Connecticut Genealogy

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654)

Connecticut map

By Record Type

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Overview of Connecticut records

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Birth Records (793)
Cemetery Records (5,637)
Census Records (551)
Church Records (2,105)
City Directories (4,910)
Court Records (70)
Death Records (1,021)
Histories and Genealogies (1,909)
Immigration Records (187)
Land Records (319)
Map Records (718)
Marriage Records (1,202)
Military Records (558)
Minority Records (62)
Miscellaneous Records (176)
Newspapers and Obituaries (1,903)
Probate Records (286)
School Records (1,409)
Tax Records (129)

By County

Fairfield County (4,361)
Hartford County (4,659)
Litchfield County (2,359)
Middlesex County (1,672)
New Haven County (4,018)
New London County (3,099)
Tolland County (1,114)
Windham County (1,490)

By City

Abington (in Windham County) (5)
Andover (in Tolland County) (23)
Ansonia (in New Haven County) (173)
Ashford (in Windham County) (70)
Avon (in Hartford County) (62)
Baltic (in New London County) (5)
Bantam (in Litchfield County) (6)
Barkhamsted (in Litchfield County) (66)
Beacon Falls (in New Haven County) (16)
Berlin (in Hartford County) (97)
Bethany (in New Haven County) (43)
Bethel (in Fairfield County) (66)
Bethlehem (in Litchfield County) (44)
Bloomfield (in Hartford County) (116)
Bolton (in Tolland County) (51)
Bozrah (in New London County) (46)
Branford (in New Haven County) (129)
Bridgeport (in Fairfield County) (493)
Bridgewater (in Litchfield County) (20)
Bristol (in Hartford County) (243)
Brookfield (in Fairfield County) (58)
Brookfield Center (in Fairfield County) (5)
Brooklyn (in Windham County) (50)
Burlington (in Hartford County) (46)
Canaan (in Litchfield County) (61)
Canterbury (in Windham County) (79)
Canton (in Hartford County) (66)
Central Village (in Windham County) (8)
Chaplin (in Windham County) (39)
Chatham (in Middlesex County) (19)
Cheshire (in New Haven County) (84)
Chester (in Middlesex County) (52)
Clinton (in Middlesex County) (80)
Colchester (in New London County) (147)
Colebrook (in Litchfield County) (55)
Collinsville (in Hartford County) (23)
Columbia (in Tolland County) (37)
Cornwall (in Litchfield County) (70)
Cos Cob (in Fairfield County) (8)
Coventry (in Tolland County) (112)
Cromwell (in Middlesex County) (55)
Danbury (in Fairfield County) (318)
Danielson (in Windham County) (42)
Darien (in Fairfield County) (230)
Dayville (in Windham County) (12)
Deep River (in Middlesex County) (50)
Derby (in New Haven County) (125)
Durham (in Middlesex County) (64)
East Granby (in Hartford County) (74)
East Haddam (in Middlesex County) (163)
East Hampton (in Middlesex County) (102)
East Hartford (in Hartford County) (145)
East Haven (in New Haven County) (107)
East Killingly (in Windham County) (18)
East Lyme (in New London County) (73)
East Norwalk (in Fairfield County) (5)
East Windsor (in Hartford County) (60)
Eastford (in Windham County) (50)
Easton (in Fairfield County) (46)
Ellington (in Tolland County) (59)
Enfield (in Hartford County) (128)
Essex (in Middlesex County) (58)
Fair Haven (in New Haven County) (6)
Fairfield (in Fairfield County) (293)
Falls Village (in Litchfield County) (20)
Farmington (in Hartford County) (153)
Forestville (in Hartford County) (7)
Franklin (in New London County) (55)
Georgetown (in Fairfield County) (7)
Gilead (in Tolland County) (6)
Glastonbury (in Hartford County) (124)
Goshen (in Litchfield County) (96)
Granby (in Hartford County) (112)
Greens Farms (in Fairfield County) (5)
Greenwich (in Fairfield County) (413)
Griswold (in New London County) (82)
Groton (in New London County) (162)
Guilford (in New Haven County) (142)
Haddam (in Middlesex County) (84)
Hamden (in New Haven County) (133)
Hampton (in Windham County) (34)
Hartford (in Hartford County) (1,041)
Hartland (in Hartford County) (49)
Harwinton (in Litchfield County) (51)
Hazardville (in Hartford County) (7)
Hebron (in Tolland County) (73)
Higganum (in Middlesex County) (17)
Huntington (in Fairfield County) (15)
Jewett City (in New London County) (12)
Kensington (in Hartford County) (17)
Kent (in Litchfield County) (97)
Killingly (in Windham County) (117)
Killingly Center (in Windham County) (13)
Killingworth (in Middlesex County) (68)
Lakeville (in Litchfield County) (10)
Lebanon (in New London County) (103)
Ledyard (in New London County) (107)
Lime Rock (in Litchfield County) (7)
Lisbon (in New London County) (40)
Litchfield (in Litchfield County) (162)
Lyme (in New London County) (114)
Madison (in New Haven County) (95)
Manchester (in Hartford County) (159)
Mansfield (in Tolland County) (135)
Marlborough (in Hartford County) (39)
Meriden (in New Haven County) (334)
Middlebury (in New Haven County) (46)
Middlefield (in Middlesex County) (32)
Middletown (in Middlesex County) (409)
Milford (in New Haven County) (176)
Monroe (in Fairfield County) (61)
Montville (in New London County) (92)
Moodus (in Middlesex County) (16)
Moosup (in Windham County) (12)
Morris (in Litchfield County) (23)
Mystic (in New London County) (68)
Naugatuck (in New Haven County) (122)
New Britain (in Hartford County) (299)
New Canaan (in Fairfield County) (179)
New Fairfield (in Fairfield County) (40)
New Hartford (in Litchfield County) (59)
New Haven (in New Haven County) (919)
New London (in New London County) (418)
New Milford (in Litchfield County) (142)
Newington (in Hartford County) (124)
Newtown (in Fairfield County) (136)
Niantic (in New London County) (20)
Noank (in New London County) (17)
Norfolk (in Litchfield County) (75)
Noroton (in Fairfield County) (9)
Noroton Heights (in Fairfield County) (8)
North Branford (in New Haven County) (54)
North Canaan (in Litchfield County) (36)
North Granby (in Hartford County) (5)
North Grosvenor Dale (in Windham County) (21)
North Haven (in New Haven County) (68)
North Stonington (in New London County) (137)
Northford (in New Haven County) (11)
Norwalk (in Fairfield County) (269)
Norwich (in New London County) (481)
Oakdale (in New London County) (16)
Old Greenwich (in Fairfield County) (6)
Old Lyme (in New London County) (50)
Old Saybrook (in Middlesex County) (87)
Orange (in New Haven County) (36)
Oxford (in New Haven County) (64)
Pawcatuck (in New London County) (25)
Plainfield (in Windham County) (81)
Plainville (in Hartford County) (76)
Plantsville (in Hartford County) (6)
Plymouth (in Litchfield County) (39)
Pomfret (in Windham County) (55)
Pomfret Center (in Windham County) (5)
Portland (in Middlesex County) (70)
Preston (in New London County) (112)
Prospect (in New Haven County) (23)
Putnam (in Windham County) (95)
Redding (in Fairfield County) (89)
Ridgefield (in Fairfield County) (120)
Riverside (in Fairfield County) (10)
Rockville (in Tolland County) (55)
Rocky Hill (in Hartford County) (45)
Roxbury (in Litchfield County) (46)
Salem (in New London County) (62)
Salisbury (in Litchfield County) (95)
Sandy Hook (in Fairfield County) (14)
Saugatuck (in Fairfield County) (17)
Saybrook (in Middlesex County) (50)
Scotland (in Windham County) (21)
Seymour (in New Haven County) (97)
Sharon (in Litchfield County) (137)
Shelton (in Fairfield County) (90)
Sherman (in Fairfield County) (49)
Simsbury (in Hartford County) (135)
Somers (in Tolland County) (43)
South Glastonbury (in Hartford County) (7)
South Kent (in Litchfield County) (5)
South Killingly (in Windham County) (11)
South Norwalk (in Fairfield County) (22)
South Windsor (in Hartford County) (58)
Southbury (in New Haven County) (71)
Southington (in Hartford County) (177)
Southport (in Fairfield County) (63)
Sprague (in New London County) (24)
Stafford (in Tolland County) (72)
Stafford Springs (in Tolland County) (35)
Stamford (in Fairfield County) (524)
Sterling (in Windham County) (62)
Stonington (in New London County) (202)
Storrs (in Tolland County) (18)
Stratford (in Fairfield County) (150)
Suffield (in Hartford County) (87)
Terryville (in Litchfield County) (44)
Thomaston (in Litchfield County) (36)
Thompson (in Windham County) (87)
Thompsonville (in Hartford County) (22)
Tolland (in Tolland County) (56)
Torrington (in Litchfield County) (205)
Trumbull (in Fairfield County) (74)
Uncasville (in New London County) (12)
Union (in Tolland County) (55)
Unionville (in Hartford County) (13)
Vernon (in Tolland County) (106)
Voluntown (in New London County) (134)
Wallingford (in New Haven County) (146)
Warren (in Litchfield County) (35)
Washington (in Litchfield County) (67)
Waterbury (in New Haven County) (437)
Waterford (in New London County) (92)
Watertown (in Litchfield County) (123)
West Hartford (in Hartford County) (198)
West Haven (in New Haven County) (79)
West Stafford (in Tolland County) (6)
Westbrook (in Middlesex County) (60)
Westford (in Windham County) (5)
Weston (in Fairfield County) (53)
Westport (in Fairfield County) (150)
Wethersfield (in Hartford County) (157)
Willimantic (in Windham County) (143)
Willington (in Tolland County) (58)
Wilton (in Fairfield County) (87)
Winchester (in Litchfield County) (52)
Windham (in Windham County) (84)
Windsor (in Hartford County) (205)
Windsor Locks (in Hartford County) (50)
Winsted (in Litchfield County) (114)
Wolcott (in New Haven County) (40)
Woodbridge (in New Haven County) (64)
Woodbury (in Litchfield County) (95)
Woodstock (in Windham County) (101)

Overview of Connecticut Genealogy Records

  • History: Connecticut was first settled in 1634 and became a state in 1788.
  • Birth records: Birth records are kept by the individual towns. Birth records were kept by town clerks as early as 1649. However, the records kept were not always complete. In 1870 the recording of vital records became more complete. Statewide birth registration began in 1897 and was complete by 1915. Birth records from 1897 to the present can be obtained from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
  • Marriage records: Marriage records are kept by the individual towns. Marriage records were kept by town clerks as early as 1649. however, the records kept were not always complete. In 1870 the recording of vital records became more complete. Statewide marriage registration began in 1897 and was complete by 1915. Marriage records from 1897 to the present can be obtained from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
  • Death records: Death records were kept by town clerks as early as 1649. however, the records kept were not always complete. In 1870 the recording of vital records became more complete. Statewide birth registration began in 1897 and was complete by 1915.  Death records from 1897 to the present can be obtained from the Connecticut Department of Public Health.
  • Divorce records: Divorce records are kept by the clerk of the superior court where the divorce was granted.
  • Census records: The first federal census available for Connecticut is 1790. There are federal censuses publicly available for 1790, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, 1940, and 1950.
  • County records: Court, land, probate, naturalization, and tax records were kept by the individual counties.
  • Other records: Many cities and towns kept newspapers, records kept by churches, cemeteries, histories, school, city directories, and other records that can be located by using the city pages on this site. Records specific to minority groups can be found in the Minority Records section.
  • All records: Use the links on this site to locate online indexes and images of many of the above records.
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