1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bearhouse in Ashley County, Ashley, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ashley County > 1940 Census of Bearhouse in Ashley County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsJohn Pborn about 1916
AdamsScotty Rborn about 1926
AdamsTila born about 1920
AdvirBell Lborn about 1895
AdvirBenjamin Fborn about 1852
AdvirFrank born about 1922
AdvirGeorge Tborn about 1893
AdvirGeorge Jr born about 1930
AdvirHucland Hborn about 1933
AdvirJohn Cborn about 1927
AdvirMyrtle Eborn about 1936
AtkinsonAlvin Dborn about 1936
AtkinsonFances Nborn about 1934
AtkinsonLana born about 1882
AtkinsonLee Eborn about 1904
AtkinsonSela Mborn about 1912

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B Surnames

BosemanWillie born about 1914
BurchfieldCharles Iborn about 1876
BurchfieldCharles J Jrborn about 1923
BurchfieldLanerne born about 1926
BurchfieldLula born about 1900
BurchfieldVirginia born about 1932

C Surnames

CallinsEllis born about 1907
CessorAlbert born about 1876
CessorNoah born about 1923
CessorSalena born about 1881
ChanisCharley Eborn about 1875
ChanisEdward born about 1923
ClarkRobert born about 1916
CobbJanie born about 1925
CoursonBertha born about 1886
CoursonHarry born about 1924
CoursonMary born about 1930
CoursonPeggy born about 1927
CoursonRunyan Sborn about 1882
CrinerOscar born about 1898

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D Surnames

DanielBuel Fborn about 1904
DanielRosa born about 1905
DowneyCharles Rborn about 1936
DowneyJames Rborn about 1915
DowneyJohn Eborn about 1938
DowneyVerneda born about 1915
DullivanMadison Eborn about 1878

E Surnames

EtheridgeEliza born about 1870
EtheridgeRoy born about 1913

F Surnames

FarmerBernice born about 1914
FarmerGlen Lborn about 1935
FarmerHerman Dborn about 1914
FarmerHerman Jr born about 1939
FarmerShelley Gborn about 1937
FarmerWill Eborn about 1913
FranklinCharles Hborn about 1935
FranklinLois born about 1924
FranklinMary Aborn about 1928
FranklinMittie Bborn about 1900

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G Surnames

GarmanCharley born about 1920
GarmanLillie Bborn about 1925
GarmanTroy Lborn about 1919
GraysonEzella born about 1914
GriswouldHelen Lborn about 1875
GriswouldReubin Lborn about 1869
GriswouldUeach born about 1894

H Surnames

HarrisDorthy Sborn about 1919
HarrisJeweldean born about 1939
HarrisRobert Hborn about 1869
HarrisTellie born about 1887
HarrisTroy born about 1909
HicksModanna born about 1881
HollisBillie Wborn about 1939
HollisMarion born about 1920
HollisUlna born about 1921
HoneycuttArthur born about 1906
HoneycuttViola born about 1904

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J Surnames

JenkinsJohn Dborn about 1916
JenkinsSam Lborn about 1920
JenkinsWalter born about 1918
JudkinsEphia Bborn about 1891
JudkinsHarline born about 1934
JudkinsJack born about 1925
JudkinsJohn Tborn about 1886
JudkinsJohnnie Mborn about 1931
JudkinsMargaret born about 1928
JudkinsMccoy born about 1930
JudkinsMittie Rborn about 1921
JudkinsRalph born about 1923

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K Surnames

KellyAmelia born about 1934
KellyEverett born about 1919
KellyMables Lborn about 1928
KellyNaomi born about 1930
KellyRobert born about 1892
KellySarah born about 1899

L Surnames

LindseyBertha Aborn about 1890
LindseyWill Hborn about 1877
LindseyWright born about 1873

M Surnames

MarrowJames Mborn about 1866
MarrowSally born about 1876
McClainEula born about 1918
McClainEvelyn born about 1936
McClainSherwood born about 1911
MooreJames Fborn about 1924
MurphyElvin born about 1906
MurphyLeroy born about 1908
MurphyRietha born about 1921

N Surnames

NaronNorris born about 1923

P Surnames

PayneJohn Eborn about 1910
PayneRillia Bborn about 1913
PogueJames Kborn about 1899
PogueLois born about 1907

R Surnames

RileyArthur born about 1919
RileyBillie Fborn about 1936
RileyClaude born about 1917
RileyFred born about 1924
RileyGeorge Tborn about 1874
RileyIra Gborn about 1891
RileyIra G Jrborn about 1920
RileyJames born about 1927
RileyJames Nborn about 1855
RileyJames Wborn about 1892
RileyJannie born about 1932
RileyLavon born about 1924
RileyLora born about 1881
RileyLula Bborn about 1891
RileyMarie born about 1919
RileyMattie born about 1863
RileyNovella born about 1897
RileyPauline born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SimsEstelle born about 1909
SimsJackie born about 1934
SimsJimmie born about 1913
SimsLeroy born about 1910
SimsMinnie Bborn about 1916
SimsNannie born about 1874
SligerEtta born about 1894
SligerHerbert Lborn about 1924
SligerJames Cborn about 1926
StoneAnna Eborn about 1878
StoneAnna Eborn about 1924
StoneAnna Rborn about 1936
StoneDoughlas born about 1925
StoneJackson Vborn about 1871
StoneJames Jborn about 1916
StoneMarcella born about 1922
StoneRobert Mborn about 1895
StoneRuth born about 1897
SullivanBarney Bborn about 1907
SullivanJames born about 1927
SullivanJoe Mborn about 1932
SullivanVelma born about 1907
SwinsEster Lborn about 1940
SwinsHelen Mborn about 1936
SwinsLuther born about 1912
SwinsOdis born about 1908
SwinsOdis Jr born about 1934
SwinsSuella born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TewlesWyse born about 1900
ToneyLorene born about 1920
ToneyMilton born about 1915
TonkfordDe W born about 1900
TonkfordNettie born about 1905
TonkfordWinfred born about 1924

V Surnames

VanhamSherwood born about 1928

W Surnames

WigleyJessie Aborn about 1896
WigleyNera born about 1913
WiliamsonDonal Oborn about 1940
WiliamsonGeorge born about 1909
WiliamsonHomer born about 1935
WiliamsonJerry born about 1937
WiliamsonJohn Dborn about 1931
WiliamsonMary Aborn about 1932
WiliamsonMary Hborn about 1861
WiliamsonOra born about 1911

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Y Surnames

YoungbloodBrooksie born about 1919
YoungbloodRobert Lborn about 1938
YoungbloodRowleigh born about 1939
YoungbloodSavanah born about 1920

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