1940 U.S. Federal Census of Careys Lane, Escambia, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Escambia County > 1940 Census of Careys Lane

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBette Jeanborn about 1930
AdamsEthel born about 1910
AdamsG Wborn about 1909
AdamsGeorge W Jrborn about 1936
AdamsRonald Leeborn about 1939
AlbinMarjorie born about 1911
AlbinWilliam Charleborn about 1911
AndersonCatherine born about 1896
AndersonKatherine born about 1906
AndersonModesta born about 1911
ArdBether born about 1914
ArdDushy born about 1911
ArmfieldFrank born about 1922
ArteryBenjamin born about 1915
ArteryFauroy Maeborn about 1919
ArztEarl born about 1913
ArztHenry born about 1865
ArztMargaretta born about 1888

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B Surnames

BaldwinDorothy born about 1921
BaldwinOlgia born about 1914
BallardAnnie Maeborn about 1924
BarmanBarnette born about 1903
BarmanC Jborn about 1897
BarmanNetty born about 1928
BatesGeraldine born about 1911
BatesJames Warrenborn about 1911
BaumanAnnie born about 1865
BaumanJoseph born about 1862
BeardenArnold Albertborn about 1932
BeardenBetty Janeborn about 1934
BeardenJack Louisborn about 1928
BeardenJohn born about 1907
BeardenMary Louiseborn about 1930
BeardenVivian born about 1909
BeaudetteAlice born about 1916
BeaudetteWilfred Jborn about 1903
BeaudetteWilfred Jr born about 1938
BeckJessie Maeborn about 1917
BerkLillian born about 1899
BerkStephen Wborn about 1909
BerryFanton born about 1915
BerryMary Aliceborn about 1923
BishopMellie born about 1906
BishopWilliam born about 1890
BlackmonAlice born about 1930
BlackmonMargaret born about 1924
BlackmonMarion born about 1894
BlackmonMarion Jr born about 1933
BlackmonRose Maryborn about 1936
BlackmonStella born about 1890
BlackwellBessie Rborn about 1919
BlackwellErnest Jborn about 1914
BloSallie Nborn about 1884
BonifayAllen Cborn about 1922
BonifayBirdie Lborn about 1900
BonifayGeorge born about 1892
BoytClarence Aborn about 1895
BoytNena born about 1892
BradfordCynthia Pborn about 1933
BradfordEugene Fborn about 1934
BradfordGeorge Fborn about 1904
BradfordPauline Iborn about 1909
BradfordRobert Wborn about 1931
BrewtonMonroe born about 1916
BrittJake Claudeborn about 1939
BrittJulian born about 1900
BrittLeona born about 1905
BrooksAdrew Jo Jrborn about 1914
BrooksAlice Cborn about 1892
BrooksAndrew Sr Jborn about 1887
BrooksHelen born about 1930
BrooksLeslie Bborn about 1916
BrownBeverly born about 1921
BrownGeorge born about 1891
BrownGeorge Jr born about 1921
BrownGladys born about 1928
BrownGloria born about 1926
BrownGwen Bborn about 1933
BrownHunter Eborn about 1890
BrownLeroy born about 1923
BrownLula born about 1910
BrownMargaret born about 1884
BrownMary born about 1895
BrownWalter born about 1916
BrownWilliam Jborn about 1918
BrowningCecilia born about 1911
BrowningHerman born about 1906
BrowningJoan born about 1934
BrowningJoyce Lyretteborn about 1930
BrowningThomas Bakerborn about 1939
BuchnerBeatrice born about 1905
BuchnerJames born about 1907

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C Surnames

CainChester born about 1912
CainDoris born about 1917
CainThomas Dwightborn about 1938
CainWilliam Ralphborn about 1937
CampbellHarry born about 1915
CampbellLellie born about 1904
CanadyHenry Jborn about 1901
CanadySussie Mborn about 1907
CannonBarbara Jeanborn about 1940
CannonGarlin born about 1918
CannonRuth born about 1920
CarnesBarbara Joyceborn about 1940
CarnesBurdette born about 1911
CarnesFlorence born about 1917
CarnesPaul born about 1938
CarrollAlice Marieborn about 1907
CarrollBetty Janeborn about 1930
CarrollFrank Tborn about 1886
CarrollWilliam Edwardborn about 1928
CarterHarold Georgeborn about 1907
CarterHeisel Margaretborn about 1911
CarterMildred Georgeborn about 1939
CartwrightDavid born about 1914
CartwrightDavid Jr born about 1937
CartwrightElmira born about 1900
CartwrightMattie born about 1916
ChestnutJames born about 1923
ChestnutMalcom born about 1922
ChewEarl born about 1938
ChewJessie born about 1910
ChewN Cborn about 1913
ChewingJacquiline born about 1905
ChewingR Oborn about 1906
ChukBeaulah born about 1910
ChukBelenda born about 1939
ChukClifton born about 1902
ClarkeElizabeth born about 1899
CobbEthel born about 1907
CobbGeorge Pborn about 1901
CobbGeorge P Jrborn about 1928
CochranDouglas Allenborn about 1927
CochranKenneth born about 1898
CochranOlive Louiseborn about 1903
ColeEffie born about 1890
ColeJames Bernardborn about 1934
ColeMaud Alisonborn about 1924
ColeWill born about 1886
ColeWillie Esterborn about 1921
CollierEreria Tborn about 1906
CollierKatherine born about 1911
CollinsBetty Joborn about 1936
CollinsCleylis born about 1878
CollinsJames born about 1934
CollinsJosephine born about 1901
CollinsLynnwood Jr born about 1932
ConeArlene born about 1913
ConeEdward born about 1940
ConeGrady born about 1934
ConeJanet born about 1936
ConeJesse born about 1909
CribbsDonald born about 1932
CribbsEdna born about 1936
CribbsFarris born about 1905
CribbsGerad born about 1938
CribbsIrirn born about 1933
CribbsJohn Josephborn about 1940
CribbsThresa born about 1913
CrowderDavid Lois Jrborn about 1913
CrowderEdna Louiseborn about 1917
CrowerAndrew Aborn about 1904
CrowerAndrew Jr born about 1932
CrowerBarbara Maeborn about 1934
CrowerDoris Eloiseborn about 1929
CrowerMargaret born about 1906
CrowerRobert Allenborn about 1935
CrowerWilliams Hersonborn about 1939
CruzenNalton born about 1924
CruzenSusan born about 1930
CutcherNorma Helenborn about 1907
CutcherShirley born about 1933
CutcherWilliam Rborn about 1902

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D Surnames

DavidsonBetty born about 1927
DavidsonElenson born about 1904
DavidsonLona born about 1910
DavisLynds born about 1933
DaxonAnnie Beatriceborn about 1895
DaxonHelen Ruthborn about 1917
DaxonJ Tborn about 1892
DeanGail born about 1935
DeanGrace born about 1916
DeanWanda born about 1937
DickeyElizabeth born about 1903
DickeyJohn Dennisborn about 1938
DickeyJohn Richardborn about 1907
DickeyJudith Annborn about 1936
DiffinA Lenardborn about 1903
DiffinAlexander born about 1869
DiffinEva born about 1893
DiffinMarion born about 1906
DiffinMary Evaborn about 1923
DiffinTracy born about 1925
DorseyEleanor born about 1918
DorseyEleanor Tborn about 1912
DortchColeman born about 1914
DortchFanny Maeborn about 1920
DunhanEdith born about 1877
DunhanEdith born about 1920

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E Surnames

EitzenLottie born about 1878
ElaAmela born about 1871
EllmerHelen born about 1925

F Surnames

FarnhamFrank Hborn about 1865
FarnhamHenrietta born about 1874
FinklerEdith born about 1920
FinklerIda Gwinborn about 1938
FisherG Cborn about 1911
FisherLucille born about 1920
FitzgeraldJane born about 1875
FlakeLynn Claraborn about 1910
FlakeRichard Hborn about 1897
ForsytherRobert Oborn about 1902
FountainDoris Jeanborn about 1937
FountainFayette born about 1934
FountainHenry born about 1911
FountainWill born about 1886
FranklinJames born about 1913

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G Surnames

GangloffAida Lorraineborn about 1938
GangloffDora born about 1908
GangloffDorothy Maeborn about 1930
GangloffJoseph born about 1903
GangloffMargaret Annborn about 1933
GarteroDavid born about 1881
GarteroElois born about 1891
GerulattJohn born about 1913
GerulattLuise born about 1913
GillaspieGeorge Sborn about 1890
GillaspieOpal Dborn about 1901
GonzalezEdwina born about 1919
GonzalezIrina Oborn about 1896
GonzalezMarshall born about 1918
GortuesFrank born about 1913
GortuesMadelyn born about 1912
GortuesWilson born about 1938
GraceJoel Bborn about 1928
GraceMorris born about 1930
GraceTommie Sueborn about 1934
GreenHelton Henryborn about 1894
GreenHenderson born about 1926
GreenHenry Jr born about 1920
GreenIrena born about 1906
GreenLeola born about 1923
GreenNathanel born about 1908
GreenVirginia born about 1899
GreggGladys Cborn about 1904
GreggRobert Cborn about 1904
GrubbsAula born about 1901
GrubbsDouglas born about 1926
GrubbsIres born about 1924
GrubbsMinnie Leeborn about 1902

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H Surnames

HardLoys born about 1911
HarkinsAnna born about 1908
HarkinsGilbert born about 1905
HarleyBarbara born about 1935
HarleyCharlyn born about 1936
HarleyGrace born about 1917
HarleyRoscoe born about 1916
HartleyJerome Cborn about 1905
HartleyJerome Jr born about 1929
HartleyKatherine born about 1928
HartleyRose Maryborn about 1931
HartleyWarren born about 1905
HartleyWaruss born about 1936
HaultonClara Hborn about 1889
HaultonHarriet born about 1907
HayfordE Sborn about 1883
HayfordMarletti born about 1907
HayfordThomas born about 1939
HigginsFrannie Nayborn about 1919
HigginsRaymond born about 1919
HillAddie born about 1880
HillW A Jrborn about 1879
HoganEva born about 1924
HoganMary born about 1920
HoganThomas Jr born about 1922
HolmesGloria Fayborn about 1937
HuyckFanny Vborn about 1868
HuyckMilton Hborn about 1869

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I Surnames

IrhinKenneth born about 1910
IrhinMary Jeanborn about 1909
IssacFlorence born about 1924
IssacJohn Fredrickborn about 1914

J Surnames

JacksonCatie born about 1905
JacksonClaofies born about 1935
JacksonGeorge Leeborn about 1937
JacksonJ Cborn about 1906
JacksonJames born about 1911
JacksonJessie Jr born about 1936
JacksonLola Maeborn about 1928
JacksonMattie Leeborn about 1911
JacksonPernecitent born about 1939
JacksonRogers born about 1939
JacksonTheresa born about 1935
JacksonVoila born about 1939
JacksonWalter born about 1926
JacksonWillie Pearlborn about 1933
JacksonWinfred born about 1933
JamesArleen born about 1908
JamesJohn Marrittborn about 1937
JamesThurston born about 1902
JaykinsBarbara born about 1934
JaykinsDorothy born about 1903
JaykinsDorothy born about 1933
JaykinsFrank born about 1903
JaykinsRichard born about 1927
JerniganHelen born about 1918
JerniganRobert born about 1916
JohnsCarl born about 1930
JohnsDonald born about 1936
JohnsFritz born about 1897
JohnsGerlad born about 1932
JohnsKatie born about 1911
JohnsonArtevena born about 1930
JohnsonCharles Mclartenborn about 1932
JohnsonDelores born about 1929
JohnsonEvelyn Thermaborn about 1926
JohnsonOralia born about 1895
JohnsonRichard Leeborn about 1925
JohnsonWilham born about 1914
JohnsonWilliam born about 1890
JonesElizabeth Davidborn about 1904
JonesElzabeth Davisborn about 1935
JonesGeraldine born about 1912
JonesJohn Mchenryborn about 1903
JonesSuzanna Mchenryborn about 1937
JonesWarren Worth Iiiborn about 1931
JonesWarren Worth Jrborn about 1911
JordonClyde born about 1937
JosephWillie Jr born about 1936

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K Surnames

KaehlJoseph born about 1909
KaehlLeanne born about 1939
KaehlLena born about 1913
KernAmada born about 1892
KernEdward Eborn about 1900
KernEdward Jr born about 1922
KernMaxine Cunadaborn about 1926
KillianClara born about 1938
KillianEdward born about 1904
KillianMargaret born about 1911
KingAddie born about 1900
KingBarbara born about 1932
KirkGladys born about 1920
KissAvery Rborn about 1905
KissPauline born about 1907
KrippnerFred born about 1872

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L Surnames

LacinakBonnie born about 1908
LacinakJacob Rborn about 1903
LambuckiAdalph born about 1913
LambuckiPearle born about 1914
LamoureauxEdith born about 1912
LamoureauxFed born about 1909
LamoureauxGary born about
LamoureauxLenward born about 1933
LamoureauxMichel born about 1936
LamoureauxTeddeaux born about 1932
LamsFrancis Rborn about 1871
LamsJessie Gilfordborn about 1873
LancasterBarbara Jeanborn about 1935
LancasterEvelyne born about 1912
LancasterGuy Mborn about 1910
LandryEugene born about 1916
LaveElizabeth Gborn about 1908
LaveHenry Cborn about 1909
LaveJames Henryborn about 1935
LaveMary Elizabethborn about 1934
LaveRoberta Louiseborn about 1939
LeeEtta Maeborn about 1916
LeeJames born about 1911
LeeWilliam born about 1933
LemmelerCharles born about 1887
LemmelerJames Rborn about 1925
LemmelerLela born about 1923
LenzBarbara Annborn about 1933
LenzClifford born about 1927
LenzEdward born about 1866
LenzH Tborn about 1900
LenzJosephine Fborn about 1901
LenzLouise born about 1929
LenzMarie born about 1872
LestingevFrank born about 1910
LestingevGladys born about 1915
ListanderE Jborn about 1916
ListanderEdward Aborn about 1937
ListanderMarie born about 1919
LovewellDaisy born about 1938
LovewellHerbert born about 1908
LovewellHerbert Jr born about 1939
LovewellJean born about 1916

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M Surnames

MadisonJulius born about 1907
MadisonMary born about 1917
ManningEloise born about 1924
ManningFrances born about 1922
ManningGrey Fborn about 1881
ManningKettie born about 1891
MartinyW Stoutchborn about 1907
MatlockEllen born about 1918
MatlockHoward born about 1916
MatlockJames Aborn about 1939
MattewsClarence born about 1900
MattewsMissie born about 1910
MattisonClyde Tborn about 1906
MattisonHelen Mborn about 1904
MayesJames born about 1914
McCroyElla born about 1875
McCroyJuis born about 1877
McCrudyAlbert Aborn about 1903
McCrudyFreda born about 1907
McCrudyFredda born about 1936
McCrudyGlenn Aborn about 1939
McCrudyJune born about 1937
McFarlainAlom born about 1927
McFarlainArline born about 1925
McFarlainCarrie born about 1882
McFarlainIuce born about 1880
McFarlainJesse born about 1923
McFarlainJohn Leeborn about 1921
McGinniaMalvinia born about 1909
McGinniaRonald born about 1937
McIntoshErnest Georgeborn about 1925
McKinnisAlvin born about 1939
McKinnisCharlie born about 1934
McKinnisJack born about 1901
McKinnisMary Ettaborn about 1932
McKinnisWillie Maeborn about 1905
McKinnisYvonne born about 1937
McLaneJesse N Jrborn about 1935
McLaneJesse Newmanborn about 1899
McLaneMarquerite born about 1901
McPlusonHattie born about 1926
MeyerF Eborn about 1897
MitchellAlice born about 1916
MitchellAnna born about 1935
MitchellC Bborn about 1878
MitchellCharles Edwardborn about 1937
MitchellCorrina born about 1920
MitchellDinah born about 1892
MitchellDoris born about 1929
MitchellEarl born about 1922
MitchellEdward born about 1914
MitchellElbert Vborn about 1908
MitchellElizabeth born about 1914
MitchellEllen born about 1934
MitchellFrank born about 1915
MitchellGertrude born about 1928
MitchellHoward born about 1924
MitchellJames born about 1910
MitchellJames Vborn about 1939
MitchellJohn born about 1922
MitchellLeroy born about 1889
MitchellLillian born about 1880
MitchellLouis born about 1926
MitchellLouis born about 1927
MitchellMabel born about 1909
MitchellMammie born about 1920
MitchellMicheal Frankborn about 1939
MitchellRussell born about 1906
MitchellShirley Annborn about 1938
MitchellThelma born about 1935
MitchellToad born about 1932
MoleDaisy born about 1917
MoleMamie Sueborn about 1937
MoleWilliam Jr born about 1934
MoleWilliams born about 1912
MontgomeryBlair born about 1934
MontgomeryEdward born about 1909
MontgomeryEdward Jr born about 1935
MontgomeryMargaret Maryborn about 1909
MontgomeryPeggy born about 1931
MoradyBonnia Ruthborn about 1922
MoradyClaud born about 1918
MurrayHelena born about 1915
MurrayRoger born about 1911
MyersCarolyn born about 1930
MyersIsabella born about 1904
MyersJoan born about 1936
MyersJoyce born about 1924
MyersW Sborn about 1898

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O Surnames

OttingerGail born about 1938
OttingerGeorge Mborn about 1911
OttingerJulia born about 1877
OttingerMarilyn born about 1938
OttingerMary born about 1912
OwensHelen Marieborn about 1912
OwensJames Charleborn about 1911

P Surnames

PaceOtta born about 1924
PacePaula Wicksborn about 1903
PamanSophia born about 1919
ParrishCarlyn born about 1910
ParrishLloyd born about 1909
ParrishNeil born about 1937
PeakeJames born about 1888
PeakeMarina born about 1862
PentonArthur Marleyborn about 1917
PentonFrank Cliffordborn about 1922
PentonJames Aronborn about 1915
PentonKatie born about 1879
PepsonPortia born about 1918
PepsonRichard born about 1912
PersanskiEloisa born about 1898
PersanskiJohn born about 1881
PharrLeonard born about 1921
PichronCatherine born about 1909
PichronJames born about 1910
PichronJames Jr born about 1938
PichronThomas born about 1939
PorterSadie Ruthborn about 1929
PowellChina born about 1871
PowellCristina born about 1939
PowellDaniel born about 1926
PowellEdith born about 1927
PowellFred born about 1934
PowellGlover born about 1937
PowellJames born about 1925
PowellLinderberg born about 1928
PowellLorina born about 1932
PowellMatthews born about 1927
PowellSusie Maeborn about 1903
PriceEdith born about 1926
PriceEvelyn born about 1916
PriceWilliam born about 1915

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R Surnames

RaddickIcephine born about 1900
RaddickJesse born about 1890
RanckKendall born about 1939
RanckNathan Hborn about 1914
RanckNoralee born about 1915
ReddichsFrances born about 1867
ReevesDorothy Cborn about 1893
ReevesIsabella born about 1893
ReevesJames born about 1909
ReevesLetha born about 1910
ReevesPhyliss born about 1940
ReevesRonald born about 1936
ReevesWilliam born about 1883
RhodesDonna born about 1940
RhodesLois born about 1913
RhodesV Aborn about 1909
RiddellHarold born about 1918
RiddellRuth born about 1919
RileyAda Mrs born about 1890
RileyJean born about 1927
RileyMary born about 1924
RobersonBernon born about 1925
RobersonDallas born about 1915
RobersonEmmanuel born about 1927
RobersonLloyd born about 1917
RobersonMarie born about 1898
RobersonMaxine born about 1926
RobersonPaul Bborn about 1923
RobersonPaul Pborn about 1891
RobertsEdith born about 1917
RobertsElton born about 1916
RobertsTommy Leeborn about 1939
RobinsonMary born about 1870
RobinsonThomas born about 1890
RouenEdward born about 1910
RouenHelen born about 1914
RouenPatricia Leeborn about 1934
RyanJohn born about 1922

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S Surnames

SandsMae born about 1922
Savella born about 1911
SavellaAnnie born about 1917
SawfordElanor born about 1918
SawfordElva born about 1935
SawfordJoseph born about 1914
SawfordLucious born about 1939
SchignionJosephine Kborn about 1890
SemionsBetty Jeanborn about 1939
SemionsElevera born about 1908
SemionsJames Edwardborn about 1927
SemionsWilliams born about 1902
SharpHelen born about 1916
SharpJohn born about 1909
SheldonJesse born about 1919
SheldonMargaret born about 1939
SheldonR Eborn about 1917
SherrellCharley Cborn about 1939
SherrellFrontis W Joborn about 1930
SherrellMary Jborn about 1908
SherrellRichard Gborn about 1933
SherrellTravtis Wborn about 1907
ShieldsCarla Leeborn about 1921
ShieldsPhilip Jamesborn about 1913
ShortBenjeman born about 1933
ShortLynn born about 1906
ShortWallace born about 1904
ShredlyAlbetta born about 1937
ShredlyAlice born about 1914
ShredlyOrlen born about 1901
SinkfieldAlice born about 1912
SinkfieldDorothy born about 1929
SinkfieldLarry born about 1933
SinkfieldMckinley born about 1910
SinkfieldW Mckinley Jrborn about 1930
SlatterCatherine born about 1885
SlatterGwendolyn born about 1919
SlatterR Lborn about 1878
SlatterR L Jrborn about 1918
SmithBarbara born about 1918
SmithBessie born about 1913
SmithBobby born about 1927
SmithCarolyn born about 1894
SmithEdward born about 1918
SmithElsia born about 1905
SmithMarcia born about 1931
SmithShelby Jr born about 1908
SmithThomas born about 1896
SmithWilliam born about 1895
SmithWillie Bellborn about 1913
SpencerEstella born about 1906
SpencerWilliam Owenborn about 1906
StallworthAgnes born about 1890
StallworthAgnes born about 1916
StallworthAlfred born about 1939
StallworthHarold born about 1917
StallworthHarold Jr born about 1935
StallworthMargaret born about 1918
StallworthPatsy born about 1937
StallworthWilliam born about 1915
StarkDora Leeborn about 1914
StarkElizabeth born about 1914
StarkFred born about 1912
StarkH W Jrborn about 1911
StarkHelen born about 1887
StarkHerman Luborn about 1884
StegallConstance born about 1906
StegallRossevelt born about 1930
StensonEva Marieborn about 1888
StensonJohn Robertborn about 1886
StuartJanet born about 1912
StuartJanet Leeborn about 1936
StuartWilliam born about 1910
StuartWilliam born about 1937
SuchfieldDouglas born about 1931
SuchfieldVera born about 1933
SundsJoseph born about 1888

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T Surnames

TaylorElva V Wborn about 1931
TaylorFrancis Wborn about 1902
TaylorIsabella Hborn about 1928
TaylorMae V Wborn about 1909
ThomasGertrude born about 1918
ThomasJoan born about 1934
ThomasW Aborn about 1911
ThompsonCamella born about 1925
ThompsonHarry W Nborn about 1921
ThorsenDoris born about 1902
ThorsenDoris born about 1920
ThorsenFrancis born about 1936
ThorsenI Aborn about 1897
ThorsenRichard born about 1934
ThorsenWinifred born about 1929
TolbertGraham born about 1912
TolbertLena Elizabethborn about 1940
TolbertWilla Toyborn about 1939
TolbertWillie Leeborn about 1914
TorisethMargaret born about 1903
ToulminBarbara born about 1903
ToulminJohn born about 1902
TownselBernie Sueborn about 1939
TownselCreola born about 1912
TownselNancy born about 1934
TownselVernan born about 1910

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V Surnames

VeachCarl Lestonborn about 1916
VeachCarlena born about 1940
VeachElizabeth born about 1923

W Surnames

WagnerErnestine born about 1914
WagnerJohn born about 1904
WashingtonCharlotte born about 1875
WatsonHenry born about 1903
WatsonMabel born about 1906
WatsonTheresa born about 1926
WatsonVenci Leeborn about 1923
WeakleyCharles Henryborn about 1888
WeakleyCharles Henry Jrborn about 1916
WeakleyEdgar born about 1927
WeakleyFrank born about 1929
WeakleyMarion born about 1936
WeakleyMarjorie born about 1924
WeakleyMary Ednaborn about 1895
WeakleyMary Ruthborn about 1919
WeakleyRaymond born about 1933
WeakleyRobert Louisborn about 1931
WeakleyWalton Francesborn about 1918
WeakleyWilliam Waltonborn about 1922
WellsBertie born about 1909
WellsThomas Lborn about 1906
WellsThomas Jr born about 1929
WestMarjorie born about 1920
WestRadford Cborn about 1914
WheelersCarrie Louiseborn about 1932
WheelersHazel born about 1931
WheelersJames born about 1927
WheelersJohnnie born about 1925
WheelersSammie born about 1924
WhiltonBirgluia born about 1916
WhiltonGeorge Richmondborn about 1936
WhiltonGeorge Wborn about 1903
WhiltonLola Graceborn about 1907
WhisenhuntEstella born about 1918
WhisenhuntGeorge Lborn about 1915
WhiteAlice born about 1902
WhiteAlmar born about 1910
WhiteAnges born about 1904
WhiteBeverly Annborn about 1938
WhiteCharleston Maeborn about 1931
WhiteClifford Rborn about 1916
WhiteDelores born about 1926
WhiteDelores born about 1936
WhiteDorma Marieborn about 1939
WhiteFreddis born about 1933
WhiteGrady born about 1925
WhiteHaryy born about 1930
WhiteHenry Clayborn about 1931
WhiteHorace born about 1893
WhiteJean born about 1929
WhiteJoyce born about 1935
WhiteMary born about 1897
WhitePearla born about 1923
WhiteRose Mariahborn about 1913
WhiteVernesta born about 1924
WhiteVerus born about 1920
WhiteW Hborn about 1894
WhiteWade Hborn about 1889
WicheOtta born about 1874
WichePaula born about 1875
WichersBobby born about 1931
WichersIda born about 1894
WichersMartha born about 1924
WichersMilton born about 1890
WichersMilton Jr born about 1925
WightCecil Washingtonborn about 1913
WightMargaret born about 1917
WilliamsCarrie born about 1912
WilliamsErnest Willieborn about 1921
WilliamsMille born about 1909
WilliamsWalter born about 1914
WilsonEmma born about 1891
WilsonMaggie born about 1901
WilsonWilliam born about 1863

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Y Surnames

YounceEdith born about 1923

Z Surnames

ZindorfDaisy Aborn about 1876
ZirustimRichard born about 1898

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