Newark Genealogy (in Independence County, AR)

USA (1,380,571) > Arkansas (27,979) > Independence County (466) > Newark (41)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Newark are also found through the Independence County and Arkansas pages.

Newark Cemetery Records

Akron Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Blue Springs Cemetery Arkansas Gravestones online

Blue Springs Cemetery Find a Grave online

Blue Springs Cemetery - Part 1 US Gen Web Archives online

Blue Springs Cemetery - Part 2 US Gen Web Archives online

Buck Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Buck Cemetery Find a Grave online

Dorr Cemetery Find a Grave online

Duggar Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Dugger Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Dugger Cemetery Arkansas Gravestones online

Dugger Cemetery Find a Grave online

Eaves Cemetery Arkansas Gravestones online

Eaves Cemetery Find a Grave online

Edwards Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Edwards Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gravestone inscriptions from the Willow Avenue Cemetery, North Main Street, Newark, Wayne County, New York WorldCat

Holcombe Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Inscriptions from gravestones in the East Newark cemetery at Newark, Wayne County, New York WorldCat

Macedonia Cemetery Find a Grave online

Macedonia Cemetery US Gen Web Archives online

Marriage & death records from The Newark Weekly Courier, 1869-1873 WorldCat

Mt. Zion Cemetery --near Newark US Gen Web Archives online

Newark Cedar Hill cemetery, Newark, Ohio, Licking County. WorldCat

Newark Church Records

History of Hillside, N.J. and vicinity : including Lyons Farms, Salem, Saybrook and early history of Newark and Elizabethtown WorldCat

Newark Cedar Hill cemetery, Newark, Ohio, Licking County. WorldCat

Records of the First Presbyterian Church of Newark. WorldCat

Newark Death Records

Marriage & death records from The Newark Weekly Courier, 1869-1873 WorldCat

Newark Histories and Genealogies

A history of Newark, Arkansas : the story of a town, the personality of a people FamilySearch Library

History of Hillside, N.J. and vicinity : including Lyons Farms, Salem, Saybrook and early history of Newark and Elizabethtown WorldCat

Newark Map Records

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newark, Independence County, Arkansas, August 1938 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newark, Independence County, Arkansas, March 1919 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Newark, Independence County, Arkansas, May 1913 Library of Congress online

Newark Marriage Records

Marriage & death records from The Newark Weekly Courier, 1869-1873 WorldCat

Newark Newspapers and Obituaries

Marriage & death records from The Newark Weekly Courier, 1869-1873 WorldCat

Newark Journal 1902-1922 online

Newark journal 01/10/1902 to 07/13/1922 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Newark

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Newark Journal. (Newark, Ark.) 1901-1959

Tri County Journal. (Newark, Ark.) 1976-1980

Newark School Records

Newark High School yearbook, 1981, 1983, 2002 Classmates online

Newark High School yearbook, 1981, 1983, 2002 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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