1940 U.S. Federal Census of Kenney Mill in Gilchrist County, Gilchrist, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Gilchrist County > 1940 Census of Kenney Mill in Gilchrist County

C Surnames D Surnames J Surnames L Surnames S Surnames T Surnames

C Surnames

CainAmmcas Dborn about 1903
CainAndrew born about 1936
CainJohn Henryborn about 1932
CainJosie born about 1909
CainMarie born about 1934
CainMattie Lborn about 1930
CarverDorothy Mborn about 1930
CarverElvin born about 1923
CarverEron born about 1916
CarverGeneva born about 1926
CarverGerald born about 1921
CarverLois born about 1896
CarverLouise born about 1918
CarverLurena born about 1927
CarverLuther Cborn about 1889
CarverMervin Dborn about 1934
CarverWynette born about 1938

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D Surnames

DouglasAnne born about 1906
DouglasDennis born about 1932
DouglasMaggie born about 1928
DouglasMary Aborn about 1870
DouglasOran born about 1938
DouglasRalph Jborn about 1936
DouglasSarah born about 1926
DouglasWilliam Lborn about 1904

J Surnames

JohnsonHattie born about 1896
JohnsonJeff Dborn about 1886

L Surnames

LondonIke born about 1860

S Surnames

StricklandAcy born about 1936
StricklandHarold born about 1934
StricklandJewel born about 1939
StricklandKenneth born about 1923
StricklandLyle born about 1919
StricklandVan A born about 1884
StricklandVera born about 1916

T Surnames

TownsendBeulah Mborn about 1939
TownsendHenry Aborn about 1906
TownsendHenry Aborn about 1933
TownsendLillie Maeborn about 1910
TownsendWillie Sborn about 1936

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