Jefferson County CO Newspapers and Obituaries

USA (1,380,571) > Colorado (13,762) > Jefferson County (414) > Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries (59)

USA (1,380,571) > Colorado (13,762) > Colorado Newspapers and Obituaries (2,948) > Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries (59)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Jefferson County are also on the Colorado Newspapers and Obituaries page.

Countywide Arvada Conifer Edgewater Evergreen Golden Indian Hills Lakewood Morrison Wheat Ridge

Jefferson County Newspapers and Obituaries

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Colorado portrait and biography index : gathered and arranged from histories, magazines, newspaper files, land records, and many other sources Denver Public Library online

Extracts from Rocky Mountain Reveille, Critchell, Jefferson County, Colorado, 1899-1900 FamilySearch Library

Jefferson County obituary file, High Timber Times. WorldCat

Jefferson County obituary file, High Timber Times. WorldCat

Jefferson County obituary file, High Timber Times. WorldCat

Master index of all obituaries extracted from the Canyon courier covering the period January 1966 thru September 2010. WorldCat

Master index of all obituaries extracted from the High timber times covering the period January 1978 thru September 2010. WorldCat

Rocky Mountain Reveille, March 31, 1899 - September 21, 1900 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Arvada Newspapers and Obituaries

The Arvada Enterprise, July 3, 1908 - November 18, 1943 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Conifer Newspapers and Obituaries

Evergreen Newspapers and Obituaries

Golden Newspapers and Obituaries

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Arvada Press 06/13/2011 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Colorado Transcript 04/08/1868 to 03/02/1881 Genealogy Bank online

Colorado Transcript, 1866-12-19 to 1930-12-25 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Golden Transcript 06/13/2011 to Current Genealogy Bank online

Golden Transcript, March 17, 1969 - June 30, 1977 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Golden Transcript, March 17, 1969 - May 22, 1984 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Golden Weekly Globe, 1873-03-22 to 1877-03-03 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Golden Weekly Globe, March 22, 1873 - May 20, 1893 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Colorado Transcript, December 19, 1866 - March 16, 1969 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Colorado Transcript, December 19, 1866 - March 16, 1969 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Jefferson County Republican, November 20, 1919 - November 10, 1927 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Jefferson County Republican, November 20, 1919 - November 10, 1927 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Oredigger - School of Mines, March 21, 1921 - April 23, 1996 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

The Oredigger - School of Mines, March 21, 1921 - May 26, 1964 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Western Mountaineer, December 7, 1859 - December 20, 1860 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

The Western Mountaineer, December 7, 1859 - December 20, 1860 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Western Mountaineer, 1859-12-07 to 1860-12-28 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Wheat Ridge Transcript 06/13/2011 to 06/18/2020 Genealogy Bank online

Lakewood Newspapers and Obituaries

Morrison Newspapers and Obituaries

Jefferson County Graphic, March 10, 1900 - August 24, 1906 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Jefferson County Graphic, March 10, 1900 - August 24, 1906 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Morrison Monitor, February 26, 1914 - January 25, 1917 Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection online

Morrison Monitor, February 26, 1914 - January 25, 1917 Plains to Peaks Historic Newspapers online

Offline Newspapers for Jefferson County

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed in this county, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Arvada: Arvada Citizen Sentinel and the Arvada Enterprise. (Arvada, Colo.) 1970-1973

Arvada: Arvada Citizen-Sentinel. ([Arvada, Colo.) 1974-1979

Arvada: Arvada Citizen. (Arvada, Colo.) 1966-1970

Arvada: Arvada Enterprise. (Arvada, Colo.) 1908-1970

Arvada: Wheat Ridge Jefferson Sentinel. (Arvada, Co) 1991-Current

Conifer: High Timber Times. (Conifer, Colo.) 1977-Current

Edgewater: East Jefferson Sentinel. (Edgewater, Colo.) 1932-1948

Evergreen: Mountaineer. (Evergreen, Colo.) 1946-1948

Golden: Colorado Transcript. (Golden City, Colo.) 1866-1969

Golden: Colorado Transcript. (Golden, Colo.) 1979-1983

Golden: Daily Transcript. (Golden, Colo.) 1976-1979

Golden: Golden Daily Transcript. (Golden City, Colo.) 1969-1976

Golden: Golden Transcript. (Golden, Colo.) 1983-Current

Golden: Golden Weekly Globe. (Golden, Colo.) 1873-1870s

Golden: Jefferson County Republican and the Arvada Sun. (Golden, Colo.) 1919-1923

Golden: Jefferson County Republican. (Golden, Colo.) 1923-1949

Indian Hills: Canyon Courier. ([Indian Hills, Colo.]) 1958-Current

Indian Hills: Smoke Signals. (Indian Hills [Colo.) 1955-1958

Lakewood: Jefferson Sentinel. (Lakewood, Colo.) 1949-1969

Lakewood: Lakewood Jefferson Sentinel. ([Lakewood, Colo.]) 1986-1990

Lakewood: Lakewood Sentinel. (Lakewood, Colo.) 1969-1986

Lakewood: Lakewood Sentinel. ([Lakewood, Colo.]) 1990-1990s

Morrison: Jefferson County Graphic. (Morrison, Colo.) 1900-1908

Wheat Ridge: Wheat Ridge Sentinel. (Wheat Ridge, Colo.) 1969-1991

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