1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fellsmere in Seminole County, Seminole, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Seminole County > 1940 Census of Fellsmere in Seminole County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AvantWilliam Eborn about 1916

B Surnames

BaileyGrace born about 1918
BaileyWilliam Aborn about 1904
BallTheodis born about 1928
BassettHariett born about 1868
BatesMarion born about 1940
BatesMaxine born about 1916
BatesPaul Aborn about 1915
BaumbachAudrey born about 1894
BeekhamFrank Hborn about 1924
BeekhamHarry Fborn about 1899
BeekhamHarry F Jrborn about 1935
BeekhamLois Aborn about 1923
BeekhamRuth Eborn about 1904
BeekhamSarah Bborn about 1929
BennettBettie Janeborn about 1926
BennettFred Cborn about 1901
BennettJames Bborn about 1878
BennettJoan born about 1932
BennettLula born about 1884
BenzCedrick Jr born about 1928
BenzCedrie Cborn about 1894
BenzHelen born about 1895
BenzHelen born about 1925
BevillEvelyn born about 1921
BevillGarover Fborn about 1919
BevillHorace Wborn about 1908
BevillRichard born about 1939
BevillRosa Leeborn about 1905
BlairBessie born about 1913
BoueyHeneretta born about 1906
BoueyHenry born about 1925
BoueyJohn Hborn about 1901
BoueyNathaniel born about 1923
BrunasPrudence Eborn about 1885
BuckinghamNellie born about 1861
BurchChristine born about 1903
BurchRufus born about 1884
BurrySarah born about 1875

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C Surnames

CalvertJ Wborn about 1926
CalvertMary born about 1924
CarterCleophus born about 1927
CarverBertha born about 1927
CarverBessie born about 1924
CarverDaisy born about 1929
CarverMargaret born about 1934
CarverOvling born about 1903
CarverSam Aborn about 1883
CarverSamuel born about 1932
CarverWillie born about 1936
CluteFrank born about 1901
CreamerJohn Vborn about 1889
CreamerSusan Eborn about 1892

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D Surnames

DavisFlorence Mborn about 1874
DellisonEllen Mborn about 1901
DellisonTheodore Mborn about 1880
DerthickAlda born about 1873
DerthickAldan born about 1907
DerthickGuy Jborn about 1872
DerthickWilma born about 1911
DrakeVirginia Annborn about 1920
DrakeVirginia Gborn about 1901
DrakeWillet Hborn about 1891

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F Surnames

FaulkJennings Iborn about 1913
FaulkJoseph Bborn about 1912
FennellHannie born about 1878
FennellNathan born about 1880
FletcherBernice born about 1919
FletcherHowlet Mborn about 1912
FordAgnes born about 1901
FordBanks born about 1890
FryerBertha born about 1934
FryerEarnestine born about 1932
FryerHelen born about 1937
FryerJohn born about 1935
FryerOthella Eborn about 1914
FryerWilliam Mborn about 1905
FryerWilliam Jr born about 1940

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G Surnames

GeislerEdmund Fborn about 1871
GeislerSyvilla Jborn about 1875
GibbsElijha born about 1900
GiffordAnnie Lborn about 1859

H Surnames

HaightElewin Fborn about 1878
HallettClements J Srborn about 1888
HallettMary born about 1911
HarrisJaunita born about 1939
HarrisRodney Bborn about 1893
HinkleEdger Tborn about 1876
HinshawMaurice born about 1912
HinshawRuth Bborn about 1892
HoodJames born about 1931
HoodLouise born about 1933
HoodOla born about 1900
HumphreyAlice born about 1919
HumphreyZilbert Dborn about 1916

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J Surnames

JacksonCharles Mborn about 1875
JacksonLe Royborn about 1936
JacksonLefears born about 1921
JacksonLeola born about 1916
JacksonUdara Vborn about 1874
JohnsonAlatha born about 1933
JohnsonMargaret born about 1931
JurvieWilliam born about 1910

L Surnames

LallyGrace Bborn about 1889
LallyOwen Jborn about 1889
LangfordAlfred Tborn about 1917
LybrandCarl born about 1928
LybrandEleanor born about 1930
LybrandJames Oborn about 1876
LybrandLeota born about 1897
LybrandMiriam born about 1933
LybrandNelaveasse born about 1922
LyonsEdger Lborn about 1922

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M Surnames

MajeskiHamp born about 1900
MajeskiNola born about 1900
MarcusAnnie born about 1865
MarcusDonnia born about 1914
MarcusGeorge born about 1913
MarcusHelen born about 1915
MarcusJohn born about 1905
MarcusRobin born about 1938
MarcusStanley born about 1900
MarcusTom born about 1870
McElvyCharlie born about 1907
McElvyIndiana born about 1912
McElvyWillie born about 1930
McQuillianCharlotte born about 1881
MerrielMajorie born about 1882
MerrielNewton born about 1884
MunroAgnes born about 1887
MunroJohn born about 1889
MurphyJames born about 1900
MurphyLillie Bellborn about 1903

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N Surnames

NashRuth Cborn about 1885
NelsonEliza born about 1912
NelsonToom born about 1902
NewcomerAllie Katherineborn about 1922

O Surnames

ObrianJimmie born about 1917
OrrEugene Jborn about 1901

P Surnames

PinchAlice born about 1898
PinchEdward born about 1928
PinchMary born about 1921
PinchRose born about 1927
PinchThomas Mborn about 1886
PrescottDorothy Eborn about 1922
PrescottWillie Hborn about 1918
PuesleyElann Ellenborn about 1929

R Surnames

ReevesAnna Bborn about 1873
RixHosie born about 1901
RoubanAlice born about 1906
RoubanDiana born about 1940
RoubanElizabeth born about 1927
RoubanHenry Jr born about 1930
RoubanJames born about 1934
RoubanPeter Hborn about 1899
RussellFrank born about 1881

S Surnames

SappEva born about 1919
SappJohnie born about 1915
SchooneEugene Aborn about 1879
SherouseAnnette born about 1938
SherouseCharlie born about 1913
SherouseRuth born about 1920
SimpsonBertha Aborn about 1897
SimpsonForbes Rborn about 1924
SimpsonJanet Mborn about 1933
SimpsonMary Pborn about 1926
SimpsonSamuel Fborn about 1895
SmithDoris born about 1915
SmithG Bassettborn about 1860
SmithHelena Kborn about 1870
SmithHenry Aborn about 1907
SmithSarah Aborn about 1872
StanleyGeorge born about 1920
StanleyHenry born about 1922
StanleyJessie Maeborn about 1925
StanleyJohn born about 1897
StanleyLewis born about 1926
StanleyMamie born about 1897

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T Surnames

ThomasCharlie born about 1910
ThomasDorotha born about 1931
ThomasGeorgie born about 1911
ThompsonAbner Lborn about 1890
ThompsonDoris Mborn about 1935
ThompsonLovdie Aborn about 1902
TipperMaude born about 1872
TipperWilliam Jborn about 1870
ToofEdward Lborn about 1853
ToofIda Lborn about 1885

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W Surnames

WalesCharles Aborn about 1892
WalesEliza born about 1893
WalshGladys Vborn about 1904
WalshLillian born about 1927
WalshWalter Fborn about 1903
WeathersRose Eborn about 1883
WilliamsLelia born about 1918
WisemanClixton born about 1923
WisemanEssie born about 1908
WisemanFrank born about 1903
WosleyOdessa born about 1916

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