1940 U.S. Federal Census of Live Oak in Holmes County, Holmes, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Holmes County > 1940 Census of Live Oak in Holmes County

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesO Surnames

A Surnames

AdkinsAuby born about 1914
AdkinsBetty Jeanborn about 1934
AdkinsDavid born about 1889
AdkinsGertrude born about 1893
AdkinsJ Wborn about 1896
AdkinsLona born about 1906
AdkinsMalzie born about 1918
AdkinsMargaret born about 1922
AdkinsRuith born about 1926
AndersonD Tborn about 1872
AndersonE Cborn about 1882
AndersonJuanita born about 1924
AndersonLena born about 1875
AndersonMable born about 1927
AndersonMollie born about 1890
AndrewsAmos born about 1871
AndrewsElzie born about 1922
AndrewsHester born about 1870
AndrewsLouvenia born about 1893
AndrewsRudolph born about 1930
AndrewsWillie born about 1893
AndrewsZella Bborn about 1925
ArdAllie born about 1931
ArdIsaiah born about 1877
ArdMozelle born about 1927
ArdSusie born about 1896
ArdWanda born about 1925
AtkinsCurtis born about 1903
AtkinsDwayne born about 1929
AtkinsJimmy born about 1933
AtkinsLouise born about 1924
AtkinsNellie born about 1905
AtwellBetty born about 1938
AtwellLeonard born about 1914
AtwellRuth born about 1919
AycockDoris born about 1933
AycockElwood Rborn about 1905
AycockJames born about 1931
AycockLoyd born about 1928
AycockMattie Pearlborn about 1905
AycockSara Joeborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BaswellBessie born about 1928
BaswellJ Lborn about 1867
BaswellLeon born about 1926
BaswellMary born about 1872
BaswellMinnie born about 1897
BaswellTommy born about 1933
BedsoleErline born about 1936
BedsoleHenry Jeraldborn about 1938
BedsoleHenry Leeborn about 1912
BedsoleLavada born about 1916
BirgeJesse born about 1896
BirgeLavada born about 1902
BirgePearl born about 1926
BoswellAllie born about 1927
BoswellAulcy born about 1921
BoswellDura Aliceborn about 1935
BoswellEdna born about 1901
BoswellFlorence born about 1883
BoswellJ Dborn about 1915
BoswellJames Andrewborn about 1928
BoswellNelise Williamborn about 1939
BoswellOcia born about 1897
BoswellQ Aborn about 1868
BoswellRalph born about 1938
BoswellThomas Bborn about 1918
BoswellViolet born about 1919
BoswellW Aborn about 1893
BoswellW Hborn about 1898
BuchAddie born about 1907
BuchC Gborn about 1885
BuchCharles born about 1930
BuchHatton Leamonborn about 1925
BuchJames born about 1919
BuchJames Wborn about 1859
BuchLyndal born about 1937
BuchOdessa born about 1927
BuchRuth born about 1922
BurgeGrace born about 1914
BurgeHubert born about 1914
BurgeJeanette born about 1938
BurgeNathan born about 1939
ButlerTaylor born about 1890

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C Surnames

CarterClotiel born about 1931
CarterElsie born about 1926
CarterEstelle born about 1880
CarterGeorge born about 1875
CarterJohn Wborn about 1875
CarterMable born about 1891
CarterMinnie born about 1917
CarterOscar born about 1900
CarterRaymon born about 1912
CarterRemer born about 1918
ChanceyBuster born about 1920
ChanceyChancey born about 1885
ChanceyFlora born about 1930
ChanceyFrances born about 1886
ChanceyM Bborn about 1875
ChanceyW Bborn about 1884
ChittyEtta born about 1883
ChittyJ Mborn about 1873
ChittyJewell born about 1910
ChittySanders born about 1920
CigarsEugene born about 1932
CigarsFranklin born about 1910
CigarsMae Frankborn about 1936
CigarsMay born about 1910
CigarsSybil born about 1934
CigarsThomas born about 1938
ClemmonsFrances born about 1925
CurryAddie Leeborn about 1930
CurryE Aborn about 1903
CurryEugene born about 1932
CurryEva Jeneborn about 1927
CurryGlen born about 1929
CurryInfant born about 1939
CurryLeroy born about 1937
CurryLola born about 1935
CurryLoyd born about 1935
CurryRetter born about 1903

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D Surnames

DarbyCatherine born about 1939
DarbyGordon Leeborn about 1912
DarbyThelma born about 1922
DavidsonAlice born about 1882
DavidsonT Eborn about 1880
DinkinsAndal born about 1932
DinkinsAndrew born about 1897
DinkinsBetty Opalborn about 1934
DinkinsCorine born about 1902
DinkinsElton born about 1929
DinkinsJeriel born about 1931
DinkinsMillard born about 1925
DinkinsNannie Margaretborn about 1937
DinkinsWindell born about 1936
DunnArchie born about 1912
DunnBonnie born about 1916
DysonA Lborn about 1863
DysonAlton born about 1927
DysonBilly born about 1930
DysonClyde born about 1934
DysonCoy Wayneborn about 1923
DysonDale born about 1937
DysonHenry born about 1918
DysonHenry Aborn about 1896
DysonJimmy born about 1929
DysonLeon born about 1906
DysonLillagene born about 1931
DysonLulu Ruthborn about 1937
DysonMary Dellborn about 1933
DysonMaud Evaborn about 1898
DysonOna born about 1908
DysonSadie born about 1908
DysonVernell born about 1935
DysonWilladeen born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

ElliotE Pborn about 1877
ElliotEran born about 1880
ElliottGeraldine born about 1932
ElliottHoward born about 1927
ElliottKatherine born about 1940
ElliottLeona born about 1902
ElliottPauline born about 1934
ElliottPerry born about 1898
ElliottWilfred born about 1937
EllisAnna Marjorieborn about 1922
EllisDolly born about 1911
EllisH Fborn about 1917
EllisHenry Wborn about 1876
EllisHeston Floydborn about 1939

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F Surnames

FinuffNellie born about 1877
FloydAnnie born about 1926
FloydCora born about 1887
ForehandBernice born about 1932
ForehandCalton born about 1932
ForehandClifford born about 1920
ForehandClifton born about 1922
ForehandCurtis born about 1924
ForehandDella born about 1883
ForehandE Tborn about 1889
ForehandEmma born about 1893
ForehandHezzie born about 1911
ForehandJunior born about 1930
ForehandMyrtle born about 1913
ForehandRalph born about 1937
ForehandRay Tborn about 1917
ForehandRosie Maeborn about 1922
ForehandWynell born about 1934
FrenchElizabeth born about 1865

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G Surnames

GrantAlchus born about 1913
GrantDurell born about 1936
GrantJ Dborn about 1914
GrantMargie born about 1939
GrantMyrtle born about 1916
GrantSara born about 1916

H Surnames

HagansEmma born about 1908
HagansJeanette born about 1929
HalleyCleve born about 1891
HalleyHenry born about 1936
HalleyIsaac born about 1931
HalleyJoe born about 1915
HalleyLilly born about 1937
HalleyPatrick born about 1939
HalonB Wborn about 1883
HalonPearl born about 1887
HattonDovie Maeborn about 1920
HattonFrankie born about 1929
HattonJ Bborn about 1914
HattonLeona born about 1896
HattonRuby born about 1923
HendersonDaniels born about 1927
HendersonFranklin born about 1930
HendersonGary born about 1932
HendersonGlen born about 1921
HendersonIda born about 1894
HendersonLonie born about 1923
HendersonMagalene born about 1935
HendrixErnie Louborn about 1940
HendrixFlossie born about 1918
HendrixJessie Maeborn about 1925
HendrixJohnie born about 1934
HendrixLeila born about 1893
HendrixNancy Janeborn about 1927
HendrixS Aborn about 1881
HendrixWillie born about 1916
HendrixWillie Earlborn about 1938
HewittBonnie born about 1917
HewittElsie born about 1909
HewittHerbert born about 1910
HewittJames born about 1937
HewittJean born about 1934
HewittLee born about 1903
HicksJ Cborn about 1928
HighnoteLaura born about 1873
HinsonCharlie born about 1867
HinsonEvie Maeborn about 1926
HinsonJohnie born about 1918
HinsonLeila born about 1908
HinsonOla born about 1891
HinsonPink born about 1891
HodgeAgnes born about 1914
HodgeJ Cborn about 1909
HowellBetty born about 1932
HowellCecil born about 1907
HowellJoe Benborn about 1934
HowellJohn Hborn about 1906
HowellJulian born about 1927
HowellK Vborn about 1894
HowellMarilyn born about 1938
HowellOmie born about 1902
HowellRobert born about 1922
HowellVirgil born about 1925

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J Surnames

JacobsAlbert born about 1903
JacobsEugene born about 1933
JacobsMax born about 1938
JacobsMyrtle born about 1910
JacobsThelma born about 1928
JacobsVelma born about 1930
JacobsWillie Deanborn about 1936
JonesRob born about 1870
JordanW Jborn about 1894
JosieAgnes born about 1914
JosieBeatrice born about 1925
JosieBessie born about 1906
JosieBlondell born about 1940
JosieClarence born about 1906
JosieFarell born about 1940
JosieFrank born about 1915
JosieJ Dborn about 1871
JosieJames born about 1938
JosieJeanette born about 1939
JosieL Dborn about 1930
JosieMartha Janeborn about 1871
JosieNellie Fayborn about 1935

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K Surnames

KeithJunior born about 1925
KinchenGeorgia born about 1896
KinchenJ Hborn about 1872
KirklandEd born about 1900
KirklandEssie born about 1905
KirklandMary born about 1939
KirklandRuby Leeborn about 1930

L Surnames

LandAlbert born about 1899
LandAlfred born about 1924
LandBernice born about 1935
LandBilly Joeborn about 1937
LandBuford born about 1924
LandCarolyn born about 1938
LandCorine born about 1922
LandEthel born about 1895
LandFrances born about 1922
LandFrank born about 1893
LandGladys born about 1915
LandLee born about 1902
LandLowell born about 1924
LandMary born about 1930
LandMonette born about 1929
LandRyley born about 1909
LandSally born about 1899
LandVoncile born about 1933
LandWillard born about 1914
LeeBill born about 1911
LeeMae Helenborn about 1935
LeeNaomi Estelborn about 1914
LeeNeomi born about 1933
LeeTiny Olaborn about 1939
LeeVe Nellaborn about 1937
LeeWillie Frankborn about 1938
LewisEliza born about 1873
LivingsJ Wborn about 1884
LivingsJohnie Ruthborn about 1926
LivingsPearlie born about 1897
LockeAlvin born about 1894
LockeJessie born about 1891
LockhartJoseph born about 1889
LockhartMary born about 1873
LovettBetty Janeborn about 1936
LovettErline born about 1933
LovettGeorgia Dellborn about 1901
LovettIzora born about 1930
LovettRuby Leeborn about 1924
LovettWilliam Aborn about 1894

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M Surnames

MarlowL Cborn about 1939
MarlowLizzie born about 1881
MarlowLonnie born about 1917
MarlowMonette born about 1925
MarlowRay born about 1922
MarlowW Dborn about 1867
MarshallAlfred born about 1920
MarshallDoy born about 1938
MarshallE Lborn about 1881
MarshallEthel born about 1898
MarshallG Dborn about 1915
MarshallGoldie born about 1909
MarshallIrma born about 1936
MarshallOzeal born about 1930
MarshallVirginia born about 1933
MartinJames Sborn about 1912
MartinJames Jr born about 1939
MartinJuanita born about 1937
MartinMyrtie born about 1914
MattoxAuby born about 1923
MattoxAudry born about 1921
MattoxLydia born about 1891
MattoxM Kborn about 1886
MattoxNellie born about 1878
McCormickBetty Joeborn about 1940
McCormickNellie born about 1916
McCormickPreston born about 1915
McKinnonA Jborn about 1912
McKinnonGertrude born about 1916
McKinnonJames born about 1938
MearsAddison Cborn about 1921
MearsDelia born about 1890
MearsEvelyn born about 1924
MearsG Cborn about 1890
MillerBeulah Maeborn about 1922
MillerCarrie Louborn about 1927
MillerClaudie born about 1931
MillerGerthie born about 1896
MillerMills born about 1889
MillerTommy born about 1926
MossFannie born about 1893
MossLaverne born about 1930

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N Surnames

NortonGeorge born about 1910
NortonVena born about 1915

O Surnames

OwensDorothy born about 1930
OwensEddie born about 1901
OwensEdward born about 1922
OwensFred born about 1927
OwensMarie born about 1928
OwensOllie Belleborn about 1934
OwensOuida born about 1931

P Surnames

PaeBeatrice born about 1922
PaeBilly born about 1939
PaeHorace born about 1917
PalmerJunior born about 1928
PalmerLeamon born about 1932
PalmerLouise born about 1930
PalmerManuel born about 1906
PalmerNettie born about 1903
PalmerRalph born about 1924
PalmerSybil born about 1933
PalmerW Lborn about 1936
ParichCumi born about 1922
ParichEdith born about 1912
ParichEthel born about 1914
ParichF Lborn about 1867
ParkerCarrie born about 1879
ParkerJohn Douglasborn about 1875
ParkerKelly born about 1910
ParkerLena born about 1913
PateAleck born about 1894
PateBetty Louborn about 1940
PateCamilla born about 1895
PateEarl born about 1921
PateFrances born about 1887
PateHurdis born about 1921
PateMary Louborn about 1922
PateMelvare born about 1924
PateRoy born about 1925
PayneGertrude born about 1910
PayneNamon born about 1912
PeacockGrace born about 1928
PettisBembers born about 1935
PettisBilly Joeborn about 1939
PettisBonnie born about 1933
PettisCalvin born about 1938
PettisCharley born about 1925
PettisDavid born about 1931
PettisDewey born about 1938
PettisDonnie born about 1933
PettisFlorence born about 1927
PettisForest born about 1921
PettisGeorge born about 1907
PettisIdell born about 1936
PettisIla born about 1908
PettisIra Jborn about 1912
PettisJ Aborn about 1894
PettisJ Gborn about 1934
PettisJessie born about 1903
PettisJunior born about 1932
PettisLillie Ruthborn about 1928
PettisLouie born about 1938
PettisNora born about 1900
PettisPauline born about 1933
PettisRandal born about 1925
PhillipsEtta born about 1912
PhillipsLee Aborn about 1881
PhillipsMary born about 1927
PhillipsRue Vernonborn about 1937
PippinsAnnie Maeborn about 1927
PippinsArdella born about 1896
PippinsCurtis born about 1925
PippinsElizabeth born about 1884
PippinsEnnis born about 1919
PippinsHorace born about 1922
PlairB Lborn about 1865
PlairCharles born about 1933
PlairGertrude born about 1909
PlairMarie born about 1938
PlairWright born about 1909
PopeClarence born about 1911
PopeFern born about 1935
PopeJunior born about 1933
PopeZennie born about 1909

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R Surnames

RedmanGeorge born about 1938
RedmonAnn born about 1925
RedmonH Lborn about 1889
RedmonJunior born about 1928
ReynoldsRoss born about 1897
RichAubie born about 1917
RichBilly Rayborn about 1938
RichBonnie born about 1911
RichEa Jborn about 1889
RichEdna born about 1924
RichEtta born about 1889
RichEva born about 1888
RichFred born about 1924
RichG Wborn about 1884
RichJohnie Kennethborn about 1933
RichMonette born about 1924
RichOyd born about 1917
RichRay born about 1929
RichRuby born about 1921
RichViolet born about 1940
RichWillie Bborn about 1911
RichWillie Deanborn about 1939
RichardsonFrank born about 1872
RichardsonLena born about 1897

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S Surnames

SandersMartha born about 1900
SandersThomas born about 1921
SandersThomas Jborn about 1890
SandersTillman Jborn about 1927
SandersVirginia born about 1929
SappAubry born about 1922
SappB Eborn about 1907
SappB Sborn about 1898
SappEdward born about 1939
SappHenry born about 1898
SappJ Lborn about 1876
SappJewell born about 1898
SappMargaret Janeborn about 1880
SappPencee born about 1903
SappVernell born about 1913
ScoznereAnnie Willborn about 1939
ScoznereArtimie born about 1886
ScoznereE Rborn about 1881
ScoznereElector born about 1924
ScoznereEllen born about 1922
ScoznereGeorge born about 1933
ScoznereJames born about 1927
ScoznerePerry Leeborn about 1930
SealeyBetty Joeborn about 1936
SealeyJohnie Esterborn about 1912
SealeyW Gborn about 1904
SealeyWillard Allenborn about 1932
SegarsBeatrice born about 1932
SegarsBuford born about 1938
SegarsC Jborn about 1904
SegarsJ Cborn about 1934
SegarsJ Wborn about 1927
SegarsRodie born about 1905
SegarsTom born about 1864
SellersDaniel Mborn about 1915
SellersDewey Dborn about 1918
SellersLeona born about 1918
SellersLessie Maeborn about 1919
SellersMarie born about 1938
SellersNell born about 1939
SheffieldJulia born about 1875
ShepherdMae Frankborn about 1912
ShepherdSarah born about 1876
SikesDorothy born about 1935
SikesJoe born about 1913
SikesJohnnie Mableborn about 1915
SikesJoyce born about 1939
SmithG Lborn about 1909
SmithStella born about 1908
StillGaston born about 1902
StillKatie Malzieborn about 1929
StillLeonard born about 1924
StillLucile born about 1908
StillMalcolm born about 1923
StillTravis born about 1927
StricklandAda born about 1905
StricklandDan born about 1905
StricklandErnest born about 1918
StricklandEugene born about 1923
StricklandEva born about 1883
StricklandJuanita born about 1918
StricklandMary born about 1939
SumlinIsabelle born about 1873

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T Surnames

TantonTruman born about 1937
TewB Fborn about 1883
TewInez born about 1932
TewJulie born about 1897
TewP Wborn about 1869
TewSarah born about 1871
ThomasGrady Eborn about 1913
ThomasKathryn born about 1939
ThomasWinogene born about 1937
TindellAda born about 1899
TindellBetty born about 1933
TindellBilly born about 1927
TindellJerry born about 1938
TindellJimmy born about 1940
TindellJohnie born about 1923
TindellLevy born about 1902
TindellPaul born about 1930
TindellSanford born about 1925

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W Surnames

Walker born about 1909
Walker born about 1913
Walker born about 1939
WatkinsDovie born about 1913
WatkinsJ Tborn about 1905
WebbJohn born about 1869
WebbMary Annborn about 1871
WhiteMattie born about 1893
WhiteT Bborn about 1922
WhiteT Lborn about 1872
WhitmanClyde born about 1930
WhitmanEdward born about 1919
WhitmanErline born about 1932
WhitmanIda born about 1900
WhitmanLeonard born about 1925
WhitmanPaul born about 1927
WilcoxB Wborn about 1907
WilcoxBernice born about 1925
WilcoxBessie Maeborn about 1931
WilcoxBilly Bertborn about 1936
WilcoxChristine born about 1929
WilcoxGeorge born about 1902
WilcoxGloria Janeborn about 1933
WilcoxH Mborn about 1910
WilcoxHattie born about 1875
WilcoxJ Mborn about 1868
WilcoxJack born about 1931
WilcoxJanie born about 1906
WilcoxJimmy Danborn about 1936
WilcoxJunior born about 1935
WilcoxLillie Maeborn about 1910
WilcoxM Mborn about 1897
WilcoxMamie born about 1904
WilcoxNellie born about 1905
WilcoxPauline born about 1931
WilcoxRuby Annborn about 1937
WilcoxRuth born about 1906
WilcoxSally born about 1911
WilcoxShirley Annborn about 1936
WilcoxT Mborn about 1900
WilcoxTexie Annborn about 1877
WilcoxW Lborn about 1908
WilcoxWilhelmina born about 1931
WilkersonA Dborn about 1880
WilkersonTheola born about 1891
WilliamsAnnie Janeborn about 1910
WilliamsDorothy born about 1934
WilliamsEffie born about 1898
WilliamsEssie born about 1896
WilliamsFrank born about 1910
WilliamsIvey born about 1882
WilliamsJack born about 1930
WilliamsJoan born about 1939
WilliamsJunior born about 1927
WilliamsPeggy born about 1937
WilliamsSeab born about 1888
WilliamsShirley Leeborn about 1935
WilliamsSusie Frankborn about 1933
WilliamsThomas born about 1931
WilliamsonBeulah born about 1923
WilliamsonJ Fborn about 1867
WilliamsonLoyd born about 1915
WilliamsonMaggie born about 1875
WilliamsonRudolph born about 1919
WilsonBetty Annborn about 1940
WilsonClarence born about 1916
WilsonHenrietta born about 1888
WilsonHubert born about 1923
WilsonJeanette born about 1923
WilsonLouise born about 1928
WilsonMargaret born about 1929
WilsonMilton born about 1926
WilsonW Aborn about 1884
WoodhamPriscilla born about 1882
WrightEarl born about 1922
WrightRuth born about 1923

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Y Surnames

YatesCleon Rayborn about 1937
YatesCumi born about 1919
YatesDan born about 1886
YatesDanny born about 1926
YatesGrace born about 1930
YatesJack born about 1931
YatesJune born about 1937
YatesLorine born about 1934
YatesLoyd born about 1929
YatesMaggie born about 1910
YatesMartha Nellborn about 1937
YatesMinnie Maeborn about 1914
YatesRalph born about 1913
YatesSutton born about 1909

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