1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cochise, Cochise, Arizona

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USA > Arizona > Cochise County > 1940 Census of Cochise

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlonsoElva born about 1913
AmadorManuel born about 1912
AmadorManuel born about 1936
AmadorMary born about 1911
AmadorRudolph born about 1938

B Surnames

BarkedaleAlton born about 1898
BarkedaleBonnie born about 1922
BarkedaleVeta born about 1904
BarreraMaria Sborn about 1904
BarreraSusana Mborn about 1902
BarronCherry Sborn about 1906
BarronGeral Eborn about 1931
BarronNina Lborn about 1925
BartoschJoe Fborn about 1906
BenderachDan born about 1917
BenderachMato born about 1878
BenderachMeliva Mborn about 1918
BenderachVuknava Mborn about 1897
BeverlyElva Cborn about 1912
BorzCeiel Lborn about 1906
BorzViola Mborn about 1908
BowersCharles Rborn about 1940
BowersMargaret born about 1912
BowersRobert Aborn about 1911
BynonHenry Hborn about 1897

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C Surnames

CamarenaMaria Mborn about 1900
CamargoGabriela born about 1905
CareyJessie Mborn about 1898
CareyWanda Lborn about 1927
CarsonHugh Rborn about 1870
ChristensenCarl born about 1913
ChristianEdward Lborn about 1884
ConleyAbbie Lborn about 1900
ConleyEdward born about 1897
CooperCalvin born about 1913
CottenJosie Pborn about 1918
CraigDoderic Sborn about 1917
CrouseGrace Sborn about 1904
CrouseMatt Pborn about 1906
CrousePatricia Aborn about 1936

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D Surnames

DalbineIsabelle born about 1923
DalbineManley born about 1910
DavisRichard born about 1880
DicrkingOtto Dborn about 1911
DouthettJames Cborn about 1917
DowdenGarnet Mborn about 1903
DowdenHelen Kborn about 1923
DowdenMarion Fborn about 1938
DowdenNancy Jborn about 1939
DowdenPatricia Jborn about 1936
DowdenThomas Mborn about 1897
DunawayDennis Gborn about 1906
DunawayFrank Wborn about 1915

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E Surnames

EdwardsBarbara Jborn about 1935
EdwardsDaisy Lborn about 1913
EdwardsHugh Wborn about 1911
EdwardsMarolyn Rborn about 1938
EttlingerJames Wborn about 1868

F Surnames

FergusonHugh Tborn about 1919
ForemanCarl Eborn about 1897
ForemanIrene born about 1911
ForemanWayne Eborn about 1939
FortnerLucille born about 1884
FortnerWilliam Iborn about 1872

G Surnames

GallionJosephine Bborn about 1890
GibsonGeorge Eborn about 1883
GincoletteDominic Pborn about 1916
GincoletteNell Vborn about 1919
GrahamEuginia Lborn about 1888
GrogonAngie born about 1883
GrogonSteve born about 1879
GuinnJoseph Pborn about 1914

H Surnames

HargisDorothea Lborn about 1913
HargisRobert Wborn about 1905
HarveyDonald Lborn about 1901
HaskerMarie Jborn about 1884
HeathEdgar Hborn about 1900
HeathEdgar H Jrborn about 1922
HeathRuby Eborn about 1915
HermanAlbert Jborn about 1876
HernandezLidia born about 1931
HernandezPedro born about 1936
HicksCharles Wborn about 1860
HicksMary Aborn about 1866
HixAudrey Aborn about 1921
HixNorman born about 1912
HollandMae born about 1914
HoutamakiAugust born about 1895
HoutamakiMarie Aborn about 1902
HunteArthur born about 1939
HunteCarmen born about 1936
HunteEduviges born about 1902
HunteFrank born about 1927
HunteIgnacio born about 1922
HunteLouis born about 1924
HunteMargie born about 1930
HunteMercy born about 1925
HunteSarah born about 1920

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J Surnames

JordanConrad Hborn about 1909
JordanMartha born about 1868

K Surnames

KasovietHarry born about 1913
KasovietJohn born about 1893
KeartCharles born about 1892
KensingBenjamin Fborn about 1907
KensingMary Fborn about 1915
KirkopulosJohn Dborn about 1887
KutscherauxAlexander Wborn about 1902
KutscherauxAlexander W Jrborn about 1938
KutscherauxJudith Tborn about 1937
KutscherauxMyrtle Tborn about 1912

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L Surnames

LaneWilliam Wborn about 1920
LeeJames Gborn about 1887
LeeNeva Eborn about 1886
LewisLloyd Gborn about 1919
LewisNaomi Mborn about 1923
LinesNellie Sborn about 1888
LofgreenJoseph Kborn about 1916
LofgreenRobert Eborn about 1939
LofgreenVirginia born about 1920
LopezMaria Aborn about 1898

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M Surnames

MaleneMary Mborn about 1912
MaleneWillis Dborn about 1895
MansfieldC P Jrborn about 1912
MarinezFrancisco Sborn about 1877
MarinezJoseph Pborn about 1880
MarinezWilfred Pborn about 1915
MartinZula Eborn about 1892
MartinezEva born about 1917
MartinezGloria born about 1927
MartinezJean born about 1922
MartinezMagdalena born about 1917
MartinezPeter born about 1923
McBrideDilia born about 1909
McBrideWanda Mborn about 1925
McConnickOttis Aborn about 1909
McDanielLeonard Lborn about 1907
McElhsneyWilliam Rborn about 1931
McGinnisLois Aborn about 1918
MitchellJoyce Eborn about 1888
MitchellMatilda born about 1874
MitchellRobert Fborn about 1926
MitchellRobert Oborn about 1881
MontgomeryRose born about 1917
MoseleyMora Lborn about 1881
MurrellRosa born about 1874

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N Surnames

NevarezElvira born about 1923

O Surnames

OgdenElizabeth born about 1885
OgdenRobert Stanleyborn about 1928
OrtizBert born about 1913

P Surnames

PalmerAlice Mborn about 1902
PalmerCharles Fborn about 1908
ParrisElsie Pborn about 1909
ParrisOscar Lborn about 1907
PedersonNellie Mborn about 1917
PetersonGlen Fborn about 1895
PinneyJohn born about 1914
PolglazeRichard born about 1857
PolglazeThirza born about 1861
PriceMelba Mborn about 1912

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R Surnames

RichardDorothy born about 1924
RidgewayAlfred Rborn about 1896
RidgewayAlfred Tborn about 1921
RidgewayMary Aborn about 1900
RiversAnuncidcion born about 1912
RosokIngwald Aborn about 1876
RosokMarie Lborn about 1889
RosokNorman Mborn about 1915

S Surnames

SandersEdith born about 1898
SchandelmeierGeorge Jborn about 1915
SchandelmeierSaline born about 1920
ScherrerEthel Sborn about 1886
ScherrerFrederick Aborn about 1884
ScherrerRoy Sborn about 1925
SchmittAdele born about 1883
SharpNina Mborn about 1882
SnodgrassLuella born about 1885
StapletonAice Jborn about 1892
StapletonEva Eborn about 1897

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T Surnames

TalamantesClara Iborn about 1900
TalamantesEloy born about 1924
TalamantesGonzala Gborn about 1897
TalamantesJessie born about 1926
TalamantesLucille born about 1919
TalamantesRoy born about 1920
TenneyEmma Oborn about 1912
TenneyFrank Nborn about 1927
TenneyJohn Wborn about 1903
TenneyMelda born about 1939
TenneyNorene born about 1925
TenneyReed Wborn about 1921
TenneyRita born about 1933
TolandJesse Tborn about 1876

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V Surnames

VerjenickEva Roseborn about 1928
VerjenickJohn born about 1930
VerjenickMatt born about 1931
VerjenickRose born about 1909

W Surnames

WagerOlive Lborn about 1879
WalkerAlton Eborn about 1914
WalkerArhtur Dborn about 1920
WallaceCamilla born about 1874
WaltersAdolph born about 1924
WaltersJohn born about 1907
WaltersMary born about 1883
WarsingGeorge Dborn about 1897
WarsingSnodith Mborn about 1898
WilliamsHarold Fborn about 1919
WilsonEvelyn born about 1913
WilsonLannie Jborn about 1935
WilsonThomas Vborn about 1894
WrightSadie Lborn about 1914
WrightWilliam Aborn about 1912
WrightWillie Lborn about 1939

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Y Surnames

YarboroughAnges Mborn about 1907
YarboroughHelen Lborn about 1919
YarboroughWesley Lborn about 1918
YarboroughWilliam Wborn about 1896
YorkJames Bborn about 1873

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