Wilmington Genealogy (in New Castle County, DE)

USA (1,380,571) > Delaware (3,645) > New Castle County (1,516) > Wilmington (853)

NOTE: Additional records that apply to Wilmington are also found through the New Castle County and Delaware pages.

Birth RecordsLand Records
Cemetery RecordsMap Records
Census RecordsMarriage Records
Church RecordsMilitary Records
City DirectoriesMinority Records
Death RecordsNewspapers and Obituaries
Histories and GenealogiesProbate Records
Immigration RecordsSchool Records

Wilmington Birth Records

A List of births, 1707-1851, marriages, 1733-1917, and deaths, 1736-1872 : copied from the records of Wilmington Friends Meeting FamilySearch Library

Alphabetical list of birth, baptisms, marriages and burials from register of Holy Trinity (Old Swede's) Church, Wilmington, Del. as given by Horace Burr, M.D. in his translation of the old Swedish records of the church from 1697 to 1773 : and abstract of the English records from 1773 to 1800 FamilySearch Library

City of Wilmington birth records, 1881-1919; index, 1881-1918 FamilySearch Library

Delaware, Wilmington Vital Records, 1847-1954 Family Search online

Holy Trinity or (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware computer printout; births or christenings, 1713-1799 FamilySearch Library

Index, births & baptisms, burials & deaths : Old Swedes Church records, 1800 to 1860. WorldCat

The Banks compilation of birth data of men with links to New Castle County, Delaware (including the city of Wilmington) who were born 1873- 1900. : as found in the [World War I] civilian registration cards FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Cemetery Records (88)

Wilmington Census Records

Census of Merchant Seamen, 1930 (includes New Castle County) Ancestry online

Census of Merchant Seamen, 1930 (includes New Castle County) MyHeritage online

Map of Wilmington, Del FamilySearch Library

Map of the city of Wilmington, Delaware FamilySearch Library

The 1693 census of the Swedes on the Delaware : family histories of the Swedish Lutheran Church members residing in Pennsylvania, Delaware, west New Jersey and Cecil County, Md., 1638-1693 FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Church Records (95)

Wilmington City Directories (165)

Wilmington Death Records

A List of births, 1707-1851, marriages, 1733-1917, and deaths, 1736-1872 : copied from the records of Wilmington Friends Meeting FamilySearch Library

City of Wilmington death records, 1881-1954; index, 1881-1914 FamilySearch Library

Deaths from the Delaware Gazette, 1854-59, 61-64 (1860 Not Availalbe) FamilySearch Library

Delaware, Wilmington Vital Records, 1847-1954 Family Search online

Index, births & baptisms, burials & deaths : Old Swedes Church records, 1800 to 1860. WorldCat

Obituaries: The News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware; Delaware State News, and Newark Post FamilySearch Library

Registrations of deaths out of city (Wilmington, Delaware), 1919-1922 FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Histories and Genealogies

A History of the Original Settlements On the Delaware Ancestry online

A history of the original settlements on the Delaware : from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under William Penn : to which is added an account of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington, from its first settlement to the present time LDS Genealogy online

A history of the original settlements on the Delaware : from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under William Penn : to which is added an account of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington, from its first settlement to the present time Internet Archive online

A history of the original settlements on the Delaware, from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under William Penn : to which is added an account of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington, from its first settlement to the present time FamilySearch Library

A history of the original settlements on the Delaware...& a history of Wilmington FamilySearch Library

A social history of the West Second Street Jewish Community : Wilmington, Delaware 1930-1940 FamilySearch Library

Becoming American, remaining Jewish : the story of Wilmington, Delaware's first Jewish community, 1897-1924 FamilySearch Library

Historic towns of the Middle States FamilySearch Library

History of Wilmington : the Commercial, Social and Religious Growth of the City During the Past Century Ancestry online

Reminiscences of Wilmington, in Familiar Village Tales Ancestry online

The Hagley Museum : a story of early industry on the Brandywine FamilySearch Library

The Old town hall, Wilmington, Delaware : its history and the plan for its restoration and use FamilySearch Library

The colony of New Sweden : a factual overview FamilySearch Library

This Was Wilmington : A Veteran Journalist's Recollections of the "Good Old Days" Ancestry online

Wilmington, Delaware : Its Productive Industries and Commercial and Maritime Advantages Ancestry online

Wilmington, Delaware : Three Centuries Under Four Flags, 1609-1937 Ancestry online

Wilmington, Delaware : three centuries under four flags, 1609-1937 FamilySearch Library

Wilmington, reminiscences of familiar village tales, ancient and new FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Immigration Records

U.S., Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (includes Wilmington 1820, 1830-1831, 1833, 1840, 1848, 1956, 1958 ) Ancestry online

Wilmington Land Records

Map of Wilmington as of 1772 with the addition of original tracts, Indian trails and land marks FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Map Records

Map of Wilmington as of 1772 with the addition of original tracts, Indian trails and land marks FamilySearch Library

Map of Wilmington, Del FamilySearch Library

Map of Wilmington, Del. 1874. Library of Congress online

Map of the city of Wilmington, Delaware FamilySearch Library

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, 1884 Library of Congress online

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, 1901 Library of Congress online

Wilmington 1874c Bird's Eye View Map Historic Map Works online

Wilmington 1874c Bird's Eye View Map (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Wilmington 1950c Nirenstein City Maps Historic Map Works online

Wilmington 1950c Nirenstein City Maps (included in Historic U.S. Maps) MyHeritage online

Wilmington Marriage Records

Filter By Year:

A List of births, 1707-1851, marriages, 1733-1917, and deaths, 1736-1872 : copied from the records of Wilmington Friends Meeting FamilySearch Library

Alphabetical list of birth, baptisms, marriages and burials from register of Holy Trinity (Old Swede's) Church, Wilmington, Del. as given by Horace Burr, M.D. in his translation of the old Swedish records of the church from 1697 to 1773 : and abstract of the English records from 1773 to 1800 FamilySearch Library

City of Wilmington marriage records, 1881-1954 FamilySearch Library

Delaware, Wilmington Vital Records, 1847-1954 Family Search online

Holy Trinity or (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware computer printout; marriages, 1713-1799 FamilySearch Library

Index, births & baptisms, burials & deaths : Old Swedes Church records, 1800 to 1860. WorldCat

Marriages from Old Swedes Church, Wilmington, Delaware, 1736-1781 FamilySearch Library

Marriages from the Delaware Gazette, 1854-59, 61-64 FamilySearch Library

Marriages from the Delaware Gazette, 1854-59, 61-64 FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Military Records

The Banks compilation of birth data of men with links to New Castle County, Delaware (including the city of Wilmington) who were born 1873- 1900. : as found in the [World War I] civilian registration cards FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Minority Records

A history of the original settlements on the Delaware, from its discovery by Hudson to the colonization under William Penn : to which is added an account of the ecclesiastical affairs of the Swedish settlers, and a history of Wilmington, from its first settlement to the present time FamilySearch Library

A social history of the West Second Street Jewish Community : Wilmington, Delaware 1930-1940 FamilySearch Library

Becoming American, remaining Jewish : the story of Wilmington, Delaware's first Jewish community, 1897-1924 FamilySearch Library

Jewish cemeteries of the Delmarva Penninsula : a burial index for Delaware & Maryland's Eastern Shore FamilySearch Library

Map of Wilmington as of 1772 with the addition of original tracts, Indian trails and land marks FamilySearch Library

Wilmington Newspapers and Obituaries (257)

Wilmington Probate Records

New Castle County probate records, ca. 1682-1925 FamilySearch Library

Wilmington School Records (92)

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