1940 U.S. Federal Census of Longview, Ashley, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ashley County > 1940 Census of Longview

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenWillie born about 1898
AllenWoddie born about 1893
AnthonyGene born about 1887
AringtonBettie born about 1872
AringtonFrank born about 1874

B Surnames

BaycanAlvin born about 1911
BaycanAlvin born about 1937
BaycanJames born about
BaycanLonell born about 1912
BeroyHellen born about 1928
BeroyHurley born about 1934
BeroyJasper born about 1905
BeroyOzie born about 1912
BerrymanColie Nborn about 1921
BerrymanEthel born about 1940
BerrymanGussie born about 1909
BolenBobbie born about 1934
BolenCarylyn born about 1936
BolenDorris born about 1908
BolenJackie born about 1940
BolenJinnie born about 1929
BolenRiley born about 1903
BolenTrue born about 1930
BolinAndrew born about 1902
BolinBerdie born about 1900
BolinClinton born about 1922
BolinDick born about 1917
BolinElizabeth born about 1934
BolinErma born about 1923
BolinHattie born about 1925
BolinJames Mborn about 1888
BolinJerry born about 1939
BolinJohn Dborn about 1930
BolinJoyce born about 1937
BolinMarion born about 1922
BolinMeral born about 1928
BolinMitchel born about 1927
BolinSallie born about 1893
BolinSallie Aborn about 1929
BolinWiline born about 1925
BrockAlmeter born about 1880
BrockHayward born about 1878
BrockOcie born about 1924
BrownDevocaux born about 1897
BrownJohn born about 1870
BrownLane Cborn about 1927
BrownMaggie born about 1878
BrownNorma born about 1904
BryanArtie born about 1922
BryanDouglas born about 1919
BryanElsie born about 1920
BryanHoward born about 1927
BryanMalvin born about 1918

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C Surnames

CasonAnnis Mborn about 1919
CasonGadys born about 1927
CasonJack born about 1885
CasonJack Jr born about 1923
CasonLeona born about 1931
CasonLuna born about 1899
CasonRobert Eborn about 1936
CasonValton born about 1921
CoxHazel born about 1914
CoxJames Eborn about 1905
CoxLuther born about 1933
CoxTroy Lborn about 1937
CraigAllie born about 1908
CraigAnnie born about 1902
CraigBennie born about 1908
CraigBertie born about 1906
CraigBettie born about 1929
CraigBobbie born about 1934
CraigBruce born about 1928
CraigDoris born about 1931
CraigDoyle born about 1935
CraigEdith born about
CraigEdward born about 1928
CraigEldridge born about 1934
CraigErnisgene born about 1932
CraigFrank Lborn about 1897
CraigIone born about 1926
CraigJessie born about 1905
CraigJim Aborn about 1876
CraigJinnie born about 1936
CraigJoyce born about 1939
CraigLadover born about 1930
CraigLela born about 1913
CraigMargie born about 1932
CraigMarie born about 1935
CraigRichard born about 1908
CraigRoy born about 1933
CraigRuby born about 1924
CraigSavila born about 1875
CraigStella born about 1914
CraigSybell born about
CumminghamBen Fborn about 1932
CumminghamEarl born about 1934
CumminghamElouise born about 1932
CumminghamGeorge born about 1908
CumminghamGus born about 1904
CumminghamHenry born about 1903
CumminghamHoyt born about 1935
CumminghamJosh born about 1930
CumminghamLorine born about 1931
CumminghamLoyd born about
CumminghamMargaret born about 1938
CumminghamMargie born about 1938
CumminghamNora born about 1915

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D Surnames

DanielHenry born about 1936
DanielJoe born about 1934
DanielLottie born about 1914
DanielMazare born about 1938
DanielNathan born about 1904
DanielRubie born about 1939
DanielViola born about 1927
DavisAnnie Lborn about
DavisBobbie Rborn about 1934
DavisClauzell born about 1914
DavisDortha born about 1938
DavisJora Lborn about 1916
DavisLuther born about 1916
DavisRobert Lborn about 1873
DavisRobert L Jrborn about 1917
DavisThomas born about 1932
DavisVelma born about 1915

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F Surnames

FielderLou Eborn about 1877
FranklinAlma born about 1903
FranklinAnnie born about 1936
FranklinArvemoa born about 1939
FranklinCallie born about 1929
FranklinCelessie born about 1925
FranklinClarice born about 1933
FranklinIda born about 1932
FranklinJanice born about 1934
FranklinJohn Eborn about 1935
FranklinJulious born about 1908
FranklinLeona born about 1934
FranklinMartin Fborn about 1919
FranklinMose born about 1892
FranklinParnell born about 1932
FranklinSilvester born about 1911
FranklinSteve born about 1916
FranklinVerda Mborn about 1916
FranklinVerdoe born about 1920
FranklinVirginia born about 1923
FranklinWillie born about 1920
FranklinZell born about 1922
FreemanEirene born about 1920
FreemanMary Eborn about 1938
FreemanWilliam Cborn about 1920

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G Surnames

GiffordElizabeth born about 1893
GiffordShirley born about 1929
GiffordWalter born about 1891
GilbertHarold born about 1905
GreenJeneva born about 1934
GreenLabert born about 1936
GuffordAmy born about 1934
GuffordBettie born about 1932
GuffordJohn Wborn about 1936
GuffordKenneth born about 1930
GuffordMarine born about 1939
GuffordMilton born about 1909
GuffordRuby born about 1910

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H Surnames

HancockGeorge born about 1889
HancockPearl born about 1890
HartleyAllen born about 1915
HartleyBen Noahborn about 1919
HartleyDon born about 1938
HartleyFannie born about 1872
HartleyKenneth born about 1936
HarvellLeonard born about 1926
HesterJames born about 1876
HesterMaggie born about 1884
HeterMurel born about 1915
HeterNorma Jborn about 1939
HeterNorman born about 1911
HoldcraftAnnie born about 1908
HoldcraftBillie born about 1936
HoldcraftEd born about 1893
HoldcraftRuth born about 1938
HoldcraftTonne born about 1932
HollisDillard born about 1911
HollisHazell born about 1910
HollisJosh born about 1930
HollisRalph born about 1933
HollisWilliam Lborn about 1939
HooperOfelia born about 1885
HudsonBettie born about 1938
HudsonFloyd born about 1928
HudsonFrank born about 1939
HudsonHenry born about 1934
HudsonJim born about 1932
HudsonJohn born about 1936
HudsonMildred born about 1930
HudsonTiney born about 1902
HudsonWarner born about 1926
HudsonWyley born about 1902
HudspethAlto born about 1904
HudspethOlliver born about 1878
HughesJessie born about 1900
HughesMarie born about 1922
HughesPearley born about 1919
HughesPerlie born about 1938

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J Surnames

JinkinsBerman born about 1929
JinkinsCarvina born about 1926
JinkinsDike Cborn about 1933
JinkinsJessie born about 1938
JinkinsLutell born about 1927
JinkinsMabell born about 1906
JinkinsMack born about 1905
JinkinsMay Eborn about 1931
JinkinsVerdell born about 1923
JinkinsWillie Lborn about 1936
JonesLillie born about 1909

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K Surnames

KelleyMattie born about 1912
KingAlma born about 1891
KingBobbie Jborn about 1939
KingKatherine born about 1925
KingLavell born about 1927
KingMalcom born about 1929
KingMargie Lborn about 1930
KingMarthis born about 1872
KnightDorthy born about 1919
KnightHenry born about 1911
KnightJimmie born about 1936

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L Surnames

LindseyCalvert born about 1925
LoweryFannie born about 1888
LoweryMason born about 1882
LowryChirley born about 1937
LowryFloyd born about 1906
LowryJames born about 1939
LowryPauline born about 1928
LowryVirgie born about 1908

M Surnames

MartinAnna born about 1875
MartinCatherine born about 1937
MartinChristine born about 1931
MartinDelton born about 1936
MartinGreen born about 1912
MartinJabo born about 1917
MartinMannie born about 1917
MartinOnida born about 1910
McLouisDavid Mborn about 1872
McLouisMae Eborn about 1872
MillerAbie born about 1913
MillerAlberta born about 1913
MillerAlma born about 1938
MillerGarnett born about 1933
MillerIrene born about 1937
MillerLee Vborn about 1935
MillerObie Jr born about 1938
MillerParatha born about 1920
MillerThurland born about 1926
MillerVaraline born about 1904
MillerVergil born about 1914
MillerWaymon born about 1892
MillerWillie born about 1936
MillerWylie born about
MooreBell born about 1925
MooreDortha born about 1930
MooreHenry born about 1882
MooreJeff born about 1922
MooreJohnie born about 1933
MooreVictoria born about 1891
MooreWilliam born about 1927

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N Surnames

NethersErma born about 1911
NethersJoe Aborn about 1935
NethersJohn born about 1874
NethersJohn Hborn about 1933
NethersMaxey born about 1935

O Surnames

OdenAnnie Dborn about 1919
OdenBuyan born about 1916
OdenEdgar Lborn about 1937
OdenLois born about
OfallenElizabeth born about 1879
OfallenTheodore born about 1917

P Surnames

PenningProctor born about 1915
PenningTinnie born about 1881
PenningtonAllie born about 1914
PenningtonDenia born about 1883
PenningtonEliffie born about 1922
PenningtonFrancis born about 1936
PenningtonIva born about 1899
PenningtonJessie born about 1907
PenningtonLawrence born about 1923
PenningtonMammie born about 1931
PenningtonMarline born about 1938
PenningtonMelvern born about 1935
PenningtonNorman Fborn about 1931
PenningtonRichard born about 1925
PenningtonRoland born about 1880
PenningtonUrslia born about 1929
PeppenRichard born about 1865
PhilipsThomas born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReddieFred born about 1923
ReddieHenry born about 1920
ReddieIva born about 1896
ReddieMartha born about 1927
ReddieOnida born about 1933
ReddieRobert born about 1930
ReddieRobert Aborn about 1881
RendolsLula born about 1873
RendolsWard born about 1900
RidyellJames born about 1925
RidyellJames Vborn about 1914
RidyellJohnie born about 1924
RidyellPearl born about 1882
RileyAnne born about 1902
RileyBarnes born about 1937
RileyMilton born about 1895
RileySylvia born about 1926
RoarkRamsom born about 1866
RoarkRosie born about 1871
RobersonJack born about 1900
RobersonJimmie born about 1933
RobersonJoan born about 1937
RobersonMary born about 1904
RobersonMaxine born about 1923

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S Surnames

SawyerArvis born about 1915
SawyerB Tborn about 1937
SawyerBillie born about 1935
SawyerCharles born about
SawyerEssie born about 1931
SawyerIva born about 1914
SawyerJasper Eborn about 1882
SawyerJohn Mborn about 1881
SawyerJohn M Jrborn about 1937
SawyerLindsey born about 1912
SawyerLindsey Jr born about 1935
SawyerLouella born about 1933
SawyerMary Eborn about 1936
SawyerMerdie Lborn about 1920
SawyerNellie born about 1889
SawyerNellie born about 1899
SawyerOgden born about 1933
SawyerRuth born about 1926
SheltonAlene born about 1938
SheltonAlford born about 1904
SheltonArthesea born about 1863
SheltonBessie born about 1924
SheltonEarnesh born about 1898
SheltonEarnest Jr born about 1922
SheltonGertrude born about 1904
SheltonIomagene born about 1935
SheltonMarvin Lborn about 1929
SheltonTelar Bborn about 1924
SheltonThomas born about 1864
ShipmanClaud born about 1874
ShipmanFrancis born about 1913
SlaughterCallie born about 1922
SlaughterFirras born about 1905
SlaughterFrancis born about 1894
SlaughterFrank born about 1930
SlaughterGenette born about 1939
SlaughterJessie born about 1926
SlaughterLouise born about 1928
SlaughterLula born about 1874
SlaughterMarceal born about 1929
SlaughterMargarete born about 1934
SlaughterMay Bellborn about 1911
SlaughterMonroe born about 1873
SlaughterVester born about 1908
SlaughterWillene born about 1932
SlaughterWilliam born about 1895
SmithEunice born about 1901
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1877
SmithHarvy born about 1895
SmithIsaac born about 1870
SmithJames born about 1928
SmithKenneth born about 1936
SmithLoyd born about 1930
SmithLydia born about 1883
SmithNorma born about 1934
SmithShirley born about 1939
SmithWilma born about 1922
StanleyAnnie born about 1937
StanleyClancy born about 1932
StanleyClara born about 1896
StanleyEb born about 1884
StanleyElmer born about 1914
StanleyElsie born about 1933
StanleyElvie born about 1934
StanleyElvin born about 1917
StanleyEva born about 1913
StanleyEvaleen born about 1934
StanleyFloy born about 1929
StanleyFrancis born about 1923
StanleyGlendol born about 1935
StanleyMadie born about 1910
StanleyNathaniel born about 1904
StanleyPatsy Aborn about 1939
StanleyRomer born about 1938
StanleyThomas born about 1925
StarlingAthel born about 1898
StarlingC Tborn about 1923
StarlingCharles born about 1893
StarlingLester born about 1925
StarlingVirginia born about 1929
StnaleyHorace born about 1925
StnaleyWilliam born about 1899
StoverMack born about 1866

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T Surnames

TrotterLester born about 1930

U Surnames

UpshawBettie Fborn about 1939
UpshawEliza born about 1898
UpshawFanleon born about 1930
UpshawGeorge born about 1898
UpshawJack born about 1928
UpshawWilliam born about 1937

W Surnames

WebbEunice born about 1935
WebbJabs born about 1912
WebbOtha Lborn about 1934
WebbRobbie Mborn about 1937
WebbSallie born about 1918
WelchDortha born about 1916
WelchEton born about 1921
WelchIda born about 1888
WelchLawrence born about 1919
WelchLevi born about 1902
WelchLevi Jr born about 1936
WelchLouie born about 1924
WelchMarvin born about 1885
WelchMary born about 1926
WelchWesley Mborn about 1931
WelchWilliam Hborn about 1894
WessonAnnett born about 1931
WessonChristola born about 1920
WessonEllen born about 1871
WessonHenry born about 1910
WessonLois Nborn about 1931
WessonLouisa born about 1856
WethersBillie born about 1938
WethersBobbie born about 1936
WethersDemey born about 1899
WethersDorthy born about 1927
WethersEarline born about 1924
WethersElever born about 1933
WethersVerda born about 1900
WhiteEara born about 1917
WhiteJoe Aborn about 1937
WhiteLeslie born about 1910
WhiteheadPearl born about 1911
WhiteheadRaymon born about 1934
WhiteheadWilliam born about 1911
WillisAnnie born about 1906
WillisBarley born about 1902
WillisCharles born about 1927
WillisEmily born about 1882
WillisFlona born about 1911
WillisFrank born about 1877
WillisGerald born about 1939
WillisJack born about 1931
WillisJess Dborn about 1908
WillisKatherine born about 1926
WillisKenneth born about 1930
WillisMary Joeborn about 1938
WillisNorma Aborn about 1935
WillisShirley Aborn about 1935
WilsonClifton born about 1925
WilsonDea born about 1902
WilsonDwaine born about 1935
WilsonFay born about 1938
WilsonFrances born about 1908
WilsonGarlane born about 1932
WilsonTerrell born about 1926
WistonDoyle born about 1929
WistonEunice born about 1901
WistonFredric born about 1935
WistonHardie born about 1900
WistonLaverne born about 1926
WithernGaston born about 1920
WithernNona Bborn about 1921
WoodElizabeth born about 1939
WoodFrancis born about 1937
WoodGuy born about 1898
WoodLenold born about 1931
WoodLois born about 1933
WoodMary born about 1906
WoodMary born about 1935
WrythWillie born about 1879

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