1940 U.S. Federal Census of Caney in Woodruff County, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of Caney in Woodruff County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlmondJennie Lborn about 1921
AlmondLouis Lborn about 1923
AlmondLuna Rborn about 1926
AlmondMartha Jborn about 1929
AlmondMimie Jborn about 1884
AlmondR Pborn about 1879
AlmondSloan Hborn about 1914
AnderburgAlma born about 1933
AnderburgDoyle Hborn about 1907
AnderburgDoyle J Rborn about 1935
AnderburgEster Lborn about 1914
AnderburgPhyllis Cborn about 1938
AndersonAlbert Wborn about 1924
AndersonRobert Bborn about 1927
AndersonSusen Rborn about 1901
AntwineMandy born about 1889
ArchableAngline born about 1905
ArchableDavie born about 1927
ArchableDemb born about 1925
ArchableJimmie born about 1903
ArchableJimmie Jr born about 1933
ArchableWinnie Lborn about 1935
ArcheboldMary born about 1922
ArcheboldSarah born about 1914
ArcheboldWillie born about 1886

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B Surnames

BakerAnna born about 1873
BakerGriffin born about 1885
BaldyW born about 1900
BallentineHenry born about 1914
BallentineIrene born about 1930
BallentineMclean born about 1935
BallentineThomas Nborn about 1933
BallentineWillie Pborn about 1914
BanksBud Rborn about 1915
BarkerGeorgie Lborn about 1931
BarkerGriffin Farleyborn about 1935
BarkerLouise Mborn about 1939
BarkerSadie born about 1919
BarnerdEarl born about 1923
BarnerdMarrie born about 1889
BarnesBula born about 1904
BarnesHeneretta born about 1919
BarnesMilton born about 1895
BarnesOcea born about 1921
BennettCharley born about 1901
BennettGale born about 1935
BennettGordon born about 1935
BennettHarrold born about 1939
BennettHenry born about 1928
BennettViola born about 1922
BennettWilliam born about 1908
BensonEarl born about 1899
BiggsJames Aborn about 1896
BlakeJessie born about 1883
BlakeNathan born about 1890
BradleyB Rborn about 1915
BradleyBertha born about 1938
BradleyBobby born about 1938
BradleyEffie Lborn about 1905
BradleyEllen born about 1904
BradleyGracie Mborn about 1927
BradleyLester born about 1896
BradleyOscar born about 1927
BradleyPatricia born about 1934
BradleyRaymond born about 1924
BradleyRoy Eborn about 1906
BradlyCarl Nborn about 1939
BradlyEverett born about 1910
BradlyHeneretta born about 1900
BradlyJames Eborn about 1930
BradlyTonnie born about 1933
BrandomGeorge born about 1909
BrandomHelen born about 1911
BrandomLilee born about 1931
BrennemanA Gborn about 1877
BrennemanChas Rborn about 1875
BrennemanClarence born about 1918
BrennemanElmer born about 1908
BrennemanElmer Bborn about 1875
BrennemanEvelyn born about 1923
BrennemanGainton born about 1920
BrennemanGladdis born about 1906
BrennemanHazel born about 1904
BrennemanHoward born about 1909
BrennemanLettie born about 1876
BrennemanMana born about 1879
BrennemanMargret born about 1918
BrennemanMay born about 1880
BrennemanRachel born about 1923
BrennemanRalph Cborn about 1916
BrennemanTaylor born about 1878
BrickeyRosa born about 1880
BrickyDessie born about 1930
BrickyEdd born about 1908
BrickyLois born about 1934
BrickyRachel born about 1914
BridgesB Aborn about 1904
BroundWoodrow Wborn about 1918
Brown born about 1875
BrownAdie born about 1929
BrownBell born about 1876
BrownBen Leeborn about 1940
BrownDeloine born about 1937
BrownFrank Pborn about 1881
BrownFred born about 1892
BrownFred born about 1898
BrownGeo Mborn about 1872
BrownHenry Cborn about 1886
BrownImogene born about 1934
BrownIrene born about 1895
BrownJoseph Wborn about 1878
BrownL Dborn about 1932
BrownLizzie born about 1898
BrownReddus born about 1908
BrownfieldJewell born about 1924
BrownfieldRobert born about 1918
BruceChas Bborn about 1895
BuffordLora born about 1877
BuffordNeal born about 1916
BumgartenL Aborn about 1910
BurnesTira born about 1872

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C Surnames

CareyEdith Rborn about 1906
CareyJames Bborn about 1858
CareyJames Cborn about 1930
CareyJessie Cborn about 1894
CareyJessie Rborn about 1930
CareyLillie Dborn about 1874
CareyMary Aborn about 1940
CarrAlbert Cborn about 1912
CaseyHuston born about 1886
CaseyLillian born about 1888
CaskeyFerrell Mborn about 1923
CaskeyIvie Jborn about 1900
CaskeyLendyel Dborn about 1930
CaskeyLillian born about 1923
CaskeyMarthe Dborn about 1920
CaskeyMary Kborn about 1916
CaskeyMort Mborn about 1890
CaskeyOscar Fborn about 1932
CaskeyRobert Lborn about 1918
CaskeyRussell Jborn about 1927
CaskeyWilliam Hborn about 1937
ChandlerGrant born about 1888
ChandlerJ born about 1880
ChandlerMary Aborn about 1902
ChandlerOuntine born about 1926
ChandlerSusie born about 1890
ChandlerTheoplis Jborn about 1928
ChildersJames born about 1915
ChildersLula Bborn about 1884
ChipleyCharles Rborn about 1929
ChipleyCharls Jborn about 1877
ChipleyEverett Lborn about 1930
ChipleyLorenda Aborn about 1940
ChipleyRuth Bborn about 1900
ChipleyWilliam Cborn about 1932
ChippJohn Jborn about 1890
ChunnMaryw born about 1909
ChunnRobert born about 1904
ClayL Cborn about 1933
ClayMartha born about 1881
ClenninsOtis Rborn about 1912
ColemanAlbert born about 1914
ColemanAmanda born about 1870
ColemanFaye born about 1918
ColemanIris Tborn about 1938
ColemanJohn born about 1911
ColemanMartha born about 1922
ColemanPeggy born about 1930
ColemanThomas born about 1901
CollierAlva Fborn about 1892
CollierGertie Mayborn about 1906
CooperGilbert Cborn about 1927
CooperHelen Lborn about 1929
CooperJohn A Oborn about 1885
CooperJohn Cborn about 1920
CooperMildred Tborn about 1922
CooperNana Jborn about 1905
CooperWilliam Pborn about 1871
CorleyAlbert Lborn about 1912
CorleyLouise Eborn about 1919
CorleyShirley Mborn about 1940
CrissmanGene born about 1918
CroueHarden Nborn about 1919
CunninghamB born about 1897

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D Surnames

DadeJames Aborn about 1894
DaleyVernes Oborn about 1915
DandyDane born about 1885
DanialDorthy Kborn about 1920
DanialEarnest Hborn about 1919
DanialHoward Wborn about 1940
DanialJ Bborn about 1881
DanielW Jborn about 1903
DanielsJames born about 1909
DannerJohn Jborn about 1884
DannerLuna born about 1890
DansberryChester born about 1911
DansberryCora born about 1912
DansberryEddie born about 1908
DansberryEddie Jborn about 1935
DansberryErnestine born about 1939
DansberryNathaniel born about 1937
DansberryOpal born about 1928
DarlingMollie born about 1890
DavisDelma Jborn about 1935
DavisE Eborn about 1931
DavisElree born about 1932
DavisEmery born about 1938
DavisFlordia born about 1934
DavisForest born about 1903
DavisGertie Lborn about 1912
DavisHenry born about 1925
DavisK Fborn about 1923
DavisLargenia born about 1902
DavisLee Eborn about 1910
DavisLevona born about 1930
DavisMay Wborn about 1921
DavisVance Mborn about 1933
DawsonEunice born about 1916
DawsonWilliam born about 1911
DetmanFrank born about 1921
DetmanGeorge born about 1932
DetmanIra born about 1926
DetmanLeroy born about 1934
DetmanMary born about 1924
DetmanMildred born about 1922
DetmanNiles born about 1930
DetmanOra born about 1897
DetmanWhitfield born about 1874
DeweeseB Jborn about 1892
DeweeseMaud born about 1885
DonoherLillie born about 1876
DousellBell born about 1903
DousellCarl born about 1924
DousellClifton born about 1927
DousellHorace born about 1901
DousellHorace born about 1932
DoyleHelen born about 1919
DoyleJames born about 1875
DoyleLeland born about 1915
DoyleMabel born about 1893
DoylePaul born about 1927
DoyleRita Vborn about 1921
DukeBeatrice Aborn about 1873
DukeElmer Sborn about 1869

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E Surnames

EdwardsBen Eborn about 1904
EdwardsChester born about 1936
EdwardsEster Mayborn about 1939
EdwardsFrank born about 1934
EdwardsNancy Aborn about 1913
EdwardsVern born about 1896
EdwardsWalter Mborn about 1932
EllisMary Lborn about 1929
EllisMaybelle born about 1905
EllisThos Claudborn about 1901
EllisTom born about 1927
EnsorJessie Lborn about 1888
ErrinGuessie Mborn about 1933
ErrinOpal born about 1915
ErrinRay born about 1931
ErrinRaymond Rborn about 1910
ErrinRobert Tborn about 1880
ErvinEva born about 1892
ErvinRobert Jborn about 1880
ErvinUlissis born about 1927
EtzelEdwin born about 1915
EvansMorice born about 1921
EvansWilliam Jborn about 1917

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F Surnames

FannieCharles born about 1913
FannieFincher born about 1878
FannieJuanetta born about 1920
FannieSylva Jeanborn about 1939
FaulknerLouis Bborn about 1899
FerrellDee Lborn about 1914
FerrellMary born about 1888
FerrellP Lborn about 1882
FilesAlbert Wborn about 1937
FilesBarnard born about 1928
FilesBessie Lborn about 1908
FilesBetty Jborn about 1931
FilesCharles Wborn about 1936
FilesClaudine born about 1936
FilesEleaner Jborn about 1938
FilesHenry Dborn about 1926
FilesHenry Wborn about 1894
FilesJackie Dborn about 1932
FilesJames Bborn about 1927
FilesJenetta born about 1938
FilesJim born about 1897
FilesJuanette Lborn about 1929
FilesKenneth Lborn about 1930
FilesMarie Lborn about 1924
FilesMartha Aborn about 1939
FilesMaxwell Dborn about 1931
FilesMinnie Vborn about 1904
FilesRuth born about 1907
FilesThos Aborn about 1904
FilesWilliam Sborn about 1928
ForemanMary born about 1861
ForthAgnes born about 1869
ForthJames born about 1865
ForthJohn born about 1859
ForthKey Maryborn about 1870
ForthLander born about 1900
FrancisHelen Mborn about 1893
FrayeArchhie Wborn about 1940
FrayeH Tborn about 1921
FrayeNellie Mborn about 1920
FrayeOnis born about 1919
FrazierCharlie Lborn about 1880
FrazierTill Gborn about 1879
FreemanBlanch born about 1909
FreemanFern Sborn about 1938
FreemanFrank born about 1877
FreemanLarry born about 1939
FreemanLester born about 1903
FreemanMary born about 1879
FreemanMinnie born about 1910
FreemanOtis born about 1907
FreemanRoss born about 1935
FreemanWanda born about 1937
FroemanCristine born about 1931
FroemanFred Hborn about 1896
FroemanJohn Aborn about 1885
FroemanLola Mborn about 1898
FroemanMonroe born about 1929
FroemanPeggy Lborn about 1929
FroemanTelma born about 1927
FromanChas Jborn about 1927
FromanChas Mborn about 1893
FromanChester born about 1923
FromanFroman born about 1901
FromanLois born about 1932
FromanPaul born about 1922
FromanPauline born about 1924
FromanStanly born about 1930

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G Surnames

GainsRosa born about 1924
GatherAbraham born about 1890
GlassJames Aborn about 1906
GlennRobert born about 1914
GreyElmo born about 1922
GreyJames Eborn about 1924
GreyLillie born about 1882
GreyStanley born about 1876
GriffinAnna born about 1930
GriffinGeo Mborn about 1912
GriffinJohn born about 1928
GriffinMary born about 1933
GriffinRosa born about 1914
GroffoAnna born about 1928
GroffoBabe born about 1903
GroffoGeorge born about 1914
GroffoLena born about 1925
GroffoMary born about 1931
GroffoMiller born about 1936
GroffoRuby born about 1903
GroffoThomas born about 1933
GuernettEthel Eborn about 1902
GuernettJerry born about 1933
GuernettJuanetta born about 1927
GuernettLawerence Jborn about 1898
GuernettLouis Aborn about 1872
GuernettMescal Dborn about 1921
GuernettMyron Lborn about 1923
GutherHarriett born about 1871
GutherHolmes Eborn about 1893

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H Surnames

HallDonald Rborn about 1935
HallDoris Fborn about 1936
HallDorthy Mborn about 1931
HallEffie Mborn about 1909
HallFay Mborn about 1935
HallFlora born about 1906
HallGeorge Dborn about 1938
HallHattie born about 1885
HallJ Cborn about 1918
HallJoe Mborn about 1916
HallJohn Mborn about 1880
HallMary Cborn about 1915
HallMary Eborn about 1935
HallNettie Rborn about 1929
HallOra Cborn about 1886
HallRussel Oborn about 1930
HallStella Mborn about 1933
HallThos Fborn about 1868
HallWilliam Hborn about 1938
HameltonF Aborn about 1890
HardyEddie born about 1904
HardyIrmel born about 1910
HardyMaggie born about 1896
HardyMargie born about 1908
HardyMertha born about 1927
HardyMildrid born about 1925
HardyPockhonta??? born about 1876
HardyRobert Louisborn about 1936
HardyWill J Rborn about 1938
HargroveA Lborn about 1891
HargroveElmer born about 1920
HargroveHarold born about 1918
HargroveLucy Aborn about 1893
HargroveMonroe Rborn about 1930
HargroveMyrtle born about 1918
HargroveReese born about 1928
HargroveShelby Jborn about 1939
HargrovesBernice born about 1923
HargrovesC Nborn about 1912
HarrellAlma Jewanborn about 1929
HarrellBetty Jborn about 1935
HarrellEffie Fborn about 1938
HarrellElzie Aborn about 1889
HarrellEvelyn Gborn about 1913
HarrellLenora Pborn about 1932
HarrellOla born about 1907
HarrellPaul born about 1898
HarrellPaula Sborn about 1939
HarrellTalmage born about 1896
HarrisEvelyn Bborn about 1934
HarrisGeorge Aborn about 1906
HarrisJames Eborn about 1935
HarrisLois Jborn about 1938
HarrisPersy born about 1904
HarrisWilliam Aborn about 1913
HarrisonJ Aborn about 1885
HarrisonLula born about 1868
HarrisonMary born about 1891
HarrisonThomas born about 1916
HarrisonWillie born about 1914
HartleyA Jborn about 1911
HartleyMattie born about 1913
HaynesDalton Aborn about 1912
HaynesHenry Cborn about 1938
HaynesKatherine born about 1917
HaynesMark born about 1915
HaynesOphelia born about 1913
HaynesWilliam Mborn about 1937
HeddenJames born about 1893
HendersonCalvin born about 1934
HendersonDora born about 1895
HendersonEdward born about 1936
HendersonHazel born about 1928
HendersonLena born about 1911
HendersonM Cborn about 1900
HendersonMageline born about 1932
HendersonRuth Mborn about 1938
HenenrdEunice Fborn about 1891
HenenrdFloryd born about 1922
HenenrdHelen Lborn about 1925
HenenrdJames Jborn about 1886
HenenrdRobert Lborn about 1931
HennerdBillie Hborn about 1936
HennerdHerman born about 1914
HennerdMaggie born about 1915
HenryGeorge born about 1896
HenryGeorge Jr born about 1938
HenryMary born about 1908
HenryMary Oborn about 1934
HicksGeorge Wborn about 1877
HicksHenry Cborn about 1937
HicksJosephine Lborn about 1928
HicksJulius Wborn about 1935
HicksMamie Lborn about 1915
HicksMelvine born about 1923
HillAlbert born about 1903
HillEd born about 1905
HolderHomer Bborn about 1901
HolderNora Cborn about 1918
HolidayAnny Keithyborn about 1873
HolidayDempsy born about 1894
HolidayJames born about 1934
HolidayJames G Oborn about 1884
HolidayRose born about 1896
HolidayVirginia born about 1887
HollandBessie born about 1883
HollandThomas born about 1875
HollyE Jborn about 1887
HolmesBetty Jborn about 1929
HolmesElmer born about 1901
HolmesElmer Cborn about 1939
HolmesMildred Lborn about 1909
HortonVada born about 1868
HuntAnna born about 1897
HuntArville born about 1865
HuntBenjeman born about 1933
HuntClint born about 1899
HuntJohnson born about 1910
HuntMaud born about 1899
HuntRay Eborn about 1917
HuntWayne born about 1936
HuntWilliam Sborn about 1862
HutchinsAlbert Hborn about 1907
HutchinsAlbert Vborn about 1930
HutchinsAlice Mborn about 1931
HutchinsJames Oborn about 1933
HutchinsR Marieborn about 1907

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J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1912
JacksonBessie Jborn about 1925
JacksonHenry Aborn about 1919
JamesAlbert Cborn about 1902
JamesCarl Gborn about 1937
JamesFannie Rborn about 1934
JamesFloyd Mborn about 1911
JamesGeneva Mborn about 1920
JamesIda Lborn about 1885
JamesJames Fborn about 1933
JamesLafilia born about 1911
JamesStanley Wborn about 1939
JamesThelma Jborn about 1924
JamesW Rborn about 1915
JamesWilliam Rborn about 1877
JayneClinton born about 1922
JayneGoldie born about 1903
JayneLester born about 1903
JefferiesJames born about 1870
JenkinsClarence born about 1907
JenkinsGlenn born about 1934
JenkinsHoward Jr born about 1932
JenkinsLuettie born about 1907
JenkinsOscar born about 1928
JenkinsRubby Mborn about 1922
JessinghouseHerman born about 1919
JessinghouseMandel born about 1922
JessinghouseWilliam born about 1939
JohnsonAlbert born about 1901
JohnsonAnderson born about 1900
JohnsonBessie Mborn about 1927
JohnsonBetty Rborn about 1929
JohnsonCharles Lborn about 1916
JohnsonDorothy born about 1931
JohnsonElvis born about 1914
JohnsonEmma born about 1903
JohnsonGeorge born about 1924
JohnsonGertie born about 1898
JohnsonGladys born about 1921
JohnsonHallie born about 1907
JohnsonJ Eborn about 1900
JohnsonJames Vborn about 1938
JohnsonJessie Mborn about 1926
JohnsonJoe born about 1923
JohnsonJohn Albertborn about 1927
JohnsonLatha Chasborn about 1910
JohnsonLusindia born about 1907
JohnsonMarnie born about 1909
JohnsonMary born about 1926
JohnsonNehimalt* born about 1936
JohnsonOpal born about 1923
JohnsonRuth Eborn about 1939
JohnsonSusie born about 1915
JohnsonVelma born about 1912
JohnsonWillie born about 1927
JonesB born about 1911
JonesFloyd born about 1931
JonesGracie Pborn about 1896
JonesLouis Jborn about 1914
JonesLoyd born about 1931
JonesSame born about 1916
JonesTom Cborn about 1890
JonesW born about 1914
JonesWilliam born about 1891
JonusLillie Mborn about 1940
JonusLucinda born about 1907
JonusOleva born about 1927
JonusS Jborn about 1901
JonusWillma born about 1933
JordonErma born about 1877
JudsonHereford born about 1900
JudsonJudilee born about 1922
JudsonWillie Bborn about 1904
JuniorBell born about 1939
JuniorBetty born about 1937
JuniorClytine born about 1935
JuniorCora Mborn about 1893
JuniorDare born about 1924
JuniorEddy born about 1928
JuniorGail born about 1937
JuniorJ Dborn about 1930
JuniorJohn Wborn about 1888
JuniorLula Mborn about 1932
JuniorMargrette born about 1907
JuniorRaye born about 1926
JuniorWalter Aborn about 1903
JuniorWoodrow born about 1918

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K Surnames

KaseryBernard born about 1927
KaseryL Bborn about 1892
KaseryMary Eborn about 1934
KaseryOm born about 1932
KennedyBilly Aborn about 1905
KennedyGeo Rborn about 1888
KennedyLottie Bessborn about 1921
KennedyReuben Sborn about 1929
KeyAndrew born about 1893
KeyBernie Wborn about 1922
KeyBotty born about 1936
KeyComidor born about 1902
KeyDaisy born about 1904
KeyFloyd born about 1929
KeyMildrid born about 1927
KeyMorlie born about 1920
KinderJewell Fborn about 1904
KinderLouise born about 1927
KinderM Cborn about 1884
KingAndrew born about 1890
KingIvy born about 1927
KingJames born about 1892
KingLerby born about 1929
KingLottie Mayborn about 1912
KingNancy born about 1901
KnightWallace Hborn about 1933

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L Surnames

LaceyDorthy Fborn about 1926
LaceyElesebeth Jborn about 1924
LaceyGeorge Lborn about 1940
LaceyGladdie Oborn about 1908
LaceyJessie Rborn about 1936
LaceyJohn Dborn about 1934
LaceyMargret born about 1930
LaceyWilliam born about 1932
LaceyWilliam Hborn about 1885
LaceyWincora Bborn about 1928
LackittMabel born about 1882
LackittThadens Cborn about 1882
LaneJ Aborn about 1912
LareyHugh Bborn about 1900
LareyHurburt Jborn about 1928
LareyJohnie Mborn about 1907
LareyMarie Jborn about 1930
LiemsEthel Oborn about 1870
LittleCorene born about 1936
LittlesC born about 1937
LittlesIvy born about 1920
LofterJames born about 1908
LongriederJohn born about 1890
LongriederNellie born about 1893
LongriederPhilip Sborn about 1923
LynchBobby Bborn about 1939
LynchLellie Mborn about 1912
LynchLeo Fborn about 1909
LynchTrendel Pborn about 1937

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M Surnames

MauleEa born about 1888
McBrownAudry Mborn about 1924
McBrownGereldine born about 1933
McBrownHubert Rborn about 1920
McBrownJ Vborn about 1930
McBrownR Hborn about 1925
McBrownTelma born about 1927
McBrownWheelan born about 1921
McCallCaroline born about 1938
McCallFrank Aborn about 1908
McCallHelen born about 1935
McCallIsebell born about 1929
McCallJames Fborn about 1940
McCallJohn Lborn about 1930
McCallOra Mborn about 1908
McCallRosella born about 1933
McConnallH Hborn about 1868
McKayGertie Lborn about 1939
MelvinBlanch born about 1903
MelvinFaye born about 1925
MelvinGurrin Wborn about 1893
MelvinHarold born about 1927
MelvinIsebella born about 1874
MelvinMartin Bborn about 1902
MelvinRay born about 1925
MelvinStella born about 1923
MelvinWilliam Dborn about 1922
MilesEmma born about 1873
MillerBessie born about 1920
MillerClytene born about 1918
MillerEmmett Hborn about 1915
MillerJoe Annborn about 1936
MillerJohn born about 1913
MillerMartha Jborn about 1934
MillerSteve born about 1871
MillerTiney born about 1936
MitchellBob born about 1931
MitchellCostella born about 1906
MitchellDorthy born about 1932
MitchellEdward Eborn about 1893
MitchellLena born about 1927
MitchellMildred Eborn about 1888
MitchellS born about 1905
MitchellShirley born about 1936
MorrisAlvin born about 1918
MorrisAlvin Cborn about 1919
MorrisAmos born about 1920
MorrisAmos born about 1921
MorrisDan born about 1938
MorrisEverett born about 1905
MorrisJoe born about 1938
MorrisJulie Cborn about 1925
MorrisLama born about 1883
MorrisLaurence Bborn about 1879
MorrisLawrence born about 1880
MorrisLeslie born about 1881
MorrisLouise Tborn about 1937
MorrisLoura born about 1884
MorrisMarjorie Vborn about 1920
MorrisMartha born about 1914
MorrisO Wborn about 1908
MorrisOdell born about 1921
MorrisOdell born about 1922
MorrisOrville born about 1908
MorrisPearl born about 1882
MorrisThelma born about 1915
MorrisThelma Aborn about 1936
MorrisThelma Lborn about 1915
MorrisVirginia born about 1922
MoyeNeven born about 1927
MuskrathEffie born about 1879

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N Surnames

NaylerFlorence born about 1927
NaylerMartin born about 1902
NaylerPearl born about 1902
NicholsonFaye Dborn about 1932
NicholsonLorretta born about 1900
NicholsonLousie born about 1912
NicholsonMargie born about 1929
NicholsonPade born about 1910
NicholsonR Cborn about 1903
NicholsonRobert Eborn about 1927
NorthcutA Gborn about 1907
NorthcutBarbara born about 1937
NorthcutLouis born about 1911
NorthcutMissouri born about 1887
NorthcutPresley born about 1931
NorthcutRamona born about 1929
NorthcutRufus born about 1887
NotszingenDan born about 1879
NotszingenMinnie born about 1884
NotszingerDella born about 1905
NotszingerEdith born about 1912
NotszingerJuannetta born about 1931
NumEstella born about 1920
NumFred Wborn about 1939
NumMaggie Pborn about 1914
NumSam Bborn about 1906
NunnChetta born about 1916
NunnEmery born about 1875
NunnWinnie born about 1892

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O Surnames

ObanionJ Rborn about 1895
OdenbaughFaye born about 1923
OdenbaughJohn born about 1883
OdenbaughKate born about 1885
OdenbaughWendel born about 1927
OldhamBilly Rborn about 1937
OldhamBobby born about 1935
OldhamHattie born about 1906
OldhamJohn born about 1903
OldhamLaverne born about 1922
OldhamLucile born about 1923
OldhamWanda Fborn about 1940
OuselyImogene born about 1938
OuselyMildred born about 1919

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P Surnames

PainterAnna Rborn about 1895
PainterClarence born about 1891
PainterDella Mborn about 1921
PainterEster Aborn about 1923
PainterEthel born about 1887
PainterMinnie Lborn about 1925
PainterWanda Lborn about 1931
ParchmanHelen born about 1913
ParchmanJerry born about 1936
ParchmanL born about 1910
ParishBen Jborn about 1908
PateCarrie Eborn about 1899
PateH Gborn about 1895
PateHenry Gborn about 1896
PateLorretta Aborn about 1921
PateRaymond Eborn about 1921
PatrickBillie Jborn about 1931
PatrickEdith Mborn about 1906
PatrickFrank Cborn about 1862
PatrickJames born about 1880
PatrickJames Aborn about 1928
PatrickPearl Aborn about 1888
PatrickRosa Lborn about 1929
PatrickSonnie Fborn about 1933
PatrickW Wborn about 1901
PeeblesJoe Hborn about 1927
PenrodNed born about 1927
PenroseBeatrice born about 1920
PenroseEthl Mborn about 1887
PenroseJayne born about 1927
PenroseKatherine born about 1907
PenroseLucile born about 1894
PenroseMargaret Aborn about 1915
PenroseMildred born about 1923
PenroseRobert Wborn about 1923
PenroseWilliam Jborn about 1878
PerryB born about 1903
PerryCharles born about 1928
PerryEd Pborn about 1906
PerryFaye born about 1931
PerryFrank born about 1900
PerryJoe born about 1932
PerryMary born about 1929
PerryRana born about 1908
PhillipsAnna Eborn about 1915
PhillipsFamie born about 1898
PhillipsJoe Lborn about 1912
PhillipsNoel Aborn about 1925
PhillipsRalph Dborn about 1927
PierceGeorge Nborn about 1918
PlummerBob born about 1890
PlummerSteve born about 1927
PorterArlin Bborn about 1932
PorterGrace Dborn about 1900
PorterM Aborn about 1883
PorterWinnefred born about 1881
PowellEmma born about 1881
PowellRichard born about 1879
PrinceAlice Mborn about 1890
PrinceCalvin Rborn about 1929
PrinceOliver born about 1889
PropesOrville born about 1923
PulseAlice born about 1924
PulseDanial born about 1935
PulseDella Bborn about 1931
PulseFletcher born about 1927
PulseFrank born about 1919
PulseFrank born about 1922
PulseGrady Mborn about 1924
PulseHenretta born about 1920
PulseJohn Bborn about 1918
PulseJohn Pborn about 1881
PulseJohnie Dborn about 1920
PulseMay Louborn about 1939
PulseOrene born about 1933
PulseOthretha born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagsdaleMartha born about 1873
RandleCharles born about 1933
RandleGertie born about 1931
RandleLeona born about 1919
RandleLester born about 1909
RandleMollie born about 1880
RandlePowtan born about 1870
ReevesCleo Rborn about 1906
ReevesEd Vborn about 1903
ReevesEthel Fborn about 1927
ReevesWilliam Hborn about 1929
RiceCrestene Fborn about 1929
RiceEula Aborn about 1884
RiceHillery born about 1885
RichGeorge Wborn about 1917
RicheyIsebell born about 1853
RideingClarence Bborn about 1927
RideingHays Eborn about 1914
RideingJelphie born about 1907
RideingLola born about 1916
RideingThos Cborn about 1895
RieffMattie born about 1857
RiekeyA Aborn about 1884
RiekeyLee Mborn about 1885
RoachD Dborn about 1939
RoachDorris Aborn about 1927
RoachFlora Jborn about 1932
RoachMartha Aborn about 1910
RoachThomas Aborn about 1930
RoachWely Jborn about 1936
RoachWesly born about 1901
RobinsonArzell born about 1931
RobinsonBernice Oborn about 1903
RobinsonConnie Jborn about 1933
RobinsonFrancis Nborn about 1935
RobinsonGloriadean born about 1935
RobinsonHershal Aborn about 1930
RobinsonJuanitta Rborn about 1938
RobinsonMable born about 1902
RobinsonMccal born about 1938
RobinsonMckinley born about 1899
RobinsonMelvin born about 1905
RobinsonPeter Jr born about 1936
RobinsonWinnzell born about 1929
RodgersEver born about 1891
RodgersMiller born about 1880
RogersBeatrice born about 1912
RogersGeneva Mborn about 1932
RogersHenry Hborn about 1907
RogersRobert Mborn about 1930
RoperOllie born about 1913
RoperOllie J Rborn about 1930
RoperReesa born about 1912
RosenbaunLouise born about 1864
RossLena Jborn about 1890
RossWilliam Hborn about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SchaeferEthel born about 1912
SchaeferEugene born about 1911
SchaeferJo Anneborn about 1934
SchcaferFleta born about 1885
SchcaferMavis born about 1921
SchcaferRobert Dborn about 1913
ScheaferAnna Jborn about 1934
ScheaferDella born about 1916
ScheaferDella Mborn about 1896
ScheaferEmma born about 1927
ScheaferEmma Jborn about 1930
ScheaferGene Eborn about 1912
ScheaferPearl born about 1918
ScheaferThelma born about 1923
ScheaferThelma born about 1927
ScheaferWilliam born about 1891
ScheaferWilliam Cborn about 1928
ScheaferWilliam Hborn about 1891
ScheaferWilliam Jr born about 1925
SchoonoverAlva born about 1902
SchoonoverEdward born about 1921
SchoonoverEugene born about 1931
SchoonoverMareret born about 1929
SchoonoverMattie born about 1927
SchoonoverSydney born about 1934
SchoonoverWilliam born about 1923
SchraderJewell born about 1927
SchraderMary born about 1880
SchraderWilliam born about 1874
SchraderWilliam Mborn about 1922
SeelEdison Fborn about 1902
SeelGladdis Vborn about 1909
SeelIra Jborn about 1919
SeelJoma Rborn about 1922
SeelWatthetta born about 1927
SeiterAlbert born about 1916
SeiterBertha Fborn about 1926
SeiterCharles Hborn about 1872
SeiterDessie born about 1912
SeiterFoster born about 1904
SeiterFrank born about 1882
SeiterHarvill born about 1909
SeiterJohn Dborn about 1876
SeiterJohn Rborn about 1928
SeiterLeo born about 1933
SeiterLola Hborn about 1889
SeiterMabel born about 1906
SeiterMaxine born about 1927
SeiterPatsy Rborn about 1929
SewellC Aborn about 1925
SewellC Eborn about 1885
SewellClyde born about 1913
SewellFlula born about 1895
SewellHorace born about 1919
SewellLois born about 1933
SewellRay born about 1921
SewellRuth born about 1924
ShanerNana Lborn about 1904
ShanerWilliam Oborn about 1922
ShanerWilliam Pborn about 1903
SheltonEthel born about 1936
ShuerAlice Mborn about 1859
ShuerHenry Hborn about 1859
SinnsJannie born about 1894
SmithCaroline born about 1873
SmithErnest Oborn about 1932
SmithGlada Bborn about 1934
SmithJuanetta born about 1930
SmithLois born about 1927
SmithLowell Wborn about 1928
SmithMay Eborn about 1906
SmithS Rborn about 1882
SmithSydny Gborn about 1937
SmithWilliam Eborn about 1896
SpencerCarl born about 1913
SpencerJohn born about 1876
SpencerRilla born about 1873
StokesS born about 1899
StongerErma born about 1880
StongerManuel Vborn about 1915
StoryHerbert Jborn about 1900
StoryTheo born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TackittBrooks Wborn about 1913
TackittBrooks W G 4born about 1936
TackittEdd born about 1888
TackittHelma Eborn about 1895
TackittRuth born about 1918
TackittShelvia Jborn about 1940
TaylerEmma born about 1865
TaylerFannie born about 1907
TaylerFremont Wborn about 1907
TaylerJohn Wborn about 1933
TaylorJasie born about 1913
ThompsonAlma Jborn about 1937
ThompsonDallas born about 1916
ThompsonDarrel Wborn about 1940
ThompsonEvelyn born about 1877
ThompsonJ Rborn about 1861
ThompsonLethey Eborn about 1927
ThompsonMamie Cborn about 1905
ThompsonMary Fborn about 1931
ThompsonRalph Eborn about 1934
ThompsonThos Rborn about 1896
ThompsonThos Rborn about 1933
ToddGeorge Wborn about 1921
ToddJaunetta born about 1927
ToddMartha Aborn about 1925
ToddRosa born about 1874
ToddWade Lborn about 1873
TolemanBaily Mborn about 1932
TolemanCarson Lborn about 1930
TolemanHuston Rborn about 1892
TolemanRosa Mborn about 1906
TolemanThos Hborn about 1938
TolemanWillie Fborn about 1927
TomelsonJohn Lborn about 1904
TomelsonLora born about 1908
TracyDorothy born about 1925
TracyElizabeth born about 1924
TracyGeorge born about 1940
TracyGladys born about 1903
TracyJessie born about 1938
TracyJohn born about 1935
TracyMargaret born about 1930
TracyWilliam born about 1885
TracyWilliam born about 1931
TracyWyonia born about 1928
TuckerBetty born about 1895
TuckerEverett Hborn about 1927
TuckerFred born about 1915
TuckerJane Mborn about 1939
TuckerJohn Dborn about 1922
TuckerMaggie born about 1922
TuckerWilliam Hborn about 1884
TurnerJoe Eborn about 1904
TylerAddie born about 1888
TylerHenry born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValiantBernice born about 1905
VanceBessie Rborn about 1893
VanceByron born about 1893
VanceByron Jr born about 1922
VanceCharles Mborn about 1928
VanceGenevia Rborn about 1925
VanceIda Aborn about 1901
VanceIra Cborn about 1889
VanceJack Eborn about 1935
VanceJames Cborn about 1923
VanceJohn Aborn about 1927
VanceJohn Dborn about 1939
VanceLouis Jborn about 1911
VanceNellie born about 1917
VanderburgAnnie Mborn about 1939
VanderburgBetty Jborn about 1938
VanderburgDetta Fborn about 1937
VanderburgDonald born about 1936
VanderburgEarl Rborn about 1886
VanderburgEugune born about 1914
VanderburgFaye born about 1920
VanderburgGleeola Rborn about 1935
VanderburgKeith Eborn about 1924
VanderburgKenny Eborn about 1924
VanderburgLoyd Lborn about 1913
VanderburgMaggie born about 1887
VanderburgMary born about 1896
VanderburgMary Bborn about 1930
VanderburgMary Hborn about 1918
VanderburgThos Mborn about 1877
VanoverEvelyn born about 1926
VanoverJessie Lborn about 1922
VanoverRuth born about 1901
VardamanEthel born about 1924
VardamanWilliam born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltersAlice Jborn about 1867
WaltersAuther Eborn about 1932
WaltersBurley born about 1919
WaltersCharles Dborn about 1939
WaltersFrancis Lborn about 1927
WaltersFrank Mborn about 1872
WaltersGeorge Wborn about 1864
WaltersHelen born about 1903
WaltersMargert born about 1915
WaltersSherman Fborn about 1900
WaltersSmantha Oborn about 1876
WaltersWilliam Dborn about 1903
WaltersWilliam Jborn about 1936
WareVictora Lborn about 1910
WarrCalvin born about 1924
WarrHarold Lborn about 1935
WarrJohn Sborn about 1922
WarrMaxine Lborn about 1927
WarrOpal born about 1901
WarrPatsy born about 1933
WarrStanley born about 1920
WaylandFrank born about 1917
WeeksGeorge born about 1906
WeeksRose Maryborn about 1928
WeeksSadie born about 1914
WessonDelores Jborn about 1934
WessonLottie born about 1913
WessonWilliam Lborn about 1913
WheeterAnna born about 1904
WhhitJudeth born about 1918
WhhitWillie Aborn about 1914
WhicarRoy born about 1935
WhiteRobert Lborn about 1892
WhiteThelma born about 1939
WhitfieldB born about 1919
WhitfieldL Cborn about 1934
WhitfieldWillie Bborn about 1918
WillardLouis Aborn about 1874
WilliamsE Jborn about 1922
WilliamsH born about 1896
WilliamsLucy born about 1897
WilliamsV Aborn about 1916
WillieChas Wborn about 1903
WillsDonals born about 1919
WillsDoyle Vborn about 1910
WillsGeorge Fborn about 1870
WillsGeorge Mborn about 1937
WillsLaura born about 1920
WillsMattie born about 1887
WilsonHenry Aborn about 1890
WilsonHomer Aborn about 1888
WilsonHomer Wborn about 1914
WilsonHometin Eborn about 1937
WilsonMary Vborn about 1935
WilsonMildred born about 1914
WitherspoonBetty born about 1928
WitherspoonDora Mborn about 1923
WitherspoonDwght Bborn about 1896
WitherspoonDwight born about 1930
WitherspoonGenevia Dborn about 1935
WitherspoonIris born about 1926
WitherspoonJoyce born about 1932
WitherspoonKatherine Lborn about 1921
WitherspoonMyrtle Gborn about 1897
WoodwardAlice Nborn about 1924
WoodwardBessie Dborn about 1891
WoodwardEdna Jr born about 1937
WoodwardElsie born about 1915
WoodwardG Hborn about 1910
WoodwardGrady Hborn about 1933
WoodwardHenry born about 1926
WoodwardHerman born about 1922
WoodwardLorrain Bborn about 1917
WoodwardNona Aborn about 1929
WoodwardO Aborn about 1888
WoodwardT Hborn about 1913
WoodwardThomas Lborn about 1939
WrensleyChester Jborn about 1901

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