1940 U.S. Federal Census of Elon, Ashley, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ashley County > 1940 Census of Elon

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

B Surnames

BakerEverlena born about 1907
BakerJames born about 1903
BakerJams born about 1903
BallardChristophe Jborn about 1939
BallardGentle born about 1914
BallardGertrue born about 1918
BallardGirtrude born about 1917
BallardTheo born about 1916
BarnesAllie Aborn about 1912
BarnesGlendra Roeborn about 1939
BarnesJames Eborn about 1911
BarnettAndrew born about 1924
BarnettErvin born about 1925
BarnettFlorence Janeborn about 1931
BarnettFlorence Joneborn about 1931
BarnettMyrtle born about 1929
BarnsBobie Leeborn about 1935
BennettEther Leeborn about 1932
BennettJim Aborn about 1913
BennettOdie Leeborn about 1935
BennettOlie Leeborn about 1935
BennettTravistine born about 1914
BennettTrevistine born about 1914
BennettWardell born about 1936
BondBobbie Jeansborn about 1938
BondMary Eborn about 1914
BondWillie Frankborn about 1936
BondWillie Sborn about 1908
BonnettFannie born about 1913
BonnettSamuel born about 1911
BradleyThurmon born about 1927
BrewerIrene born about 1914
BrewerJaney Mborn about 1939
BrewerRosco born about 1932
BridgesDorris born about 1924
BridgesJoe Lborn about 1875
BridgesNathan Hborn about 1922
BridgesRuth Eborn about 1897
BrontleyLouis Cborn about 1923
BrontleyLouis Jborn about 1928
BrontleyMary Mborn about 1888
BrontleyMattie Mayborn about 1931
BrontleyRalf Gborn about 1925
BrontleyThomas Fborn about 1887
BroswellCallie Cborn about 1897
BroswellShirley Annborn about 1938
BroswellWalter born about 1895
BroswellWalter Jr born about 1931
BrownCharlie Cborn about 1884
BrownCora born about 1887
BrownGeorge Cborn about 1913
BryantCharles Edwardborn about 1940
BryantEthel Eborn about 1915
BryantHomer Eborn about 1912
BryantLola Marieborn about 1937
BryantOra Eugeneborn about 1938
BurgessJack born about 1909
BurnsBobie Leeborn about 1935
BurnsFannie Eborn about 1905
BurnsJasper Hborn about 1897
BurtAustin Cborn about 1891
BurtFrancis Aborn about 1918
BurtMary Aliceborn about 1925
BurtPearl Rborn about 1895
BurtonJessie Wborn about 1870

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C Surnames

CalatonBeatrice born about 1930
CalatonCharles* born about 1924
CalatonCharline born about 1922
CalatonChaton Wborn about 1917
CalatonFrancis Sborn about 1928
CalatonGene Everettborn about 1932
CalatonNorris Gborn about 1925
CarpenterAbner Bborn about 1895
CarpenterBessie Mborn about 1903
CarpenterBeuford born about 1927
CarpenterJohn Aborn about 1930
CarpenterQuinton Aborn about 1935
CasonAdah born about 1905
CasonAron born about
CasonDaniel born about 1889
CasonDella Maeborn about 1921
CasonEvan born about 1926
CasonEvona born about 1925
CasonJames born about 1894
CasonJessie born about 1892
CasonJohn Jborn about 1938
CasonLilla born about 1894
CasonMary Sborn about 1896
CasonMose born about 1901
CasonPerlene born about 1936
CasonPhoelia born about 1896
CasonRhodie Bborn about 1928
CasonRichard born about 1934
CasonRobert born about 1930
CasonViola born about 1928
ChapmanAlbert Jr born about 1931
ChapmanClay born about 1932
ChapmanEdgar Eborn about 1908
ChapmanJames Pborn about 1866
ChapmanJennie born about 1874
ChapmanJohn Eborn about 1928
ChapmanOhert Oborn about 1909
ChapmanRay born about 1932
ChildsEarl Jr born about 1934
ChildsEart Wborn about 1908
ChildsElizabeth born about 1908
ChildsErnest Cborn about 1915
ChildsMaybell born about 1917
CokerAubrey Hborn about 1911
CokerManuel Rborn about 1933
CokerPaul born about 1907
CokerPaul Jr born about 1936
CokerWallace Hborn about 1929
ColemanCalvin born about 1904
ColemanRobert Leeborn about 1921
ColemanSallie born about 1908
CoodClifton Tborn about 1927
CoodHugh Clentinborn about 1925
CoodHugh Eborn about 1890
CoodSallie Aborn about 1902
CoodyBessie Maudeneborn about 1939
CoodyBossie Leeborn about 1904
CoodyClarence Doyleborn about 1931
CoodyClarence Eborn about 1901
CoodyDoris born about 1907
CoodyErnest Dborn about 1898
CoodyGlonjjone born about 1936
CoodyKatherine born about 1924
CoodyOla Bellborn about 1901
CoodyOla Ernestineborn about 1930
CoodyShirligene born about 1934
CoodyWilliam Sborn about 1896
CottonHerman born about 1913
CottonHerman Leeborn about 1939
CottonLilian Maxineborn about 1888
CottonOra Leeborn about 1917
CromwellDessie Lborn about 1923
CromwellHomer born about 1905
CromwellOrena born about 1905
CronwellJoe Hborn about 1921
CronwellThederd born about 1939
CronwellThomas Mborn about 1911
CrosswellChalene born about 1916
CrosswellCharlie born about 1916
CrosswellMonroe Jborn about 1905
CrosswellMyrline born about 1937
CrosswellRosetta born about 1917
CrosswellTheodis born about 1938
CulbertsonClyde Lborn about 1903
CulbertsonEugenia Mborn about 1907

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D Surnames

DavidsonErie born about 1889
DavidsonHerman born about 1917
DavidsonJoe Gborn about 1889
DavidsonJoe Jr born about 1928
DaysChandia Iborn about 1916
DaysDonald Lamorborn about 1939
DaysJoseph Lborn about 1938
DaysRichard Aborn about 1911
DaysWilliam Eborn about 1935
DeggesAnnie Evaborn about 1894
DeggesAnnie Evaborn about 1935
DeggesIra Dborn about 1887
DeggesIra Donaldborn about 1929
DeggesLamar Dborn about 1922
DeggesLeslie Eborn about 1924
DeggesMarceil born about 1927
DeggesWilliam Tborn about 1932
Dunnas??? born about 1902
DunnasMattie born about 1904

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E Surnames

EllisonBirdie born about 1900
EllisonC Jborn about 1931
EllisonClarence born about 1922
EllisonCora born about 1928
EllisonJ Cborn about 1933
EllisonL Gborn about 1926
EllisonWillie born about 1887
EvansFrank born about 1879
EvansLila born about 1883
EverettGeorge born about 1914
EverettThelma born about 1920

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F Surnames

FarrarEthel Jborn about 1883
FarrarLois Vborn about 1907
FarrarTom Morrisborn about 1916
FarrarWalter Eborn about 1881
ForestFreddie born about 1923
ForrestAmaryllis Rborn about 1939
ForrestMyrtle Mborn about 1908
ForrestRay Bborn about 1903

G Surnames

GarnerAziel born about 1922
GarnerBillie Joeborn about 1934
GarnerCaster Wborn about 1895
GarnerClara Bborn about 1902
GarnerDonnis born about 1930
GarnerEdgar Hborn about 1898
GarnerEmery born about 1917
GarnerGeorge Oborn about 1912
GarnerGeorge O Jrborn about 1936
GarnerGeorgia born about 1900
GarnerHenry Wborn about 1931
GarnerJoann born about 1935
GarnerJosephine born about 1869
GarnerLeon born about 1918
GarnerLeroy born about 1928
GarnerMary Eborn about 1913
GarnerOllie Bborn about 1885
GarnerTanernia Eborn about 1892
GarnerVirginia Cborn about 1924
GarnerWinona Gborn about 1924
GarrettBoyd Rborn about 1913
GarrettDorthy Eborn about 1934
GarrettEdith Mborn about 1930
GarrettElis Mborn about 1925
GarrettElmer Leeborn about 1926
GarrettGrady Fborn about 1919
GarrettHomer Leeborn about 1895
GarrettJessell born about 1930
GarrettMary Eborn about 1932
GarrettWilliam Rborn about 1886
Gibbs??? born about 1923
GibbsL Mborn about 1927
GibbsOla Mborn about 1902
GibbsOra Mborn about 1925
GibbsWilliam Jborn about 1921
GoodwinChas Fayeborn about 1934
GoodwinHarris Eborn about 1866
GoodwinPauline born about 1917
GoodwinPeggie Leeborn about 1937
GoohenNobn born about 1914
GoyneJessie Lborn about 1907
GoyneJohn Eborn about 1874
GoyneJohn Ernelborn about 1900
GoyneNellie born about 1875
GoyneRaymond Gborn about 1926
GoyneVelma Sborn about 1908
GoyneWayne Erselborn about 1932
GoyneWilliam Jborn about 1901
GoyneWilliam Mborn about 1932
GoyneWilliam Rborn about 1871
GreemBobbie Jeanborn about 1937
GreemFlora born about 1911
GreemMichel Cborn about 1927
GreemUla Mayborn about 1930
GreemWillie Jr born about 1932
GregoryHayward born about 1936
GregoryLottie Vborn about 1916
GregoryMadison born about 1911
GriffinsDave born about 1873
GriffinsSarah born about 1869
GrimmAlpha Oborn about 1894
GrimmEhms Eborn about 1872
GrimmMary Leeborn about 1932
GrimmOlen Cborn about 1885
GulledgeCarrie Eborn about 1889
GulledgeCarry Leeborn about 1923
GulledgeWyatt Wborn about 1932
GuyAlberta born about 1910
GuyArther born about 1900
GuyHannah born about 1852
GuyJohn born about 1902
GuyMary born about 1875
GuySusie born about 1915
GuyTronie born about 1912
GuyWilbur born about 1923

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H Surnames

HammondHiram born about 1909
HamptonBerry born about 1882
HamptonBertha born about 1912
HamptonFlora born about 1845
HargraussBerdie Oborn about 1905
HargraussBillie Jborn about 1905
HargraussBillie Joyceborn about 1933
HargraussFarmer Aborn about 1874
HarmesHenry born about 1865
HarperDonald Victorborn about 1920
HarperNannie Leeborn about 1891
HarperSamuel Jborn about 1882
HarrisWillie Mborn about 1923
HaydenBessie Jewellborn about 1913
HaydenElbert Cborn about 1910
HaydenJackie Rborn about 1937
HaydenRogers Rborn about 1933
HaynesEllis born about 1904
HaysVernon Mborn about 1918
HillBeate Leeborn about 1919
HillJosephine born about 1879
HillReber Sueborn about 1936
HoffAustin born about 1881
HoldcraftWaltor Pborn about 1914
HoldcraftZober Idaborn about 1901
HoldlevaftWatson Pborn about 1914
HoldlevaftZober Idaborn about 1901
HoneycuttAmy Dborn about 1904
HoneycuttCanoll Aborn about 1923
HoneycuttEunice Sborn about 1922
HoneycuttHazle Oborn about 1931
HoneycuttJohn Cborn about 1887
HoneycuttMattie Janeborn about 1928
HoodGolden born about 1884
HoodWll Sr born about 1870
HopkinsBraske Mborn about 1931
HopkinsIsaac Sborn about 1893
HopkinsJ Mborn about 1925
HopkinsMyrtle Leneborn about 1894
HopkinsNauline born about 1934
HopkinsWalter Sborn about 1927
HowardWill born about 1891
HughesEdwin Pborn about 1915
HughesMarylin Rborn about 1939
HughesMaxine born about 1921
HumphreyMollie born about 1881
HymanAmmro Wborn about 1917
HymanLola Dellborn about 1924
HymanPatricia born about 1939

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I Surnames

InmasAuther born about 1900
InmasEarl born about 1925
InmasElla born about 1923
InmasLula born about 1898

J Surnames

JacksonAdell Mborn about 1891
JacksonCarie Aborn about 1919
JacksonCarrol born about 1929
JacksonGrover Lborn about 1888
JacksonNora Dellborn about 1939
JacksonVera Maeborn about 1923
JerryCharles Dborn about 1928
JerryMinnie Lborn about 1886
JerryVictor Ottoborn about 1923
JewellAlice Mborn about 1935
JewellAndrew Dborn about 1909
JewellHubert Oborn about 1934
JewellJeallie Leeborn about 1939
JewellJohnnie Mborn about 1912
JewellMaladine born about 1928
JewellMargie Rborn about 1937
JewellOpal Lborn about 1930
JohnsonAugustus Hborn about
JohnsonGus born about 1863
JohnsonImogene born about 1917
JohnsonMattie Hborn about 1874
JohnsonMorris Hborn about 1936
JohnsonWilliam Aborn about 1939
JonesAlvin born about 1916
JonesBertha Mayborn about 1939
JonesC Bborn about 1914
JonesC B Jrborn about 1933
JonesCatherine born about 1914
JonesClaudie Lborn about 1939
JonesEthel Fborn about 1920
JonesFannie born about 1878
JonesFrine born about 1878
JonesIsaac born about 1936
JonesJunes born about 1927
JonesLee born about 1916
JonesMary born about 1900
JonesPastoria born about 1911
JonesWashington Gborn about 1900
JonesWillie Jr born about 1931
JoseyEsther Lborn about 1899
JoseyJohn Avisborn about 1897
JoseyLee Hamonborn about 1893
JoseyMarsha Aborn about 1898

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K Surnames

KeyfesRoy Vborn about 1894
KitchensClaud Jborn about 1903
KitchensHarold Gborn about 1930
KitchensHazel Jborn about 1933
KitchensJames Aborn about 1929
KitchensMary Eborn about 1906
KnightAudrey Mborn about 1923
KnightBillie Mborn about 1939
KnightJohn Tborn about 1914
KyleCurtis Wborn about 1914
KyleCurtis W Jrborn about 1936
KyleNancy Lucileborn about 1940
KyleNora Lucilleborn about 1913

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L Surnames

LambertBillie born about 1917
LandCarrie Leeborn about 1938
LandCharlene born about 1940
LandDavid Cborn about 1865
LandElafair born about 1919
LemaDady Lumbiaborn about 1912
LemaJuline born about 1940
LemaL Cborn about 1934
LemaMae born about 1920
LemaPerlie Leeborn about 1937
LemaUla Maeborn about 1938
LinnEtta Lborn about 1901
LinnJames Fborn about 1899
LinnJim Jborn about 1873
LinnMittie Mborn about 1900
LoftonAllie Maeborn about 1905
LoftonLowell Eborn about 1937
LoftonMarcel born about 1928
LoftonSammie Lborn about 1871
LoftonSammie Lborn about 1905
LunnBillie born about 1918
LunnLela born about 1925

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M Surnames

MadisonTravis born about 1905
MamGary Bookborn about 1937
MartinElla Mborn about 1891
MartinGeneva born about 1922
MartinJames Hborn about 1929
MartinJohn Pborn about 1888
MartinOliver Jborn about 1925
MartinRoland Sborn about 1923
MartinWilliam Dborn about 1927
MartinsClara Rborn about 1916
MartinsQuincy Bborn about 1918
MaxwellAlice born about 1905
MaxwellEdgar Allenborn about 1933
MaxwellEdgar Jborn about 1891
MaxwellElvira born about 1872
MaxwellEule Eborn about 1892
MaxwellJake born about 1901
MaxwellJames Hborn about 1915
MaxwellMarshal born about 1869
MaxwellMaxine Eborn about 1919
MaxwellMelba Aborn about 1930
MaxwellSteven Gborn about 1924
MaxwellTravis Dborn about 1922
MayberryJames born about 1892
MayberryRobert born about 1887
McDanielEnnie Maeborn about 1927
McDanielErnest Rborn about 1919
McDanielJesse Lborn about 1893
McDanielJessie Jr born about 1929
McDanielRosie born about 1897
McDanielVirgel Leeborn about 1917
McHolt born about 1860
McNice??? born about 1890
McNiceBertha Eborn about 1891
McNiceCecil Lborn about 1919
McNiceDeasey Eborn about 1924
MeozerBuster Mborn about 1905
MeozerDorthy Marieborn about 1931
MeozerDorthy Pborn about 1907
MeozerMarjorie Aborn about 1937
MichelMonk Elsieborn about 1918
MichelMorrelton Mborn about 1891
MichelOtto Lborn about 1928
MichelWilliam Dborn about 1926
MilesAllie Ireneborn about 1920
MilesShirley Maeborn about 1939
MilesWilliam Vborn about 1911
MillerAnnie Bellborn about 1887
MillerCharlie Bborn about 1892
MillerDorothy Mborn about 1929
MillerDoyle Leeborn about 1936
MillerElbie Carlborn about 1919
MillerEllen born about 1878
MillerErie Cborn about 1897
MillerGertha Rborn about
MillerJames Eborn about 1919
MillerJohn Allenborn about 1927
MillerRuth Aborn about 1924
MillerWalter Dborn about 1874
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1862
MillerWillie Mborn about 1917
MiltonHalloway born about 1892
MiltonSallie born about 1891
MorganGrannison born about 1898
MorganMarion born about 1890
MorganRosanna born about 1860
MorganSarah Eborn about 1892
MoseleyJoe Aborn about 1917
MoseleyLula Eborn about 1876
MuseAlbert Nborn about 1870
MuseCarrie born about 1875
MuseJila Lborn about 1918

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N Surnames

NealonEleanora born about 1936
NealonElla Mborn about 1934

O Surnames

OverhartLola Mborn about 1909
OverhartWalter Hborn about 1908

P Surnames

PalenWilliam born about 1906
ParisCharles Jr born about 1926
ParisCharlie Dborn about 1888
ParisHicks Fborn about 1929
ParisLucille born about 1923
ParisMaggie Eborn about 1899
PenningtonHattie Mborn about 1906
PenningtonJames Wborn about 1928
PenningtonMollie Hborn about 1873
PenningtonNera Eborn about 1935
PenningtonRoy Jborn about 1902
PenningtonWilliam Lborn about 1868
PenningtonWinnie Dborn about 1931
PerdueEma Rborn about 1888
PerdueJohn Jborn about 1876
PierceChoe Ettaborn about 1921
PierceEric Leoborn about 1896
PierceJohn Rborn about 1920
PierceMose born about 1888
PiffornLizzie born about 1880
PiffornPrinkley born about 1872
PittsHettie born about 1906
PittsPernella born about 1883
PittsWalter born about 1874
PughRay born about 1919
PumpheyCloetie born about 1921
PumpheyGeorge born about 1911

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Q Surnames

QuinnSamuel born about 1905

R Surnames

RallinThomas born about 1892
RassonLeona born about 1933
RawkBarbara Joeborn about 1936
RawkDaniel Lborn about 1901
RawkJoseph Fborn about 1911
RawkMattie Eborn about 1877
RawkWalcy Cborn about 1908
RawkWillie Joeborn about 1909
RawlsElla Avanborn about 1911
RawlsFrank Wesleyborn about 1933
RawlsJohn Walterborn about 1930
RawlsWilliam Fborn about 1899
RawlsWilliam Robertborn about 1936
ReulbertsonBetty Joborn about 1938
ReulbertsonPeggy Jborn about 1933
ReynoldsGeneva Sborn about 1909
ReynoldsRobert Hborn about 1934
ReynoldsRussell Rborn about 1907
RiahAbert Sborn about 1893
RiahAlbert S Jrborn about 1924
RiahBobbie Hborn about 1921
RiahJohnnie Cborn about 1924
RiahKatie Leeborn about 1902
RicherJoe Leeborn about 1933
RicherMartha Jborn about 1937
RicherWilliam Hborn about 1910
RickmanDovia Eborn about 1899
RickmanEdith Eborn about 1922
RickmanEnoch Mborn about 1932
RickmanJoseph Mborn about 1926
RickmanOleda Eborn about 1932
RickmanOlivia Eborn about 1932
RickmanPeter Mborn about 1894
RickmanWilliam Fborn about 1927
RilesElizabeth born about 1930
RilesHubert Cborn about 1933
RilesJames Cborn about 1937
RilesLonnie Wborn about 1919
RilesMary Lborn about 1935
RilesMattie Leeborn about 1921
RilesMollie born about 1927
RilesMyrlin born about 1939
RilesRoy Hborn about 1924
RilesVirgie Mayborn about 1918
RilesWillie Maeborn about 1923
RileyHubert Cborn about 1940
RileyMary Eborn about 1912
RobersonLouise Cborn about 1927
RobinAnnice Lborn about 1923
RobinDaniel Rborn about 1929
RobinFrancis Gborn about 1937
RobinHelen Joanborn about 1927
RobinLaura Vborn about 1916
RobinWarren Jborn about 1901
RoulaJimmie Gborn about 1913
RoulaJo Annborn about 1922
RoulaWilliam born about 1908

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S Surnames

SanfordJoe born about 1890
SankersHenry born about 1937
SankersJule Tborn about 1901
SankersWayne Lborn about 1935
SankersWillie Eborn about 1913
SeiberryDeloris Lborn about 1931
SeiberryGuy born about 1893
SeiberryJewerline Fborn about 1922
SeiberrySarah Fborn about 1860
SeiberryVionna born about 1893
ShuterEmit Eborn about 1900
ShuterErvin Eborn about 1925
ShuterJames Eborn about 1927
ShuterRosie Leeborn about 1907
SimpsonEdmon born about 1880
SimpsonMary Ellaborn about 1888
SittleBettie Joeborn about 1932
SittleErnest Hborn about 1892
SittleJessie Mayborn about 1914
SivelsMarcus born about 1911
SivilsClarence Leeborn about 1925
SivilsDoyle Dborn about 1922
SivilsEdgar Lborn about 1902
SivilsEthel Mayborn about 1910
SivilsJennie Rayborn about 1932
SivilsJohnnie Rayborn about 1932
SivilsLora Violaborn about 1891
SivilsLouis Cborn about 1914
SivilsLouis Pborn about 1883
SivilsMelvin Jborn about 1930
SivilsMollie Mborn about 1924
SivilsRuby Jewellborn about 1931
SivilsThomas Cborn about 1934
SivilsThomas Eborn about 1934
SivilsWilliam Eborn about 1929
SmithBasil born about 1923
SmithEmma Eborn about 1916
SmithFrances born about 1923
SmithGeorge born about 1919
SmithGerine born about 1939
SmithHarold born about 1931
SmithJames Wborn about 1930
SmithJohn Iborn about 1849
SmithKenneth Wborn about 1936
SmithMattie Eborn about 1911
SmithRobert Hborn about 1916
SmithWilton born about 1909
SpretPauline born about 1930
SteehmanNevell Fanisborn about 1940
SteelmanBeatrice born about 1919
SteelmanHammon born about 1912
SteppsHerley Aborn about 1939
StewartDorthy Annborn about 1939
StewartErnest born about 1922
StewartHariet born about 1915
StewartHazel born about 1939
StrangeElsie Mborn about 1920
StrangeJulia Rosalieborn about 1939
StrangeJulia Rosalleborn about 1939
StrangeWilliam Hborn about 1909
StrangeWilliam Hborn about 1919
StreeterLee Olaborn about 1930
StuartHarry Aborn about 1913
SuyRobert born about 1872

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T Surnames

TaylorDavid Hborn about 1901
TaylorEmester born about 1937
TaylorErnester born about 1937
TaylorFlorence born about 1904
TaylorMamie Leeborn about 1924
ThomasAllie Mborn about 1927
TrailorJohn born about 1898
TrailorMaud born about 1901
TrebbsFrank Hborn about 1872
TrebbsMarsh Bellieborn about 1894

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V Surnames

VrnellMary Ohrborn about 1898
VrnellS Joe Jrborn about 1927
VrnellSam Jborn about 1891
VrnellVeo born about 1920

W Surnames

WaffordBillie J Eborn about 1933
WaffordChue Hborn about 1889
WaffordDorthy Mborn about
WaffordH Cborn about 1918
WaffordLela Fborn about 1895
WaffordMartha Lborn about 1924
WaffordSam Bborn about 1926
WalkerBessie Eborn about 1875
WalkerChas Fayeborn about 1938
WalkerClydene born about 1920
WalkerCornelious born about 1859
WalkerErnest Wborn about 1911
WalkerGirtie born about 1915
WalkerJames Aborn about 1910
WalkerJames Cborn about 1935
WalkerJoyce Aborn about 1939
WalkerMartha Bessborn about 1933
WalkerMary Ruthborn about 1939
WalkerMittie born about 1876
WalkerWillie born about 1874
WalkersByron Asbornborn about 1938
WalkersCandy born about 1937
WalkersClaud Cborn about 1904
WalkersLaba Eborn about 1908
WalkersRooslys born about 1940
WaltonNorvel born about 1923
WanbleC Cborn about 1884
WanbleIda Bborn about 1890
WanbleKimber born about 1917
WanbleSidney born about 1914
WasearverBertha born about 1900
WasearverEugene Fborn about 1927
WasearverJames Tborn about 1932
WasearverJaunita Jborn about 1920
WasearverRalph Pborn about 1895
WasearverRoy Dborn about 1923
WasearverWilliam Wborn about 1921
WashingtonArnold born about 1877
WashingtonEarl Jborn about 1927
WashingtonJosie born about 1891
WashingtonMary born about 1901
WashingtonMattie born about 1856
WashingtonOzell born about 1923
WashingtonTacy born about 1929
WashingtonVerdell born about 1925
WashingtonWill born about 1901
WattBobbie Eborn about 1938
WattDuell born about 1915
WattEdward born about 1932
WattEmma Lborn about 1934
WattFrank Eborn about 1904
WattJames Cborn about 1930
WattMissouri born about 1855
WattWillie Vborn about 1936
WeatherleyJames Jborn about 1927
WeatherleyJoe Rborn about 1920
WeatherleyJoseh Rborn about 1898
WeatherleySletva Mborn about 1901
WeatherleyVivian Mborn about 1925
WildebrookDoek Mborn about 1865
WildebrookLessie Eborn about 1911
WildebrookMagnolia born about 1870
WilesGeneva born about 1921
WilesHugo Dborn about 1917
WilesJewell Aborn about 1919
WilesJohn Hborn about 1923
WilesMarie Lynnborn about 1939
WilesTascton Vborn about 1915
WilliamAnna Maeborn about 1908
WilliamAshley Gborn about 1909
WilliamSylvia Annborn about 1939
Williams??? Wborn about 1896
WilliamsAnnie Ruthborn about 1936
WilliamsBill Wborn about 1860
WilliamsChand born about 1901
WilliamsCharlie Lborn about 1911
WilliamsEmma Mayborn about 1920
WilliamsEmma Oborn about 1924
WilliamsFrancis born about 1921
WilliamsGeorge Mborn about 1893
WilliamsJack Cborn about 1923
WilliamsJaine born about 1937
WilliamsJames Eborn about 1933
WilliamsJewell born about 1926
WilliamsJohn Dborn about 1940
WilliamsJohn Rborn about 1876
WilliamsLeroy Eborn about 1930
WilliamsLouis Cborn about 1923
WilliamsLouise born about 1937
WilliamsLucindia born about 1859
WilliamsMaggie born about 1920
WilliamsManervia born about 1912
WilliamsMillard Wborn about 1912
WilliamsNomie Lborn about 1898
WilliamsRosie Leeborn about 1918
WilliamsShirtie Annborn about 1937
WilliamsTevonnia born about 1907
WilliamsTheola Vborn about 1938
WilliamsWilliam Hborn about 1927
WilliamsWinnie born about 1875
WinnigorEdsel born about 1933
WinnigorEdward Wborn about 1936
WinnigorHuford Eborn about 1912
WinnigorOpal Eborn about 1915
WittCharlie born about 1911
WittClinton born about 1920
WittEddie Mborn about 1914
WittIda Eborn about 1882
WittIda Loueborn about 1922
WittIsaac Bborn about 1874
WittJoseph Iborn about 1909
WoodallCalvin Mborn about 1908
WoodallLaura Allieborn about 1881
WoodallLaura Cborn about 1934
WoodallLaurn born about 1913
WoodallMildred Maxineborn about 1937
WoodallTroy Lamarborn about 1922

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Y Surnames

YancyHermon Gborn about 1933
YostEmma Lborn about 1912
YostIda born about 1902
YostWanda Juneborn about 1934

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