1940 U.S. Federal Census of Point, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of Point

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbramAlice born about 1907
AbramJames born about 1908
AdkinsJimmy born about 1937
AdkinsLeona born about 1917
AdkinsPasquel born about 1916
AlexanderWash born about 1910
AllenBuck born about 1915
AllenElsie born about 1911
AllenEmma born about 1917
AllenEzzie born about 1886
AllenMilton born about 1904
AllenMilton Jr born about 1927
AndersonArzella born about 1924
AndersonClaude born about 1904
AndersonDavid born about 1922
AndersonF Bborn about 1925
AndersonGeorgeanna born about 1902
AndersonHenry born about 1896
AndersonIsaac born about 1926
AndersonJessie born about 1920
AndersonJosie born about 1907
AndersonWash born about 1870
AnthonyLloyd born about 1906
AnthonyRachel born about 1917
ArdisArdis Bborn about 1925
ArdisCharles born about 1939
ArdisCharlie born about 1919
ArdisCora Bborn about 1922
ArdisDorothy born about 1935
ArdisElizabeth born about 1905
ArdisHenry born about 1911
ArdisJames born about 1938
ArdisJetty Maeborn about 1930
ArdisJohn Bborn about
ArdisLaura born about 1897
ArdisMozella born about 1909
ArdisRuby Janeborn about 1933
ArdisSearcy Leeborn about 1926
ArmstrongCharlie born about 1893
ArmstrongElnora born about 1931
ArmstrongJames born about 1886
ArmstrongLonnie born about 1914
ArmstrongLucy born about 1910
ArmstrongNarcisis born about 1891
ArmstrongRobert born about 1891
AshleyEarly born about 1907
AshleyFannie born about 1894
AshleyMary born about 1932
AskenAlex born about 1897
AskenAlex Jr born about 1922
AskenAnnie Maeborn about 1930
AskenHerman Leeborn about 1924
AskenIsiah born about 1926
AskenKelly born about 1933
AskenMarjorie born about 1937
AskenMary born about 1898
AskenMildrene born about 1935
AskenNathaniel born about 1928
AskenSally Maeborn about 1939
AskewCarrie Maeborn about 1926
AskewFrank born about 1907
AskewFrank Jr born about 1928
AskewHattie Maeborn about 1931
AskewJ Wborn about 1937
AskewL Cborn about 1939
AskewPearl born about 1907
AtchisonMaybelle born about 1918
AtchisonMaynard born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyJim born about 1881
BallardAllie born about 1860
BallardL Aborn about 1856
BallardWill born about 1888
BankyBilly born about 1939
BankyBlanche born about 1907
BankyErline born about 1929
BankyIvy born about 1904
BankyRobert born about 1926
BankyVirginia born about 1933
BarnesArlie born about 1898
BarnesAshley born about 1918
BarnesBeatrice born about 1899
BarnesDan born about 1888
BarnesElisha born about 1894
BarnesLorena born about 1904
BarnesLottie born about 1860
BarnesMckinley born about 1896
BarnesVivien born about 1927
BattJames born about 1930
BattJohn born about 1901
BattLorene born about 1916
BeeryConcil born about 1927
BeeryDorothy born about 1930
BeeryElizabeth born about 1934
BeeryElmira born about 1930
BeeryFranklin Dborn about 1936
BeeryHerma Leeborn about 1933
BeeryJacola born about 1934
BeeryJasola born about 1936
BeeryLige born about 1901
BeeryRozlin born about 1905
BeeryWillie Geneborn about 1928
BellBoy born about 1913
BellFlossie born about 1914
BellScott born about 1918
BellasEtta born about 1879
BennettBernice born about 1921
BennettBessie born about 1906
BennettHazel Leeborn about 1919
BennettMarla born about 1890
BennettTharvis Mborn about 1940
BennettWill born about 1878
BettisBarbara Joborn about 1935
BettisJoe born about 1913
BettisLee born about 1884
BettisShirley born about 1939
BettisWilliam born about 1874
BettisZorildia born about 1918
BiceArthur born about 1879
BiceMary born about 1883
BiggerChester born about 1910
BiggersGeorge Leeborn about 1938
BiggersHelen born about 1925
BledsoeArville born about 1890
BledsoeCastilla born about 1917
BledsoeFinis born about 1885
BledsoeJerome born about 1937
BledsoeJohn born about 1871
BledsoeJulia born about 1864
BledsoeLecie born about 1915
BledsoeLusterous born about 1935
BledsoeMinnie Ruthborn about 1931
BledsoeSally born about 1891
BolingHerschel born about 1914
BolingRoy born about 1925
BolingRuth born about 1897
BowersVivian born about 1922
BoylesBobby born about 1928
BoylesCharles born about 1934
BoylesCharlotte born about 1924
BoylesCleaton born about 1920
BoylesDalford born about 1932
BoylesEval born about 1921
BoylesFloyd born about 1888
BoylesForby Leeborn about 1928
BoylesMaude Eborn about 1894
BoylesMinnie born about 1883
BoylesNodene born about 1926
BoylesRaymond born about 1930
BoylesUra born about 1918
BradleyClyde born about 1907
BradleyJuanita born about 1935
BradyDonald born about 1935
BradyEmmett born about 1910
BradyMyrtle born about 1912
BranchBobby born about 1938
BranchJ Mborn about 1880
BranchJames born about 1933
BranchLenard born about 1935
BranchLillie born about 1904
BranchLouise born about 1929
BrattonCaldonia born about 1915
BrattonEmma born about 1911
BrattonJeff born about 1905
BrattonNancy born about 1882
BrattonRaymond born about 1913
BrooksEmerson born about 1919
BrownAlbert born about 1919
BrownAnita born about 1924
BrownAnnie Maeborn about 1926
BrownArmie born about 1938
BrownArtie Louiseborn about 1938
BrownBrother born about 1932
BrownCora born about 1896
BrownDossie born about 1893
BrownDossie Jr born about 1924
BrownE Tborn about 1936
BrownEffie Maeborn about 1935
BrownElnora born about 1927
BrownEmma Maeborn about 1928
BrownErnest born about 1918
BrownEvalena born about 1894
BrownFairy Leeborn about 1925
BrownFletcher born about 1921
BrownGeorge born about 1892
BrownGeorge Jborn about 1926
BrownJere Bborn about 1928
BrownJettie Maeborn about 1938
BrownJunius born about 1930
BrownLeona born about 1929
BrownMaggie born about 1892
BrownMamie born about 1919
BrownMarcelle born about 1940
BrownMildred born about 1917
BrownMyrius born about 1934
BrownWilliam born about 1939
BrownWillie Bborn about 1927
BrownWillis born about 1891
BryantLons born about 1858
BuchanonAlbert born about 1871
BuchanonAlrody born about 1900
BurnerArlene born about 1938
BurnerTed born about 1915
BurnerTed Jr born about 1940
BurnerVictoria born about 1939
BurnerViola born about 1921
BurtRalph born about 1917
BurtonFrances born about 1929
BurtonFrank born about 1931
BurtonJoe born about 1936
BurtonPat born about 1895
BurtonThelma born about 1909
BynumIsam born about 1933
BynumR Bborn about 1932
ByrdA Fborn about 1879
ByrdAlford born about 1911
ByrdEva born about 1886
ByrdFaye born about 1907
ByrdJanice born about 1934
ByrdJimmie born about 1937
ByrdJune born about 1939
ByrdOscar born about 1907
ByrdRichard born about 1938
ByrdTommy born about 1939
ByrdWillie born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalbertBernard born about 1917
CalbertHelen born about 1928
CalbertLena born about 1885
CalbertThelma born about 1921
CalbertW Hborn about 1882
CalesInez born about 1917
CalesJ Tborn about 1920
CalesLecil born about 1923
CalesLula born about 1882
CallierJere Bborn about 1927
CallierJulia Maeborn about 1924
CallierMara born about 1898
CallierOllie born about 1893
CallierPedestrian born about 1938
CallierRuthie born about 1932
CallierWillie Bborn about 1929
CallierWillie Cborn about 1936
CampbellBlanche born about 1919
CampbellCharles born about 1937
CampbellJames born about 1915
CaphartCecil born about 1928
CaphartTruman born about 1925
CarrolClaude born about 1886
CarterAlma born about 1911
CarterAnna born about 1872
CarterEdward born about 1928
CarterFreddie born about 1932
CarterJack born about 1939
CarterJames born about 1906
CarterJohn born about 1910
CarterRaymond born about 1930
CatoEthel born about 1883
CatoGeorge Wborn about 1873
CatoHarley born about 1919
CauleyH Cborn about 1917
ChanlerJ Pborn about 1918
CheneyFrances born about 1914
CheneyHenry born about 1882
CheneyRuby born about 1916
ChildressAndy born about 1885
ChildressBirthina born about 1895
ChildressJohn born about 1931
ChildressMary born about 1871
ChildressRuth born about 1937
ClarkEddie Bborn about 1923
ClarkEmma born about 1898
ClarkFlorence born about 1914
ClarkHerman born about 1900
ClarkHerman Jr born about 1936
ClarkJae born about 1867
ClarkJoseph born about 1909
ClementsDamon born about 1928
ClementsDennis born about 1939
ClementsGrace born about 1905
ClementsTerrence born about 1937
ClementsVirgil born about 1904
ColbertAdalie born about 1922
ColbertCamilla born about 1917
ColbertCharles born about 1937
ColbertClarence born about 1915
ColbertImogene born about 1938
ColbertLeonard born about 1910
ColemanBilly born about 1934
ColemanBobby born about 1933
ColemanDotty born about 1901
ColemanEdward born about 1939
ColemanGeorge born about 1906
ColemanHardy born about 1884
ColemanHenry born about 1913
ColemanImogene born about 1892
ColemanJ Wborn about 1870
ColemanLucille born about 1930
ColemanMae born about 1938
ColemanMamie born about 1916
ColemanMarguerite born about 1914
ColemanMarguerite born about 1932
ColemanMorris born about 1915
ColemanNed born about 1908
ColemanPatsy born about 1936
ColemanPauline born about 1929
ColemanRae born about 1913
ColemanRosa Rborn about 1934
ColemanRoy born about 1919
ColemanRuth born about 1927
ColemanWillie born about 1911
ColesErnest born about 1907
ColesImojean born about 1931
ColesNola born about 1907
ColesT Hborn about 1870
CollierHattie born about 1885
CollierLem born about 1882
CollierOdis born about 1927
CollierRuby born about 1925
CorbinHeneretta born about 1899
CorbinS Tborn about 1891
CowanAileen born about 1918
CowanEthel born about 1916
CowanEvie born about 1894
CowanHarold born about 1926
CowanW Hborn about 1892
CowanWilma born about 1920
CoxBernadine born about 1934
CoxBetty Joborn about 1934
CoxClora born about 1914
CoxFreddy born about 1936
CoxHenry born about 1910
CoxHenry Jr born about 1932
CoxJulia born about 1935
CoxMarion born about 1908
CoxMary born about 1921
CoxMelba born about 1936
CoxOrbry born about 1939
CoxOrville born about 1930
CraddockBlanche born about 1875
CraddockEd born about 1884
CraddockJetty born about 1899
CunninghamCarrie born about 1924
CunninghamChristina born about 1910
CunninghamEdward born about 1887
CunninghamJohn born about 1936
CunninghamL Oborn about 1923
CunninghamLouis born about 1937
CunninghamLucy born about 1939
CunninghamMarie born about 1940
CunninghamMarion born about 1937
CunninghamMary Emmaborn about 1926
CunninghamMaude born about 1928
CunninghamOliver born about 1901
CunninghamOliver Jr born about 1932
CunninghamRaymond Frankborn about 1934
CunninghamSusie born about 1905
CunninghamWm Jacksonborn about 1930
CurryBernice born about 1930
CurryC Wborn about 1923
CurryCarl Eborn about 1925
CurryE Cborn about 1842
CurryExola born about 1921
CurryFloyd born about 1903
CurryHosea born about 1900
CurryJewel born about 1936
CurryManda born about 1919
CurryTerry born about 1927
CurryWillie born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DandyEdna born about 1928
DandyFloyd born about 1893
DandyMontez born about 1921
DandyOra born about 1895
DandySue born about 1933
DandyWillie born about 1939
DandyWoody born about 1925
DanielElnora born about 1890
DanielLouisa born about 1915
DanielMel born about 1868
DaugettMable born about 1901
DaugettO Tborn about 1891
DavenportJames born about 1917
DavenportMary born about 1879
DavenportPinky born about 1892
DavenportV Sborn about 1876
DavisAllie born about 1892
DavisAnnie born about 1902
DavisHenry born about 1880
DavisKatherine born about 1896
DavisOtha born about 1887
DellJessie born about 1905
DobyEddie Bborn about 1930
DobyJack Bennyborn about 1937
DobyLucille born about 1926
DobyRay born about 1925
DobyRobert born about 1923
DobySusie born about 1900
DobyWill born about 1891
DobyWillie Bborn about 1929
DonnelyHenry born about 1910
DonnelyHenry Maryborn about 1937
DonnelyMary born about 1918
DossBarbara Geneborn about 1938
DossBernice born about 1912
DossBetty born about 1933
DossGuss Leeborn about 1917
DossJane born about 1915
DossR Bborn about 1912
DrewryHildred born about 1922
DublerC Wborn about 1892
DublerCharlene born about 1930
DublerWillie born about 1893
DuckworthJames Eborn about 1936
DuckworthJessie born about 1920
DuckworthLucille born about 1911
DuckworthWilliam born about 1910
DuncanAda born about 1866
DuncanBen born about 1926
DuncanBlanche born about 1906
DuncanE Bborn about 1903
DuncanRaymond born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EddingsBarzetta born about 1935
EddingsHenry born about 1938
EddingsNaomi born about 1916
EddingsVan born about 1916
EddingsWillie born about 1940
EldredgeGeorge born about 1916
EldredgePercy Hborn about 1915
EldridgeJ Dborn about 1876
EldridgeKate born about 1881
EllisVirginia born about 1908
EnglishB Eborn about 1914
EnglishFrank born about 1909
EnglishFredia born about 1939
EnglishJessie born about 1917
EnglishLucy born about 1916
EnglishMildred born about 1922
EvansJim born about 1861
EzellJoe born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FieldJewell born about 1934
FieldJewell born about 1936
FieldLinese born about 1919
FieldMit born about 1875
FisherSally born about 1872
FlaneryAlec born about 1883
FlaneryCharles born about 1922
FlaneryLucian born about 1926
FlaneryWafa born about 1887
FlohrG Wborn about 1886
FreemanEarl born about 1911
FreemanMaggie born about 1912
FreemanPauline born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GainerDorothy born about 1911
GainerMary born about 1928
GainerMattie born about 1926
GainesCharlie born about 1880
GainesF Sborn about 1892
GainesMittie born about 1876
GarGeorge born about 1880
GarMary born about 1882
GarriottAllen born about 1891
GarriottDixie born about 1894
GatewoodDon Ellaborn about 1939
GatewoodElbert born about 1914
GatewoodFrancetta born about 1937
GatewoodLeola born about 1919
GatewoodTelda born about 1938
GillBeedie born about 1910
GillDanin born about 1940
GillDell born about 1935
GillJames born about 1919
GillMaxine born about 1937
GillMilton born about 1910
GlassGus born about 1917
GoodAlice Lynnborn about 1928
GoodJourlene born about 1906
GoodLaura born about 1935
GoodO Bborn about 1907
GoodVirgie born about 1934
GoodinLonzo born about 1920
GoodrichDonnie Bueborn about 1930
GoodrichElbert born about 1919
GoodrichFlorence born about 1900
GoodrichGeorge born about 1892
GoodrichOleva born about 1923
GreenA Dborn about 1910
GreenBeatrice born about 1931
GreenBooker Tborn about 1939
GreenCordell born about 1903
GreenElizabeth born about 1926
GreenEthelene born about 1920
GreenFrank born about 1922
GreenHattie born about 1917
GreenJohn born about 1864
GreenJohn Royborn about 1927
GreenMae Dellborn about 1924
GreenMartha born about 1902
GreenMary born about 1909
GreenNora Leeborn about 1930
GreenPheobe born about 1871
GreenRuby Leeborn about 1935
GreenSally born about 1890
GreenSilas born about 1895
GregoryArmentha born about 1922
GregoryBlanche born about 1904
GregoryBlanchy born about 1937
GregoryBuck born about 1909
GregoryFannie born about 1917
GregoryFelix born about 1915
GregoryHayes born about 1900
GregoryL Hborn about 1927
GuestCleo born about 1899
GuestCleo Jr born about 1928
GuestDorothy Geneborn about 1938
GuestHurbert Hooverborn about 1933
GuestIdella born about 1903
GuestJames born about 1905
GuestJames Jr born about 1927
GuestJohn Bborn about 1929
GuestJuanita born about 1931
GuestLeon born about 1931
GuestPastoral born about 1937
GuestRobert born about 1936
GuestTheodore born about 1934
GuestVerna Maeborn about 1926
GuestWillie born about 1910
GunnFreddy born about 1903
GunnHattie Leeborn about 1927
GunnPaggie born about 1887
GunnRobert Leeborn about 1925
GunnSpencer born about 1887
GunterBessie born about 1915
GunterRoy born about 1910
GunterRoy Jr born about 1939
GuynesLuther born about 1914
GuynesThelma born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagenArchie born about 1933
HagenArmie born about 1935
HagenDora born about 1918
HagenEarl born about 1904
HagenLillie born about 1905
HagenOpal born about 1934
HagenTed born about 1909
HallEva born about 1906
HallLewis born about 1908
HallmanAdran born about 1929
HallmanBarnabus born about 1930
HallmanBertha born about 1927
HallmanCarrie born about 1906
HallmanClarence born about 1912
HallmanClovis born about 1933
HallmanDaniel born about 1927
HallmanDavid born about 1899
HallmanGoldie born about 1910
HallmanJ Wborn about 1884
HallmanJames born about 1932
HallmanJanie born about 1931
HallmanJoel born about 1928
HallmanLogan born about 1935
HallmanLois born about 1910
HallmanMyrtle born about 1937
HallmanVerner born about 1939
HamAvan born about 1911
HamJere Bborn about 1937
HamKatie born about 1915
HamKeltora born about 1922
HamLawrence born about 1867
HamLawrence Iiiborn about 1934
HamLawrence Jr born about 1913
HamMable born about 1921
HamMinnie born about 1890
HamMinnie Maeborn about 1940
HamOdell born about 1919
HamOdis born about 1937
HamRoosevelt born about 1931
HamThertha born about 1925
HamTom born about 1923
HamWillie Bellborn about 1919
HamWillie Dborn about 1938
HamiltonLurene born about 1937
HamiltonMinnie Leeborn about 1920
HamiltonW Hborn about 1901
HamptonEnnie born about 1915
HanceCletus born about 1934
HanceDerondo born about 1905
HanceE Cborn about 1906
HanceKenneth born about 1930
HanceWanda born about 1929
HandsJulius born about 1917
HandsRoy Justineborn about 1940
HandsRuby born about 1921
HankinsCecil born about 1930
HarpCharles born about 1936
HarpCharlotte born about 1917
HarpJoan born about 1935
HarpJuanita born about 1921
HarpLeslie born about 1916
HarpOscar born about 1911
HarrisEdna born about 1923
HarrisElizabeth born about 1920
HarrisGeraldine born about 1925
HarrisHerbert born about 1930
HarrisShelly born about 1919
HarstonManzo born about 1909
HarstonMary born about 1907
HarstonWilliam born about 1868
HaywoodFred born about 1896
HaywoodGenie born about 1905
HaywoodSammy born about 1926
HicksAgnes born about 1891
HicksGrover born about 1885
HicksJoe Bobborn about 1929
HicksLeonard born about 1918
HicksShirley born about 1938
HicksWanda Fayeborn about 1937
HicksWillie born about 1919
HillAndrew born about 1906
HillAnnie born about 1900
HillBilly born about 1930
HillEmma Leeborn about 1928
HillGeorgia born about 1917
HillJoe born about 1885
HillJosie born about 1901
HillLiddie born about 1900
HillM Jborn about 1931
HillMildred born about 1922
HillMildred born about 1925
HillMittie born about 1927
HillR Bborn about 1933
HillSims born about 1887
HillSims born about 1916
HillW Rborn about 1900
HoldenClementine born about 1915
HolderHelen born about 1907
HolderMarta born about 1940
HollandEliza born about 1909
HollandGarland born about 1927
HollandRobert born about 1891
HollandViolet born about 1930
HollenAnne born about 1856
HollenH Lborn about 1921
HollenJulia born about 1932
HollenJulius born about 1892
HollenLynn born about 1938
HollenVera born about 1900
HollerEd born about 1894
HollerElbert born about 1926
HollerEllen born about 1894
HollerGeorge born about 1923
HollerHazel born about 1931
HollerHoward born about 1928
HollerSusie born about 1920
HollingsworthBetty born about 1936
HollingsworthFrank born about 1933
HollingsworthNick born about 1901
HollingsworthNora born about 1907
HollingsworthQuinton born about 1927
HollingsworthW Rborn about 1938
HollingworthL Cborn about 1876
HollingworthW Mborn about 1869
HollisAnnie born about 1936
HollisBonnie born about 1938
HollisCharles born about 1910
HollisCharles Jr born about 1932
HollisLouise born about 1909
HollisPaytina born about 1940
HollmanC Eborn about 1914
HollmanCora Leeborn about 1918
HollmanFrances born about 1936
HollmanInfant born about 1940
HolmesEddie born about 1917
HolmesLeola born about 1915
HolmsArlie born about 1897
HolmsCaspar born about 1882
HolmsTommy born about 1920
HooksCoreen born about 1926
HooksDan born about 1914
HooksEddie Leeborn about 1927
HooksJames born about 1920
HooksPete born about 1920
HooksSerena born about 1914
HooksVictoria born about 1918
HornerFannie born about 1875
HornerFrank born about 1873
HornerWilma born about 1929
HousmerJ Rborn about 1939
HousmerMarie born about 1928
HousmerNora born about 1913
HousmerRaymond born about 1908
HoustonMattie born about 1895
HuenefeldA Pborn about 1894
HuenefeldAnna born about 1858
HuenefeldC Fborn about 1854
HuenefeldDonald born about 1927
HuenefeldJohn born about 1929
HuenefeldKitty born about 1899
HuenefeldMary born about 1932
HuenefeldPaul born about 1930
HumphreyAlsyna born about 1914
HumphreyJames born about 1902

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I Surnames

InmanBarbara born about 1939
InmanCharley born about 1916
InmanDixie born about 1934
InmanNoda born about 1937
InmanNoel born about 1912
IsbyIrene born about 1924
IsbyLester born about 1915

J Surnames

JacksonAlberta born about 1880
JacksonJames born about 1884
JacksonJim born about 1877
JacksonNettie born about 1892
JacobsBetty born about 1859
JacobsQueen Estherborn about 1902
JamesAnnabell born about 1898
JamesBlanche born about 1909
JamesCarrol born about 1927
JamesEllen born about 1868
JamesEmerson born about 1898
JamesEthel born about 1931
JamesJ Wborn about 1882
JamesJere born about 1934
JamesJoe born about 1933
JamesJoseph born about 1873
JamesMaden born about 1902
JamesMandy born about 1929
JamesMarshal born about 1938
JamesMartha born about 1894
JamesParalen born about 1873
JamesThomas born about 1936
JeffersonI Jborn about 1903
JeffersonViola born about 1904
JenkinsBurgess born about 1934
JenkinsCatherine born about 1930
JenkinsElizabeth born about 1925
JenkinsLewis born about 1900
JenkinsLula Maeborn about 1937
JenkinsMarie born about 1910
JettDora born about 1873
JohnsonAgnes born about 1914
JohnsonBertha born about 1932
JohnsonBertha Maeborn about 1910
JohnsonBlanche born about 1900
JohnsonBrad born about 1917
JohnsonClora born about 1887
JohnsonCurtis born about 1929
JohnsonDonald born about 1927
JohnsonElvie Leeborn about 1932
JohnsonEmmett born about 1935
JohnsonErnestine born about 1912
JohnsonEthel born about 1930
JohnsonEugene born about 1922
JohnsonFrances born about 1899
JohnsonGlendon born about 1924
JohnsonIzah born about 1909
JohnsonJ Aborn about 1903
JohnsonJames born about 1927
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1909
JohnsonJohnny Bborn about 1927
JohnsonJonella born about 1923
JohnsonLerebell born about 1927
JohnsonMae born about 1935
JohnsonMaggie born about 1927
JohnsonMary born about 1937
JohnsonMelda born about 1934
JohnsonMinnie Leeborn about 1937
JohnsonPony born about 1882
JohnsonR Tborn about 1921
JohnsonRobert Eborn about 1936
JohnsonRoland born about 1907
JohnsonRosa born about 1898
JohnsonRuth born about 1928
JohnsonSara born about 1926
JohnsonTed born about 1900
JohnsonTed Jr born about 1934
JohnsonUtra born about 1919
JohnsonWill born about 1882
JonesA Wborn about 1853
JonesAlberta born about 1896
JonesAndrew Leeborn about 1933
JonesAnnie born about 1895
JonesD Jborn about 1937
JonesDelores born about 1940
JonesDewen born about 1916
JonesDossie born about 1916
JonesEdna born about 1907
JonesEllie Maeborn about 1930
JonesEmerson born about 1931
JonesGrady born about 1922
JonesHannah born about 1888
JonesHarry Leeborn about 1906
JonesHattie born about 1918
JonesIra born about 1873
JonesIra born about 1936
JonesJulius born about 1932
JonesLizzie born about 1881
JonesMilt born about 1911
JonesMolly born about 1874
JonesOdis born about 1928
JonesPearletha born about 1918
JonesPearly Maeborn about 1935
JonesRudolph born about 1938
JonesSonny born about 1932
JonesSylvester born about 1910
JonesThelma born about 1916
JonesWillie born about 1917
JonesZelma Leeborn about 1937
JuckerDayn born about 1916
JuckerJewell born about 1921
JuckerR Aborn about 1865

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K Surnames

KearneyMary born about 1870
KeyArdelle born about 1923
KeyFrank born about 1923
KiddDoyle born about 1922
KiddFlorence born about 1935
KiddGene Autryborn about 1939
KiddHoward born about 1917
KiddJ Oborn about 1887
KiddJosie born about 1898
KiddRuby born about 1918
KiddRuby born about 1924
KilloughBernice born about 1907
KindallBernice born about 1939
KindallEva born about 1907
KindallGeneva born about 1935
KindallJohn born about 1932
KindallKatharine born about 1934
KindallLeroy born about 1931
KindallR Bborn about 1907
KindallR B Jrborn about 1930
KindallRobby Leeborn about 1937
KindallWilleva born about 1932
KindallWilliam born about 1907
KingAmie born about 1910
KingMary born about 1887
KingVirgie born about 1908
KingWill born about 1914
KittrellAdelia born about 1900
KittrellBenny born about 1932
KittrellBetty born about 1930
KittrellBilly born about 1939
KittrellCarl Hborn about 1924
KittrellCharles born about 1927
KittrellJus Bborn about 1896
KnoxJae born about 1916
KnoxLetha born about 1918

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L Surnames

LacyCallie born about 1912
LacyHomer born about 1909
LacyHomer Jr born about 1936
LacyLouis born about 1938
LacyRuth born about 1939
LakeLuther born about 1896
LakeZerella born about 1894
LaneDevories born about 1912
LaneFred born about 1910
LaneGene Harlowborn about 1939
LaneLouise born about 1920
LaneWillie born about 1937
LarkerDarrell born about 1939
LarkerHorace born about 1918
LarkerJanet born about 1939
LarkerRuth born about 1920
LeeFred born about 1895
LeeMable born about 1922
LeeMike born about 1936
LeeWillie born about 1914
LewisDossie born about 1853
LewisEd born about 1911
LewisLiza born about 1870
LewisMary born about 1936
LewisMyrna born about 1939
LewisThelma born about 1913
LigginsElward born about 1896
LigginsLeona born about 1904
LindseyEsther born about 1886
LindseyJohn born about 1909
LindseyLee Ethelborn about 1914
LipscombLucille born about 1916
LipscombOmelia born about 1932
LipscombRaymond born about 1913
LipstonJohn born about 1900
LivingA S Jrborn about 1924
LivingHilda Vborn about 1927
LivingStone V Sborn about 1893
LivingVada born about 1895
LockhartBonnie born about 1934
LockhartCaldonia born about 1899
LockhartCharles born about 1939
LockhartClayton born about 1913
LockhartCollie born about 1913
LockhartCora Sueborn about 1931
LockhartDinecous born about 1938
LockhartDural born about 1939
LockhartFloyd born about 1913
LockhartFostene born about 1926
LockhartGaither born about 1900
LockhartGaither Jr born about 1927
LockhartIndiana born about 1883
LockhartJames born about 1936
LockhartJeretha born about 1927
LockhartJewanda Rayborn about 1939
LockhartJoe born about 1907
LockhartJohn Lborn about 1925
LockhartJohn Wmborn about 1931
LockhartL Cborn about 1932
LockhartLonnie born about 1911
LockhartLucille born about 1939
LockhartNick born about 1916
LockhartNorvell born about 1932
LockhartOpal born about 1920
LockhartPearl born about 1895
LockhartR Leeborn about 1937
LockhartRobert born about 1937
LockhartRuby born about 1910
LockhartRuby born about 1913
LockhartTom born about 1935
LockhartTroy born about 1900
LockhartVivien born about 1917
LongBessie born about 1922
LongDimple born about 1924
LongJessia born about 1892
LongLeota born about 1922
LongMildred born about 1926
LongTom born about 1920
LongViolet born about 1938
LottCharley born about 1930
LottDelbert born about 1908
LottLorene born about 1912
LottMary born about 1933
LovelessBeatrice born about 1909
LovelessCharley born about 1908
LovelessClodius born about 1933
LovelessNolene born about 1932
LovelessWendell born about 1935
LynnIola born about 1884
LynnJames born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacHamblett born about 1910
MahonLizzie born about 1910
MahonOzie Bellborn about 1934
MarrisPlease Godborn about 1860
MarshBobby born about 1932
MarshHarve born about 1884
MarshMary born about 1884
MartinEmma born about 1920
MartinFrank born about 1910
MartinJohn born about 1935
MartinMary Leeborn about 1914
MartinMorris born about 1926
MartinR Pborn about 1939
MartinRufus born about 1910
MartinThomas born about 1937
MastersBessie born about 1897
MatkinSusie born about 1900
MatkinWyatt Eborn about 1897
MatthewsCarolyn born about 1934
MatthewsEllen born about 1935
MatthewsMary born about 1913
MatthewsR Tborn about 1907
MatthewsRichard born about 1937
MayesEmmett born about 1888
McClishGeorge born about 1910
McGlishJim born about 1870
McGlishJoe born about 1933
McGlishMae born about 1916
McGlishRuby born about 1930
McNealDorothy Geneborn about 1940
McNealMaggie born about 1911
McNealPearly Maeborn about 1938
McPhersonSims born about 1930
MellonAlina born about 1933
MellonCynthia born about 1922
MellonDoc born about 1900
MellonFreddy born about 1936
MellonHerschel Leeborn about 1930
MellonJake born about 1926
MellonLudine born about 1937
MellonPauline born about 1914
MellonSaline born about 1901
MellonWill born about 1914
MillerJames born about 1934
MillerPearl born about 1908
MillerTom born about 1898
MillerTom Lee Jrborn about 1930
MillonCatherine born about 1913
MillonGene born about 1904
MillonHarris born about 1909
MillonImogene born about 1939
MillonIra born about 1933
MillsAda born about 1890
MillsJim born about 1888
MitchellAlvertus born about 1930
MitchellAndrew born about 1867
MitchellAndrew Leeborn about 1926
MitchellBernard born about 1938
MitchellEtta born about 1898
MitchellFred born about 1893
MitchellGeorge born about 1867
MitchellJ Dborn about 1893
MitchellJames born about 1893
MitchellJames Jr born about 1924
MitchellJoe born about 1900
MitchellMaebell born about 1916
MitchellMinnie born about 1874
MitchellRidgon born about 1903
MitchellRobert born about 1929
MolloyRuth born about 1918
MolloyWoodrow born about 1915
MollyMolly born about 1894
MollyW Jborn about 1891
MontagueBedford born about 1890
MontagueBuck born about 1928
MontagueC Cborn about 1926
MontagueC Jborn about 1887
MontagueErma born about 1914
MontagueJack born about 1914
MontagueJames born about 1917
MontagueJones born about 1909
MontagueSarah Ellenborn about 1890
MontgomeryGeorge born about 1902
MontgomeryJackie born about 1933
MontgomeryJae born about 1939
MontgomeryNettie born about 1902
MontgomeryRaymond born about 1927
MontgomeryRuby born about 1923
MontgomeryRuth born about 1925
MoonCatherine born about 1933
MoonCharles born about 1934
MoonFrances born about 1940
MoonGeorge born about 1898
MoonGeorge Leeborn about 1926
MoonLaura born about 1868
MoonVada born about 1908
MoonWalter born about 1931
MooreAesop born about 1936
MooreArchie born about 1940
MooreEliza born about 1932
MooreEmmett Jr born about 1925
MooreExel born about 1917
MooreKitola born about 1927
MooreLee born about 1902
MooreLee Ethelborn about 1926
MooreLee Jr born about 1930
MoorePauline born about 1933
MooreSue born about 1938
MooreSusanna born about 1907
MorelandJohn born about 1886
MorelandMary born about 1899
MorelandRussel born about 1934
MorganDonald born about 1931
MorganM Jborn about 1939
MorganMajor born about 1896
MorganPatrick born about 1926
MorganRosebred born about 1899
MorganRoy born about 1930
MosleyMattie born about 1881
MoudyClayton born about 1928
MoudyCrystal born about 1932
MoudyDorothy born about 1905
MoudyHelen born about 1940
MoudyJ Aborn about 1895
MoudyLaura born about 1930
MoudyOzie born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaborsAsberry born about 1932
NaborsClee born about 1915
NaborsFannie born about 1896
NaborsJohn born about 1938
NaborsMary born about 1917
NaborsMiddie born about 1909
NaborsMinor born about 1882
NaborsRichard born about 1885
NaborsRichard Jr born about 1935
NaborsWill Henryborn about 1935
NaborsWillie born about 1919
NealAlice born about 1922
NealClarence born about 1932
NealFlorence born about 1906
NealFrank born about 1926
NealIrene born about 1928
NealJ Tborn about 1921
NealJohn born about 1897
NealLenore born about 1928
NealLeroy born about 1930
NealLizzie born about 1906
NealOra Leeborn about 1935
NealPaul born about 1939
NealPeggy born about 1929
NealPricilla born about 1939
NealTom born about 1901
NelsonMildred born about 1890
NewClara born about 1890
NewGus born about 1916
NewHomer born about 1921
NewJames born about 1918
NewWalter born about 1885
NewkirkCordie born about 1907
NewkirkMartin born about 1928
NewkirkW Nborn about 1904
NewsonCleopia born about 1939
NewsonDonnie born about 1915
NewsonJewel born about 1938
NewsonLeroy born about 1910
NewsonRussel born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OnealEtta born about 1893
OnealWillie born about 1924
OwenWillie born about 1914

P Surnames

PankyGertrude born about 1932
PankyJohn Wborn about 1937
PankyLeona born about 1905
PankyNina born about 1929
PankyPinky born about 1934
PankyWester born about 1904
ParkCaldonia born about 1920
ParkLillie born about 1937
ParkMable Leeborn about 1936
ParkVastorig born about 1934
ParteeAda Leeborn about 1934
ParteeAnnie Cborn about 1925
ParteeDavid Leeborn about 1939
ParteeEdom born about 1898
ParteeErma Leeborn about 1929
ParteeEthel Leeborn about 1924
ParteeEtta Leeborn about 1940
ParteeGeorgia born about 1904
ParteeGeorgia Beeborn about 1931
ParteeLeonard born about 1920
ParteeMattie Leeborn about 1927
ParteeRobert born about 1936
PateWillie born about 1925
PayneClayton born about 1915
PayneGlendora born about 1933
PayneOra born about 1917
PenikinElvira born about 1880
PenningtonColumbus born about 1910
PenningtonColumbus Jr born about 1933
PenningtonJames born about 1900
PenningtonManda born about 1916
PenningtonMary Leeborn about 1934
PenningtonRosa Leeborn about 1935
PerkinsElfora born about 1920
PerkinsSylester born about 1886
PerkinsTheopolis born about 1904
PerkinsThonin born about 1928
PettyDora born about 1886
PettyJohn born about 1882
PettyRobert born about 1914
PierceJohn born about 1887
PierceWill born about 1885
PinkhamThomas born about 1920
PinvelChristina born about 1926
PinvelEugene born about 1923
PinvelHelen born about 1935
PinvelNettie born about 1900
PinvelOdell born about 1918
PinvelTom born about 1897
PinvelWilliam born about 1931
PinvelWilma born about 1931
PittmanDorothy born about 1927
PittsHosea born about 1897
PittsHosea Jr born about 1921
PittsIra Leeborn about 1925
PittsMary Ethelborn about 1923
PittsSavannah born about 1899
PopeArabelle born about 1920
PopeLee born about 1911
PopeLillie born about 1892
PopeOscar born about 1889
PopeThelma born about 1928
PopeViola born about 1919
PrivetAsie born about 1923
PryorOliver born about 1916
PryorWillie Bborn about 1920
PulseChester born about 1939
PulseEdith born about 1907
PulseKatharine born about 1927
PulseMildred born about 1929
PulseMilford born about 1935
PulseRuben born about 1931
PulseShirley born about 1937
PulseVirgie born about 1904
PurcellJohn born about 1919
PurcellLucille born about 1921
PurcellWaynne born about 1939
PylesBessie born about 1917
PylesOscar born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuitesAlice Gayeborn about 1938
QuitesGene born about 1932
QuitesJames born about 1936
QuitesPreston born about 1937

R Surnames

RaymondBeatrice born about 1928
RaymondBobby Geneborn about 1940
RaymondCharlie born about 1907
RaymondDoris Geneborn about 1938
RaymondInalee born about 1930
RaymondL Cborn about 1934
RaymondRosetta born about 1907
RaymondTeretha born about 1937
ReavesLila born about 1918
ReavesPaul born about 1914
ReavesSue born about 1938
ReedDan born about 1890
ReedSally born about 1886
ReedWillie born about 1907
RevelsBlanche born about 1933
RevelsMilford born about 1902
RevelsSarah born about 1902
RevelsUlyses born about 1923
RhodesAlice born about 1912
RhodesEarly born about 1888
RiceAdair born about 1916
RiceFrankie born about 1935
RiceGeraldine born about 1934
RiceMargaret born about 1914
RiceThomas born about 1910
RickWalter born about 1889
RinerEmmett born about 1919
RinerFaye born about 1921
RobinsonNellie born about 1915
RobinsonRaymond born about 1907
RobinsonRube born about 1911
RobinsonWilliam born about 1860
RoddyWayman born about 1881
RodgersHoward born about 1937
RodgersOziebell born about 1935
RodgersRoberta born about 1916
RodgersRoy born about 1904
RogersEarl born about 1920
RogersEmma born about 1889
RogersHelen born about 1893
RogersLillie born about 1922
RogersNorma born about 1924
RogersOzella born about 1924
RogersWill born about 1892
RussellAlbert born about 1884
RussellErma born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaltersDorothy Leeborn about 1931
SaltersEdith born about 1923
SaltersElsie born about 1902
SaltersErnie Maeborn about 1929
SaltersTom born about 1900
SandersGertie born about 1910
SandersJohn Hborn about 1904
SardinClark born about 1879
SardinMary born about 1892
SardinPearl born about 1929
SawyerDoris born about 1916
SawyerHerman born about 1912
SawyerMarcia born about 1938
SawyerMona born about 1934
ShannonBetty Geneborn about 1933
ShannonEdith born about 1911
ShawEffie born about 1929
ShawJohn born about 1932
ShawKim born about 1902
ShawLouise born about 1928
ShawMarilyn born about 1925
ShawMary born about 1905
ShawNettie born about 1934
ShawWhitland born about 1924
ShipDewey born about 1906
ShipFrank born about 1871
ShipLee born about 1915
ShipVesta born about 1877
SidleMary born about 1872
SimmonAla born about 1900
SimmonBlanche born about 1936
SimmonDaisy born about 1924
SimmonTerry born about 1926
SimmonsBobby born about 1938
SimmonsCoolidge born about 1927
SimmonsEddie Bborn about 1939
SimmonsErnest born about 1918
SimmonsFloyd born about 1928
SimmonsHelen born about 1885
SimmonsHersele born about 1936
SimmonsImogene born about 1932
SimmonsInfant born about 1940
SimmonsJ Tborn about 1939
SimmonsJosie born about 1921
SimmonsKatoola born about 1929
SimmonsLizzie born about 1916
SimmonsLonza born about 1921
SimmonsMary born about 1898
SimmonsMehalis born about 1870
SimmonsRobert born about 1925
SimmonsRuby born about 1933
SimmonsRufus born about 1898
SimmonsSam born about 1908
SimmonsT Hborn about 1927
SimmonsWill born about 1872
SimmonsWillie Bellborn about 1918
SlaughterAdlenera born about 1917
SlaughterDallas born about 1906
SmallAbe born about 1897
SmithAmanda born about 1869
SmithBetty born about 1930
SmithBilly born about 1917
SmithCharlie born about 1914
SmithE Lborn about 1870
SmithFred born about 1912
SmithGus Tborn about 1919
SmithHarold born about 1913
SmithHenry born about 1888
SmithMaggie born about 1927
SmithMattie born about 1882
SmithMaxine born about 1932
SmithMitchell born about 1914
SmithNola born about 1904
SmithPenina born about 1890
SolomonBeulah born about 1923
SolomonCharley born about 1916
StacksBilly Geneborn about 1932
StacksBobby Wayneborn about 1939
StacksElizabeth born about 1902
StacksJ Tborn about 1918
StacksJesse born about 1892
StacksJohn Cborn about 1920
StacksM Gborn about 1934
StacksMargaret born about 1922
StacksNadine born about 1926
StegallAlfreda born about 1922
StegallC Cborn about 1925
StegallD Jborn about 1936
StegallDaral born about 1891
StegallLula born about 1900
StegallVernon born about 1932
StephensonClarence born about 1916
StephensonD Lborn about 1918
StephensonErnest born about 1921
StephensonH Ellenborn about 1938
StephensonHerbie born about 1889
StephensonHerbie born about 1935
StephensonMinnie born about 1898
StephensonMyrtle born about 1925
StokesCharlie born about 1904
StokesPearl born about 1897
SuttonPernella born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateJames born about 1902
TateLillie born about 1909
TateLillie Bborn about 1940
TaylorEdith born about 1908
TaylorHattie born about 1872
TaylorJames born about 1905
TaylorJohn born about 1930
TaylorLillie born about 1923
TaylorWillie born about 1920
ThomasAlbert born about 1936
ThomasDally Maeborn about 1932
ThomasHarold born about 1939
ThomasJ Tborn about 1938
ThomasLonnie born about 1904
ThomasMelina born about 1912
ThomasO Tborn about 1910
ThomasPearl born about 1934
ThomasSusie born about 1922
ThomasonHenry born about 1870
ThompsonEffie born about 1905
ThompsonEmma born about 1890
ThompsonFlorence born about 1902
ThompsonJames born about 1906
ThompsonJohn born about 1900
ThompsonPauline born about 1905
ThompsonPon born about 1880
TidwellC Fborn about 1912
TidwellFrank Jr born about 1937
TidwellGrady born about 1912
TidwellMyrtle born about 1919
TidwellRosa Maeborn about 1936
TracyHiram born about 1881
TracyMary Lonborn about 1929
TracyNera born about 1894
TracyRuby born about 1927
TuckerD Eborn about 1895
TuckerDicie born about 1897
TuckerRaymond born about 1920
TurnerArlie born about 1915
TurnerBessie Maeborn about 1932
TurnerBuddie born about 1926
TurnerCatherine born about 1892
TurnerDan born about 1879
TurnerDavid born about 1929
TurnerJimmy born about 1938
TurnerMary born about 1936
TurnerMattie born about 1884
TurnerMaudie born about 1924
TurnerOliver born about 1905
TurnerOliver Jr born about 1935
TurnerRuth born about 1919
TurnerRuthie born about 1908
TurnerTommy born about 1934
TurnerVirgie born about 1928
TurnerVirgil born about 1932
TurnerWill born about 1890
TylerBelman born about 1917
TylerBowman born about 1878
TylerRosa Maeborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineIza Leeborn about 1919
ValentineNellie born about 1936
ValentinePaul born about 1938
ValentineShawnee born about 1914
VenableHelen born about 1915
VenableW Jborn about 1916
VinsonBuster born about 1931
VinsonClyde born about 1929
VinsonElizabeth born about 1923
VinsonEthel born about 1894
VinsonHoward born about 1924
VinsonRosetta born about 1917
VinsonT Jborn about 1879
VinsonViola born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaggleFrankie born about 1939
WaggleJohn born about 1902
WaggleLovella born about 1927
WaggleTulie born about 1908
WaggleWilborn born about 1930
WalkerArthur born about 1919
WalkerCharlie born about 1892
WalkerCornelius born about 1923
WalkerElla Maeborn about 1930
WalkerEzell born about 1936
WalkerFloyd born about 1926
WalkerJames born about 1930
WalkerL Jborn about 1905
WalkerLee born about 1872
WalkerLouise born about 1908
WalkerNovella born about 1935
WalkerPearletha born about 1922
WalkerRosetta born about 1933
WalkerRoxy born about 1900
WalkerRoxy Leeborn about 1939
WalkerTommyzene born about 1929
WalkerVernelia born about 1907
WalkerWillie born about 1909
WarrenAnnie Bborn about 1939
WarrenCornelius born about 1914
WarrenJ Wborn about 1938
WarrenJames born about 1893
WarrenLee Etelborn about 1936
WarrenLizzie born about 1896
WarrenMartha Leeborn about 1940
WarrenMary born about 1916
WatsonHartzell born about 1933
WebbEthel born about 1902
WebbFlorence born about 1930
WebbJeff born about 1906
WebbRuby born about 1913
WebbSam born about 1871
WebbSarah born about 1871
WebsterDoyle born about 1919
WebsterEdward born about 1921
WebsterFrank born about 1940
WebsterGladys born about 1920
WebsterNora born about 1900
WebsterThelma born about 1921
WheelesCharles born about 1928
WheelesCleo born about 1906
WheelesSearcy born about 1911
WhiteAllie born about 1928
WhiteCecil born about 1923
WhiteEdith born about 1926
WhiteFrank born about 1875
WhiteHenry born about 1908
WhiteHobart born about 1939
WhiteHoward born about 1930
WhiteJulia born about 1920
WhiteMyrtle born about 1900
WhiteRuth born about 1910
WhiteSara born about 1874
WhiteStella born about 1933
WhiteW Eborn about 1894
WhiteWalter born about 1918
WhiteWillie born about 1935
WigginsJames born about 1934
WigginsJohnny born about 1894
WigginsTom born about 1883
WileyAlex born about 1932
WileyBetty born about 1907
WileyBetty Geneborn about 1938
WileyCharlie born about 1929
WileyHenrietta born about 1928
WileyJabo born about 1903
WileyNazola born about 1923
WileyRomie born about 1939
WilliamsAlta born about 1915
WilliamsBilly born about 1933
WilliamsBlanchy born about 1891
WilliamsBud born about 1890
WilliamsCaro Marieborn about 1940
WilliamsChauncy born about 1918
WilliamsCora born about 1864
WilliamsCynthia born about 1891
WilliamsDane born about 1912
WilliamsElbert born about 1926
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1920
WilliamsEtta Leeborn about 1924
WilliamsGeorge born about 1900
WilliamsHarry born about 1925
WilliamsHitower born about 1916
WilliamsIdell born about 1916
WilliamsIrene born about 1922
WilliamsJ Rborn about 1930
WilliamsJohn born about 1895
WilliamsJohn Leeborn about 1939
WilliamsLloyd born about 1920
WilliamsLoradean born about 1936
WillsCarl born about 1919
WillsSally born about 1881
WilsonChessie born about 1893
WilsonClaude born about 1890
WilsonDan born about 1923
WilsonDon born about 1923
WilsonEarl born about 1911
WilsonEllen born about 1927
WilsonElton born about 1891
WilsonFlora Maeborn about 1933
WilsonGenevive born about 1927
WilsonH Cborn about 1917
WilsonIra Jeneborn about 1924
WilsonJessie born about 1917
WilsonLamar born about 1938
WilsonLillian born about 1913
WilsonMaggie born about 1885
WilsonMax born about 1910
WilsonMay born about 1891
WilsonRachel born about 1916
WilsonRay born about 1920
WilsonS Mborn about 1871
WimsOliver born about 1902
WoodBud born about 1878
WoodPansy born about 1880
WoodrowCleo born about 1920
WoodrowEmma born about 1935
WoodrowErma born about 1928
WoodrowJ Fborn about 1887
WoodrowJessie born about 1922
WoodrowJoe born about 1924
WoodrowJohn born about 1926
WoodrowZoddie born about 1892
WoodsBob born about 1919
WoodsEllian born about 1922
WoodsHenretta born about 1875
WoodsHerb born about 1921
WoodsWillie Maeborn about 1923
WorshamAilene born about 1930
WorshamLera born about 1911
WorshamVirgie born about 1906
WrightAnnie Eborn about 1892
WrightBobby born about 1919
WrightBurl born about 1914
WrightFrances born about 1921
WrightJanice born about 1938
WrightLydia born about 1918
WrightThilbert born about 1915
WrightThilbert Jr born about 1938
WrightW Eborn about 1876
WynneFloyd born about 1935
WynneGeneva born about 1928
WynneIdea born about 1918
WynneJimmy born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungAdelia born about 1893
YoungAmos born about 1930
YoungBobby born about 1933
YoungEarl born about 1933
YoungEvalens born about 1918
YoungJames born about 1915
YoungJere born about 1880
YoungJohnnie born about 1936
YoungJus Hborn about 1912
YoungLelia born about 1895
YoungMaggie born about 1923
YoungMarion born about 1936
YoungMartha born about 1918
YoungMary born about 1911
YoungMary Ellenborn about 1940
YoungOwen born about 1892
YoungR Tborn about 1918
YoungRoland born about 1925
YoungTom born about 1938
YoungVelda born about 1933
YoungWillene born about 1928
YoungWilma born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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