Norfolk Genealogy (in Litchfield County, CT)

USA (1,380,571) > Connecticut (21,654) > Litchfield County (2,359) > Norfolk (75)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Norfolk are also found through the Litchfield County and Connecticut pages.

Birth Records Cemetery Records Census Records Church Records City Directories Death Records Histories and Genealogies Land Records Map Records Marriage Records Military Records Newspapers and Obituaries Probate Records School Records

Norfolk Birth Records

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 LDS Genealogy online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Internet Archive online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1740-1917; general index to vital statistics, 1740-1934 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [30], New Milford 1712-1860, Norfolk 1758-1850, North Stonington 1807-1852 WorldCat

Norfolk Cemetery Records

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 : in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church, December 24, 1760 FamilySearch Library

Benedict Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Center Cemetery Find a Grave online

Center Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Dickinson Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Grantville Cemetery Find a Grave online

Grantville Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Huxley Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Meekertown Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

New St. Mary's Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Old Saint Mary Cemetery Find a Grave online

Pond Town Cemetery Find a Grave online

Saint Marys Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Cemetery Find a Grave online

South Norfolk Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

St. Mary's Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Stoeckel Cemetery (included in Connecticut Hale Collection) Ancestry online

Norfolk Census Records

Federal Census of 1940, Norfolk, Connecticut LDS Genealogy online

Norfolk Church Records

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A half-century sermon : delivered at Norfolk, October 28, 1811, fifty years from the ordination of the author to the work of the ministry in that place FamilySearch Library

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 LDS Genealogy online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Internet Archive online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 : in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church, December 24, 1760 FamilySearch Library

Church of Christ Congregational, Norfolk, Connecticut, two hundred years, 1760-1960 FamilySearch Library

Church records, 1760-1928, Church of Christ (Norfolk, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Minutes of meetings, 1819-1875, Baptist Society of Norfolk, Canaan and New Marlborough (Norfolk, Connecticut) FamilySearch Library

Norfolk centennial. Historical discourses preached in the Congregational church, Norfolk, Conn., July 9, 1876, in accordance with the recommendation of the state conference. Connecticut State Library online

Norfolk, Ct., Church of Christ, 1760-1769 FamilySearch Library

Record of the Church of Christ Norfolk, Connecticut. WorldCat

Records of the Church of Christ, Norfolk, Connecticut, 1760-1769 American Ancestors online

Norfolk City Directories

Connecticut City Directories (includes Litchfield, Norfolk 1938) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Litchfield, Norfolk, Goshen 1953, 1957) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Norfolk 1931, 1935, 1937, 1953, 1955-58, 1960, 1963, 1965, 1967) Ancestry online

Connecticut City Directories (includes Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, Goshen 1931, 1935, 1937-38, 1953, 1955-58, 1960) Ancestry online

Torrington (Connecticut) city directories FamilySearch Library

Torrington, Winsted, Litchfield, Norfolk, Goshen directory : combining five distinct directories: governmental directory, buyers' directory, alphabetical directory, numerical directory, classified directory FamilySearch Library

Norfolk Death Records

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1740-1917; general index to vital statistics, 1740-1934 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [30], New Milford 1712-1860, Norfolk 1758-1850, North Stonington 1807-1852 WorldCat

Norfolk Histories and Genealogies

1744-1900, history of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut WorldCat

A brief history of the town of Norfolk [Conn.] from 1738 to 1844 collected from the public records of the town and other correct documents, with the dates accurately annexed. To which is added a description of the town, incidents, list of officers, and other interesting matter LDS Genealogy online

A brief history of the town of Norfolk [Conn.] from 1738 to 1844 collected from the public records of the town and other correct documents, with the dates accurately annexed. To which is added a description of the town, incidents, list of officers, and other interesting matter Internet Archive online

A half-century sermon (history of Norfolk) Ancestry online

History of Norfolk (published 1900) Ancestry online

History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut FamilySearch Library

History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut WorldCat

History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1744-1900 WorldCat

History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1744-1900 LDS Genealogy online

History of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1744-1900 Internet Archive online

Norfolk Land Records

Land records, 1758-1905; general index, 1758-1898 FamilySearch Library

Proprietors records 1754-1772 FamilySearch Library

Norfolk Map Records

Map of the town of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Ct., 1853 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1900 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1909 Library of Congress online

Norfolk Marriage Records

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Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 LDS Genealogy online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Digital Public Library of America online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Rev. Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 Internet Archive online

Baptisms, marriages, burials and list of members taken from the church records of the Reverend Ammi Ruhamah Robbins, first minister of Norfolk, Connecticut, 1761-1813 : in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the church, December 24, 1760 FamilySearch Library

Marriage Records of Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, 1762-1800 US Gen Web online

Norfolk Marriage Records 1763-1800 Genealogy Trails online

Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1740-1917; general index to vital statistics, 1740-1934 FamilySearch Library

The Barbour collection of Connecticut town vital records. [30], New Milford 1712-1860, Norfolk 1758-1850, North Stonington 1807-1852 WorldCat

Norfolk Military Records

Honor Roll of Revolutionary War Soldiers American History and Genealogy Project online

Norfolk Newspapers and Obituaries

Offline Newspapers for Norfolk

According to the US Newspaper Directory, the following newspapers were printed, so there may be paper or microfilm copies available. For more information on how to locate offline newspapers, see our article on Locating Offline Newspapers.

Chimes. (Norfolk, Conn.) 1897-1900s

Norfolk Tower. (Norfolk, Conn.) 1888-1890s

Norfolk Probate Records

Probate records, 1779-1918 FamilySearch Library

Norfolk School Records

Northwestern Regional School yearbook, 1975 (included in US School Yearbooks) Ancestry online

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