1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cache in Woodruff County, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of Cache in Woodruff County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonAnna Bborn about 1927
AndersonDonald born about 1933
AndersonDorothy born about 1935
AndersonG Tborn about 1884
AndersonGeo Jr born about 1929
AndersonHarry born about 1930
AndersonLena born about 1907
ArmstromgJ W Srborn about 1889
ArmstromgJohn W Jrborn about 1919
ArmstromgRay born about 1898
AustenEd Lborn about 1913
AustenElla born about 1939
AustenR Wborn about 1937
AustenRasetta born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAndrew born about 1892
BaileyCharles born about 1918
BaileyGenava born about 1933
BaileyHazel born about 1927
BaileyIrene born about 1922
BaileyMay born about 1895
BarleyBen born about 1919
BarleyR Cborn about 1939
BarleyVerna born about 1919
BarnesAlice born about 1880
BarnesDavid born about 1934
BarnesEd born about 1873
BarnesJ W Jrborn about 1930
BarnesJim born about 1898
BarnesJosephine born about 1926
BarnesKatherine Aborn about 1938
BarnesNapoleon born about 1936
BarnesOlivia born about 1913
BarnesThoroddine born about 1932
BarwellJ Cborn about 1919
BarwellMattie born about 1892
BassDeborah born about 1921
BassEthel born about 1900
BassKerd??? born about 1939
BassOtto born about 1899
BatyBertie born about 1912
BatyJ Aborn about 1908
BatyJ Lborn about 1871
BatyJeannie Leeborn about 1936
BatyMary born about 1878
BatyRuby born about 1938
BaughBobby Wborn about 1937
BaughDonna born about 1939
BaughOdan born about 1914
BaughRachel born about 1918
BeardEthel born about 1890
BeardOla born about 1888
BeatyCyrne Nborn about 1877
BellAnna Maeborn about 1918
BellChrystine born about 1928
BellFred born about 1911
BellHouston Jr born about 1930
BellJoseph born about 1919
BellMagalene born about 1920
BellNora born about 1878
BellRetha born about 1916
BellWarren born about 1913
BerchCharles born about 1922
BevillsDerryl born about 1936
BevillsImogene born about 1927
BevillsLois born about 1912
BevillsVester born about 1907
BickemsClaude born about 1915
BickemsIvy born about 1932
BickemsOnetha born about 1934
BickemsWillie born about 1930
BirchAndrew born about 1905
BirchBobe born about 1938
BirchJobe born about 1934
BirchLola born about 1906
BirchMarion born about 1930
BirchNolan born about 1936
BirchTally born about 1932
BlackPearle born about 1895
BlackThomas born about 1887
BlantonAgness born about 1915
BlantonLaerance born about 1920
BlantonLeonard born about 1916
BlantonWanda Jeanborn about 1939
BradenDortha Maeborn about 1929
BradenEffie born about 1900
BradenJ Cborn about 1889
BradenMartha born about 1918
BradenRaymond born about 1915
BrandonLeo born about 1875
BrandonMary born about 1884
BrewanAlvin born about 1885
BrewanClarence born about 1895
BrockGarfield born about 1891
BrockGaston born about 1875
BrockHannah born about 1882
BrockJ Eborn about 1880
BrockLeya born about 1865
BrockMollie born about 1885
BrookDaisey born about 1908
BrookJames born about 1900
BrookL J Brockborn about 1926
BrooksChas born about 1878
BrooksLelan born about 1885
BrownAgness born about 1907
BrownB Aborn about 1904
BrownBoyce born about 1934
BrownCloteen born about 1908
BrownDorothy born about 1939
BrownEstella born about 1936
BrownEsterine born about 1928
BrownEvergene born about 1926
BrownFanny born about 1916
BrownJ Irellaborn about 1937
BrownJames born about 1915
BrownL Cborn about 1933
BrownLurena born about 1931
BrownMargaret Daleborn about 1930
BrownMartha born about 1920
BrownMary born about 1914
BrownMary born about 1932
BrownMollie born about 1884
BrownNoble born about 1917
BrownSyble Roseborn about 1930
BrownT J Jrborn about 1928
BrownT J Srborn about 1902
BrownTalenas born about 1924
BrownThelby born about 1939
BrownTommie born about 1937
BrownfieldFrancis born about 1931
BrownfieldIda born about 1915
BrownfieldImogene born about 1939
BrownfieldJ Bborn about 1933
BrownfieldJohnin born about 1910
BrownfieldLewis born about 1936
BryantBessie born about 1935
BryantLuella born about 1917
BryantWalter born about 1915
BryantWalter Jr born about 1934
BrysonAdlene born about 1918
BrysonBryon born about 1925
BrysonCallee born about 1910
BrysonDonnie born about 1939
BrysonJunor born about 1928
BrysonLuthie born about 1937
BrysonMary born about 1884
BrysonR Cborn about 1928
BrysonRichard born about 1934
BrysonRoger born about 1908
BrysonRuth born about 1938
BrysonSmith born about 1880
BrysonSmith Jr born about 1909
BrysonWeenam born about 1932
BunsonAnnie born about 1933
BunsonJ Nborn about 1921
BunsonJimmie born about 1926
BunsonMary born about 1896
BunsonNoar born about 1885
BunsonVerlie Lborn about 1924
BurnsideCassie born about 1919
BurnsideGlen Hborn about 1914
BurnsideRobert born about 1939
ButherL Tborn about 1935
ButherLavega Zborn about 1912
ButherMildred born about 1931
ButherThomas born about 1910
ButlerBobbie born about 1939
ButlerCalaud Lborn about 1932
ButlerCarrie born about 1909
ButlerDoyle Leyonborn about 1938
ButlerEarley Jborn about 1931
ButlerEarly born about 1899
ButlerFloyd born about 1934
ButlerMckenzie born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainCharlotte born about 1934
CainColumbus born about 1912
CainEmma born about 1892
CainGail born about 1939
CainJoe Jborn about 1894
CainOra born about 1912
CainV Lborn about 1925
CaireCecil born about 1912
CaireCynthia born about 1938
CaireJohnie born about 1919
CaireRobt born about 1940
CallahanBirnes born about 1926
CallahanHattie born about 1922
CallahanJno born about 1877
CallahanJonatha born about 1930
CallahanNellar born about 1891
CallahanOtha born about 1924
CallahanTheodora born about 1918
CanadaFannie born about 1872
CanadyClementine born about 1927
CanadyDave born about 1880
CanadyDavid born about 1920
CanadyGusette born about 1890
CanadyHenry born about 1925
CanadyJames born about 1922
CarrolClaudie born about 1924
CarrolElken Jborn about 1925
CarrolFannie Belleborn about 1919
CarrolGirtrude born about 1903
CarrolHillard born about 1902
CarrolUlysse born about 1930
CarrolWarren born about 1904
CarterAmma born about 1914
CarterArther born about 1877
CarterBarbra Aborn about 1871
CarterChristine born about 1918
CarterEna Fayborn about 1938
CarterEstella born about 1921
CarterHoward Wayneborn about 1935
CarterHowell Wborn about 1891
CarterJ Arthurborn about 1916
CarterJ Hborn about 1935
CarterJohn Mborn about 1902
CarterL Tborn about 1911
CarterLucille born about 1932
CarterOla born about 1894
CarterOris born about 1909
CarterOrval born about 1912
CarterRalph born about 1926
CaruthersA Jborn about 1927
CaruthersBeatrice born about 1920
CaruthersBull born about 1882
CaruthersExcie born about 1924
CaruthersMose born about 1880
CaruthersPearle born about 1930
ChancyBashie born about 1913
ChancyCerie born about 1912
ChancyFay born about 1932
ChancyMarylyn born about 1938
ChismEvert born about 1887
ChismFred born about 1934
ChismJuniur born about 1927
ChismLizzie born about 1904
ClarkCadelia born about 1906
ClarkCanelias born about 1923
ClarkCobran born about 1935
ClarkEdward born about 1928
ClarkEmma born about 1909
ClarkFloyd born about 1928
ClarkGolia born about 1921
ClarkHenry born about 1932
ClarkJames born about 1895
ClarkMattie born about 1885
ClarkMurine born about 1937
ClarkTheodo born about 1940
ClarkWalter born about 1880
ClementsWillie born about 1911
ColeLervin Lborn about 1879
ColeRichard Lborn about 1918
ColeSarrah born about 1858
ColeTirrie Cborn about 1883
ColemanE L Jrborn about 1924
CookElderstea born about 1862
CookWilliam Sborn about 1848
CovingtonElmer Cborn about 1904
CovingtonFletcher Hborn about 1913
CovingtonFlorence born about 1936
CovingtonIrenn born about 1933
CovingtonJessie born about 1913
CovingtonJohnie Mborn about 1935
CovingtonKatherleene born about 1934
CovingtonLauna born about 1913
CovingtonMattie born about 1909
CovingtonRuth born about 1916
CreaseyAnna Sueborn about 1932
CreaseyBuford born about 1928
CreaseyClaud born about 1894
CreaseyEircele born about 1925
CreaseyEthel born about 1893
CreaseyEva born about 1922
CreaseyKatherleen born about 1930
CreaseyNeva born about 1922
CreasyAnna Mayborn about 1921
CreasyClyde born about 1931
CremeenBillie born about 1929
CremeenG Bborn about 1900
CremeenThomas born about 1926
CremeenVirna born about 1908
CrittendenJ Cborn about 1875
CroneyBillie Joyceborn about 1938
CroneyHobson born about 1899
CroneyJames Madisonborn about 1929
CroneyKatie Leeborn about 1931
CroneyLillie born about 1909
CunninghamAmanda born about 1859
CurboGladys born about 1912
CurboLundel born about 1940
CurboPeggy born about 1937
CurboThomas born about 1935
CurboW Tborn about 1906
CurboWillie Deanborn about 1933
CurryGladys born about 1886
CurryJuba born about 1938
CurryLucile born about 1936
CurryMable born about 1882
CurryW C Jrborn about 1911
CurryWill Cborn about 1884
CurtisEmma born about 1920
CurtisOsie born about 1915
CurtisWardel born about 1937

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D Surnames

DanielsBurneta born about 1939
DanielsDalia born about 1901
DanielsFloyd born about 1939
DanielsGlendola born about 1934
DanielsL Gborn about 1921
DanielsL Lborn about 1921
DanielsLuther born about 1881
DanielsPatsy Rborn about 1937
DanielsShinen born about 1933
DavenportAlliem Jeanborn about 1936
DavenportAnne Sueborn about 1915
DavenportCarrie born about 1873
DavenportEarl born about 1918
DavenportFlorence born about 1909
DavenportLee Rborn about 1909
DavenportMarse born about 1875
DavidsonJennie born about 1870
DavisAnna Mayborn about 1926
DavisBetty Juneborn about 1930
DavisCourt Jr born about 1932
DavisCourt Sr born about 1898
DavisFrancis born about 1928
DavisGeo born about 1910
DavisIzetta born about 1908
DavisJ D Srborn about 1883
DavisJack born about 1914
DavisJack born about 1935
DavisJames born about 1937
DavisJeanette born about 1938
DavisLoretta born about 1922
DavisLouise born about 1922
DavisMaggie born about 1919
DavisMarie born about 1922
DavisMaude born about 1903
DavisMaxie born about 1885
DavisMildred born about 1921
DavisMonroe born about 1909
DavisOlo born about 1912
DavisRebbeca born about 1881
DavisRobert born about 1913
DavisThelma born about 1924
DeanElizabeth born about 1883
DeanWill born about 1878
DeavisVordren born about 1925
DekarlBeckie born about 1890
DevineBernice born about 1929
DevineBettie born about 1934
DevineThelma born about 1926
DevineWill born about 1895
DowserJohn born about 1870
DozierEllis born about 1939
DozierLenord born about 1935
DozierNellie born about 1913
DozierPreston born about 1938
DozierRobert Jr born about 1931
DozierRobert Sr born about 1897
DuckinMaggie born about 1901
DuckinMose born about 1898
DupreeBattie born about 1935
DupreeBennie born about 1939
DupreeGars born about 1913
DupreeGerald born about 1933
DupreeHalay born about 1911
DupreeJ Gborn about 1868
DupreeLorene born about 1916

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E Surnames

EchondElla born about 1898
EckwoodDorothy born about 1937
EckwoodElvera born about 1909
EckwoodEph born about 1890
EckwoodGeo born about 1908
EckwoodGeorgetta born about 1929
EckwoodGeorgia Leeborn about 1939
EckwoodMary born about 1913
EckwoodMary born about 1935
EckwoodWilliam born about 1932
EckwoodWilma born about 1927
EdwardCallie born about 1877
EdwardHassie born about 1898
EdwardJ Wborn about 1875
EdwardsElvie born about 1936
EdwardsJames born about 1935
EdwardsMamie born about 1910
EdwardsMarvin born about 1930
EdwardsO Gborn about 1904
ElamClarence born about 1924
ElamDortha born about 1927
ElamMattie born about 1858
ElamMaude born about 1894
ElamRachel born about 1929
ElamSleran born about 1919
ElamW Aborn about 1868
EnglesJames born about 1868

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F Surnames

FaughnChester born about 1919
FespernoanEvalee born about 1913
FitzgeraldBettie Jborn about 1929
FitzgeraldC H Jrborn about 1927
FitzgeraldCleve Hborn about 1886
FitzgeraldJack born about 1921
FitzgeraldMellie born about 1895
FitzgeraldMelton born about 1932
FitzgeraldPat born about 1934
FitzgeraldWillie Mborn about 1924
FloydBessie born about 1904
FloydHartsell born about 1887
FloydLucile born about 1933
FloydMary Lborn about 1931
FloydMildred born about 1906
FloydOhree born about 1907
FloydParish born about 1934
FloydPerry Lborn about 1931
FloydWelma Lborn about 1930
FortsonJessie born about 1935
FortsonSarah born about 1888
FortsonTim born about 1884
FosterHarry born about 1914
FosterW Jborn about 1872
FrazierMollie born about 1865

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G Surnames

GardnerDorsin born about 1908
GardnerFrancis born about 1933
GardnerJune born about 1934
GardnerMary Ellenborn about 1927
GardnerRalph born about 1908
GardnerRuby Ewingborn about 1929
GarnerCharles Wborn about 1902
GarnerDarlene born about 1935
GarnerEarontene born about 1933
GarnerHelen born about 1907
GarnerHelen Murarborn about 1928
GeorgeA Cborn about 1910
GeorgeA Cborn about 1911
GeorgeAlberta born about 1925
GeorgeAmy born about 1910
GeorgeElijah born about 1932
GeorgeEtherine born about 1931
GeorgeJ Cborn about 1929
GeorgeJ Lborn about 1935
GeorgeJim born about 1877
GeorgeLouise born about 1915
GeorgeLula born about 1890
GeorgeMary born about 1908
GeorgeRosa born about 1927
GeorgeStreeter born about 1890
GeorgeWillie born about 1900
GibsonBertha born about 1896
GibsonChristine born about 1926
GibsonHoward Jr born about 1893
GibsonHoward Jr born about 1923
GibsonPreston born about 1929
GibsonRaymond born about 1917
GidonA Bborn about 1892
GillenwaterEdgar born about 1903
GillenwaterJeff Dborn about 1933
GillenwaterWonda born about 1913
GloverEtta born about 1897
GloverRobt born about 1892
GoodmanJennie Leeborn about 1935
GoodmanLetha Annborn about 1937
GoodmanLoretta born about 1914
GoodmanTom born about 1903
GouldBinnie born about 1923
GouldLaurence born about 1928
GradyEduth Mborn about 1938
GradyEveleen born about 1930
GradyJohn born about 1892
GradyMinnie born about 1915
GradyRoselee born about 1929
GradyRuby Lborn about 1933
GrantLeland born about 1937
GrantLouise born about 1911
GravesBertha born about 1913
GravesEarnest born about 1924
GravesEarnest born about 1925
GravesMelvin Gborn about 1894
GravesWilliam born about 1927
GriffinOtha born about 1903

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H Surnames

HalcombBennie born about 1908
HalcombCharlotte born about 1889
HalcombJams born about 1939
HalcombLorelee born about 1935
HalcombM Bborn about 1938
HalcombMagnolia born about 1931
HalcombManuel born about 1885
HalcombMartha born about 1920
HalcombPetrolia born about 1922
HalcombSusie born about 1913
HaleBeni born about 1937
HaleByrld born about 1908
HaleDonnie born about 1924
HaleElla born about 1938
HaleEvelym born about 1935
HaleHazle born about 1918
HaleHellen born about 1928
HaleHershel born about 1915
HaleLera born about 1916
HaleLilliam born about 1938
HaleLuther born about 1893
HaleMinnie born about 1896
HaleOscar born about 1900
HaleRiley born about 1913
HaleThorty born about 1913
HaleVirginia born about 1939
HallAnne born about 1831
HallCleo born about 1906
HallEvelylen born about 1915
HallJames born about 1912
HallJohn Bborn about 1906
HallKenneth born about 1906
HallKurmit born about 1906
HallNina born about 1885
HallOpal born about 1913
HallVeola born about 1915
HallYoume born about 1938
HarstonJohnie born about 1903
HarstonMarie born about 1911
HarstonRobt born about 1930
HaskinBulah born about 1890
HaskinCaleen born about 1924
HatchettAlvin born about 1902
HatchettBettie Lborn about 1932
HatchettEarnestine born about 1930
HatchettElsie born about 1919
HatchettFlorence Mborn about 1940
HatchettFrank born about 1918
HatchettIke born about 1875
HatchettKatherine born about 1937
HatchettMeldrid born about 1928
HatchettRena born about 1905
HatchettRosa born about 1875
HatchettRosa born about 1930
HatchettRuby Leeborn about 1927
HeathElbert born about 1899
HeathElbert born about 1924
HeathEter born about 1870
HeathJ Dborn about 1862
HeathJosie born about 1928
HeathLettie born about 1909
HebleyWillie Bborn about 1918
HedrickG Wborn about 1923
HedrickJosie born about 1877
HedricksBeatrice born about 1920
HedricksHuston born about 1910
HermonAudrey born about 1921
HermonBillie born about 1935
HermonCarl born about 1925
HermonCortland born about 1912
HermonJohnnie born about 1916
HermonMinnie born about 1892
HermonUpton born about 1918
HermonW Mborn about 1888
HewardT Jborn about 1880
HillBeatrice born about 1939
HillBus born about 1900
HillCarrie born about 1920
HillDaniel born about 1919
HillEarnzene born about 1937
HillGeorgia born about 1929
HillLula born about 1904
HillMozelle born about 1934
HillOralee born about 1939
HollidayMargie born about 1890
HollidayWarren born about 1885
HollimanAlma born about 1923
HollimanBerta born about 1896
HollimanBertie born about 1895
HollimanBonnie Jeanborn about 1933
HollimanEdith born about 1927
HollimanHarold born about 1921
HollimanJames born about 1929
HollimanJohn born about 1931
HollimanPaul born about 1928
HollimanShirley Francisborn about 1936
HollimanV Hborn about 1896
HollimanZelma Mayborn about 1931
HornbackMacker born about 1910
HorstonGus born about 1882
HorstonHardy born about 1875
HoskinAlice born about 1911
HoskinEloise born about 1934
HoskinSamuel born about 1936
HoskinVera born about 1932
HoskinWillie born about 1909
HoskinWillie born about 1929
HoustonNora born about 1902
HoustonS Lborn about 1900
HoustonWelina born about 1929
HowellAlvin born about 1918
HowellAnna born about 1878
HowellBen born about 1871
HowellBetty Leeborn about 1937
HowellBobby born about 1935
HowellBryant born about 1917
HowellDavid Jr born about 1934
HowellDavid Sr born about 1909
HowellHugh born about 1920
HowellKathleen born about 1928
HowellMargie born about 1920
HowellOrline born about 1913
HowellPauline born about 1921
HowellPearle born about 1903
HowellR Eborn about 1885
HowellShirley born about 1939
HowellVivian born about 1891
HowellWebier born about 1888
HudomJames born about 1880
HudomWillie born about 1889
HudsonBabe born about 1895
HudsonG Dborn about 1931
HudsonJ Dborn about 1929
HudsonLucile born about 1933
HudsonRuba born about 1903
HumphreyAnnie born about 1922
HumphreyGeorge born about 1917
HumphreyMargret born about 1939
HunterDonald born about 1939
HustonAdrey born about 1851
HutchinsG Bborn about 1880
HutchinsLena born about 1864

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I Surnames

IdomBillie Wborn about 1930
IdomJohn born about 1907
IdomJohn Wborn about 1927
IdomNora born about 1909

J Surnames

JacksonAmos born about 1932
JacksonArlet born about 1909
JacksonBuck born about 1904
JacksonCecil born about 1924
JacksonCeola born about 1922
JacksonCharlie Mayborn about 1926
JacksonD Lborn about 1878
JacksonDorothie Leeborn about 1930
JacksonEthel born about 1910
JacksonGeraldine born about 1928
JacksonGracie born about 1938
JacksonHenry born about 1937
JacksonIda born about 1896
JacksonIssac born about 1933
JacksonJames born about 1934
JacksonJessie born about 1920
JacksonLawerence born about 1927
JacksonLorrine born about 1931
JacksonLouise born about 1907
JacksonMahalie born about 1903
JacksonMalvie born about 1936
JacksonMary born about 1915
JacksonOlana Jr born about 1928
JacksonOlana Sr born about 1898
JacksonRoy born about 1887
JamesDola Jeanborn about 1933
JamesDonnie Fayborn about 1935
JamesEster born about 1916
JamesJoe born about 1906
JamesLouise born about 1932
JamesMary born about 1928
JamesPauline born about 1910
JamesRavens born about 1936
JamesRobert born about 1938
JamesVance born about 1913
JelksBoyd born about 1930
JelksLauell born about 1928
JelksLoyd born about 1930
JelksOra born about 1888
JelksR Lborn about 1883
JenkinsAlice born about 1910
JenkinsBill born about 1905
JohnsonCalvin born about 1920
JohnsonLeloa born about 1902
JohnsonLewis born about 1929
JohnsonMable born about 1924
JohnstonC Wborn about 1862
JohnstonEmmer born about 1863
JonesArt born about 1925
JonesBernice born about 1932
JonesBernice born about 1933
JonesBillie Drenborn about 1936
JonesCarnell born about 1927
JonesDon born about 1937
JonesDorsie Daleborn about 1939
JonesEdna born about 1906
JonesElla Maeborn about 1929
JonesHardy born about 1939
JonesHenry born about 1929
JonesJ B Jrborn about 1931
JonesJ Hborn about 1882
JonesJohnie born about 1905
JonesJudge Jr born about 1935
JonesJudge Sr born about 1911
JonesLina born about 1882
JonesLouise born about 1938
JonesLucillia born about 1927
JonesOmega born about 1916
JonesRosa born about 1906
JonesS K Srborn about 1901
JonesS R Jrborn about 1931
JonesThelma born about 1934
JonesUna Belleborn about 1937
JonesVerness born about 1936
JordonMary born about 1883
JoynerE L Srborn about 1882
JoynerEarl Wborn about 1913
JoynerFloyd born about 1923
JoynerFrazer born about 1926
JoynerJaunita born about 1924
JoynerLouise born about 1919
JoynerLuam born about 1939
JoynerMattie Francisborn about 1929
JoynerMellie Jewelborn about 1920
JoynerNanna born about 1886

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K Surnames

KeathE Wborn about 1890
KeathHethie born about 1890
KeathJohn born about 1924
KelfatichAnnie born about 1877
KelfatichB Hborn about 1873
KeyJ Wborn about 1880
KillerMary Annborn about 1877
KillerR Lborn about 1867
KimbroughCharley born about 1904
KirkseyAda born about 1883
KirkseyBoyd born about 1918
KirkseyEnal born about 1922
KirkseyJ Fborn about 1877
KissingerArthur Jr born about 1905
KissingerArthur Jr born about 1934
KissingerEarnestine born about 1939
KissingerGeraldean born about 1929
KissingerLilian born about 1911
KissingerRudy born about 1927
KnathEva born about 1883
KnithtsAlbert born about 1874
KnithtsAlbert born about 1927
KnithtsBeulah born about 1892
KnithtsDaisy born about 1930
KnithtsNathan born about 1924

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L Surnames

LambersonEunie born about 1921
LambersonL Cborn about 1926
LambersonMaggie born about 1889
LambersonMarvin born about 1933
LambersonMonnie born about 1923
LambersonR Lborn about 1888
LambersonR Leeborn about 1928
LambertsonFay born about 1939
LambertsonJohn Lborn about 1909
LambertsonLinnea born about 1938
LambertsonPenn born about 1913
LampkinArdelia born about 1903
LampkinJennie born about 1929
LampkinJim born about 1885
LampkinKatie born about 1927
LampkinMable born about 1902
LampkinMargene born about 1933
LampkinWash born about 1883
LandonFrank born about 1897
LandonG Wborn about 1866
LandonKatie born about 1861
LandonLois born about 1897
LandonVelma born about 1928
LangleyAlevis born about 1923
LangleyCecil born about 1919
LeeBetty born about 1922
LeeCherry born about 1882
LeeGertrude born about 1886
LeeHosia born about 1876
LeeJohnie Bborn about 1905
LeeRuben born about 1916
LendermanOwen Hborn about 1904
LendseyDoris born about 1923
LendseyEdward born about 1882
LendseyHilton born about 1924
LendseyNannie born about 1886
LongEvelyn born about 1933
LongF Eborn about 1882
LongIrene born about 1923
LongJames born about 1929
LongJohn Eborn about 1916
LongLola born about 1908
LongManuel born about 1925
LongMaxine born about 1927
LongMelburn born about 1922
LongNannie born about 1873
LongOtto born about 1898
LongOtto Jr born about 1937
LongPat born about 1900
LongPaul born about 1902

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M Surnames

MaeBen born about 1890
MarshAndrew Lborn about 1923
MarshBonnie Lborn about 1921
MarshLinda born about 1940
MarshR Mborn about 1892
MarshR Mborn about 1921
MarshRuth born about 1892
MarshalA Lborn about 1887
MarshalCurtis born about 1924
MarshalEllis born about 1927
MarshalJ Lborn about 1918
MarshalOra born about 1895
MarshalVelma born about 1915
MarshallEvans born about 1915
MarshallJohn born about 1874
MarshallNellie born about 1889
MartinMinnie Mayborn about 1913
MartinVirgil born about 1914
MathewsAlmeta born about 1929
MathewsBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MathewsBuster born about 1914
MathewsEd born about 1923
MathewsGracie born about 1918
MathewsHiram born about 1925
MathewsJ Wborn about 1885
MathewsLulla born about 1890
MathewsOpal born about 1919
MatonClyde born about 1931
MatonEdward born about 1933
MatonLige born about 1906
MatonMary born about 1914
MatonN Lborn about 1936
MatonNathan born about 1938
MauldinEugene born about 1911
MauldinFrannklin born about 1939
MauldinJewel born about 1915
MauldinLynee born about 1937
MauldinPeggy Jborn about 1934
MauldinR Hborn about 1920
MauldinSmith born about 1918
MauldinZada born about 1877
McBethGrant born about 1880
McCommonJ R Srborn about 1878
McCommonRetha born about 1891
McCommonsFrancis born about 1920
McCommonsJ R Jrborn about 1916
McElroyJ Rborn about 1895
McElroyR L Jrborn about 1935
McElroyR L Srborn about 1915
McElroyVida born about 1914
McEwingLula born about 1930
McEwingNora born about 1902
McGalenBeulah born about 1919
McGalenCharles born about 1910
McGalenCharles Wborn about 1932
McGalenClora born about 1880
McGalenLucille born about 1910
McGalenYvona born about 1939
McMellanDaisy born about 1923
McMellanEnna born about 1894
McMellanJames born about 1929
McMellanRuby born about 1927
McMellanWillis born about 1881
McMellanWillis born about 1925
McNallyDaisy born about 1915
McNallyDorthea born about 1933
McNallyL Dborn about 1901
MeadowsArvie born about 1935
MeadowsBetty Lueborn about 1933
MeadowsEthel born about 1914
MeadowsJames Jr born about 1930
MeadowsJames Sr born about 1910
MeadowsWanda born about 1938
MerrillBryan born about 1897
MerrillClyde born about 1901
MerrillGeo Wborn about 1866
MerrillMollie born about 1872
MetcalfClaud born about 1914
MetcalfEdna born about 1894
MetcalfJack born about 1888
MetcalfOpal born about 1927
MillerBetty Jeanborn about 1939
MillerBirtie born about 1885
MillerCarl born about 1919
MillerDaisey born about 1902
MillerDuleva born about 1913
MillerFloria born about 1912
MillerIcymae born about 1924
MillerJ Iborn about 1882
MillerLoyce born about 1918
MillerSeymore born about 1891
MillerZada born about 1918
MilliganEdward born about 1921
MinnisAlvin born about 1927
MinnisChas born about 1900
MinnisEliza born about 1901
MinnisJames born about 1921
MinnisLattie born about 1930
MinnisMable born about 1923
MinnisMartha born about 1925
MinnisMattie born about 1933
MontgomeryH Pborn about 1863
MooreBeley born about 1890
MooreCora born about 1893
MooreLucile born about 1922
MooreRobert born about 1916
MooreThomas born about 1926
MooreWillis born about 1938
MorrisChrystine born about 1931
MorrisClara born about 1888
MorrisDexis born about 1902
MorrisP Eborn about 1879
MorrisRuby born about 1913
MorrisWellis born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NashArthur born about 1920
NelsonDell born about 1873
NelsonEasten born about 1933
NelsonG Tborn about 1930
NelsonGeraldine born about 1932
NelsonJ Cborn about 1931
NelsonMarshal born about 1903
NelsonOra Leeborn about 1932
NelsonSarah born about 1919
NelsonVera born about 1916
NelsonWill born about 1904
NevilleArchie born about 1918
NevilleArlie born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdomBettie born about 1935
OdomHelen born about 1912
OdomJams born about 1933
OdomLories born about 1911
OsburnBillie Rayborn about 1937
OwensHenry born about 1886

P Surnames

ParishBillie born about 1934
ParishDelma born about 1900
ParishDudley born about 1925
ParishEarnest born about 1923
ParishLee born about 1895
ParishMildred born about 1929
ParkerA Lborn about 1883
ParkerMargaret born about 1921
ParkerOla born about 1889
ParrisAvert born about 1913
ParterEaster Bborn about 1911
ParterRobt born about 1908
PattersonJannie born about 1875
PeeblesBertha born about 1893
PeeblesM Bborn about 1884
PeeblesM B Jrborn about 1926
PeeblesO Rieborn about 1928
PeeblesR Dborn about 1924
PfelfferRuby born about 1925
PfelfferS Cborn about 1928
PfelfferW Lborn about 1900
PfelfferWellie born about 1902
PinkstonLouise born about 1875
PittmanHerman born about 1903
PittmanHuston Daneborn about 1939
PittmanJames born about 1926
PittmanLeuenell born about 1934
PittmanMollie Sueborn about 1906
PittmanRalph born about 1932
PokejoyFloudy born about 1909
PokejoyLillie born about 1911
PomtreeA Lborn about 1912
PomtreeAllie Marieborn about 1935
PomtreeAmos born about 1939
PomtreeKatherine born about 1917
PomtreeRussell born about 1936
PonderterEugene born about 1909
PonderterGarlean born about 1938
PonderterMurlie born about 1937
PonderterSusie born about 1915
PotterCassie born about 1885
PotterMary Lborn about 1928
PotterMary Leeborn about 1928
PotterNeal born about 1880
PotterNeal born about 1883
PottsMyrtle born about 1927
PottsNellie born about 1924
PowellCozetta born about 1928
PowellElijah born about 1894
PowellEva born about 1907
PowellJohn Hborn about 1926
PriceAlice born about 1867
PriceAnna Lborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaddyBertie born about 1894
RaddyN Rborn about 1889
RaddyPatsy born about 1934
RaneyDorothy born about 1929
RaneyElebrta born about 1903
RaneyHelen born about 1937
RaneyMartha born about 1932
RaneyOscar born about 1901
RaughtFred born about 1914
RaughtKathereen born about 1935
RaughtOmentha born about 1939
RaughtRobert born about 1937
RaughtRosa born about 1917
RaymondAnna born about 1910
RaymondCamilla Fayborn about 1935
RaymondChristine born about 1923
RaymondClacey born about 1903
RaymondDella Mayborn about 1935
RaymondFlorence born about 1916
RaymondFreeman born about 1902
RaymondG Cborn about 1939
RaymondGlenn born about 1929
RaymondJ Wborn about 1905
RaymondJames Malvernborn about 1938
RaymondJohn born about 1931
RaymondLemuel born about 1933
RaymondLouise born about 1935
RaymondMalvern born about 1910
RaymondMellie born about 1878
RaymondNorma Janeborn about 1933
RaymondRosann born about 1930
RaymondRudall born about 1928
RaynorEmma Sueborn about 1920
RaynorJ Wborn about 1867
RaynorLillie born about 1880
ReddleBooker Tborn about 1935
ReddleWeldon born about 1929
ReedJohn born about 1886
RewanCalvin born about 1913
RewanJames Hborn about 1873
RewanOllie born about 1884
ReynoldsAmos born about 1920
ReynoldsCharles Alfordborn about 1939
ReynoldsRuby born about 1919
RhodesFlora born about 1908
RichardsOphelia born about 1914
RichardsWellie born about 1900
RichmondMary born about 1879
RiddleBooker born about 1908
RiddleBuford born about 1937
RiddleClaudette born about 1933
RiddleDelsie born about 1940
RiddleEaster born about 1910
RiddleEgrune born about 1935
RiddleGeorgia born about 1932
RiddleGernetha born about 1930
RobertsonC Wborn about 1922
RobertsonCarol born about 1935
RobertsonCleo born about 1927
RobertsonE Aborn about 1908
RobertsonElla born about 1877
RobertsonMiles born about 1925
RobertsonOdis born about 1933
RobertsonR Lborn about 1919
RobertsonRay born about 1908
RobertsonRoosevelt born about 1930
RobertsonRoy born about 1901
RobertsonRuth born about 1902
RobertsonThomas born about 1919
RobertsonTony born about 1894
RobertsonVeola born about 1929
RobertsonVergie born about 1911
RobertsonVerlan born about 1905
RobertsonW J Jrborn about 1915
RobertsonW J Srborn about 1877
RobinsonBillie Joeborn about 1935
RobinsonDudley born about 1902
RobinsonMerle born about 1918
RobinsonRobbie born about 1909
RogersAnna Rborn about 1938
RogersArden born about 1910
RogersCassie born about 1918
RogersChrystine born about 1916
RogersEnoch born about 1860
RogersJohn born about 1912
RogersJohnie Wborn about 1939
RogersLaura Mborn about 1936
RoperAlbert born about 1902
RoperAmanell born about 1932
RoperAvery born about 1928
RoperDavid born about 1937
RoperMattie born about 1902
RoperRaydean born about 1924
RoperRaymond born about 1926
RoperWalter born about 1940
RosserHarry born about 1887
RosserLucile born about 1908
RudickAnna born about 1888
RudickCalvin born about 1926
RudickClarence born about 1923
RudickFloyd born about 1887
RudickJohn born about 1915
RudickRuby born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalmonP Lborn about 1921
SamierMildred born about 1915
SamierOtis born about 1917
SamierRay born about 1937
SandersE born about 1904
SandersNevada born about 1900
SattinAsalia born about 1923
SattinWilliam born about 1919
SawyersHattie born about 1910
SawyersL Qborn about 1923
SawyersLevi born about 1903
ShaklefordJ Lborn about 1886
ShaklefordParolee born about 1882
ShawBobby Tborn about 1935
ShawDonna born about 1938
ShawDoris born about 1938
ShawEwell born about 1903
ShawGladys born about 1915
ShawNellie born about 1912
ShawPaul Eugeneborn about 1939
ShawPaul Mosesborn about 1910
SheltonAlbertha born about 1935
SheltonAnnie born about 1915
SheltonDortha Maeborn about 1937
SheltonEarl born about 1935
SheltonElizzie born about 1917
SheltonGernethe born about 1939
SheltonJerry born about 1915
SheltonJunes born about 1938
SheltonLeonia born about 1933
SheltonMagelene born about 1926
SheltonMarvin born about 1931
SheltonMerrie born about 1928
SheltonOrttelia born about 1930
SheltonPearl born about 1895
SheltonVernie born about 1938
ShuwardAlbert born about 1928
ShuwardBessie born about 1925
ShuwardL Gborn about 1898
ShuwardLela born about 1921
ShuwardRuth born about 1932
ShuwardVivian born about 1901
SimonAaron born about 1929
SimonCharlene born about 1931
SimonDorothy born about 1935
SimonDorsey born about 1899
SimonEldredge born about 1933
SimonJames born about 1923
SimonLaurence born about 1925
SimonMildred born about 1902
SimonNathan born about 1927
SimonP Lborn about 1921
SimonTitus born about 1937
SimonsAndrew born about 1864
SimonsBashie born about 1919
SimonsElmire born about 1875
SimonsJohnea born about 1914
SimonsRobt Jr born about 1939
SimpsonIrena born about 1885
SimpsonMinnie May Gborn about 1933
SimpsonMinnie Megborn about 1933
SimsDois born about 1921
SimsEdna Jborn about 1930
SimsEthel born about 1891
SimsHarrell born about 1936
SimsJ Dborn about 1925
SimsJohn Aborn about 1892
SimsLoyce born about 1921
SinguefieldAda born about 1892
SinguefieldAllen born about 1910
SinguefieldLarry born about 1940
SinguefieldMarie born about 1915
SinguefieldOma born about 1931
SinguefieldS Nborn about 1888
SkeltonBessie born about 1915
SkeltonBetty born about 1933
SkeltonClifford born about 1912
SkeltonZella Maeborn about 1936
SlaughterAlex born about 1890
SlaughterCassie born about 1887
SlaughterHarry born about 1927
SlaughterHaver born about 1925
SmithAdel born about 1904
SmithBeaty born about 1933
SmithBert born about 1887
SmithBittie Daneborn about 1932
SmithClaud Tborn about 1908
SmithDane born about 1908
SmithDonald born about 1933
SmithFlorence born about 1912
SmithIda born about 1888
SmithIda born about 1909
SmithJ Cborn about 1920
SmithJ Eborn about 1884
SmithJames born about 1882
SmithJohn born about 1888
SmithLou born about 1903
SmithPeggy Annborn about 1935
SmithTedford born about 1936
SorrellDampsey born about 1936
SorrellDoris born about 1939
SorrellEdueth born about 1920
SorrellElla born about 1934
SorrellElto born about 1911
SorrellHoward born about 1939
SorrellIvy born about 1918
SorrellJ Cborn about 1918
SorrellJim born about 1928
SorrellLaura born about 1890
SorrellLion born about 1932
SorrellOdea Bborn about 1925
SorrellPaul born about 1915
SorrellSam born about 1886
StaffordAlvin Eborn about 1920
StaffordJewel born about 1920
StaffordMerl born about 1924
StaggsAnna born about 1871
StarksJessie born about 1890
StarksW Sborn about 1877
StephensRecie born about 1910
StephensRoh born about 1910
StettsAndrew born about 1919
StettsAndrew born about 1938
StettsEfelder born about 1921
StettsElizabeth born about 1940
StettsGeo born about 1916
StettsWilliam born about 1921
StewartCalvin born about 1912
StewartClara born about 1890
StewartLola born about 1930
StewartMajoria born about 1879
StewartMaynard born about 1915
StewartMozelle born about 1921
StewartNa??? born about 1923
StewartRoyce born about 1927
StiggersSoffie born about 1866
StockhouseRobt born about 1865
StoutCleatus born about 1939
StoutDan Rborn about 1901
StoutDorthy Juneborn about 1932
StoutEvyln born about 1928
StoutMax born about 1935
StoutRena born about 1902
StoutWyona born about 1926
StubblefieldDannie born about 1918
StubblefieldElbert born about 1927
StubblefieldGoldie born about 1887
StubblefieldJohn born about 1916
StubblefieldMable born about 1923
StubblefieldMildred born about 1921
StubblefieldMinnie born about 1891
StubblefieldTheodenta born about 1918
StubblefieldWalter Jborn about 1934
SuellEmma born about 1891
SuellHenry born about 1895
SwanCleo born about 1932
SwanEarnest born about 1930
SwanEldridge born about 1922
SwanErie born about 1934
SwanFlora born about 1895
SwanLeo born about 1932
SwanNadein born about 1928
SwanW Eborn about 1886
SwaniganBarbra Annborn about 1940
SwaniganDaniel born about 1913
SwaniganKadell born about 1922
SwinsonWoodrow born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorA Gborn about 1915
TaylorAlberta born about 1929
TaylorAlma born about 1910
TaylorAndrew born about 1923
TaylorBuford born about 1919
TaylorEarl born about 1909
TaylorEd born about 1877
TaylorElizabeth born about 1898
TaylorEssie Lborn about 1933
TaylorGeorgia Mborn about 1937
TaylorHarry born about 1900
TaylorIdela born about 1909
TaylorIsom born about 1935
TaylorJaunita born about 1914
TaylorJoe born about 1925
TaylorJuke Eborn about 1877
TaylorLawrence born about 1918
TaylorLenzy born about 1932
TaylorMary born about 1937
TaylorVelma born about 1934
TaylorVernice born about 1939
TaylorWillie born about 1922
ThomasAlbert born about 1919
ThomasAlbert born about 1921
ThomasElbert born about 1923
ThomasLucy born about 1925
ThompsonAlice born about 1882
ThompsonAlice born about 1904
ThompsonBen born about 1892
ThompsonBobby Jborn about 1940
ThompsonCharles born about 1932
ThompsonDewey born about 1926
ThompsonElmer born about 1930
ThompsonEva Mborn about 1925
ThompsonFrancis born about 1933
ThompsonGarlund born about 1901
ThompsonGladys born about 1911
ThompsonHelen born about 1920
ThompsonIdalou born about 1933
ThompsonIlene born about 1937
ThompsonJoyce Leeborn about 1927
ThompsonJulia born about 1921
ThompsonJunior born about 1901
ThompsonLenard born about 1903
ThompsonMarion Jr born about 1939
ThompsonMarion Sr born about 1913
ThompsonNora born about 1936
ThompsonOllie born about 1862
ThompsonRuby born about 1923
ThompsonRuth born about 1935
ThompsonThelme born about 1937
ThompsonVercie born about 1915
ThompsonVincent born about 1918
ThompsonVirginia born about 1927
ThompsonZelpha born about 1924
TottyAmlee born about 1934
TottyBillie Soveborn about 1933
TottyGwyneth born about 1931
TottyJewell born about 1910
TottyW Eborn about 1904
TrammelTom born about 1886
TunstoddFebie born about 1875
TurleyHattie born about 1896
TurleyWill born about 1887
TurnerEunice born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VannetterDewey born about 1936
VannetterElla born about 1899
VannetterFrancis born about 1923
VannetterGladys born about 1930
VannetterJaunita born about 1926
VannetterRobt born about 1890
VanpeltDorris born about 1919
VanpeltDortha born about 1924
VanpeltGordon born about 1916
VanpeltGrecie Mayborn about 1921
VanpeltIke born about 1870
VanpeltMorris born about 1919
VanpeltNavada born about 1889
VeazeyAlpha born about 1892
VeazeyCayroline born about 1938
VeazeyH Wborn about 1921
VeazeyHubert born about 1916
VeazeyJohn Cborn about 1884
VeazeyJohn Rilyborn about 1940
VeazeyReynolds born about 1927
VeazeyRuby born about 1919
ViceHaydon born about 1917
ViceJulia born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldsAnderson born about 1936
WaldsEdwin born about 1932
WaldsRoy born about 1906
WaldsVernon born about 1939
WaldsWilliam born about 1938
WaldsWillie born about 1910
WalkerBiddie Jeanborn about 1933
WalkerEllis born about 1891
WalkerErlena born about 1898
WalkerFannie born about 1865
WalkerFerene born about 1925
WalkerFloyd born about 1923
WalkerHarry born about 1894
WalkerIcettie born about 1903
WalkerIna born about 1927
WalkerIrmmie Ireneborn about 1919
WalkerJosephine born about 1938
WalkerMinnie born about 1870
WalkerNina born about 1927
WalkerR Lborn about 1900
WalkerW Sborn about 1890
WalkerWinston born about 1925
WardAlbert born about 1911
WardJo Annborn about 1924
WardonLouise born about 1859
WargaleJohn Ray Gborn about 1940
WarnerRuby born about 1905
WeaverAbe born about 1924
WeaverAda Bolleborn about 1921
WeaverCarroline born about 1938
WeaverEdgar born about 1914
WeaverFlora Mborn about 1936
WeaverH Lborn about 1878
WeaverJ Cborn about 1928
WeaverJosephine born about 1938
WeaverLizzie born about 1880
WeaverLuther born about 1908
WeaverMary Bborn about 1932
WeaverMaxine born about 1930
WeaverMinnie born about 1879
WeaverOtis born about 1909
WeaverRay born about 1919
WeaverS Pborn about 1880
WeaverWeenam born about 1939
WebbA Wborn about 1897
WebbAnna born about 1929
WebbBetty born about 1931
WebbCurtis born about 1926
WebbJack born about 1933
WebbJoyce born about 1937
WebbKenneth born about 1922
WebbNellie born about 1902
WebbRuth born about 1927
WernerEffie Dborn about 1883
WhaleyAuthur born about 1887
WhaleyIzelle born about 1929
WhaleyPolly Aborn about 1890
WhaleyRoy Bborn about 1927
WheelerHalcomb born about 1902
WhetmoreFred born about 1891
WhetmoreFred born about 1893
WhetmoreLaura born about 1893
WilliamsAlice born about 1897
WilliamsBen born about 1932
WilliamsErtell born about 1927
WilliamsGundia born about 1934
WilliamsIno Bborn about 1925
WilliamsLettie born about 1923
WilliamsMary born about 1932
WilliamsRichard born about 1896
WilliamsRichard born about 1927
WilliamsRobt born about 1906
WilliamsRuth born about 1906
WilliamsRuth born about 1920
WilsonG Wborn about 1882
WilsonMckinley born about 1926
WilsonMinnie born about 1884
WiseDora born about 1872
WiseW Bborn about 1879
WoffordElsie Lborn about 1938
WorshamAndrew born about 1918
WorshamDeva born about 1921
WorshamEd born about 1872
WorshamEd born about 1915
WorshamEmma born about 1882
WorshamGeo Jborn about 1912
WorshamGeo Wborn about 1873
WorshamGloster born about 1919
WorshamMable born about 1888
WorshamMahala born about 1926
WorshamMattie born about 1879
WorshamMoney born about 1931
WorshamMorris born about 1876
WorshamNevetha born about 1911
WorshamRoy born about 1910
WorshamRuby born about 1919
WorshamRuthie born about 1924
WrightAnnogene born about 1937
WrightBennie Wborn about 1940
WrightBertha born about 1927
WrightChester Pborn about 1893
WrightClotenn born about 1919
WrightDelarse born about 1923
WrightEduth born about 1901
WrightEssie Mayborn about 1903
WrightGeorge born about 1930
WrightHenry born about 1916
WrightHenry Jr born about 1938
WrightIrma born about 1925
WrightJames born about 1896
WrightJennice Jr born about 1933
WrightJohnie born about 1922
WrightMary born about 1924
WrightPauline born about 1927
WrightR Cborn about 1939
WrightRobt Eborn about 1931
WrightTroy born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAndrew born about 1857
YoungAndrew born about 1890
YoungAndrew Jr born about 1927
YoungArnett born about 1937
YoungCleona born about 1904
YoungErnese born about 1929
YoungEwitt born about 1936
YoungJames born about 1904
YoungL Sborn about 1935
YoungMarcus born about 1932
YoungMyrtle born about 1903
YoungRobert born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiglerEthel born about 1889
ZiglerFrank born about 1918
ZiglerGuy born about 1888
ZiglerLula Maeborn about 1926
ZiglerMary born about 1923
ZiglerWoodrow born about 1915

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