1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dundee, Polk, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Polk County > 1940 Census of Dundee

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsPaul Dborn about 1900
AdkinsPaul Dborn about 1927
AdkinsRuth Rborn about 1904
AlexanderAlice born about 1909
AlexanderMaria born about 1881
AlexanderMerit born about 1896
AlfordEd Cborn about 1899
AlfordHerbert Lborn about 1936
AlfordMary Eborn about 1940
AlfordWycal Mborn about 1918
AmosGeneva Kborn about 1903
AmosHubert born about 1912
AmosJudith Aborn about 1930
AmosRobert Wborn about 1902
AmosVirginia Kborn about 1925
AndersonC Edwardborn about 1926
AndersonEdith Eborn about 1903
AndersonEthel born about 1902
AndersonHelen Fborn about 1928
AndersonJames Lborn about 1931
AndersonJames Wborn about 1922
AndersonJohn Rborn about 1888
AndersonJuanita born about 1926
AndersonLamar Cborn about 1894
AndersonLamar Cborn about 1925
AndersonLenses Vborn about 1898
AndersonLila born about 1925
AndersonLila Jborn about 1932
AndersonM Louiseborn about 1924
AndersonMary Eborn about 1868
AndersonMary Vborn about 1921
AndersonMildred born about 1930
AndersonNichols Aborn about 1889
AndersonNorman born about 1930
AndersonTu Mborn about 1911
AndersonVirginia Nborn about 1938
AnthonyIabella born about 1885
AnthonyJohn Aborn about 1878

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B Surnames

BallArthur Wborn about 1872
BallKenneth Wborn about 1905
BallMabel Aborn about 1871
BerryGeorge born about 1918
BlackDollie born about 1911
BlackErnie born about 1901
BlackLeon born about 1897
Blackwell??? Bborn about 1921
BlackwellDoris Mborn about 1925
BoneArchie Mborn about 1886
BowseyLela born about 1912
BowseySam born about 1916
BridgesMabel Fborn about 1924
BrooksNathaney born about 1903
BrowkanBertha Vborn about 1870
BrowkanPorter Wborn about 1868
BrownDoretha born about 1933
BryanJohnson Aborn about 1909
BryanKate born about 1878
BryanLeland Lborn about 1901
BryanMary Lborn about 1902
BryanRoger Lborn about 1871
BuchananLouise Eborn about 1919
BurtonAaron Lborn about 1940
BurtwellFrank born about 1915
ButlerEharlton born about 1903
ButlerMayola born about 1925
ButlerRuby born about 1904
ButlerThelma born about 1928

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C Surnames

CaldwellCarl Rborn about 1934
CaldwellCarol Fborn about 1934
CaldwellCharley Wborn about 1893
CaldwellChester Mborn about 1920
CaldwellHouston Wborn about 1919
CaldwellMary born about 1919
CaldwellMyrtice Eborn about 1899
CaldwellRamona born about 1930
CaldwellYvonne Rborn about 1937
CaleyDoc born about 1898
CaleyEdward born about 1924
CaleyIduma born about 1930
CaleyJunius born about 1926
CaleyMelvin born about 1922
CaleyMinnie born about 1900
CaleyRobert born about 1928
CaleySammy born about 1920
CallisJohn Cborn about 1914
CallisRosa Bborn about 1913
CalsenJesse born about 1898
CampbellEdward Mborn about 1905
CampbellEdward Mborn about 1931
CampbellHazel Eborn about 1930
CampbellMarjorie Fborn about 1907
ChapmanAnnie Eborn about 1894
ChapmanCecil Lborn about 1912
ChapmanEthel born about 1914
ChapmanL Cecilborn about 1938
ChapmanNorma Lborn about 1935
ClarkCarl Eborn about 1940
ClarkDallas Gborn about 1910
ClarkDavid Aborn about 1859
ClarkJosephine born about 1915
ClarkL Pearlborn about 1888
ClarkLenard born about 1917
ClarkMargaret Eborn about 1938
ClarkVelma Lborn about 1919
ClarkWayne Tborn about 1923
ClarkWesley Aborn about 1921
ClarkWoodrow born about 1918
ClementsClarence born about 1921
ClementsEsther Mborn about 1913
ClementsWilliam Jborn about 1915
CobbJack Dborn about 1927
CobbSusan Hborn about 1905
CobbWilliam Hborn about 1895
CobbWilliam Hborn about 1922
CochranJames Oborn about 1919
CoxArthur Cborn about 1906
CoxArthur Cborn about 1932
CoxBetty Lborn about 1935
CoxEllis Wborn about 1938
CoxJ Leeborn about 1906
CoxJimmie Lborn about 1940
CoxJohn Hborn about 1914
CoxKatherine Mborn about 1918
CoxKaty Lborn about 1916
CoxLaverne Fborn about 1938
CoxVera Mborn about 1921
CrawfordArlene born about 1938
CrawfordConnie Aborn about 1924
CrawfordEloise born about 1905
CrawfordJames Rborn about 1927
CrawfordJesse Jborn about 1904
CrawfordLarine born about 1938
CrawfordMartin Gborn about 1932
CrawfordMiles Rborn about 1935
CroftEvelyn Mborn about 1918
CroftLawrence born about 1911

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D Surnames

DanielHubert Cborn about 1879
DanielM Lucilleborn about 1921
DanielRalph Aborn about 1905
DanielRaphila born about 1869
DanielVirgil born about 1918
DanielsDorothy born about 1915
DanielsDorris Hborn about 1909
DavidsonBertha born about 1866
DavisAlice born about 1901
DavisBiola Mborn about 1922
DavisHenry Gborn about 1913
DavisJean born about 1926
DavisJessie Mborn about 1916
DavisJohn Aborn about 1935
DavisWilliam Wborn about 1928
DavisWillie Rborn about 1937
DavisYoung Mborn about 1891
DavisYoung Mborn about 1924
DempseyFlossie Nborn about 1900
DempseyWilliam Eborn about 1897
DouberleyAnnie Rborn about 1894
DouberleyAustin born about 1919
DouberleyClifford Gborn about 1926
DouberleyEthen Eborn about 1916
DouberleyGeorge born about 1885
DouberleyJames Oborn about 1935
DouberleyJane Eborn about 1939
DouberleyJimilea born about 1914
DouberleyMildred Cborn about 1932
DouberleyNelson Aborn about 1922
DouberleyTroy Lborn about 1924
DouberleyVan O born about 1912
DouglasBenjamin Tborn about 1861
DouglasBenjamin Tborn about 1905
DouglasMabel Pborn about 1914
DreggorsChristine Rborn about 1920
DreggorsWallace Cborn about 1916
DunfordAnnabell born about 1924
DunfordEva Eborn about 1900
DunfordKatherine Mborn about 1924
DunfordNorman born about 1894
DunfordRalph Wborn about 1926
DunfordRaymond born about 1921
Durrance??? born about 1917
DurranceBenjamin Lborn about 1927
DurranceHarold Jborn about 1916
DurranceJesse Eborn about 1928
DurranceLee Rborn about 1920
DurranceM Lorenaborn about 1896
DurranceWilliam Mborn about 1919

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E Surnames

EthridgeGertrude Dborn about 1904
EthridgeMartha Lborn about 1939
EthridgeWilliam Bborn about 1902

F Surnames

FeagleE Wayneborn about 1939
FeagleEmma Mborn about 1875
FeagleEugene born about 1934
FeagleIra Mborn about 1872
FeagleJulian Pborn about 1907
FeagleRoy Rborn about 1909
FeagleRoy Rborn about 1932
FeagleRudolph Rborn about 1930
FeagleServeria Mborn about 1914
FieldsLidge born about 1880
ForsythWilliam Oborn about 1907
FoyJames Tborn about 1927
FoyJonas born about 1909
FoyMildred born about 1909
FoyPatricia Lborn about 1936

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G Surnames

GarrySusan Sborn about 1854
GauldenHarriet Oborn about 1923
GauldenJames Oborn about 1903
GauldenVera Mborn about 1904
GilespieAlphone Gborn about 1932
GilespieChristine born about 1902
GilespieDoris born about 1927
GilespieHazel Aborn about 1929
GilespieHoward Eborn about 1901
GoldenAlvea born about 1903
GoldenFrank Cborn about 1895
GoldenFrank Cborn about 1933
GoldenRoy Wborn about 1935
GreinerArchie Cborn about 1901
GreinerDonald born about 1935
GreinerGeorge Fborn about 1933
GreinerLois Aborn about 1908
GreinerVirginia born about 1930
GunterArchie Pborn about 1930
GunterAsberry born about 1897
GunterGladys born about 1912
GunterLaura Mborn about 1906
GunterPaul born about 1900

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H Surnames

HalleyBessie born about 1898
HalleyJ Olenborn about 1926
HalleyRoy Fborn about 1893
HalleyRoy Fborn about 1931
HalleyWilburn Wborn about 1929
HammacIda Mborn about 1923
HammondLetha born about 1901
HardeeGrace born about 1919
HardenCharles Wborn about 1939
HardenFlorence Wborn about 1916
HardenJames Dborn about 1935
HardenKelly born about 1880
HardenLatrell Mborn about 1932
HardenLollie born about 1907
HarmonCharles Mborn about 1871
HarveyBetty Jborn about 1935
HarveyDessie Oborn about 1903
HarveyHomer Lborn about 1903
HarveyWilma Pborn about 1928
HathcockBarbara Jborn about 1939
HathcockMilton Aborn about 1908
HathcockTrummie born about 1916
HendricksAlvin Wborn about 1913
HendricksEdna Lborn about 1913
HendricksEthel Vborn about 1924
HendricksLoretta Mborn about 1932
HendricksWilliam born about 1883
HicksJesse Lborn about 1908
HicksMarie Lborn about 1916
HiltonCharles Aborn about 1884
HiltonMinnie Rborn about 1884
HolleyRalph Dborn about 1917
HolleyVera Bborn about 1916
HortonAlva Tborn about 1882
HortonAnnie born about 1893
HudsonEthel Tborn about 1908
HudsonKatrine born about 1927
HudsonThomas Eborn about 1911
HueyJeanette Sborn about 1883
HueyMelvin Eborn about 1886
HueyMyrtle Mborn about 1875
HufstellarEstelle Rborn about 1919
HufstellarFrank Jborn about 1910
HufstellarYvonne Eborn about 1939
HufstetlerCharles Eborn about 1884
HufstetlerDaniel Wborn about 1927
HufstetlerDolly Eborn about 1919
HufstetlerEarline born about 1918
HufstetlerGloria born about 1940
HufstetlerLeonard Eborn about 1915
HufstetlerLucile Wborn about 1922
HufstetlerPeggy Jborn about 1939
HughesBertha Mborn about 1896
HughesBetty Jborn about 1939
HughesLonnie Rborn about 1914
HughesLonnie Rborn about 1936
HummerCharles Eborn about 1931
HummerCharles Tborn about 1868
HummerSusan Pborn about 1873
HuntJoseph Eborn about 1865
HuntMartha Bborn about 1868
Hunzeker??? born about 1916
HunzekerErnest Rborn about 1914
HunzekerLydia born about 1890
HunzekerRudolph born about 1878
HunzekerRussell Cborn about 1912
HutchesonAaron Dborn about 1920

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I Surnames

IveyBarbara Fborn about 1939
IveyHerbert Eborn about 1919
IveyHugh Dborn about 1917
IveyMyrtice Mborn about 1919

J Surnames

JacksonClarence born about 1908
JamesJo Aborn about 1940
JamesSarah Aborn about 1867
JamesVerna born about 1909
JamesWash Tborn about 1902
JamesWast Tborn about 1938
JenningsAda born about 1905
JenningsEdward born about 1922
JenningsFrank born about 1898
JenningsMilton born about 1927
JenningsSolomon born about 1924
JohnsonAugusta Cborn about 1887
JohnsonBetty Fborn about 1931
JohnsonCarl Fborn about 1884
JohnsonGladys Aborn about 1908
JohnsonIrene born about 1914
JohnsonLee Tborn about 1907
JohnsonRobert Gborn about 1920
JohnsonThomas Lborn about 1934
JohnsonViolet Mborn about 1936
JoinerB Luciusborn about 1904
JoinerBertha Lborn about 1914
JoinerBetty Lborn about 1930
JoinerWilliam Jborn about 1936
JonesBobbie Dborn about 1940
JonesDalton Rborn about 1930
JonesEula Mborn about 1933
JonesHenry Mborn about 1922
JonesHubert Jborn about 1936
JonesJohn Pborn about 1937
JonesJudge Rborn about 1914
JonesKathryn Eborn about 1928
JonesLaura Fborn about 1933
JonesLester born about 1914
JonesLittle Mborn about 1929
JonesLois Eborn about 1915
JonesLucille born about 1908
JonesMargaret Vborn about 1927
JonesMary born about 1873
JonesMorgan Wborn about 1894
JonesPauline born about 1917
JonesRobert Wborn about 1917
JonesVera born about 1897
JonesWalter Eborn about 1905
JonesWoodrow born about 1934

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K Surnames

KeganJohn Rborn about 1907
KeganThomas Jborn about 1887
KeganVelda Fborn about 1909
KeglerMary Aborn about 1919
KnowlesCanley Tborn about 1902
KnowlesCanley Tborn about 1925
KnowlesConnie born about 1929
KnowlesLloyd Rborn about 1933
KnowlesLoraine born about 1923
KnowlesMaggie Eborn about 1906
KnowlesOnnie born about 1929
KnowlesWillie Hborn about 1921

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L Surnames

LambThedo born about 1939
LandonEthel Jborn about 1898
LandonWilliam Aborn about 1891
LanierJames Hborn about 1876
LanierLou Jborn about 1887
LanierWilloby Hborn about 1884
LeeAgnes Lborn about 1915
LeeGordon Mborn about 1911
LeeRebecca born about 1891
LeeToney born about 1890
LominackBilphie Eborn about 1910
LominackLorinne Mborn about 1930
LominackWilliam Bborn about 1896
LyleAline born about 1925
LyleEffie Mborn about 1896
LyleJames Pborn about 1918
LyleLouise Aborn about 1914
LyleRobert Tborn about 1919

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M Surnames

Magnesson??? born about 1884
MagnessonBetty Mborn about 1926
MagnessonEmil born about 1883
MagnessonIva Dborn about 1920
MagnessonWilliam Eborn about 1916
MarshallD Maeborn about 1918
MarshallEtta Hborn about 1918
MarshallJesse born about 1911
MarshallMildred Lborn about 1933
MarshallMillard Lborn about 1909
MathiasHenry Gborn about 1888
MathiasJessie Fborn about 1894
MattoxDred Mborn about 1922
MattoxDred Wborn about 1894
MattoxFlorence born about 1896
MattoxJane born about 1935
MattoxJohnny Aborn about 1940
MattoxLydie born about 1928
MattoxWiley born about 1932
MattoxWillie born about 1924
McCloudAlberta born about 1937
McCloudAldora born about 1938
McCloudJames born about 1902
McCloudRosetta born about 1939
McCloudRuby Lborn about 1920
McKibbonJohn Hborn about 1927
McKinneyKay Fborn about 1933
MillerLeslie Lborn about 1909
MillerLovell Jborn about 1934
MillerSarah Jborn about 1913
MixonMaggie Mborn about 1878
MixonNedom Aborn about 1869
MonroeAdam born about 1920
MonroeAnna born about 1919
MonroeHarvey born about 1918
MonroeJohnny Mborn about 1926
MonroeMaria born about 1921
MonroeOlivia born about 1912
MonroeTull born about 1937
MooreClaude Cborn about 1904
MooreEvelyn Eborn about 1904
MooreVenice born about 1914
MooreWilliam Sborn about 1904

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N Surnames

NashBobby Fborn about 1935
NashEdna Mborn about 1918
NashOsbin Jborn about 1913
NicholsAlton born about 1928
NicholsAlvie born about 1921
NicholsBroward born about 1905
NicholsCecil born about 1920
NicholsElvie born about 1927
NicholsErnest born about 1920
NicholsMary born about 1926
NicholsWilliam Eborn about 1895

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O Surnames

OlsonJohn Eborn about 1937
OlsonJohn Lborn about 1898
OlsonLyman Gborn about 1925
OlsonMargaret Dborn about 1904
OlsonMary Mborn about 1931
OnealLommie born about 1920
OnealW Emmittborn about 1917
OnealWilliam Hborn about 1939
OnealWinston Fborn about 1940
OneilEd born about 1911
OneilLillian born about 1908
OneilMary born about 1929
OquinnPatrick Cborn about 1938

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P Surnames

PadgettAlfred Fborn about 1928
PaineCharley born about 1887
PaineMattie Lborn about 1920
PaineWillie born about 1891
PalmerAaron Tborn about 1874
PalmerSarah Eborn about 1874
PetersonHilma Aborn about 1887
PetersonJaine born about 1920
PetersonTaft born about 1912
PetersonVictor born about 1887
PhelpsRobert Lborn about 1903
PoeCharles Cborn about 1909
PoeCharles Rborn about 1931
PoeMary Lborn about 1915
Porter??? Lborn about 1892
PorterCharles Mborn about 1885
PorterCharles Wborn about 1920
PorterJames Vborn about 1937
PorterLily Mborn about 1902
PorterMary Vborn about 1939
PorterShirley Aborn about 1934
PorterUlysses Jborn about 1909
PowellAlfred Eborn about 1922
PowellBaxter born about 1887
PowellBetty born about 1931
PowellBeverly born about 1934
PowellCecil Pborn about 1926
PowellClarence born about 1915
PowellEva Mborn about 1926
PowellEveline born about 1916
PowellFranklin born about 1928
PowellIda Eborn about 1904
PowellJoan born about 1938
PowellJudy born about 1922
PowellMargie Sborn about 1933
PowellMary Eborn about 1929
PowellMillard born about 1919
PowellRacheal born about 1923
PowellSteve born about 1901
PowellVera born about 1926
PowellWilliam Lborn about 1924

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R Surnames

RanfroeCora Lborn about 1901
RanfroeHester Pborn about 1925
RanfroeHiriam Pborn about 1884
RanfroeL Juanitaborn about 1927
ReedMattie Lborn about 1926
ReedSusie born about 1901
Reeves??? Jborn about 1930
ReevesBennie Fborn about 1900
ReevesBonnie Lborn about 1907
ReevesDoyle Jborn about 1931
ReevesHenry Eborn about 1906
ReevesIrma Jborn about 1933
ReevesJunior Eborn about 1935
ReevesMyrtle Lborn about 1907
ReevesW Eugeneborn about 1933
RobertsEdward Aborn about 1871
RobertsLucille Eborn about 1913
RobertsSarah Eborn about 1871
RutherfordGeorge born about 1907
RutherfordGeorge Rborn about 1937
RutherfordJune Tborn about 1935
RutherfordLoyelle Gborn about 1927
RutherfordRonald Wborn about 1932
RutherfordRoyce Sborn about 1930
RutherfordSally Jborn about 1908
RutlandLillian Lborn about 1933

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S Surnames

SavageAnnie born about 1866
SavageJoseph Hborn about 1895
SavageJoseph Hborn about 1920
SavageLola born about 1887
SavageRelifa born about 1897
SavageThomas Hborn about 1838
SavageWallace born about 1927
SchaeferDaisy born about 1894
SchaeferGeorge born about 1869
SchaeferOtto Pborn about 1876
SchoenefeldMarie Eborn about 1909
SchoenefeldMartha born about 1878
SchoenefeldMinnie Wborn about 1900
SchoenefeldWilliam born about 1886
ShepardElizabeth Gborn about 1879
SmithAlvin Bborn about 1915
SmithAlvin Hborn about 1924
SmithAmos born about 1922
SmithArletha born about 1917
SmithBarney Kborn about 1906
SmithBertha Lborn about 1917
SmithBilly Dborn about 1933
SmithChares Aborn about 1939
SmithClara Tborn about 1906
SmithClaude Lborn about 1896
SmithDewey born about 1920
SmithDorothy Jborn about 1921
SmithElizabeth Aborn about 1923
SmithEmma Lborn about 1902
SmithErnest born about 1924
SmithEstelle born about 1891
SmithEtha born about 1922
SmithFannie Lborn about 1914
SmithFlonnie Cborn about 1938
SmithFrances Mborn about 1929
SmithFrank born about 1927
SmithGlenn Hborn about 1935
SmithHoke born about 1907
SmithHorace Lborn about 1923
SmithIda Mborn about 1890
SmithJewel Tborn about 1914
SmithLeo Eborn about 1907
SmithLouis Tborn about 1916
SmithLouise Hborn about 1913
SmithMaggie Lborn about 1921
SmithMarguerite Hborn about 1937
SmithMartheline Cborn about 1929
SmithNetty Lborn about 1939
SmithRalph Lborn about 1915
SmithS Glennborn about 1910
SmithThelma born about 1901
SmithThomas Lborn about 1889
SmithVernon Hborn about 1913
SmithViola born about 1881
SmithWesley Vborn about 1898
SmithWiline Mborn about 1928
SmithWilliam Jborn about 1910
StahlBilliard born about 1875
StinsonCarley Jborn about 1917
StinsonIra born about 1915
StinsonNettie Lborn about 1907
StinsonSarah Fborn about 1890
StinsonThomas Jborn about 1893
StinsonThomas Jborn about 1925
StinsonWillie Wborn about 1908
StubbsBernice Eborn about 1920
StubbsJack born about 1918
StubbsJames Eborn about 1930
StubbsJerry Dborn about 1937
StubbsJoseph Pborn about 1903
StubbsMary Cborn about 1907
SuarezJoseph Fborn about 1912
SuarezMary Jborn about 1893
SuarezRaymond Jborn about 1917
SuarezRaymond Sborn about 1889
SwindellJewell born about 1900

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T Surnames

TapJohnny Lborn about 1922
TapMillie born about 1877
TapleyAnna Lborn about 1940
TapleyDaisy Mborn about 1923
TapleyWillie Lborn about 1913
ThomasWill born about 1898
ThompsonBarney born about 1900
ThompsonEverett Eborn about 1926
ThompsonRichard born about 1934
ThompsonT Elliotborn about 1929
TiceBlossie Fborn about 1900
TiceC Fadborn about 1893
TiceRoscoe born about 1921
TiceVictor Iborn about 1919
TiceVivian Kborn about 1924
TilleryFannie Mborn about 1920
TomlinsonAgnes Eborn about 1918
TomlinsonAudrey born about 1911
TomlinsonFaye Eborn about 1939
TomlinsonFlossie Mborn about 1916
TomlinsonFrank Bborn about 1890
TomlinsonHelen Lborn about 1937
TomlinsonJacata Pborn about 1934
TomlinsonJewel Eborn about 1933
TomlinsonMuloada born about 1892
TomlinsonPearl born about 1890
TomlinsonR Aborn about 1915
TomlinsonRentz Tborn about 1881
TomlinsonWillard Lborn about 1927
TouchtonGeorge Jborn about 1885
TouchtonMary Jborn about 1900
TripnerEdgar Sborn about 1866
TripnerSarah Aborn about 1867
TynerAusburn Cborn about 1919
TynerHarmon Lborn about 1924
TynerJ Howardborn about 1925
TynerJohn Sborn about 1891
TynerMyrlen Lborn about 1935
TynerRuby Eborn about 1899
TynerRussel Eborn about 1917
TynerWilbur Wborn about 1927

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W Surnames

WareHenrietta Dborn about 1846
WarrenJames Pborn about 1933
WatersEllen Bborn about 1913
WatersEmmett Tborn about 1933
WatersJewerell Bborn about 1930
WatersLeslie Tborn about 1907
WatersRonald Dborn about 1939
WhittleAnnie Fborn about 1937
WhittleDoris Bborn about 1919
WhittleEdwina Fborn about 1931
WhittleFannie Bborn about 1920
WhittleHubert Oborn about 1894
WhittleJoseph Cborn about 1898
WhittleLouis Sborn about 1905
WhittleMyra Mborn about 1925
WhittleOra Lborn about 1897
WhittleQuinton born about 1932
WhittleTramer Nborn about 1922
WhittleVerda Mborn about 1904
WhittleWinston Cborn about 1924
WilliamsAnn Eborn about 1929
WilliamsBart Bborn about 1889
WilliamsCharley Lborn about 1906
WilliamsLulu Mborn about 1933
WilliamsOstell Gborn about 1903
WilliamsonHortense born about 1928
WilliamsonJames Rborn about 1890
WilliamsonTrummie Tborn about 1905
WilsonLeroy born about 1913
WilsonNathaniel born about 1939
WilsonOlivia born about 1921
WilsonSusie Mborn about 1936
WilsonSusy Mborn about 1936
WilsonUlysses born about 1938
WoodConstance Lborn about 1915
WoodEdith Aborn about 1913
WoodLawrence Dborn about 1905
WoodLillian Hborn about 1876
WoodLouis Hborn about 1917
WoodMarjorie Oborn about 1910

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