1940 U.S. Federal Census of Amathla, Marion, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Marion County > 1940 Census of Amathla

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAnne born about 1906
AdamsBessie born about 1905
AdamsEdgar born about 1895
AdamsElizabeth born about 1931
AdamsGladys born about 1938
AdamsJerry born about 1902
AdamsLen born about 1929
AdamsMack born about 1882
AdamsMack Jr born about 1914
AdamsRosa born about 1887
AdamsThelma born about 1939
AndersonJames born about 1920
ArmstrongLeo born about 1909
AtkinsonAllie Barbaraborn about 1906
AtkinsonEdward Bborn about 1904

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B Surnames

BakerJerry born about 1896
BanksDaisy born about 1915
BanksRobert born about 1895
BartonVinnie born about 1908
BatesLevi Belleborn about 1920
BatesW Eborn about 1885
BeamerEllie A Cborn about 1911
BeamerEllie A C Jrborn about 1938
BeamerLora born about 1912
BeamerMildred born about 1920
BeamerSamuel Charlesborn about 1939
BeamerSamuel Hborn about 1875
BeamerSusannah born about 1876
BeckB Bborn about 1899
BeckLeone born about 1902
BeckMabel born about 1881
BellEdwina born about 1917
BellLa Mae born about 1937
BellLester born about 1914
BellSellom born about 1935
BellSyble Carolineborn about 1939
BenAndrew born about 1926
BenCharles born about 1897
BenColumbus born about 1935
BenHilda Bellborn about 1931
BenIrene Elizabethborn about 1932
BenLela born about 1929
BenNeurandy born about 1903
BenSam born about 1922
BluntBernie born about 1919
BluntHomer born about 1921
BluntHugh born about 1920
BluntMartha born about 1901
BluntW Cborn about 1925
BonesArther born about 1896
BonesCora born about 1900
BradshawElisha born about 1908
BradshawElisha Jr born about 1938
BradshawGracie born about 1912
BradshawJoe born about 1866
BradshawJoe Jr born about 1912
BradshawLanconia born about 1932
BradshawLedger born about 1914
BradshawMary Leeborn about 1934
BradshawRoosevelt born about 1939
BrattonInez born about 1917
BrattonInez born about 1918
BrooksA Bborn about 1905
BrooksA Vborn about 1889
BrooksApple born about 1920
BrooksArthur V Jrborn about 1923
BrooksBelle born about 1920
BrooksBetty Jeanborn about 1932
BrooksHarriet born about 1914
BrooksJack born about 1931
BrooksJames born about 1929
BrooksJohn born about 1936
BrooksLillian born about 1906
BrooksMattie born about 1892
BrooksS Bborn about 1930
BrownJohn Lborn about 1933
BurnettAlonza born about 1891
BurnettAnne Leeborn about 1939
BurnettHarold Leeborn about 1937
BurnettJ Cborn about 1930
BurnettJosephine born about 1928
BurnettL Bborn about 1932
BurnettLouis born about 1926
BurnettM Cborn about 1923
BurnettMarjorie born about 1934
BurnettPearl born about 1901
BurnettPearlie Leeborn about 1939

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C Surnames

ChanceyAda born about 1928
ChanceyAlice Bborn about 1894
ChanceyIsabelle born about 1925
ChanceyLa Fayette born about 1927
ChanceyLenning born about 1907
CobarisCelestine born about 1933
CobarisHibbard born about 1929
CobarrisAnne born about 1890
CobarrisAnne Leeborn about 1935
CobarrisElmer born about 1924
CobarrisEstelle born about 1939
CobarrisIrene Anneborn about 1937
CobarrisJohn born about 1873
CobarrisJohn Jr born about 1916
CobarrisKathrine born about 1932
CobarrisLelia born about 1910
CobarrisLevi born about 1911
CobarrisManda born about 1905
CobarrisRoberta born about 1915
CobarrisSam born about 1910
CobarrisThomas born about 1919
CobarrisVernard born about 1920
CobarrisWill born about 1888

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D Surnames

DavisAnna born about 1875
DavisCarrie born about 1923
DavisFleming born about 1888
DavisLillian born about 1924
DavisLottie born about 1892
DavisMaggie born about 1899
DavisMary born about 1870
DavisOtis born about 1927
DavisPriscilla born about 1847
DavisRichard born about 1890
DavisWill born about 1920
DawsonAnel born about 1917
DoddsLinet born about 1933
DonellyEliot born about 1866
DonellyJunie born about 1883
DonellyMary born about 1921
DorseyElizabeth born about 1887
DorseyHattie born about 1906
DorseyJohnny born about 1901
DorseyNathaniel born about 1873

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E Surnames

EarlyLillie Maeborn about 1903
EarlyTom born about 1900
EdwardsMaxwell born about 1931
EnglishEarl born about 1902
EnglishElizabeth born about 1911
EnglishErnest born about 1922
EnglishErnestine born about 1932
EnglishHenry born about 1934
EnglishJuanita born about 1936
EnglishVernon born about 1938
EvansElijah born about 1887
EvansOctavia born about 1895

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F Surnames

FergusonEleanor born about 1900
FergusonEleanor Eborn about 1922
FergusonJ Aborn about 1900
FergusonJeanette born about 1925
FergusonLula Eborn about 1873
FergusonR Wborn about 1862
FletcherMildred born about 1909
FrazierCarrie born about 1920
FrazierColumbus born about 1887
FrazierEaster Maeborn about 1922
FrazierEvelena born about 1887
FrazierHester Carriebelleborn about 1896
FrazierIrene Esterborn about 1924
FrazierJessie born about 1870
FrazierLarson born about 1937
FrazierMalvin born about 1900
FrazierNola born about 1902
FrazierOloman born about 1894
FrazierRuth born about 1926
FrazierSam born about 1870
FrazierSidney born about 1913
FrazierSidney Jr born about 1938
FrazierWilliam born about 1872

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G Surnames

GainsEdgar born about 1939
GainsElijah born about 1936
GainsLeroy born about 1923
GainsMary Francisborn about 1938
GainsNathaniel born about 1893
GainsNathaniel Jr born about 1931
GainsOllie born about 1901
GainsOtis born about 1927
GainsRaymond born about 1932
GainsTheola born about 1934
GainsWilburn born about 1929
GrahamAlice born about 1866
GrahamAndrew born about 1913
GrahamBell born about 1894
GrahamGeneva born about 1896
GrahamLouis born about 1890
GrahamLouise born about 1899
GrahamMatthew born about 1923
GrahamRobert born about 1928
GrahamRuby Leeborn about 1927
GrahamRudolph born about 1935
GrahamVictoria born about 1927
GrahamWilliam born about 1919
GrahamWillie born about 1890
GrahamsFreddie born about 1935
GreeneLevna born about 1887
GreeneWallace born about 1885

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H Surnames

HarklessNorris born about 1887
HarklessSantavia born about 1893
HarrisElizabeth born about 1937
HarrisSolomon born about 1916
HarrisVanesa born about 1923
HendersonClarence born about 1924
HendersonEliot born about 1914
HendersonEliot Jr born about 1939
HendersonElmetta born about 1926
HendersonI born about 1883
HendersonLaura born about 1921
HendersonRena born about 1888
HightowerAnnie Louisborn about 1916
HightowerRobert born about 1911
HightowerRobert Jr born about 1932
HightowerThomas Aborn about 1911
HillAlfred born about 1895
HoltAlbert born about 1874
HoltAlma born about 1933
HoltDorthy born about 1937
HoltEmma born about 1920
HoltHarold born about 1937
HoltHenry born about 1912
HoltHenry born about 1935
HoltIda Maeborn about 1924
HoltJames Cborn about 1937
HoltJessie born about 1883
HoltLeroy born about 1926
HoltLewis born about 1927
HoltMamie born about 1919
HoltMargaret born about 1938
HoltNathanael born about 1939
HoltRaymond born about 1929
HoltWillie born about 1911
HoltWillie Maeborn about 1915
HorneCeleste born about 1916
HorneJack born about 1906
HorneM Tborn about 1910
HorneMike born about 1936
HoustonElla born about 1873
HoustonLemuel born about 1897

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I Surnames

IronesCatherine born about 1940
IronesEva born about 1918
IronesGertrude born about 1910
IronesHenderson born about 1900
IronesSarah born about 1910
IronesSeabrook born about 1898
IronesWilliam born about 1905

J Surnames

JacksonDozier born about 1886
JacksonMary born about 1893
JacobsL Rborn about 1880
JacobsLusie born about 1883
JacobsSusie born about 1924
JamesNelson born about 1900
JeffryArchie born about 1930
JeffryHattie born about 1927
JeffryMann born about 1891
JeffryMarion born about 1921
JeffryRobert born about 1925
JeffryRossie born about 1902
JenkinsBoss born about 1884
JenkinsBoss Jr born about 1939
JenkinsRose born about 1909
JonesA Jborn about 1928
JonesQuilla born about 1894
JonesWillie born about 1884
JordainLenora born about 1884

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K Surnames

KimballJohn born about 1936
KingcadeAgerene born about 1937
KingcadeAlbert born about 1908
KingcadeAnderson born about 1906
KingcadeAnne born about 1889
KingcadeCharlie born about 1922
KingcadeElmore born about 1930
KingcadeF Lborn about 1939
KingcadeHenry born about 1929
KingcadeJames born about 1886
KingcadeJessie born about 1914
KingcadeKyle Westleyborn about 1930
KingcadeLatrice born about 1913
KingcadeMartha born about 1869
KingcadeMelvina born about 1931
KingcadeOllie born about 1910
KingcadeRosalie born about 1916
KingcadeSamuel born about 1927
KingcadeSiler born about 1913
KingcadeTommie born about 1924
KingcadeWade born about 1869
KingcadeWilliam born about 1908
KinslerRegner born about 1922

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L Surnames

LeonardJ Cborn about 1935
LeonardMelvin born about 1936

M Surnames

MarkE Wborn about 1888
MarkEthel born about 1901
MarkHosea born about 1935
MarkLoretta born about 1911
MarkLouis born about 1893
MarkMargarete born about 1931
MarkRoosevelt born about 1907
MarkRoosevelt Jr born about 1931
McCaullyMinnie born about 1871
McCaullyS Jborn about 1863
McCaullyWinnifred born about 1892
McMahonArthur born about 1925
McMahonBenjamin born about 1936
McMahonBurnett born about 1939
McMahonCalvin born about 1910
McMahonCalvin Jr born about 1937
McMahonCastilla born about 1934
McMahonCatherne born about 1932
McMahonDave born about 1908
McMahonDavid born about 1939
McMahonEmma Lenaborn about 1930
McMahonHosea born about 1935
McMahonJulia born about 1911
McMahonLetha Maeborn about 1924
McMahonMinnie born about 1935
McMahonOzella born about 1914
McMahonRichard born about 1929
McMahonRiley born about 1898
McMahonSally born about 1888
McMahonVictoria born about 1916
McMahonW Jborn about 1938
McMahonWalter born about 1917
McMahonWheeler born about 1883
MillerLuthela born about 1910

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N Surnames

NelsonRocker born about 1937

O Surnames

OutlanAndrew born about 1910
OutlanLeola born about 1916

P Surnames

PattersonDave born about 1881
PattersonDrucilla born about 1911
PattersonEzell born about 1935
PattersonJulia born about 1870
PattersonMary born about 1885
PattersonNathan born about 1867
PattsCarrie born about 1878
PattsV Bborn about 1869
PriceDobelene born about 1937
PriceJohn Westleyborn about 1938

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Q Surnames

QuatermanB Gborn about 1880
QuatermanJewel born about 1916

R Surnames

RantsF Mborn about 1888
RantsFlora born about 1904
RantsFredrick born about 1924
RantsJann born about 1923
RantsNina Louborn about 1923
RawlsAmanda born about 1873
RawlsCaroline born about 1936
RawlsDorothy born about 1938
RawlsG Fborn about 1913
RawlsHenry born about 1910
RawlsInfant born about 1940
RawlsMarjorie born about 1916
RawlsRoy born about 1908
RobertsAndrew born about 1883
RobertsAnne born about 1905
RobertsBully born about 1901
RobertsCharlie born about 1927
RobertsClara born about 1912
RobertsDanial born about 1896
RobertsEmma born about 1912
RobertsEzalee born about 1924
RobertsFrances born about 1935
RobertsGeorge born about 1882
RobertsGeorge born about 1902
RobertsHattie Ireneborn about 1934
RobertsHerman born about 1939
RobertsJames born about 1927
RobertsJessie born about 1937
RobertsLorenzo born about 1898
RobertsMary born about 1905
RobertsOna born about 1878
RobertsPink born about 1923
RobertsPrince born about 1920
RobertsRaleigh born about 1896
RobertsRosemary born about 1938
RobertsSamuel born about 1875
RobertsSamuel born about 1886
RobertsSpencer born about 1909
RoneCharlie born about 1930
RoneCharlie Cborn about 1938
RoneHerbert born about 1929
RoneIrene born about 1927
RoneJames born about 1940
RoneJohnny Maeborn about 1931
RoneManda born about 1915
RoneWillie born about 1910
RoneWillie Jr born about 1933

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S Surnames

ShellEula Maeborn about 1925
ShellHazel born about 1921
ShellLeroy born about 1912
ShellMatilda born about 1891
ShellS Bborn about 1940
SimmonsBeatrice born about 1919
SimmonsJoe born about 1931
SimmonsJulia born about 1929
SimmonsSarah born about 1875
SimmonsSip born about 1847
SimmonsSip Jr born about 1917
SmallAngelina born about 1926
SmallDorothy Maeborn about 1933
SmallJohnny Leeborn about 1932
SmallWillie Maeborn about 1930
SmithAlex Andriaborn about 1938
SmithEddie born about 1923
SmithHattie born about 1915
SmithHenrietta born about 1920
SmithJames born about 1907
SmithMary Anneborn about 1875
SmithNancy born about 1924
SmithSadie born about 1934
SmithVoldosta born about 1898
SmithW Mborn about 1869
SmothersHenry born about 1938
SmothersHomero born about 1880
SmothersMary born about 1894
SmothersOra Leeborn about 1925
StevensonHercule born about 1934

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T Surnames

TaylorHarris born about 1924
TaylorJoshua born about 1927
ThomasAlfred born about 1878
ThomasEdith born about 1928
ThomasIsaac born about 1913
ThomasRufus born about 1934
ThomasSusie born about 1892
ThompsonArthur Janeborn about 1932
ThompsonBoye born about 1898
ThompsonEarthy Maeborn about 1939
ThompsonEdna Maeborn about 1939
ThompsonJames Aborn about 1886
ThompsonLewis born about 1930
ThompsonMattie born about 1934
ThompsonNora born about 1907
ThompsonPhillips born about 1927
ThompsonVertila Maeborn about 1937
ThorntonRebecca born about 1908
ThorntonRoxana born about 1900
TuggersonJames born about 1895
TuggersonMaggie born about 1894
TurnerRaymond born about 1920
TylerGladys born about 1915
TylerLester born about 1911
TylerNancy born about 1875
TylerNancy Annborn about 1938
TylerPaul Sylvaborn about 1936
TylerWilliam Lewisborn about 1934

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W Surnames

WardFrederik born about 1919
WardMelvina born about 1894
WardParnell born about 1921
WardR Bborn about 1890
WardR B Jrborn about 1925
WeathersMabel born about 1923
WeathersWalter born about 1925
WeathersWillie born about 1881
WhittakerLaura born about 1922
WilkersonElna born about 1932
WillfordAaron born about 1892
WillfordRosa born about 1909
WilliamAnne born about 1914
WilliamB Bborn about 1895
WilliamB B Jrborn about 1937
WilliamFerdinand born about 1939
WilliamsAndrew born about 1921
WilliamsAnna born about 1892
WilliamsClara born about 1851
WilliamsElena born about 1931
WilliamsElenor born about 1928
WilliamsElizabeth born about 1922
WilliamsEssie born about 1925
WilliamsEugene born about 1918
WilliamsGeneva born about 1902
WilliamsHarvey born about 1873
WilliamsHenry born about 1867
WilliamsInell born about 1932
WilliamsJ Sborn about 1880
WilliamsJ Wborn about 1934
WilliamsJonie born about 1890
WilliamsJulean born about 1894
WilliamsL Eborn about 1930
WilliamsLonnie born about 1937
WilliamsLucinda born about 1924
WilliamsMildred born about 1926
WilliamsNancy born about 1928
WilliamsP Lborn about 1936
WilliamsPearl Francisborn about 1920
WilliamsRhoda born about 1930
WilliamsRosa Ellaborn about 1926
WillisAnne born about 1872
WilsonAzell born about 1926
WilsonEliggy born about 1927
WilsonJ Rborn about 1881
WilsonLeon born about 1925
WilsonMary born about 1902
WilsonMontana born about 1933
WilsonThelma born about 1929
WilsonVernon born about 1940
WilsonVertile born about 1931
WilsonVirgie born about 1936
WrightJames born about 1891
WynnBaxter born about 1908
WynnBessie born about 1919
WynnEdward born about 1915
WynnEloise born about 1937
WynnHelen born about 1915
WynnJeanette born about 1934
WynnMary born about 1910
WynnSally born about 1888

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