1940 U.S. Federal Census of Henderson Mill, Calhoun, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Calhoun County > 1940 Census of Henderson Mill

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames

A Surnames

AddisonJannie born about 1890
AddisonLucius born about 1891
AddisonWillie Bborn about 1924
AldayCurtis Lborn about 1939
AldayInell born about 1919
AldayWilliam Tborn about 1919
AlexanderBetty Annborn about 1935
AlexanderClara Rborn about 1916
AlexanderGeorge Wborn about 1933
AlexanderJames Wborn about 1898
AlexanderJames Wborn about 1924
AlexanderJerry Lborn about 1939
AlexanderJoan born about 1939
AlexanderMartha Eborn about 1928
AlexanderNora Mborn about 1900
AlexanderWilbur Jborn about 1911
AlfayAlex Jborn about 1871
AlfayJohn born about 1900
AlfayMary Bborn about 1929
AlfayMelvina born about 1870
AlfordJean born about 1932
AlfordLeon Wborn about 1935
AlfordNettie born about 1909
AlfordRuel Jborn about 1907
AtkinsEta Maeborn about 1903
AtkinsIda born about 1881
AtkinsIke Cborn about 1872
AtkinsJames Lborn about 1904
AtkinsJoel Eborn about 1856
AtkinsLevonie born about 1916
AtkinsMinervia born about 1867
AyersAmrie born about 1893
AyersAndrew born about 1876
AyersAndrew Jborn about 1924
AyersArthur born about 1903
AyersArthur born about 1920
AyersBennie born about 1929
AyersElbert born about 1883
AyersEunice born about 1910
AyersFannie born about 1899
AyersFrances born about 1938
AyersFrank born about 1903
AyersGeorge Rborn about 1913
AyersGeorge Wborn about 1883
AyersHazel Lborn about 1927
AyersHelen born about 1922
AyersJannie Lborn about 1921
AyersJennie born about 1929
AyersLimmie born about 1913
AyersLouise born about 1918
AyersLucy born about 1890
AyersLundie born about 1933
AyersMarie born about 1936
AyersRosie born about 1910
AyersRufus born about 1929
AyersSallie Jborn about 1928
AyersSusan Eborn about 1875
AyersVila Maeborn about 1926
AyersVivian born about 1933
AyersWardell Fborn about 1910
AyersWillard born about 1916

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B Surnames

BaggaettCharles Wborn about 1883
BaggaettFlouis born about 1923
BaggaettIseral Jborn about 1933
BaggaettLona Mauborn about 1896
BaggaettTalmadge born about 1931
BakerBurns born about 1874
BakerBurris Jr born about 1924
BakerCallie born about 1874
BakerDavid born about 1925
BakerEves Leeborn about 1917
BakerHamilton born about 1927
BakerJ Bborn about 1914
BakerJames Cborn about 1936
BakerJonas born about 1886
BakerJudge born about 1868
BakerKalip Lborn about 1938
BakerLevi born about 1900
BakerLula born about 1869
BakerMellie born about 1913
BakerOrie Leeborn about 1934
BakerOssie Lborn about 1927
BakerPearl born about 1916
BakerPessie born about 1912
BakerRosie born about 1898
BakerRuthie Maeborn about 1937
BakerTracy born about 1939
BarberDaisy Adaborn about 1889
BarberEmmett Sborn about 1917
BarberHardie Hborn about 1873
BarberHenry Wborn about 1929
BarberJammal born about 1928
BarfieldsBillie Jborn about 1938
BarfieldsL born about 1912
BarfieldsMonk born about 1935
BarfieldsPansy born about 1914
BayfieldAlfred Fborn about 1926
BayfieldAmanda born about 1892
BayfieldB Edwardborn about 1918
BayfieldCharlie Eborn about 1930
BayfieldHosea born about 1922
BayfieldJames Cborn about 1933
BayfieldJohn Eborn about 1925
BayfieldNellie Fborn about 1936
BayfieldWilliam Aborn about 1917
BayfieldWilliam Jborn about 1890
BeauchoupDolores born about 1932
BeauchoupGladys born about 1907
BeauchoupLeroy born about 1902
BeauchoupYovan born about 1930
BellEleose born about 1912
BellWillie born about 1908
BenermanKatie born about 1867
BessBuddie born about 1939
BessClara born about 1934
BessFrank born about 1870
BessHattie Leeborn about 1916
BessJames born about 1919
BessMaroline born about 1936
BessMayala born about 1916
BessSister born about 1938
BessSusie Janeborn about 1922
BessWillie Annborn about 1885
BettsIra born about 1923
BettsLidley born about 1895
BettsMack born about 1866
BracewellArbie born about 1907
BracewellCleo born about 1913
BracewellDelma Nborn about 1933
BracewellMinnie Rborn about 1936
BrockMany born about 1890
BrockRoy Eborn about 1937
BrownJune born about 1915
BrownQuincy born about 1918
BryantGeorge born about 1922
BryantJames born about 1874
BryantJoseph born about 1919
BryantLaura born about 1899
BurgesMinn born about 1878
BurkettClifford born about 1915
BurkettEugene born about 1938
BurkettGeorgia Lborn about 1939
BurkettGrady born about 1918
BurkettOlin born about 1929
BurkettRichard born about 1886
BurkettRichard Jr born about 1923
BurkettRosie born about 1890
BurkettRosie Leeborn about 1927
BurkettSula born about 1921
BurkettTommie born about 1921
BurkettVassie born about 1931
BurnsJames Wborn about 1920
BushBurtha Mborn about 1938
BushEaster born about 1920
BushEzell born about 1918
BushLeona born about 1934
ButlerDolores born about 1935
ButlerFranklin born about 1938
ButlerRuth born about 1914
ButlerWilliam Fborn about 1913

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C Surnames

CappsAlbert born about 1931
CappsAlma born about 1938
CappsElton born about 1901
CappsJames born about 1927
CappsLucy born about 1905
CazleVerna born about 1916
CazleWlliam Gborn about 1910
ClarkAnnie born about 1921
ClarkEarl born about 1915
CoeAnna born about 1930
CoeArchie born about 1913
CoeArchie born about 1932
CoeGeorge born about 1921
CoeJames born about 1908
CoeLeola born about 1924
CoeLessie born about 1918
CoeLula born about 1915
CoeMartha born about 1926
CoeR Cborn about 1937
CoeRay Leeborn about 1938
CoeRuby Leeborn about 1938
CoeViola born about 1928
CollawayAlma born about 1919
CollawayJohn Earlborn about 1938
CollawayJohn Lborn about 1913
ConnellChristian born about 1891
ConnellNellie born about 1919
ConnellWiley Hborn about 1875
ConnellWiley H Jrborn about 1925
ConnerDora born about 1896
ConnerJean born about 1932
ConnerLuther born about 1928
ConnerPansy born about 1921
ConnerStella Maeborn about 1925
CoxwellHeman born about 1940
CoxwellMyrtice born about 1914
CoxwellRaymond born about 1902
CoxwellRuthie Mborn about 1938
CoxwellWilliam Cborn about 1936
CreelDennis Bborn about 1882
CreelEldridge born about 1917
CreelEliza Jborn about 1871
CumbieJeff Bborn about 1862

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D Surnames

DawrellFlossie born about 1917
DawrellHenry born about 1908
DawrellJannie Rborn about 1939
DawsonAmos born about 1925
DawsonAnna born about 1905
DawsonJohn born about 1936
DawsonMartha born about 1927
DawsonMary born about 1927
DawsonPenny born about 1939
DawsonThomas born about 1884
DawsonWilliam born about 1937
DbryanAlbert Lborn about 1896
DbryanAlbert L Jrborn about 1924
DbryanElla born about 1901
DbryanLillian born about 1922
DbryanMable Lborn about 1930
DbryanThelma born about 1928
DeeseJohn born about 1921
DenuntJames Eborn about 1929
DenuntJohn Dborn about 1868
DenuntMagge Mborn about 1893
DolesAda born about 1887
DolesRadcliff born about 1890
DurdewGreen born about 1866
DurdewJohn born about 1907
DurdewJulia born about 1872
DykesDoris Jamesborn about 1938
DykesEmon Nborn about 1918
DykesJames Wborn about 1915
DykesJannie Bellborn about 1913
DykesMartha Annborn about 1912
DykesMyrtle born about 1919
DykesNellie born about 1921
DykesNewton Eborn about 1876

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E Surnames

EldridgeHarvey born about 1903
EllisonC Lborn about 1938
EllisonJoe Lborn about 1925
EllisonJohn born about 1929
EllisonKate born about 1904
EllisonLee Ethelborn about 1939
EllisonLether born about 1931
EllisonRosie Leeborn about 1934
EllisonSimpson born about 1881
EllisonUla Maeborn about 1936
EthridgeBarnie born about 1896
EthridgeBucher born about 1922
EthridgeDoyle born about 1930
EthridgeHvey Fborn about 1939
EthridgeMary Aborn about 1933
EthridgeNora born about 1899

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F Surnames

FieldingMinnie Iborn about 1896
FieldingSam Lborn about 1882
FieldingWonder Lucillborn about 1928
ForbesAudrey born about 1930
ForbesHosea born about 1899
ForbesJames born about 1903
ForbesMaggie born about 1911
ForbesVirginia born about 1938
FullerDonald born about 1938
FussellAddie Mborn about 1920
FussellRoy born about 1908
FussueClemmie born about 1920
FussueFelix Jborn about 1888
FussueLillie born about 1885

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G Surnames

GaffAgar born about 1875
GayHenry Wborn about 1935
GayWilliam Hborn about 1870
GobleAnnie Aborn about 1905
GobleJames Dborn about 1928
GobleJames Wborn about 1896
GobleWilliam Cborn about 1931
GoodmanCarolyn born about 1940
GoodmanChester born about 1927
GoodmanDaniel born about 1928
GoodmanEdwin Eborn about 1934
GoodmanHampton born about 1936
GoodmanJames Cborn about 1930
GoodmanJewell born about 1909
GoodmanJohn Hborn about 1909
GoodmanJohn Wborn about 1929
GoodmanLavon born about 1930
GoodmanLessie Cborn about 1907
GoodmanMarion Jborn about 1904
GoodmanMarion J Jrborn about 1925
GoodmanMyrene born about 1923
GoodsonLeon born about 1920
GoosbyAlzenia born about 1936
GoosbyFlorence born about 1900
GoosbyLula Maeborn about 1932
GreenBeatrice born about 1907
GreenBettie Jborn about 1932
GreenCatherine born about 1937
GreenDorothy born about 1934
GreenEdna Rborn about 1926
GreenHerman born about 1930
GreenJames Cborn about 1903
GreenKenneth born about 1935
GreenWillie Mborn about 1928
GriffinBurl born about 1939
GriffinEdgar born about 1910
GriffinGearl born about 1934
GriffinInfant born about 1940
GriffinLaura Bellborn about 1912

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H Surnames

HainAddie Mborn about 1929
HainClara Gborn about 1932
HainGrady Jborn about 1906
HainGudy Jr born about 1927
HainMyrtle born about 1909
HainMyrtle Lborn about 1938
HainRalph Jborn about 1936
HainWilliam Cborn about 1934
HamJoseph Wborn about 1877
HamJoseph W Jrborn about 1922
HamMazzie born about 1876
HamiltonEdith born about 1916
HamiltonMalvin born about 1914
HammandsFay born about 1938
HammandsNelgnia born about 1940
HammandsViola born about 1914
HammandsWilliam Eborn about 1911
HannCoy Bborn about 1915
HannEra Mborn about 1915
HannMary born about 1884
HannMoses Hborn about 1878
HannT Cborn about 1908
HansfordBetty Jborn about 1939
HansfordDorothy born about 1933
HansfordGeorge Lborn about 1884
HansfordHattie born about 1871
HansfordJ Dborn about 1923
HansfordLamor born about 1907
HansfordLuie born about 1912
HansfordMaggie Lborn about 1914
HansfordMartha Lborn about 1940
HansfordMildred born about 1921
HansfordTrudie born about 1884
HansfordVirgie born about 1930
HansfordWilliam Dborn about 1862
HohnsAnnie Mborn about 1937
HollowayHorace born about 1922
HolmerLillie Maeborn about 1923
HolmesAmos born about 1918
HolmesArtie Bborn about 1924
HolmesElmia born about 1920
HolmesEmily born about 1864
HolmesFreddie Jr born about 1937
HolmesFreddue born about 1918
HolmesGertrude born about 1916
HolmesLeonard born about 1912
HolmesLillie Maeborn about 1919
HolmesOwen born about 1882
HolmesPenny born about 1887
HolmesWilliam born about 1915
HomAnie Delleborn about 1926
HomEdward born about 1939
HomLorendie born about 1904
HomTonnie Rborn about 1894

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J Surnames

JohnsonAlexander Rborn about 1924
JohnsonDock born about 1884
JohnsonDouglas born about 1911
JohnsonEva born about 1897
JohnsonGeorge Wborn about 1929
JohnsonJames born about 1871
JohnsonLottie born about 1873
JohnsonLue born about 1884
JohnsonQueen Mborn about 1906
JohnsonRorert Leeborn about 1922
JohnsonRuthie Maeborn about 1936
JohnsonSylvester born about 1927

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K Surnames

KentBuelah born about 1890
KentHarrison born about 1920
KentHorace born about 1915
KentJohn born about 1888
KentLouie born about 1922
KentMartha Rborn about 1928
KentMelvin born about 1918
KimbelBurl born about 1856
KimbelMadua born about 1881
KinardIcer born about 1889
KinardMack Dborn about 1888
KinardPauline born about 1925

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L Surnames

LambJames Lborn about 1902
LambJimmie Leeborn about 1936
LambNancy born about 1914
LambsBenna Uborn about 1868
LambsJohn Dborn about 1862
LeeB Mborn about 1932
LeeE Mborn about 1928
LeeLena Mborn about 1886
LeeRufus Rborn about 1903
LeeThelma Lborn about 1907
LeeVelma Bborn about 1923
LeonardAlice born about 1919
LeonardDonald born about 1915
LeonardJulia Wborn about 1877
LeonardWade Hborn about 1877
LepperEugene born about 1936
LepperJake born about 1933
LepperLenie born about 1907
LepperWilliam born about 1934
LewDorothy born about 1918
LewHuey born about 1905
LewJoseph Hborn about 1939
LewRobert Eborn about 1937
LewisDolly born about 1912
LewisEdgar born about 1921
LewisJeace Jborn about 1907
LewisLeonard born about 1915
LewisMollie born about 1878
LewisNoah born about 1923
LewisPeny Jborn about 1884

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M Surnames

ManuelCharles Lborn about 1934
ManuelEhel born about 1929
ManuelEmma born about 1908
ManuelRoe Hborn about 1927
ManuelWill born about 1873
ManuelWill Jr born about 1924
McConnonJames born about 1862
McCroanAnnie born about 1913
McCroanErline born about 1929
McCroanEster born about 1936
McCroanIney born about 1905
McCroanMildred born about 1937
McCroanNellie born about 1934
McCroanTroy born about 1907
McDonaldBobby Eborn about 1939
McDonaldCeletin Iborn about 1904
McDonaldDonovan Pborn about 1930
McDonaldJames Aborn about 1894
McDonaldMarvin Sborn about 1928
McKinneyAbbie born about 1907
McKinneyDonald Tborn about 1939
McKinneyFronnie born about 1930
McKinneyGladys born about 1933
McKinneySarah born about 1908
McMallenMonrie born about 1868
McNeillAngury Lborn about 1918
McNeillJimmie born about 1934
McNeillLiza born about 1880
McNeillThurs born about 1933
MearsAlma born about 1924
MearsBealah born about 1917
MearsBernice born about 1930
MearsBuford born about 1921
MearsCoy Hborn about 1928
MearsHaney Aborn about 1913
MearsJames Mborn about 1889
MearsJuanita born about 1932
MearsLula born about 1896
MearsMaxwell born about 1937
MearsRoy born about 1926
MearsRuthie Dborn about 1937
MeltonDavid Mborn about 1923
MeltonElizabeth Rborn about 1925
MeltonJames Mborn about 1871
MeltonRecie born about 1884
MesserRuby born about 1917
MoneyTom born about 1918
MoneyViola born about 1920
MonleyThomas born about 1915
MonleyViola born about 1921
MontfordAgnes born about 1934
MontfordBetty Jeanborn about 1932
MontfordBillie Jborn about 1937
MontfordCharles Wborn about 1916
MontfordEmma born about 1910
MontfordInez born about 1922
MontfordJohn born about 1906
MontfordL Tborn about 1915
MontfordLaura born about 1876
MontfordLinwood born about 1939
MontfordLois born about 1914
MontfordMarjorie born about 1935
MontfordMary Lborn about 1930
MontfordMyetle born about 1918
MontfordRosie born about 1876
MontfordTommie born about 1921
MontfordViolet born about 1919
MontfordVon born about 1937
MontfordWilbur born about 1905
MooreWarren born about 1887
MorganJosephine born about 1888

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N Surnames

NealeyBenice born about 1939
NealeyJames born about 1917
NealeyLela Maeborn about 1919
NeelAndrew Jborn about 1915
NeelCarl Bborn about 1939
NeelMary Eborn about 1872
NeelMildred born about 1921
NeslyCorenear born about 1924
NeslyGladys born about 1932
NeslySarah born about 1925
NesmithAline born about 1933
NesmithBessie born about 1912
NesmithBettie born about 1934
NesmithCecie born about 1909
NesmithVernon born about 1931

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O Surnames

ObeyanAlice born about 1902
ObeyanJames Wborn about 1925
ObeyanNellie Bborn about 1931
ObeyanOliver born about 1898
ObryanAilen born about 1935
ObryanAlice born about 1874
ObryanAlice Eborn about 1937
ObryanBamie born about 1933
ObryanCharles Dborn about 1939
ObryanCharles Hborn about 1906
ObryanColey born about 1904
ObryanE Gborn about 1929
ObryanE Jborn about 1908
ObryanElmore Cborn about 1868
ObryanEstelle born about 1905
ObryanEstelle born about 1916
ObryanFloyd born about 1932
ObryanGovan born about 1870
ObryanJ Wborn about 1930
ObryanJeanette born about 1932
ObryanLena Maeborn about 1914
ObryanLeon born about 1918
ObryanLinnie Lborn about 1939
ObryanLounie Eborn about 1915
ObryanMary Louborn about 1937
ObryanMary Vborn about 1935
ObryanMattie Lborn about 1937
ObryanSusan Eborn about 1871
OwensJames Dborn about 1940
OwensMelvin born about 1918
OwensThelma born about 1919

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P Surnames

ParhamCalvin Aborn about 1920
ParhamLizzie born about 1892
ParhamMary Aliceborn about 1934
ParhamMauda Iborn about 1922
PeltJesse born about 1917
PeltLouise born about 1921
PeltSallie born about 1882
PersonBeatrice born about 1925
PersonJesse Cborn about 1919
PipenCharles born about 1928
PipenCharlie born about 1892
PipenJames Hborn about 1932
PipenNellie born about 1907
PipenWillie Eborn about 1930
PippenCalvin born about 1924
PippenCoolidge born about 1927
PippenJake born about 1915
PippenLouvenia born about 1925
PippenMattie Louborn about 1927
PippenWoodrow born about 1922
PitcherEdna Eborn about 1933
PitcherJames Hborn about 1910
PitcherJoyce Eborn about 1940
PitcherLois Lborn about 1920
PitcherWilliam Rborn about 1936
PlainDan born about 1901
PlainEllie born about 1902
PlainIlane born about 1923
PlairCatherine born about 1894
PlairJohn Gborn about 1887
PlairMatilda born about 1855
PorterEva born about 1917
PorterJannie born about 1923
PorterLula born about 1886
PorterMary born about 1869
PownellLuella born about 1894
PriceAllen Wborn about 1914
PriceCarlton Kborn about 1935
PriceFlossie Mborn about 1913
PriceHenry Fborn about 1867
PriceRay Fborn about 1932
PriceVira born about 1937

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R Surnames

RabonAgnes born about 1925
RabonAllie Maeborn about 1922
RabonBeulah born about 1923
RabonChester born about 1923
RabonClara born about 1911
RabonDorothy Aborn about 1930
RabonEdward born about 1930
RabonEthell born about 1931
RabonHenry Mborn about 1921
RabonInez born about 1927
RabonJ Fredborn about 1896
RabonJames Hborn about 1892
RabonJames Sborn about 1928
RabonLavon born about 1927
RabonMaggie Mborn about 1900
RabonMittie born about 1898
RabonWilliam Fborn about 1892
RamseySudie born about 1868
RayCallie born about 1908
RayCarol born about 1939
RayCecil born about 1911
RayCecil Jr born about 1933
RayElonise born about 1939
RayGladys born about 1912
RayJ Wborn about 1934
RayJohnie born about 1937
RayRuby born about 1932
RayWilliam Jborn about 1902
ReddArthur Lborn about 1896
ReddBobby Nborn about 1939
ReddDoris born about 1925
ReddEva born about 1906
ReddGeneva born about 1880
ReddGeorge Aborn about 1932
ReddGeorge Sborn about 1875
ReddHermon born about 1929
ReddJoan born about 1938
ReddJohn Rborn about 1907
ReddLesley Gborn about 1904
ReddLonnie born about 1918
ReddMarcie Annborn about 1939
ReddMargarete born about 1918
ReddRuth born about 1927
ReddWinston born about 1922
ReedCrystelle born about 1930
ReedEthel born about 1911
ReedIcane born about 1884
ReedJ I Reedborn about 1932
ReedJessie Bborn about 1932
ReedLinza born about 1909
ReedMettie born about 1895
ReedOdell born about 1910
ReedRay born about 1928
ReedRobert born about 1934
ReedTip Pborn about 1937
ReedVonnie Cborn about 1939
ReedWillie Mborn about 1909
RichardJune Mborn about 1937
RichardLeucy Hborn about 1913
RichardMayer born about 1919
RussellCharlie born about 1934
RussellEdward born about 1931
RussellLettha born about 1905
RussellMary Nellborn about 1936
RussellOpal born about 1929
RussellRaymond born about 1905

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S Surnames

SangsterAlthera Bborn about 1933
SangsterAmos Fborn about 1888
SangsterErnestine born about 1926
SangsterJ Dborn about 1917
SangsterLawrence Fborn about 1936
SangsterMary Mborn about 1919
SangsterRosie Maeborn about 1934
SangsterRuby Leeborn about 1915
SangsterSusie born about 1888
SangsterWarren Gborn about 1922
SangsterWilliam I Jrborn about 1939
SangsterWilliam Tborn about 1911
SansomAddie born about 1896
SansomBonnie Lborn about 1926
SansomEdward Rborn about 1923
SansomHubert born about 1921
SansomInez born about 1929
SansomRobert Lborn about 1918
SansomThad Lborn about 1879
SansonJohn Wborn about 1915
SansonMattie Lborn about 1924
ScottCecil Pborn about 1931
ScottEdward Cborn about 1918
ScottElla Vborn about 1887
ScottEllis Eborn about 1926
ScottElneta born about 1933
ScottGlenn born about 1938
ScottJohn Hborn about 1877
ScottJohn Lborn about 1913
ScottJohn Rborn about 1935
ScottLimmie born about 1881
ScottLouise born about 1920
ScottNeles born about 1914
ScottPauline born about 1922
ScottPorter born about 1881
ScottPreston born about 1924
ScottRobert born about 1926
SegersGearld born about 1935
SegersGewndolyn born about 1932
SegersGraves Aborn about 1890
SegersMaggie born about 1923
SegersMary born about 1905
SegersNancy born about 1858
SegersQuincy born about 1940
SegersTolbert born about 1917
SellersFrank born about 1866
SellersMary Lborn about 1869
SelvinClotis born about 1927
SextonJames Hborn about 1932
SextonJohn Gborn about 1940
SextonLula Cborn about 1881
SextonMae Vborn about 1910
SextonMartha Dborn about 1935
SextonTayson Bborn about 1938
SextonWilliam Aborn about 1933
SextonWillie born about 1902
ShieldsLazror born about 1924
ShieldsLura born about 1875
ShieldsRobert Mborn about 1862
ShieldsRonald born about 1930
ShirldsDonald Hborn about 1937
ShirldsJeanette born about 1939
ShirldsLewis Eborn about 1909
ShirldsRuby born about 1910
SmithAlton Bborn about 1915
SmithDora Maeborn about 1912
SmithIsaar Sborn about 1870
SmithJohn Aborn about 1930
SmithJohn Rborn about 1856
SmithLucille Hborn about 1928
SmithNellie born about 1904
SmithWade Mborn about 1932
SpoonerCarl born about 1916
SpoonerClayeboye born about 1939
SpoonerHartley born about 1937
SpoonerJames born about 1934
SpoonerLuke born about 1909
SpoonerStella born about 1909
StaceyJames Aborn about 1936
StaceyLillie Maeborn about 1901
StaceyOliver Eborn about 1928
StaceyWillie born about 1884
StanleyAlbey Jr born about 1932
StanleyAlbry born about 1912
StanleyBobby born about 1935
StanleyJean born about 1938
StanleyMyrtice born about 1912
StanleyRalph born about 1937
StanleyVan Donborn about 1939
StewartBroward born about 1937
StewartDaniel born about 1902
StewartEarl born about 1924
StewartEllis born about 1933
StewartJanie Mborn about 1931
StewartJohn Gborn about 1866
StewartLaura Eborn about 1921
StewartMilton born about 1916
StewartMurl born about 1924
StewartOrie born about 1903
StewartRalph born about 1928
StewartRay born about 1926
StoneBuford born about 1937
StoneCatherine born about 1938
StoneDaisy born about 1910
StoneEdgar Eborn about 1902
StoneEdgar E Jrborn about 1928
StoneHubert Eborn about 1929
StoneRaymond born about 1933
StoneSusie Mayborn about 1877
StreetsHattie Lborn about 1938
StreetsLeroy born about 1915
StreetsMargaret born about 1919
StwartMalvinia born about 1921
StwartSammie born about 1918
SullenAnn Maryborn about 1905
SullenElouise born about 1928
SullenHenry Aborn about 1893
SullenOdene Mborn about 1926

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T Surnames

TaylorTullis born about 1932
TaylorViola born about 1910
TewClarice born about 1929
TewCorene born about 1933
TewEdmond born about 1938
TewGladys born about 1918
TewJohn Leeborn about 1926
TewLester born about 1902
TewLester Rayborn about 1936
TewMabel Fborn about 1924
TewMauis Iborn about 1923
TewSarah Jborn about 1903
TewVinnie born about 1880
TheusEddie Lborn about 1909
TheusFlorence born about 1910
TheusHerbert Lborn about 1931
TheusJames Wborn about 1932
ThomasBoney born about 1931
ThomasBusten born about 1933
ThomasCatherine Tborn about 1876
ThomasHessie Rborn about 1925
ThomasIda Pearlborn about 1923
ThomasIziah born about 1923
ThomasJames Tborn about 1877
ThomasOdell born about 1915
ThomasPete born about 1887
ThomasQueen born about 1890
ThomasSeasar born about 1921
ThomasSelilla born about 1929
ThomasW Iborn about 1927
ThomasWesley born about 1939
TrickeyHelen born about 1921
TrickeyNelson Eborn about 1939
TyreMathew Aborn about 1870

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V Surnames

VamumFausteen born about 1917
VamumH Leonadborn about 1911
VamumImogene born about 1936
VamumJ Leonard Jrborn about 1937

W Surnames

WaldroffAlberta born about 1901
WaldroffBuford born about 1924
WaldroffDale Jborn about 1933
WaldroffDeloris born about 1937
WaldroffEdgar Wborn about 1897
WaldroffEdgar W Jrborn about 1924
WaldroffGeorge Mborn about 1907
WaldroffGeorge M Jrborn about 1930
WaldroffHerman born about 1921
WaldroffJake born about 1919
WaldroffJanie Vborn about 1919
WaldroffJimmie Cborn about 1912
WaldroffJimmy Mborn about 1934
WaldroffJohn born about 1901
WaldroffLona Eborn about 1931
WaldroffLula born about 1892
WaldroffMary Annborn about 1940
WaldroffMavis Aborn about 1922
WaldroffNeslie born about 1888
WaldroffRuby Cborn about 1915
WaldroffRussel Jborn about 1934
WaldroffTom born about 1893
WaldroffWilliam Tborn about 1875
WashingtonEmma born about 1923
WashingtonJunior Rborn about 1938
WashingtonThos Jborn about 1935
WashingtonWellie born about 1903
WebbCharlie born about 1874
WelchJ Hughborn about 1894
WelchLula born about 1886
WilsonAlma born about 1871
WilsonAubrets born about 1923
WilsonGeorge born about 1886
WilsonJ Frankborn about 1865
WilsonSusie born about 1883

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Y Surnames

YonAltoria born about 1921
YonAnnie Rborn about 1939
YonBenjamin born about 1892
YonBernise born about 1939
YonDelia born about 1847
YonEddie born about 1923
YonEdward Bborn about 1905
YonElla born about 1882
YonElla born about 1897
YonEssie born about 1913
YonEstelle born about 1917
YonEugene born about 1933
YonFrank born about 1905
YonIvory Jborn about 1921
YonJesie Hborn about 1924
YonLeila Husborn about 1925
YonLina Bborn about 1920
YonLorene born about 1933
YonLucy born about 1892
YonMadison born about 1897
YonMamel born about 1926
YonMary born about 1889
YonNelson born about 1919
YonNelson Jr born about 1939
YonNettie born about 1887
YonRachell born about 1915
YonTony born about 1884
YonVernice born about 1915
YonWilliam born about 1931
YonWilliam Eborn about 1912
YonWillie born about 1916
YonWillis born about 1939
YouBerta born about 1900
YouErnest born about 1903
YowHattie born about 1906
YowJames born about 1890
YowMinnie Leeborn about 1920
YowOceola born about 1919

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