1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marie Saline, Ashley, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Ashley County > 1940 Census of Marie Saline

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AnderwsA Lborn about 1876
AnderwsAnnie Leeborn about 1930
AnderwsAuthor Wborn about 1927
AnderwsBettie Jeanborn about 1933
AnderwsGale born about 1935
AnderwsHenry born about 1923
AnderwsJohn born about 1914
AnderwsLillie born about 1895
AnderwsMaude born about 1918

B Surnames

BaileyMatilda born about 1872
BlackwellSallie born about 1882
BoydA Wborn about 1857
BoydJack born about 1896
BryantAlameta born about 1914
BryantE Wborn about 1873
BryantElizabeth Cborn about 1877
BryantHomer Lborn about 1895
BryantHorace Eborn about 1901
BryantVivyan born about 1899
BuntonJ Bborn about 1905
BuntonSallie born about 1907
BuntonWillie Bborn about 1928
BurtCharley Rborn about 1936
BurtGladies Mborn about 1911
BurtMary Eborn about 1931
BurtW Sborn about 1883
ByrdJonnie Maeborn about 1909
ByrdRalph born about 1932
ByrdSpencer Aborn about 1905

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C Surnames

CanleyJohnnie born about 1925
CanleyJoseph born about 1895
CanleyL Vborn about 1917
CanleyMelvin born about 1922
CanleyRocity born about 1898
CanleyWarren born about 1928
CarterGene born about 1939
CarterMinnie born about 1877
CarterThoma born about 1940
CarterThomas born about 1919
CarterThomas born about 1920
CarwthDowrey born about 1880
CasonEdie born about 1892
CasonHallie born about 1902
CasonJake born about 1885
CasonMarion born about 1914
CasonRoosevelt born about 1924
CasonSam born about 1893
ChildressC Wborn about 1891
ChildressClaude born about 1934
ChildressCora Leeborn about 1936
ChildressEliza Bellborn about 1938
ChildressElton born about 1930
ChildressHenry born about 1922
ChildressI Vborn about 1924
ChildressIcy Mayborn about 1927
ChildressJ Wborn about 1926
ChildressJohn Cborn about 1869
ChildressJohn Lborn about 1937
ChildressL Cborn about 1928
ChildressMary born about 1924
ChildressMary born about 1927
ChildressMattie born about 1891
ChildressOrange born about 1898
ChildressPorritec born about 1920
ChildressRochelle born about 1936
ChildressSusie Eborn about 1890
ChildressVerdie Bborn about 1932
ChildressVernon born about 1920
ChildressVessie born about 1922
ChildressWillie Lborn about 1931
ConleyElza born about 1931
ConleyLula born about 1940
ConleyNova born about 1937
ConleyRuby born about 1933
ConleyWill Earlborn about 1935
ConleyWummine born about 1890
CutleyClara born about 1920
CutleyJunior born about 1917

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D Surnames

DawkinsFannie Lborn about 1925
DawkinsJeffers born about 1922
DuncanJohn born about 1883

E Surnames

EdwardsL Gborn about 1926

F Surnames

FarrarCharley Gborn about 1901
FarrarCharley G Jrborn about 1926
FarrarClune Bellborn about 1932
FarrarDale Edwardborn about 1930
FarrarEarnest Lborn about 1928
FarrarElsie born about 1905
FletcherJohn born about 1920
ForrestBill born about 1912
ForrestLillie Fborn about 1923
FreelandE Mborn about 1876
FreelandJosie Leeborn about 1890

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G Surnames

GayneCarolyn Sueborn about 1936
GayneLarry Oborn about 1940
GayneLuther Eborn about 1932
GayneO Sborn about 1905
GayneViola Mayborn about 1912
GilliamAlberta born about 1917
GilliamAnderson born about 1913
GilliamAnnie born about 1892
GilliamBernice born about 1904
GilliamBulah born about 1892
GilliamCarrie born about 1912
GilliamCarry born about 1922
GilliamClifton born about 1939
GilliamEarnestine born about 1930
GilliamEdger born about 1886
GilliamIke born about 1880
GilliamJ Bborn about 1912
GilliamJ Wborn about 1934
GilliamJeneva born about 1930
GilliamJennie born about 1922
GilliamJohn Bborn about 1937
GilliamJulia born about 1885
GilliamLechestor born about 1914
GilliamLester born about 1913
GilliamLuotin born about 1939
GilliamMaggie born about 1915
GilliamMari born about 1928
GilliamMozelle born about 1917
GilliamPreston born about 1933
GilliamRhody born about 1919
GilliamW Pborn about 1883
GriffinCalvin Jborn about 1937
GriffinFloy Jborn about 1939
GriffinJ Lborn about 1911
GriffinJessie Leeborn about 1933
GriffinNannie Cborn about 1935
GriffinOnida born about 1915
GriffitFloyd Iborn about 1939
GriffitJ Cborn about 1916
GriffitLillie Pearlborn about 1924

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H Surnames

HattieFelton born about 1905
HendrixEarnest Cborn about 1921
HendrixRuby Styne Hborn about 1939
HendrixWilliam born about 1917
HilgoreEaster born about 1918
HudgeG Dborn about 1900
HudgeJ Lborn about 1931
HudgeLillie born about 1910
HudgeRosa Leeborn about 1935
HudgeViola Vborn about 1928
HudgeWilliam Lborn about 1937

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J Surnames

JenkinsBettie born about 1891
JenkinsRichard born about 1888
JohnsonClara born about 1911
JohnsonEd Douglasborn about 1935
JohnsonEdgar born about 1912
JohnsonEloyd born about 1925
JohnsonJames Rborn about 1938
JohnsonL Cborn about 1900
JohnsonVrelan born about 1922
JohnstonEarnest Leeborn about 1913
JonesMinor Mayborn about 1923
JonesPearl Jenesborn about 1939
JonesRandolph born about 1899

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K Surnames

KelleyJ Irvieborn about 1913
KelleyJames Irvin Jrborn about 1939
KelleyMadeline born about 1938
KelleyRosa Leeborn about 1915
KellyC Hborn about 1883
KellyC Wborn about 1932
KellyLoula Maryborn about 1907

L Surnames

LangfordBen born about 1901
LangfordLeola born about 1907
LawlerBudy born about 1860
LawlerEva born about 1894
LawlerH Bborn about 1886
LawlerJames born about 1932
LiefeyDorothy Mayborn about 1922
LiefeyLouice born about 1924
LiefeyOra born about 1893
LloydFrank born about 1918
LoganSam born about 1913
LucherEugene born about 1912
LucherSusie born about 1901
LucherWash born about 1874

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M Surnames

MasseyJohn born about 1870
MillerC Lborn about 1884
MillerCharles Eborn about 1931
MillerEarnestine born about 1923
MillerJ Eborn about 1892
MillerLanard born about 1932
MillerLee Lborn about 1925
MillerMaxine born about 1929
MillerVerna born about 1902
MillerVirginia born about 1926
MonroeElizabeth born about 1924
MontgomeryAlfred Lborn about 1939
MontgomeryBertha born about 1881
MontgomeryFerte born about 1916
MontgomeryGrady Hborn about 1935
MontgomeryLois born about 1912
MontgomeryRandolph born about 1920
MontgomeryVirgil born about 1912
MurphyPactric born about 1914

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P Surnames

PeacockJennie born about 1889
PeacockLuther Mborn about 1886
PenningtonCharlotte born about 1926
PenningtonClyde born about 1916
PenningtonGlynn Aborn about 1938
PenningtonJ Eborn about 1892
PenningtonJohn born about 1937
PenningtonRuth born about 1906
PenningtonSallie Vborn about 1915
PerkinsLenard born about 1905
PutneyJohn Pborn about 1870
PutneyMira born about 1872

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R Surnames

RanfordJessie born about 1921
RewesAllen Rborn about 1938
RewesAlton Cborn about 1930
RewesBarbara Jborn about 1932
RewesBertie born about 1911
RewesJames Dborn about 1935
RewesLorain Fborn about 1938
RewesMargurite born about 1926
RewesW Bborn about 1887
RewesWesley born about 1927
RhodesBoby Leeborn about 1922
RhodesJoe born about 1887
RhodesJoe Lborn about 1921
RhodesJohn Henryborn about 1926
RhodesMaggie born about 1911
RhodesVannie born about 1887
RobersonEdie Mayborn about 1934
RobersonLouis Eborn about 1936
RobersonLowellur born about 1910
RobersonRichard born about 1875
RossSpencer born about 1919
RushwayJodi born about 1902

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S Surnames

SedberryAlvin born about 1888
SedberryIda Mayborn about 1900
SimmonMay Lborn about 1920
SimmonWillie Leeborn about 1918
SimmonsAdeline born about 1894
SimmonsFrank born about 1894
SprattHerbert born about 1900
SprattMary born about 1877
SprattPauline born about 1930
SprattRichard born about 1927
SpratteEarnest Lborn about 1924
SpratteJohn born about 1928
StarlingFred Dborn about 1919
StarlingGeneva born about 1921
StelwellEster born about 1921
StelwellLeola born about 1906
StelwellLeon born about 1923
StelwellWilliam Hborn about 1876

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T Surnames

TaylorAlice Aborn about 1933
TaylorBowman Sborn about 1910
TaylorC Hborn about 1908
TaylorClara Rosieborn about 1928
TaylorEarl born about 1936
TaylorEdgar born about 1894
TaylorEunice Lborn about 1920
TaylorFloyd Aborn about 1935
TaylorHelen Fborn about 1923
TaylorInez Sborn about 1915
TaylorJohn born about 1901
TaylorJohn Eborn about 1930
TaylorJonnie Allenborn about 1938
TaylorJoyce Lborn about 1940
TaylorMaimi born about 1902
TaylorThurman Leeborn about 1925
TaylorWilliam Hborn about 1939
Tucker Chester Jrborn about 1935
TuckerAlbert born about 1936
TuckerC Fborn about 1934
TuckerCalvin born about 1939
TuckerCela Mayborn about 1934
TuckerChester born about 1907
TuckerEvannah born about 1906
TuckerGene born about 1938
TuckerJames born about 1926
TuckerJessie born about 1931
TuckerJunior born about 1908
TuckerLaura born about 1920
TuckerLester born about 1931
TuckerLouis born about 1909
TuckerLoviner born about 1919
TuckerLucy born about 1908
TuckerRobert born about 1938
TuckerRoberta born about 1913
TuckerThurman born about 1936
TuckerWillie born about 1905
TuckerWillie born about 1929
TuckerWillie born about 1937

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W Surnames

WashingtonBernice born about 1918
WashingtonColumbus born about 1917
WashingtonElla born about 1918
WashingtonEma born about 1933
WashingtonGarlaude born about 1939
WashingtonGeorge born about 1883
WashingtonGeorge Eborn about 1938
WashingtonGovernor born about 1913
WashingtonLenard born about 1940
WashingtonLeroy born about 1918
WashingtonLonnie Lborn about 1936
WashingtonMallie Mayborn about 1925
WashingtonMay Ellenborn about 1939
WashingtonMollie born about 1896
WashingtonRosa Lborn about 1908
WashingtonVeli born about 1903
WashingtonVelma Leeborn about 1928
WhiteA Wborn about 1899
WhiteClarence born about 1898
WhiteDollar Leeborn about 1924
WhiteIcy born about 1904
WhiteJames Aborn about 1923
WhiteJohn Lborn about 1926
WhiteLois Jeanborn about 1936
WhiteMannie Wborn about 1903
WhiteMarion Rborn about 1931
WhiteMildred born about 1931
WhiteMollie born about 1864
WilliamsCordell born about 1912
WilliamsFelton born about 1924
WilliamsGeorge Hborn about 1919
WilliamsGreen born about 1905
WilliamsJulia born about 1885
WilliamsMagnolia born about 1921
WilliamsMary Helenborn about 1919
WilliamsRobt Eborn about 1939
WilliamsStanley born about 1881
WilliamsVerdlec born about 1904
WilliamsVivie Mayborn about 1926
WillisAbbie Leeborn about 1930
WoferMaxie born about 1922
WotenMattie born about 1898

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