1940 U.S. Federal Census of Cottondale in Marion County, Marion, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Marion County > 1940 Census of Cottondale in Marion County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlvarezDolores Mborn about 1938
AlvarezGeorgia Maeborn about 1932
AlvarezJanie Maeborn about 1913
AlvarezJohn Hborn about 1910
AlvarezJohn Lborn about 1940
AlvarezMargaret Annborn about 1929
AlvarezRobert Hborn about 1934
AndersonIda born about 1874

B Surnames

BarcoLaura born about 1857
BarcoPaul born about 1858
BlitchFreddie Eborn about 1902
BlitchHilma born about 1910
BlitchMargie born about 1925
BlitchMyrtis Eborn about 1904
BlitchWillard born about 1882
BrewerGeorge born about 1892
BrooksJames born about 1879
BrooksMary Eborn about 1877
BurtonFlorence Bborn about 1875
BurtonJaine born about 1930
ButlerAlice born about 1876
ButlerGrace born about 1907
ButlerNed born about 1870
ButlerRuby Leeborn about 1929
ButlerSimmie born about 1935
ButlerSylvester born about 1902
ButlerSylvester Jr born about 1932
ButlerWalter born about 1927
ButlerWillie born about 1925
ByrdAbbie born about 1855

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C Surnames

ChampionTommy born about 1927
ChisholmDoris born about 1931
ChisholmMary Leeborn about 1926
ChisholmThelma born about 1934
CogdellAlsine born about 1922
CogdellArletha born about 1939
CogdellBarbara Jborn about 1938
CogdellHattie Bellborn about 1939
CogdellHerman born about 1920
CogdellIsaiah born about 1905
CogdellIsaiah Nborn about 1936
CogdellLundia born about 1929
CogdellTeena born about 1907
CorlettCharles Eborn about 1885
CoyBennie Tborn about 1939
CoyClifton born about 1909
CoyDonell born about 1936
CoyDorothy Eborn about 1934
CoyEmanuel born about 1909
CoyEmanuel Eborn about 1939
CoyGertrude born about 1938
CoyLeroy born about 1930
CoyMasina born about 1931
CoyMattie Leeborn about 1922
CoyRobert Jborn about 1932
CoyRuby born about 1916
CoyRuth born about 1928
CoyT Jborn about 1932
CoyTillman born about 1882

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D Surnames

DavisEvelina born about 1927
DeanReuben born about 1922
DenmarkAda Cborn about 1881
DenmarkRedman Wborn about 1880

E Surnames

EdwardsAmmie born about 1917
EdwardsChristina born about 1886
EdwardsDolores born about 1938
EdwardsEverett Eborn about 1939
EdwardsFrederick born about 1934
EdwardsHenry born about 1934
EdwardsJames born about 1908
EdwardsJoseph born about 1931
EdwardsShirley Jborn about 1940
EdwardsTheodore born about 1924
EdwardsThomas born about 1908
EdwardsVera born about 1935

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F Surnames

FoxWill born about 1891
FranklinEddie born about 1897
FranklinEula Maeborn about 1901
FranklinOdell born about 1925

G Surnames

GilleyVictor Rborn about 1911
GilreeseAris born about 1920
GilreeseWalter born about 1918
GilreeseWalter Jr born about 1940
GlattliTheresa Annborn about 1875
GradyAbraham born about 1887
GradyAnnie Maeborn about 1929
GradyMelvin born about 1926
GradySusie born about 1891
GrahamClarence born about 1927

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H Surnames

HamiltonCharles born about 1875
HamiltonChester Fborn about 1921
HamiltonEllen born about 1881
HamiltonGeorge born about 1917
HamiltonHugh Gborn about 1898
HamptonPhillip born about 1871
HarronnAlfred born about 1894
HawkinsAlbert born about 1932
HawkinsGeneva born about 1928
HawkinsJosephine born about 1930
HillArdie Mborn about 1886
HillBobby Jborn about 1933
HillCarlos Daisyborn about 1894
HillCarlos Rborn about 1932
HillEddie Sborn about 1894
HillGordon H Rborn about 1924
HillJames Eborn about 1926
HillLa Verne Rborn about 1928
HillLeon Fborn about 1931
HillMary Leeborn about 1922
HillOllie Bborn about 1899
HillOsborne born about 1924
HillRobert Eborn about 1922
HillWiley Rborn about 1937
HoustonEllis born about 1880
HudgensJ L Bborn about 1869

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J Surnames

JacksonJim born about 1886
JacobsAlmeda born about 1938
JacobsAmelia born about 1894
JacobsBeulah born about 1926
JacobsCornell born about 1935
JacobsJohn born about 1893
JacobsJohn Wborn about 1928
JacobsKatie Leeborn about 1927
JacobsMary Louborn about 1931
JacobsMildred born about 1933
JacobsMoses born about 1930
JacobsRudolph born about 1934
JeffersonLora born about 1866
JenkinsAlfonzo born about 1933
JenkinsDora born about 1880
JenkinsDorothy Mborn about 1932
JenkinsWilliam born about 1881
JonesAgnes Cborn about 1893
JonesLemuel Lborn about 1883

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L Surnames

LatimoreInez born about 1934
LatimoreIrene born about 1916
LatimoreRichard born about 1908
LatimoreRichard Jr born about 1936

M Surnames

MackAlbert born about 1928
MackDavid born about 1935
MackDorothea born about 1923
MackEdmund born about 1930
MackErmina born about 1940
MackHattie born about 1891
MackIceola born about 1926
MackJames born about 1881
MackJoseph born about 1931
MartinLola Bellborn about 1910
MartinWill born about 1893
McGheeWilliam Mborn about 1895
MenchanLeila born about 1901
MenchanRuby Leeborn about 1926
MenchanWilliam Mborn about 1931
MenchanWillis born about 1895
MeyersElsie Gborn about 1908
MeyersJ Blancheborn about 1890
MeyersKenneth Hborn about 1910
MeyersLeslie Gborn about 1918
MeyersLida Oborn about 1920
MeyersPhillip Wborn about 1938
MillsElbert born about 1862
MillsGeorge born about 1908
MillsGeorge Wborn about 1858
MillsIaola Bborn about 1861
MillsMaulseye born about 1906
MillsRoy Edgarborn about 1914
MillsThelma Gborn about 1911
MillsWindel born about 1938
MonyunBerniece born about 1938
MonyunFrank born about 1918
MorganGeorge born about 1888
MorganO Jborn about 1924
MorganWillie Eborn about 1923

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N Surnames

NelsonElijah born about 1910
NelsonLauris born about 1937
NelsonLilly Maeborn about 1919
NelsonQuinelle born about 1934
NixonAlonzo born about 1923
NixonRichard born about 1926

O Surnames

OutleyMonotee born about 1887
OutleyRachel born about 1887

P Surnames

ParkerClifton Gborn about 1929
ParkerJohn Fborn about 1927
ParkerWilliam Raeborn about 1924
PrineColumbus born about 1916
PrineConnie Mborn about 1939
PrineFred Aborn about 1897
PrineM Lborn about 1865
PrineNellie Lborn about 1937

R Surnames

RameyEverett born about 1910
ReedClayton Eborn about 1938
ReedJames Hborn about 1936
ReedJohn Hborn about 1910
ReedMyrtle Lborn about 1919
RobinsonBessie born about 1892
RobinsonJames born about 1885
RobinsonJohn born about 1892
RogersHardy born about 1916
RogersMary Cborn about 1933
RogersRuby born about 1915

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S Surnames

SalterAdam born about 1886
SalterPearl born about 1888
SandersLillian Eborn about 1915
SandersMilton Fborn about 1863
SandersMinnie Cborn about 1868
SandersRobert Lborn about 1928
SchneiderAlice Iborn about 1894
SchneiderFrank Jborn about 1887
SmithAlbertha born about 1928
SmithDaisy born about 1886
SmithEdward born about 1886
SmithGrover born about 1924
SmithRohalia born about 1926
SnowdenMinnie Leeborn about 1865

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T Surnames

ThomasMary Louiseborn about 1930
TuckerBelle born about 1891
TuckerLloyd Aborn about 1885
TurnerRosalie born about 1899
TurnerVirgil Vborn about 1895

V Surnames

VealCharles Rborn about 1878
VealRachel Bborn about 1905
VealRosa Bellborn about 1886

W Surnames

WatsonDaniel born about 1908
WatsonIceola born about 1886
WatsonWarren born about 1880
WilliamsCarrie Cborn about 1889
WilliamsJ Murrayborn about 1938
WilliamsJerry Jborn about 1890
WilliamsJesse Sborn about 1877
WilliamsJohn born about 1875
WilliamsJoseph Dborn about 1876
WilliamsJosephine Lborn about 1881
WilsonLewis Eborn about 1875
WiseEddie born about 1936
WiseElla Maeborn about 1907
WiseEloise born about 1934
WiseGenivieve born about 1925
WiseLeander born about 1935
WiseZetty born about 1893
WoodwardLula Mborn about 1874

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