie Maeborn about 1930
CornelieusClinlord born about 1928
CornelieusEddie Leeborn about 1936
CornelieusHaaver born about 1931
CornelieusHarry born about 1903
CornelieusIrene born about 1933
CornelieusIrvin Esterborn about 1904
CornelieusJanie born about 1923
CornelieusLargene born about 1938
CornelieusMerline born about 1927
CorneliousAmy born about 1884
CorneliousClifton born about 1919
CorneliousDorthy Maeborn about 1935
CorneliousEveline born about 1921
CorneliousGerldine born about 1928
CorneliousHubert born about 1908
CorneliousMary born about 1921
CorneliousNovella Wyeteeborn about 1938
CorneliousRase Budborn about 1914
CornerAndrew born about 1880
CrutchfieldHoward born about 1923
CrutchfieldIrene born about 1886
CrutchfieldLester born about 1928
CrutchfieldP Cborn about 1886
CrutchfieldRalph born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabbsG Aborn about 1891
DabbsLill* Pearlborn about 1899
DaggettAlice born about 1919
DaggettH Aborn about 1869
DaggettRobert Lynnborn about 1939
DaggettThelma Annborn about 1940
DanialsGo Eddieborn about 1918
DanielArdis Murielborn about 1926
DanielFannie born about 1888
DanielHazel born about 1918
DanielI Rborn about 1885
DanielVelma born about 1910
DanielsVerneida born about 1920
DavisAlbrt Eborn about 1931
DavisAllen born about 1903
DavisAllen Jr born about 1932
DavisDorthoy Maeborn about 1923
DavisHerman born about 1927
DavisJimmie Leeborn about 1929
DavisMay Lizaborn about 1900
DavisNathaniel born about 1921
DavisRuby Louiseborn about 1935
DavisRuthie Maeborn about 1938
DavisonN Fborn about 1915
DavisonPauline born about 1920
DeasonEunice born about 1927
DeasonLizzie Maeborn about 1890
DeasonMarshal born about 1913
DeasonT Cborn about 1884
DillardBlanche Hoefsborn about 1910
DillardMarry Marthaborn about 1933
DillardMarry Uborn about 1879
DobbsJennings born about 1915
DodsonJim born about 1910
DodsonLoucile born about 1914
DodsonPattsy Ruthborn about 1932
DollsEmma born about 1898
DollsHuie born about 1928
DollsIrine born about 1923
DollsLorine born about 1923
DollsW Cborn about 1886
DollsW C Jrborn about 1932
DramersonCarry born about 1908
DramersonEmelia born about 1920
DramersonMack born about 1874
DramersonSarah born about 1880
DramersonThelma born about 1921
DrinkardCora born about 1891
DrinkardFrances born about 1894
DrinkardWillie born about 1926
DuckEdna born about 1918
DuckFreeman born about 1918
DuckHellen Maeborn about 1939
DuncanBatrice born about 1925
DuncanBinnie Fayborn about 1935
DuncanHellen born about 1934
DuncanMagire born about 1932
DuncanO Gborn about 1902
DuncanOneal born about 1930
DuncanStella born about 1908
DuncanWilburn born about 1927
DuncanYvonne born about 1928
DunnHowell born about 1906
DunnLoyd Nolanborn about 1939
DunnNellie born about 1917
DyeBanks G Tborn about 1874
DyeDoyle born about 1927
DyeE Sborn about 1900
DyeEbcanor born about 1901
DyeNorris born about 1922

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E Surnames

EdwardsAce Droldborn about 1925
EdwardsArchie born about 1930
EdwardsArvis Vectiniaborn about 1921
EdwardsElverta born about 1935
EdwardsEmma born about 1898
EdwardsEmma Jeanborn about 1938
EdwardsHarson born about 1886
EdwardsHarson Jr born about 1920
EdwardsLevinia born about 1928
EdwardsMark born about 1938
EdwardsOlivia born about 1924
EdwardsRobert born about 1918
ElamB Wborn about 1921
ElamDennis Eugeneborn about 1939
ElamH Lborn about 1915
ElamOra born about 1915
ElamRuth born about 1923
ElamWanda Kborn about 1936
ElliottBobby Loydborn about 1940
ElliottCathrine born about 1912
ElliottDonald born about 1929
ElliottDoral born about 1938
ElliottSam born about 1901
EllisAlice born about 1888
EllisBertha Cauperborn about 1915
EllisDaniel born about 1890
ElstonEliza Maceborn about 1927
ElstonHerman born about 1903
ElstonLenard born about 1893
ElstonLenard Jr born about 1930
ElstonLuella born about 1912
ElstonLuvenia born about 1937
ElstonMargret born about 1864
ElstonMyrtle Roseborn about 1932
ElstonSarah born about 1904
ElstonW Dborn about 1939
EskewBearnice born about 1935
EskewBetty Fayborn about 1933
EskewCarl born about 1909
EskewElizabeth born about 1914
EskewWilliam Leeborn about 1938

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F Surnames

FabisNancy Wborn about 1886
FabisW Bborn about 1868
FarmerMyrlle born about 1900
FarmerWn born about 1890
FaulkenburyA Wborn about 1900
FaulkenburyBillie Jeanborn about 1932
FaulkenburyEmogene born about 1930
FaulkenburyMable Eborn about 1910
FaulkenburyPatsy Annborn about 1936
FinkAugie Maeborn about 1893
FinkGeneva born about 1915
FinkGeo Franklinborn about 1935
FinkHape born about 1928
FinkJunita born about 1925
FinkNina Leeborn about 1931
FinkOra born about 1891
FinkPauline born about 1923
FinkSletta Ameborn about 1920
FinkVarda Leeborn about 1922
FlakeJ Bborn about 1918
FlakeLoybayett born about 1886
FlakeMalessia born about 1921
FlakeSylvesta born about 1920
FraiserJewell born about 1921
FraiserVernie born about 1921
FraserA Lborn about 1911
FraserDuane born about
FraserFredrick born about 1939
FraserJannie born about 1912
FraserLetty born about 1936
FraserMarry born about 1891
FraserW Tborn about 1887
FreemanAndrew born about 1915
FreemanAndrew born about 1939
FreemanAnnie Belleborn about 1923
FreemanClark T Rborn about 1862
FreemanClifton Denborn about 1938
FreemanDeborah born about 1920
FreemanDock born about 1884
FreemanHanete born about 1850
FreemanJ Cborn about 1919
FreemanMillet born about 1918
FreemanOliver born about 1912
FreemanOrus Eborn about 1910
FreemanPauline born about 1914
FreemanRosie born about 1896
FreemanRuby Ireanborn about 1918
FreemanSarah Eborn about 1883
FurgersonLaura born about 1923

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G Surnames

GladysLucile born about 1933
GlascoAuda born about 1922
GlascoNola born about 1895
GlascoO Mborn about 1890
GlascoOpal born about 1928
GlascoOtis born about 1919
GloverArbie born about 1909
GloverArbie Jr born about 1933
GloverArnold born about 1911
GloverBeatrivce born about 1915
GloverMaude born about 1885
GloverW Jborn about 1875
GravesBetty Louiseborn about 1937
GravesBill born about 1916
GravesDonald Wadeborn about 1933
GravesEdna born about 1932
GravesEunice Maeborn about 1930
GravesHellen Marieborn about 1940
GravesHuey born about 1905
GravesJames born about 1930
GravesLara born about 1907
GravesMinnie born about 1910
GravesMyrtle born about 1907
GravesOther born about 1924
GravesOwen born about 1927
GravesPatsy Ruthborn about 1935
GravesR Hborn about 1890
GravesSusie born about 1901
GrayBetty Joeborn about 1939
GrayGneda Belleborn about 1931
GrayJ Lborn about 1937
GrayJosephine born about 1913
GrayJunita born about 1929
GrayLaverne born about 1936
GrayO Dborn about 1934
GrayOrace born about 1908
GrayRuby Leeborn about 1932

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H Surnames

HagamanHenry born about 1891
HagamanLunie Lillianborn about 1893
HagamanMildred born about 1924
HagamanNeva born about 1926
HalderB Sborn about 1883
HalderBilly born about 1921
HalderH Bborn about 1926
HalderKitty Leeborn about 1929
HalderMamie born about 1886
HalderPolly Annborn about 1922
HaleDelano born about 1936
HaleJ Wborn about 1908
HalePauline Bborn about 1914
HaleVirgina born about 1932
HallChester born about 1895
HallCleo born about 1921
HallEvlyne born about 1898
HallFletcher born about 1925
HamleyRay born about 1911
HamleyWm born about 1888
HarrisAlmeda born about 1892
HarrisArthur born about 1893
HarrisWayne born about 1923
HemardHester born about 1917
HemardHubert born about 1913
HemphreyAllie born about 1906
HemphreyD Kborn about 1906
HemphreyDonald born about 1937
HemphreyJames born about 1927
HemphreyLouise born about 1931
HenardAubrey born about 1921
HenardLester Horaceborn about 1923
HenardRuby Leeborn about 1889
HenardS Wborn about 1892
HendrsonC Tborn about 1894
HendrsonEllen born about 1901
HendrsonFlorence born about 1938
HendrsonJames Earlborn about 1931
HendrsonJohnnie born about 1928
HendrsonJuanita born about 1926
HendrsonLouise born about 1924
HendrsonLucille born about 1921
HensleyHellen born about 1937
HensleyLena born about 1918
HensleyTom Wborn about 1913
HessAlice born about 1913
HessAubrey born about 1923
HessBirdie Marieborn about 1931
HessGeraiel Dunborn about 1936
HessJ Lborn about 1889
HessJoe born about 1887
HessMary born about 1886
HessShirley born about 1938
HessWm Davidborn about 1940
HixonAlbert born about 1915
HixonClara born about 1924
HixonDorthy born about 1931
HixonJames Albrtborn about 1937
HixonL Cborn about 1933
HixonLesly born about 1928
HixonLula born about 1902
HixonNora born about 1937
HixonWilma born about 1913
HolderFannie Fernborn about 1917
HolderJohn Berryborn about 1934
HolderLouise born about 1915
HolderRobert Rborn about 1912
HolmesAda born about 1896
HolmesIdawray born about 1924
HolmesIma born about 1920
HolmesIra Elmoborn about 1932
HolmesJ Eborn about 1890
HolmesJames born about 1922
HolmesMorris born about 1929
HoltEmanuel Gborn about 1935
HoltG Eborn about 1902
HoltGeorld Mborn about 1930
HoltIumae Campbellborn about 1922
HoltOla Lborn about 1902
HoltOllie Vborn about 1926
HouseAnnie born about
HouseBinnie born about 1915
HouseJulia Maeborn about 1928
HouseMyrtle born about 1894
HousePatrick Geneborn about 1934
HouseT G Jrborn about 1923
HouseTom born about 1890
HubbardAnnie Luiseborn about 1933
HubbardBryan Jborn about 1926
HubbardCora Eborn about 1896
HubbardEugene Hborn about 1923
HubbardJennie Ruthborn about 1936
HubbardLouella born about 1930
HubbardOscar Aborn about 1921
HubbardR Aborn about 1891
HuieBilly Royborn about 1938
HuieBonnie Leeborn about 1937
HuieCarroll Jeanborn about 1935
HuieChristine born about 1913
HuieEnnelle born about 1922
HuieFloyd born about 1909
HuieFrank born about 1914
HuieFranklin Daleborn about 1939
HuieGladys born about 1925
HuieHellen born about 1929
HuieMable born about 1905
HuieMyrtle born about 1911
HuieRuby born about 1927
HuieT Gborn about 1902
HuieThomas born about 1932
HuieVelta Mayborn about 1935
HustonHenry Bborn about 1926
HyattAnnie born about 1889
HyattCharlie born about 1924
HyattDilbert born about 1922
HyattMerle born about 1920
HyattRobert born about 1918

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J Surnames

JamesAugusta born about 1920
JamesEmma Jeanborn about 1929
JamesI Cborn about 1890
JamesJane born about 1861
JamesJessec born about 1917
JamesLaster D Fborn about 1871
JamesLewis born about 1926
JamesLola born about 1908
JelksLillie born about 1877
JelksW Eborn about 1867
JohnsonBilly born about 1939
JohnsonCharley born about 1895
JohnsonE Cborn about 1904
JohnsonGertrude born about 1931
JohnsonHomer born about 1926
JohnsonHurshel born about 1925
JohnsonLena born about 1907
JohnsonLuther born about 1933
JohnsonRuby born about 1936
JonesAudie Maeborn about 1930
JonesBill born about 1897
JonesBilly Wayneborn about 1939
JonesByant Wmborn about 1938
JonesCecil born about 1909
JonesFannie Geneborn about 1935
JonesFrank Cborn about 1909
JonesFrankie Laryborn about 1928
JonesJones Edwardborn about
JonesLewis Jr born about 1925
JonesMary Janeborn about 1933
JonesR Lborn about 1896
JonesRobert born about 1921
JonesRosie born about 1937
JonesRuby born about 1923
JonesUlah born about 1900

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K Surnames

KeithMinnie born about 1891
KeithW Fborn about 1877
KendrickBetty born about 1887
Kindrick?uemnull born about 1929
KindrickCanlina born about 1876
KindrickChris?phous born about 1933
KindrickEgward born about 1915
KindrickFreeman born about 1930
KindrickGladynea born about 1933
KindrickGreeman Gborn about 1936
KindrickGrover born about 1912
KindrickHattie born about 1928
KindrickLinnie born about 1913
KindrickQuincy born about 1935
KindrickT Rushborn about 1910
KirseyDallas born about 1914
KirseyRuby Cleoborn about 1924
KullingsworthBillie Haroldborn about 1929
KullingsworthJ Hborn about 1902
KullingsworthJohn H Jrborn about 1927
KullingsworthLula born about 1905
KullingsworthRobrt Louborn about 1928

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L Surnames

LargentB Dborn about 1932
LargentClara born about 1917
LargentElla born about 1889
LargentL Tborn about 1924
LargentMarcella born about 1929
LargentMerry Ellaborn about 1926
LargentSylvia born about 1920
LargentT Pborn about 1879
LargentWilliam Oborn about 1910
LewellenGrover Edwardborn about 1937
LewellenJimmy Eborn about 1914
LewellenOra born about 1916
LewellenPollie Jeanborn about 1939
LillyAaron born about 1872
LillyAmerica Mborn about 1848
LillyCalonia born about 1880
LindseyG Aborn about 1876
LindseyLara born about 1884
LindseySilvania born about 1914
LindseyWesley born about 1925
LinhartC Eborn about 1887
LinhartChas Eborn about 1929
LinhartGiauld Edwardborn about 1926
LinhartMerry Jewelborn about 1923
LinhartNellie born about 1890
LittleArley born about 1932
LittleBilly Joeborn about 1934
LittleBobby Wayneborn about 1939
LittleHellen born about 1905
LittleJerry Deanborn about 1936
LittleOtto born about 1905
LongAnna Bborn about 1931
LongBilly Kenethborn about 1934
LongBittie Louiseborn about 1938
LongEma Geneborn about 1928
LongHurshel born about 1907
LongLeemon born about 1924
LongLevan born about 1926
LongLoretta born about 1909
LongMarton born about 1896
LongMary born about 1884
LongMattie born about 1900
LongRaymon born about 1922
LynnDoyal Leeborn about 1937

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M Surnames

MancriefAlic Kborn about 1899
MancriefDallas Louiseborn about 1926
MancriefLebcart born about 1936
MancriefMamie born about 1911
MancriefMargert born about 1938
MancriefPauline Rubyborn about 1928
MartinB Mborn about 1905
MartinBilly Wadeborn about 1940
MartinForrest born about 1926
MartinOpel born about 1904
MasseyA Cborn about 1921
MasseyCharline born about 1939
MasseyChas Eborn about 1897
MasseyEstella born about 1883
MasseyP Nborn about 1874
MasseyPearl born about 1906
MathisTerry born about 1896
MauldenBobbie Sueborn about 1930
MauldenChas Rodneyborn about 1933
MauldenJuanita born about 1918
MauldenMaude Gborn about 1898
MauldenMaudie Gborn about 1927
MauldenMerdith Rborn about 1924
MauldenW Hborn about 1897
MauldenW H Jrborn about 1921
McBrideMary born about 1911
McBrideW born about 1918
McDonaldAlvis Maeborn about 1935
McDonaldBula born about 1916
McDonaldDorthy Janeborn about 1939
McDonaldJimmie Daleborn about 1937
McDonaldRuffus born about 1926
McDonaldW Jborn about 1885
McDonaldW J Jrborn about 1924
McDonaldW Vborn about 1913
McElroyArther born about 1912
McElroyEdna born about 1898
McElroyLaura born about 1878
McElroyMillicent born about 1919
McElroyT Jborn about 1899
McFaddenBlanche born about 1903
McFaddenM Tborn about 1904
McLemoreNellie born about 1871
McRoyGladys born about 1898
McRoyHerman born about 1898
McRoyImogene born about 1928
MerriweathersNora born about 1880
MerriweathersWm born about 1871
MilamEliosi?? born about 1919
MilamHermon born about 1939
MilamJ W Jrborn about 1918
MitchellJohn born about 1939
MontgomeryGertrude born about 1892
MontgomeryHellen born about 1933
MontgomeryJ Lborn about 1913
MontgomeryJoyce born about 1932
MontgomeryOphelia born about 1915
MontgomerySr A born about 1887
MontgomeryTerry born about 1933
MontgomeryWayne born about 1934
MooreCevlinne born about 1931
MooreI Bborn about 1903
MooreJinie born about 1926
MooreOkie born about 1908
MorganAnnie Sueborn about 1925
MorganCathine born about 1902
MorganEarnst Deanborn about 1936
MorganEunice born about 1922
MorganGeorge born about 1930
MorganGrace Leeborn about 1921
MorganJessie Floydborn about 1938
MorganKenneth born about 1926
MorganLeard born about 1920
MorganLoyal Janeborn about 1936
MorganLura born about 1896
MorganMannie born about 1918
MorganO Sborn about 1879
MorganO S Jrborn about 1933
MullinsFreeman born about 1918
MunnsBennie born about 1939
MunnsBessie born about 1912
MunnsCarl born about 1908
MunnsHattie born about 1932
MunnsLucy born about 1936
MunnsRover Cborn about 1928
MyereAnnie born about 1913
MyereBetty born about 1937
MyereFred born about 1911
MyersBarbra Jeanborn about 1935
MyersBessie born about 1910
MyersJames Boyceborn about 1932
MyersPolley Ruthborn about 1928
MyersRalph born about 1907
MyersRalph Jr born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonEdgar Joeborn about 1930
NelsonFrankie Dborn about 1933
NelsonLeslie born about 1902
NelsonLola Leborn about 1927
NelsonR Tborn about 1925
NelsonSally born about 1869
NicholsAmry Elenborn about 1931
NicholsExoria born about 1915
NicholsFrancis born about 1895
NicholsGlynn born about 1924
NicholsIrene born about 1920
NicholsJ Sborn about 1894
NicholsJohn Dborn about 1922
NicholsLaurence born about 1907
NicholsSallie ???born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OscarBlack born about 1910
OtisDottie Jeanborn about 1931
OtisEdna born about 1909
OtisOtis Lynnborn about 1935
OtisRaymond born about 1908

P Surnames

PaeAda born about 1919
PaeAgnes born about 1927
PaeAnnie born about 1894
PaeBertha born about 1925
PaeBilly Leslieborn about 1935
PaeH Hborn about 1888
PaeHershel born about 1917
PaeJohn born about 1931
PaeMamie born about 1908
PaeMildred born about 1930
PaeProcter born about 1922
PaeSam Tborn about 1877
PantelJohne born about 1923
PattersonAnnie born about 1926
PattersonGarland born about 1926
PattersonJessie Wborn about 1907
PattersonLucy born about 1916
Perry??? born about 1927
PerryBennie born about 1931
PerryImogene born about 1926
PerryJ Aborn about 1876
PerryJessie born about 1928
PerryKenneth born about 1928
PerryLizzie born about 1902
PerryLucille born about 1927
PerryMarinata born about 1936
PerryMarvin born about 1901
PerryNova born about 1886
PerryPaul born about 1922
PerryRufie born about 1939
PerryS Genevaborn about 1930
PierceE Eborn about 1912
PierceFaustina Leeborn about 1919
PierceVenda Naomiborn about 1937
PirtleArtie born about 1914
PirtleI Pborn about 1912
PirtleJ Mborn about 1878
PirtleMarie born about 1929
PirtleMaxin born about 1935
PirtleOctor born about 1895
PirtleOtio born about 1926
PittmanAlie Deanborn about 1934
PittmanCleo born about 1926
PittmanDarr Adrinborn about 1928
PittmanJohn born about 1897
PittmanLannia born about 1903
PoeBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
PoeDonald born about 1937
PoeGerald born about 1912
PoeLillie Maeborn about 1915
PowellClard born about 1910
PowellFarris born about 1931
PowellIsebell born about 1852
PowellJohn born about 1888
PowellLavenia born about 1934
PowellWalter Iveryborn about 1939
PowellWlliam Cborn about 1937
PrinceBrandean born about 1922
PrinceCordie Aborn about 1895
PrinceD Bborn about 1933
PrinceEuel born about 1926
PrinceGene Edwardborn about 1928
PrinceGeraldine born about 1926
PrinceImogene born about 1924
PrinceIzora born about 1892
PrinceJ Cborn about 1925
PrinceJ Mborn about 1916
PrinceJewell born about 1926
PrinceM Kborn about 1903
PrinceMaynard Glennborn about 1934
PrinceOttis born about 1891
PrinceOttis Terrellborn about 1931
PulleyBobby born about 1934
PulleyCatherine born about 1922
PulleyCecil Gborn about 1909
PulleyChas born about 1934
PulleyEster born about 1939
PulleyEvelyn born about 1929
PulleyFracies Janeborn about 1935
PulleyHazel born about 1915
PulleyHubert born about 1909
PulleyJ Cborn about 1912
PulleyJ Hborn about 1885
PulleyJ Jborn about 1877
PulleyJudith Marieborn about 1940
PulleyKeneth Wayneborn about 1938
PulleyLindsey Aborn about 1913
PulleyLucille born about 1926
PulleyLucy Louiseborn about 1915
PulleyNaomi born about 1935
PulleyRamund born about 1932
PulleyRuth born about 1911
PulleySydia born about 1895
PurkyAnnie Maeborn about 1926
PurkyArilne born about 1920
PurkyBilly Jeanborn about 1932
PurkyClelis Earlborn about 1929
PurkyE Mborn about 1893
PurkyRobrt Loydborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RameyAlice born about 1921
RameyArhar Leandreusborn about 1939
RameyArther born about 1900
RameyCora born about 1907
RameyDelorice born about 1933
RameyEddie Jamesborn about 1932
RameyHenrietta born about 1905
RameyJoseph born about 1908
RameyJoseph born about 1937
RameyLee Wesleyborn about 1940
RameyLonnie born about 1929
RameyR Bborn about 1926
RameySuley born about 1899
RameyT Lborn about 1936
RameyVernice born about 1926
RameyViola Marieborn about 1940
RameyWilliam born about 1938
RattlerJames born about 1902
RattlerLucile born about 1917
RattlerR Lborn about 1933
ReaganBobby Carolborn about 1938
ReaganC Eborn about 1914
ReaganEthel Marieborn about 1920
ReccordJ Bborn about 1922
ReneauH Eborn about 1892
ReneauLillie Bellborn about 1897
RiddeyVirgie born about 1871
RidgwayDorotha born about 1913
RidgwayE Dborn about 1903
RidgwayLinda born about 1938
RidgwayRebecca born about 1937
RidleyElisha Wborn about 1918
RobardsFred Leuisborn about 1922
RobardsJohnie born about 1884
RoberdsAlice Juneborn about 1935
RoberdsF Bborn about 1934
RoberdsFrank born about 1914
RoberdsHellen born about 1915
RoberdsJerry born about 1939
RoberdsTerry born about 1939
RobertsonAnna Rebeccaborn about 1896
RobertsonJames Mborn about 1870
RobnsonFred born about 1879
RollenPaul born about 1938
RooksAllie born about 1873
RooksBessie born about 1906
RooksDavid Wayneborn about 1938
RooksE Cborn about 1896
RooksEanst Franklinborn about 1935
RooksEdward Leeborn about
RooksEllen Inezborn about 1931
RooksFrances Louiseborn about 1936
RooksIna born about 1914
RooksJ Dborn about 1925
RooksJ Fborn about 1911
RooksJohn Wayneborn about 1939
RooksJones Otis Pborn about 1927
RooksWm Earlborn about 1938
RosconaBest born about 1910
RosconaDave born about 1939
RossJuanita born about 1922
RossMaggie born about 1898
RossNorine born about 1917
RossW Aborn about 1893
RossWilber born about 1919
RushingBilly born about 1936
RushingCorrine born about 1919
RushingElbert born about 1912
RushingWaller Franklinborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ScalesHarcie born about 1930
ScalesJames born about 1887
ScalesMadie born about 1895
ScalesOttamay born about 1890
ScalesSarah born about 1893
Scarbrough born about 1926
ShannonC Bborn about 1910
ShannonChas born about 1936
ShannonEmma Bborn about 1882
ShannonLinda born about 1939
ShannonLula born about 1915
ShannonShila Annborn about 1936
SimmonsAnnell born about 1929
SimmonsAnnie Maeborn about 1900
SimmonsBurl born about 1937
SimmonsJessie Leeborn about 1940
SimmonsMary Sueborn about 1932
SimmonsW Bborn about 1900
SimsAllie Geneborn about 1935
SimsJack born about 1901
SimsJames Edwrdborn about 1926
SimsNidia born about 1930
SimsRuth born about 1907
SlaughterAnnie born about 1922
SlaughterClifton born about 1936
SlaughterEma born about 1930
SlaughterGladys born about 1932
SlaughterHubert born about 1940
SlaughterI Cborn about 1935
SlaughterLorine born about 1924
SlaughterO Sborn about 1904
SlaughterR Tborn about 1926
SlaughterSallie born about 1905
SmithAbner born about 1907
SmithAbner Jr born about 1938
SmithClardine born about 1928
SmithHarp born about
SmithLouise born about 1920
SmithW Aborn about 1877
SmodeyFred born about 1901
SmodeyTommy born about 1910
SmyderE born about 1888
SmyderLarches born about 1895
SnyderBernie born about 1933
SnyderFred Leeborn about 1934
SnyderJ Wborn about 1912
SnyderLeola born about 1938
SnyderSilvesta born about 1936
SnyderWillie born about 1915
SpraggimsAlbrta born about 1900
SpraggimsEdgah born about 1905
StaderC Aborn about 1888
StaderChristine Ogurborn about 1928
StaderEthel born about 1924
StaderJ Cogerborn about 1924
StaderJames Albrtborn about 1928
StaderRuth born about 1897
StarmanBen born about 1876
SteuartA Cborn about 1913
SteuartBetty Fayborn about 1938
SteuartMaryetta born about 1917
SteuartNorma Jeanborn about 1934
StewartJ Dborn about 1877
StickeyB Hborn about 1914
StickeyVera born about 1915
StonerAlviss born about 1933
StonerAnna Leeborn about 1926
StonerBetty Sueborn about 1928
StonerEdgar Iborn about 1899
StonerImogene born about 1939
StonerLizzie born about 1905
StonerMable Danborn about 1930
StonerRose Lynnborn about 1917
StphensBilly born about 1938
StphensHazel born about 1915
StphensRobert Tborn about 1915
StranBessie Maeborn about 1933
StranJ Eborn about 1910
StranSallie born about 1915
StuckeyAgnes born about 1923
StuckeyHelena born about 1892
StuckeyHellen born about 1920
StuckeyL Sborn about 1892
StuckeyLaurice Jr born about 1925
StuckeyVirgil Earnstborn about 1928
SumpterArdelia born about 1929
SumpterBarbra Jeanborn about 1938
SumpterDave born about 1882
SumpterHazel born about 1933
SumpterJennette born about 1890
SumpterL Jborn about 1935
SumpterSarah born about 1912
SumpterSharman born about 1924
SumpterVenoria born about 1926
SwansonChas born about 1923
SwansonElizabeth born about 1903
SwansonLillian born about 1921
SwartzCalyan born about 1939
SwartzInez born about 1905
SwartzJanie born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorA Aborn about 1866
TaylorBertha born about 1893
TaylorCarl born about 1901
TaylorCarry Lavernborn about 1934
TaylorClarnce Jborn about 1912
TaylorClarnce Lenardborn about 1936
TaylorEverett born about 1911
TaylorHattie born about 1883
TaylorI Aborn about 1912
TaylorJ Fborn about 1879
TaylorJ Rborn about 1885
TaylorLetha born about 1917
TaylorMagorie born about 1921
TaylorMargrate born about 1915
TaylorMyrtie Eborn about 1882
TaylorOlean born about 1916
TaylorRay born about 1925
TaylorShirley Deanborn about
TaylorVirlene born about 1938
TaylorW Hborn about 1883
TaylorWilliam born about 1918
ThomasB Hborn about 1891
ThomasGene born about 1931
ThomasJack born about 1925
ThomasTess born about 1897
ThomasVan born about 1934
ThomasVance born about 1934
ThomasWade born about 1923
ThompsonClint born about 1911
ThompsonClinton born about 1933
ThompsonD Cborn about 1887
ThompsonEula Maeborn about 1924
ThompsonJames Doffasborn about 1935
ThompsonMinnie born about 1898
ThompsonR born about 1922
ThompsonVirgie born about 1912
ThompsonWilliam born about 1922
TiftillerClince born about 1916
TillisonFrancis born about 1887
TillisonI Hborn about 1884
TinerA Jborn about 1880
TinerBarbara born about 1936
TinerBeard M Lborn about 1876
TinerBetty Janeborn about 1940
TinerE Lborn about 1922
TinerHuie born about 1925
TinerNora Juneborn about 1905
TuckerAlbrta born about 1905
TuckerAlta Maeborn about 1925
TuckerDoris born about 1935
TuckerEva born about 1914
TuckerLoucile born about 1926
TuckerPearl born about 1905
TuckerR Eborn about 1903
TuckerShirley Geneborn about 1936
TuckerT Vborn about 1906
TuckerWayne born about 1938
TuckerWillie born about 1895
TurleyA Jborn about 1880
TurleyElmer born about 1919
TurleyFlora Bborn about 1884
TurleyGaylan born about 1925
TurleyIva born about 1923
TurleyRuben born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandardughianCathryn born about 1923
VandardughianJ Aborn about 1895
VandardughianLelan born about 1929
VandardughianOmma Sborn about 1900
VandardughianRichard born about 1926
VanderburgC Bborn about 1876
VanderburgHoward born about 1918
VanderburgWillard born about 1923
VanderburgZellar born about 1896

W Surnames

WaadeJohn born about 1890
WalkerBetty Leeborn about 1934
WalkerChas born about 1897
WalkerE Sborn about 1899
WalkerHarlan born about 1929
WalkerJohnnie born about 1900
WalkerJules Hughborn about 1927
WalkerMay Hueborn about 1899
WalkerNena Mayborn about 1923
WalkerRaymond born about 1925
WalkerRubby born about 1898
WalkerTessie born about 1901
WalkerThomas Levisborn about 1923
WallisAlta born about 1920
WallisBilly Grantborn about 1936
WallisL Eborn about 1894
WallisLavelle born about 1927
WallisLee born about 1918
WallisNellie Dattborn about 1894
WallisPalrick Leeborn about 1863
WallisWandalee born about 1930
WallisWinnie Ruthborn about 1939
WardDallas born about 1923
WardDella born about 1919
WardDelmar born about 1939
WardHenrietta born about 1893
WardIrene born about 1925
WardLena born about 1895
WardLott born about 1892
WardNick born about 1872
WardO Cborn about 1928
WardRosie born about 1900
WashingtonWesley born about 1917
WatersClevealand Aborn about 1919
WaylandGeo born about 1922
WelchBrbara born about 1939
WelchClara Annaborn about 1920
WelchClarence born about 1917
WestonFrank born about 1922
WestonJoe born about 1879
WestonJoe Jr born about 1932
WestonLavern born about 1924
WestonLenard born about 1925
WestonS Wborn about 1916
WillaimsonOttie born about 1915
WillaimsonV Lborn about 1915
WillaimsonWaldene born about 1939
WillamsBertho born about 1895
WillamsJ Wborn about 1920
WillamsLuther born about 1925
WilliamsAnnie Mayborn about 1924
WilliamsBeatritic born about 1921
WilliamsCarman born about 1877
WilliamsE Sborn about 1915
WilliamsHellen born about 1920
WilliamsMamie born about 1890
WilliamsOla born about 1919
WilliamsTennesee born about 1923
WilsonAnnie Maeborn about 1919
WilsonJabo born about 1916
WilsonJessie Maeborn about 1937
WilsonLillia Maeborn about 1935
WilsonTheo born about 1916
WinfordBertha born about 1918
WinfordJ Pborn about 1914
WinfordMurphy born about 1939
WoodGlen Tborn about 1902
WoodriffArdella born about 1939
WoodriffCarry Louborn about 1929
WoodriffCora Bborn about 1937
WoodriffE Wborn about 1936
WoodriffEma Jeanborn about 1934
WoodriffEzra born about 1911
WoodriffFannie born about 1913
WoodriffFredie Leeborn about 1918
WoodriffGeorge Eborn about 1927
WoodriffHariet born about 1870
WoodriffHazro born about 1931
WoodriffJohn Henryborn about 1915
WoodriffNettie Bborn about 1931
WoodriffOscar Dborn about 1933
WoodsNan born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YanceyDixie Joanborn about 1938
YanceyEvelyn born about 1919
YanceyPeggy Daleborn about 1935
YanceyWade born about 1914

Z Surnames

ZiglerAnnetta born about 1938
ZiglerBeatrice born about 1905
ZiglerBillie born about 1931
ZiglerEugnia born about 1933
ZiglerEvaughn born about 1939
ZiglerFranklin born about 1934
ZiglerGene born about 1928
ZiglerGeo born about 1904
ZiglerJunita born about 1938
ZiglerLavaughin born about 1939
ZiglerMamie Annborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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