Central City Genealogy (in Gilpin County, CO)

USA (1,380,571) > Colorado (13,762) > Gilpin County (207) > Central City (78)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Central City are also found through the Gilpin County and Colorado pages.

Cemetery Records Church Records City Directories Histories and Genealogies Map Records Military Records Miscellaneous Records Newspapers and Obituaries School Records

Central City Cemetery Records

Bald Mountain Cemetery, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Catholic Cemetery Find a Grave online

Catholic Cemetery Colorado Gravestones online

Catholic Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Catholic Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

Catholic Cemetery, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Central City Cemetery Find a Grave online

Central City Cemetery Interment online

Central City Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

City Cemetery, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Foresters Cemetery Billion Graves online

Forresters Cemetery Find a Grave online

Gravestone inscription and cemetery records of Colorado FamilySearch Library

Knights of Pythias Cemetery Find a Grave online

Knights of Pythias Cemetery Colorado Gravestones online

Knights of Pythias Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Knights of Pythias Cemetery, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Knights of Pythius Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

Masonic Cemetery Find a Grave online

Masonic Cemetery Billion Graves online

Masonic Cemetery Colorado Gravestones online

Masonic Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Masonic Cemetery, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Redman Lodge Cemetery Find a Grave online

Rocky Mountain #2 IOOF Cemetery Woodmen of the World Burials Interment online

Rocky Mountain Independent Order of Oddfellows Lodge Number 2 Cemetery Genealogy Trails online

Rocky Mountain Number 2 Cemetery Find a Grave online

Central City Church Records

First Presbyterian Church, Baptisms, Births, Marriages, 1904-1917 (in US Presbyterian Church Records collection) Ancestry online

Central City City Directories

Central Business Directory 1871 Genealogy Trails online

Central City Directory 1884-5 Genealogy Trails online

Central City Directory 1910 Genealogy Trails online

Central Directory 1871 Genealogy Trails online

Colorado Business Directory 1911, Central City US Gen Web Archives online

Central City Histories and Genealogies

Re-built Central : a glance at its past and present, with some predictions of its future, based upon the past FamilySearch Library

Central City Map Records

Map of great western Central City, 1887 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado, August 1886 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado, August 1895 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado, December 1890 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Central City, Gilpin County, Colorado, November 1900 Library of Congress online

Central City Military Records

Civil War GAR Ellsworth Post 20 Genealogy Trails online

Central City Miscellaneous Records

Advices received of money orders drawn upon the post office at Mountain City, Territory of Colorado, February 19, 1866 to September 29, 1874 FamilySearch Library

Register of domestic and British international money orders issued at the post office at Central City, Colorado FamilySearch Library

Central City Newspapers and Obituaries

Filter By Year:

Daily Central City Register 06/15/1864 to 09/29/1876 Genealogy Bank online

Daily Central City Register, July 26, 1868 - July 31, 1873 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Daily Central City Register, July 26, 1868 - July 31, 1873 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Daily Miners' Register, March 10, 1868 - July 25, 1868 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Daily Miners' Register, March 10, 1868 - July 25, 1868 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Daily Register Call , 1868-03-10 to 1871-12-31 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Evening Call - Daily Reigster, 1878-02-16 to 1878-06-13 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Gilpin Observer 1898-1920 Newspapers.com online

Gilpin observer. (Central City, Colo.) (from Dec. 29, 1898 to Dec. 30, 1920) Chronicling America online

Rocky Mountain Sunday School Casket, 1864-01-01 to 1868-10-01 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Daily Register-Call, March 27, 1878 - February 15, 1879 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Daily Register-Call, March 27, 1878 - February 15, 1879 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Evening Call, February 16, 1878 - March 26, 1878 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Evening Call, February 16, 1878 - March 26, 1878 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Gilpin Observer, December 29, 1898 - December 30, 1920 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Gilpin Observer, December 29, 1898 - December 30, 1920 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Weekly Colorado Times 04/02/1867 to 07/16/1867 Genealogy Bank online

Weekly Register-Call 09/27/1876 to 12/01/1877 Genealogy Bank online

Offline Newspapers for Central City

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Central City Tommy-Knawker. (Central City, Gilpin County, Colo.) 1953-1968

Central City Weekly Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1875-1878

Coach. (Central City, Colo.) 1872-1873

Daily Central City Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1868-1877

Daily Miners' Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1863-1868

Daily Register-Call. (Central City, Colo.) 1878-1890

Daily Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1877-1878

Front Range Journal. (Idaho Springs and Central City, Colo.) 1968-1980s

Gilpin County Observer. (Central City, Colo.) 1887-1897

Gilpin Observer. (Central City, Colo.) 1897-1921

Little Kingdom Come. (Central City, Colo.) 1970-Current

Tri-Weekly Miner's Gazette. (Central City, Colo.) 1862-1863

Tri-Weekly Miner's Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1862-1863

Weekly Central City Register. (Central City, Colo.) 1868-1875

Weekly Colorado Herald. (Central City, Colo.) 1868-1875

Weekly Miners' Register. (Central City, Colo. Terr. [Colo.]) 1863-1868

Weekly Register-Call. (Central City, Colo.) 1878-Current

Central City School Records

Index to Gilpin County schools, census lists; district 1, Central City, Colorado FamilySearch Library

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