1940 U.S. Federal Census of White River in Woodruff County, Woodruff, Arkansas

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Arkansas > Woodruff County > 1940 Census of White River in Woodruff County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbronUlais born about 1918
AdamsAuthor born about 1910
AdamsColleen born about 1915
AdamsGuy Rborn about 1877
AdamsJames Wborn about 1867
AdamsJohn Bborn about 1869
AdamsLizzie Jborn about 1891
AdamsMollie born about 1872
AdamsOdie born about 1916
AdamsViola born about 1885
AnthonyAlbin born about 1885
AnthonyAnnie born about 1888
AnthonyEdward born about 1939
AnthonyElizzie born about 1878
AnthonyEssie born about 1900
AnthonyEssie Bborn about 1927
AnthonyFannie Mborn about 1920
AnthonyForrest born about 1876
AnthonyJ Wborn about 1925
AnthonyJohn Hborn about 1932
AnthonyLouis Cborn about 1917
AnthonyMinnie born about 1883
AnthonyMinor born about 1890
AnthonyMinor Jr born about 1934
AnthonyR Lborn about 1921
AnthonyRobert born about 1915
AnthonyRuby born about 1917
AnthonySercie Leeborn about 1929
AnthonySue Eborn about 1911
AringtonRuth Mborn about 1925
AustinJ Warrenborn about 1922
AustinJames Rborn about 1924
AustinMollie born about 1901
AustinV Lborn about 1930
AustinWest born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagwellCornia born about 1903
BagwellElmel born about 1904
BagwellElmer Jr born about 1926
BagwellFannie born about 1909
BagwellImogene born about 1924
BagwellJanice born about 1928
BagwellJessie Aborn about 1905
BagwellRachel born about 1933
BagwellRena born about 1939
BagwellRoggie born about 1931
BagwellRuby born about 1928
BakerBilly Jborn about 1936
BakerOpal born about 1912
BakerTommy Cborn about 1939
BakerWilma Jborn about 1933
BarwellCleo born about 1915
BarwellRuby born about 1917
BarwellTimmie born about 1938
BatesBettie Jborn about 1933
BatesJames born about 1927
BatesJulia Aborn about 1935
BatesJulius born about 1895
BatesMary Sborn about 1924
BatesVival born about 1911
BeesonI Genevaborn about 1920
BeesonM Francisborn about 1939
BeesonWoodrow Sborn about 1919
BevelyFrancis born about 1927
BevelyGeraldine born about 1928
BevelyGranville born about 1903
BevelyMaggie born about 1907
BeverlyJennie born about 1866
BooneAlice born about 1911
BooneMartha born about 1924
BooneRoy born about 1885
BrandonAnna Mborn about 1913
BrantRockanna born about 1929
BrantVirgia Leeborn about 1934
BridgesElmo born about 1900
BridgesNettie born about 1911
BridgesWillie born about 1928
BriscoCeciz born about 1938
BriscoCornelia born about 1886
BriscoElevyn born about 1922
BriscoEmma born about 1922
BriscoErnest Lborn about 1939
BriscoEthel Bborn about 1927
BriscoJames Lborn about 1918
BriscoJewel born about 1920
BriscoLee born about 1915
BriscoLouvenia born about 1921
BriscoLula Bborn about 1919
BriscoRaymon born about 1893
BriscoRobert born about 1924
BriscoRosie born about 1896
BriscoTommie born about 1937
BriscoUlious born about 1886
BriscoUnis Mborn about 1939
BriscoWilliam born about 1917
BriscoWilson born about 1916
BrodgenArvel born about 1917
BrodgenCharles Mborn about 1935
BrodgenVelma born about 1915
BrooksLoraney Dborn about 1875
BrownFloyd Jborn about 1937
BrownFranklin Dborn about 1938
BrownLois Aborn about 1914
BrownMildred born about 1935
BrownMinus born about 1901
BrownNettie born about 1899
BucknerNishie born about 1886
BurrlAllie Cborn about 1888
BurrlCleo Lborn about 1927
BurrlClifford Eborn about 1922
BurrlHarve born about 1885
BurrlOakley Vborn about 1920
ButlerAnne Rborn about 1908
ButlerAuthor born about 1893
ButlerBessie born about 1904
ButlerBilly Mborn about 1924
ButlerElizabeth born about 1904
ButlerIrene born about 1933
ButlerJames born about 1909
ButlerJune born about 1930
ButlerLucille born about 1939
ButlerMary Lborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellAlice born about 1902
CaldwellMadeline born about 1925
CaldwellRalph born about 1880
CaldwellWilliam born about 1900
CampAllie born about 1892
CampR Aborn about 1921
CampVan born about 1884
CampWalter born about 1919
CampWanda Lborn about 1931
CanadaJames Cborn about 1901
CanadaMary born about 1903
CanadaNathaniel born about 1929
CanadaRaytha Fborn about 1934
CanadaWillie born about 1926
CannonCharles Hborn about 1926
CannonEthel Lborn about 1922
CannonIda born about 1888
CannonJames Nborn about 1885
CannonJoseph born about 1916
CannonMilan born about 1937
CannonOctavia born about 1918
CannonRuby born about 1920
CannonWilliam born about 1924
CannonYvonne born about 1936
CarterEthel born about 1900
CarterIra born about 1890
CarterShilet born about 1865
ClarkCap born about 1879
ClarkElnora born about 1919
ClarkJames born about 1937
ClarkRachael born about 1866
ClarkTaft born about 1908
ClarkWill Hborn about 1939
ClifftBessie born about 1907
ClifftCarl born about 1924
ClifftConway born about 1930
ClifftGerald born about 1926
ClifftJohn Dborn about 1940
ClifftJohn Wborn about 1908
ClifftLearnold Rborn about 1914
ClifftLenorald R Jrborn about 1938
ClifftPearl born about 1884
ClifftSybil born about 1915
ClifftSybil Dborn about 1938
ClifftTilton Rborn about 1880
CoffmanCora born about 1910
CoffmanDewey born about 1932
CoffmanMarion born about 1928
CoffmanMarvin born about 1909
CoffmanVelma Jborn about 1939
ColeFrancis born about 1932
ColeFulton born about 1922
ColeHicks born about 1892
ColeVelma born about 1893
ComerBud born about 1909
ComerHerbert born about 1937
ComerIda born about 1908
ComerLorene born about 1939
ComptonCorena born about 1887
ComptonElbert born about 1912
ComptonRueben Hborn about 1883
ComptonThurmae born about 1926
ComptonUnifae born about 1919
CookA Fborn about 1884
CookAlberta born about 1922
CookBirdie Lborn about 1888
CookEllen born about 1890
CookHerman born about 1917
CookLillie born about 1875
CookVirgil born about 1924
CookWayne born about 1919
CosseyBetty Lborn about 1931
CosseyCharles E Sborn about 1940
CosseyClenda Bborn about 1939
CosseyDorothy Jborn about 1933
CosseyEdgar Mborn about 1924
CosseyLonnie born about 1899
CosseyM Elizebethborn about 1928
CosseyM Lborn about 1920
CosseyMarvin Wborn about 1903
CosseyOra Bborn about 1904
CosseyRalph Wborn about 1926
CosseyThelma born about 1912
CosseyWilliam Lborn about 1869
CrocketDelia Mborn about 1920
CrocketHenry Aborn about 1937
CrocketMonroe born about 1939
CrocketSilas born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavidLee Lborn about 1900
DavidMinnie Lborn about 1937
DavidPearl Lborn about 1905
DavidPearl Lborn about 1935
DavisAlbert Oborn about 1911
DavisAlfred Tborn about 1936
DavisCalvin Jborn about 1939
DavisGuy born about 1901
DavisJessie Bborn about 1922
DavisL Tborn about 1933
DavisMary Lborn about 1920
DavisRalph Uborn about 1933
DavisRuby born about 1913
DavisWinsel Cborn about 1938
DawsonAda Maeborn about 1918
DawsonMary born about 1887
DawsonOwen Eborn about 1914
DicksonGeorge born about 1922
DicksonIda Mborn about 1926
DicksonMary born about 1890
DicksonR Cborn about 1928
DollisonClara born about 1902
DuncanAllie born about 1906
DuncanGeorge Eborn about 1886
DuncanVenita born about 1924
DunnAlton born about 1928
DunnCarol Jborn about 1933
DunnCharles born about 1931
DunnJimmie Lborn about 1939
DunnLavone born about 1925
DunnLuther born about 1902
DunnMary born about 1923
DuttonDorthy born about 1928
DuttonEmma born about 1888
DuttonJames Aborn about 1877
DuttonLaurley born about 1917
DuttonLenorad born about 1921
DuttonMary born about 1935
DuttonPatsy Jborn about 1937
DuttonWesley born about 1913
DuttonWesley Jr born about 1939

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E Surnames

EckwoodHattie Mborn about 1914
EckwoodJames born about 1903
EdwardsCornel born about 1938
EdwardsHeber born about 1911
EdwardsIrena born about 1919
EdwardsJosephine born about 1920
EdwardsJuanita born about 1939
EdwardsLula Bborn about 1937
EdwardsNeoma born about 1938
EdwardsOdell born about 1913
EdwardsRobert Lborn about 1935
EgestonFloyd born about 1922
EgestonMagnolia born about 1919
EgestonMagvolia born about 1889
EgestonRobert born about 1925
EgestonRuth born about 1929
EgestonSelector born about 1927
EgestonZollie born about 1885
EllisElvis born about 1916
EllisOpal born about 1919
EstesGeorge born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FortuneEwin born about 1912
FortuneGeraldine born about 1930
FortuneGlenn born about 1928
FortuneHazel born about 1924
FortuneLucille born about 1925
FortuneLuke born about 1890
FortuneSadie born about 1896
FosterEunice born about 1910
FosterJohn Jborn about 1892
FosterPolly Aborn about 1867
FosterW Haroldborn about 1925
FosterWilliam Bborn about 1865
FousheeTom born about 1909
FousheeViolet born about 1917
FranklinWalter born about 1922
FreeC Wborn about 1928
FreeEthel born about 1907
FreeEtnoe* born about 1906
FreeJames born about 1931
FreeJuanita born about 1925
FuletonSillie Bborn about 1912
FultonJoe born about 1885
FultonMagnolia born about 1911
FultonMatt born about 1907
FultonMollie born about 1886
FultonPauline born about 1928

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G Surnames

GantClara born about 1891
GantFloyd born about 1918
GantGeraldine born about 1922
GantGloradine born about 1922
GantHomer Lborn about 1934
GantJohn born about 1891
GantTheresa born about 1924
GantWalter Jborn about 1930
GardnerImogene born about 1923
GardnerJ Cborn about 1933
GardnerMinnie Oborn about 1925
GardnerOra born about 1896
GardnerPete Jborn about 1932
GardnerRuthie Mborn about 1928
GardnerWalter Jborn about 1897
GardnerWalter Lborn about 1935
GarnerAlbert born about 1896
GarnerBeulah born about 1904
GarnerHoyle born about 1924
GatisAudrey born about 1926
GibsonAru?? born about 1894
GibsonRuth born about 1895
GibsonVernell born about 1925
GillispieArmeda born about 1913
GillispieBenjamen born about 1936
GillispieBernice born about 1934
GillispieCora born about 1882
GillispieDorthy Mborn about 1936
GillispieElizabeth born about 1901
GillispieEllen born about 1902
GillispieGeorge born about 1907
GillispieGlory Bborn about 1928
GillispieIzola born about 1922
GillispieJames born about 1922
GillispieL Dborn about 1901
GillispieLynch born about 1897
GillispieMandy born about 1936
GillispieMollie born about 1883
GillispieNeoma born about 1923
GillispieRufus born about 1934
GillispieRuthie born about 1934
GillispieThelma born about 1930
GillispieTheolis* born about 1908
GillispieTommie born about 1876
GillispieVirl born about 1900
GillispieVirl Jr born about 1929
GillispieWillie Rdborn about 1938
GilmoreRaymond Eborn about 1938
GilmoreSybil born about 1914
GilmoreThurman Lborn about 1906
GingerBurba born about 1934
GingerChester born about 1874
GingerDeanie born about 1933
GingerErnest born about 1926
GingerHenry born about 1932
GingerIvy born about 1925
GingerJohn Jr born about 1935
GingerLaura born about 1900
GingerMary born about 1939
GingerOther born about 1936
GladneyJohnny Wborn about 1895
GladneyMary born about 1891
GleenCarrie born about 1935
GleenHenry born about 1905
GleenNettie Bborn about 1938
GoreBernice born about 1930
GoreBetty Jborn about 1934
GoreEdith born about 1908
GoreEtta Jborn about 1937
GoreLeon born about 1894
GoreLeon J Rborn about 1931
GoreLois born about 1928
GoreVerneal born about 1927
GoreWilliam Lborn about 1933
GradyFannie born about 1872
GradyLouis born about 1862
GrahamAlmon born about 1850
GrahamHanabal born about 1880
GrahamMarrica born about 1890
GranberryCharlie Mborn about 1919
GranberryFlora Lborn about 1911
GranberryHimmer born about 1891
GranberryJohn Eborn about 1917
GranberryRobert born about 1939
GrayR Benborn about 1878
GrayTina born about 1871
GreenEverett born about 1908
GreenJohn Fborn about 1877
GreenMabel born about 1904
GreenNellie born about 1915
GreenRosie Lborn about 1937
GreenStella born about 1884
GreenSylvester born about 1919
GreenThelma Fborn about 1939
GreenWill Mborn about 1887
GreenWillette born about 1936
GriffinLou born about 1895
GriffinRufus Tborn about 1888
GriffinStella born about 1922
GriffinWoodrow Tborn about 1918
GriffithDaisy born about 1937
GrishamCecil born about 1907
GrishamCharlie born about 1883
GrishamDorothy born about 1906
GrishamFrancis born about 1939
GrishamGlenn born about 1915
GrishamInez born about 1913
GrishamJack born about 1896
GrishamMaud born about 1903
GrishamMillie born about 1883
GrishamWalter Wborn about 1938
GrissomBernice born about 1930
GrissomEva born about 1905
GunnJames Aborn about 1902
GunnJoseph born about 1875
GunnRachel born about 1914
GunnSarah Jborn about 1908

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H Surnames

HackettBarlow born about 1868
HackettVella born about 1877
HallJ Cborn about 1922
HallJohn born about 1925
HamesEmma born about
HamptonE Jborn about 1935
HamptonL Bborn about 1934
HamptonLacy born about 1915
HamptonLee Boraborn about 1915
HamptonManne Rborn about 1936
HamptonRuby Nborn about 1938
HardawayAlberta born about 1914
HardawayClemal born about 1936
HardawayJames born about 1928
HardawayJames Sborn about 1900
HardawayLorena born about 1931
HardawayThelma born about 1933
HardawayTommie Lborn about 1938
HardinJoe Cborn about 1919
HarrisAlec born about 1881
HarrisCarrie born about 1887
HarrisElnora born about 1918
HarrisGolla Lborn about 1884
HarrisJessie born about 1884
HarrisW Edwardborn about 1918
HarrisWilburn born about 1909
HarwickJohnny Fborn about 1936
HarwickPaul Bborn about 1912
HarwickWinette born about 1919
HawksAaron born about 1917
HawksCharlie born about 1886
HawksClamon born about 1921
HawksDollie born about 1896
HawksFannie born about 1924
HawksHubert born about
HawksJosie born about 1928
HawksLottie born about 1934
HawksLula Bborn about 1922
HawksRuth born about 1932
HawksWesley born about 1914
HawksWillie born about 1926
HensleyBarney born about 1917
HensleyMarie born about 1921
HensonMary born about 1885
HerdMargie born about 1933
HerndonCatherine born about 1909
HerndonImogene born about 1937
HerndonJames Rborn about 1924
HerndonMassel born about 1899
HerndonPalestine born about 1935
HerndonRosevelt born about 1932
HerndonUgenia born about 1930
HighsawAlmon born about 1928
HighsawJames Aborn about 1924
HillAnne born about 1861
HinesAlma born about 1926
HinesCluff Aborn about 1907
HinesEster born about 1902
HinesLola Mborn about 1936
HinesLou Aborn about 1938
HixDoris Mborn about 1940
HixMyrtle Mborn about 1915
HixWilliam Mborn about 1914
HolisterHolbert born about 1905
HolisterHolbert Jr born about 1932
HolisterMabel Cborn about 1926
HolisterThelma Oborn about 1930
HollimanBetty born about 1939
HollimanJ Louisborn about 1900
HollimanLola born about 1926
HollimanMary born about 1900
HoltChester Rborn about 1920
HoneyDale born about 1933
HoneyJerry born about 1935
HoneyL Dborn about 1910
HoneyMaud born about 1907
HopkinsHazel born about 1919
HopkinsJack born about 1918
HopkinsShirley Aborn about 1940
HowardAcie born about 1937
HowardCharles Hborn about 1936
HowardErin born about 1937
HowardImogene born about 1939
HowardIrma Leeborn about 1919
HowardNathan born about 1912
HugginsTommie Hborn about 1914
HugginsVerneda born about 1912
HughesLizzie born about 1864

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I Surnames

ImbodenAmanda born about 1854

J Surnames

JacksonJ Wborn about 1936
JacksonW Lborn about 1933
JamesO Dborn about 1916
JenningHarold born about 1917
JenningRubye born about 1918
JenningsMae Wborn about 1898
JenningsMildred Fborn about 1928
JenningsWill Hborn about 1894
JohnseyVirgil born about 1921
JohnsonCharles Eborn about 1933
JohnsonJames Lborn about 1939
JohnsonMittie Fborn about 1909
JohnsonOtto Kborn about 1905
JohnstonRoxy Mborn about 1929
JohnstonWilliam born about 1930
JonesBeatrice born about 1902
JonesEdward Tborn about 1882
JonesIzetta born about 1892
JonesRay born about 1920
JonesWylie born about 1923

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K Surnames

KeeterAncel Gborn about 1897
KeeterDevoixell born about 1925
KeeterLowell born about 1922
KeeterMary born about 1901
KeeterMyarlee born about 1919
KeeterPeggy Jborn about 1939
KeeterV Marellborn about 1921
KeeterWanda Fborn about 1927
KeiserBobby Jborn about 1937
KeiserGene born about 1894
KisingerAmanda born about 1880
KisingerBobby Mborn about 1939
KisingerChristain Wborn about 1871
KisingerPernell born about 1917
KisingerStella Iborn about 1923
KlineDaisy born about 1931
KlineJoyce Eborn about 1934
KnightJames Wborn about 1915
KnightLouis Cborn about 1914
KnightW Willardborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LaddAllie born about 1886
LaddAnna Mborn about 1932
LaddBeulah born about 1904
LaddBilly Jborn about 1933
LaddBilly Oborn about 1939
LaddBobby Cborn about 1939
LaddBurley born about 1923
LaddBurlus born about 1920
LaddChester born about 1932
LaddDelois born about 1886
LaddDora born about 1889
LaddDoyle Wborn about 1939
LaddEdna born about 1922
LaddEveyln born about 1920
LaddGrover Mborn about 1911
LaddHazel born about 1912
LaddHenry Wborn about 1919
LaddHenry Jr born about 1938
LaddIrene born about 1931
LaddJ Eborn about 1929
LaddJ Henryborn about 1879
LaddJames born about 1921
LaddJames Eborn about 1934
LaddJessie born about 1930
LaddJohn Eborn about 1905
LaddJulius born about 1928
LaddJulvia Aborn about 1935
LaddKathleen born about 1937
LaddL Allanborn about 1922
LaddLouise born about 1934
LaddMary Jborn about 1877
LaddMollie born about 1909
LaddOdie Lborn about 1938
LaddOwen Cborn about 1913
LaddPaul Jborn about 1907
LaddVirginia born about 1918
LaddVivian born about 1916
LaddWilliam Bborn about 1911
LaddWilson born about 1926
LaskerClem Lborn about 1934
LaskerRoy Lborn about 1914
LasterBertha born about 1890
LasterHenry born about 1895
LasterLaura born about 1906
LasterOdie born about 1898
LasterPerry born about 1884
LawrenceDave Dborn about 1905
LawrenceErelene born about 1936
LawrencePearl born about 1905
LeamonMyrtle born about 1898
LeamonPaul born about 1929
LeamonPearl Dborn about 1891
LeamonTommy born about 1928
LigonsC Sborn about 1932
LigonsEdd Jborn about 1911
LigonsEddie Leeborn about 1939
LigonsJames born about 1937
LigonsSarah born about 1917
LingerHazel born about 1920
LingerSimon born about 1877
LivingstonAuthor born about 1885
LivingstonIrene born about 1890
LockwoodGolden born about 1894
LockwoodJosie born about 1900
LoganLucinda born about 1895
LoganMarzorar born about 1922
LondAlec born about 1893
LooneyBillie Jborn about 1925
LooneyDorothy born about 1928
LooneyMae born about 1902
LooneyTom Jborn about 1893
LouisWillie born about 1930

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M Surnames

MaconCharles born about 1911
MaconCharles Jr born about 1934
MaconElla Bborn about 1936
MaconErma Lborn about 1931
MaconFloyd Lborn about 1929
MaconRuth Mborn about 1914
MartinAnne born about 1876
MartinHope Aborn about 1923
MartinJohnston Jborn about 1871
MartinLane Gborn about 1925
MartinSusie Jborn about 1897
MastersCoy born about 1923
MastersDoy born about 1923
MastersEtta born about 1893
MastersMaideen born about 1931
MastersSherman Hborn about 1892
MathisMaud born about 1892
MathisWilliam Rborn about 1890
MathisWolford born about 1922
MatlockElvin born about 1919
MatlockJ Dborn about 1914
MatlockVadae born about 1885
MattaxBetty Jborn about 1935
McAnnellyCharlie born about 1885
McAnnellyClaudie born about 1886
McAnnellyHoward born about 1940
McAnnellyMargie born about 1924
McAnnellyMollie born about 1917
McCoyAdolph born about 1927
McCoyEdd Rborn about 1929
McCoyLou Bborn about 1867
McCoyR Jborn about 1931
McCoyWill Hborn about 1939
McCoyWinnie born about 1880
McDonaldAlpha born about 1894
McDonaldAlpha Jr born about 1925
McDonaldChester Fborn about 1938
McDonaldMary Eborn about 1902
McDonaldWalter Oborn about 1926
McDonaldZeffie Mborn about 1928
McDougalCorine born about 1938
McDougalIra born about 1916
McDougalOdeline born about 1917
McDougalOdis born about 1938
McDougalWillie born about 1937
McKinneyEdd born about 1891
McKinneyElmer Rborn about 1939
McKinneyEssie Mborn about 1910
McKinneyGladys born about 1917
McKinneyJames Wborn about 1896
McKinneyKenneth born about 1919
McKinneyMary born about 1902
McKinzeRoberta born about 1865
McPhersonAlbert born about 1890
McPhersonMary born about 1903
MedleyFrancis born about 1935
MedleyFrank born about 1892
MedleyMollie born about 1898
MedleyShirley born about 1940
MichaelsLawrence born about 1921
MichaelsLester born about 1888
MillerCalvin born about 1939
MillerErline born about 1919
MinnitAnna Lborn about 1915
MinnitR Tborn about 1923
MinnitSam born about 1917
MinorAlice born about 1891
MinorChristina born about 1938
MinorErnestine born about 1918
MinorJ Eborn about 1936
MinorJessie Wborn about 1926
MinorK Vborn about 1921
MinorKeath born about 1882
MinorRell born about 1910
MinorWillie Hborn about 1938
MooreClarence Eborn about 1876
MooreIda Bborn about 1932
MooreJohnny Lborn about 1936
MooreLeona born about 1873
MooreMars Eborn about 1934
MooreMary Jborn about 1888
MooreMatt born about 1890
MooreNovela born about 1912
MoorePaul born about 1910
MooreRuthie Lborn about 1938
MooreSusie born about 1891
MoranCamille born about 1915
MoranGanes born about 1904
MorganLizzie born about 1923
MorganMinnie Mborn about 1939
MorganNellie born about 1858
MorrisonCora Cborn about 1883
MorrisonHenry born about 1881
MuirEva born about 1904
MuirFrancie Jborn about 1938
MuirGuy born about 1902
MuirL Bborn about 1933
MuirLena Mborn about 1927
MurryAmanda born about 1894
MurryAuthor Jborn about 1929
MurryBuddy born about 1918
MurryBuelah born about 1935
MurryBurke Aborn about 1926
MurryDavid born about 1934
MurryElmer born about 1939
MurryElmo born about 1922
MurryHelen born about 1937
MurryJessie born about 1914
MurryJessie Wborn about 1939
MurryJoseph born about 1932
MurryLovderie born about 1925
MurryMaud born about 1920
MurryMilt born about 1884

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N Surnames

NathanJoe born about 1923
NealAlvin born about 1939
NealAnderson born about 1917
NealAndy born about 1887
NealArnetta born about 1933
NealAuthor born about 1878
NealBuck born about 1893
NealChester born about 1915
NealCleola born about 1923
NealCleola born about 1928
NealDewitt born about 1923
NealDotsy Mborn about 1929
NealE Gborn about 1923
NealEliza Mborn about 1933
NealEloise born about 1927
NealElwanda born about 1938
NealFreda Maeborn about 1917
NealFredie born about 1936
NealGarland Jborn about 1939
NealGracie born about 1917
NealHattie born about 1915
NealJames Wborn about 1927
NealJewel born about 1921
NealLemorn born about 1936
NealLouise born about 1934
NealLouvenia born about 1909
NealMargaret born about 1919
NealMary Lborn about 1902
NealOcia born about 1907
NealOnnie Pborn about 1940
NealPattsy born about 1905
NealPriscilla born about 1887
NealR Bborn about 1919
NealReba Mborn about 1931
NealRobert born about 1909
NealRobert Eborn about 1939
NealRobert Lborn about 1938
NealRosevelt born about 1907
NealRuby born about 1922
NealRueben born about 1885
NealRufus born about 1905
NealRuthie born about 1930
NealSavanah born about 1880
NealTommie Lborn about 1924
NealWesley born about 1932
NealWilla Mapborn about 1928
NorwoodBrooks born about 1923
NorwoodClaud born about 1891
NorwoodCorneulus born about 1923
NorwoodEdwin born about 1938
NorwoodFannie born about 1886
NorwoodGladys born about 1926
NorwoodHazel born about 1902
NorwoodJ Sidborn about 1880
NorwoodMartha born about 1929
NorwoodVale born about 1919
NorwoodWayne born about 1932
NorwoodWendell born about 1935

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O Surnames

OdomA Dborn about 1939
OdomA Dockborn about 1878
OdomDorothy born about 1936
OdomJessie born about 1907
OdomJulice born about 1927
OdomWilliam Rborn about 1900
OdomWilliam Jr born about 1926
OguinEdd born about 1892
OguinFaye born about 1892
OguinT Hborn about 1930
OshieldsBobby born about 1937
OshieldsForrest born about 1892
OshieldsJames born about 1939
OshieldsJohn Bborn about 1937
OshieldsJolly Jborn about 1913
OshieldsLorene born about 1920
OshieldsLouise born about 1920
OshieldsMyrtle born about 1883
OshieldsOdell born about 1915
OshieldsRobi Dborn about 1939
OshieldsWilliam born about 1915
OverstreetFrancis born about 1917
OverstreetGrace born about 1902
OverstreetWesley Bborn about 1909
OverstreetWill Dborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageHenry Lborn about 1932
PageIke born about 1912
PageIrene born about 1916
PageLois Rborn about 1933
PageRosal born about 1907
PageRueben born about 1907
ParisLonnie born about 1926
ParisSam born about 1929
ParrisScipio born about 1934
PeeblesBetty Joborn about 1928
PeeblesBilly born about 1930
PeeblesBurt born about 1896
PeeblesCarmon born about 1922
PeeblesEarle born about 1932
PeeblesElliot born about 1938
PeeblesEwell born about 1940
PeeblesJean born about 1925
PeeblesRuth born about 1902
PeeblesTommie born about 1935
PiersonCatherine born about 1923
PiersonErnest born about 1916
PiersonEv?ie born about 1921
PiersonEwdin born about 1918
PiersonMinnie Lborn about 1921
PiersonR Cborn about 1920
PiersonVinnie born about 1880
PittsJimmie born about 1890
PittsWillie born about 1884
PondexterBeatrice born about 1887
PondexterFred born about 1886
PondextorCallie born about 1911
PondextorJ Wborn about 1910
PrewittGladys born about 1910
PrewittJames Aborn about 1904
PryorAda Bborn about 1927
PryorBonnie Rborn about 1929
PryorEthel born about 1902
PryorKatie Bborn about 1937
PryorMaxine born about 1925
PryorMonroe born about 1897
PryorRoger born about 1933
PryorWilliam Mborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaynoldsPrincella born about 1929
ReadPennslavinia born about 1898
ReadWalter born about 1896
ReaganDolphe born about 1917
ReaganElvia born about 1896
ReaganEthel born about 1929
ReaganWilliam born about 1885
ReynoldAda born about 1915
ReynoldEthel Mborn about 1937
ReynoldEugene born about 1931
ReynoldJoan born about 1937
ReynoldM Lborn about 1938
ReynoldMarion Cborn about 1908
ReynoldOlie Bborn about 1933
ReynoldR Bborn about 1932
ReynoldRuthie Mborn about 1929
ReynoldsBee born about 1936
ReynoldsEdna born about 1907
ReynoldsL Jborn about 1934
ReynoldsRegena born about 1935
RichardsonBen born about 1885
RigginsEarle born about 1927
RigginsEmma Jborn about 1930
RigginsGert Mborn about 1933
RigginsJohn born about 1895
RigginsJohn Dborn about 1920
RigginsLeathe born about 1909
RigginsMarise born about 1939
RigginsWillie Eborn about 1921
RobertsDewey born about 1910
RobertsDonald born about 1937
RobertsHester born about 1920
RobisonHenritta born about 1909
RobisonJennie born about 1885
RobisonLige born about 1890
RobisonLilie born about 1917
RobisonWillie born about 1907
RosnerJennie born about 1865
RossBill born about 1871
RouseCharlie Eborn about 1876
RouseClyde Eborn about 1909
RouseJulie Aborn about 1854
RouseMaggie born about 1876
RouseWalter Dborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SantJohn Eborn about 1917
SantPauline born about 1914
ShawGeorge Pborn about 1870
ShawJames Mborn about 1884
ShipmanBertie born about 1890
ShipmanGeorge Nborn about 1886
ShipmanJehue born about 1910
ShipmanLucile born about 1910
ShipmanMaxine born about 1929
SikesAsa Leeborn about 1910
SikesJames born about 1873
SikesLouis Jr born about 1928
SikesTillman born about 1903
SimmonsFrancis born about 1937
SimmonsFranklin Dborn about 1935
SimmonsGrady born about 1873
SimmonsIdell born about 1908
SimmonsLois born about 1913
SimmonsLucian born about 1910
SimmonsLucian Jr born about 1939
SimmonsMatilda born about 1878
SimmonsMillicent born about 1933
SimpsonCatherine born about 1924
SimpsonGuy born about 1900
SimpsonSadie born about 1918
SliterArchie born about 1911
SliterAuthor born about 1914
SliterCarl born about 1920
SliterElyme born about 1924
SliterEthel born about 1917
SliterGeorge born about 1883
SliterPaul born about 1922
SnappJohn Hborn about 1877
SnappRosalee born about 1894
StenetAlfe born about 1930
StenetHurley born about 1923
StjohnVirgie born about 1913
StoneAgnes born about 1903
StoneAileen born about 1937
StoneChristina born about 1935
StoneEugene born about 1931
StoneJames Bborn about 1933
StoneJoe Tborn about 1926
StoneLorene born about 1928
StoneOdell born about 1939
StrangeA Greenborn about 1873
StrangeBertha Mborn about 1898
StrangeCharles Eborn about 1938
StrangeChristina born about 1922
StrangeClinton born about 1926
StrangeEdd born about 1917
StrangeHenry born about 1898
StrangeJames Lkborn about 1901
StrangeMabel born about 1920
StrangeMary Eborn about 1885
StrangePeggy Jborn about 1940
StrengeAndrew Gborn about 1927
StrengeBill born about 1924
StrengeJ Aborn about 1930
StrengeJane born about 1906
StrengeJohn born about 1900
StrengePearly Jborn about 1934
StrengeRuby Leeborn about 1930
SutterfieldJ Oborn about 1908
SwansonFreda Mborn about 1926
SwansonLittie born about 1903
SwansonLonnie born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBert Iborn about 1928
TaylorBerte born about 1899
TaylorEvelyn born about 1930
TaylorFranklin Kborn about 1939
TaylorJoe Tborn about 1914
TaylorMarvin Rborn about 1925
TaylorMary Eborn about 1920
TaylorMary Tborn about 1910
ThomasBuster born about 1920
ThomasCora born about 1898
ThomasDorothy born about 1917
ThomasEdmon Dborn about 1926
ThomasFrank Lborn about 1894
ThomasPhillis Jborn about 1938
ThomasRaymond born about 1915
ThompsonCornell born about 1934
ThompsonEbbie born about 1882
ThompsonEdward born about 1924
ThompsonEdward born about 1939
ThompsonElica born about 1927
ThompsonEssie Mborn about 1922
ThompsonForrestine born about 1936
ThompsonHanry Mborn about 1938
ThompsonLela born about 1906
ThompsonMable born about 1920
ThompsonWalter born about 1916
TidwellHollis born about 1916
TillmanSikes born about 1903
TownsendAuthor born about 1923
TownsendJessie born about 1912
TownsendOcea born about 1876
TownsendW Mborn about 1926
TrippAnne Lborn about 1932
TrippBragg born about 1926
TrippBragg Dborn about 1877
TrippE Bborn about 1924
TrippEarle born about 1899
TrippEmmadine born about 1934
TrippEthel Mborn about 1920
TrippForrest born about 1887
TrippForrest born about 1915
TrippFred born about 1911
TrippFred Lborn about 1917
TrippGerta Bborn about 1917
TrippHazel born about 1922
TrippHelen born about 1918
TrippHenry Lborn about 1939
TrippHenry Mborn about 1939
TrippIda born about 1890
TrippIke born about 1850
TrippImogene born about 1934
TrippJames Aborn about 1882
TrippJames Bborn about 1875
TrippJames Eborn about 1929
TrippJames Lborn about 1937
TrippJohnny Cborn about 1938
TrippJonnie Lborn about 1935
TrippJosephine born about 1910
TrippJoyce born about 1936
TrippJune born about 1934
TrippL Cborn about 1928
TrippLeroy born about 1915
TrippLillian born about 1887
TrippLois born about 1936
TrippMargaret born about 1938
TrippMartha born about 1859
TrippMattie born about 1901
TrippMinnie Lborn about 1938
TrippRillar Lborn about 1936
TrippRoy born about 1919
TrippSarah born about 1870
TrippSearcy Lborn about 1912
TrippTom born about 1906
TrippVerva Leeborn about 1905
TuckerCharley born about 1908
TuckerCharley Jr born about 1935
TuckerCorean born about 1939
TuckerGeorgeaner born about 1911
TuckerHattie born about 1891
TuckerIdella born about 1882
TuckerLorene born about 1939
TuckerLou Ida Bborn about 1932
TuckerMabel born about 1918
TuckerMarcie born about 1923
TuckerNapoleon born about 1916
TuckerRichard born about 1917
TuckerTheresa born about 1921
TuckerTom Hborn about 1937
TysonElevyn born about 1933
TysonFrancis Lborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValentineRener born about 1907
VanceLehmon Jr born about 1937
VanceLemmon born about 1912
VanceMalinda born about 1917
VaughnMary Lborn about 1935
VaughnOscar Fborn about 1894
VaughnWinnie Mborn about 1906

W Surnames

WardHattie born about 1883
WarnerBettie born about 1860
WashingtonMalinda born about 1875
WeathermanCora born about 1890
WeathermanGeorge born about 1891
WellsBertha born about 1923
WellsEdward born about 1913
WellsJoan born about 1938
WellsKee Hborn about 1919
WellsLotta Mborn about 1939
WellsRaymond Jborn about 1912
WellsWanda Cborn about 1936
WellsWilma Bborn about 1940
WessonBobby Jborn about 1937
WessonBooker born about 1914
WessonCamille born about 1924
WessonCarrie born about 1875
WessonCarrie Mborn about 1930
WessonCharles born about 1937
WessonDemple born about 1912
WessonElijah born about 1924
WessonErma Jborn about 1934
WessonJames born about 1929
WessonJohn born about 1875
WessonJohnny Hborn about 1913
WessonLeandrow born about 1901
WessonOphela born about 1913
WessonOratius born about 1927
WessonRoddy born about 1903
WessonRosie born about 1905
WessonTommie Lborn about 1916
WessonWill born about 1904
WestC Lborn about 1921
WestElgirta born about 1922
WestWilma Lborn about 1939
WheelerOllie Jborn about 1904
WheelerVirgil Aborn about 1892
WhiteAcie born about 1938
WhiteArie born about 1870
WhiteBarbra born about 1865
WhiteBeedie born about 1910
WhiteCaretha born about 1927
WhiteCasa Lborn about 1923
WhiteCharles born about 1920
WhiteCharles Hborn about 1937
WhiteClaud born about 1928
WhiteCreacy born about 1921
WhiteDeanne Eborn about 1936
WhiteDora born about 1897
WhiteDoris born about
WhiteErnest born about 1922
WhiteImogene born about 1936
WhiteLacy born about 1925
WhiteLear Lborn about 1922
WhiteLitchie born about 1902
WhiteLouis Hborn about 1937
WhiteMaud born about 1904
WhiteMildred born about 1929
WhiteMinnie born about 1911
WhiteNishie born about 1922
WhiteRosal Hborn about 1927
WhiteTom born about 1902
WhiteTom Jr born about 1933
WhiteTommie born about 1899
WhiteVernice born about 1934
WhiteW Lborn about 1924
WhiteWalter born about 1898
WhiteWalter Jr born about 1936
WhiteWillie Bborn about 1931
WhiteWinfield born about 1896
WhiteheadBessie Lborn about 1937
WhiteheadBetty Lborn about 1932
WhiteheadBilly Jborn about 1935
WhiteheadBurnie Lborn about 1927
WhiteheadClifton born about 1913
WhiteheadClytus born about 1922
WhiteheadDemus born about 1924
WhiteheadEmory born about 1917
WhiteheadErdeel born about 1920
WhiteheadEsker born about 1916
WhiteheadEttar born about 1910
WhiteheadFlornie Lborn about 1929
WhiteheadGay born about 1901
WhiteheadGladys born about 1919
WhiteheadJames Aborn about 1937
WhiteheadJames Mborn about 1890
WhiteheadJosie born about 1918
WhiteheadKathleen born about 1936
WhiteheadLois born about 1936
WhiteheadLucille born about 1916
WhiteheadLuther Gborn about 1900
WhiteheadMargie born about 1917
WhiteheadMelton born about 1927
WhiteheadMollie born about 1889
WhiteheadPerry Jborn about 1893
WhiteheadRuby born about 1923
WhiteheadTalmadge born about 1932
WhiteheadThomas born about 1939
WhiteheadVermon born about 1921
WhiteheadWilliam E Rborn about 1880
WhittElla born about 1908
WhittGracie born about 1925
WhittJ Cborn about 1933
WhittMargaret born about 1935
WhittMarie born about 1927
WhittNorma Mborn about 1937
WhittRichard born about 1930
WhittWilliam Cborn about 1903
WilliamAileen born about 1889
WilliamJulia born about 1922
WilliamRoger born about 1887
WilliamRoger Cborn about 1932
WilliamsB Hborn about 1921
WilliamsClarence born about 1919
WilliamsErnest born about 1930
WilliamsH Oborn about 1914
WilliamsHenry Mborn about 1892
WilliamsHerbert Lborn about 1925
WilliamsJ Eborn about 1917
WilliamsMargaret born about 1895
WilliamsMary born about 1899
WilliamsRuth Oborn about 1937
WilliamsTommy Lborn about 1929
WilliamsUlla Maeborn about 1926
WilliamsWilliam born about 1926
WilliamsonInez born about 1916
WilliamsonNorman born about 1914
WilliamsonVelva Rborn about 1939
WilsonColumbus born about 1933
WoodellGerldine born about 1933
WoodellHelen Fborn about 1939
WoodellIma born about 1920
WoodellJ Cborn about 1935
WoodellRobert Eborn about 1911
WoodellSherman born about 1937
WoodsEthel born about 1888
WoodsEthel Lborn about 1931
WoodsHenry born about 1933
WoodsJames born about 1913
WoodsLucillp born about 1935
WoodsMary born about 1915
WoodsRose Eborn about 1925
WoodsVelma born about 1937
WoodsWalter born about 1928
WoodsWillie Jborn about 1927
WordCorneulus born about 1926
WordThomas born about 1898
WordUlaler born about 1900
WrenAudrey born about 1910
WrenEllin born about 1907
WrenEthel Mborn about 1938
WrenHenry Lborn about 1939
WrenM Beatriceborn about 1934
WrenNettie Bborn about 1934
WrenOra born about 1899
WrenReatha Mborn about 1939
WrenRosevelt born about 1935
WrenRosie born about 1917
WrenWill Mborn about 1911

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