1940 U.S. Federal Census of Coldwater, Cross, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Cross County > 1940 Census of Coldwater

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AkinBoyd born about 1920
AkinEma Jeanborn about 1925
AkinGordon born about 1878
AkinJames born about 1926
AkinMary Louborn about 1928
AkinMaxine born about 1923
AkinNettie born about 1900
AkinNeva born about 1932
AkinPauline born about 1918
AldridgeBauce born about 1912
AldridgeBauce born about 1930
AldridgeEarlee born about 1938
AldridgeEash Cborn about 1857
AldridgeEmira born about 1933
AldridgeEthel born about 1913
AldridgeFer Bborn about 1890
AldridgeLeroy born about 1900
AldridgeLuemma born about 1913
AldridgeMartha Zeeborn about 1932
AldridgeMary Leeborn about 1915
AldridgeRosa born about 1864
AldridgeTommas Leeborn about 1936
AldridgeVerdel born about 1929
AllanJoe born about 1911
AllanMozella born about 1922
AndersonHuston Bborn about 1876
AnthonyLetha born about 1892
AnthonySam born about 1866
ArbuckleFred born about 1905
ArbuckleHenry born about 1934
ArbuckleJosie born about 1877
ArbuckleRuby born about 1909
ArbuckleW Hborn about 1870
ArbuckleWayne born about 1932
AustinAda born about 1912
AustinDocie Mborn about 1939
AustinGendle born about 1937
AustinJune born about 1934
AustinLouise born about 1910
AustinRuey born about 1914
AustinSamuel born about 1916
AustinShirley born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyCaurtney born about 1910
BaileyGladys born about 1914
BaileySamuel Pborn about 1871
BaileyThomas Genyborn about 1931
BaileyWillie Deanborn about 1933
BakerAdd born about 1903
BakerBernice born about 1939
BakerClara Mborn about 1928
BakerCurtis born about 1921
BakerDaisy born about 1898
BakerEarl born about 1930
BakerEunice born about 1932
BakerMagie Rborn about 1935
BakerRichard born about 1926
BakerRuth born about 1922
BakerVirgal Sborn about 1938
BakerWalter L Jrborn about 1919
BakerWalter Sborn about 1890
BakerWillie Bborn about 1905
BalesEssie born about 1912
BalesLilly Mayborn about 1919
BalesWillie Beeborn about 1939
BallPeary born about 1889
BaloghAby born about 1893
BaloghWoodrow born about 1917
BaloghWyatt Wborn about 1925
BanksAllie Leeborn about 1887
BanksEaly born about 1926
BanksJesse Bborn about 1876
BanksJessie Leeborn about 1924
BanksNancy born about 1877
BanksRufus born about 1933
BantonEarnest born about 1939
BantonEarnest Sborn about 1910
BantonEva Gelleborn about 1920
BantonGeraldine born about 1938
BantonLeola born about 1940
BarnesCleo born about 1933
BarnesEverline born about 1905
BarnesEvirn born about 1932
BarnesFredole born about 1924
BarnesJohn born about 1900
BarnesLena Mborn about 1930
BarnesPearlane born about 1928
BarnesWavey born about 1935
BarnesWillie born about 1923
BarnettAbbie born about 1893
BarnettDoc born about 1895
BarnettDorothy Mayborn about 1923
BarnettJ Dborn about 1925
BarrAgatha born about 1930
BarrAlma born about 1933
BarrFlynn born about 1931
BarrFlynn born about 1934
BarrRexford born about 1936
BarrRoy born about 1938
BarrTennessee born about 1911
BarrZelma Eborn about 1906
BarrZglpha born about 1939
BarroBarbara Jr born about 1929
BarroBetty Ruthborn about 1934
BarroBookuml born about 1895
BarroBuddie Berborn about 1935
BarroC Lborn about 1932
BarroFannie Leeborn about 1927
BarroGrady Leeborn about 1939
BarroHerbert Reeborn about 1925
BarroMyrtle Mayborn about 1937
BarroStella born about 1910
BarroWinnie Mayborn about 1930
BartonFletcher born about 1919
BaskinsBob born about 1884
BaskinsEzra born about 1925
BaskinsForrest born about 1927
BatesAnnie born about 1865
BatesJohnny born about 1910
BatesLucy born about 1922
BaumgarnerDorothy born about 1924
BaumgarnerJ Lborn about 1929
BaumgarnerJosephine born about 1931
BaumgarnerLinvel born about 1926
BaumgarnerMary born about 1874
BaumgarnerOrville born about 1927
BaumgarnerPauline born about 1922
BaumgarnerRoland born about 1933
BaumgarnerVesta Mborn about 1935
BaumgarnerWillie Lborn about 1901
BaumgarnerWyloden born about 1931
BaylockEmile Sborn about 1889
BaylockGeorge Eborn about 1880
BellBula born about 1896
BellEdgar born about 1923
BellElsie born about 1925
BellJack born about 1920
BellWilliam Gborn about 1890
BennetBerthie Mayborn about 1912
BennetJeon born about 1898
BennetMinnie Mayborn about 1934
BennetRichard born about 1909
BerryAllen born about 1869
BerryEssie born about 1909
BerryLouise born about 1933
BerryLouise Dborn about 1893
BetzIvory born about 1910
BetzMerria born about 1913
BigginsC Lborn about 1925
BigginsRobert born about 1928
BlakeAnnie Bborn about 1907
BlakeCletis Bborn about 1932
BlakeFrancis Jborn about 1934
BlakeLeon Vborn about 1939
BlakeMira Eborn about 1929
BlakeSam Vborn about 1904
BlakeSam V Jrborn about 1926
BlakeThelma Aborn about 1936
BlansettCharlie born about 1884
BlockCaptilla born about 1914
BlockClara born about 1935
BlockDave born about 1877
BlockEleanor born about 1892
BlockSam born about 1883
BoatrightEvelyn born about 1917
BoatrightLee born about 1907
BogartEd born about 1892
BogartLilly born about 1888
BoldenCleo born about 1921
BoldenEves born about 1926
BolderTommie born about 1927
BonettBilly Jborn about 1935
BonettEarnestine born about 1929
BonettEmmie Vborn about 1895
BonettH Dborn about 1937
BonettJessg born about 1905
BonettMaxine born about 1924
BonettMildred born about 1928
BonettStone Wborn about 1874
BonettTalmadge born about 1930
BonettWinford Wborn about 1927
BoxGlayds born about 1925
BoydArthur Eborn about 1892
BoydMary Bborn about 1904
BradsherAmon Wborn about 1913
BradsherBilly Jborn about 1932
BradsherCleveland born about 1888
BradsherMildred Dborn about 1922
BradsherMinnie Bborn about 1893
BradsherNell Lborn about 1925
BradsherRoy Rborn about 1916
BramletAnita born about 1939
BramletDonald Louiseborn about 1939
BramletH Sborn about 1912
BramletLilly born about 1908
BramletLouise born about 1910
BramletLouise born about 1929
BramletMargaret born about 1933
BramletMartle born about 1917
BramletMary Annborn about 1934
BramletMaurice born about 1911
BramletMonroe born about 1878
BramletWilliam Bborn about 1936
BramlettEthel born about 1889
BramlettJenny Mayborn about 1911
BramlettJohn Wborn about 1884
BramlettJohnny born about 1923
BramlettLeman born about 1906
BramlettLura born about 1890
BramlettR Jborn about 1880
BrewerAllan born about 1885
BrewerAllan Jr born about 1930
BrewerEdna born about 1929
BrewerIrene born about 1926
BrewerJ Wborn about 1938
BrewerKatherine born about 1935
BrewerMary born about 1903
BrightFluetta born about 1940
BrightWalter born about 1881
BrightZola born about 1909
BrookfieldGeorge born about 1865
BrookfieldLula born about 1875
BrownAnnetta Rborn about 1936
BrownCharlie born about 1913
BrownEffie Mborn about 1919
BrownElmer Oborn about 1898
BrownEugene Rborn about 1927
BrownGeorge Gborn about 1915
BrownJack born about 1907
BrownLaura Kborn about 1939
BrownLily Lborn about 1918
BrownLoyd Gborn about 1939
BrownMay Eborn about 1937
BrownOrville Tborn about 1938
BroyGeorge Wborn about 1912
BuchannanBeatrice born about 1913
BuchannanBill born about 1907
BuchannanBillie born about 1929
BuchannanBobbyroy born about 1934
BuchannanErnest Louiseborn about 1939
BuchannanEvenice born about 1929
BuchannanFaulbert born about 1936
BuchannanGuy born about 1905
BuchannanJames Fayborn about 1937
BuchannanJames Wborn about 1933
BuchannanJoel born about 1931
BuchannanSylvia born about 1932
BuchannanTheda Mayborn about 1909
BuckannanJ Eborn about 1880
BukerOpal born about 1927
BullochBetty Fborn about 1903
BullochHobert Jborn about 1896
BullochRoy born about 1928
BullochStella born about 1933
BullochVeda Fborn about 1940
BullochVera born about 1930
BulterGrover Bborn about 1914
BulterGrover Jr born about 1935
BulterThomas Eborn about 1939
BulterVerna Pborn about 1915
BumgenderIndia born about 1902
BumgenderJake born about 1892
BurnettBobbyj born about 1938
BurnettHelen born about 1925
BurnettJames Jborn about 1917
BurnettJames Mborn about 1880
BurnettMyrtle born about 1884
BurnettWillie Eborn about 1920
BurseyJolly Leeborn about 1924
ButlerAnnie Rborn about 1888
ButlerArthur Lborn about 1884
ButlerBernard Sborn about 1940
ButlerCarol Mborn about 1915
ButlerDonald born about 1939
ButlerFrances born about 1916
ButlerJames Mborn about 1939
ButlerLuther born about 1921
ButlerMary Pborn about 1905
ButlerMaxine born about 1922
ButlerVergie Mborn about 1908
ButterLeva born about 1886
ButterNillie born about 1919
ButterR Hborn about 1893
ButterRobert born about 1918
ByrdAlfred born about 1904
ByrdLillian born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellBilly Geneborn about 1932
CaldwellEdith born about 1914
CaldwellEdith born about 1923
CaldwellIda born about 1909
CaldwellJ Lborn about 1914
CaldwellJacky Royborn about 1935
CaldwellJeweldine born about 1927
CaldwellJunior born about 1925
CaldwellMartha Louiseborn about 1930
CaldwellRichard Lewisborn about 1937
CaldwellW Lborn about 1908
CaldwellWillie Joeborn about 1935
CallierJ Eborn about 1897
CallierMary Aliceborn about 1936
CalvinFrank Rborn about 1917
CampbellCharles Jr born about 1928
CampbellCharlie born about 1904
CampbellMaudie born about 1890
CandallCletis born about 1917
CandallOdenia born about 1910
CarterBettie born about 1912
CarterHattie born about 1911
CarterLeon born about 1936
CarterPleasant born about 1925
CarterRussel born about 1892
CarterWillie born about 1898
CateLillie born about 1881
CateLyle C Oborn about 1875
ChambersJim born about 1922
ChambersNorma born about 1924
ChambersWalker born about 1927
ChambersWoodrow born about 1920
ChambersZora born about 1896
ChaseBula Mborn about 1938
ChaseEdward born about 1917
ChaseFrankie Eborn about 1935
ChaseJenee born about 1898
ChaseJessie born about 1933
ChaseJewel born about 1921
ChaseJunior born about 1928
ChaseLeonard born about 1923
ChaseLester born about 1915
ChaseLouise born about 1925
ChaseLuvenia born about 1908
ChaseNotie born about 1939
ChaseRobert born about 1930
ChaseRobert Lborn about 1907
ChaseVann Vborn about 1905
ChaseWalter born about 1935
ChatronHoward born about 1938
ChatronLomi born about 1900
ChatronLomi Mayborn about 1935
ChatronMildred born about 1919
ChatronW Cborn about 1939
ClarkAb born about 1907
ClarkBerrie born about 1904
ClarkDewey born about 1899
ClarkEston born about 1932
ClarkFlora Mborn about 1917
ClarkOwen born about 1923
ClarkRobert Leeborn about 1936
ClayAffie born about 1922
ClayEmma born about 1884
ClayJohn born about 1884
ClayJohn Henryborn about 1915
ClemDrusie Bborn about 1901
ClemLouis Jborn about 1902
ClementAlbertine born about 1851
ClementBarbara born about 1939
ClementBetty Jborn about 1936
ClementBetty Lborn about 1933
ClementDelores Mborn about 1918
ClementKatherine Sborn about 1919
ClementR Tborn about 1929
ClementTom born about 1901
ClementeAlice born about 1885
ClementeClyde born about 1917
ClementeVirgil born about 1914
ClemonsChester Leeborn about 1938
ClemonsMaudie Meyborn about 1920
ClemonsRuby Helenborn about 1940
ClevlandEunice Eborn about 1937
ClevlandMyrtle born about 1906
ClevlandRaymond Eborn about 1908
ClevlandRaymond E Jrborn about 1939
CobbArthur born about 1897
CobbSarah Eborn about 1896
CodayAlma Jeanborn about 1939
CodayDammond born about 1917
CodayVessie Leeborn about 1922
ColdwellBobby Janetteborn about 1938
ColdwellJ Wborn about 1870
ColdwellJames Vborn about 1936
ColdwellJochie born about 1940
ColdwellOpal born about 1918
ColdwellRuby born about 1895
ColdwellVerland born about 1916
ColeDoshia born about 1909
ColeEdward born about 1914
ColeFrancis born about 1923
ColeGilbert born about 1883
ColeGilbert born about 1926
ColeGsac born about 1926
ColeIrene born about 1900
ColeJohn born about 1900
ColeJosephine born about 1928
ColeLacelle born about 1928
ColeMason born about 1896
ColeMittie born about 1884
ColeRachel born about 1901
ColeRachel Leeborn about 1915
ColeVeralene born about 1919
ColeVirginia born about 1931
ConlleyClifford born about 1930
CoodJoanetta Lborn about 1939
CoodLeonard born about 1918
CoodPearlie Lborn about 1874
CookBerthie born about 1921
CookCalvin born about 1926
CookCarrie Maeborn about 1923
CookJess born about 1890
CookMartha Janeborn about 1892
CooperCharlie born about 1872
CooperDan born about 1882
CooperDovie born about 1906
CooperHerbert born about 1930
CooperMinnie born about 1889
CooperNellie Jeanborn about 1933
CooperRuby born about 1928
CopelandHenry born about 1885
CouchBlanche Dborn about 1880
CouchHomer Eborn about 1912
CouchMart Bborn about 1875
CouchMildred Sborn about 1914
CouseyJohn born about 1893
CoxA Gborn about 1937
CoxC Wborn about 1926
CoxClarence born about 1905
CoxJoan born about 1934
CoxJonas born about 1878
CoxLawrence born about 1939
CoxLottie born about 1924
CoxMary born about 1914
CoxZelma born about 1905
CrookBen born about 1930
CrookDoris born about 1927
CrookMack born about 1935
CrookPaul born about 1906
CrookPauline born about 1926
CrookShirley born about 1937
CrookWillie born about 1906
CrouchAgnes Lborn about 1930
CrouchBilly Aborn about 1931
CrouchBobby Rborn about 1934
CrouchJerry Lborn about 1936
CrouchLula Mborn about 1911
CrouchMartin Lborn about 1906
CrouchThomas Aborn about 1928
CrumbBasdie Dborn about 1917
CrumbBobby Jborn about 1940
CrumbJerry Lborn about 1938
CrumbPeston Rborn about 1912
CulbertCliff born about 1895
CulbertEunice born about 1925
CulbertJessie born about 1927
CulbertMarion born about 1929
CulbertMaude born about 1904
CumminghamCharlie Dborn about 1900
CumminghamConnie born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanzyHarding born about 1923
DanzyMinnie born about 1925
DanzyR Dborn about 1869
DanzySandy Aborn about 1900
DaviesEarl born about 1927
DaviesJames born about 1928
DaviesLorene born about 1932
DavisA Hborn about 1876
DavisAllie Mayborn about 1932
DavisAnnie Sborn about 1931
DavisBabel Leeborn about 1921
DavisBally born about 1879
DavisCharles Eborn about 1936
DavisDorothy born about 1929
DavisEdith Bborn about 1938
DavisEdward Jborn about 1890
DavisEldridge born about 1936
DavisEltie Mborn about 1920
DavisEssie born about 1934
DavisFannie born about 1920
DavisFraina born about 1938
DavisHenry born about 1912
DavisHenry Jr born about 1939
DavisIsabella born about 1888
DavisJames born about 1885
DavisJames Oborn about 1915
DavisJessie born about 1899
DavisJosie born about 1895
DavisKatherine born about 1921
DavisLeslie born about 1925
DavisLillie Beaborn about 1908
DavisLilly Leeborn about 1928
DavisLoucille born about 1922
DavisMadie born about 1934
DavisMadie born about 1939
DavisMargeret Lborn about 1887
DavisMerl born about 1922
DavisMerl born about 1927
DavisNaomi born about 1936
DavisNola born about 1898
DavisOphelia born about 1918
DavisRobert born about 1904
DavisSarah born about 1895
DavisSid born about 1894
DavisSterling born about 1924
DavisThelma born about 1925
DavisWill born about 1885
DavisWill Tborn about 1887
DavisWilliam born about 1916
DavisWilliam born about 1920
DavisWillie Cborn about 1922
DavisWinford born about 1931
DeanClarie Mayborn about 1926
DeanEarnest born about 1902
DeanElmer born about 1939
DeanEvelyn born about 1933
DeanHarold Aborn about 1904
DeanJames born about 1931
DeanJoyce born about 1938
DeanLarine born about 1924
DeanMay born about 1906
DeanVautine born about 1923
DeanVencie born about 1936
DelsonCecil born about 1919
DelsonDorothy born about 1922
DickersonClabie born about 1904
DickersonHarley born about 1934
DickersonLorena born about 1930
DickersonLourena born about 1936
DickersonPearl born about 1910
DockettAnnie born about 1892
DockettJoanathan born about 1882
DossBetty born about 1933
DossCharlie born about 1906
DossClarence born about 1928
DossDottie born about 1911
DossHelen born about 1926
DossLenwood born about 1936
DossLinda Sueborn about 1940
DossRalph Eborn about 1924
DossRobert Pborn about 1878
DossTamer Jborn about 1884
DukeCallie Bborn about 1891
DukeMarie Mborn about 1922
DunnBetty born about 1937
DunnClifton born about 1899
DunnEmmaline born about 1910
DunnL Lborn about 1927
DunnLoetta born about 1921
DunnLoise born about 1932
DunnMinnie born about 1888
DunnMira born about 1935
DunnRobert born about 1887
DunnRoy born about 1939
DunnYvonne born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EdwardsBetty Jaborn about 1926
EdwardsGrace born about 1903
EdwardsHall born about 1888
EdwardsLouise born about 1923
EdwardsMary Leeborn about 1902
EdwardsRufus Jborn about 1894
EldersJoann born about 1938
EldersPaul Aborn about 1907
EldersPaul Jr born about 1931
EldersRuby Dborn about 1907
EllisEarnest Eborn about 1882
EllisNaunita born about 1924
EllisRobert Bborn about 1905
EllisRobert Cborn about 1862
EngramAlas born about 1930
EngramBob Eddieborn about 1939
EngramCharles Rborn about 1940
EngramEvlaine born about 1933
EngramFirda born about 1932
EngramJohnhenry born about 1936
EngramJohnnie born about 1907
EngramMaggie born about 1910
EvansCarmiel born about 1918
EvansLonzo born about 1914
EvansOletha born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarmerAlberta born about 1907
FarmerJames Bborn about 1922
FarverChristine born about 1940
FarverClaudie born about 1938
FarverJohn born about 1902
FarverL Cborn about 1935
FarverLouise born about 1910
FarverParmartha born about 1929
FarverSegunn Jr born about 1933
FarverSugueen born about 1906
FarverWillie Jamesborn about 1935
FloydAnnie Eborn about 1877
FloydHenry born about 1916
FloydJohn Dborn about 1871
FloydLeroy born about 1906
FloydLouise born about 1924
FloydThomas born about 1910
FloydViola born about 1884
ForbesAry born about 1927
ForbesDelia Dborn about 1897
ForbesJames Mborn about 1894
ForbesJames Jr born about 1934
ForbesMaura born about 1928
ForbesPauline born about 1923
ForbesRaymond born about 1931
ForbesRobert born about 1933
ForbesRosie born about 1924
ForbesRuth born about 1925
FranklinAlice born about 1875
FranklinFrank born about 1862
FreemanAlberta born about 1894
FreemanAlberta born about 1923
FreemanAlfred born about 1932
FreemanArville born about 1937
FreemanCharlie born about 1890
FreemanCharlie born about 1919
FreemanClarence born about 1938
FreemanDavid born about 1926
FreemanDen born about 1925
FreemanEva Mayborn about 1929
FreemanGeorge born about 1915
FreemanJames Nborn about 1900
FreemanJames Nborn about 1928
FreemanJewel born about 1919
FreemanLevata born about 1936
FreemanMartha born about 1922
FreemanMaude Eborn about 1906
FreemanVera Mborn about 1925
FreemanVida Gborn about 1926
FrurAda born about 1922
FrurHays born about 1909
FullerAda born about 1904
FullerAmbrose born about 1896
FullerAnnie born about 1892
FullerJames born about 1938
FullerJenny born about 1892
FullerJim born about 1875
FullerJohnie born about 1895
FullerMose born about 1916
FullerUola born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarrettLaura Leeborn about 1925
GarrettWillie born about 1912
GarverAlberta born about 1911
GarverChae born about 1910
GaskinArietta born about 1914
GaskinBarbara Sborn about 1933
GaskinGrover Cborn about 1904
GaskinHerman born about 1912
GaskinLyn Hborn about 1931
GaskinNova born about 1911
GaskinOudia Sborn about 1937
GaskinPatsy Cborn about 1936
GaskinWilma Tborn about 1922
GiffordDelta born about 1934
GilbertGale born about 1920
GilbertJohn born about 1928
GilbertJohn Oborn about 1891
GilbertLuzina born about 1926
GilbertMildred born about 1924
GilbertPearl born about 1893
GinBertha born about 1905
GinCalvin born about 1904
GinEdd born about 1896
GinEdna Mayborn about 1933
GinElva born about 1931
GinEva born about 1935
GinGertrude born about 1913
GinJames born about 1929
GinJoel born about 1938
GinMaddie Ruthborn about 1927
GinWilliam born about 1933
GlassCecil born about 1918
GlassHazel born about 1922
GlassMattie born about 1884
GlassMinus born about 1922
GlassWilbur born about 1922
GlossAnnie born about 1912
GlossBustes born about 1907
GlossL Cborn about 1928
GloverLaura born about 1917
GodwinClara Aborn about 1894
GodwinElbert Hborn about 1923
GodwinJoseph Hborn about 1919
GodwinJoseph H Jborn about 1939
GodwinJoseph Jborn about 1896
GodwinSibel born about 1925
GodwinWilliam Hborn about 1921
GoodJohny born about 1894
GoodWilliam born about 1906
GoodmanArmentha born about 1912
GoodmanWillie born about 1912
GossFlora born about 1920
GossHugh born about 1890
GrabanCleo born about 1925
GrabanLeora born about 1900
GrabanLewis born about 1922
GrabanNadine born about 1923
GrabanPhillis born about 1895
GrahamErin born about 1920
GrahamGenett born about 1932
GrahamJack born about 1931
GrahamJaunita born about 1927
GrahamJohn born about 1924
GrahamMary Jborn about 1901
GrahamOpal born about 1929
GrahamPaul born about 1934
GrahamRube Cborn about 1890
GrahamRubia Jr born about 1936
GrantAlex born about 1888
GrantRan Leeborn about 1927
GrantT Lborn about 1900
GrayCarey born about 1914
GrayFloyd Lborn about 1935
GrayHomer born about 1913
GreenBilly Fborn about 1933
GreenFrank born about 1900
GreenFrank Jr born about 1929
GreenLucinda Tborn about 1864
GreenMelveda born about 1912
GreenRuby Mborn about 1923
GreenwoodArthur born about 1894
GreenwoodBettie born about 1875
GreenwoodBilly Jborn about 1939
GreenwoodDoris born about 1935
GreenwoodJulia Lborn about 1904
GreenwoodLaura Jborn about 1937
GreenwoodLeon born about 1931
GreenwoodLula born about 1912
GreenwoodMarion born about 1938
GreenwoodMildred born about 1933
GreenwoodOnedia born about 1939
GreenwoodRay Hborn about 1934
GreenwoodRoxzel born about 1915
GreenwoodRuby born about 1937
GreenwoodSoraine born about 1937
GreenwoodSusie Gborn about 1888
GreenwoodWillie Fborn about 1904
GreenwoodZelma born about 1921
GriffinBennie Leeborn about 1938
GriffinBurly Dborn about 1895
GriffinJoe born about 1890
GriffinJoe Jeborn about 1940
GriffinMarion Sborn about 1939
GriffinMolly born about 1876
GriffinRhodie Mayborn about 1919
GriffinVirgie born about 1918
GroomsCollinne born about 1937
GroomsGene Arlanborn about 1935
GroomsGloonda born about 1931
GroomsHazel born about 1910
GroomsJean Berniceborn about 1933
GroomsNancy Meanborn about 1930
GroomsOrval born about 1910
GroomsOrville born about 1928
GrubbsAliene Gborn about 1929
GrubbsLon Fborn about 1898
GrubbsLula Eborn about 1925
GrubbsMary Eborn about 1937
GrubbsPeggy Jborn about 1931
GrubbsRhoda Aborn about 1900
GrubbsRuby Nellborn about 1923
GustArlene born about 1931
GustBenton born about 1908
GustHartence born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HallsBilly Loeborn about 1929
HallsEugenie born about 1940
HallsG Wborn about 1936
HallsGladys born about 1910
HallsGooldine born about 1933
HallsJake born about 1905
HamrickArley born about 1931
HamrickBetty born about 1936
HamrickClyde born about 1933
HamrickFlorence born about 1915
HamrickJerry Geborn about 1938
HamrieDonnie born about 1923
HamrieEdward Fborn about 1883
HamrieElton Lborn about 1917
HamrieMary Jborn about 1894
HamrieNeoma born about 1926
HamrieSusia Bborn about 1908
HamrieWoodie Hborn about 1929
HandAllen Mborn about 1939
HandOdery Lborn about 1923
HandSilas born about 1918
HansFannie Leeborn about 1934
HansIvah born about 1927
HansJ Fborn about 1928
HansLoe Ledyborn about 1929
HansMabel born about 1906
HansRobert born about 1902
HansRobert Jorborn about 1939
HansRomanie Leeborn about 1936
HardyGeorgia born about 1882
HargettDon born about 1916
HargettEugene Fborn about 1880
HargettEva Leeborn about 1883
HarrisAle Mayborn about 1928
HarrisBetty Beckborn about 1929
HarrisCasper born about 1926
HarrisElla Janeborn about 1931
HarrisFrancis born about 1897
HarrisFrank born about 1906
HarrisFrank Dborn about 1936
HarrisFrank Jr born about 1931
HarrisMarrie born about 1925
HarrisMay born about 1895
HarrisMildred born about 1927
HarrisNathan born about 1889
HarrisOphelia born about 1910
HarrisR Jborn about 1896
HarrisRobbie born about 1920
HarrisRobert J Jrborn about 1923
HarrisSam born about 1865
HarrisVada born about 1924
HarrisonJan Griffinborn about 1917
HarrisonMargaret born about 1918
HarrisonRobert Eborn about 1939
HartfieldDaisy born about 1902
HartfieldElizabeth born about 1928
HartfieldJaunita born about 1925
HartfieldRussell born about 1920
HartfieldThad born about 1896
HarveyGsac Mborn about 1898
HarveyHelen born about 1927
HarveyJohn Aborn about 1927
HarveyLeroy born about 1939
HarveyMaggie born about 1906
HarveyMary born about 1934
HarveyMary Mborn about 1930
HarveyNich born about 1934
HarveyNora Fborn about 1896
HarveyRuby Mborn about 1925
HarveySam born about 1892
HeardBennie Mayborn about 1938
HeardFanney born about 1917
HeardFred born about 1912
HendersonAthie born about 1911
HendersonBernie born about 1909
HendersonHazel born about 1915
HendersonJohn Tborn about 1874
HendersonMartha Jborn about 1892
HendersonRaymond born about 1926
HendriexCharles born about 1922
HentonLevel born about 1916
HentonWillie born about 1938
HillisAlbert born about 1901
HillisArene born about 1901
HiltonJames Rborn about 1887
HiltonMamie Vborn about 1897
HiltonRobert Wborn about 1917
HiltonRubin Vborn about 1925
HintonAdam born about 1929
HintonFloyd born about 1918
HintonNell born about 1914
HintonOlelia born about 1888
HintonPaul born about 1887
HintonVeralene born about 1922
HiteAmos born about 1924
HiteAuthor born about 1926
HiteC Hborn about 1884
HiteC W Jborn about 1928
HiteIre Jeanborn about 1922
HiteMabel born about 1920
HiteOta born about 1888
HiteRuth born about 1931
HodanEugene Wborn about 1922
HodanLaura Lborn about 1861
HodanMinnie Mborn about 1899
HodanNell born about 1920
HodanRobert born about 1923
HodanWillie born about 1896
HoganAda born about 1880
HoganEd born about 1912
HoganWillie born about 1914
HogueWillie born about 1919
HoltArthur born about 1908
HoltCarles born about 1927
HoltCharlie born about 1911
HoltChristine born about 1924
HoltEva Cborn about 1890
HoltGeorgia Mborn about 1895
HoltHorse Hborn about 1887
HoltIke Hborn about 1879
HoltJ Lborn about 1922
HoltJohn Jborn about 1916
HoltLeonia born about 1930
HoltLethia born about 1918
HoltLuvinia born about 1928
HoltMary born about 1914
HoltOscar born about 1920
HoltVirginia born about 1872
HopkinsCornzy born about 1927
HopkinsDavid born about 1931
HopkinsEdna born about 1937
HopkinsLeroy born about 1928
HopkinsMckinley born about 1929
HopkinsMildred born about 1933
HopkinsNiell born about 1925
HopkinsSalas born about 1906
HornArmenthia Kborn about 1934
HornCurtis Cborn about 1932
HornEssie Mborn about 1919
HornJohn Lborn about 1880
HornJohn S Jrborn about 1911
HornLevertis born about 1921
HornNathan Hborn about 1853
HornOllie Hborn about 1939
HornOllie Pborn about 1890
HornPearl S Mborn about 1920
HornWillie born about 1914
HowardRuth born about 1890
HuckettE Dborn about 1912
HuddsonEdna born about 1931
HuddsonFrancis born about 1906
HuddsonFranie born about 1938
HuddsonJoe Dborn about 1910
HueyBud born about 1902
HueyCharles born about 1937
HueyJunior born about 1935
HueyLola born about 1905
HueyMarjorie born about 1927
HueyMary born about 1939
HueyPauline born about 1925
HueyRebba born about 1922
HueyStella born about 1933
HueyWilliam born about 1923
HuezEva born about 1900
HuffEmmarson born about 1923
HuffGertrude born about 1914
HuffIzola born about 1939
HuffLloyd born about 1913
HumpheryBulia Mborn about 1921
HumpheryCarie born about 1885
HumpheryMildred born about 1919
HumphrieysHelen Dborn about 1920
HumphrieysIrene born about 1912
HumphrieysJ Vborn about 1929
HumphrieysJames born about 1916
HumphrieysMay Aborn about 1894
HumphrieysRobert Eborn about 1927
HumphrieysSydnie born about 1880
HumphrieysW Dborn about 1936
HunfberyBertha born about 1908
HunfberyBillie Bobborn about 1931
HunfberyDewitt born about 1908
HurdAbe born about 1901
HurdB Fborn about 1932
HurdBernita born about 1934
HurdLeona born about 1922
HurdLouise Bborn about 1929
HurdNefaleon born about 1922
HurdVernelle born about 1939
HurtClennie Mayborn about 1936
HurtRidus born about 1939
HustonClander Dborn about 1925
HustonHerman born about 1917
HustonIris born about 1922
HustonJohn Hborn about 1920
HustonSally born about 1910
HydrickMinnie born about 1882
HydrickOllie Sborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAlma Rborn about 1935
JacksonAnner born about 1879
JacksonDolly born about 1915
JacksonElmia Mborn about 1935
JacksonGeorge Wborn about 1909
JacksonHenry Lborn about 1933
JacksonJames born about 1923
JacksonJohn Rborn about 1929
JacksonJohn Wborn about 1911
JacksonMabel born about 1925
JacksonPearl born about 1901
JacksonWilliam Aborn about 1933
JamesLezetta born about 1927
JelksOllie born about 1881
JenkinsArma Leeborn about 1925
JenkinsBertha born about 1912
JenkinsBetty Jeeborn about 1935
JenkinsC Hborn about 1900
JenkinsClinton born about 1940
JenkinsHarold born about 1939
JenkinsHazel born about 1928
JenkinsHuston born about 1913
JenkinsLillian born about 1932
JenkinsMelvin born about 1935
JenkinsNancy born about 1919
JohnsAnthony born about 1892
JohnsArthur born about 1906
JohnsGeneva born about 1927
JohnsHattie born about 1895
JohnsJames born about 1908
JohnsJoe born about 1862
JohnsLee born about 1906
JohnsLucy born about 1868
JohnsRobert born about 1925
JohnsWillie born about 1895
JohnsonAmos born about 1906
JohnsonAmos Jr born about 1932
JohnsonAnna Bborn about 1905
JohnsonArthur Jamesborn about 1938
JohnsonBeatrice born about 1924
JohnsonBill born about 1917
JohnsonCharles born about 1939
JohnsonClochas born about 1936
JohnsonDewitt Jborn about 1875
JohnsonErma born about 1894
JohnsonEugene born about 1916
JohnsonEva Maeborn about 1933
JohnsonEvlora born about 1891
JohnsonFlora born about 1870
JohnsonFlora Tborn about 1931
JohnsonHattie Leeborn about 1929
JohnsonHenry Oborn about 1933
JohnsonHomer born about 1890
JohnsonJ Cborn about 1934
JohnsonJohn Mborn about 1876
JohnsonJohnnie Lborn about 1931
JohnsonJosie born about 1868
JohnsonLilly Belleborn about 1918
JohnsonOllie born about 1902
JohnsonRichard born about 1936
JohnsonRuby born about 1917
JohnsonSamuel born about 1897
JohnsonShirley Jborn about 1935
JonesEssie born about 1911
JonesFrancis born about 1927
JonesGarfield born about 1882
JonesGrady born about 1925
JonesJ Cborn about 1939
JonesJames Cborn about 1925
JonesLeroy Cborn about 1936
JonesLondro born about 1921
JonesMary born about 1882
JonesParline born about 1931
JonesRobert born about 1875
JonesRobert born about 1920
JonesSadie Leeborn about 1922
JonesSarah Lborn about 1930
JordonLane born about 1885
JordonMarillian born about 1925
JordonRilly born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KennamerHal Jborn about 1911
KennamerJoan born about 1932
KennamerLucille born about 1910
KingJames Aborn about 1882
KingLouise Mborn about 1888
KingOscar Lborn about 1925
KingWilliam Aborn about 1923
KirkJ Kborn about 1918
KirkRuth born about 1890
KitchenFletcher born about 1894
KitchenLeonell born about 1934
KitchenLizzie born about 1915
KitchenSamuel born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacheyJohn Wborn about 1932
LastheyDoretha born about 1929
LawsonGoldon born about 1909
LawsonKatherine born about 1929
LawsonLawrence born about 1905
LawsonLawrence Fborn about 1937
LawsonLouise born about 1931
LawsonTharril Rayborn about 1937
LeahEnnis born about 1880
LeahFannie born about 1884
LeckettMary born about 1915
LeckettMerle Louiseborn about 1937
LeckettO Cborn about 1917
LeeTom born about 1879
LinbreyLofus Lborn about 1929
LoganHoward born about 1908
LoganMary born about 1918
LorejoyAnnie Leeborn about 1868
LorejoyJacob Wborn about 1867
LoveAlma born about 1916
LoveWillie born about 1913
LovijanCarol Jr born about 1928
LovijanD Wborn about 1926
LovijanJohn Cborn about 1903
LovijanMary Eborn about 1905
LovijanStanley born about 1931
LukerLilly Mborn about 1893
LukerRobert Mborn about 1871
LynleeJohn born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaconSusie born about 1881
MaconWill Cborn about 1870
MagesBobby born about 1938
MagesJames Sborn about 1936
MagesJessie Wborn about 1931
MagesOdes born about 1939
MagesWilliam Cborn about 1909
MagesZela Nborn about 1916
ManuelAnnie born about 1890
ManuelClotis born about 1936
ManuelFletcher born about 1884
ManuelFusntillie born about 1924
ManuelOdellia born about 1926
ManuelRoossette born about 1920
ManuelWardell born about 1928
ManuelWilbur Jr born about 1934
MayDovie Mayborn about 1880
MayE Ottoborn about 1867
MayGerry born about 1935
MayLeo Ptestonborn about 1934
MayLloyd born about 1904
MayLloyd Jr born about 1925
MayLoise born about 1933
MayMary Ruthborn about 1929
MayOcie born about 1897
MayRalph Jborn about 1939
MayViola born about 1906
MayberryEula Mborn about 1921
MayberryHelen Aborn about 1923
MayberryJames Hborn about 1927
MayberryMary Lborn about 1890
MayberrySamuel Rborn about 1889
MayesRobert born about 1915
McClarnLeroy born about 1923
McClarnLillian born about 1925
McClurPeggy born about 1916
McCortenJames Wborn about 1920
McCoyBessy born about 1906
McCoyBooker Tborn about 1928
McCoyElizah born about 1933
McCoyH Tborn about 1931
McCoyJaunita born about 1938
McCoyLucious born about 1902
McCoySamella born about 1924
McCoyTheresa born about 1935
McCuanBryan born about 1922
McCuanElizabeth born about 1927
McCuanFrancis born about 1925
McDanielVirginia born about 1932
McDaviesBertie born about 1923
McDaviesFrancis born about 1922
McDermonttAltie Mborn about 1911
McDermonttClara Lborn about 1932
McDermonttDoris Jborn about 1935
McDermonttFlorence Nborn about 1933
McDermonttLindon Eborn about 1937
McDermonttMargie Kborn about 1939
McDermonttVaiden born about 1909
McDonaldAugusta born about 1902
McDonaldClaude born about 1882
McHenryFrank born about 1936
McHenryIsom born about 1935
McHenryJoe Annborn about 1939
McHenryTaloise born about 1938
McNealAlbert born about 1875
McNealAndy born about 1921
MeltonBrodie born about 1906
MeltonEdan born about 1939
MeltonEllen born about 1910
MeltonMannie Jeanborn about 1936
MercerHansel born about 1927
MercerIrene born about 1910
MercerMargret born about 1929
MercerMartha Aborn about 1939
MercerOmegine born about 1934
MercerRuby Cborn about 1931
MercerWillie Lborn about 1937
MercerWillie Rborn about 1904
MeridthWilliam born about 1917
MerrettCora born about 1925
MerrettMonnie born about 1891
MilamBobby Jeanborn about 1934
MilamDonald born about 1936
MilamEmmett Fborn about 1903
MilamForest born about 1924
MilamJackie born about 1928
MilamJerry Dborn about 1940
MilamJoy born about 1932
MilamLula Mborn about 1904
MilamMargert born about 1925
MilamMary Aborn about 1939
MilamMaurice born about 1924
MillerElton born about 1914
MillerJames Lborn about 1938
MillerLouise born about 1920
MillerPeggy Annborn about 1936
MinkCharlie born about 1875
MitchelHenry born about 1925
MiteffBilly Jborn about 1939
MiteffJohn Tborn about 1937
MiteffMyrtle Mborn about 1939
MiteffNell born about 1916
MiteffTony born about 1887
MooreRichard born about 1935
MootenAuther born about 1917
MootenRutha Nellborn about 1918
MorrisPearlie born about 1921
MorrisSterling born about 1939
MorrowMary Eborn about 1889
MorrowWilliam Mborn about 1920
MurpheyAudie born about 1892
MurpheyEdward born about 1935
MurpheyGeorge born about 1920
MurpheyInez born about 1929
MurpheyMabel born about 1924
MurpheyO Cborn about 1926
MurpheyOrlan born about 1921
MurpheyVernice born about 1936
MurpheyWill born about 1890
MurryMary born about 1888
MurrySteve born about 1875
MyattAndrew born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NormanB H Jrborn about 1939
NormanBenjamin Hborn about 1881
NormanMildred born about 1924
NormanRobie born about 1884

O Surnames

OklenHezekich born about 1927
OlsonMildred born about 1923
OverAlbert Gborn about 1917
OverAliene born about 1928
OverDora Dborn about 1894
OverJohnny Dborn about 1932
OverMelton Jborn about 1891
OverStella born about 1922

P Surnames

PaineCatherine born about 1935
PaineClifton born about 1939
PaineEffie born about 1915
PaineHerman Wborn about 1924
PaineIone Vborn about 1928
PaineJames Cborn about 1904
PaineJames Leeborn about 1922
PaineJames Wborn about 1933
PaineLula Mborn about 1933
PaineTom born about 1908
PaineTommie Lborn about 1937
PaineVeda born about 1902
PaineVirginia born about 1930
PapeClara born about 1921
PapeZemon born about 1915
PasterB Leeborn about 1929
PasterSimons born about 1906
PateAndrew Jacksonborn about 1936
PateBobby born about 1939
PateEthel born about 1917
PateFlora born about 1916
PateHelen born about 1935
PateI Jborn about 1906
PateIsabelle born about 1910
PateMaudie Mayborn about 1939
PateOla Mayborn about 1939
PateRivers born about 1928
PateRubin Weleyborn about 1934
PateV Aborn about 1909
PateZonna born about 1914
PattersonBulah Iborn about 1869
PattersonJames Rborn about 1861
PattersonMaude born about 1893
PattersonRobert born about 1889
PayneAlbert born about 1915
PayneClaudie born about 1925
PayneElla born about 1891
PayneEula born about 1916
PayneJ Dborn about 1896
PayneJ Sborn about 1937
PeoplesBert Tborn about 1939
PeoplesFrancis born about 1900
PeoplesHeline born about 1928
PeoplesPauline born about 1921
PerryAlice born about 1918
PerryJames born about 1895
PettsEloise born about 1911
PettsRoy born about 1904
PhilipsCarol Jborn about 1903
PhilipsHerbert Tborn about 1931
PhilipsJ Cborn about 1930
PhilipsMartha Sborn about 1937
PhilipsSusie born about 1908
PhillipsJ Hborn about 1878
PhillipsJenny born about 1877
PhillipsRalph born about 1907
PierceA Dborn about 1925
PierceEarnest Eborn about 1924
PierceEdward Aborn about 1929
PierceFlora Fborn about 1936
PierceG Lborn about 1938
PierceOlan born about 1935
PierceRosie Mborn about 1887
PierceRufus born about 1901
PilcherBilly Wborn about 1939
PilcherDoris Fborn about 1937
PilcherHelen Lborn about 1921
PilcherWalter born about 1915
PilcherWanda Fborn about 1939
PimpkinsAlma born about 1931
PittsBessie Iborn about 1908
PittsBilly born about 1930
PittsBuford born about 1901
PittsDallas Lborn about 1927
PittsDeanon born about 1939
PittsFonza Eborn about 1937
PittsHansel Dborn about 1926
PittsJada born about 1877
PittsJames Mborn about 1920
PittsJewel born about 1909
PittsJimmie Jborn about 1929
PittsKenneth born about 1930
PittsPreston Jborn about 1905
PittsRuby Dborn about 1933
PittsRuth Gborn about 1931
PollyEva Janeborn about 1916
PollyGeorge born about 1937
PollyHenry born about 1937
PollyJames born about 1909
PollyJoh Wborn about 1904
PollyJosephine born about 1920
PollyNaomi born about 1915
PopeArzo Sborn about 1930
PopeDavie born about 1894
PopeJake born about 1892
PopeJeff born about 1899
PopeMyrtle born about 1904
PopeSterling born about 1912
PopeVera Leeborn about 1915
PopeVeta born about 1935
PortenAlina born about 1914
PortenJoseph born about 1917
PowellClaude Wborn about 1899
PriceLevtrice born about 1909
PridgefortElton born about 1912
PridgefortGeorgetta born about 1939
PridgefortOdena born about 1914
PrinceCharles Rayborn about 1938
PrinceCharlie Eugeneborn about 1938
PrinceCoy born about 1920
PrinceElla born about 1892
PrinceHelen born about 1921
PrinceHugh Wborn about 1890
PrinceMargaret Annborn about 1932
PrinceMarvin born about 1921
PruittClevelard born about 1926
PruittJoe born about 1922
PruittL Gborn about 1906
PruittNola born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuallsCarie Maeborn about 1918
QuallsFranklin born about 1939
QuallsOtto born about 1908
QuallsThomas born about 1937

R Surnames

RackEvelyn born about 1886
RackJessie born about 1922
RackTheodore Hborn about 1885
RackleyEdna born about 1916
RackleyHarsel Jr born about 1934
RackleyHassell born about 1916
RackleyMartha Annborn about 1937
RandelsAlice born about 1934
RandelsJohn born about 1870
RandelsOzella born about 1931
RandelsRobert born about 1929
RandelsViola Rborn about 1901
RandelsWillie born about 1928
RaneyEdward Nborn about 1914
RaneyHenry Aborn about 1898
RaneyJohn Eborn about 1871
RaneyRosa born about 1927
RaneyViola Oborn about 1891
RayburnHilda born about 1925
RayburnIva born about 1900
RayburnRock born about 1923
RayburnRoy born about 1901
RaynoldsLizzie born about 1923
ReedClayton born about 1892
ReedMarjorie born about 1914
ReedRuby Dellborn about 1923
ReedVernon born about 1916
ReynoldsAlbert born about 1887
ReynoldsC Dborn about 1910
ReynoldsEdsil born about 1924
ReynoldsJoy Fayborn about 1938
ReynoldsLuly born about 1889
ReynoldsMargaret born about 1911
ReynoldsMarie born about 1915
ReynoldsRobert Lborn about 1915
ReynoldsTheda Mayborn about 1935
ReynoldsThelma Ruthborn about 1933
RichardsonAlvie born about 1907
RichardsonBeatrice born about 1938
RichardsonDane born about 1933
RichardsonGeorge born about 1921
RichardsonGladys Mayborn about 1928
RichardsonJohn Dborn about 1932
RichardsonNathaniel born about 1904
RichardsonNathaniel Jr born about 1925
RichardsonOscar Leeborn about 1929
RichardsonWalter born about 1927
RichardsonWilliam born about 1875
RichardsonWillie born about 1923
RictcheoodAlma born about 1927
RictcheoodJ Eborn about 1894
RictcheoodMinnie born about 1899
RictcheoodWillie Leeborn about 1925
RobbinsGarland Nborn about 1891
RobbinsLena Mborn about 1896
RoberdsAnn Mborn about 1913
RobertaJack born about 1860
RobertsonEdwin Lborn about 1936
RobertsonHilard Tborn about 1918
RobertsonJaunita born about 1934
RobertsonJimmie born about 1932
RobertsonJohnny born about 1910
RobertsonLaurence born about 1908
RobertsonLoranzo born about 1934
RobertsonLouise born about 1932
RobertsonMamie born about 1914
RobertsonMinnie Fborn about 1916
RobertsonPearline born about 1915
RobertsonRosetta born about 1939
RobertsonTheodore born about 1935
RobertsonVeda born about 1929
RobertsonVirginia born about 1932
RobertsonW Mborn about 1937
RobertsonWill born about 1874
RoodsJoyce Lborn about 1939
RossAlvesta born about 1867
RossChester Leeborn about 1938
RossGertrude born about 1928
RossLee Wborn about 1898
RossRaymond born about 1925
RossZetra born about 1905
RoyDesmond born about 1931
RoyFlossie Dborn about 1911
RoyJannie born about 1881
RoyJunie Gborn about 1934
RoyOrvill Mborn about 1907
RushAnita born about 1931
RushArnold born about 1927
RushClyde born about 1924
RushGrover born about 1902
RushJanie Nborn about 1908
RushJoy born about 1929
RushLawrence born about 1925
RushSyez Eborn about 1880
RushWilliam Sborn about 1870
RushindDorothy Maryborn about 1940
RushindMabella born about 1921
RushindTomas born about 1913
RushindWillie Revaborn about 1938
RusselEmmet born about 1917
RusselHerman born about 1938
RusselIda Leeborn about 1920
RussellBlanche born about 1885
RussellRichard born about 1882
RyansAuse born about 1890
RyansBillie born about 1931
RyansBlanche born about 1896
RyansWoodrow born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SatsewLen born about 1871
ScottBertha born about 1903
ScottFarmer born about 1908
ScottFarmer Jr born about 1938
ScottHenry born about 1898
ScottHenry Leeborn about 1930
ScottHerbert born about 1912
ScottJuly born about 1910
ScottLou Berthaborn about 1934
ScottMary Nellborn about 1926
ScottParlie born about 1907
ScottPaul born about 1932
ScottPeralie Mayborn about 1928
ScottThomas born about 1935
ScottVirginia born about 1927
SeewoterEllen born about 1873
SegrovesBobby Lborn about 1937
SegrovesClaud born about 1901
SegrovesJimmy Rborn about 1938
SegrovesLouise born about 1918
SettlemireHattie Lborn about 1931
SettlemireJames Mborn about 1926
SettlemireJim Mborn about 1875
SettlemireLaura Tborn about 1893
SettlemireLula Vborn about 1929
SettlemireRuthy Mborn about 1923
ShannorDora born about 1872
SharpeAnn born about 1938
SharpeMartha born about 1940
SharpeNellie born about 1918
ShaverA Thomasborn about 1926
ShaverAgnes born about 1892
ShaverAuthor born about 1892
ShaverGrady born about 1928
ShaverVirginia born about 1922
SheltonAllie Mborn about 1894
SheltonThomas Cborn about 1915
SherrillFannie born about 1895
SherrillJoe born about 1882
SherrillSusie born about 1868
ShieldsAllie born about 1903
ShieldsJames Eborn about 1934
ShieldsWilma born about 1930
ShoemokerJohn Fborn about 1923
ShoemokerRiley born about 1926
ShowathJim born about 1903
ShoweClarence Vborn about 1923
SigginsJohn born about 1898
SisonCharlie born about 1928
SisonDorthy Mborn about 1940
SisonGeorgew born about 1899
SisonJ Wborn about 1931
SisonJames Jr born about 1935
SisonLeon born about 1924
SisonRaymond born about 1933
SisonThula born about 1903
SisonWayne Gborn about 1937
SisonWillie born about 1926
SitzAdiel born about 1904
SloonJim Dborn about 1896
SloonMaxine born about 1926
SloonSallie Eborn about 1902
SlovakAlbert born about 1913
SmithA Cborn about 1893
SmithAnderson Kborn about 1914
SmithAnn born about 1925
SmithAnn Lborn about 1937
SmithAnnie Mayborn about 1930
SmithArvice born about 1927
SmithBetty Helenborn about 1935
SmithClara Hborn about 1892
SmithCora Leeborn about 1925
SmithDaisy born about 1900
SmithElizabeth born about 1917
SmithEssie Mayborn about 1926
SmithEvlar born about 1908
SmithFrancis born about 1931
SmithFrancis born about 1932
SmithFred Bborn about 1938
SmithGeorge born about 1903
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1892
SmithHenry born about 1939
SmithInez born about 1921
SmithJames born about 1928
SmithJames Hborn about 1923
SmithJoe born about 1934
SmithLouise born about 1928
SmithMary Tborn about 1917
SmithMattie born about 1882
SmithMaurice Jr born about 1921
SmithMertle born about 1903
SmithMyrtle born about 1931
SmithPauline born about 1923
SmithRaidie born about 1906
SmithRaymond born about 1921
SmithRebba born about 1894
SmithRobert Wborn about 1923
SmithRoy Dborn about 1884
SmithTommie Lborn about 1936
SmithVerna born about 1935
SmithW Jborn about 1873
SmithW J Jrborn about 1936
SmithWilliam Mborn about 1881
SmithWilma Jborn about 1939
SouthArnold born about 1934
SouthEmma Lborn about 1936
SouthEmma Tborn about 1911
SouthOneda born about 1929
SouthOrlan Rborn about 1906
StackAnn Eborn about 1939
StackDoyle born about 1937
StackEvelyn born about 1910
StackMargaret born about 1934
StackOttie Lborn about 1902
StackRowena Mborn about 1932
StangeCharles Edwardborn about 1929
StangeChester Rborn about 1914
StangeCora Meyborn about 1918
StangeDaisy born about 1916
StangeEdith born about 1938
StangeFlora Mayborn about 1936
StangeHelen born about 1937
StangeInez born about 1916
StangeJames Willisborn about 1927
StangeOrgill born about 1915
StangeTracy born about 1913
SteplerBillie born about 1930
SteplerElbert Lborn about 1934
SteplerFannie Pearlborn about 1935
SteplerJessie born about 1901
SteplerJimmie Rossborn about 1937
SteplerJohn Odisborn about 1901
SteplerKatherine born about 1932
SteplerRuth born about 1926
SteplerTommie Leeborn about 1939
StorksBilly Joeborn about 1939
StorksBobby Rborn about 1935
StorksFrancis born about 1929
StorksIda Aborn about 1905
StorksLay Eborn about 1925
StorksMilton Kborn about 1939
StorksWalter born about 1900
StrangeElla Sborn about 1892
StrangeHoyt Lborn about 1917
StrangeJoyce Aborn about 1878
StrangeMyrtle Eborn about 1922
StrangeVirginia born about 1939
StrangeW Jborn about 1876
StrongLottie born about 1920
StrongNettie born about 1906
StrongRobert born about 1889
StublefieldHester Jr born about 1935
SullivanBetty Dborn about 1933
SullivanCharles born about 1939
SullivanCharlie born about 1939
SullivanEdna Dborn about 1937
SullivanGladys Mborn about 1910
SullivanJames Eborn about 1928
SullivanJames Gborn about 1906
SullivanJames Rborn about 1927
SullivanMay Aborn about 1925
SullivanMelvin Lborn about 1930
SullivanMyrtle born about 1906
SumerhillJames Hborn about 1919
SwariteDeva born about 1922
SwariteEugene born about 1937
SwariteIrene born about 1920
SwariteJannetta born about 1938
SwariteOpal born about 1921
SwariteTommie born about 1918
SweeneyLaura born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateCary born about 1887
TateSammon born about 1883
TaylorClaudie born about 1917
TaylorDouglas born about 1904
TaylorEstella born about 1900
TaylorLovern born about 1933
TaylorPearl born about 1885
TaylorRedic born about 1923
ThomasMathis born about 1921
ThomasMertle born about 1919
ThomasOpal Mayborn about 1927
ThomasRoy born about 1912
ThomasWalter born about 1914
ThompsonElvora born about 1911
ThompsonL Eborn about 1913
TiffinLeola born about 1936
TillerWillie born about 1883
TrambellEllen born about 1901
TrambellHoward born about 1893
TrivesBerry born about 1911
TrivesJackey born about 1910
TrivesR Lborn about 1936
TrivesSally Mayborn about 1931
TuckerFred born about 1885
TuckerJohn born about 1862
TuckerPearl born about 1884
TuckerRoosvelt born about 1911
TurneyGilson Tborn about 1901
TurneyHazel born about 1907
TurpenBuford born about 1925
TurpenCharles born about 1928
TurpenJohn born about 1899
TurpenOma born about 1908
TurpenVirgie Mayborn about 1933
TynerClarence born about 1937
TynerNathaniel born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpshewMae Annborn about 1923
UpshewPlas born about 1918

V Surnames

ValleyBertha Maeborn about 1934
ValleyEstella Mrs born about 1895
ValleyMary Dellborn about 1933
ValleySherman born about 1911
ValleySherman Jborn about 1939
ValleySherman Jr born about 1939
ValleyThelma born about 1909
VanceyGeorge Lborn about 1935

W Surnames

WaifuesLene born about 1886
WalkerFrancis born about 1866
WallaceEdgle born about 1932
WallaceEdward born about 1935
WallaceOma Lborn about 1903
WallaceRobert Vborn about 1909
WallaceRuby born about 1930
WallaceShirley Aborn about 1939
WardClayton born about 1932
WardCora Beeborn about 1927
WardGyrdan born about 1927
WardLayton born about 1935
WardLou Janeborn about 1900
WardLucy born about 1906
WardMinnie Balleborn about 1908
WardNeil born about 1937
WardSue born about 1930
WardT Lborn about 1897
WarnerAdam born about 1890
WarnerBlanche Mborn about 1907
WarnerLouise Cborn about 1883
WarnerLydle Nborn about 1903
WartersElbert born about 1925
WartersGeraldine born about 1928
WartersMinnie born about 1889
WartersOscar born about 1920
WartersPink born about 1884
WartersRosie born about 1921
WeatherfordDora born about 1887
WeatherfordTom born about 1884
WestIvory born about 1901
WestIvy Leeborn about 1936
WestJohney Leeborn about 1938
WestJohny born about 1908
WestTish born about 1870
WestWillie born about 1903
WestWillie Mayborn about 1918
WestmorlandBessy born about 1900
WestmorlandJohn born about 1897
WhitakerAllie Leoborn about 1922
WhitakerAlmira born about 1883
WhitakerAuthor born about 1886
WhitakerEdd born about 1895
WhitakerJulia born about 1890
WhitakerLe Rose born about 1936
WhitakerLonnie born about 1877
WhitakerNewton born about 1920
WhiteAlbert Wborn about 1919
WhiteAmanda Jborn about 1898
WhiteArliene born about 1934
WhiteBob born about 1926
WhiteJames born about 1928
WhiteJohn Lborn about 1896
WhiteOcie Vborn about 1936
WhiteRalph born about 1939
WhiteSarah Gborn about 1923
WhiteVicie Lborn about 1907
WhiteWalter born about 1931
WhiteWillie Bborn about 1936
WhitlowBen Fborn about 1886
WhitlowBenjamin born about 1929
WhitlowMinnie born about 1895
WhitlowRichard born about 1928
WigginsMary born about 1913
WigginsTim born about 1884
WigginsVinnie born about 1885
WiggintonDottie Jeanborn about 1933
WiggintonH Lborn about 1905
WiggintonMolly born about 1911
WiggintonRobbie Fayborn about 1937
WilliamsAdio Leeborn about 1934
WilliamsAllie born about 1936
WilliamsBertie born about 1890
WilliamsBetty Jborn about 1930
WilliamsClarence born about 1924
WilliamsEmanuel born about 1922
WilliamsEmma born about 1904
WilliamsHenderson born about 1871
WilliamsHenry born about 1905
WilliamsJesie born about 1890
WilliamsJessie born about 1930
WilliamsJohnny born about 1921
WilliamsL Aborn about 1927
WilliamsLen born about 1899
WilliamsLettie born about 1930
WilliamsLouise born about 1923
WilliamsLouise born about 1924
WilliamsMary born about 1915
WilliamsMintie born about 1885
WilliamsNorris born about 1895
WilliamsOdis born about 1938
WilliamsOdis Leeborn about 1934
WilliamsOletha born about 1905
WilliamsPearl born about 1901
WilliamsTom Billeborn about 1932
WilliamsWesley born about 1920
WilliamsWilbert born about 1899
WilliamsWilduge born about 1933
WilliamsWillie born about 1939
WillisAdina born about 1934
WillisBan born about 1908
WillisBilly Rborn about 1937
WillisDonald Eborn about 1939
WillisJ Cborn about 1931
WillisJames Eborn about 1928
WillisJerry Hborn about 1939
WillisJim Gborn about 1903
WillisLindon born about 1931
WillisLouise Rborn about 1907
WillisMary born about 1913
WillisWayne Tborn about 1933
WilsonAlfred born about 1929
WilsonAliene born about 1934
WilsonAllen born about 1931
WilsonAudrie born about 1938
WilsonClara Kborn about 1924
WilsonEtta Mborn about 1920
WilsonEva born about 1916
WilsonIda Leeborn about 1910
WilsonIdela born about 1889
WilsonJimmie born about 1934
WilsonJohn Aborn about 1885
WilsonJohn Rborn about 1907
WilsonKenneth born about 1932
WilsonMarie born about 1931
WilsonNitta Leeborn about 1905
WilsonRobert born about 1927
WilsonRube born about 1878
WilsonWilburn born about 1913
WilsonWilliam born about 1933
WintersBillie Jeanborn about 1933
WintersCora Mayborn about 1923
WintersDayton born about 1905
WintersEddie born about 1887
WintersEdgar born about 1921
WintersGeneral born about 1885
WintersH Lborn about 1885
WintersHelen born about 1902
WintersJohn born about 1896
WintersJunior born about 1928
WintersMattie Ruthborn about 1926
WintersNina born about 1925
WintersOma born about 1900
WintersRose born about 1906
WintersRosie born about 1927
WintersRuby Jewelborn about 1926
WintersWillie born about 1930
WoodGuy Nborn about 1917
WoodJoe born about 1922
WoodOscar Nborn about 1921
WoodRebecca born about 1896
WoodSam Hborn about 1919
WoolbrightGertie born about 1921
WoolbrightHorton born about 1920
WorleyDan Eborn about 1912
WorleyErvin Eborn about 1935
WorleyLucila born about 1917
WrightBeulah born about 1892
WrightDewitt born about 1924
WrightFloria born about 1931
WrightHarold born about 1922
WrightHebert born about 1910
WrightJack Louaborn about 1928
WrightLee born about 1887
WyattTom born about 1907
WynneHennie born about 1898
WynneMabel born about 1920
WynneMarsellas born about 1922
WynneRosie born about 1901
WyuneJames born about 1936
WyuneMandy born about 1915
WyuneShelly born about 1906

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Y Surnames

YoungHarold Lborn about 1922
YoungMaudie Mborn about 1925
YoungOra Pborn about 1886

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