1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hildreth, Suwannee, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Suwannee County > 1940 Census of Hildreth

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AderholtElizabeth born about 1860
AderholtJesper Wborn about 1880
AderholtLee born about 1890
AderholtLeroy born about 1940
AderholtLoyd born about 1934
AderholtLula born about 1910
AderholtMadine born about 1938
AderholtMaggie born about 1905
AderholtMary born about 1910
AderholtPatricia born about 1939
AderholtRoy born about 1906
AderholtWilliam born about 1927
AndersonBeatrice born about 1914
Asyers??? born about 1937
AyresEdd born about 1882
AyresHattie born about 1884

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B Surnames

BaileyBetty Sueborn about 1934
BaileyBillie born about 1937
BaileyCalvin Jr born about 1930
BaileyCatherine born about 1916
BaileyFred Aborn about 1915
BaileyFreddie Maeborn about 1939
BaileyIda Maeborn about 1894
BankudtHana Fborn about 1885
BarrsJ Wborn about 1922
BarrsJody born about 1924
BarrsJohnnie Wborn about 1887
BarrsLevira born about 1926
BarrsLion born about 1931
BarrsPearl born about 1898
BarrsViola Lolaborn about 1917
BarrsWillie born about 1934
BassAgnes born about 1928
BassAlfred born about 1933
BassAlice born about 1904
BassAnnie Maeborn about 1932
BassArthur born about 1924
BassJanie Aborn about 1894
BasswellJosephine born about 1880
BasswellLola born about 1922
BasswellMelvin born about 1918
BasswellWilliam Tborn about 1868
BennedtJesse Eborn about 1882
BibbyLucile born about 1926
BibbyOwens Gborn about 1871
BibbyThomas born about 1900
BibbyWill born about 1903
BlauntLula born about 1874
BlauntOliver Aborn about 1862
BrownWalter Aborn about 1920

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C Surnames

CallinsElsi born about 1916
CallinsJim Lborn about 1937
CallinsMickey Mborn about 1935
CampbellAllen Rborn about 1914
CampbellChristine born about 1937
CampbellLucinda born about 1940
CampbellMary Maglineborn about 1912
CarsonAnna born about 1858
CarsonGeorge Carlborn about 1939
CarsonHerold Deweyborn about 1936
CarsonHorace Bborn about 1900
CarsonHorace Laroeyborn about 1938
CarsonRosa born about 1911
CasonAlfred born about 1917
CasonJeff Nborn about 1876
CasonLeola born about 1879
CharesEliza born about 1892
CharesWilliam born about 1894
ClemonAnnienell born about 1937
ClemonJ Cborn about 1911
ClemonJessie Leeborn about 1895
CobbsGladys born about 1929
ColinsAndrey born about 1917
ColinsLenneth born about 1937
ColinsMarvin born about 1917
CollineHudson born about 1931
CollineLeon born about 1924
CollineMallie born about 1900
CollineRoy born about 1928
CollineThelma born about 1896
CollinsBessie born about 1885
CollinsCarter born about 1922
CollinsCharlotte born about 1939
CollinsDarsey born about 1868
CollinsEark born about 1914
CollinsEdmon born about 1920
CollinsElma born about 1915
CollinsEstelle born about 1922
CollinsFrank born about 1910
CollinsGeneve born about 1928
CollinsGerold Deanborn about 1934
CollinsGloria born about 1932
CollinsHarold born about 1939
CollinsJohnnie Fborn about 1881
CollinsJoseph Jborn about 1868
CollinsJoseph Sborn about 1903
CollinsLeina born about 1922
CollinsLerea born about 1919
CollinsLeroy born about 1921
CollinsLizzie born about 1907
CollinsLouise born about 1923
CollinsRhoda born about 1925
CollinsShirley Annborn about 1936
CollinsWendell born about 1937
CrasierCecil born about 1880
CrasierLilla born about 1886
CrasierPlauda born about 1922
CribbsA Lborn about 1936
CribbsLucille born about 1925
CribbsM Tborn about 1878
CribbsMaggie Maeborn about 1906
CroiserH Dborn about 1918
CrozieFannie Lborn about 1870
CrozieJames Dborn about 1869
CutsyJames born about 1907

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D Surnames

DaughtryBernice born about 1923
DaughtryLizzie born about 1894
DaughtryNathneal born about 1901
DaughtryWilliam born about 1882
DavisAustin born about 1924
DavisDorothy Maeborn about 1922
DavisLillian born about 1927
DavisLodina born about 1919
DavisRose born about 1892
DriverVola born about 1922

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E Surnames

EallinsJessie born about 1892
EallinsJim Eborn about 1874
EallinsLila born about 1877
EmeryCharles born about 1868
EmeryGertude Vborn about 1878

F Surnames

FrandlinRobert Anthonyborn about 1902
FrandlinSusie Ellenborn about 1904
FrandlinViolet born about 1925
FullerDrover Cborn about 1888
FullerSarah Aborn about 1843
FullerWillie Lborn about 1863

G Surnames

GillFrank born about 1885
GilleyAmelia born about 1860
GilleyMyrtle Marieborn about 1899
GilleyRoy Rborn about 1883
GlynnL Carenborn about 1875
GlynnRosa born about 1876
GradyBeatrice born about 1918
GradyHenry born about 1901
GrandellA born about 1912
GrandellBertha Leeborn about 1938
GrandellE Lborn about 1940
GrandellJunior born about 1936
GrandellRuby Maeborn about 1935
GrandellRufus Leeborn about 1915
GreenClaude Jborn about 1892
GreenIlassie born about 1902
GreenOrviel born about 1926
GreenRalph born about 1924
GreenRandal born about 1922
GreenRonald born about 1939

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H Surnames

HallBenjamin born about 1924
HaltonJessie Wborn about 1853
HanterJames born about 1893
HarrisLizzie born about 1900
HaucherIalmadge born about 1924
HaucherLester born about 1926
HaucherSteve born about 1922
HaucherWilliam born about 1901
HaucherZilpa born about 1905
HillIra born about 1917
HillLugener born about 1921
HillardLeon Dborn about 1934
HinesLela born about 1890
HinesLouise born about 1912
HolderThomas Jborn about 1854
HoltFletcher born about 1921
HoltOma Mrs born about 1877
HoltRuth born about 1923
HowkinsCarl born about 1920
HowkinsLee Wallaceborn about 1879
HowkinsMaude born about 1887
HuntEssie Maeborn about 1908
HuntMarrine O Jrborn about 1932
HuntPerry Oborn about 1906
HuntRay Fborn about 1937
HunterAgnes born about 1887
HunterJoe born about 1892

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I Surnames

IullerKenneth born about 1938
IullerLernna born about 1908
IullerMaxine born about 1933
IullerMyrtle born about 1913

J Surnames

JohnsonGuy born about 1886
Jones??? born about 1932
JonesAltha born about 1934
JonesBessie Janeborn about 1907
JonesBuis Mborn about 1909
JonesEtton born about 1939

K Surnames

KingterAlina Wborn about 1904
KingterLessie born about 1913
KoonBertis Sulvieborn about 1926
KoonFlora born about 1921
KoonFlorence Jeanborn about 1936
KoonFrank born about 1931
KoonJ Pborn about 1913
KoonJack born about 1934
KoonJack Dewisborn about 1919
KoonJames born about 1931
KoonJenette born about 1928
KoonJesse Jamesborn about 1886
KoonLemon born about 1929
KoonMarie born about 1927
KoonMartis born about 1919
KoonMaudiline born about 1932
KoonNorma Geneborn about 1936
KoonNorman born about 1918
KoonOtis Pborn about 1919
KoonPearlie born about 1883
KoonThomas born about 1896
KoonTilda born about 1924

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L Surnames

LamesEllis born about 1864
LewisJessie born about 1906

M Surnames

MaysAlma born about 1917
MaysPrice born about 1890
McCoyQannie born about 1886
McCrayMallie born about 1915
McCrayWillie Lborn about 1922
McMillonGeorge born about 1903
MiltonBeulah born about 1913
MiltonCatherine born about 1938
MiltonClifford born about 1930
MiltonHattie Sborn about 1868
MiltonHenry Mborn about 1908
MontgomeryNaney born about 1890
MorrisClaude born about 1922

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N Surnames

NicholasE Jborn about 1927
NicholasEddie born about 1923
NicholasJames born about 1895
NicholasMamie born about 1908

O Surnames

OdomBernill born about 1940
OdomElla Bborn about 1884
OdomFreddie born about 1927
OdomHarley Wborn about 1877
OdomJaunita born about 1918
OdomLamer born about 1925
OdomLotty Elizabethborn about 1938
OdomOtis Lborn about 1917
OdomPasco born about 1919
OdomShirley Annborn about 1936

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P Surnames

PadgettNita born about 1899
PadgettWalmar born about 1901
PadgetteCarl born about 1924
PadgetteCarley born about 1929
PadgetteEdd born about 1891
PadgetteEmma born about 1866
PadgetteNiola born about 1902
PadgetteNoprma born about 1920
PadgottBetty Joeborn about 1939
PadgottEssie Maeborn about 1919
PadgottTommie born about 1920
ParkerBetty Louborn about 1931
ParkerCecil Wborn about 1907
ParkerFrancis born about 1912
ParkerGlann Richardborn about 1933
ParkerOran Leroyborn about 1937
ParkerVivan born about 1938
ParrisMary born about 1920
PatrickAda born about 1887
PattersBonnie born about 1905
PattersCharles Williamborn about 1925
PattersWilliam Oborn about 1902
PauishIda Leeborn about 1881
PauishThomas Vborn about 1868
PearkRillo Sborn about 1911
PettisBetty Dueborn about 1933
PettisBobby Louborn about 1937
PettisFaye born about 1930
PettisMary Francesborn about 1907
PettisOscar born about 1907
PettisPaulie born about 1931
PhaganLeon born about 1914
Priestt??? born about 1928
PriesttFlora Mborn about 1922
PriesttLamer born about 1922

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R Surnames

ReedElizabeth born about 1917
ReedGeorge born about 1918
RogersArthur born about 1874
RogersArtie Jameborn about 1933
RogersNettie Maeborn about 1915
RogersRuben born about 1910
RussJames born about 1928
RussVictoria born about 1927

S Surnames

SanddinGussie born about 1895
SanddinMarvin born about 1921
SanddinMelton born about 1921
SanddinRonald born about 1921
SanddinRuth born about 1934
SandersFaye born about 1934
SandersGrace born about 1914
SandersJames born about 1907
SandersPaul born about 1938
SikerAllen born about 1931
SikerCheopus born about 1901
SikerMary Vborn about 1907
SikerMarylen born about 1928
SikerO Dborn about 1865
SikerPauline born about 1913
SikerShirley Annborn about 1940
SikerSusie Dborn about 1877
SikerT Wborn about 1913
SikerVirginia born about 1930
SikerVirginia Leeborn about 1919
SikerWilliam born about 1908
SlomBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
SlomBobbie born about 1935
SlomCatherine born about 1936
SlomEdward born about 1932
SlomHerley J Jrborn about 1912
SlomIler born about 1915
SlomJoe Annborn about 1934

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T Surnames

TerryIna born about 1924
TerryLizzie born about 1886
TerryOtway born about 1881
ThomasEddie born about 1922
ThomasHerbert born about 1891
ThomasHerbet Jr born about 1924
ThomasJ Dborn about 1934
ThomasLeo born about 1927
ThomasLorne born about 1911
ThomasRuthie Maeborn about 1929
ThomasTurner born about 1932
ThompsonCva born about 1895
ThompsonJ Aborn about 1872
TouchtonLila Maeborn about 1929
TownderEdward Hborn about 1892
TownderHop Tborn about 1868
TownderIva born about 1912
TurnerBarney born about 1916
TurnerJean born about 1933
TurnerJulitte born about 1914
TurnerLacie born about 1906
TurnerMarvelle born about 1930
TurnerMaude born about 1907
TurnerSylvia born about 1927

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W Surnames

WallaceAnnie Lborn about 1912
WallaceAnnie Louisborn about 1929
WallaceCecil Cborn about 1909
WallaceMary Louisborn about 1932
WatsonAlvin born about 1940
WatsonAnna born about 1896
WatsonClarence born about 1935
WatsonHenry born about 1918
WatsonJames born about 1938
WatsonJessie born about 1885
WatsonNathaniel born about 1937
WatsonPauline born about 1931
WatsonRobert born about 1911
WatsonRozelma born about 1913
WatsonWoodrow born about 1922
WigginsWill born about 1882
WilbersonAlnold born about 1923
WilbersonDard Clavinborn about 1888
WilbersonDarell born about 1932
WilbersonEdgar Mborn about 1900
WilbersonEdith born about 1926
WilbersonEvelyn born about 1935
WilbersonLillian born about 1904
WilbersonRoy born about 1929
WiliamsMary Pborn about 1864
WilliamsClarence born about 1907
WilliamsDallas born about 1933
WilliamsDavid born about 1928
WilliamsMary born about 1923
WilliamsMinnie Leeborn about 1917
WilliamsShelly born about 1888
WilliamsSusie born about 1892

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Y Surnames

YarkClarence born about 1901
YarkLeane born about 1904

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