1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hines, Dixie, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Dixie County > 1940 Census of Hines

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
F SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderSylvester born about 1882

B Surnames

BellamyJoe born about 1871
BellamyMatilda born about 1881
BelmonrEarnest born about 1921
BelmonrWillie born about 1925
BronsonLizzie born about 1914
BronsonR Cborn about 1885
BrooksDavid born about 1928
BullockAlma born about 1891
BullockFloyd born about 1871

C Surnames

CobbsMary Aliceborn about 1935
ColemanLuella born about 1891
ColemanOscar born about 1900

D Surnames

DawsonAda born about 1892
DawsonWill born about 1888
DaysAlmarice* born about 1926
DaysAnnie Maeborn about 1921
DaysAurelia born about 1917
DaysClaude born about 1937
DaysDorothy Maeborn about 1931
DaysEarnest born about 1913
DaysIrene born about 1904
DaysJohnnie Dborn about 1935
DaysRuthie Leeborn about 1923
DaysWillie born about 1894
DaysWillie Jr born about 1928
DelaveyAllie born about 1913
DelaveyB Lborn about 1907
DelaveyCarlton born about 1930
DelaveyJ Cborn about 1931
DickinsonEdward Lborn about 1911
DickinsonNellontine* born about 1915
DixonArtie Dborn about 1923
DixonEd Dborn about 1895
DixonViola born about 1901
DoiseEddie Leeborn about 1934
DoiseMay Bborn about 1931
DonaldsonLouis born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FloydBennie born about 1914
FloydFlossie Maeborn about 1911
ForsythBertha born about 1887
ForsythL Jborn about 1887

G Surnames

GarrettJosephine born about 1911
GilyardArthur born about 1898
GilyardCarrie Leeborn about 1901
GoughM Cborn about 1868
GoughNancy born about 1868
GriffinA Jborn about 1927
GriffinBill born about 1922

H Surnames

HallLula born about 1890
HardinIdella born about 1915
HardinOscar born about 1874
HatcherAlvina born about 1906
HatcherD Hborn about 1900
HendersonPearly Maeborn about 1928
HendrickMary Lborn about 1933
HoulyAlice born about 1904
HoulyEsther born about 1933
HowardBlanche born about 1923
HowardClayton born about 1890
HowardClyde born about 1918
HowardNaomi born about 1891
HudsonO Wborn about 1922
HudsonVera Maeborn about 1917
HudsonWill born about 1896
HuntleyCharley born about 1911
HuntleyEsther born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonHoward born about 1911
JacksonMildred born about 1914
JamesMaggie born about 1897
JohnsCharley born about 1890
JonesHenry born about 1910
JonesJames Ellisborn about 1939
JonesOla Maeborn about 1923

K Surnames

KimbrallEdward born about 1865
KimbrallPinkie Annborn about 1875
KylerMarguerite born about 1932

L Surnames

LastinArthur born about 1917
LastinCharlotte born about 1920
LeeHeron born about 1920

M Surnames

MasonHenry born about 1906
MasonLillie Maeborn about 1914
MazonEli born about 1884
MilesAgnes born about 1918
MilesSam born about 1910
MitchellJunior born about 1935

O Surnames

OderOllie born about 1882
OxendineJim born about 1882

P Surnames

PorterAnna Maeborn about 1925
PorterDaisy born about 1910
PorterElla Maeborn about 1939
PorterFrank born about 1906
PorterLizzie born about 1924
PorterMac Francesborn about 1933
PorterMansella* born about 1930
PorterManuel born about 1936
PorterSamantha born about 1930
PorterWillie Maeborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

Robinson?usenia born about 1897
RobinsonSamuel born about 1899

S Surnames

SmockerFreddie born about 1936

T Surnames

TealLillie Maeborn about 1927
TealTangerinia* born about 1885
ThomasArchie Leeborn about 1919
ThreattLillian born about 1918

W Surnames

WhiteAndrew born about 1874
WhiteAnnie born about 1900
WhiteCharley born about 1897
WhiteCora born about 1910
WhiteJohnnie born about 1937
WhiteLe Roy born about 1935
WhiteMildred born about 1931
WhiteRoy born about 1909
WilliamsArline born about 1905
WilliamsPump born about 1919
WilsonBetty Marieborn about 1939
WilsonHuldie born about 1910
WilsonJames Cborn about 1930
WilsonMinnie born about 1935
WilsonWillie born about 1900

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