1940 U.S. Federal Census of Richwoods in Jackson County, Jackson, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Jackson County > 1940 Census of Richwoods in Jackson County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdcoxAldon Wborn about 1919
AdcoxBetty Fborn about 1929
AdcoxDorothy born about 1938
AdcoxElizabeth born about 1919
AdcoxFredda born about 1924
AdcoxJessie Fborn about 1898
AdcoxMary Jborn about 1897
AdcoxMeredith born about 1938
AdcoxMerle born about 1926
AdcoxNorma Jborn about 1935
AddingtonAdrain Lborn about 1928
AddingtonAlice born about 1879
AddingtonBlanche Tborn about 1922
AddingtonFranklin Dborn about 1933
AddingtonIler Eborn about 1902
AddingtonJ Cborn about 1875
AddingtonLenora born about 1920
AddingtonM Wilburnborn about 1939
AddingtonMary Aborn about 1927
AddingtonMelton Cborn about 1902
AddingtonRobert Lborn about 1935
AddingtonRuby Jborn about 1931
AddingtonSpurgeon Gborn about 1896
AitkensJ Rborn about 1934
AitkensJ Vborn about 1926
AitkensJohn born about 1902
AitkensJohn Lborn about 1937
AitkensL Dborn about 1906
AitkensS Marieborn about 1929
AitkensSusia born about 1878
AitkensVictoria born about 1908
AlexanderB Noreneborn about 1925
AlexanderG Wborn about 1927
AlexanderGeorgia Gborn about 1905
AlexanderJ Sylviaborn about 1901
AlexanderJean born about 1924
AlexanderLynette born about 1933
AlexanderMinnie Mborn about 1906
AlexanderO Clydeborn about 1901
AllenAline Wborn about 1900
AllenJasper Rborn about 1893
AllenJoseph Dborn about 1907
AllenLucile Eborn about 1929
AllenRuby Jborn about 1912
AllenRuby Joborn about 1931

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B Surnames

BalchAmos Aborn about 1913
BalchAnnie Oborn about 1907
BalchArthur Wborn about 1928
BalchAubrey Gborn about 1931
BalchBetty Jborn about 1932
BalchBilly Eborn about 1934
BalchBonnie Rborn about 1937
BalchC Elizabethborn about 1910
BalchChas Eborn about 1881
BalchEathel Dborn about 1888
BalchElbert Nborn about 1906
BalchElbert N Jrborn about 1939
BalchElmo Aborn about 1918
BalchElwood Oborn about 1918
BalchElzy Bborn about 1889
BalchElzy B Jrborn about 1925
BalchEmma Ruthborn about 1930
BalchFannie born about 1882
BalchFrancis Jborn about 1939
BalchGeraldine Aborn about 1936
BalchGolda Pborn about 1921
BalchHattie Cborn about 1890
BalchJ Vernonborn about 1913
BalchJames Hborn about 1918
BalchJohn Oborn about 1935
BalchJohn Sborn about 1889
BalchKenneth Pborn about 1912
BalchLee Ros Gborn about 1898
BalchLinda Gborn about 1939
BalchLois born about 1919
BalchM Florenceborn about 1888
BalchM Lillianborn about 1922
BalchMaggie born about 1904
BalchMamie Aborn about 1913
BalchMargaret Eborn about 1918
BalchMary Leeborn about 1921
BalchNorene Hborn about 1920
BalchPatricia Sueborn about 1932
BalchPaul Hborn about 1908
BalchPauline Jborn about 1931
BalchRachel Annborn about 1936
BalchRachel Mborn about 1890
BalchRalph Mborn about 1914
BalchRobert Lborn about 1929
BalchRufus born about 1930
BalchTheodore born about 1905
BalchVictoria Fborn about 1912
BalchVina born about 1910
BalchWilliard Mborn about 1918
BallCharles Wborn about 1894
BallCharline Rborn about 1927
BallChester Lborn about 1922
BallDenzil Nborn about 1937
BallErnesteen born about 1929
BallEthel Fborn about 1903
BallJ Cordisborn about 1868
BallLester Eborn about 1903
BallLester Eborn about 1931
BallPauline born about 1913
BallZana Mborn about 1935
BallardBernard born about 1921
BallardDorothy born about 1927
BallardJames Dborn about 1888
BallardLeattha born about 1887
BallardLois born about 1919
BallardSwinton Dborn about 1916
BerryEdward Fborn about 1917
BerryElzy Lborn about 1911
BerryErma Lborn about 1915
BerryEugene born about 1919
BerryNellie Sueborn about 1939
BerryRubertie born about 1881
BerryThomas Aborn about 1875
BibleE Eborn about 1868
BibleJane Eborn about 1871
BibleRoma Sborn about 1925
BibleS Franklinborn about 1923
BiseA Leonardborn about 1907
BiseBillie Gborn about 1934
BiseElla Rborn about 1940
BiseEmma Lborn about 1907
BiseGerald Dborn about 1931
BiseHerbert Wborn about 1906
BiseHester born about 1911
BiseHoward born about 1930
BiseLindell Lborn about 1933
BiseMabel Cborn about 1913
BiseMollie born about 1887
BiseNeal born about 1937
BiseNils born about 1935
BiseOrville Lborn about 1939
BisePeggy Sborn about 1937
BiseRuth born about 1927
BiseVester Rborn about 1911
BiseWilliam Dborn about 1874
BishopClara Bborn about 1911
BishopS Lborn about 1931
BishopSidney born about 1909
BjorklundJohn born about 1884
BjorklundSallie Leeborn about 1897
BlachAaron born about 1924
BlachCecil born about 1909
BlachCloa born about 1914
BlachJ Bradleyborn about 1915
BlachJames Iraborn about 1937
BlachTerry Rborn about 1939
BlachVirginiar born about 1940
BlachWalker Aborn about 1895
BlalockJoe Dborn about 1879
BlalockOdis Dborn about 1889
BlalockRodgers Lborn about 1929
BoswellMartha Mborn about 1911
BoswellW Davidborn about 1907
BoswellWilliam Hborn about 1931
BoyceAlonzo Sborn about 1906
BoyceLouis Hborn about 1929
BoyceMyrtle Eborn about 1908
BoyceVirgie Mborn about 1930
BreedenJennie Lborn about 1932
BreshearsElmer Eborn about 1936
BreshearsHazel Eborn about 1909
BreshearsSimon Pborn about 1902
BrumleyAda born about 1896
BrumleyAnnie Bborn about 1898
BrumleyCecil Mborn about 1923
BrumleyCharles born about 1933
BrumleyEthel Mborn about 1928
BrumleyFelix born about 1881
BrumleyGladys born about 1935
BrumleyJames Wborn about 1930
BrumleyManuel Lborn about 1934
BrumleyMarion Aborn about 1927
BrumleyMarshall Lborn about 1879
BrumleyMartin born about 1891
BrumleyMyrtle born about 1900
BrumleyOscar Wborn about 1926
BrutonDavid Oborn about 1885
BrutonMary Eborn about 1884
BullockBeatrice born about 1921
BullockClyde born about 1908

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C Surnames

CalkinBetty Fborn about 1938
CalkinClara Vborn about 1915
CalkinJohn born about 1912
CalkinJohn Fborn about 1936
CampAlbert Mborn about 1921
CampCora Eborn about 1909
CampL Warrenborn about 1937
CampLanncelotte born about 1932
CampMinnie Mborn about 1905
CampNorman Aborn about 1910
CampShirley Tborn about 1935
CampbellAlmeta Bborn about 1926
CampbellAlvin Nborn about 1933
CampbellAubrey Eborn about 1924
CampbellBurl Nborn about 1922
CampbellCommie Oborn about 1910
CampbellDonna Sborn about 1898
CampbellJ Cborn about 1931
CampbellJack Oborn about 1886
CampbellKenneth Nborn about 1940
CampbellLeon Vborn about 1928
CampbellThelma Jborn about 1937
CampbellVernon Lborn about 1918
CarterFlorence born about 1881
CarterJ Cborn about 1920
CarterJ Morganborn about 1871
CarterJ Rborn about 1877
CarterL Mayeborn about 1934
CarterLula Bborn about 1881
CarterRay Eborn about 1929
CarterS Tborn about 1927
CarterS Thomasborn about 1890
CarterThelma Iborn about 1922
CauseyMary Cborn about 1882
CissellTheo Hborn about 1873
ClarkDorothy Dborn about 1937
ClarkMarshall Mborn about 1902
ClarkShirley Aborn about 1939
ClarkTennie Mborn about 1905
ColeJ Aborn about 1920
ColeM Dentonborn about 1926
ColeMark Eborn about 1889
ColeMellie Mborn about 1891
ColeVietta Lborn about 1923
CombsBilly Dborn about 1940
CombsDerothle Lborn about 1918
CombsEarl born about 1926
CombsElmer born about 1909
CombsHazel Gborn about 1914
CombsJoe Dborn about 1938
CombsPearl born about 1890
ConleyFloyd Sborn about 1903
CooperM Olaborn about 1908
CopelandAndrew Bborn about 1912
CoreyAlice Wborn about 1904
CoreyBirl born about 1926
CoreyJack born about 1904
CoreyLuin born about 1935
CorlewAbel born about 1897
CorlewB Daleborn about 1933
CorlewJ Elwoodborn about 1923
CorlewJerry Wborn about 1935
CorlewLowell Eborn about 1926
CorlewM Yvonneborn about 1928
CorlewNeal Fborn about 1936
CorlewNorman Wborn about 1902
CorlewSelma Aborn about 1913
CorlewViola Bborn about 1904
CoughronRuby born about 1921
CrisherAndrew Eborn about 1867
CrisherCharles Aborn about 1935
CrisherCharles Tborn about 1896
CrisherEllie Mborn about 1935
CrisherMattie Lborn about 1903
CrisherTommy Wborn about 1939

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D Surnames

DavisHenry Cborn about 1888
DickeyCurry born about 1881
DickeyRoy born about 1927
DickeyVirgie Lborn about 1921
DickeyWillie Lborn about 1921
DoughertyAlice Eborn about 1904
DoughertyC Gordonborn about 1928
DoughertyC Normanborn about 1934
DoughertyEarnest Wborn about 1939
DoughertyL Madelineborn about 1930
DoughertyRay Cborn about 1925
DoughertyRoy Aborn about 1923
DoughertyWright Bborn about 1896
DuncanEzra Zborn about 1907
DuncanMarie Aborn about 1920

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E Surnames

EarlsAllie Mborn about 1923
EarlsBonnie Jborn about 1926
EarlsClarence Eborn about 1917
EarlsD Pearlborn about 1890
EarlsEdward Jborn about 1932
EarlsElsie Lborn about 1925
EarlsErwin Eborn about 1939
EarlsEunice Mborn about 1920
EarlsEvaline born about 1896
EarlsJ Willardborn about 1921
EarlsLola Fborn about 1934
EarlsMabel Jborn about 1930
EarlsMary Aborn about 1937
EarlsNorma Rborn about 1938
EarlsOtis Oborn about 1923
EarlsRalph Aborn about 1939
EarlsVan Eva born about 1927
EarlsWalter Hborn about 1892
EarlsWalter Hborn about 1894
EarlsWalter Jborn about 1928
EdwardsBertie Lborn about 1914
EdwardsC Hborn about 1920
EdwardsCharles Hborn about 1874
EdwardsCleo Hborn about 1918
EdwardsDalton Yborn about 1931
EdwardsDelia Mborn about 1913
EdwardsDonald Dborn about 1940
EdwardsErma Jborn about 1929
EdwardsFloyd Lborn about 1920
EdwardsGeorge Wborn about 1884
EdwardsHettie Mborn about 1889
EdwardsJ Bborn about 1934
EdwardsJames Dborn about 1909
EdwardsMarctia Kborn about 1939
EdwardsMareis Gborn about 1929
EdwardsMarvin born about 1915
EdwardsMavin Lborn about 1938
EdwardsMaybelle born about 1884
EdwardsMildred Pborn about 1931
EdwardsS J Cathalineborn about 1922
ElumbaughEdna Mborn about 1919
ElumbaughJoe born about 1915
ElumbaughMary Joborn about 1929
EvanBuster born about 1910
EvanLinnie Cborn about 1904
EvanPaul Joborn about 1936
EvansAlmond born about 1923
EvansC Aborn about 1933
EvansClarence born about 1913
EvansEd Aborn about 1880
EvansElzy born about 1908
EvansJ Aborn about 1919
EvansJ Artieborn about 1883
EvansJames born about 1938
EvansJennie Mborn about 1882
EvansLara born about 1899
EvansLorene born about 1915
EvansMary Jborn about 1928
EvansMinnie Mborn about 1911
EvansNorma Jborn about 1939
EvansRoger Lborn about 1940
EvansRosie Bborn about 1910
EvansRosie Nborn about 1885
EvansWilliam Cborn about 1882
EvansWillis Sborn about 1929

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F Surnames

FordBen Fborn about 1885
FordBrady born about 1906
FordE Manualborn about 1939
FordEarl Mborn about 1914
FordEugene Rborn about 1932
FordFannie Lborn about 1936
FordGladys Mborn about 1918
FordGlenna Belleborn about 1934
FordHazel Iborn about 1911
FordHubert born about 1909
FordKarl Jborn about 1928
FordLaura born about 1891
FordLois Eborn about 1915
FordMadge Mborn about 1912
FordNorma Gborn about 1932
FordOla Mborn about 1930
FordQueenie Eborn about 1892
FordRonald Lborn about 1939
FowbleDaisy Dborn about 1885
FowbleHarry Lborn about 1886
FowbleJack Aborn about 1913

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G Surnames

GarlandAlma born about 1913
GarlandDora Jborn about 1939
GarlandE Mamieborn about 1916
GarlandElizabeth born about 1927
GarlandEllen born about 1922
GarlandFilmore born about 1924
GarlandGene born about 1937
GarlandGeorge born about 1896
GarlandGladys Jborn about 1929
GarlandJ Louiseborn about 1931
GarlandJerry Bborn about 1940
GarlandJettave born about 1933
GarlandJohn born about 1894
GarlandJohn Lborn about 1910
GarlandKate Mborn about 1904
GarlandLaverne born about 1929
GarlandLenzy Lborn about 1937
GarlandLoretta born about 1877
GarlandLucienda born about 1904
GarlandMargaret Vborn about 1923
GarlandRobert Dborn about 1936
GarlandRobert K Jrborn about 1914
GarlandRobert K Srborn about 1872
GarlandRoy born about 1927
GarlandTroy born about 1932
GarlandVaughn born about 1934
GarlandW Ralphborn about 1934
GilmoreDoris Vborn about 1929
GilmoreEmanuel Jr born about 1931
GilmoreFrankie born about 1933
GilmoreGerald born about 1909
GilmoreHarvey Wborn about 1882
GilmoreInez Jborn about 1911
GilmoreMartha Eborn about 1897
GilmoreW Curtisborn about 1924
GoldenJames born about 1881
GoldenMary Jborn about 1897
GreenoAngelina born about 1939
GreenoRuth born about 1918
GreenoWayne Eborn about 1910
GriffinArthur Lborn about 1903
GriffinArthur L Jrborn about 1933
GriffinMary Mborn about 1929
GriffinPeggy Lborn about 1938
GriffinReney Eborn about 1911
GriffinVirginia Lborn about 1936
GriffinWilliam Lborn about 1931
GuffeyJ Wborn about 1935
GuffeyKenneth born about 1936
GuthrieBetty Sborn about 1937
GuthrieFlorence born about 1888
GuthrieFloyd born about 1923
GuthrieFred Eborn about 1886
GuthrieL Altaborn about 1915
GuthrieLela Fborn about 1933
GuthrieLester Eborn about 1926
GuthrieLloyd born about 1923
GuthrieRoy Wborn about 1907

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H Surnames

HallJ Garfieldborn about 1918
HallJames born about 1927
HallLeonard born about 1930
HallLizzie born about 1891
HallLowell born about 1925
HallWilliam Mborn about 1916
HeatherlyCeobell Aborn about 1900
HeatherlyH Earlborn about 1900
HeatherlyH Earl Jrborn about 1939
HedrickE Ellaborn about 1874
HendersonA Priceborn about 1907
HendersonAlmus Dborn about 1881
HendersonAndrew born about 1899
HendersonArdylee born about 1921
HendersonArthur born about 1879
HendersonBulena born about 1920
HendersonCharles Eborn about 1916
HendersonCharley born about 1919
HendersonEmily born about 1879
HendersonFannie Eborn about 1891
HendersonFred born about 1922
HendersonHarrison Mborn about 1881
HendersonHuey Cborn about 1937
HendersonLeona born about 1894
HendersonLottie Mborn about 1902
HendersonLucy Pborn about 1923
HendersonM Elmerborn about 1910
HendersonOma Mborn about 1940
HendersonRoberta Vborn about 1924
HendersonWalker Bborn about 1912
HickmanDerl Wborn about 1931
HickmanE Virgilborn about 1906
HickmanJerry Wborn about 1939
HickmanL Vinaborn about 1904
HickmanMinnie born about 1875
HickmanNobie born about 1927
HickmanNola Fayborn about 1933
HickmanNona Mayeborn about 1933
HickmanOllie Mborn about 1901
HickmanOra Oborn about 1900
HickmanOrbra Eborn about 1918
HickmanOscar Mborn about 1903
HickmanVirgie born about 1916
HickmanWilliam Eborn about 1867
HicksDovie Eborn about 1923
HicksIrene born about 1901
HicksJames Eborn about 1931
HicksJohn Eborn about 1858
HicksLawrence Eborn about 1898
HicksWinnie born about 1878
HodgeAmbrose born about 1914
HodgeAndy Rborn about 1922
HodgeBernice Jborn about 1939
HodgeEula Sborn about 1924
HodgeEunice Eborn about 1922
HodgeGeorge Hborn about 1917
HodgeHenry born about 1919
HodgeJohn Hborn about 1879
HodgeSally born about 1884
HodgeWanda Lborn about 1940
HodgeWilma born about 1920
HolmanJ Cborn about 1905
HolmanJulia Sueborn about 1940
HolmanMartha born about 1913
HolmesAlice Vborn about 1906
HolmesEldon Fborn about 1929
HolmesJohn Fborn about 1899
HolmesTidis Bborn about 1924
HopkinsAlice Pborn about 1871
HopkinsBobbie Dborn about 1935
HopkinsGladys Rborn about 1914
HopkinsNickie Nborn about 1938
HopkinsSylvia Rborn about 1907
HopkinsWilliam Rborn about 1880
HowardAlva born about 1915
HowardBlanche Iborn about 1938
HowardBonnie Jborn about 1924
HowardBoyce Mborn about 1934
HowardC Rborn about 1940
HowardClara Eborn about 1916
HowardCormelita born about 1932
HowardDonald born about 1924
HowardElla born about 1876
HowardElsie born about 1914
HowardElzie Mborn about 1920
HowardErwn Gborn about 1901
HowardEster born about 1918
HowardGaines Lborn about 1916
HowardGlenn Mborn about 1935
HowardGuss born about 1912
HowardHarty Gborn about 1876
HowardIuarene Mborn about 1915
HowardIvy born about 1898
HowardJ Emmettborn about 1891
HowardJohn Cborn about 1868
HowardLee Royborn about 1931
HowardLezy Hborn about 1892
HowardLouise born about 1914
HowardMaggie born about 1899
HowardMartha born about 1880
HowardMary Eborn about 1932
HowardMary Eborn about 1938
HowardMissouri Bborn about 1885
HowardNettie Aborn about 1885
HowardOcel born about 1923
HowardP Mayeborn about 1901
HowardR Eborn about 1872
HowardR Garwoodborn about 1920
HowardRandolph born about 1905
HowardRaymond born about 1916
HowardRita Mborn about 1932
HowardRoell born about 1897
HowardRosa Eborn about 1904
HowardRoy Nborn about 1912
HowardShelba Aborn about 1940
HowardShirley Tborn about 1937
HowardTommy Rborn about 1930
HowardVan Eva born about 1919
HowardVeda Vborn about 1934
HowardVera Mayborn about 1920
HowardWilma Jborn about 1939
HueyAdolph Dborn about 1888
HueyBoyce Aborn about 1922
HueyDore Hborn about 1924
HueyGloria born about 1885
HueyHarold Eborn about 1927
HueyHays born about 1934
HueyLucien Pborn about 1919
HueyMaudie born about 1893
HueyMuriel born about 1930
HuffmanD Marieborn about 1928
HutchinsonC Wilsonborn about 1914
HutchinsonGerald Jr born about 1940
HutchinsonLeland Jborn about 1921
HutchinsonMartha Jborn about 1938

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J Surnames

JacksonA Burlborn about 1892
JacksonArthur Lborn about 1889
JacksonCharles Eborn about 1906
JacksonClaude H Jrborn about 1921
JacksonMary born about 1879
JacksonWayne Sborn about 1927
JacksonWilliam Eborn about 1939
JacksonZoa Eborn about 1910
JennerCora Annborn about 1906
JennerErnestine born about 1934
JennerFreda Mborn about 1928
JennerGeraldine born about 1930
JennerRoberta Eborn about 1939
JennerTherlo Cborn about 1938
JennerThurman Hborn about 1926
JennerWilliam Eborn about 1903
JewelBen Jborn about 1924
JewelClaud Nborn about 1915
JewelErnest born about 1927
JewelEthel Mborn about 1891
JewelJ Newtonborn about 1884
JohnsonElbert Eborn about 1920
JohnsonFrancetta Fborn about 1935
JohnsonGeneva born about 1909
JohnsonJohn born about 1935
JohnsonJohn Hborn about 1879
JohnsonJohn Rborn about 1931
JohnsonJohn Wborn about 1898
JohnsonKenneth Aborn about 1923
JohnsonL Oraborn about 1927
JohnsonLarry Bborn about 1922
JohnsonLaveda Zborn about 1939
JohnsonLolita Fborn about 1937
JohnsonMargaret Jborn about 1926
JohnsonMinnie Bborn about 1885
JohnsonMinnie Eborn about 1903
JohnsonNoda Vvborn about 1933
JohnsonSamuel Cborn about 1907
JohnsonSamuel C Jrborn about 1930
JohnsonWillis Lborn about 1932
JohnsonWilma Gborn about 1929
JohnstonCorbett born about 1899
JohnstonDallas Jborn about 1892
JohnstonEmma Louborn about 1933
JohnstonEunice born about 1898
JohnstonHarold Mborn about 1919
JohnstonN Berthaborn about 1898
JonesArthur Eborn about 1923
JonesAubrey Hborn about 1915
JonesH Jacksonborn about 1880
JonesLola Lborn about 1924
JonesMary Mborn about 1912
JonesOdie Bborn about 1894
JonesOrville Hborn about 1921
JonesOrville H Jrborn about 1939
JoplinElla born about 1872
JoplinEster born about 1911
JoplinHelen Lborn about 1937
JoplinJ Wborn about 1932
JoplinJim born about 1908
JoplinJohn Wborn about 1911
JoplinThomas born about 1934
JoplinVinetta born about 1923

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K Surnames

KellyBrookie Bborn about 1886
KellyJames Fborn about 1882
KellyWalker Eborn about 1915
KennedyA Floydborn about 1890
KennedyAllen Wborn about 1917
KennedyAnnie Mborn about 1938
KennedyElmer born about 1925
KennedyJohn Hborn about 1940
KennedyJohn Wborn about 1885
KennedyMarie born about 1921
KennedyMary Sborn about 1928
KennedyRoxie Fborn about 1931
KennedyWhitson born about 1922
KennonFredda Aborn about 1923
KennonPershing born about 1919
KirkseyAda Bborn about 1933
KirkseyCora Mborn about 1920
KirkseyHarvey Sborn about 1913
KirkseyIda Mborn about 1939
KirkseyLennie Mborn about 1905
KirkseyMoody Lborn about 1902
KirkseyMoody L Jrborn about 1936
KirkseySarah born about 1896
KirkseyWanda Lborn about 1931
KirkseyWilliam Cborn about 1876
KirkseyWilma Eborn about 1937

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L Surnames

LacyDarrell Aborn about 1900
LacyDonald Rborn about 1940
LacyJ Tborn about 1927
LacyMary Eborn about 1939
LacyVirena born about 1914
LargentAnnabelle born about 1926
LargentHarvey born about 1898
LargentHarvey Cborn about 1930
LargentLula born about 1902
LargentMary Lborn about 1926
LaycoxJeanetta born about 1926
LaycoxMary Aborn about 1921
LedbetterLottie born about 1870
LeeEthel Mborn about 1906
LeeTommy Eborn about 1907
LewisAda Bborn about 1915
LewisAlbert Eborn about 1921
LewisBarbara Eborn about 1927
LewisEstel born about 1918
LewisEva born about 1880
LewisHarold Lborn about 1928
LewisItha born about 1917
LewisJoe Eborn about 1937
LewisJohnny Eborn about 1915
LewisLoretta Jborn about 1936
LewisRuth Jborn about 1930
LewisT Richard Jrborn about 1933
LewisT Richard Srborn about 1906
LewisThomas Rborn about 1874
LooneyClaudie Mborn about 1928
LooneyI Beatriceborn about 1926
LooneyStella Mborn about 1902
LooneyVera Kborn about 1931
LooneyW Lesterborn about 1936
LooneyW Melvinborn about 1899

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M Surnames

MannBobbie Jr born about 1936
MannEarnest Pborn about 1911
MannG Maxineborn about 1937
MannMamie Lborn about 1918
MathisArthur born about 1918
MathisBeulah born about 1918
MathisClarence Lborn about 1909
MathisGladabelle born about 1938
MathisLois Vborn about 1911
MayBennie Gborn about 1932
MayGertie Bborn about 1914
MayJohn Lborn about 1935
MayLuin Fborn about 1911
MayMaye born about 1893
MayorsBobbie born about 1936
MayorsGene born about 1933
MayorsOrpha born about 1913
MayorsT Jborn about 1885
MayorsYuple born about 1918
McCoyJ Lborn about 1921
McKinseyJohn Hborn about 1863
McKinseyMarie Hborn about 1873
MeadeBobbie Gborn about 1939
MeadeReva Mborn about 1921
MeadeWilliard Jborn about 1916
MerrittAught born about 1895
MerrittH Carlborn about 1888
MeyerAugust Jr born about 1926
MeyerMonera born about 1903
MillerElletra Mborn about 1921
MillerErvin Rborn about 1891
MillerIvy Dborn about 1898
MillerReeta Mborn about 1924
MitchellAlbert Hborn about 1899
MitchellGladys Jborn about 1924
MitchellZora Eborn about 1894
MooreAda Eborn about 1916
MooreBetty Jborn about 1934
MooreCalvin Oborn about 1915
MooreCalvin Sborn about 1875
MooreClarence Oborn about 1920
MooreEva born about 1923
MooreIna Mborn about 1885
MooreJetta Fborn about 1936
MooreMabel Aborn about 1939
MooreRuby born about 1926
MorrisDewey Nborn about 1901
MorrisDewey N Jrborn about 1926
MorrisDonald Rborn about 1929
MorrisFrancis Eborn about 1936
MorrisJessie Rborn about 1933
MorrisM Ethelborn about 1904
MorrisMurl Dborn about 1931
MrossDella born about 1897
MrossLawrence born about 1914
MrossMary born about 1903
MrossMary Vborn about 1915
MrossThomas Bborn about 1893
MrossThomas B Jrborn about 1934
MullinsRichard Bborn about 1921
MullinsRuby born about 1926
MullinsS Mborn about 1873
MurphreeEtta Jborn about 1931
MurphreeJimmie Dborn about 1909
MurphreeJimmie Kborn about 1935
MurphreeRuth Eborn about 1911
MurphyEdward born about 1938
MurphyEvaline born about 1934
MurphyFred born about 1914
MurphyIvy Jborn about 1915

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N Surnames

NeelyWilliam Cborn about 1923
NeideferAudra Rborn about 1916
NeideferEverett Lborn about 1912
NeideferGeorge Aborn about 1868
NeideferGwindlyne born about 1936
NolesAnias born about 1877
NorthcuttAlfred Cborn about 1916
NorthcuttClarine Aborn about 1922
NorthcuttOna Lborn about 1895
NorthcuttParlece born about 1921
NorthcuttRandolph born about 1926
NuckollsH Joeborn about 1917
NuckollsPansy Mborn about 1916

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O Surnames

OverstreetEthel Eborn about 1902
OverstreetJohn Wborn about 1934
OverstreetRuth Dborn about 1927
OverstreetSeth Dborn about 1897

P Surnames

ParkerNorman Lborn about 1924
PenningtonJohn Fborn about 1891
PenningtonJosie Eborn about 1896
PenningtonRoy Bborn about 1920
PentecostGeneva born about 1892
PentecostIvory Bborn about 1887
PentecostJ Mborn about 1927
PerryCloe Rborn about 1939
PerryGloria Jborn about 1938
PerryIte born about 1891
PerryMattie Aborn about 1910
PharisJohn Hborn about 1915
PharisVirgie Lborn about 1919
PhillipsFord Wborn about 1902
PhillipsLenora born about 1868
PhillipsNellie Aborn about 1914
PhillipsWillis Eborn about 1937
PhillipsWillis Tborn about 1939
PierceAubrey Rborn about 1923
PierceGlenn Aborn about 1927
PierceLois Sborn about 1921
PierceLoureinia Aborn about 1895
PierceSamuel Rborn about 1892
PooleHester Eborn about 1908
PooleJ Samuelborn about 1907
PraterEffie Mborn about 1892
PraterReece born about 1881
PriceA Bborn about 1892
PriceE Loisborn about 1923
PriceSallie born about 1890
PrinceAlfred Lborn about 1892
PrinceDorothy Rborn about 1907
PrinceFannie Lborn about 1900
PrinceHarry Aborn about 1928
PrinceJohnny Fborn about 1933
PrinceOscar Aborn about 1894
PrinceOscar Hborn about 1932
PrinceWallace Lborn about 1939
PruettAnnice born about 1896
PruettBeedie Eborn about 1907
PruettBetty Hayesborn about 1940
PruettJeff born about 1908
PruettLavada born about 1927
PruettMardis Lborn about 1890
PruettVanda Lborn about 1928
PruettWilma Gborn about 1935
PulliamArgus Lborn about 1927
PulliamArthur born about 1888
PulliamCora Dborn about 1890
PulliamFannie Mborn about 1918
PulliamGenindle born about 1939
PulliamIrma Aborn about 1912
PulliamLloyd Gborn about 1919
PulliamN Delorisborn about 1935
PulliamWebb Jborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedGeorge Cborn about 1922
ReidRobert Mborn about 1926
RiddellJ Tborn about 1926
RoussellCleo born about 1922
RoussellCorene born about 1927
RoussellEdward Tborn about 1923
RoussellJennie Vborn about 1900
RoussellLewis Lborn about 1888
RuddFredda Lborn about 1934
RuddNorman Rborn about 1935
RuddR Frankborn about 1902
RuddRuby Mborn about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalmonDona born about 1939
SalmonGeorge born about 1918
SalmonHelen born about 1917
SegrovesFloyd Cborn about 1907
SegrovesLizzie Jborn about 1885
SegrovesOrville Rborn about 1925
SegrovesRobert Wborn about 1884
SelfAnderson born about 1924
SelfBernice born about 1937
SelfBessie Lborn about 1902
SelfC Cliftonborn about 1932
SelfCleveland born about 1902
SelfLeland Eborn about 1935
SelfLenora born about 1916
SelfMargie Lborn about 1929
SelfPaul Mborn about 1928
SelfZeb born about 1904
SimonBessie born about 1917
SimonBilly Joborn about 1937
SimonBlanche Bborn about 1930
SimonCarl Vborn about 1917
SimonCharles Eborn about 1906
SimonCharles E Jrborn about 1934
SimonEsenie born about 1892
SimonJoyce Iborn about 1940
SimonMelvin born about 1922
SimonVerna Mayeborn about 1937
SimonW Hiramborn about 1884
SmithLee Pborn about 1892
SmithMinnie Mborn about 1900
SmithWanda Lborn about 1933
StephensBetty Lborn about 1939
StephensEdna Mborn about 1920
StephensJohnny born about 1918
SutherlandAudrey born about 1922
SutherlandFayon born about 1929
SutherlandGus Rborn about 1907
SutherlandHarold born about 1933
SutherlandJohn Nborn about 1884
SutherlandLeon born about 1924
SutherlandLois born about 1910
SutherlandLola Mborn about 1926
SutherlandLoretta born about 1927
SutherlandLuverda born about 1930
SutherlandMary Rborn about 1935
SutherlandMattie Mborn about 1877
SutherlandMildred Mborn about 1929
SutherlandNorma Gborn about 1929
SutherlandPearl born about 1892
SutherlandRobert Nborn about 1932
SutherlandRoberta born about 1924
SutherlandVernon Nborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateBilly Lborn about 1939
TateC Earlborn about 1910
TateDonald Rborn about 1935
TateFletcher Gborn about 1917
TateJuanita Lborn about 1924
TateMyrtle Mborn about 1920
TateThelma born about 1915
TateWilliam Cborn about 1886
ToddyCharles Mborn about 1934
ToddyD Jettobeeborn about 1936
ToddyGeorge Eborn about 1939
ToddyGoldman Iborn about 1900
ToddyHavana Cborn about 1910
ToddyLeland born about 1926
ToddyLorenzy Jborn about 1938
ToddyNadine Jborn about 1930
ToddyOcie Mborn about 1907
ToddyPhilip Lborn about 1912
ToddyRosie Lborn about 1907
ToddyUlysses born about 1932
ToddyValine Lborn about 1928
ToddyVerna born about 1926
ToddyVertis born about 1930
ToddyWillie born about 1907
TubbsA Rayborn about 1933
TubbsEmma Lborn about 1874
TubbsGeorgia Wborn about 1931
TubbsHazel born about 1915
TubbsJessie Mborn about 1909
TubbsRuby Dborn about 1938
TubbsSarah Lborn about 1935
TuckerAda Pborn about 1895
TuckerEmmer born about 1893
TuckerF Loftinborn about 1919
TuckerGeorge Aborn about 1893
TuckerKillios Pborn about 1912
TuckerRay Sborn about 1921
TuckerT Henryborn about 1886
TuckerT Henry Jrborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WadleyArlen Iborn about 1919
WadleyBarbara Aborn about 1939
WadleyClarence born about 1901
WadleyClarence Jr born about 1926
WadleyClester born about 1916
WadleyE Ruthborn about 1927
WadleyEmmogene born about 1924
WadleyEvell Jborn about 1918
WadleyFrancis N Eborn about 1934
WadleyJ Eborn about 1930
WadleyR Jborn about 1935
WadleyRebecca Jborn about 1890
WadleyRufus Lborn about 1915
WadleyShelba Jborn about 1938
WadleyVeda Mborn about 1919
WadleyWiley Dborn about 1885
WadleyWilliard Rborn about 1934
WardAvy born about 1898
WardE Austinborn about 1891
WardZona Sborn about 1919
WeatherfordArch Lborn about 1872
WeatherfordEarnest Rborn about 1934
WeatherfordGeorgia Aborn about 1915
WeatherfordMissouri Fborn about 1905
WeatherfordR Virgilborn about 1911
WeaverBarbara Annborn about 1933
WeaverEffie Kborn about 1877
WeaverForrest Wborn about 1915
WeaverGlenn Hborn about 1910
WeaverHelen Dborn about 1924
WeaverJames Aborn about 1937
WeaverJames Mborn about 1888
WeaverJerry Wborn about 1938
WeaverLaverda Rborn about 1915
WeaverLester Dborn about 1918
WeaverRobert Vborn about 1912
WeaverThomas Jborn about 1886
WeaverVelma born about 1912
WhiteAmbrose born about 1881
WhiteAndrew Rborn about 1882
WhiteClaude Eborn about 1907
WhiteDorse born about 1933
WhiteElzy Rborn about 1923
WhiteEssie born about 1922
WhiteFrancis Mborn about 1935
WhiteGeorge Wborn about 1914
WhiteIda born about 1874
WhiteJ Aborn about 1939
WhiteJ Dborn about 1920
WhiteJohn born about 1936
WhiteLou Cborn about 1887
WhiteMaudie Pborn about 1904
WhiteOpal born about 1914
WhiteRobert born about 1919
WhiteRoy Lborn about 1939
WhiteWilliam Pborn about 1906
WigginBilly Jborn about 1931
WilesDallas Aborn about 1918
WilliamLloyd born about 1923
WilliamsElton born about 1916
WilliamsJohn Bborn about 1915
WilliamsLonnie Hborn about 1936
WilliamsMerlline born about 1939
WilliamsRuby Aborn about 1914
WilsonClay Wborn about 1914
WilsonLissie born about 1913
WrightLucy Bborn about 1924
WrightVirgil Lborn about 1920
WymerAnna Louborn about 1920
WymerChester born about 1924
WymerElzy Eborn about 1893
WymerJo Annborn about 1939
WymerJoe born about 1919
WymerLevellos Mborn about 1927
WymerMary Mborn about 1925
WymerOmer Cborn about 1902
WymerRaymond Mborn about 1930
WymerRoney Rborn about 1890
WymerS Lucyborn about 1893
WymerVina Eborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiegenhornAlwin Eborn about 1891

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