1940 U.S. Federal Census of De View, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of De View

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnnie born about 1908
AdamsBetty Rborn about 1939
AdamsClyde born about 1903
AdamsElley born about 1855
AdamsL Juniorborn about 1935
AdamsLevera born about 1936
AdamsLonnie born about 1875
AdamsLonnie born about 1911
AdamsMary born about 1929
AdamsMary Lborn about 1914
AdamsMaynard born about 1938
AdamsMildred born about 1934
AdamsPauline born about 1936
AdamsPerlina born about 1939
AdamsTalmadge born about 1928
AdamsTed born about 1924
AdkinsEddie Lborn about 1897
AdkinsIola born about 1901
AlfredMatilda born about 1870
AlfredMonroe born about 1856
AllenMalcolm born about 1913
AndersonA Aborn about 1857
AndersonBell born about 1885
AndersonBettie born about 1883
AndersonMit born about 1892
AndersonStonewall born about 1882
AngeloAllie born about 1875
AngeloBilly born about 1929
AngeloBrown born about 1924
AngeloDorthy born about 1912
AngeloDorthy born about 1924
AngeloHelen Bborn about 1904
AngeloJohn Aborn about 1928
AngeloJohn Wborn about 1902
AngeloLena born about 1905
AngeloMaggie born about 1900
AngeloMargaret born about 1927
AngeloMary Fborn about 1932
AngeloPhil born about 1897
AngeloRoy born about 1900
AngeloWilliam Jborn about 1867
AngeloWilliam Jborn about 1904
AngusEffie born about 1890
AngusHenry Dborn about 1894
AngusKatie born about 1859
AngusMaryllynne born about 1936
AngusW Boydborn about 1884
AngusWilson Bborn about 1914
ArchbrightWill born about 1920
ArmantageBetty Mborn about 1934
ArmantageEunice born about 1926
ArmantageFlady born about 1909
ArmantageIda born about 1875
ArmantagePeggy Jborn about 1939
ArmantageRay Wborn about 1895
ArmantageWesley Jborn about 1898
ArmstrongAnna born about 1903
ArmstrongLemuel born about 1898
ArmstrongMattie born about 1883
ArmstrongPauline born about 1922
ArmstrongVirginia born about 1924
ArnofJan born about 1939
ArnofLucille born about 1914
ArnofMedy born about 1902
ArringtonAlec born about 1910
ArringtonColonia born about 1901
ArringtonIsaac born about 1935
ArringtonJefferson born about 1921
ArringtonPercy born about 1900
AshburnClarence born about 1919
AshburnEdith born about 1921
AshburnMadagrine born about 1926
AshburnOla born about 1897
AshburnPearl born about 1896
AshburnPlumer born about 1912
AshburnRobert Leeborn about 1923
AshburnSarah born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaberFreda born about 1903
BaberJimmie born about 1926
BadbyTom born about 1873
BaileyMadlyen born about 1918
BaileyWebster born about 1915
BakerClyde born about 1897
BakerDove born about 1902
BakerFannie born about 1908
BakerJennie Eborn about 1874
BakerKenneth born about 1894
BakerKenneth Jr born about 1922
BakerLalla born about 1903
BakerLinda born about 1936
BakerLucille born about 1925
BakerLucy Annaborn about 1899
BakerMary Katherineborn about 1928
BakerMaxine born about 1922
BakerPaul born about 1905
BakerPeggy Ruthborn about 1931
BakerRoy born about 1933
BakerThurman born about 1896
BakerWilliam Eborn about 1870
BallAnnie Ruthborn about 1918
BallArnes born about 1922
BallArnie born about 1900
BallArvin born about 1918
BallBarbara Jr born about 1936
BallBonnie born about 1916
BallChristine born about 1913
BallConnie born about 1922
BallElton born about 1915
BallElton Jr born about 1937
BallJus born about 1927
BallLeelon born about 1929
BallLetha born about 1921
BallLettie born about 1920
BallLouis born about 1921
BallLuther born about 1886
BallMammie born about 1901
BallMartha Ellenborn about 1934
BallMattie born about 1893
BallNathan born about 1925
BallOtis born about 1926
BallThomas Hborn about 1939
BallaraAlord born about 1914
BallaraAmey born about 1910
BallaraDanel born about 1939
BallaraDelma born about 1937
BallaraDoris born about 1938
BallaraEugine born about 1934
BallaraSelma born about 1937
BallardClara born about 1920
BallardDorothy born about 1931
BallardElmer born about 1894
BallardHoward born about 1927
BallardJ Pborn about 1922
BallardKathleen born about 1929
BallardL Dborn about 1932
BallardLeora born about 1924
BallardLeura born about 1896
BallardLois born about 1937
BallardMaggie born about 1935
BamperBetty born about 1883
BamperCarl born about 1877
BarbeeNannie born about 1876
BarberBlanche born about 1887
BarberBobbie Dborn about 1937
BarberDonald Wborn about 1929
BarberEmma Fborn about 1871
BarberFaye Mborn about 1926
BarberFrank born about 1893
BarberGeorge born about 1884
BarberGeorge Bborn about 1924
BarberGg Jr born about 1911
BarberJean Sborn about 1922
BarberJulia born about 1921
BarberKathleen born about 1915
BarberPatricia born about 1937
BarberSallie Aborn about 1900
BarberWayne Jborn about 1923
BarnettAllie Mborn about 1918
BarnettJohnnie Mborn about 1940
BarnettMarvin Wborn about 1938
BarnettWilliam Mborn about 1914
BarnetteBillie Dborn about 1932
BarnetteEula born about 1919
BarnetteMinnie born about 1894
BarnetteOple born about 1918
BarnetteWill Hborn about 1890
BarrentineElla born about 1871
BarrentineHomer born about 1897
BarringarNina born about 1887
BeardWilliam born about 1886
BeardWinnie born about 1878
BeasleyRuth born about 1906
BellAustratian born about 1905
BellLe Roy born about 1935
BellMary born about 1904
BellRichard born about 1932
BellRuby Leeborn about 1938
BennettJoseph born about 1884
BerryClyde born about 1923
BerryFranklin Cborn about 1880
BerryFranklin Jr born about 1922
BerryJohn Bborn about 1927
BerryLee Royborn about 1934
BerryLouise born about 1932
BerundineD born about 1937
BestFannie born about 1890
BestLewis born about 1888
BestMary Dillborn about 1920
BestMitchell born about 1912
BestMorris born about 1911
BestMrytle born about 1890
BestMytle Rborn about 1890
BestMytle Roseborn about 1915
BestPallie born about 1920
BestPorter born about 1886
BestPorty born about 1886
BestVelma born about 1889
BestWilson Pborn about 1918
BettesMary Fborn about 1867
BettesO Fborn about 1868
BettsAnna Belleborn about 1932
BettsCharles born about 1934
BettsJessie born about 1895
BettsLa Verne born about 1928
BettsLinda Louborn about 1938
BettsOrmar born about 1926
BettsRuth born about 1929
BettsThomas born about 1908
BevelsAnnie Bellborn about 1914
BevelsChester born about 1904
BevelsEla Maeborn about 1931
BevelsFrances born about 1934
BevelsGeorge born about 1911
BevelsGeorge Cborn about 1876
BevelsGeorge Sborn about 1929
BevelsLoraine born about 1915
BevelsNora Louisborn about 1934
BeverlyAlbert born about 1932
BeverlyBertelie Leeborn about 1934
BevisEthel born about 1895
BevisMargaret born about 1859
BevisRichard Aborn about 1887
BiceBen born about 1927
BiceEdith born about 1924
BiceElla Jborn about 1934
BiceElsie born about 1897
BiceFaye born about 1937
BiceGene Eborn about 1890
BiceGrace born about 1922
BiceHelen born about 1939
BiceNita born about 1928
BiceWalter Bborn about 1920
BirdCharles Mrs Sueborn about 1889
BlackHarold born about 1910
BlackMable born about 1911
BlackMary Mableborn about 1933
BlackTommy born about 1938
BlassingameJessie born about 1902
BlassingameMose born about 1901
BlassingameOsie Leeborn about 1935
BlevinsOvie born about 1908
BoneCharlie Eborn about 1878
BoneIda Aborn about 1884
BoneJoyce Mborn about 1921
BonepartLucy born about 1919
BonepartMay born about 1938
BonepartWilliam born about 1913
BordersChristine born about 1939
BordersMary Ellenborn about 1913
BordersPearl born about 1936
BordersWilley born about 1930
BoswellOtho born about 1914
BoswellOtho born about 1933
BoswellRuth born about 1917
BoswellRuthie Mborn about 1935
BoswellTommie Lborn about 1939
BowersCharline born about 1922
BowersMary Lborn about 1902
BowersMorris Lborn about 1932
BowersOdell born about 1924
BowersR Hborn about 1928
BowersRosco born about 1893
BradshawCharles Mborn about 1935
BradshawCharlie born about 1905
BradshawInez born about 1912
BradshawRoberta born about 1933
BrandonRosevelt born about 1911
BrattonGeneva born about 1920
BrattonMonelle born about 1939
BrattonPauline born about 1937
BrattonRobert born about 1908
BrazileCleve born about 1885
BrazileNona born about 1897
BrazileThomas born about 1921
BrewsterBurford born about 1879
BrewsterJess born about 1902
BrewsterJoseph born about 1907
BrewsterNancy Ireneborn about 1880
BrightAnnie Maeborn about 1914
BrightJoe Lewisborn about 1937
BrightJohnnie born about 1939
BrightLucille born about 1918
BrightWhitten born about 1913
BritneyJessie born about 1907
BrouteDiana born about 1939
BrouteDorthy born about 1910
BrouteMettie Mrs born about 1881
BroutePaul born about 1908
BrownAda born about 1934
BrownAdolphus born about 1875
BrownAdron born about 1883
BrownAlatress born about 1914
BrownAllie born about 1933
BrownAnnes born about 1895
BrownAnnie Lborn about 1934
BrownBasil born about 1881
BrownBeulah born about 1889
BrownChristine born about 1908
BrownClaud born about 1929
BrownCliffie born about 1880
BrownCora born about 1883
BrownCornelia born about 1890
BrownDan born about 1880
BrownDan born about 1912
BrownDorothy Mborn about 1938
BrownEdd born about 1885
BrownEldridge born about 1916
BrownEldridge born about 1936
BrownEmma born about 1918
BrownEmma Jborn about 1875
BrownEvalina born about 1926
BrownFlorence born about
BrownGabe born about 1882
BrownGenoat born about 1935
BrownGeorgia born about 1938
BrownGragilie born about 1926
BrownHalley born about 1876
BrownJack born about 1897
BrownJames born about 1914
BrownJohn Fborn about 1909
BrownJohn Fborn about 1939
BrownJohnie born about 1889
BrownKathren born about 1923
BrownLeola born about 1922
BrownLillian born about 1905
BrownLouise born about 1924
BrownLula born about 1893
BrownManuel born about 1938
BrownMartha born about 1862
BrownMary Aborn about 1911
BrownMary Francesborn about 1867
BrownMary Ruthborn about 1924
BrownMerline born about 1917
BrownMinnie Mborn about 1937
BrownMire born about 1918
BrownNaomi born about 1919
BrownNathaniel born about 1933
BrownOllie born about 1905
BrownOscar born about 1893
BrownOscar born about 1904
BrownPauline born about 1936
BrownPearl born about 1898
BrownPete Rborn about 1881
BrownRuby Lborn about 1938
BrownRuth born about 1926
BrownSam Wborn about 1924
BrownTom born about 1909
BrownTommie Lborn about 1905
BrownVernan born about 1920
BrownVirthrue born about 1912
BrowningAllie born about 1892
BrowningAllie Blancheborn about 1924
BrowningAude Sborn about 1883
BrowningCynthia Maeborn about 1919
BrowningJ Eborn about 1926
BrowningLoreene born about 1922
BryanJohn born about 1901
BryanLinda born about 1939
BryanPearl born about 1907
BuckettBillie Jborn about 1916
BuckettFrances born about 1925
BuckettL V Jrborn about 1918
BuckettLullia born about 1897
BuckettRoger born about 1922
BuckettVictor Dborn about 1891
BullEthel born about 1876
BullT Cborn about 1912
BullardCharles Lborn about 1928
BullardDoris Aborn about 1934
BullardEllen Eborn about 1925
BullardFranklin born about 1917
BullardGrover Cborn about 1892
BullardJames Dborn about 1920
BullardJohn Wborn about 1923
BunchAtha Wborn about 1938
BunchElizabeth born about 1886
BunchFlorence born about 1913
BunchJane born about 1939
BunchJean born about 1939
BunchSamuel born about 1886
BunchT Simmonsborn about 1912
BurfordBernis born about 1912
BurfordDorthey born about 1922
BurfordGerald born about 1939
BurgessAllie Tborn about 1891
BurgessClevel Sborn about 1901
BurgessDayel Bborn about 1921
BurgessFred born about 1925
BurgessMaynard Aborn about 1917
BurgessVance born about 1923
BurtonBenjamine Fborn about 1885
BurtonEdward born about 1907
BurtonFlorence born about 1885
BurtonLeola born about 1909
BurtonWoodrow born about 1913
BuscoWilliam born about 1880
BusieBonnie Jeanborn about 1936
BusieJohmie Maeborn about 1930
BusieJohn born about 1891
BusieLucille born about 1897
BusiePorter born about 1925
ButlerDoris Vborn about 1928
ButlerElsie born about 1909
ButlerGeorge born about 1937
ButlerLe Roy born about 1902
ButlerLe Roy Jr born about 1939
ButlerLenard born about 1939
ButlerLilburn Eborn about 1913
ButlerMamie Lborn about 1894
ButlerMary Tborn about 1913
ButlerPeggy Aborn about 1936
ButlerTemmie born about 1939
ButlerThomas Aborn about 1882
ButlerWalter Rborn about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadeJames Wborn about 1933
CadeMildred born about 1936
CadeWillie born about 1902
CadeWillie Lborn about 1910
CainAlfred born about 1936
CainAndrew Jborn about 1868
CainAndrew Jborn about 1935
CainBuford born about 1915
CainDannie Mborn about 1929
CainDonel born about 1930
CainFrankie born about 1934
CainGenevive born about 1932
CainHazel Aborn about 1911
CainHerschel Wborn about 1929
CainHulon Aborn about 1934
CainJack Lborn about 1897
CainJames Oborn about 1934
CainJames Tborn about 1905
CainJames Wborn about 1934
CainLucille Oborn about 1916
CainNora Lborn about 1889
CainOllie Rborn about 1913
CainPearl born about 1897
CainRay born about 1886
CainRay Tborn about 1909
CainRobert Hborn about 1923
CainRobert Pborn about 1939
CainRoger Wborn about 1932
CainSarah Eborn about 1875
CainShirley born about 1938
CallahanBettie Ruthborn about 1938
CallahanElmer born about 1925
CallahanElmer Leeborn about 1935
CallahanEuness born about 1896
CallahanMalcolm born about 1930
CallahanRosie born about 1897
CallahanRovana born about 1928
CallahanRoy born about 1919
CalvertDaisy Mborn about 1923
CalvertJames Tborn about 1914
CalvertMatthew born about 1881
CalvertOrville Lborn about 1919
CalvertStella Mborn about 1885
Campbell born about 1855
CampbellAlliene born about 1934
CampbellBonnie Jborn about 1932
CampbellEliza born about 1909
CampbellEunice born about 1920
CampbellFrances born about 1934
CampbellHenry born about 1916
CampbellHerbert born about 1904
CampbellLeona born about 1880
CampbellR Cborn about 1930
CampbellRoy Wborn about 1938
CampbellValerie born about 1908
CandleErnest born about 1885
CandleErnestine born about 1925
CandleIda born about 1893
CandleLa Mone born about 1922
CapshawBettie born about 1933
CapshawBleva born about 1899
CapshawCallie Maeborn about 1913
CapshawCatherine born about 1889
CapshawDuprie born about 1925
CapshawE Victorborn about 1910
CapshawGrace Lborn about 1909
CapshawGrand born about 1899
CapshawOscar born about 1886
CapshawOtha Wborn about 1915
CapshawPreston born about 1878
CapshawRay born about 1921
CapshawStella born about 1892
CapshawWilleen born about 1922
CardenGrace born about 1912
CardenRalph born about 1910
CardenWayne born about 1933
CardenWilliam born about 1930
CarikerAh???lin born about 1938
CarikerBillie Royborn about 1929
CarikerBoby Danborn about 1937
CarikerElmo born about 1918
CarikerFaerine born about 1932
CarikerFrancie born about 1939
CarikerIderjen born about 1931
CarikerJanie born about 1902
CarikerLeland born about 1925
CarikerLenai born about 1900
CarikerLess born about 1907
CarikerLon born about 1893
CarikerLottie born about 1893
CarikerLouise born about 1922
CarikerManard born about 1896
CarikerMarjorie born about 1928
CarikerMiller born about 1921
CarikerRoy born about 1899
CarikerRuby born about 1911
CarikerTural born about 1925
CarikerWalter Thadborn about 1924
CarikerWilliam Mborn about 1934
CarikerWilma born about 1917
CarsonEileen born about 1895
CarsonElla born about 1865
CarsonGeorge born about 1863
CarsonKeith born about 1888
CarterArmeade born about 1916
CarterBelvana born about 1939
CarterBettie born about 1938
CarterBillie born about 1939
CarterCora Eeborn about 1924
CarterDelmer born about 1908
CarterDoyle born about 1938
CarterElmo born about 1874
CarterElmo born about 1928
CarterJoe Dallasborn about 1930
CarterLillie Bellborn about 1907
CarterLouis born about 1917
CarterLuevenia born about 1913
CarterMarvin born about 1897
CarterNorman born about 1933
CarterOma born about 1885
CarterRaymond born about 1922
CarterRoy born about 1909
CashAnna born about 1875
CashBelldonia born about 1899
CashHenry Wborn about 1866
CashTimothy born about 1868
CauikerDella born about 1873
CaukerOdel born about 1923
ChadwickEugene born about 1938
ChadwickJanice born about 1939
ChadwickJewell born about 1915
ChadwickLeona born about 1936
ChadwickRupert Nborn about 1915
ChandlerJess born about 1905
ChandlerMary born about 1866
ChaneyFrances born about 1919
ChaneyHorace born about 1896
ChaneyHorace Jr born about 1930
ChaneyJohnnie born about 1899
ChaneyLilla born about 1894
ChaneyMaxine born about 1921
ChaneyTom born about 1888
ChaneyVirginia born about 1924
ChappellClyde Wborn about 1891
ChappellDolphins Eborn about 1888
ChappellFarene born about 1924
ChappellHenriellyn born about 1937
ChappellImogene born about 1921
ChappellJim born about 1889
ChappellMamie Lborn about 1890
ChappellMollie born about 1871
ChappellOnie born about 1898
ChappellPaul born about 1932
ChappellRichard Cborn about 1902
ChappellRoger born about 1913
ChappellRuth born about 1904
ChappellVelma born about 1912
ChappellVelta born about 1913
ChappellWoodard born about 1931
ChunnJulia born about 1858
ChunnLilie Maeborn about 1904
CiserBilly Deanborn about 1931
CiserDonald born about 1925
CiserLucy born about 1902
CiserRoger born about 1921
ClarkCartie born about 1909
ClarkEva Leeborn about 1937
ClarkGeorgia Maeborn about 1923
ClarkIda born about 1901
ClarkJoseph born about 1912
ClarkLeone born about 1891
ClarkLillie Maeborn about 1914
ClarkLula born about 1890
ClarkMable born about 1932
ClarkMarylean born about 1935
ClarkMilton born about 1940
ClarkMose born about 1875
ClarkO Tborn about 1933
ClarkVenie born about 1895
ClarkWillie Bborn about 1887
ClarkWillie Jr born about 1936
CliftonCharles born about 1925
CliftonClaud born about 1888
CliftonDasy born about 1901
CliftonEarl Tborn about 1937
CliftonEmmet born about 1923
CliftonFlorence born about 1931
CliftonMargaret born about 1935
CliftonMildred born about 1922
CliftonRita born about 1918
CliftonRobert Pborn about 1914
CliftonRose born about 1906
CliftonRose Marieborn about 1934
CliftonThomas Hborn about 1926
CliftonTom born about 1894
CliftonWayne born about 1929
CliftonWilliam Lborn about 1939
CluttsRebecca born about 1872
CobbGeorge Hborn about 1911
CobbNettie born about 1915
CollierAlbert born about 1925
CollierBarbara born about 1938
CollierBetty born about 1925
CollierBlanche born about 1909
CollierEarl Dborn about 1938
CollierEva Lborn about 1904
CollierFrances born about 1935
CollierIda born about 1893
CollierIvagene born about 1936
CollierJanice born about 1927
CollierLee born about 1875
CollierLizzie born about 1877
CollierMaxine born about 1933
CollierNina born about 1914
CollierR Olliverborn about 1905
CollierRobert born about 1906
CollierRuby born about 1915
CollierThomas born about 1934
CollierVirginia born about 1932
CookBlanche born about 1888
CookDoyle born about 1929
CookEdd born about 1892
CookElla born about 1893
CookLeona born about 1903
CookLeonard born about 1923
CookLester born about 1925
CookPatsey born about 1932
CookWill born about 1892
CookWilliam born about 1910
CooksGeorge born about 1926
CooksLovey Maeborn about 1928
CoonerArbie born about 1915
CooperElizabeth born about 1901
CooperIsa Pborn about 1898
CorneliusAdolphus born about 1879
CoveyBetty Jeanborn about 1931
CrabbMorris born about 1923
CrealyLucy born about 1925
CreasyHarry born about 1922
CrocketDave born about 1900
CrocketDorthea born about 1909
CrocketGerma born about 1888
CrocketMable born about 1896
CrockettDave born about 1900
CrockettDortha born about 1909
CrockettMabel born about 1896
CrockettRachel born about 1870
CrossBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
CrossCallie born about 1874
CrossCharlie born about 1934
CrossFannie born about 1909
CrossFrank born about 1936
CrossFrankie born about 1913
CrossFred Jr born about 1931
CrossGene born about 1906
CrossJames Rborn about 1937
CrossJimmie Leeborn about 1907
CrossLittle Listerborn about 1937
CrossM Eborn about 1928
CrossOpil born about 1925
CrossPauline born about 1932
CrossRoosevelt born about 1907
CrossWhielda Maeborn about 1933
CrossettBenny born about 1937
CrossettBetty born about 1934
CrossettBilly born about 1939
CrossettEugene born about 1934
CrossettHansel born about 1890
CrossettHansel born about 1925
CrossettJames Robertborn about 1857
CrossettJimmie born about 1932
CrossettJohn born about 1905
CrossettJoseph Iiiborn about 1933
CrossettJoseph Jr born about 1904
CrossettJoseph Sr born about 1880
CrossettJoyce born about 1938
CrossettLum born about 1850
CrossettMargaret born about 1907
CrossettMargaruite born about 1928
CrossettMary born about 1883
CrossettMary born about 1907
CrossettMary born about 1912
CrossettMary Augustaborn about 1939
CrossettMary Eborn about 1867
CrossettRobert Lborn about 1930
CrotzerClara Leaseborn about 1931
CrotzerDiamond born about 1904
CrotzerEddie Louborn about 1915
CrotzerEvelyn born about 1926
CrotzerHorace born about 1872
CrotzerMorris born about 1919
CrotzerTunie born about 1928
CummingsCaroline born about 1896
CummingsCurtis born about 1921
CummingsHenry Cborn about 1916
CummingsWallace Mborn about 1907
CunninghamBertha born about 1904
CunninghamDave born about 1895
CunninghamMary born about 1931
CunninghamOzie Bellborn about 1897
CunninghamWalton born about 1899
CurboBetty Jeanborn about 1928
CurboBobby Donborn about 1931
CurboClyde born about 1910
CurboJohn Rogerborn about 1930
CurboMyrtle born about 1905
CurboRoger born about 1899
CurboSaddy Janeborn about 1935
CurtisAllice born about 1894
CurtisElemose born about 1931
CurtisLem born about 1935
CurtisLuciel born about 1924
CurtisPaul born about 1927
CurtisReca Hborn about 1888
CurtisRece born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleFreeman Tborn about 1922
DallasJune born about 1866
DanielsJess born about 1887
DanielsTerrie born about 1897
DarbyArnold born about 1914
DarbyArnold born about 1915
DarbyEllaine born about 1922
DarbyFrances born about 1921
DarbyInese born about 1898
DarbyOren born about 1929
DarbyR Dborn about 1892
DarlingEdd born about 1908
DarlingNorene born about 1913
DaryCharley born about 1911
DavenportCharles Lborn about 1925
DavenportEddie born about 1893
DavenportJeanie born about 1925
DavenportJoe Wborn about 1900
DavenportJoe Wborn about 1927
DavenportLee Vertiaborn about 1895
DavenportLot born about 1891
DavenportMildred born about 1919
DavenportMorris Wborn about 1881
DavenportPaul born about 1929
DavenportRoy born about 1922
DavenportRuth Sborn about 1903
DavenportWilliam Dborn about 1876
DavenportWilliam Eborn about 1923
DavidsonConnie born about 1896
DavidsonJohn born about 1894
DavisAlberta born about 1914
DavisAlly Mayborn about 1888
DavisAnnie Rborn about 1913
DavisBobbie Hughborn about 1938
DavisCalvan born about 1923
DavisClaudie born about 1934
DavisElves born about 1923
DavisGerald Wborn about 1934
DavisHarold born about 1912
DavisHenderson born about 1911
DavisJames born about 1926
DavisKatie Bborn about 1912
DavisLeon Aborn about 1934
DavisLeslie born about 1914
DavisLola Bborn about 1913
DavisLuther born about 1880
DavisMac born about 1911
DavisMary Eborn about 1937
DavisSammie Gborn about 1939
DavisTerrel born about 1927
DavisVerro Mayborn about 1932
DavisW Hborn about 1882
DavisWalter born about 1910
DavisWilliam Sborn about 1920
DeanArdel born about 1910
DeanEmma born about 1931
DeanFloyd born about 1892
DeanFloyd born about 1914
DeanR Lborn about 1920
DeanRena born about 1920
DeanT Cborn about 1935
DeasonBessie Mborn about 1914
DeasonErma Kborn about 1936
DeasonJames Jborn about 1913
DeasonJeffie Fborn about 1939
DeerCleve born about 1910
DeerLara Bborn about 1933
DeerLe Anna born about 1911
DeerOra Leeborn about 1928
Dehorn born about 1870
DehornLizzie born about 1876
DelashmitMinnie born about 1895
DempsyRobert Mborn about 1919
DennethCarry Mayborn about 1937
DennethLorene born about 1909
DennyArchie Bborn about 1911
DennyGladys Mborn about 1909
DewessBillie Jborn about 1927
DewessEnid born about 1924
DewessEvelyn born about 1921
DewessRiley born about 1898
DewessVerdie born about 1903
DeweyBates born about 1900
DeweyOdessa born about 1912
DeweyWilliam born about 1939
DewittAlton born about 1918
DewittBonnie born about 1923
DewittCarl Melbourneborn about 1938
DewittDelbert Rborn about 1936
DewittDenis born about 1909
DewittGeorge born about 1912
DewittJames born about 1938
DewittOla Maeborn about 1916
DillardBell Eborn about 1859
DillardDora born about 1891
DillardEdward born about 1911
DillardLois born about 1914
DillardLuce born about 1880
DinswidieArbury born about 1923
DinswidieJissie born about 1882
DinswidieLucie born about 1902
DixPauline born about 1919
DoddLula born about 1908
DonahueBing born about 1894
DonahueGrace born about 1904
DonahueJimmie born about 1926
DonahueMargetta born about 1883
DonahueWilliam born about 1877
DonaldDoris born about 1933
DorathyKent born about 1916
DorathyMinnie born about 1884
DorathyT Wborn about 1918
DorathyThomas born about 1880
DorathyVernon born about 1922
DoshierTroy born about 1936
DossJames born about 1931
DossJessie born about 1927
DossMckenley born about 1898
DossRosie born about 1904
DossVernie born about 1933
DossVirta born about 1929
DossW Mborn about 1935
DosyCharley born about 1910
DouglasGlen born about 1915
DouglasGrover born about 1923
DouglasLee born about 1884
DouglasLouvina born about 1926
DouglasSarah born about 1887
DoyleEdna born about 1934
DoyleKenneeth born about 1932
DoyleMary born about 1908
DoyleO Eborn about 1905
DreweryBessie born about 1895
DreweryRobert born about 1890
DrumEtta born about 1917
DrumJohn born about 1935
DrumJohn Lborn about 1907
DrumMarvin born about 1934
DrumNoble Nborn about 1938
DuffelG Lborn about 1930
DuffelGuy born about 1892
DuffelLerline born about 1924
DuffelMinnie born about 1894
DuffelMorris born about 1931
DuffelOla born about 1934
DuffelVernon born about 1925
DukesCaroline born about 1893
DukesJames born about 1900
DuncanBernese born about 1917
DuncanJames born about 1916
DuncanJames Hborn about 1936
DuncanLaura born about 1881
DuncanRichard Wborn about 1920
DunhamArdis born about 1933
DunhamCorrinne born about 1926
DunhamDelores born about 1931
DunhamEtala born about 1928
DunhamMarvis born about 1936
DunhamShirley born about 1937
DunhamVernille born about 1907
DunhamWalter Fborn about 1903
DunnamIva Lenaborn about 1884
DunnamLouise born about 1922
DunnamWilliam born about 1880
DupreeAddie born about 1895
DupreeJohn born about 1895
DuprewWalter born about 1896
DyeMyrtle born about 1890
DyeTom born about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarleyGrover born about 1893
EarleyReola Bellborn about 1938
EarleyRuth born about 1921
EarleyVelma born about 1896
EavesDaisy born about 1903
EavesErnest born about 1900
EavesLudevine born about 1933
EavesOrville born about 1932
EcholsElla born about 1898
EdwardsJohn Lborn about 1867
EdwardsMary Eborn about 1873
EdwardsWillie Bborn about 1912
EgestonBeulah Mborn about 1927
EgestonHeywood born about 1898
EgestonJennie Eborn about 1928
EgestonJohn Aborn about 1922
EgestonMaud born about 1898
EgestonMitchell born about 1939
EgestonSamuel Hborn about 1931
EgestonT Jborn about 1932
EgestonWilliam Hborn about 1925
ElamBobby Joborn about 1937
ElamCathryn born about 1920
ElamDudley Eborn about 1907
ElamJack born about 1919
ElamMary Mborn about 1865
ElamMonroe born about 1875
ElasBertha born about 1906
ElasDonald born about 1934
ElasJ Cborn about 1927
ElasLinda Janeborn about 1939
ElasMaxine born about 1924
ElasPatsy born about 1931
ElasRoland born about 1936
ElliottFrances born about 1860
EllisBessie born about 1909
EllisIsace Jr born about 1936
EppersonRichard Bborn about 1879
EppersonVerlon born about 1874
EtheridgeJames born about 1924
EthridgeArbelle born about 1921
EthridgeWilliam born about 1920
EthridgeWw Jr born about 1939
EubanksOra Lborn about 1921
EubanksPauline born about 1919
EubanksR Eborn about 1923
EubanksR Lborn about 1924
EubanksRichard born about 1895
EubanksRosie Bborn about 1920
EverettElmo born about 1925
EverettGerald Hborn about 1917
EverettHugh born about 1926
EverettJohn Gborn about 1921
EverettLarry Gborn about 1939
EverettLouise Zborn about 1921
EverettLulu born about 1889
EverettLydia born about 1892
EverettMary Ruthborn about 1924
EverettNoble born about 1921
EverettRuben born about 1891
EverettS Jborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FakesAlma born about 1896
FakesCarol born about 1923
FakesJoseph Walterborn about 1928
FakesT J Jrborn about 1917
FakesTurner born about 1893
FarmerA Cborn about 1939
FarmerArline born about 1912
FarmerArline born about 1930
FarmerAugustus born about 1881
FarmerC Aborn about 1923
FarmerEvalina born about 1916
FarmerHerman Gborn about 1936
FarmerJake born about 1904
FarmerJames born about 1920
FarmerJerome born about 1918
FarmerLena born about 1886
FarmerLeodis born about 1925
FarmerLewis born about 1933
FarmerNodie born about 1904
FarmerNudy born about 1928
FarmerSylvester born about 1937
FawlkesCharles born about 1902
FawlkesDaisy Fborn about 1881
FawlkesFrank Aborn about 1903
FawlkesFrankie Aborn about 1933
FawlkesJohnnie Eborn about 1904
FawlkesMary Aborn about 1922
FawlkesMary Jborn about 1936
FawlkesNancy Eborn about 1938
FawlkesRobert Gborn about 1877
FawlkesRobert Wborn about 1926
FawlkesRuby Cborn about 1915
FergusonJames Pborn about 1874
FergusonMorris born about 1917
FergusonOma born about 1884
FergusonOtha born about 1909
FergusonOtha born about 1918
FergusonWalter Dborn about 1904
FerrelMinnie born about 1878
FerrellGeorgia born about 1883
FerrellRobert born about 1883
FilesCarl born about 1912
FilesMary born about 1890
FilesPearl born about 1885
FilesRuth born about 1908
FilesVernon born about 1918
FisherArvel born about 1928
FisherHerman born about 1922
FisherJohn Eborn about 1887
FisherKettie born about 1938
FisherLester born about 1926
FisherMyrtle born about 1891
FitzgeraldClaud Jborn about 1883
FitzgeraldEthel Bborn about 1921
FitzgeraldJessie Cborn about 1939
FitzwaterClifton born about 1910
FitzwaterDeval born about 1930
FitzwaterErnia born about 1910
FitzwaterTalmage born about 1939
FletcherBobby Jeanborn about 1938
FletcherGertrude born about 1914
FletcherHerman Leeborn about 1936
FletcherJennie Vborn about 1917
FletcherJohn Eddieborn about 1938
FletcherJohn Frankborn about 1936
FletcherJohn Wborn about 1916
FletcherMary Annborn about 1933
FletcherN Hborn about 1914
FletcherN H Jrborn about 1935
FletcherPonnie born about 1937
FletcherRose Carolynborn about 1938
FletcherTommy born about 1898
FletcherTommy Jr born about 1928
FletcherVirginia born about 1902
FletcherVirginia Leeborn about 1924
FordBessie born about 1912
FordBetty Jborn about 1930
FordCarl born about 1921
FordCharles Tborn about 1919
FordEileen born about 1902
FordJohn Tborn about 1895
FordMarshel born about 1912
FordMurl Aborn about 1923
FordOrt born about 1898
FordPallie born about 1933
FordPeggy Lborn about 1932
FordRobert Pborn about 1893
FordThessia Pborn about 1902
FordWilliam Lborn about 1937
ForeEmma Roseborn about 1921
ForeJames born about 1915
ForeLewis born about 1905
ForeMary Kborn about 1912
ForeP Jborn about 1907
ForeRalph born about 1908
ForeRobert born about 1914
ForeRosa born about 1880
FosterBuester born about 1875
FosterEaster born about 1940
FosterEather born about 1934
FosterEvelene born about 1917
FosterLou Effieborn about 1912
FosterLuella born about 1885
FosterOpal born about 1913
FosterRobeana born about 1937
FosterWalter born about 1920
FotosElla born about 1894
FotosMartha born about 1927
FotosTom born about 1888
FowlkesHelen born about 1916
FowlkesHelen Janeborn about 1938
FowlkesWalter born about 1909
FraserBessie born about 1915
FraserMeta born about 1888
FraserOtis born about 1896
FraserRobert Lborn about 1884
FritzOscar born about 1921
FritziAnnie Mayborn about 1923
FronabargerGary born about 1939
FronabargerPauline born about 1916
FronabargerTroy born about 1910
FrostDorthy born about 1908
FrostFrank Otisborn about 1938
FrostJ Wborn about 1926
FrostLucille born about 1939
FrostRuebin Jonesborn about 1929
FrostT Rooseveltborn about 1906
FryerClara Bborn about 1930
FryerEdith born about 1926
FryerElla born about 1905
FryerEugene born about 1936
FryerFelker born about 1892
FryerMurel born about 1928
FulsonJennie born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarnerDortha born about 1891
GarnerEarncy born about 1928
GarnerElizabeth born about 1867
GarnerEvelin born about 1924
GarnerJack born about 1915
GarnerWhit born about 1875
GarnesBird Jr born about 1910
GarnesBird Sr born about 1872
GarnesHenry Aborn about 1875
GarnesHixie born about 1874
GarnesJames born about 1937
GarnesRuth Janeborn about 1935
GarnesTracy born about 1918
GastonChester born about 1926
GastonDorthy Mborn about 1931
GastonEthel born about 1904
GastonFletcher born about 1906
GastonHazel Mborn about 1927
GastonJ Tborn about 1922
GastonJewel Hborn about 1936
GastonRosie born about 1910
GastonRuben Eborn about 1923
GastonTom Fborn about 1897
GastonWillie Juneborn about 1934
GermanyArtily born about 1905
GermanyEddie Wborn about 1919
GermanyElice born about 1922
GermanyJoe Nborn about 1936
GermanyMagella born about 1926
GermanyMilton born about 1888
GermanyW Mborn about 1923
GibsonJames Edgarborn about 1937
GibsonKlover born about 1912
GibsonOrville born about 1909
GilcressCharlie born about 1890
GilcressSarah born about 1894
GilispieCarolyn born about 1870
GilispieDavid born about 1890
GilispieJohn born about 1897
GilispieNora born about 1908
GivensBeatrice born about 1926
GivensBonnie Bborn about 1927
GivensCharles Wborn about 1896
GivensErnest born about 1924
GivensHilda born about 1918
GivensJimmie born about 1932
GivensJohn Aborn about 1929
GivensMinnie Bborn about 1902
GivensRandy born about 1938
GivensReubin born about 1913
GloverGlen Aborn about 1931
GloverGlenn Aborn about 1906
GloverJohn Fborn about 1932
GloverJosephine born about 1906
GloverMartha Aborn about 1936
GoachSallie born about 1871
GodbeyCarrie Maeborn about 1913
GodbeyJohn Rborn about 1940
GodbeyTom born about 1903
GodbeyWilliam Tborn about 1937
GoodmanJannie born about 1874
GoodmanJannie Mrs born about 1874
GoodmanLorene born about 1909
GrantDoris born about 1938
GrantEdward born about 1931
GrantElizabeth born about 1908
GrantElizabeth Oreneborn about 1934
GrantMattie born about 1900
GrantOdessa born about 1927
GrantOtis born about 1936
GrantPaul born about 1899
GrantSingleton Jr born about 1932
GrantUlysses born about 1929
GrantW Singletonborn about 1906
GravesArnold Wborn about 1922
GravesEllen born about 1897
GrayDickie Joeborn about 1935
GrayJohnnie Maeborn about 1923
GrayPauline born about 1901
GrayRichard born about 1890
GrayWilliam Lynnborn about 1937
GrayWillie Leeborn about 1924
GreenAlvin born about 1938
GreenBerniece born about 1928
GreenCarol born about 1931
GreenEloise born about 1924
GreenJohn born about 1892
GreenJohnnie born about 1928
GreenLinnie born about 1902
GreenLonie born about 1931
GreenLonzo born about 1907
GreenTany born about 1918
GreenVerlon born about 1922
GreerCamille born about 1921
GreerForrest born about 1894
GreerMaude born about 1874
GrhamAndy born about 1881
GrhamElizabeth born about 1917
GrhamEugene born about 1916
GrhamJanie born about 1875
GrhamRobert born about 1927
GrhamRuth born about 1901
GrhamSecer born about 1873
GrimesJessie born about 1882
GrimesJim born about 1880
GrimesJimmie born about 1929
GrimesMonk Bborn about 1899
GrimesRubye born about 1904
GrittenIsace born about 1907
GrittenMaggie Reeborn about 1921
GrossDasy born about 1886
GrossJim Hborn about 1880
GunnBeatrice born about 1926
GunnMaggie born about 1905
GunnMonroe born about 1902
GunnRoosevelt born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaggardAnnie Bborn about 1939
HaggardBarner Wborn about 1932
HaggardBobbie Rborn about 1934
HaggardCecelia born about 1932
HaggardColumbus Hborn about 1883
HaggardEarl born about 1912
HaggardEdna Mborn about 1936
HaggardIda Bborn about 1888
HaggardJohn Lborn about 1908
HaggardManuel Lborn about 1936
HaggardMarcie Rborn about 1934
HaggardMarie Mborn about 1909
HaggardMitchell born about 1910
HaggardNeva Aborn about 1912
HaggardTravis born about 1931
HaggensElle born about 1890
HaggensLillian Wborn about 1888
HaggensMary Idaborn about 1913
HaggensRobert Leeborn about 1915
HagglerBarbara Aborn about 1938
HagglerG Wborn about 1899
HagglerGerald born about 1926
HagglerHelen born about 1924
HagglerJoyce born about 1934
HagglerOlive Bborn about 1903
HagglerRoss born about 1928
HaleLowell born about 1923
HalimanFrank Jborn about 1872
HallA Dborn about 1919
HallAdd born about 1892
HallAlfred born about 1874
HallB Murphyborn about 1887
HallBessie Aborn about 1905
HallBrooksie Mborn about 1926
HallCecil Eborn about 1924
HallClarence Lborn about 1934
HallDassy Lborn about 1904
HallDora Fborn about 1930
HallElbert born about 1926
HallElmer born about 1926
HallEzekiel born about 1931
HallFlora born about 1924
HallGeorge Fborn about 1922
HallHalloween born about 1927
HallHenrita born about 1894
HallJennie born about 1897
HallKatie born about 1921
HallLe Roy born about 1925
HallLee born about 1889
HallLucille born about 1919
HallMary Kborn about 1936
HallMildred Kborn about 1925
HallNancy born about 1927
HallNonnie born about 1904
HallPearlie Bborn about 1905
HallRobert Lborn about 1873
HallRobert Wborn about 1865
HallSam born about 1890
HallT Cborn about 1934
HallThomas Dborn about 1901
HallThomas Dborn about 1932
HallTom born about 1915
HallWalter Hborn about 1894
HallWilliam Aborn about 1895
HallWilliam Aborn about 1927
HallWilliam Kborn about 1931
HallWillie born about 1931
HallowellNathan born about 1914
HamiltonBill born about 1909
HamiltonEdward born about 1866
HamiltonLouise born about 1875
HamiltonLucille born about 1921
HamiltonMary Eborn about 1908
HamiltonThorpe born about 1904
HamiltonThorpe Jr born about 1937
HammonKate born about 1855
HaneyChristine born about 1932
HaneyLesley Dborn about 1903
HaneyNellie born about 1908
HardenGeorge Wborn about 1878
HardenPermelia born about 1870
HarpBremon born about 1925
HarpCecil born about 1919
HarpM Lborn about 1926
HarpMamie born about 1891
HarpRuth born about 1929
HarpWa born about 1890
HarperJohn born about 1924
HarrisAlice born about 1898
HarrisAnna Bellborn about 1911
HarrisCarmen born about 1906
HarrisCarol Dborn about 1927
HarrisClude born about 1895
HarrisEdward born about 1894
HarrisEugene born about 1895
HarrisFrederick born about 1921
HarrisGlenn born about 1892
HarrisHazel born about 1900
HarrisJoe Bborn about 1934
HarrisMartha born about 1928
HarrisTalmaer born about 1903
HarrisWillis Cborn about 1908
HarrisonCharles Cborn about 1856
HarrisonHattie Maeborn about 1877
HarvreyMay born about 1902
HarvreyWilleh born about 1892
HatcherJuseman born about 1915
HatchetTed born about 1905
HenardAlleen born about 1908
HenardAndrew born about 1865
HenardBobbie born about 1940
HenardG Sborn about 1915
HenardHassie Rborn about 1921
HenardJames Rborn about 1915
HenardJo Annborn about 1937
HenardKathleen born about 1922
HenardLester born about 1905
HenardMatilda born about 1878
HenardOllie born about 1914
HenardWeston born about 1923
HenardWillard Eborn about 1926
HenderosnEffie born about 1884
HenderosnFrank born about 1882
HendersonArkie Dborn about 1908
HendersonBillie Jborn about 1934
HendersonBobbie Gborn about 1938
HendersonCharles Hborn about 1923
HendersonDella Mborn about 1930
HendersonEthel Dborn about 1933
HendersonEverett born about 1905
HendersonEwen Wborn about 1908
HendersonFern Pborn about 1914
HendersonHomer born about 1925
HenleyIda Bborn about 1923
HensleyRosie born about 1900
HensleyWalter born about 1900
HibblerAlma born about 1918
HicksBee born about 1898
HicksBillie born about 1938
HicksEarl born about 1932
HicksLonnie born about 1900
HicksR Jborn about 1928
HicksRandof born about 1930
HillBernice Rborn about 1932
HillCornelia born about 1902
HillLensley born about 1875
HillThelma born about 1909
HinesEd Royborn about 1922
HinesGeorge born about 1887
HinesJ Wborn about 1929
HinesJohn born about 1917
HinesLenard born about 1918
HinesLeonard born about 1916
HinesMandy born about 1892
HolderAgnes born about 1897
HolderAnnie born about 1874
HolderBetty Ruthborn about 1939
HolderBilly Leeborn about 1930
HolderBobby Rayeborn about 1935
HolderBonnie born about 1916
HolderDonald born about 1933
HolderFlorence born about 1901
HolderForrest born about 1919
HolderGladys born about 1904
HolderGlenna Fayborn about 1939
HolderHarilson born about 1868
HolderHarold born about 1897
HolderIda born about 1911
HolderJerome born about 1910
HolderJestine born about 1916
HolderJohn Bakerborn about 1932
HolderLester born about 1911
HolderMickey born about 1936
HolderPatricia born about 1939
HolderPurtty born about 1872
HolderRobert born about 1923
HolderRomie Rborn about 1907
HolderTeddy Geneborn about 1935
HolderThan born about 1908
HolderVirginia born about 1928
HolderWayne born about 1928
HolderWilliam born about 1918
HolderWilliam Eborn about 1896
HolidayAnnie Maeborn about 1913
HolidayGeddie Leeborn about 1929
HolidayZeal born about 1912
HollandFlossie born about 1894
HollandHaskell born about 1922
HollandPerry born about 1889
HollandPerry Jr born about 1917
HolmesEffie born about 1900
HoltAvis born about 1931
HoltEdd Tumanborn about 1933
HoltGeorgia born about 1914
HoltJaunita born about 1939
HoltLa Vetia born about 1912
HoltLester born about 1910
HoltLois born about 1935
HoltMammie Ruthborn about 1940
HoltRichard Deanborn about 1938
HoltThelma born about 1938
HoltWilliam Tborn about 1905
HoltWw Jr born about 1932
HootAlbert born about 1905
HootElvin born about 1928
HootEmma Nellborn about 1930
HootJane Willieborn about 1938
HootMary Dellborn about 1930
HootOtha born about 1904
HootW Cborn about 1924
HopeBetty Juneborn about 1924
HopeDoris born about 1931
HopeFram born about 1895
HopeJohnnie born about 1905
HopeLoreene born about 1927
HopeMorris born about 1928
HopkinsAnnie Lborn about 1922
HopkinsBillie Cborn about 1939
HopkinsCharles born about 1919
HopkinsEugene born about 1911
HopkinsJennie Vborn about 1922
HornAston born about 1916
HougelinDaphne born about 1889
HougelinEileen born about 1920
HougelinWill born about 1881
HubbardAlpheus born about 1917
HubbardAubert born about 1912
HubbardJoseph born about 1886
HubbardMary E born about 1896
HubbardMinnie born about 1912
HubbardOllie born about 1892
HubbartEdd born about 1893
HudsonBoisetta born about 1913
HudsonWillard born about 1915
HuffAra born about 1890
HuffDaniel Mborn about 1886
HuffGeorgia born about 1868
HuffGretchen born about 1895
HuffImogene born about 1933
HuffIvare born about 1923
HuffJ Wborn about 1918
HuffJames Mborn about 1924
HuffMaude born about 1896
HuffMurphy born about 1913
HuffVelma Roseborn about 1928
HuffVernon born about 1891
HughesVelma born about 1875
HuntMaybe born about 1923
HunterConway born about 1926
HunterLorene born about 1921
HunterRaymond born about 1933
HunterSearcy born about 1899
HurleyZeora born about 1919
HyattAlexander Jborn about 1910
HyattAlexander J Jrborn about 1934
HyattAlice born about 1911
HyattAlice Eloiseborn about 1936
HyattNelson Lborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonDella born about 1900
JacksonEmma Jborn about 1922
JacksonEurma born about 1925
JacksonFred Lborn about 1913
JacksonHenry Tborn about 1875
JacksonJimmie born about 1896
JacksonMary Aborn about 1939
JacksonV Oborn about 1923
JagwarsBilly born about 1924
JagwarsMax born about 1928
JagwarsVelma born about 1899
JagwarsWill born about 1894
JamesCharlie Francesborn about 1939
JamesCharlie Sueborn about 1900
JamesFeatherstone born about 1885
JamesMarie born about 1926
JefferisEd born about 1887
JeffersAnnie born about 1916
JeffersAugusta born about 1880
JeffersHilder born about 1912
JeffersThoman born about 1865
JeffriesBetty Annborn about 1939
JeffriesMara born about 1885
JeffriesMarie born about 1915
JeffriesO Cborn about 1896
JeffriesPauline born about 1897
JeffriesRoss born about 1879
JeffriesThomas born about 1905
JeffriesWalter born about 1898
JelksLemuel born about 1866
JelksThel born about 1865
JohnsonA Mborn about 1888
JohnsonAlguron born about 1906
JohnsonArzonia born about 1912
JohnsonClarence born about 1913
JohnsonDenominaus born about 1911
JohnsonElesabeth born about 1937
JohnsonEthel born about 1892
JohnsonJames Aborn about 1934
JohnsonLoucel born about 1937
JohnsonLuciel born about 1914
JohnsonMable born about 1915
JohnsonMargorie born about 1910
JohnsonMary Lborn about 1935
JohnsonMat born about 1906
JohnsonMattie born about 1885
JohnsonOdell born about 1914
JohnsonRena born about 1885
JohnsonRr Mrs born about 1866
JohnsonSybil born about 1918
JohnsonW Mborn about 1926
JohnsonWillie born about 1871
JollyC Wborn about 1930
JollyClarence born about 1903
JollyGloria Annborn about 1932
JollyLaura born about 1906
JonesAllen born about 1878
JonesAnnie born about 1878
JonesAnnie Rborn about 1936
JonesAudrey born about 1902
JonesAudrey Leeborn about 1927
JonesBetty born about 1936
JonesBilie born about 1936
JonesBillie Joeborn about 1935
JonesCharlie born about 1900
JonesCharlie Rborn about 1924
JonesChester Rborn about 1939
JonesClyde born about 1901
JonesCurlus born about 1929
JonesDaisy born about 1912
JonesDavid born about 1923
JonesDorin born about 1937
JonesEdith born about 1927
JonesEmmett born about 1889
JonesEmon born about 1898
JonesFlorence born about 1924
JonesFrancis born about 1932
JonesHattie born about 1870
JonesHubert born about 1930
JonesIlena born about 1934
JonesIra Wborn about 1931
JonesIvy born about 1917
JonesJames born about 1929
JonesJelks born about 1904
JonesJimmie born about 1938
JonesJoe Tborn about 1934
JonesJunior born about 1885
JonesL Cborn about 1936
JonesLaden Cborn about 1934
JonesLee Jborn about 1939
JonesLester born about 1909
JonesLynnwood born about 1926
JonesMarene born about 1938
JonesMary born about 1900
JonesMattie Mborn about 1915
JonesOpal born about 1920
JonesR Mborn about 1908
JonesRufus born about 1926
JonesSarah born about 1899
JonesVera born about 1900
JonesWilliam born about 1886
JourneyBernice born about 1902
JuniganAnnie born about 1875
JuniganWill born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KatingAlyssum born about 1919
KatingBuford born about 1918
KatingMarilyn born about 1939
KatingWilliam born about 1916
KeatingBruce born about 1880
KeatingCary Jborn about 1904
KeatingCorrinne born about 1924
KeatingJames Fborn about 1891
KeatingJames Wborn about 1939
KeatingLloyd born about 1920
KeatingNora Fborn about 1920
KeatingPeggy born about 1922
KeatingRuth born about 1880
KeatingRuth born about 1900
KeatingWilliam Mborn about 1852
KeithDora born about 1911
KeithEarl born about 1914
KeithElmer born about 1909
KeithJesamine born about 1916
KelleyAnnie born about 1873
KelleyEthel Louborn about 1922
KelleyLe Roy born about 1907
KelleyLe Roy Jr born about 1928
KelleyMarcella born about 1932
KelleyWamris??? born about 1926
KendrickCasper born about 1889
KendrickCecil born about 1926
KendrickChastine born about 1923
KendrickCorrinne born about 1910
KendrickEddie Lborn about 1922
KendrickFleming born about 1900
KendrickIva born about 1915
KendrickJessie born about 1898
KendrickLois born about 1928
KendrickMamie born about 1900
KendrickO Tborn about 1930
KendrickPearlie born about 1931
KendrickRebecca born about 1870
KendrickTreusha born about 1909
KerrAlma born about 1916
KerrBobbie Geneborn about 1932
KerrGlen Jr born about 1926
KerrGlen Sr born about 1901
KerrJack born about 1934
KerrMrs Annie Leeborn about 1874
KinnieDan born about 1931
KinnieHarrel born about 1934
KinnieMita born about 1913
KinnieRalph born about 1929
KitrellHenry born about 1869
KittrellA Mborn about 1926
KittrellJohn born about 1901
KittrellLular born about 1910
KittrellMadren born about 1928
KyleBlanch born about 1889
KyleCora born about 1878
KyleElwood born about 1916
KyleJohn born about 1919
KyleKathern born about 1922
KyleLouis born about 1917
KyleLoyce born about 1917
KyleLucie born about 1918
KyleMilton born about 1921
KylePatsy born about 1933
KyleSam born about 1881
KyleWill Bborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaceyAlberta born about 1913
LaceyMartha born about 1884
LambersonAnnie Mborn about 1914
LambersonBillie Wborn about 1931
LambersonDonald Fborn about 1935
LambersonEdna Mborn about 1939
LambersonJohn Rborn about 1932
LambersonTommie Lborn about 1937
LambersonWilliam Eborn about 1911
LandLorene born about 1921
LargonClara born about 1910
LargonFloy born about 1933
LargonLois born about 1934
LasterClem Lborn about 1934
LasterGeorgia born about 1914
LawGoldie Gborn about 1904
LawLois born about 1910
LawMinnie born about 1880
LawsonElmer Cborn about 1913
LawsonGarner born about 1937
LawsonNaomi born about 1939
LawsonRae Dborn about 1918
LeachAnnie born about 1911
LeachHenry born about 1899
LeachNeut born about 1858
LeeAubery born about 1915
LeeBettie Jborn about 1932
LeeBonnie Louborn about 1931
LeeClaudie born about 1881
LeeClent Eborn about 1874
LeeDella born about 1904
LeeDouglas born about 1903
LeeEdith born about 1917
LeeEdward born about 1930
LeeFrankin Wborn about 1908
LeeHerman born about 1908
LeeHerman Jr born about 1932
LeeJohn Wborn about 1934
LeeMerildon born about 1930
LeeNathan Eborn about 1905
LeePearl born about 1884
LeePearl born about 1907
LeeRhomie born about 1887
LeeThelma born about 1919
LeeVelma born about 1908
LemoyLizzie born about 1878
LewellynLucy Jborn about 1909
LewellynLula Mborn about 1929
LewellynWalter born about 1903
LewellynWayman born about 1936
LewisAlexander born about 1905
LewisBetty born about 1907
LewisElizabeth born about 1874
LewisElizabeth born about 1878
LewisGuldart born about 1910
LewisJennie born about 1852
LewisJohn born about 1878
LewisLester born about 1897
LewisLonora born about 1909
LewisLucille born about 1911
LewisNellie born about 1923
LewisNolan born about 1923
LewisOwen born about 1889
LewisRosie born about 1914
LewisSummie born about 1918
LindseyClara Cborn about 1897
LindseyGracie born about 1911
LindseyHugh Vborn about 1930
LindseyLuther born about 1903
LindseyMargaret born about 1930
LindseyMurray Wborn about 1920
LindseyWalter Lborn about 1887
LindseyWilliam born about 1928
LindseyWilliam Hborn about 1927
LittleAlbert born about 1895
LittleKathleen born about 1923
LittleOnie born about 1887
LittleWesley born about 1888
LockeMaggie Louborn about 1922
LockeMinnie born about 1907
LockeReubin Hborn about 1902
LocketAnnie born about 1876
LocketBud born about 1875
LockhartColeman born about 1859
LockridgeBessie born about 1925
LockridgeEstelle born about 1932
LockridgeJ Cborn about 1881
LockridgeLucille born about 1931
LockridgeSusie born about 1893
LockridgeWilliam born about 1881
LockridgeWilliam Oborn about 1930
LongNora Aborn about 1886
LooneyLouis Dborn about 1932
LooneyReba born about 1912
LotridgeGeneva born about 1913
LotridgeW Lborn about 1915
LoveMary Fborn about 1870
LucretiaGustaves born about 1913
LuncefordAngie born about 1922
LuncefordOurtia born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddenAnnie Mborn about 1915
MaddenClarence Eborn about 1936
MaddenJames born about 1915
MaddenMarie born about 1939
MaddenR Cborn about 1937
MagnessNannie born about 1893
MalloeyEdmond born about 1933
MalloeyJames born about 1896
MalloeyJohn born about 1935
MalloeyWilliam born about 1931
MaloryAndrew Leeborn about 1936
MaloryArmor Lewisborn about 1937
MaloryDoc born about 1903
MaloryPearl born about 1906
MaloryRuby born about 1931
MaloryRuth born about 1933
MannClaude born about 1918
MannJ Kateborn about 1880
MannJ Lesterborn about 1910
ManningAndrew born about 1907
ManningBeauton born about 1939
ManningPaula born about 1937
ManningZethel born about 1919
MarberryAnnie Leeborn about 1927
MarberryHermon born about 1923
MarberryLenard born about 1868
MarberryLizzie born about 1888
MartinDavid born about 1889
MartinLilly Maeborn about 1923
MartinMattie born about 1879
MartinMonroe Janesborn about 1922
MartinMyrtle born about 1893
MartinRonald Kborn about 1937
MartinSallie born about 1917
MartinSena born about 1869
MartinThomas Jborn about 1869
MartinVance Dborn about 1930
MartinVernon born about 1917
MartinVester born about 1922
MartinVivian born about 1936
MaryAlice born about 1938
MasseyBertha born about 1911
MasseyBilly Daleborn about 1937
MasseyDolph Vborn about 1888
MasseyEdith born about 1891
MasseyHerbert born about 1906
MasseyJerry Deanborn about 1932
MasseyJoe born about 1916
MasseyMarie born about 1921
MasseyPatricia born about 1930
MatlockBertie Aborn about 1876
MatlockSam Jborn about 1862
MauldinOphelia born about 1920
MauldinWesley born about 1910
MaxonEdward born about 1900
MayfieldEarl Hborn about 1893
MayfieldWinnie born about 1896
MayoGretchen Jelksborn about 1925
MayoIda born about 1893
McBrideMary born about 1886
McBrideRobert born about 1925
McBrideRuthie born about 1924
McBrideThomas born about 1928
McBrideTom born about 1880
McCallisterPauline born about 1916
McCarrolLester born about 1932
McCarrolMinnie Rborn about 1926
McCarrollEd Royborn about 1903
McCarrollEletha born about 1905
McCartyCamille born about 1875
McCartyDon born about 1937
McClainBruce born about 1907
McClainEdith born about 1912
McClainKathryn born about 1923
McClainOnilla Tborn about 1883
McClainPink born about 1875
McClainTommy born about 1913
McClendonArea Bborn about 1923
McClendonCeasar born about 1920
McClendonEmma born about 1880
McClendonEstella born about 1891
McClendonRobert Bborn about 1878
McClendonWillis born about 1896
McClindonJune born about 1924
McCollumFannie Kborn about 1915
McCollumMullie born about 1909
McCollumRobert Lborn about 1935
McCoyBetty Joborn about 1929
McCoyHazel born about 1903
McCoyThomas Oborn about 1897
McCoyThomas O Jrborn about 1931
McCroryBilly born about 1922
McCroryGrover born about 1884
McCroryJan born about 1918
McCroryJurd Cborn about 1870
McCroryLou born about 1874
McCroryMatilda born about 1889
McCueAlton born about 1908
McCueDaniel born about 1881
McCueDaniel born about 1927
McCueGerald Aborn about 1913
McCueHelen born about 1913
McCueJosie born about 1892
McCueLizzie born about 1929
McCueLucille born about 1923
McCueMilford born about 1919
McCueNeal born about 1885
McCueNovie born about 1886
McCueWilson Eborn about 1910
McCuimGranville born about 1918
McCuimMitchell born about 1856
McCuimOlen born about 1914
McCuimSallie born about 1867
McCuinAnna Lborn about 1935
McCuinAnnie born about 1939
McCuinBeulah born about 1919
McCuinEula born about 1928
McCuinGerald born about 1931
McCuinJoyce born about 1932
McCuinKatherine born about 1930
McCuinMattie born about 1915
McCuinNina Fborn about 1930
McCuinRobert born about 1910
McCuinWayne born about 1933
McCuinWilmer born about 1913
McElrayAlma born about 1922
McElrayBertha born about 1890
McElrayEdith Mborn about 1916
McElrayFloyd Wborn about 1875
McElrayHazel born about 1919
McElrayJames Fborn about 1929
McElrayJewell born about 1926
McElrayRobert Eborn about 1915
McElweeLa Verne born about 1924
McElweeMary Aborn about 1922
McElweeMaybelle born about 1927
McElweePorter born about 1920
McElweeRachel born about 1894
McElweeReece born about 1891
McFaddenJ Fborn about 1888
McFaddenJessie born about 1892
McFaddenThomas born about 1919
McFallTom born about 1892
McFarlandAndrew Lborn about 1878
McFarlandFlorence born about 1882
McFarlandGlayds born about 1903
McFarlandJames born about 1931
McFarlandLillie Rueborn about 1924
McFarlandMake born about 1901
McGeeBessie born about 1925
McGeeJohn born about 1883
McGeeSusie born about 1893
McLemoreJames Jborn about 1908
McLemoreKitty Sborn about 1911
McMurtryAddie born about 1865
McMurtryLillie Lborn about 1895
McMurtryNed Eborn about 1899
MeadowsAmos born about 1889
MeadowsSamanthie born about 1889
MedlockErva born about 1890
MedlockFred born about 1922
MedlockJack born about 1924
MedlockJeff born about 1920
MeltonClyde Aborn about 1900
MeltonEllen born about 1935
MeltonFlorence born about 1902
MeltonFred born about 1932
MeltonHarry Lborn about 1876
MeltonJack Dborn about 1920
MeltonJess born about 1905
MeltonJoffery born about 1923
MeltonJohn Mborn about 1909
MeltonJudy born about 1939
MeltonKroga born about 1926
MeltonMaggie Bborn about 1879
MeltonMary born about 1869
MeltonMary born about 1902
MeltonMay born about 1903
MeltonMorris born about 1909
MeltonVerna born about 1894
MeltonWill Lborn about 1871
MerriweatherRebecca born about 1910
MetcalfLucy born about 1873
MillardMargaret born about 1911
MillardWillie born about 1900
MillerBerthenia born about 1910
MillerEdgar born about 1881
MillerEdith born about 1921
MillerFlorence born about 1915
MillerJim born about 1877
MillerJim born about 1903
MillerJohn born about 1900
MillerLillard born about 1892
MillerLouis born about 1914
MillerMary born about 1874
MillerMary born about 1914
MillerMyrtle born about 1891
MillerOdelia born about 1880
MillerOtte born about 1910
MillerSallie born about 1849
MillerSam born about 1888
MillerTeddy born about 1907
MillsLinie born about 1862
MitchellAuther Aborn about 1878
MitchellE Pearlborn about 1884
MonroeA Cborn about 1936
MonroeArnold born about 1902
MonroeRobert Jborn about 1939
MonroeSylvia born about 1903
MontgomeryFred born about 1934
MontgomeryHugh born about 1929
MontgomeryLouis born about 1925
MontgomerySmith born about 1884
MontgomeryTomar born about 1916
MontgomeryWillie born about 1893
MooneyLettie born about 1891
MooneyThomas Jborn about 1876
MooneyWarren born about 1924
MooreAlmay born about 1927
MooreAnnie born about 1864
MooreCarlos Rborn about 1932
MooreEllen born about 1918
MooreEwell Hborn about 1905
MooreFletcher born about 1921
MooreFloyd born about 1898
MooreHarold Eborn about 1926
MooreJoe born about 1862
MooreJohn Hborn about 1917
MooreLila born about 1936
MooreLouise born about 1933
MooreMamie Jborn about 1907
MooreMickey born about 1935
MoorePatsy born about 1936
MooreWillie Leeborn about 1907
MorganAlma born about 1874
MorphewCrestine born about 1917
MorphewIda Mayborn about 1932
MorphewLuther born about 1912
MorrisAmma born about 1883
MorrisBabbie born about 1933
MorrisCornelia born about 1913
MorrisElsworth born about 1928
MorrisFrances Lborn about 1934
MorrisGerald born about 1905
MorrisGerald Jr born about 1938
MorrisGladys born about 1908
MorrisJohn born about 1876
MorrisM born about 1930
MorrisOlivia born about 1933
MorrisRichard born about 1895
MurphyAndrew born about 1937
MurphyEvanx born about 1915
MurphyMatthew born about 1935
MurphyWillie Maeborn about 1915
MurrayAndrew Jborn about 1885
MurrayAndrew Jborn about 1927
MurrayAnnie Bborn about 1918
MurrayCloise born about 1925
MurrayDaniel Jborn about 1912
MurrayHenry born about 1929
MurrayJames Eborn about 1932
MurrayJewell born about 1919
MurrayMildred born about 1922
MurrayNellie Lborn about 1895
MyersAlice Jeanborn about 1923
MyersAnnice Leeborn about 1926
MyersBillie Bborn about 1920
MyersJimmie born about 1935
MyersLouise born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanceVelna born about 1914
NanceWilliam Aborn about 1884
NashDale Jborn about 1936
NashGerald Eborn about 1939
NashJohnnie Rborn about 1934
NashLorene Aborn about 1920
NashMaudie Cborn about 1894
NashRuby Lborn about 1928
NashTroy Eborn about 1915
NashV Lborn about 1925
NashWilliam Aborn about 1888
NealSam born about 1910
NealShade born about 1913
NelsonAnniew born about 1876
NelsonBeatrice born about 1927
NelsonCap born about 1864
NelsonCharlie born about 1866
NelsonEzell born about 1919
NelsonHarvey born about 1920
NelsonJessie born about 1872
NelsonJohn born about 1898
NelsonL Tborn about 1922
NelsonRoxana born about 1898
NelsonWillie born about 1919
NewsonLotty Bborn about 1920
NewsonT Jborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OharaBobby Joeborn about 1936
OharaEllen born about 1895
OharaFred Autherborn about 1933
OharaLewis born about 1928
OharaT Cborn about 1925
OharaVirginia Leeborn about 1930

P Surnames

PadgettByrd born about 1898
PadgettClifton born about 1923
PadgettIra born about 1890
PadgettJ Cborn about 1926
PadgettJude Eborn about 1903
PadgettKate born about 1864
PadgettLumie born about 1891
PadgettMabel born about 1907
PadgettMable born about 1926
PadgettMildred born about 1920
PadgettNina Mayborn about 1927
PadgettNora Leeborn about 1933
PadgettPat Cborn about 1895
PadgettWilliam born about 1930
PadgettWilliam Jborn about 1896
PadgettWillie born about 1904
PageAnnie born about 1897
PageEdgar born about 1897
PageEdmond born about 1921
ParkerDorothy Annborn about 1930
ParkerJohn born about 1896
ParkerJohn born about 1925
ParkerMerch born about 1890
ParkerRosie Bborn about 1877
ParkerSybil born about 1922
ParksEllen born about 1873
ParsonFannie Maeborn about 1931
ParsonImogene born about 1928
ParsonJames born about 1930
ParsonMattie born about 1906
PattersonCarol born about 1935
PattersonDorthy born about 1909
PattersonHoward born about 1911
PattersonJohn born about 1905
PattersonOtha born about 1914
PattersonShirlie born about 1930
PattyBessie Lborn about 1902
PattyCharles Mborn about 1891
PattyCharles M Jrborn about 1926
PattyDona Leeborn about 1937
PearsonAlphonso born about 1909
PearsonFrederida born about 1909
PeckenpawKatherine born about 1853
PendergistFelix born about 1901
PendergistFlodell born about 1925
PendergistFlora born about 1883
PendergistIbria born about 1904
PendergistJessie born about 1904
PendergistJessie Jr born about 1924
PendergistJim born about 1874
PendergistZara Kborn about 1905
Perkins born about 1921
PetersBetty born about 1887
PetersEdward born about 1917
PetersErnest born about 1883
PetersErnestine born about 1922
PetersMary Sueborn about 1926
PetersVivian born about 1919
PickenClark born about 1880
PickenHazel born about 1933
PickenT Jborn about 1934
PohnkaBettie born about 1936
PohnkaLuciell born about 1923
PohnkaMary born about 1894
PohnkaOtto born about 1926
PohnkaW Jborn about 1891
PoindexterBertha Lborn about 1929
PoindexterChester born about 1872
PoindexterClarence born about 1898
PoindexterClint born about 1932
PoindexterJessie born about 1916
PoindexterLena born about 1928
PoindexterMary Bborn about 1927
PoindexterRobert born about 1911
PoindexterRosella born about 1925
PoohnkaEdward born about 1918
PoohnkaThelma born about 1918
PowellAmanda born about 1887
PowellFrank born about 1882
PowellHelen born about 1910
PowellLillie born about 1879
PrinceJennie Vborn about 1925
PrincePauline born about 1919
ProctorBessie Aborn about 1879
ProctorJames Hborn about 1863
ProctorMarshall Eborn about 1899
ProulxMinnie born about 1860
PryerSarah born about 1891
PryerThelma born about 1918
PryorJosie born about 1910
PryorLeiutenant born about 1931
PryorMary Lborn about 1928
PryorPrymus born about 1935
PryorThomas born about 1891
PughAudrey born about 1884
PughBeatrice born about 1922
PughDonnel born about 1938
PughElmo Wborn about 1918
PughHester born about 1916
PughJ Edwardborn about 1913
PughJames born about 1881
PughJimmie born about 1939
PughLeon born about 1920
PulleyClara Leeborn about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuickDortha born about 1928
QuickEdsa born about 1909
QuickGeorge Lborn about 1903
QuickJ Wborn about 1869
QuickJohn Aborn about 1922
QuickManuel Hborn about 1926
QuickMary born about 1883
QuinnBetty Jeandborn about 1928
QuinnElizabeth born about 1873
QuinnHarley born about 1897
QuinnJewell Deanborn about 1922
QuinnLena born about 1897
QuinnSheny Annborn about 1938
QuinnThomas born about 1926
QuinnWillard born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RackleyClara Nellborn about 1938
RackleyLou Ellaborn about 1916
RamseyAllice born about 1905
RamseyBillie born about 1932
RamseyCharlie Hborn about 1936
RamseyElecto born about 1867
RamseyGuy born about 1895
RamseyGuy Jr born about 1930
RamseyMary Hborn about 1911
RamseySidney born about 1909
RandolphC Hborn about 1931
RandolphColla born about 1925
RandolphEmma born about 1934
RandolphMartha born about 1900
RandolphMary born about 1899
RandolphRichard born about 1920
RandolphSammie born about 1921
RandolphSidney born about 1892
RandolphVersey born about 1927
RandolphWoodrow born about 1930
RaneyIrene born about 1912
RaneyMack born about 1858
RaneySarah born about 1870
RaneyWalter Wborn about 1887
RansonClarence born about 1909
RansonHarrel born about 1931
RansonMargaret born about 1875
RansonWilliam born about 1912
RasterDun born about 1875
RayCharlie Aborn about 1936
RayEugean born about 1931
RayFloyd born about 1939
RayNancy Rborn about 1908
RayRaymond born about 1912
RayWillie Dborn about 1932
RaymondAlice born about 1881
RaymondAnnie Vborn about 1929
RaymondDavid born about 1939
RaymondEdeth born about 1921
RaymondEleanor Jeanborn about 1939
RaymondEllen born about 1940
RaymondEster born about 1892
RaymondEvelyn born about 1933
RaymondFraser born about 1919
RaymondGeorge born about 1927
RaymondGerta born about 1935
RaymondH Cborn about 1915
RaymondH C Jrborn about 1936
RaymondHarry born about 1901
RaymondIda born about 1875
RaymondJ Pborn about 1868
RaymondJ Rborn about 1926
RaymondJack born about 1889
RaymondJack Louisborn about 1938
RaymondJames born about 1932
RaymondJay born about 1891
RaymondJerrel born about 1910
RaymondJerrelyn born about 1936
RaymondLousie born about 1915
RaymondLucy Maeborn about 1918
RaymondMable born about 1922
RaymondMarcus born about 1913
RaymondMarcus born about 1918
RaymondMarry born about 1904
RaymondMattie born about 1919
RaymondMaude born about 1899
RaymondRosie born about 1890
RaymondVelma Roseborn about 1910
RaymondWilliam Jborn about 1886
RaynorGeorge born about 1908
RaynorIrene born about 1916
ReavesDayton born about 1911
ReedA Hborn about 1877
ReedArdith born about 1912
ReedElizie born about 1888
ReedGolden born about 1907
ReedStanley born about 1921
ReedWilson born about 1918
ReevesBettie born about 1932
ReevesBillie born about 1930
ReevesDavid born about 1930
ReevesEarl Wborn about 1912
ReevesEarline born about 1913
ReevesElban born about 1933
ReevesEllis Dborn about 1937
ReevesElmo born about 1909
ReevesFlorence born about 1932
ReevesGenevive born about 1933
ReevesGenor born about 1912
ReevesHelen born about 1933
ReevesJames Elmoborn about 1939
ReevesJeanie born about 1891
ReevesJerrel born about 1936
ReevesJerry born about 1929
ReevesJoyce born about 1939
ReevesLetha born about 1922
ReevesLina born about 1922
ReevesLouise born about 1930
ReevesLuther born about 1924
ReevesLuther Rborn about 1888
ReevesMinnie Bellborn about 1909
ReevesShirlie born about 1938
ReevesThomas born about 1910
ReevesVirginia born about 1935
RegmanEletta born about 1919
ReynoldEloine born about 1920
ReynoldElwood born about 1917
ReynoldNorma born about 1935
ReynoldR Cborn about 1921
ReynoldRalph born about 1939
ReynoldSallie born about 1898
ReynoldWill born about 1891
ReynoldsAda born about 1896
ReynoldsCatherine Aborn about 1939
ReynoldsClarence born about 1916
ReynoldsElaine born about 1920
ReynoldsElwood born about 1916
ReynoldsErnest born about 1929
ReynoldsF Bborn about 1934
ReynoldsForest born about 1895
ReynoldsGuy Wborn about 1914
ReynoldsHazel born about 1920
ReynoldsIva born about 1932
ReynoldsLouis born about 1925
ReynoldsNorma Geneborn about 1935
ReynoldsR Cborn about 1922
ReynoldsRolfe born about 1939
ReynoldsSarah born about 1898
ReynoldsVergina born about 1927
ReynoldsWayne born about 1938
ReynoldsWill born about 1891
RiddleGeorge born about 1864
RidgeHenry born about 1925
RidgeHerman born about 1917
RidgeJoe born about 1875
RidgeLemuel born about 1920
RidgeMarie born about 1920
RidgeNorris born about 1921
RidgeOllie born about 1900
RidgeTherman born about 1939
RidgewayDora born about 1905
RidgewayDora Vborn about 1930
RidgewayJoann born about 1933
RidgewayMelvin born about 1907
RidgewayMelvin born about 1938
RigdsmonCarrie born about 1880
RiggsBernie born about 1882
RiggsHamp born about 1883
RiggsMona Grayborn about 1914
RilesDave born about 1892
RipleyEster born about 1900
RipleyFord born about 1890
RipleyPaul born about 1931
RobertsAngie born about 1872
RobertsAnnie Sueborn about 1936
RobertsBillie Joeborn about 1936
RobertsIrene born about 1904
RobertsJim born about 1903
RobertsJoe Dborn about 1911
RobertsJoe Eborn about 1911
RobertsJune born about 1904
RobertsKenneth born about 1933
RobertsKensworth born about 1933
RobertsLa Von born about 1932
RobertsLem born about 1903
RobertsLollie Jeanborn about 1931
RobertsLollie Jeandborn about 1931
RobertsMarveline born about 1926
RobertsQuinan born about 1928
RobertsQuinon born about 1928
RobertsSusie born about 1916
RobertsVerelnia born about 1934
RobertsonCherlie Dborn about 1901
RobertsonCletus born about 1923
RobertsonDavid born about 1933
RobertsonEdwin born about 1916
RobertsonEffiegine born about 1939
RobertsonFloye born about 1923
RobertsonGeorge born about 1927
RobertsonGirtie born about 1904
RobertsonJettie born about 1913
RobertsonJohn Morrisborn about 1929
RobertsonL Jborn about 1924
RobertsonLela born about 1893
RobertsonParish born about 1904
RobertsonR Tborn about 1918
RobertsonThomas born about 1891
RobertsonVirginia born about 1926
RobertsonWanda Leeborn about 1928
RobertsonWilson born about 1934
RobinsonAubrey born about 1908
RobinsonBeryl born about 1938
RobinsonCharlottie born about 1876
RobinsonGladys born about 1913
RobinsonJames born about 1935
RobinsonLeonard born about 1931
RobinsonMarie born about 1915
RobinsonRalph Rborn about 1909
RoddyAnnie Lborn about 1904
RoddyCharles Pborn about 1930
RoddyDoyle born about 1933
RoddyEffie Jborn about 1924
RoddyGeorge Pborn about 1891
RoddyLerline born about 1921
RogersInez born about 1917
RogersJack born about 1906
RogersLena born about 1906
RogersNelda born about 1938
RogersNorman born about 1916
RogersQueen Eborn about 1933
RogersVerto born about 1915
RogersZussie Mborn about 1917
RooksGertrude born about 1892
RooksLee born about 1887
RubottomDonald born about 1935
RubottomDoyne born about 1935
RubottomMabel born about 1908
RubottomMary Fborn about 1930
RubottomSam Lborn about 1897
RubottonaEthel born about 1890
RubottonaMartha born about 1860
RubottonaRoy born about 1895
RubottonaTom born about 1886
RubottonaVerner born about 1890
RubottonaW Pborn about 1857
RuffinAlfred born about 1921
RuffinJames Eborn about 1878
RuffinLeon born about 1932
RuffinLucy born about 1890
RuffinRuth born about 1915
RumseyFlora born about 1916
RumseyJohn Tborn about 1863
RumseyMyrtle born about 1889
RushingLuther Mborn about 1882
RushingMurray Lborn about 1921
RushingVirgie Sborn about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SawEthel born about 1903
SawLarry born about 1938
SawMargy born about 1928
SawMitchell born about 1926
SawMonteen born about 1923
SawWallace born about 1900
ScalesAnna born about 1907
ScalesAnnie Lborn about 1932
ScalesCharley born about 1926
ScalesClem born about 1934
ScalesFreddie born about 1938
ScalesJimmie born about 1930
ScalesWesee born about 1902
ScalesWillie Cborn about 1928
ShadwickTommie born about 1913
ShadwickWilma Lborn about 1919
ShankleMerttie born about 1875
ShankleW Cborn about 1873
ShawBetty Fborn about 1936
ShawElizabeth born about 1877
ShawEllen Rborn about 1916
ShawHelen born about 1918
ShawHelen Sueborn about 1939
ShawIda born about 1864
ShawJohn Billyborn about 1936
ShawLyndell Wborn about 1913
ShawM Lborn about 1908
ShawWilliam Dborn about 1934
ShearerEthel born about 1890
ShearerHarris born about 1908
ShearerHarris Jr born about 1934
ShearerHugh born about 1885
ShearerLucille born about 1908
SheltonCharles Hborn about 1925
SheltonLee born about 1900
SheltonLemuel born about 1930
SheltonM Cborn about 1935
SheltonMaggie Leeborn about 1922
SheltonMagnolia born about 1906
SheltonMarie born about 1939
SheltonPauline born about 1940
SheltonWillie Leeborn about 1927
SherdianLearcy born about 1906
ShrodlinSara born about 1876
ShueCharlie born about 1882
ShueFrank Rborn about 1896
ShueKathleen born about 1896
ShueLula born about 1877
ShueTisha born about 1897
SimmonsJames Lborn about 1927
SimmonsJefferson born about 1904
SimmonsJim born about 1916
SimmonsJune born about 1915
SimmonsKate born about 1907
SimmonsMary Fborn about 1934
SimmonsMary Louiseborn about 1934
SimsViloa born about 1914
SkinnerAnna born about 1884
SlaughterBeulah born about 1882
SlaughterRobert born about 1871
SlaydenEdgar born about 1905
SlaydenRuby born about 1908
SlaytenLou born about 1879
SmithAlexander Sborn about 1906
SmithBeatrice born about 1914
SmithBetty born about 1877
SmithCarolyn Lborn about 1933
SmithElizabeth born about 1871
SmithEmmet Fborn about 1911
SmithFletcher born about 1939
SmithG Rborn about 1917
SmithGeorge born about 1882
SmithJames Rborn about 1937
SmithJerry Wborn about 1938
SmithJessie born about 1902
SmithLa Rue born about 1922
SmithLawernce born about 1912
SmithLinda born about 1938
SmithMary born about 1904
SmithMattie born about 1921
SmithMax born about 1913
SmithRoger born about 1934
SmithRoy born about 1902
SmithRula Belleborn about 1934
SmithShed born about 1892
SmithVirginia born about 1916
SorrellsBirdie born about 1891
SorrellsEloise born about 1924
SorrellsHughey born about 1885
SpainEddie born about 1900
SpainLucy born about 1873
SpradlenAuther Bborn about 1900
SpradlenBruce born about 1937
SpradlenFrances born about 1932
SpradlenSula born about 1911
StappAlfred Oborn about 1919
StappEarl Wborn about 1913
StappFloyd Jborn about 1907
StappMallie born about 1884
StappPauline Mborn about 1917
StarkLena born about 1858
StarkMyrick Tborn about 1896
StarkWinnie Eborn about 1902
StarksElla born about 1874
StarksFrank born about 1910
StarksIrene born about 1921
StarksJessie born about 1905
StarksMary Eborn about 1884
StarksOscar born about 1918
StarksTurner born about 1896
StephensDerwood born about 1924
StephensHelen born about 1923
StephensJames born about 1888
StephensJewel born about 1918
StephensKenneth born about 1930
StephensLois born about 1912
StephensMattie born about 1888
StephensNina Juneborn about 1939
StephensSavana Lborn about 1865
StephensVirginia born about 1932
StephensWoodrow born about 1918
StewartFelecia born about 1922
StewartIda Pborn about 1894
StewartJ Bborn about 1925
StewartJaunita born about 1919
StewartLaura Eborn about 1927
StewartLloyd born about 1929
StewartSam Jborn about 1895
StokerAllice born about 1898
StokerJames Jborn about 1891
StokesBarbara Jborn about 1928
StokesBillie Jborn about 1935
StokesBonnie Lborn about 1930
StokesClarence born about 1903
StokesElsie born about 1907
StokesJosie born about 1874
StuartNannie born about 1879
StuartTom born about 1863
StuckeyClarence born about 1918
SturdivantChloe born about 1923
SturdivantHelen born about 1921
SturdivantLallie born about 1891
SturdivantLeslie born about 1888
SturdivantLeslie Jr born about 1924
SturdivantLouise born about 1919
SumlerAlice Mborn about 1928
SumlerAline born about 1917
SumlerAnnie Lborn about 1926
SumlerDoyle born about 1931
SumlerGeorge born about 1891
SumlerLouise born about 1922
SumlerMarvin born about 1920
SumlerThelma born about 1924
SwanElmo born about 1887
SwanJosie born about 1885
SwanMallie born about 1891
SwanThomas born about 1884
SwansonAnnie Leeborn about 1930
SwansonBannie born about 1889
SwansonBetty Jborn about 1931
SwansonCharlie born about 1895
SwansonCharlie born about 1900
SwansonCharlie born about 1940
SwansonChristine born about 1933
SwansonConey born about 1907
SwansonEllis born about 1935
SwansonElouis born about 1925
SwansonEster born about 1934
SwansonEther born about 1912
SwansonFranciel born about 1927
SwansonFred born about 1877
SwansonHarville born about 1926
SwansonJ Tborn about 1928
SwansonJ Tborn about 1936
SwansonJames Hborn about 1871
SwansonJohn Lborn about 1938
SwansonKate born about 1929
SwansonLee Wborn about 1897
SwansonLena born about 1918
SwansonLizzie born about 1907
SwansonLonnie born about 1937
SwansonMary Fborn about 1938
SwansonMary Woodeborn about 1933
SwansonMinnie born about 1903
SwansonMinnie Lborn about 1923
SwansonRosie born about 1914
SwansonSavera born about 1932
SwansonThurman born about 1912
SwansonVernie born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TacketJohn born about 1900
TacketMary born about 1903
TaylorAda born about 1874
TaylorAnnie born about 1904
TaylorAnnie Leeborn about 1939
TaylorBeatrice born about 1928
TaylorBen born about 1888
TaylorBen Jr born about 1922
TaylorCcil born about 1915
TaylorDorthy born about 1923
TaylorEdd born about 1893
TaylorElla Bborn about 1911
TaylorElvester born about 1930
TaylorEmma born about 1874
TaylorEnous born about 1940
TaylorErva born about 1889
TaylorFrederick born about 1899
TaylorGean born about 1914
TaylorGrady born about 1892
TaylorIda born about 1884
TaylorIla born about 1901
TaylorJim born about 1855
TaylorJohn Hborn about 1911
TaylorJohn Wborn about 1867
TaylorKathren born about 1924
TaylorLaura born about 1882
TaylorLewis born about 1904
TaylorMartin born about 1925
TaylorMichel born about 1939
TaylorMildred born about 1912
TaylorMinor born about 1908
TaylorNelson born about 1917
TaylorOneal born about 1934
TaylorSylvester born about 1930
TaylorThomas born about 1923
TaylorThomas Pborn about 1876
TaylorTurner born about 1919
TaylorVelma born about 1899
TaylorWilliam born about 1920
TaylorWillie born about 1906
ThomasElwanda born about 1937
ThomasJames born about 1915
ThomasV Deeborn about 1916
ThompsonAnnie Pennborn about 1911
ThompsonBetty born about 1922
ThompsonCharlie born about 1874
ThompsonEddie Gborn about 1882
ThompsonElizabeth born about 1900
ThompsonElwanda born about 1939
ThompsonGene born about 1928
ThompsonHadley born about 1926
ThompsonHoarold born about 1913
ThompsonJerome Aborn about 1918
ThompsonJerome Lborn about 1894
ThompsonJohn born about 1924
ThompsonLillian Mborn about 1893
ThompsonLurline born about 1918
ThompsonMaggie born about 1881
ThompsonMary Eborn about 1919
ThompsonMaynard born about 1921
ThompsonRichard Cborn about 1876
ThompsonRipley born about 1927
ThompsonRuth born about 1931
ThompsonSallie born about 1879
ThompsonVance Mborn about 1898
ThontonEmmerlue born about 1932
ThontonEmmet born about 1927
ThontonHershel born about 1935
ThontonIrene born about 1912
ThontonWayne born about 1929
ThontonWillard born about 1909
ThontonWillie born about 1938
ThornLula born about 1885
ThorntonJulia born about 1865
ToddArthie Aborn about 1925
ToddLetha Mborn about 1931
ToddLewis Cborn about 1928
ToddLewis Jborn about 1901
ToddLillie Lborn about 1937
ToddMay born about 1904
ToddVelma Lborn about 1934
ToddyRobert Lborn about 1891
TravisBetha born about 1913
TravisHershal Leeborn about 1931
TravisJohn Wborn about 1936
TravisLawrence born about 1906
TravisLucian born about 1934
TuckerAnnie Mayborn about 1936
TuckerLenora born about 1915
TuckerVenia born about 1933
TunstallHosea born about 1897
TunstallMarvella born about 1899
TurnerAdelia born about 1907
TurnerAlbert Lborn about 1924
TurnerClarence born about 1901
TurnerDe Lois born about 1939
TurnerDorothy Mborn about 1932
TurnerEarline born about 1934
TurnerGenevive born about 1937
TurnerHarlson born about 1926
TurnerMaynard born about 1930
TurnerMeta born about 1875
TurnerWalter Lborn about 1928
TweedyMary born about 1889
TweedyWilliam born about 1872
TyreArnold Gborn about 1923
TyreJohn Wborn about 1884
TyreJohnnie Aborn about 1920
TyreMinor Lborn about 1918
TyreMollie born about 1889
TyreRichard Dborn about 1915
TyreRobert Wborn about 1910
TyreWilliam Dborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UhlesCarl born about 1923
UhlesCecil Eborn about 1912
UhlesClint born about 1920
UhlesCoy Aborn about 1916
UhlesElaine Fborn about 1920
UhlesEsther Aborn about 1914
UhlesGerald Wborn about 1937
UhlesLouise born about 1931
UhlesThelma born about 1928
UhlesWilliam Kborn about 1938
UnderwoodCathryne born about 1921
UtleyHenry Cborn about 1878
UtleyMary Lborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanAgnes born about 1910
VanCalhoun born about 1932
VanCastorio Jborn about 1902
VanEsther born about 1934
VanF Gborn about 1929
VanFrank born about 1864
VanGenelia born about 1916
VanHazel born about 1928
VanHufus born about 1911
VanLena Mborn about 1938
VanMarria born about 1873
VanRach Lborn about 1939
VanhooseEtter born about 1884
VanhooseWill Jborn about 1885
VannFleeta born about 1902
VannHoon born about 1894
VaulnerBertha born about 1919
VaulnerConway born about 1918
VaunlandinghamIsace born about 1863
VernieSylvia born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaldenMattie born about 1894
WaldenW Kborn about 1892
WalkerAlbert born about 1896
WalkerAnnie born about 1897
WalkerEllen Jborn about 1878
WalkerHenry Jr born about 1937
WalkerJames Eborn about 1936
WalkerJean Annborn about 1934
WalkerKathleen born about 1915
WalkerNancy Ethelborn about 1930
WamplerCarrie Lborn about 1878
WamplerCharles Cborn about 1880
WamplerMaude born about 1892
WamplerPearl born about 1902
WardBuster born about 1924
WardCharlie born about 1928
WardGenere born about 1929
WardJ Cborn about 1922
WardJames born about 1896
WardJohn born about 1925
WardJula Mayborn about 1931
WardLonzo born about 1875
WardLuciew born about 1900
WardMarie born about 1901
WardMary Aborn about 1877
WardMelvin born about 1870
WardOrville born about 1916
WardRoosevelt born about 1903
WardTherson born about 1937
WardVester born about 1933
WardWaneta born about 1924
WardWinnie born about 1903
WarrenDella born about 1918
WarrenFebbie born about 1894
WarrenGeorge born about 1888
WarrenJoe born about 1912
WarrenNancy born about 1894
WarrenNeal born about 1887
WarrenStanley born about 1940
WarrenVernon born about 1910
WarrenWillie Mborn about 1915
WarringGus born about 1893
WarringLottie born about 1899
WarringThomas born about 1935
WarwickIla born about 1895
WarwickJohn Tborn about 1885
WarwickLucy Wborn about 1924
WatkinsLumas born about 1886
WatkinsMaggie born about 1889
WatsonHazel born about 1910
WatsonHenry Ettaborn about 1848
WatsonJackie born about 1931
WatsonJim born about 1903
WatwoodAlfred born about 1935
WatwoodAuther born about 1923
WatwoodDelorice born about 1930
WatwoodJ Rborn about 1932
WatwoodLenord born about 1927
WatwoodMable born about 1924
WatwoodMary born about 1904
WatwoodStewart born about 1899
WeaverAnnie Leeborn about 1921
WeaverDorothey Fayborn about 1938
WeemsCaraway born about 1921
WeemsJett Jborn about 1875
WeemsNannie born about 1880
WelchAlberta born about 1897
WelchBobby Jborn about 1930
WelchDelilah born about 1928
WelchDempsy born about 1932
WelchEli born about 1935
WelchElizabelle born about 1925
WelchGranville born about 1923
WelchJ Wborn about 1918
WelchJames born about 1893
WelchJohn born about 1887
WelchLila born about 1897
WelchModie born about 1857
Weldon born about 1924
WeldonElizabeth born about 1926
WellsEdd born about 1874
WellsSallie born about 1879
WesleyVincent born about 1915
WestCharlie born about 1910
WestCleri Lucretiaborn about 1872
WestCollene born about 1929
WestDonney born about 1930
WestGertrude born about 1911
WestJerrell born about 1934
WestLumpt born about 1931
WheelerNora born about 1884
WherryDonald born about 1934
WherryFrances born about 1902
WherryMaynard born about 1889
WherryNoble born about 1887
WherryRovanna born about 1908
WhiteA Lborn about 1920
WhiteAnnie born about 1921
WhiteHenrietta born about 1890
WhiteHenry born about 1885
WhiteHubert born about 1913
WhiteIrene born about 1923
WhiteOcie Bborn about 1934
WhiteOnia born about 1922
WhiteOphelia born about 1891
WhiteR Lborn about 1929
WhiteRuby born about 1924
WhiteRuth born about 1924
WildonMaggie Lborn about 1901
WildonRobert born about 1886
WilfongAlma born about 1899
WilfongAlta born about 1925
WilfongJimmy born about 1934
WilfongJohnnie Fborn about 1937
WilfongLaura born about 1906
WilfongLeslie born about 1929
WilfongMary Fborn about 1934
WilfongMeredith born about 1927
WilfongRoland born about 1932
WilfongWayne born about 1936
WillhiteElsie born about 1917
WillhiteR Jborn about 1914
WilliamPauline born about 1926
WilliamsAlec born about 1890
WilliamsAlespa born about 1927
WilliamsAllima born about 1900
WilliamsBertie Lborn about 1925
WilliamsBirdie born about 1910
WilliamsBurdie born about 1910
WilliamsCrestful born about 1922
WilliamsDicie born about 1864
WilliamsE Cborn about 1886
WilliamsErnest born about 1905
WilliamsIsom born about 1930
WilliamsJewel born about 1931
WilliamsJewell Gborn about 1892
WilliamsJoe Lborn about 1937
WilliamsJohn Oborn about 1928
WilliamsL Dborn about 1934
WilliamsLarety born about 1933
WilliamsLee born about 1929
WilliamsLonnie born about 1923
WilliamsLouise born about 1926
WilliamsMag born about 1852
WilliamsMalcom Eborn about 1937
WilliamsMalcum born about 1937
WilliamsMarhs Gborn about 1939
WilliamsMartha Gborn about 1939
WilliamsMaxine born about 1931
WilliamsMaxine born about 1933
WilliamsMinnie born about 1907
WilliamsNumveral born about 1904
WilliamsRuby born about 1935
WilliamsVera born about 1918
WilliamsonBerniece born about 1902
WilliamsonJames Lynnborn about 1932
WilliamsonRaymond born about 1929
WilsonAlfred born about 1938
WilsonBessie born about 1919
WilsonBettie born about 1935
WilsonCelie Mborn about 1891
WilsonClark born about 1915
WilsonConnie Fborn about 1939
WilsonEarline born about 1938
WilsonElla Sborn about 1893
WilsonEloise born about 1924
WilsonEwell Eborn about 1927
WilsonForrest born about 1918
WilsonGrand Jborn about 1881
WilsonHomer born about 1892
WilsonHorace Lborn about 1920
WilsonHouston born about 1868
WilsonHouston born about 1915
WilsonHouston Aborn about 1937
WilsonHoward born about 1910
WilsonHoward Lborn about 1928
WilsonHubert born about 1916
WilsonJames Oborn about 1940
WilsonJaunita born about 1922
WilsonJaunita Eborn about 1923
WilsonJohn Cborn about 1934
WilsonJohn Fborn about 1899
WilsonLa Verne born about 1915
WilsonLauella Kborn about 1940
WilsonLloyd born about 1926
WilsonMaggie born about 1887
WilsonMary born about 1898
WilsonMaynard born about 1917
WilsonMyrtle born about 1919
WilsonNora born about 1908
WilsonPauline born about 1919
WilsonPhyllis Aborn about 1937
WilsonRobert Eborn about 1938
WilsonWarren Oborn about 1925
WilsonWilliam Dborn about 1884
WinfordMargarot born about 1880
WinfreeEarl Cborn about 1928
WinfreeElex born about 1898
WinfreeElex Jr born about 1926
WinfreeHazel born about 1925
WinfreeLevirn born about 1934
WinfreeManuel born about 1932
WinfreeRosie born about 1929
WinfreeSonnie Boyborn about 1936
WinstonErnestine born about 1932
WinstonFrank Eborn about 1880
WinstonGerald born about 1935
WinstonJ W Jrborn about 1923
WinstonLillie born about 1882
WinstonMary born about 1939
WinstonRurel Pborn about 1908
WinstonSyble born about 1916
WiseAnnie born about 1889
WiseJennie Vborn about 1921
WiseThomas born about 1927
WislonWoodrow born about 1913
WomackAltha Fcborn about 1915
WomackRandall born about 1934
WomackVestal Aborn about 1935
WomackWillard Aborn about 1937
WomackWilliam Mborn about 1912
WoodeEd Barryborn about 1936
WoodeEdward born about 1905
WoodeKiners born about 1912
WoodwardEdward born about 1874
WoodwardEdward born about 1916
WoodwardSendie Sueborn about 1921
WoodwardTheo born about 1884
WoodwardWillie born about 1910
WordCaleb born about 1890
WordCurleatha born about 1927
WordCurtis born about 1907
WordGeorge Tborn about 1939
WordHarry born about 1936
WordIva born about 1917
WordJohn Wborn about 1939
WordJohnnie Lborn about 1929
WordJosephine born about 1927
WordLena born about 1913
WordLillie born about 1931
WordLilly born about 1880
WordMinnie born about 1933
WordNettie born about 1877
WordOsborne born about 1930
WordRachel born about 1870
WordRebecca born about 1898
WordRuth Sborn about 1928
WordVanor born about 1937
WordWaddie Dborn about 1876
WordWillie Maeborn about 1930
WorksMary born about 1872
WrightAlton Eborn about 1904
WrightAlvin Eborn about 1909
WrightAngeline born about 1923
WrightAnna Lborn about 1936
WrightArdellia born about 1900
WrightArlene born about 1938
WrightBabby born about 1926
WrightBilly Jborn about 1936
WrightCarry born about 1908
WrightCecil Mborn about 1909
WrightChloe Aborn about 1918
WrightColeman born about 1903
WrightDanel born about 1932
WrightDanny Eborn about 1939
WrightDavid Rborn about 1916
WrightElsie Aborn about 1914
WrightElvis Fborn about 1935
WrightFranklin born about 1935
WrightGalon born about 1888
WrightGene born about 1902
WrightGeorge Eborn about 1885
WrightHenry Tborn about 1911
WrightHerman Aborn about 1900
WrightIda born about 1869
WrightJeff born about 1910
WrightJessie Mborn about 1913
WrightJimmie born about 1891
WrightJoe Pborn about 1899
WrightKate Fborn about 1902
WrightLa Verne born about 1922
WrightLaura born about 1910
WrightLela born about 1896
WrightLela born about 1907
WrightLiza born about 1875
WrightLloyd Tborn about 1939
WrightLorece born about 1915
WrightLouis born about 1934
WrightMarietta born about 1899
WrightMartha Jborn about 1934
WrightMyrtle Jborn about 1900
WrightRebeckey born about 1936
WrightRobert Dborn about 1896
WrightRoger Jborn about 1937
WrightSallie Aborn about 1878
WrightTaylor Mborn about 1870
WrightTerral born about 1933
WrightW Cborn about 1890
WrightWade born about 1924
WrightWill born about 1885
WrightWinfred Tborn about 1939
Wyatt born about 1927
WyattEdward Pborn about 1924
WyattGrace Jborn about 1907
WyattHelen born about 1933
WyattHerman born about 1925
WyattJanie born about 1890
WyattJerry born about 1888
WyattJohn Leeborn about 1922
WyattJoseph born about 1936
WyattLossie Eborn about 1903
WyattMattie born about 1900
WyattMaynard Lborn about 1929
WyattOra Mborn about 1927
WyattTroy Pborn about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarbroughBetty Sborn about 1935
YarbroughDoris born about 1932
YarbroughEmma Jborn about 1929
YarbroughGranville Jborn about 1884
YarbroughJanie born about 1896
YarbroughMorris born about 1932
YarbroughWert born about 1924
YarbroughWilbur born about 1921
YorkCara Lborn about 1878
YorkWill Jborn about 1876
YoungCornelius born about 1922
YoungDale Nborn about 1929
YoungDonna Fborn about 1934
YoungDora born about 1868
YoungEdd born about 1890
YoungEthel Mborn about 1901
YoungGeorge born about 1919
YoungGeorge Rborn about 1894
YoungGussie born about 1891
YoungJaunita born about 1919
YoungJohn Wborn about 1939
YoungLow Ellaborn about 1921
YoungMable born about 1901
YoungMary born about 1893
YoungMinnie born about 1857
YoungRay born about 1924
YoungTom born about 1892
YoungValarie Lborn about 1927
YoungWillie born about 1895
YoungWillie Bborn about 1926
YoungWillie Dborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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