1940 U.S. Federal Census of Marion, Hamilton, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Hamilton County > 1940 Census of Marion

A SurnamesG SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsF Cborn about 1886
AdamsShirley born about 1897

B Surnames

BanksPleasant born about 1868
BelflowerJ Bborn about 1922
BellClyde born about 1917
BellSallie Janeborn about 1873
BellWill born about 1875
BlackEarl Vborn about 1916
BracewellJohnie Mborn about 1939
BracewellNora born about 1937
BracewellWilliam Hborn about 1935
BraswellLela born about 1884
BraswellLeusi born about 1908
BridgesAlbert born about 1936
BridgesAtlas born about 1904
BridgesAtlas Jr born about 1934
BridgesLeala born about 1910
BridgesLee Verneborn about 1940
BridgesLela Maeborn about 1929
BridgesMay Ermaborn about 1932
BridgesOlee born about 1937
BrisdetRachel born about 1920
BrownAnnie Lborn about 1900
BrownEdna born about 1924
BrownJanie Leeborn about 1938
BrownJohnie Jamesborn about 1930
BrownNoveler born about 1936
BrownRosa Leeborn about 1934
BrownTexas born about 1900
BrownW D Jrborn about 1922
BrownWiley D Srborn about 1898
BrownWillie born about 1895
BrownWillie Jamesborn about 1930
BurnettBessie Mborn about 1890
BurnettCalvin born about 1922
BurnettDoyle born about 1929
BurnettGladys born about 1918
BurnettIrna Reneborn about 1926
BurnettJessie Jborn about 1878
BurnettKathleen born about 1928
BurnettOren born about 1920
BurnettSybil born about 1931
ByrdCarlton born about 1920
ByrdM Tborn about 1917
ByrdMary born about 1914
ByrdRobert Stanleyborn about 1936
ByrdWinston born about 1913
ByrdWinston Eborn about 1938

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C Surnames

CaldwellBen Mborn about 1882
CaldwellBen M Jrborn about 1917
CaldwellCarlton born about 1928
CaldwellMartha born about 1925
CaldwellStafford born about 1923
CaldwellTabitha born about 1886
CatoJulia born about 1870
ChildresDovie born about 1900
ChildresHazel born about 1928
ChildresLavada born about 1939
ChildresMarjorie born about 1936
ChildresMarvin born about 1931
ChildresMattie born about 1903
CooperGeorge born about 1895
CooperIdella born about 1903
CooperLettie Jeanborn about 1932
CooperNora Leeborn about 1929
CrossCharlie born about 1920
CrossNoble born about 1917
CrossTopsy born about 1881
CurtisBert born about 1896
CurtisEthel Maeborn about 1900

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D Surnames

DedgeEthel born about 1914
DedgeShirley born about 1936
DedgeWalter born about 1908

E Surnames

EdwardsEdna Maeborn about 1922
EdwardsJohn Fborn about 1922
EdwardsMildred born about 1940
EdwardsMitchell born about 1918
EustonMclaurza Jr born about 1930

F Surnames

FitzpatrickJohn born about 1902
FosterDoris Mrs born about 1922
FrancesRobbie Leeborn about 1928

G Surnames

GambleGeorge Eborn about 1866
GibbonsGarie born about 1919
GibbonsJames Pogusborn about 1935
GibbonsJoseph born about 1927
GibbonsNathanial born about 1940
GibbonsOreatha born about 1937
GibbonsPearly born about 1919
GibbonsTheodore born about 1915
GibbonsTheodosia born about 1939
GibsonEssie Maeborn about 1913
GibsonIsah born about 1912
GoodbreadBenita born about 1883
GoodbreadSteuart born about 1882
GoolsbyCharles born about 1923
GoolsbyCharlie born about 1916
GoolsbyCharlie Eborn about 1878
GoolsbyDorothy born about 1937
GoolsbyFenton born about 1921
GoolsbyHenry Cborn about 1875
GoolsbyJohn Tborn about 1877
GoolsbyLillie born about 1886
GoolsbyMary born about 1892
GoolsbyMinnie born about 1895
GoolsbyOneal born about 1915
GoolsbyRobert Dborn about 1938
GoolsbyThero born about 1915
GriffinCharolett born about 1882
GriffinGladys born about 1901
GriffinJ Wborn about 1934
GriffinJessie born about 1917
GriffinJessie Jr born about 1931
GriffinJoe born about 1928
GriffinJohn born about 1890
GriffinNatilda born about 1930
GriffinPauline born about 1936
GriffinPearl born about 1919
GrinesNathaniel born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaddockSophia born about 1865
HaddockSusie born about 1864
HamptonAlbert born about 1928
HamptonArceles born about 1936
HamptonGlenn born about 1935
HamptonIrene born about 1937
HamptonJohn born about 1887
HamptonJohn Jr born about 1926
HamptonLee Martreyborn about 1932
HamptonLouise born about 1925
HamptonMargurite born about 1933
HamptonMinnie born about 1903
HamptonMinnie Leeborn about 1936
HardesCarree born about 1877
HardyJohnnie born about 1920
HardyMamie born about 1866
HardyRalph born about 1905
HardySusie born about 1900
HarrisEddie born about 1921
HarrisElla born about 1876
HarrisHattie born about 1900
HarrisJessie born about 1904
HarrisJohn born about 1875
HarrisJohnie Maeborn about 1924
HarrisMandy born about 1895
HarrisMattie born about 1903
HarveyFrank born about 1916
HarveyLouise born about 1923
HarveyMatt Leeborn about 1939
HatcherJessie born about 1902
HatcherMaggie born about 1903
HendersonCharolett born about 1923
HendersonDave born about 1915
HendersonDave Jr born about 1940
HendersonL Bborn about 1920
HendersonMaggie Zborn about 1914
HendersonMose born about 1916
HendersonMose Jr born about 1937
HendersonNathaniel born about 1938
HendersonPleasant Mborn about 1923
HendersonRobert Amosborn about 1939
HerndonDorothy born about 1927
HerndonErnestine born about 1923
HerndonHenry Lborn about 1881
HillHenry born about 1894
HillMaggie born about 1895
HoltonCallie born about 1876
HoltonDeward born about 1915
HoltonWilliam Iborn about 1878
HughesGean born about 1929
HumphryEllis born about 1914
HumphryMay Bellborn about 1919
HumphryRalph born about 1921
HumphryVernetta born about 1925
HunterFrank born about 1929
HunterIda Maeborn about 1892
HunterLou Bborn about 1885
HunterMary Eborn about 1920
HunterMildred born about 1931
HunterWillie born about 1926
HurstAnnie Margaretborn about 1937
HurstChristine born about 1916
HurstHarvey Dborn about 1940
HurstJames Bborn about 1915
HurstJames Sborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JatoRudolph born about 1931
JeffersonCarrie Bborn about 1913
JeffersonMary Leeborn about 1939
JeffersonWillie Bellborn about 1936
JenkinsGeorgia born about 1892
JenkinsWillie born about 1882
JerryJohn Henryborn about 1918
JerryRosa Leeborn about 1920
JohnsonAnna born about 1913
JohnsonAnnie Bellborn about 1927
JohnsonCarral born about 1923
JohnsonCharles Lborn about 1932
JohnsonChristeen born about 1925
JohnsonDaisy Maeborn about 1930
JohnsonDorothy Fayborn about 1936
JohnsonEddie born about 1909
JohnsonEurleysess born about 1939
JohnsonGeorgia born about 1938
JohnsonIsabelle born about 1938
JohnsonJames born about 1913
JohnsonJeneal born about 1937
JohnsonJim born about 1912
JohnsonJohn Bborn about 1897
JohnsonKathryn born about 1936
JohnsonL Jborn about 1933
JohnsonL Wborn about 1934
JohnsonLou Jeanborn about 1935
JohnsonLouis born about 1940
JohnsonLula Maeborn about 1933
JohnsonMargaret born about 1935
JohnsonMarie born about 1914
JohnsonMaude Lborn about 1932
JohnsonMerle born about 1905
JohnsonMittie born about 1909
JohnsonNell born about 1930
JohnsonOdessa born about 1932
JohnsonRalph born about 1928
JohnsonSamuel born about 1937
JohnsonWillie Maeborn about 1911
JonesAlbert born about 1905
JonesAlice born about 1910
JonesBeatrice born about 1913
JonesEllen born about 1870
JonesFlorida born about 1900
JonesMyles born about 1906
JonesNero born about 1893
JonesPerry born about 1902
JonesRowland born about 1859

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L Surnames

LangCleveland born about 1937
LangEnus born about 1883
LangJessie born about 1884
LangRuby born about 1926
LindseyBenson born about 1918
LindseyLillie Cborn about 1921
LipghtCharles born about 1905
LipghtDarther born about 1915
LittleMurphy Cborn about 1918
LittleMurphy C Jrborn about 1937
LittleVirginia born about 1921

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M Surnames

MathewsDan born about 1873
MathewsVictoria born about 1880
McCallHorace born about 1893
McCallJohn Wborn about 1886
McCallLena born about 1896
McCallMargaret born about 1921
McIntoshBarbara born about 1937
McIntoshFrank born about 1912
McIntoshLawrence born about 1919
McIntoshMary Louborn about 1916
McIntoshWilton born about 1939
McLeodAngus Rborn about 1875
McLeodCarrie born about 1914
McLeodCharles born about 1923
McLeodEva born about 1895
McLeodJune born about 1921
McLeodMae born about 1925
McLeodMyrtle born about 1933
McLeodRobert born about 1905
McLeodThornwell born about 1872
McLeodTip born about 1928
McQuayGeorge born about 1923
McQuayNed born about 1927
McQuayOdella born about 1925
McQuayRuby born about 1921
MitchellAbbie Jborn about 1932
MitchellAnnett born about 1903
MitchellBurch born about 1930
MitchellCarrey Jr born about 1937
MitchellCarrie Bellborn about 1939
MitchellCharles born about 1927
MitchellCharlie born about 1891
MitchellClinton Sborn about 1935
MitchellDeloris born about 1936
MitchellEstell born about 1939
MitchellEthel born about 1900
MitchellIris born about 1935
MitchellJoeseph Wborn about 1893
MitchellKenneth born about 1925
MitchellMable born about 1905
MitchellMarajo born about 1928
MitchellMargaret born about 1922
MitchellWilliam I Jrborn about 1895
MorganAnnie born about 1875
MorganLee born about 1912
MuddyAgie Noraborn about 1912
MuddyWill born about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NealCarrie Leeborn about 1932
NelsonEdwin born about 1933
NelsonHarriet Eborn about 1873
NelsonLuna born about 1913
NelsonMinnie born about 1917
NelsonV Eborn about 1909

P Surnames

PadgettHarold born about 1920
ParkerBen born about 1900
ParkerJohnnie Leeborn about 1930
ParkerMary Leeborn about 1908
ParkerMattie Leeborn about 1932
ParkerRosetta born about 1926
ParkinsAnnie Ruthborn about 1925
ParkinsBruce born about 1936
ParkinsDorothy born about 1927
ParkinsGwendolyn born about 1938
ParkinsJames Wborn about 1901
ParkinsJoyce born about 1933
ParkinsMarcile born about 1923
ParkinsMary Nellborn about 1934
ParkinsOllie Maeborn about 1907
ParkinsRaymond born about 1930
PaulA Jborn about 1923
PaulEliza born about 1921
PaulGeorgia born about 1900
PaulLouis born about 1890
PaulMary born about 1919
PetersonIrvin born about 1892
PetersonOthadell born about 1935
PetersonSusie born about 1901

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R Surnames

RegisterLee Cborn about 1867
RobersonBobby born about 1930
RobersonDoyle Cborn about 1930
RobersonElsie born about 1898
RobersonFannie Mborn about 1926
RobersonHansel born about 1923
RobersonJohn Hborn about 1864
RobersonJohn H Jrborn about 1927
RobersonNeta born about 1890
RobersonVan Berry born about 1938
RobersonWesley Jeanborn about 1925
RobersonWilliam Wborn about 1897
RogusEd born about 1895
RogusSarah born about 1900
RoutFannie born about 1864
RouxLillie Maeborn about 1914
RouxMalary born about 1901
RouxRosa born about 1866
RouxWilliam born about 1884
RuffBertie Leeborn about 1922
RuffManual born about 1915

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S Surnames

SandlinCecil born about 1892
SandlinLeon born about 1917
SandlinMarthanel born about 1918
SandlinPance De Lborn about 1879
SandlinPance Leon Iiiborn about 1940
SaulsEva born about 1878
SeamoreEli born about 1880
SeamoreEliza born about 1922
SeamoreIna born about 1891
SeamoreMarie born about 1926
SeamoreMarie born about 1928
SimmonsD Sborn about 1933
SimmonsEthel born about 1910
SimmonsGeorge born about 1913
SimmonsGeorgia Leeborn about 1935
SimmonsIzell born about 1937
SimmonsMaggie Maeborn about 1932
SmithCorinthan born about 1930
StanleyEvelyn born about 1937
SullivanMargaret born about 1936
SullivanRuby Lborn about 1914
SullivanTheo born about 1911
SullivanWayne born about 1937
SwainGertrude born about 1892
SwainLa Roux born about 1921

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T Surnames

ThumbtzerClementine born about 1886
ThumbtzerO'cain born about 1919
TillisAlbert born about 1914
TillisFlora born about 1917
TomlinsonDewey Jr born about 1934
TomlinsonDwey born about 1911
TomlinsonEva born about 1918
TomlinsonJuanita born about 1933
TomlinsonRachel Jborn about 1937

V Surnames

VinsonJack born about 1929
VinsonJanett born about 1910

W Surnames

WalkerAlean born about 1927
WalkerBob born about 1867
WalkerJulia Maeborn about 1923
WalkerLouis born about 1917
WalkerR Lborn about 1940
WalkerWillie born about 1922
WalkerZepher Leeborn about 1926
WardDorothy Maeborn about 1939
WardHannah born about 1915
WardHenry born about 1885
WardPruthie Maeborn about 1920
WetheringtonCharlie born about 1918
WetheringtonD Wborn about 1923
WetheringtonLula born about 1884
WilliamsAlbert born about 1905
WilliamsCharlie Kborn about 1881
WilliamsMary born about 1908
WoodsEtta born about 1894
WrightBernice born about 1937
WrightJessie Leeborn about 1917
WrightWalter born about 1912
WrightWillie Leeborn about 1939
WynnAlice Lborn about 1938

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