1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fort Green, Hardee, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Hardee County > 1940 Census of Fort Green

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottBelle born about 1906
AbbottDoyle born about 1929
AbbottEdgar born about 1903
AbbottJerald born about 1934
AbbottLessie born about 1886
AdamsAnice born about 1884
AdamsH Cborn about 1882
AdamsMamie born about 1896
AlbritonCarrol born about 1924
AlbritonCora born about 1895
AlbritonGeorge born about 1931
AlbritonJewel born about 1933
AlbritonLauren born about 1928
AlbritonWalace born about 1920
AlbritonWalter born about 1894
AlbrittonAlison born about 1934
AlbrittonArch born about 1906
AlbrittonArch Jr born about 1935
AlbrittonB Wborn about 1932
AlbrittonDavid born about 1933
AlbrittonDorman born about 1938
AlbrittonEunice born about 1911
AlbrittonGary born about 1939
AlbrittonGlen born about 1917
AlbrittonJennie Leeborn about 1940
AlbrittonJeradine born about 1936
AlbrittonJoy born about 1907
AlbrittonKatie born about 1915
AlbrittonLarrie born about 1939
AlbrittonMike born about 1907
AlbrittonNellie born about 1915
AlbrittonNiram born about 1873
AlbrittonRoy born about 1935
AlbrittonVernelia born about 1913
AlbrittonVida born about 1934
AlbrittonWillie born about 1934
AldermanAddie born about 1897
AldermanAlvin born about 1890
AldermanAvanna born about 1872
AldermanBertie born about 1910
AldermanC Cborn about 1888
AldermanCharles born about 1938
AldermanClifton born about 1917
AldermanElam born about 1875
AldermanElon born about 1938
AldermanFlorence born about 1888
AldermanGirtie born about 1898
AldermanHenderson born about 1939
AldermanIra Maeborn about 1923
AldermanJ Mborn about 1880
AldermanJames born about 1922
AldermanJennie born about 1881
AldermanLaboy born about 1934
AldermanLeon born about 1882
AldermanLois born about 1921
AldermanLois Eborn about 1924
AldermanPercy born about 1929
AldermanRufus born about 1917
AldermanVerry born about 1904
AldermanW A Jrborn about 1929
AllenAgnes born about 1900
AllenCreedmore born about 1922
AllenDavid born about 1886
AllenElmo born about 1937
AllenJoyce born about 1930
AllenLoyd born about 1934
AllenLucile born about 1932
AllenWilma born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaggottCharles Eborn about 1903
BaggottCharles Jr born about 1939
BaggottMarie born about 1908
BaggottPatsy born about 1932
BaggottRoman born about 1867
BaggottSallie born about 1880
BarleyAlice born about 1922
BarleyHerbert born about 1897
BarleyMertice born about 1861
BarleyNancy born about 1899
BarleyNellie born about 1924
BarnettBlake born about 1873
BarnettEmily born about 1904
BarnettEmily Mborn about 1870
BarnettFred born about 1896
BeasleyHasting born about 1888
BeasleyLynn born about 1893
BoyetteAnna born about 1940
BoyetteAsa born about 1898
BoyetteDavid born about 1935
BoyetteFloyd born about 1937
BoyettePauline born about 1917
BrownBob born about 1885
BrownPakney born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarltonAdison born about 1920
CarltonAlphaes born about 1925
CarltonEliza born about 1896
CarltonElmo born about 1918
CarltonRankin born about 1889
CarltonVirginia born about 1923
CochranJ Eborn about 1866
CochranJ E Jrborn about 1908
CochranNancy Pborn about 1918
CollinsHarold born about 1923
CollinsHenry born about 1896
CollinsLueline born about 1898
CooperClen born about 1912
CooperNanna born about 1915
CooperViana born about 1936

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D Surnames

DasingerLamar born about 1921
DasingerMartha born about 1933
DasingerNellie Cborn about 1939
DatsonFrank born about 1884
DatsonJewel born about 1926
DatsonJulia born about 1885
DatsonMary born about 1929
DevaneAdren born about 1929
DevaneBoyd born about 1897
DevaneEthel born about 1904
DevaneEugene born about 1934
DevaneMarl born about 1924
DevaneRaymond born about 1923
DixonCora born about 1878
DodsonBillie born about 1928
DodsonCal born about 1872
DodsonMaggie born about 1917
DodsonMillie born about 1881
DodsonNora Lborn about 1925
DodsonOtis Eborn about 1912
DouglasArchy born about 1931
DouglasBillie Rborn about 1936
DouglasEmma born about 1908
DouglasGeorgia born about 1930
DouglasJohn Hborn about 1934
DulaneyAlfred born about 1925
DurranceAlton born about 1923
DurranceHarles born about 1920
DurranceLucian born about 1909
DurranceOdes born about 1914

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F Surnames

FosterClarice born about 1921
FosterJames born about 1921
FosterRubie born about 1940

G Surnames

GillGeorgia born about 1864
GillJohn Eborn about 1901
GillPalmer born about 1895
GillTemptie born about 1889

H Surnames

HornAlice Mborn about 1936
HornFrasier born about 1896
HornJohn Jborn about 1930
HornLucy born about 1925
HornThelma born about 1905

K Surnames

KeeneInez born about 1923
KeeneMccoy born about 1920
KenedaMary Aborn about 1888
KenedaRobert Lborn about 1870
KerneArthur born about 1901
KerneArthur Jr born about 1921
KerneEthel born about 1903
KerneJames born about 1924
KerneJames born about 1927
KingBeatrice born about 1920
KingJames born about 1917

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L Surnames

LambFlossie born about 1882

M Surnames

ManuelRobert born about 1877
McClellanAnna born about 1903
McClellanClaud born about 1921
McClellanClide born about 1935
McClellanEunita born about 1927
McClellanJessie born about 1884
McClellanLucile born about 1925
McLeodDoritha born about 1927
McLeodLesley born about 1904
McLeodLesley Jr born about 1925
McLeodMyrtle born about 1905
McLeodNell born about 1930
MiddletonSara born about 1875
MilliganCecil born about 1938
MilliganEdith born about 1900
MilliganEdith born about 1929
MilliganFrank born about 1891
MilliganFrank Jr born about 1934
MilliganKenneth born about 1925
MilliganLawrence born about 1920
MilliganOliver born about 1927
MilliganRobert born about 1918
MoselyBurton born about 1930
MoselyE Fborn about 1889
MoselyEthel born about 1924
MoselyGertrude born about 1896
MoyeCalvin Tborn about 1902
MoyeElla born about 1896
MoyeGeorge born about 1890
MoyeHorace born about 1928
MoyeIda Lborn about 1862
MoyeIda Mborn about 1902
MoyeJames born about 1933
MoyeJessie born about 1885
MoyeLewis born about 1916
MoyeLillian born about 1922
MoyeLorine born about 1929
MoyeMabie born about 1891
MoyeMable Iborn about 1906
MoyeMarion born about 1923
MoyeMartha born about 1919
MoyeMaxine born about 1938
MoyePerry born about 1893
MoyeRalph born about 1900
MoyeTalmage born about 1895
MoyeThurman born about 1924
MoyeVera born about 1906
MoyeVernon born about 1932
MoyeWilber born about 1920
MoyeWilma born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NoblesMyrtle born about 1904

P Surnames

ParkerBobbie born about 1936
ParkerCorrena born about 1877
ParkerGrace born about 1938
ParkerJ Rborn about 1916
ParkerJohn Rborn about 1861
ParkerRachel born about 1919
PetersMartha born about 1875
PieperArthur born about 1890
PieperDorthy born about 1897
PieperRoy born about 1926
PierceRosa born about 1906
PinkneyJoe born about 1909
PringleJ Pborn about 1917
PringleMollie born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaulersonBill born about 1911
RaulersonEdna born about 1888
RaulersonKreasa born about 1918
RaulersonNick born about 1883
RevellsEdith born about 1939
RevellsFred born about 1915
RevellsJonnie born about 1918
RichAlva born about 1873
RichCharley born about 1903
RichDessie born about 1898
RichEarl born about 1926
RichLilla born about 1891
RichLoman born about 1914
RobertsDixie born about 1901
RobertsLawrence born about 1923
RobertsRalph born about 1897
RoeBarnie born about 1899
RoeDoloris born about 1927
RoeEdgar born about 1929
RoeF Gborn about 1927
RoeH Mborn about 1923
RoeHenry born about 1880
RoeJoyce Mborn about 1926
RoeLouise born about 1930
RoeLula born about 1888
RoeManda born about 1921
RoeMinnie born about 1905
RoeRafe born about 1905
RoeSonnie born about 1939
RoeWilma Jborn about 1930
RoeZona Aborn about 1901

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S Surnames

SkipperLesley born about 1885
SkipperMarie born about 1917
SkipperPearl born about 1888

T Surnames

TiceBillie Vborn about 1931
TiceFranklin born about 1933
TiceIrene born about 1915
TiceWalter born about 1910
TillmanLucious born about 1919
TooleCourtney born about 1926
TooleLaura born about 1897
TooleThomas born about 1888

W Surnames

WatersDewey born about 1917
WatersHazel born about 1921
WatersMildred born about 1922
WatersVictor born about 1917
WelchAlbert born about 1910
WelchBettie born about 1937
WelchDocia born about 1916
WelchGene Rborn about 1939
WelchGlen Oborn about 1938
WelchHazel born about 1923
WelchHellen born about 1933
WelchPaul Dborn about 1936
WelchRaleigh born about 1895
WelchRubie born about 1911
WelchRuth born about 1937
WhiteEtheridge born about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungbloodJohn Leeborn about 1923
YoungbloodLee born about 1878
YoungbloodMae born about 1886
YoungbloodZ Tborn about 1920

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