1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bagdad, Santa Rosa, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Santa Rosa County > 1940 Census of Bagdad

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsErby L Jrborn about 1931
AdamsErby L Srborn about 1911
AdamsGeorge Lborn about 1925
AdamsLillie born about 1905
AdamsLuther Iborn about 1902
AdamsMary born about 1868
AdamsMary born about 1915
AdamsMary Edwinaborn about 1933
AdamsMoses born about 1863
AdamsRalph born about 1937
AdamsSadie born about 1906
AndersH Aborn about 1879
AndersIsabell born about 1879
AndersonErnest born about 1888
AndersonHerdis born about 1921
AndersonJane born about 1936
AndersonLuganue born about 1894
AndersonMildred born about 1933
AndersonMino born about 1929
AndersonOre Zonaborn about 1887
AndersonRalph born about 1931
AndersonRosena born about 1882
AndersonTalis born about 1888
ArdinParry born about 1870
ArmisteadMarion E Jrborn about 1936
ArmisteadMarion E Srborn about 1897
ArmisteadMillie born about 1906
ArmisteadSarah Cborn about 1924

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B Surnames

BaggettAllinger born about 1910
BainAnnie Mborn about 1907
BainJuanita born about 1929
BainLeroy born about 1902
BallingIda Bborn about 1888
BaltonEdward Lborn about 1937
BaltonIrene born about 1940
BaltonIris born about 1916
BanksArmanzy born about 1910
BarnesJimmy Lborn about 1925
BattWilliam born about 1925
BattsMal born about 1929
BeckElsie L Cborn about 1933
BeckJesse Lborn about 1927
BeckJosephine born about 1940
BeckLee born about 1893
BeckLucille born about 1907
BeckMary Cborn about 1935
BeckRuby born about 1925
BeckWinford born about 1931
BembowWillie Maeborn about 1897
BentonDarcy born about 1895
BentonLucille born about 1902
BerrianElla born about 1861
BirdTom born about 1888
BlanClinton Gborn about 1875
BlanLena Maeborn about 1915
BlanMary Aborn about 1880
BlanShelby Nborn about 1912
BoltonClarence Dborn about 1927
BoltonGrace born about 1917
BoltonLeon born about 1916
BoltonRobert born about 1912
BoltonSarah born about 1884
BoltonTellie Mborn about 1883
BombayMrs M Lborn about 1855
BonifayAvis born about 1919
BonifayE Aborn about 1907
BonifayErnest born about 1921
BonifayEula Maeborn about 1929
BonifayFrederick born about 1937
BonifayGavie born about 1908
BonifayHarvey born about 1923
BonifayIdell born about 1884
BonifayJoseph Oborn about 1875
BonifayMillard born about 1935
BonifayRonald Wborn about 1937
BonifayRuth born about 1928
BonifayThelma born about 1914
BowersFlorence born about 1871
BradleyAlbert born about 1923
BradleyChristine born about 1926
BradleyElla born about 1895
BrayMandy Leeborn about 1862
BrittianghamBenjamin Fborn about 1898
BrittianghamJeanette born about 1937
BrittianghamMary born about 1911
BrownAnn Gborn about 1939
BrownHilda Maeborn about 1924
BrownMaxie born about 1906
BrownMinnie Nellborn about 1926
BrownRuth Gborn about 1917
BrownVolney Lborn about 1915
BrownWilliam Rborn about 1893
BryantNamon Bborn about 1901
BryantRoxie Mborn about 1910
BuggsAnnie Maeborn about 1926
BuggsAugustine born about 1929
BuggsJim born about 1907
BuggsOlivia born about 1906
ButlerAlfonse born about 1922

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C Surnames

CallowayAlsire born about 1867
CampbellCharles Cborn about 1882
CampbellEvalee Mborn about 1922
CampbellGlen Cborn about 1924
CampbellKenneth Lborn about 1920
CampbellRuby Gborn about 1890
Campbellc born about 1879
CampbellcBessie born about 1891
CampbellcEddie Louborn about 1935
CampbellcMyrtle born about 1927
CampbellcRuby born about 1931
CampbellcWilburn Hborn about 1919
CannonMelvin born about 1924
CarrollGladys born about 1915
CarrollLewis born about 1916
CarrollSam born about 1914
CarrollThelma born about 1932
CarterFletcher born about 1930
CarterFlorence born about 1893
CarterMargaret born about 1915
CarterMartin born about 1920
CarterO Mborn about 1888
CarterWinston born about 1919
ChaseAnnie born about 1870
ChestnutAudrey born about 1910
ChestnutAudrey Eborn about 1938
ChestnutClinton Aborn about 1910
ChestnutClyde born about 1908
ChestnutClyde Jr born about 1929
ChestnutDoris Jborn about 1934
ChestnutJohn Wborn about 1937
ChestnutMillie Earnborn about 1931
ChestnutPauline born about 1917
ChestnutThomas born about 1929
ChestnutVivian Lborn about 1940
ChristianDonovan born about 1914
ChristianLouise Rborn about 1923
ChristianRay Lborn about 1939
ClaphamEmma Vborn about 1870
ClarityJoe born about 1895
ClarityWillie Bborn about 1907
ClarkAnnie Rborn about 1893
ClarkLouise born about 1929
ClarkSybil born about 1925
ClarkWilliam Pborn about 1879
ClemonsJeanette born about 1932
ClemonsJewel born about 1928
ClemonsJune born about 1935
CobbHazel Lborn about 1911
CookCharles Dborn about 1933
CookGeorge Hborn about 1852
CookJ Willardborn about 1915
CookJulia born about 1925
CookLawrence Mborn about 1885
CookPearl born about 1895
Cooley?areri born about 1907
CooleyArlie born about 1909
CooleyBnnie Jborn about 1892
CooperDaral Maeborn about 1933
CooperJemiour Dborn about 1910
CooperJessie Maeborn about 1911
CooperMargie born about
CooperZarkie born about 1917
CouncilClifford Tborn about 1931
CouncilG Rborn about 1861
CouncilGordon Eborn about 1935
CouncilLester Lborn about 1939
CouncilMamie Leeborn about 1908
CouncilMildred Lborn about 1928
CouncilVernon Hborn about 1933
CouncilVirgil Eborn about 1935
CouncilW Lborn about 1930
CouncilWillie Aborn about 1898
CounselMinnie born about 1914
CounselPasade born about 1867
CoxMillie Joeborn about 1930
CrabtreeArthur Rayborn about 1922
CrabtreeJames Rborn about 1924
CrabtreeJoseph W Srborn about 1885
CrabtreeMary Fborn about 1919
CrabtreeMinnie Fborn about 1886
CraftLeonard born about 1912
CraftLouise born about 1919
CraigJames born about 1927
CraigRobert Cborn about 1923
CranfordEmma Jeanborn about 1939
CranfordHilson Cborn about 1910
CranfordVera Maeborn about 1918
CrawfordCecil Eborn about 1940
CrawfordCurtis Eborn about 1917
CrawfordOnie born about 1917

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D Surnames

DavisAcme born about 1922
DavisAdeline born about 1908
DavisElizabeth born about 1940
DavisI Hborn about 1886
DavisJohn Bborn about 1932
DavisLara born about 1927
DavisLaura born about 1897
DavisLeroy born about 1909
DavisWillard born about 1908
DavisonKathleen born about 1903
DidenPearl born about 1878
DidenW Fborn about 1872
DigmonDewey born about 1916
DigmonInez Mborn about 1923
DixonMackie Leeborn about 1911
DouglassWilliam Tborn about 1878

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E Surnames

EdgarCelia Lborn about 1866
EdgarJohn Dborn about 1888
EdgarVidell born about 1897
EdwardsHenry born about 1876
EllebyJeny born about 1895
ElliottArchie Lborn about 1911
ElliottFlora Sborn about 1920
ElliottFloriene born about 1940
EllisHarry Gborn about 1891

F Surnames

FaginLucille Sborn about 1905
FaginWill born about 1885
FergusonJay born about 1888
FergusonJohn Dborn about 1938
FergusonRosada born about 1899
FlemingA Aborn about 1861
FlemingBobby Dborn about 1933
FlemingCallie Maeborn about 1910
FlemingDavid Aborn about 1903
FosterBill born about 1916
FosterEddie Maeborn about 1920
FosterLattie born about 1908
FosterOliver born about 1929
FosterW Mborn about 1898
FoxworthAda born about 1893
FoxworthAlvernon born about 1927
FoxworthElizabeth born about 1906
FoxworthElsie born about 1925
FoxworthGeorge Aborn about 1898
FoxworthJames Eborn about 1924
FoxworthL Bborn about 1893
FoxworthWille born about 1928
FranklinJacob born about 1921
FullerCurtis born about 1900
FullerMary born about 1905

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G Surnames

GainerEthel born about 1933
GainerEva Mborn about 1926
GainerHandy born about 1931
GainerHenry born about 1900
GainerLouis born about 1935
GainerMary Lborn about 1910
GainerOllie Mborn about 1930
GallowayBetty Jeanborn about 1940
GallowayFannie Bellborn about 1918
GallowayJames Cborn about 1939
GallowayLonnie born about 1911
GallowayWillie Fborn about 1936
GasleyDave born about 1852
GaugerGertrude Rborn about 1913
GaugerRichard Wborn about 1898
GayGrady born about 1922
GayMollie born about 1898
GibsonLillian Pborn about 1915
GibsonMarshall Mborn about 1909
GipsonDessie born about 1926
GipsonDora Rborn about 1900
GipsonGeorge Mborn about 1895
GipsonGilbert born about 1919
GipsonJ Cborn about 1921
GipsonLois born about 1924
GipsonRay born about 1922
GodsmithWilliam born about 1925
GoldsmithErnest born about 1931
GoldsmithGlayds born about 1923
GoldsmithWilliam born about 1906
GoodwinAubrey Cborn about 1926
GoodwinCarrie born about 1900
GoodwinDelma Cborn about 1924
GoodwinGrady Hborn about 1896
GoodwinWilma Jborn about 1935
GordonCora Lborn about 1892
GordonMarion Aborn about 1871
GreenAdrian born about 1928
GreenLloyd born about 1931
GreenMary born about 1901
GreenSolomon Jr born about 1921
GreenSolomon Sr born about 1900
GreeneFannie Bellborn about 1883
GreeneJohn born about 1878
GreenleeEdward Tborn about 1889
GreenleeMary Rborn about 1894
GriffithAlice born about 1884
GriffithMallery born about 1926
GriffithOc?ll born about 1921
GriffithPhilip Mborn about 1875
GrossEula Bborn about 1907
GunnCora Dborn about 1930
GunnD Mborn about 1884
GunnDavid Pborn about 1934
GunnJosephine Aborn about 1937
GunnMartha Vborn about 1939
GunnMary Aborn about 1928
GunnNancy Eborn about 1931
GunnPauline born about 1903
GunnPauline Mborn about 1927
GunterAnnie born about 1898
GunterBeatrice born about 1924
GunterC D Jrborn about 1927
GunterCrumell Dborn about 1896
GunterSam born about 1937

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H Surnames

HandshawAnnie Ruthborn about 1924
HandshawHorace Eborn about 1917
HandshawJohn G Srborn about 1876
HandshawJohn O Jrborn about 1920
HandshawPearl Eborn about 1893
HarboughMary Mborn about 1871
HarrisClyde born about 1926
HarrisEugene born about 1891
HarrisFreeman born about 1898
HarrisJael born about 1919
HarrisLesla born about 1908
HarrisMyrtle born about 1927
HartAbbie Lueborn about 1909
HartClarie born about 1930
HartFrank born about 1891
HendersonBarbara Annborn about 1937
HenricksonEva Aborn about 1916
HenricksonO Bborn about 1903
HenricksonOscar born about 1859
HinoteCharles Hborn about 1887
HinoteClarence Mborn about 1918
HinoteIda Maeborn about 1915
HinoteLucille born about 1922
HinoteMartha born about 1886
HinoteNicie Eborn about 1921
HinoteVirgie born about 1939
HinoteVirginia born about 1920
HinoteW Nborn about 1914
HinoteWilliam Hborn about 1912
HolleyRena born about 1871
HollinsAmelia born about 1904
HoweJames Mborn about 1924
HoweLillian Vborn about 1903
HoweLinnie born about 1870
HoweRay born about 1899
HoweVictor Eborn about 1895
HubbardLillian Sborn about 1894
HudrickJoe born about 1910
HugginsSallie born about 1853

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I Surnames

IngramCharles Eborn about 1883
IsiahWilliam born about 1911

J Surnames

JacksonEugene born about 1935
JacksonMarie born about 1919
JacksonMarie Rborn about 1908
JacksonWill born about 1900
JacksonWillie Jr born about 1915
JenkinsMilched born about 1927
JerniganAddie born about 1917
JerniganAnice born about 1918
JerniganClarice born about 1915
JerniganInez born about 1936
JerniganJanice born about 1939
JerniganLylia born about 1938
JerniganMolly born about 1870
JerniganWalker Lborn about 1902
JerniganWalker Leeborn about 1937
JohnsonAllen born about 1905
JohnsonD Dborn about 1893
JohnsonEssie Lborn about 1934
JohnsonHazel Maeborn about 1930
JohnsonHelen born about 1921
JohnsonJames born about 1894
JohnsonJosey Gborn about 1920
JohnsonJulia born about 1867
JohnsonKinnon born about 1900
JohnsonMargaret born about 1935
JohnsonPaul born about 1875
JohnsonWillie Leeborn about 1910
JonesCurlie born about 1918
JonesEvelyn Galeborn about 1939
JonesGaynell born about 1917
JonesIda born about 1927
JonesJohn Bborn about 1923
JonesJohn Tborn about 1886
JonesLinnie born about 1887
JonesMargaret born about 1935
JonesWillard Tborn about 1915
JordanBetty Sueborn about 1935
JordanDean Fborn about 1909
JordanHarold Dborn about 1938
JordanHoward born about 1922
JordanRobert Fborn about 1932
JordanRuby born about 1913
JorkinFrank born about 1929
JoynerEmma Aborn about 1867
JoynerMary born about 1860
JucksLaura born about 1895

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K Surnames

KelkerTena born about 1871
KellyJames Thomasborn about 1882
KellyLiza Maeborn about 1882
KennedyBetty Sueborn about 1936
KennedyEltoria born about 1911
KennedyWilma Rborn about 1900
KervinAnna born about 1937
KervinFloyd born about 1934
KervinGracie born about 1926
KervinJames born about 1916
KervinLenton born about 1918
KervinMargaret Hborn about 1902
KervinMary born about 1924
KervinMaxine born about 1928
KimmonLula born about 1887
KimmonPerry born about 1923
KimmonsCahrie born about 1890
KimmonsIdmona* born about 1916
KimmonsMartel born about 1918
KimmonsMartha Belleborn about 1888
KingryBilly Mborn about 1930
KingryDoris Lborn about 1920
KingryGorver Cborn about 1886
KingryJames Aborn about 1918
KingryMary Eborn about 1927
KingryOlive Nborn about 1887

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L Surnames

LeopardC Fborn about 1891
LeopardCharles born about 1857
LeopardJennie born about 1892
LevinsBernice born about 1932
LevinsJames born about 1902
LevinsJettie Vborn about 1934
LevinsLucille born about 1926
LevinsRudolph born about 1930
LevinsS Cborn about 1905
LewisArive Bborn about 1920
LewisBedie born about 1920
LewisD Eborn about 1895
LewisEdna Sborn about 1895
LewisHenry Jborn about 1876
LewisJosephine born about 1880
LewisKirtie born about 1908
LewisL Cborn about 1936
LewisLei born about 1933
LewisMary Eborn about 1909
LewisPans Jborn about 1918
LewisRodgers born about 1909
LewisVirgie born about 1909
LewisWill born about 1922
LinzyAda born about 1892
LinzyCarrie Cborn about 1884
LinzyPleas born about 1871
LogeneRobert Hborn about 1879

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M Surnames

MaconCharles born about 1923
MaconSallie born about 1881
MarrisSal born about 1910
MartinAubrey born about 1907
MartinAubrey S Jrborn about 1927
MartinElla Lborn about 1879
MartinElla Maeborn about 1923
MartinNora born about 1907
MartinW Wborn about 1874
MasonAwie born about 1906
MasonCharles born about 1931
MasonClaude Tborn about 1903
MasonClaudie born about 1928
MasonEileen born about 1939
MasonEthel born about 1933
MasonMary Bborn about 1935
McAllisterAlbert born about 1932
McAllisterAlice Mborn about 1936
McAllisterKate Mborn about 1914
McAllisterMares born about 1903
McAllisterRobie Lborn about 1927
McAllisterSamuel born about 1938
McAllisterWillie Mborn about 1939
McArthurAlice Jborn about 1932
McArthurC A Jrborn about 1926
McArthurCarlean Gborn about 1897
McArthurCary Aborn about 1891
McArthurDennis born about 1917
McArthurHazel Mborn about 1927
McArthurJudia born about 1857
McArthurRuby born about 1920
McArthurSperter Tborn about 1877
McCayMary born about 1902
McCombsAlfred Eborn about 1892
McCombsBerlie born about 1889
McCombsJohn Tborn about 1887
McDonaldBeulah Maeborn about 1916
McDonaldClarence Aborn about 1919
McDonaldEarl born about 1924
McDonaldElla Maeborn about 1894
McDonaldJonnie Lborn about 1927
McDonaldWilliam Aborn about 1883
McDougallElla born about 1869
McDougallEssie born about 1894
McDougallEssie Maeborn about 1938
McDougallJ Tborn about 1936
McDougallLouise born about 1911
McInnisCharles born about 1931
McInnisHunter Lborn about 1915
McInnisIma born about 1876
McInnisJohn Hborn about 1868
McLeanRex Eborn about 1922
McLuenAnnie Bellborn about 1915
McMillerLaura born about 1873
McMillianJunior born about 1933
McNairJames Mborn about 1939
McNairJimmie T Jrborn about 1908
McNairMary Aliceborn about 1919
MeltonDavid Mborn about 1933
MeltonDorothy Mborn about 1926
MeltonIda Gborn about 1904
MeltonRobert Gborn about 1935
MervillHanry born about 1901
MervillHawey Jr born about 1936
MervillRajana born about 1938
MervillVivian born about 1913
MillerMary born about 1868
MillerMary born about 1874
MiltonMargaret born about 1895
MitchallAllen Gborn about 1926
MitchallAntley Lborn about 1882
MitchallIsabel born about 1887
MobleyElizabeth born about 1899
MobleyJohn born about 1886
MoodyBessie Eborn about 1879
MoodyJ Sborn about 1873
MoodyJanet Eborn about 1891
MorganAnn Bellborn about 1910
MorrisAnna Bearlborn about 1916

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N Surnames

NelsonCecil born about 1931
NelsonJuanita born about 1933
NelsonLillie Maeborn about 1915
NelsonLlamar born about 1934
NelsonRaymond Pborn about 1908
NelsonToby Geneborn about 1936
NettlesWillie Rborn about 1928

O Surnames

OvermanAda Ruthborn about 1920
OvermanArnette born about 1894
OvermanCharles H Srborn about 1890
OvermanMary Kathleenborn about 1939
OvermanMary Olive Dborn about 1908
OvermanRobert Leeborn about 1925
OvermanWilliam Jborn about 1920
OwensCarrie Leeborn about 1910
OwensFrank born about 1853
OwensIsaae born about 1893
OwensLiza born about 1866
OwensWanda Jeanborn about 1925

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P Surnames

PaceBurl born about 1910
PaceEleanor born about 1939
PaceElizabeth born about 1938
PaceGeorge Eborn about 1936
PaceSarah born about 1908
ParkerAnnie born about 1901
ParkerBilly born about 1926
ParkerCharles Eborn about 1904
ParkerDorothy Jameborn about 1925
ParkerJ Dborn about 1924
ParkerJack born about 1881
ParkerJesse born about 1922
ParkerW Lellerborn about 1899
PearsonI Cborn about 1924
PearsonMrs A Mborn about 1911
PendeltonElla born about 1890
PendeltonF J Jrborn about 1923
PendeltonFrank Jborn about 1886
PendeltonMaud Lborn about 1905
PendeltonMillage born about 1926
PendeltonPerry Eborn about 1909
PendeltonRudolph born about 1932
PetersonJohn Wborn about 1888
PetersonRosa Lborn about 1883
PhillipsHenry born about 1915
PhillipsHilley born about 1920
PittsDorman Mborn about 1915
PooleySarah born about 1869
PowellCarrie Mborn about 1904
PowellEvan Bborn about 1925
PowellHerbert Lborn about 1904
PowellJanet born about 1932
PowellLawrence Lborn about 1901
PowellMary Aborn about 1885
PresleyAgnes born about 1925
PresleyArthur Wborn about 1908
PresleyCharlie born about 1888
PresleyDelene born about 1927
PresleyEllen born about 1897
PresleyElva born about 1922
PresleyJ Mamieborn about 1915
PresleyLela born about 1891
PresleyMarie Jborn about 1931
PresleyMartha Ruthborn about 1917
PresleyMaureen born about 1939
PresleyRayhon born about 1920
PresleyRome Lborn about 1878
PresleySallie Maeborn about 1910
PresleyWarner born about 1937
PrunoAddie Pborn about 1929
PrunoJohnnie born about 1932
PrunoVera born about 1927
PryarAaron born about 1905

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R Surnames

RachJohanna born about 1882
RachWalter born about 1915
RachWilliam Cborn about 1882
RaffaeleBeulah born about 1930
RaffaeleReginald born about 1934
RaffaeleSybil born about 1928
RamsayAlice born about 1880
RamsayLueston born about 1914
RankinRobert born about 1885
RaylandJosephine born about 1855
ReimbertClinton born about 1931
ReimbertLeila born about 1904
ReimbertRay born about 1898
ReimbertWilma born about 1925
RendeltonAnnie Maeborn about 1923
RendeltonHomer born about 1895
RendeltonIrene born about 1926
RendeltonSallie born about 1899
RendeltonSeaborn born about 1919
RiceAddie Mborn about 1899
RiceAlbert born about 1914
RiceBillie born about 1933
RiceBoone Tborn about 1888
RiceC Cborn about 1893
RiceCecil born about 1934
RiceJohn born about 1886
RiceLouise born about 1928
RiceLucille born about 1928
RiceLula born about 1902
RiceMartha born about 1896
RiceMary Aliceborn about 1937
RiceTernill born about 1926
RiceWillie Maeborn about 1917
RichAlice Vborn about 1875
RichLaura Leeborn about 1920
RichOscar Wborn about 1870
RichardsonAvis Marieborn about 1927
RichardsonFrances born about 1937
RichardsonIsabel born about 1919
RichardsonPassie Jeneborn about 1892
RichardsonPassie Louiseborn about 1922
RichardsonRobert born about 1938
RichardsonThomas born about 1917
RichardsonThomas Aborn about 1885
RichardsonThomas A Jrborn about 1920
RichardsonTravis Leeborn about 1927
RileyBernice born about 1920
RileyCarle born about 1936
RileyHattie born about 1894
RileyLillie Maeborn about 1912
RileyLloyd born about 1912
RileyLouis born about 1926
RileyT Gborn about 1884
RileyT Luttellborn about 1910
RobertsonBernice born about 1915
RobertsonWilliam Dborn about 1906
RodgersWillie Ellaborn about 1892
RogersBessie born about 1896
RogersCarrie born about 1870
RogersElmer Eborn about 1926
RogersPerry born about 1897
RoughtonM Tborn about 1888
RoyanJohn Tborn about 1883

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S Surnames

SampleyBelle Jborn about 1900
SampleyBennie born about 1907
SampleyHarry born about 1930
SampleyJames Aborn about 1895
SealGuy Iborn about 1897
SealMaeron born about 1899
SearceyAgnes born about 1891
SellersFern Dborn about 1901
SellersHubert born about 1939
SellersManuel born about 1937
SellersMargaret born about 1922
SellersMartin born about 1939
SellersMims Fborn about 1937
SellersSam Dborn about 1873
SellersSam Jr born about 1906
ShanceHomer born about 1909
ShaneCurtis Aborn about 1906
ShaneSallie born about 1909
SheffieldMchinby born about 1917
ShephardEkra born about 1878
ShephardRobie Leeborn about 1927
ShephardSarah born about 1865
ShephardWalter Cborn about 1875
SimmonsClarice born about 1922
SimmonsEthel Leeborn about 1930
SimmonsG Wborn about 1884
SimmonsI Hborn about 1873
SimmonsIda born about 1884
SimmonsJ Bborn about 1920
SimmonsOlive born about 1924
SimmonsOliver born about 1930
SimmonsR Lborn about 1923
SimpsonAudrey born about 1915
SimpsonAudrey Mborn about 1939
SimpsonBobby Jborn about 1934
SimpsonFrank Lborn about 1897
SimpsonFrank L Srborn about 1920
SimpsonJohn Bborn about 1936
SindorfMary Oborn about 1868
SinkfieldJames born about 1909
SlackPriscalla born about 1920
SlarkEddie born about 1910
SmelleyJ Bborn about 1918
SmithAdell born about 1938
SmithBeulah born about 1908
SmithCharlie born about 1880
SmithEd Lborn about 1907
SmithEdwina born about 1926
SmithElla Mborn about 1931
SmithHazie Tborn about 1924
SmithJ Edwardborn about 1876
SmithLottie Mborn about 1911
SmithMaggie born about 1880
SmithPete born about 1890
SmithPriscilla born about 1936
SmithStanley born about 1934
SmithVinson Tborn about 1909
SmithVonal born about 1934
SmithWilliam Fborn about 1928
SnyderAnnie Lborn about 1894
SnyderClaude born about 1919
SnyderJohn Hborn about 1904
StarksCarry born about 1901
StarksHarrison born about 1939
StarksHorace Hborn about 1885
StarksHorace Jr born about 1936
StarksOtto born about 1931
StrongLurious born about 1936
SweatElbert born about 1910
SweatMamie Mborn about 1897
SweatThomas Aborn about 1881

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T Surnames

TaylorAlbert born about 1890
TaylorBalma born about 1881
TaylorEarl born about 1939
TaylorEdith born about 1905
TaylorHoward born about 1928
TaylorMattie born about 1903
TaylorPreston born about 1927
TaylorRuthie Maeborn about 1914
TaylorSybil born about 1920
TealBoss born about 1896
TealLiza born about 1862
ThompsonAlvin born about 1925
ThompsonBennie born about 1931
ThompsonCleo born about 1903
ThompsonE Rborn about 1883
ThompsonEmma born about 1892
ThompsonEvelyn born about 1911
ThompsonJesse born about 1898
ThompsonOla born about 1881
ThompsonWirt W Jrborn about 1936
ThompsonWirt W Srborn about 1901
TollmanViola born about 1910
TriceJohn Fborn about 1868
TriceMattie born about 1875
TriceWilliam Hborn about 1893
TuckerCharlie born about 1900
TuckerCharlie Leeborn about 1926
TuckerChoice born about 1931
TuckerEdna Maeborn about 1921
TuckerEra Maeborn about 1937
TuckerEula Maeborn about 1936
TuckerEuline born about 1923
TuckerHerman Wborn about 1928
TuckerLover born about 1905
TuckerWillie Rborn about 1934

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U Surnames

UnderwoodBeatrice born about 1911

W Surnames

WardGeorge born about 1906
WardGrace born about 1908
WellsCaline born about 1890
WellsJerome born about 1885
WellsJimmie Louborn about 1925
WhigumHenry born about 1921
WhisleyFred Lborn about 1888
WhisleyMina born about 1893
WhisleyRobert Eborn about 1922
WilliamsAngeline born about 1914
WilliamsDonnie Fborn about 1938
WilliamsEd born about 1905
WilliamsEra born about 1913
WilliamsEunice Vborn about 1910
WilliamsFlorence Vborn about 1867
WilliamsHouston born about 1930
WilliamsJohn Lborn about 1935
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1896
WilliamsJulia born about 1870
WilliamsLee Mborn about 1894
WilliamsMorris Eborn about 1932
WilliamsNellie Maeborn about 1928
WilliamsNettie Ruthborn about 1902
WilliamsR Wborn about 1880
WilliamsRichard born about 1867
WilliamsSam Dborn about 1938
WillieObie born about 1911
WillieOlive Eborn about 1934
WillieVirginia born about 1901
WillisCharles Fborn about 1894
WillisCharles Nborn about 1939
WillisGeorge W Srborn about 1860
WillisMyrtis born about 1904
WillisSarah born about 1865
WynnWilliam Wborn about 1893

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Y Surnames

YearlingRosanna born about 1911

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