1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fifth, Putnam, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Putnam County > 1940 Census of Fifth

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AllenSally born about 1886
AllenTom born about 1880
AndersDelma born about 1909
AndersonFlorence born about 1865
ArchieLeroy born about 1912
ArmsterAeline born about 1931
ArmsterAline born about 1895
ArmsterDoris born about 1934
ArmsterGeredine born about 1929
ArmsterIsablle born about 1926
ArmsterJames born about 1921
AtkinsHerbert born about 1912
AustinCeaser born about 1932
AustinEdgar born about 1908
AustinLena born about 1918
AustinLizzy born about 1900
AustinLouie born about 1911
AustinRobert born about 1926
AustinWillie Hborn about 1913

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B Surnames

BaileyDebora born about 1918
BaileyFrances Aborn about 1938
BaileyMarsha Mborn about 1939
BaileyMarshall born about 1916
BakerJulius born about 1893
BanksSamuel born about 1915
BassSara born about 1902
BennettMack born about 1914
BentlyRobert born about 1891
BerkmanMatilda born about 1860
BerryFlorence born about 1865
BlakeCarrie born about 1895
BlakeHector born about 1919
BlalockCharlie born about 1901
BlangCarrie born about 1901
BlueGrant born about 1902
BrambelJimmie born about 1920
BrambelKenneth born about 1939
BrambelRoland born about 1938
BrelandBenjamin Jborn about 1929
BrelandBenjamin J Fborn about 1905
BrelandJoseph Annborn about 1933
BrelandRebecca born about 1930
BrelandReese born about 1906
BrelandRichard Dborn about 1934
BrooksChristine born about 1929
BrooksEverda born about 1932
BrooksViola born about 1892
BrownMary born about 1911
BrownThomas born about 1901
BrutisGretrude born about 1854
BucknerFrances born about 1932
BucknerIva born about 1928
BucknerKatherine born about 1937
BucknerOlive born about 1934
BucknerRuby born about 1901
BurketJessie born about 1883
BurryLeroy born about 1911
ButtramMary Sborn about 1877
BynumGennette born about 1939
BynumKatherine Lborn about 1938
BynumLillian born about 1920
ByrantPink born about 1897

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C Surnames

CampbellWilliam born about 1912
CarleyPercey born about 1885
CarterAnna born about 1876
CarterPharo born about 1916
ChapmanCharlie born about 1893
ChapmanWillie born about 1902
CharrieClara born about 1875
ChavisDella Mborn about 1915
ChavisEddie born about 1900
ChavisHarvey born about 1897
CheshireHellen Aborn about 1937
CheshireMamie Lborn about 1917
CheshireRalph born about 1910
ChesterLoulla born about 1877
ChesterNick born about 1875
ClarkJonnie born about 1910
CobbLamar born about 1914
CobbsLeroy born about 1920
ColemanJames born about 1914
CollensOsbay born about 1909
CooperCalvin born about 1904
CooperEdward born about 1914
CooperHattie born about 1905
CooperHerbert born about 1937
CooperJames born about 1882
CooperLottie born about 1911
CooperMelvina born about 1933
CooperMethanial born about 1934
CooperThomas born about 1939
CooperVernita born about 1939
CribbsDoris born about 1935
CribbsJ Madisonborn about 1894
CribbsNelson born about 1927
CribbsSadie born about 1896
CroonsHarritar born about 1928
CroonsJohn born about 1911
CroonsMary Ettaborn about 1880
CurryBernethia born about 1935
CurryJames born about 1933
CurryJoseph born about 1931
CurryMinnie Leeborn about 1912

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D Surnames

DallasRalph born about 1929
DallasSylvesta born about 1926
DallasWesley born about 1906
DanialsRoosevelt born about 1915
DanzyBernice born about 1916
DavidMabel born about 1908
DavidWillie born about 1898
DavisCarry Lborn about 1919
DavisLora born about 1876
DavisMartha born about 1914
DavisOllie born about 1917
DensonRosa Lborn about 1890
DinsmoreCharlie born about 1912
DixHerman born about 1891
DixonIda born about 1888
DixonJessie born about 1931
DixonOliver born about 1891
DonneyArthur born about 1899
DonneyMary born about 1902
DownsEarl born about 1904
DownsEugene born about 1915
DownsEvlyn born about 1917
DriggersManuel born about 1889
DriggersWilford born about 1915
DuglasJay Dborn about 1916
DuhartBerry born about 1915
DuhartClara Lborn about 1913
DuhartSimon born about 1881

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E Surnames

EnglishDora born about 1919
EnglishDoris born about 1939
EnglishFred born about 1897

F Surnames

FarmerAdda born about 1921
FarmerCaroline born about
FarmerLuther born about 1864
FarmerVerdell born about 1938
FieldsEddie Mborn about 1924
FieldsEmanda born about 1875
FieldsHenry born about 1875
FisherAllen born about 1872
FlemingsMark born about 1874
FrazierRoberson born about 1870
FrazierRosa born about 1880

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G Surnames

GarnerMary Lborn about 1914
GarnerWill born about 1914
GibbsBert born about 1903
GilbertEthel born about 1911
GilbertLonnie born about 1908
GilbertLonnie Cborn about 1935
GoreBetty born about 1933
GorePauline born about 1914
GoreSandford Jborn about 1910
GorntoDoris born about 1935
GorntoJulia born about 1907
GorntoLouise born about 1930
GorntoSidney born about 1907
GorntoSidney born about 1928
GorntoThelma born about 1931
GrantDan born about 1892
GreenIsabel born about 1893
GreenPearl born about 1926
GreenRosa born about 1891
GuigunJames born about 1866
GurganiousAllen Pborn about 1907
GurganiousBetty Clarkborn about 1910

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H Surnames

HanbyE Fborn about 1898
HanikleJames born about 1912
HarrisJonnie born about 1918
HartDan born about 1912
HarveyCora born about 1912
HarveyRobert born about 1908
HatchLena born about 1887
HatchLouie born about 1884
HedgmanJerry born about 1921
HillBernice born about 1932
HillEddie Cborn about 1935
HillHellen born about 1927
HillJettie born about 1902
HillMabel born about 1911
HillWanitta born about 1931
HiltClaude born about 1883
HiltClaude born about 1918
HiltEthel born about 1888
HortonMerdice Cborn about 1916
HortonWilliam Bborn about 1916
HortonWilliam Bborn about 1936
HosterJacqueline Cborn about 1933
HowartElizabeth born about 1875
HowartSteve Jborn about 1877
HussHenry born about 1877

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I Surnames

IasackJames born about 1915
IsackEama born about 1873
IsackJames born about 1863

J Surnames

JacksonCostello born about 1915
JacksonIsack born about 1897
JacksonLettie born about 1879
JacksonWillie born about 1898
JamesLeroy born about 1906
JamesLeroy born about 1931
JamesMary born about 1912
JeffordsD Dborn about 1907
JeffordsElizabeth Annborn about 1933
JeffordsJeannine born about 1934
JeffordsMarjorie born about 1909
JeffordsPatricia born about 1937
JelksNathenial born about 1888
JerryGeorge born about 1901
JeterMargaret born about 1908
JeterMarshall born about 1903
JohnsBetty Cborn about 1938
JohnsCalvin born about 1917
JohnsMyrtle Lborn about 1922
JohnsWilliam Fborn about 1939
JohnsonBenjamin born about 1900
JohnsonBernice born about 1931
JohnsonDorothy Eborn about 1939
JohnsonEarnist born about 1916
JohnsonEllen born about 1860
JohnsonErwin born about 1910
JohnsonHarry born about 1909
JohnsonHenry born about 1899
JohnsonIsack born about 1939
JohnsonJames Cborn about 1923
JohnsonMatilda born about 1915
JohnsonRosa Lborn about 1916
JohnsonThelma born about 1918
JonesMelvie born about 1917
JonesSylvesta born about 1905

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K Surnames

KellerHarry Jborn about 1868
KellyLouis born about 1895
KellyLuticia born about 1921
KellyMable born about 1902
KellyMarie born about 1901
KellyNoland born about 1892
KellyNoland born about 1935
KellyRichard born about 1931
KellyWalter born about 1937
KitcherPhillip born about 1891
KitcherSally born about 1894
KleinMargie born about 1904
KleinOtto born about 1891
KlingenhagenMarie born about 1900

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L Surnames

LangCharlie born about 1918
LastingerA born about 1915
LastingerDavid Merrillborn about 1937
LastingerJessie Vborn about 1916
LawtonWillie born about 1919
LeathJames born about 1888
LovettFrances born about 1888
LovettJimmie born about 1927
LovettRaymond born about 1880
LovettRena born about 1914
LovettRuby born about 1925
LuckasAbbie born about 1900
LuckasJames born about 1895

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M Surnames

MackDanial born about 1921
MackEssie born about 1906
MackEssie born about 1929
MackJames born about 1936
MackJulius born about 1898
MackJulius born about 1932
MackLeon Jborn about 1921
MackShedric born about 1923
MackWarren born about 1927
MackWillie born about 1927
MackWillie born about 1939
MaddocksWill born about 1896
MatthewsTommy born about 1919
McClainFrank born about 1894
McCoyArthur born about 1909
McCoyBessie born about 1914
McCoyLilly born about 1931
McCoyWillie Lborn about 1929
MedlockEdward born about 1885
MedlockEthel Lborn about 1916
MedlockFlorence born about 1922
MedlockHereclee born about 1932
MedlockIsiah born about 1918
MedlockJannie born about 1885
MedlockJoe born about 1919
MedlockMorris born about 1928
MedlockRaymond born about 1925
MedlockVerdie born about 1932
MillerArdrenn born about 1934
MillerCharlie born about 1915
MillerJ Cborn about 1900
MillerJ Tborn about 1873
MillerMamye born about 1874
MillerMelita born about 1912
MiltonElizabeth born about 1912
MiltonRobert born about 1924
MitchelAmie born about 1908
MitchelGeorge born about 1926
MitchelPearl born about 1928
MitchelRosseata born about 1930
MitchelThomas born about 1933
MitchellJonnie born about 1923
MitchellLessie born about 1904
MoffordAmelia born about 1907
MoffordAnnie born about 1932
MoffordDorothy born about 1929
MoffordHenry born about 1896
MoffordHenry born about 1935
MoffordJoe Fborn about 1939
MoffordKatherine born about 1940
MoffordMadeline born about 1933
MoffordThelma Lborn about 1937
MooreNellie born about 1907
MoorePerry born about 1907
MosesAnnie born about 1890
MosesBen born about 1882

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N Surnames

NelsonAdeline born about 1916
NelsonJohn born about 1886
NelsonMartin born about 1896
NelsonNorshia born about 1873
NelsonVanite born about 1843
NelsonVercenter born about 1897
NettelsHuston born about 1893
NorrisAdda born about 1884
NorrisAshley born about 1918
NorrisCarrie born about 1891
NorrisEdna born about 1895
NorrisEdward born about 1877
NorrisJames born about 1921
NorrisJoseph born about 1919
NorrisKatherline born about 1924
NorrisLareatha born about 1923
NorrisLulla Mborn about 1921
NorrisMildred Jborn about 1934
NorrisRichard born about 1881
NorrisWilliam born about 1926

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O Surnames

ObannonAlphonce born about 1918
OliverAlice born about 1877

P Surnames

PeckBenjaman born about 1882
PeckMaggie born about 1895
PelefishErnest born about 1888
PetifootCassie born about 1894
PetifootWillie born about 1875
PierceFred born about 1913
PierceWillie born about 1916
PinkstonCharlie born about 1898
PinkstonEffie born about 1909
PinkstonElmira born about 1902
PowelWillie born about 1910
PrestonPosey born about 1902

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R Surnames

RackardHattie born about 1877
RackardPerry born about 1900
RamageBevelly born about 1937
RamageMinnie born about 1913
RamageRamond born about 1913
ReaMary Lborn about 1883
ReaThomas Cborn about 1883
ReddickJames born about 1901
ReidEdward born about 1927
ReidMamie born about 1909
ReidSylvester born about 1891
ReidWalter born about 1931
RobersinNorman born about 1939
RobersonHenry born about 1888
RobersonJohn born about 1903
RoundtreeHattie born about 1907
RoundtreeNed born about 1908
RoundtreeOrlando born about 1926
RusselJunius born about 1914

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S Surnames

ShafferVinson born about 1887
ShawAbraham born about 1904
ShellyAnna born about 1876
SimmonsJessie born about 1897
SimmonsSam born about 1924
SimmonsW Eborn about 1896
SimmonsWinnelle born about 1921
SpeightAndrew born about 1917
StevensCelia born about 1933
StevensEdward Jborn about 1912
StevensMaggie born about 1909
StevensonFlora Dborn about 1864

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T Surnames

TaylorCherry born about 1908
TaylorElizabeth born about 1926
ThigpinEllsworth Fborn about 1897
ThigpinLee Lborn about 1881
ThigpinMerle born about 1921
ThomasCamillus born about 1902
ThomasLarry Bborn about 1910
ThompsonEllis born about 1921
ThompsonMathew born about 1928
TollesonA Wborn about 1902
TollesonMary Janeborn about 1917
TollesonR Cborn about 1913
TollesonWilmont born about 1912
TysonGeorge born about 1875

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V Surnames

VarnesP Sborn about 1881

W Surnames

WalkerEvlyn born about 1940
WalkerPearl born about 1908
WallsAmos born about 1923
WallsCurtis born about 1921
WallsDamon born about 1927
WallsEssie Mborn about 1926
WallsJ Rborn about 1932
WallsL Cborn about 1935
WallsLe Roy born about 1929
WallsLeola Mborn about 1940
WallsRebecca born about 1881
WanderW Wborn about 1892
WarrenSam born about 1916
WarwickEarnest Wborn about 1903
WarwickGeorgia born about 1908
WarwickHerman Dborn about 1933
WarwickWilbur Eborn about 1931
WashingtonFrancis born about 1914
WatsonCora born about 1888
WatsonHarry born about 1867
WellsEugene born about 1916
WellsGeorge born about 1921
WellsHorace born about 1910
WellsJames born about 1915
WetherspoonBarbara born about 1928
WetherspoonEdward born about 1882
WetherspoonEma born about 1884
WetherspoonJames born about 1926
WetherspoonSusie born about 1923
WhilfieldAlbert born about 1902
WhiteSampson born about 1903
WigginsBetsy born about 1876
WilliamsMadeline born about 1920
WilliamsNorman born about 1906
WilliamsRobert Eborn about 1926
WilliamsRuth born about 1897
WilliamsThomas Gborn about 1889
WilsonIsack born about 1907
WoodMary born about 1894
WoodsBennie Lborn about 1939
WoodsGussie Mborn about 1933
WoodsHellen born about 1903
WoodsMack born about 1929
WoodsRosa Lborn about 1939

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