1940 U.S. Federal Census of Martel, Marion, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Marion County > 1940 Census of Martel

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsCecil born about 1918
AdamsGloria born about 1926
AdamsJohn Hborn about 1870
AdamsLaura born about 1882
AdickhenAlice Aborn about 1878
AlexanderJane born about 1928
AlexanderLonnie born about 1930
AustinLouise born about 1871

B Surnames

BagleyAlonzo born about 1935
BakerBen born about 1881
BarnettC Oborn about 1883
BarnettC Jr born about 1914
BarnettLloyd born about 1923
BarnettPearl born about 1888
BarnettVerginia born about 1918
BausticRena born about 1872
BeldenQuile born about 1894
BellamyBeatrice born about 1928
BellamyElton born about 1936
BellamyEudel born about 1930
BellamyLed born about 1876
BellamyNancy born about 1898
BellamyPearl born about 1931
BellamyRebecka born about 1911
BellamySebron born about 1904
BellamySebron Jr born about 1933
BennettBetty Joanborn about 1935
BingleA born about 1910
BingleFlorence born about 1923
BlackwellJohn born about 1870
BostieWillie born about 1915
BradshanAmos Eborn about 1869
BradshanEustis Lborn about 1898
BrantleyBeula Mayborn about 1934
BrantleyEdith Rayborn about 1939
BrantleyEdna Rborn about 1923
BrantleyFloyd Bborn about 1888
BrantleyFrancis Eborn about 1936
BrantleyLetty Ellaborn about 1931
BrantleyMargie Lborn about 1929
BrantleyMary Ellaborn about 1901
BrantleyVerginia born about 1926
BristellAda born about 1921
BristellCora born about 1898
BristellJosh born about 1879
BristellJuanita born about 1930
BristellPolly born about 1923
BristellTaylor born about 1927
BrooksMiami born about 1883
BrownAbie born about 1884
BrownBust born about 1927
BrownIsiah born about 1923
BrownMarion born about 1926
BrownMartha born about 1892
BrownPearl born about 1900
BrownSamuel born about 1893
BryntLois born about 1937
ButlerHattie born about 1906
ButlerJames born about 1931
ButlerJohn born about 1890
ButlerWillie Bborn about 1925

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C Surnames

CaleOscar born about 1873
CambleD Gborn about 1878
CarollHellen born about 1928
CarollJonie born about 1898
CarollMancel born about 1867
CarollMancel Jr born about 1926
CarollSumner born about 1930
CarterAlphonso born about 1928
CarterMarry born about 1908
CarterWilliam Fborn about 1911
CarthenSamuel Hborn about 1875
CartwrightDavid born about 1901
CartwrightHazel born about 1906
CartwrightMildred born about 1935
CartwrightMilford born about 1935
CartwrightRobert born about 1911
CartwrightThelma born about 1926
CartwrightVance born about 1931
CartwrightWilliam born about 1938
ChambersChambers born about 1936
ChambersMaud born about 1900
CoakerJohnie born about 1908
CoakerPansy born about 1909
ColeDorothy born about 1934
ColeMinnie born about 1881
ColeRobert born about 1930
ColeWilber born about 1932
CollierMary Lborn about 1891
CollierRoscoe born about 1885
CollinsEdith Rborn about 1902
CollinsEdward B Jrborn about 1921
CollinsEdward Bartoborn about 1895
CollinsGilfus born about 1893
CollinsJim born about 1897
CollinsJoe Bborn about 1891
CollinsJosephene born about 1925
CollinsKenith born about 1927
CollinsLila born about 1930
CollinsLissie born about 1875
CollinsMamie Lborn about 1903
CollinsVivian born about 1931
ColmanCalonie Bborn about 1933
ColmanCoralee born about 1924
ColmanEmma Raeborn about 1921
ColmanHenryetta born about 1935
ColmanJerene born about 1931
ColmanLedoska born about 1900
ColmanLeonard born about 1897
ColmanMertle born about 1927
CookDean Cborn about 1926
CookFrank born about 1929
CookRobert born about 1928
CookseyJack Bborn about 1923
CookseyJerry Nborn about 1879
CookseySue Lborn about 1881
CunninghamArchie Lborn about 1930
CuthillArchibald born about 1875
CuthillJannie born about 1886
CuthillVerginia born about 1923

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D Surnames

DixonJoe born about 1853
DoughrtyTheola born about 1929

E Surnames

EdwardsAlonzo born about 1935
EdwardsCasper born about 1917
EdwardsFred born about 1890
EdwardsJanie born about 1891
EdwardsMazy born about 1931
EdwardsMildred born about 1933
EdwardsPhillip born about 1919
EdwardsRosa Leeborn about 1916
EdwardsSusan born about 1868

F Surnames

FenleyGladis Lborn about 1940
FieldGussie born about 1885
FieldWill Fborn about 1888
FieldsMaud Bborn about 1868
FloydArthur born about 1897
FloydLenora born about 1904
FlynnFranklin Dborn about 1937
FlynnMaud born about 1920
FlynnWilliam born about 1898
FlynnWilliam born about 1939
FolksA Bborn about 1891
FolksMary Wborn about 1892
FranklinJames born about 1869

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G Surnames

GardenCorene born about 1916
GardenHenry Lborn about 1939
GavinAlma born about 1929
GlattliAlice born about 1904
GlattliAndrew born about 1929
GlattliArthur born about 1926
GlattliFrank born about 1898
GlattliLouise born about 1934
GlattliRobert born about 1931
GlattliTheresa born about 1939
GlattliWalter born about 1923
GlymphGardphry born about 1885
GodwinErlene born about 1939
GodwinJake born about 1920
GodwinRenella born about 1922
GoinsDoretha born about 1937
GoinsHerbert born about 1939
GoinsLorine born about 1934
GoinsLumas born about 1910
GoinsMary Lborn about 1932
GoinsSusa Maeborn about 1935
GoinsVeola born about 1912
GoinsVernon born about 1930
GranthamBarton born about 1899
GreenAllie born about 1878
GreenEmma born about 1902
GreenJames born about 1927
GreenJames Aborn about 1926
GreenMary born about 1909
GreenOba Wborn about 1935
GreenObadia born about 1908

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H Surnames

HallRobert Hborn about 1881
HammDaulton born about 1917
HammHardy born about 1937
HammHoward born about 1936
HammRobert born about 1940
HammVerginia born about 1939
HammWilma born about 1919
HarrisonWilliam Gborn about 1890
HarroldCharly born about 1927
HarveyBarney born about 1923
HarveyJohn born about 1871
HarveyMartha born about 1895
HathcoxCuby Maeborn about 1922
HenroyJanie born about 1866
HenroyRosalee born about 1932
HillCelie born about 1865
HillJ Lborn about 1927
HodginsJoshuway Mborn about 1875
HodginsMary Lborn about 1872
HoganEmmet Hborn about 1907
HoganEvelyn Mborn about 1908
HoganMarion Hborn about 1933
HolmesEddie Mayborn about 1924
HolmesElbert born about 1930
HolmesJeffery born about 1891
HolmesNathanel born about 1888
HolmsAllice born about 1861
HolmsWilliam born about 1853
HowardBeecher born about 1905
HowardBell born about 1906
HowardDarnell born about 1903
HowardEthel born about 1920
HowardPolly born about 1880
HowardTempy born about 1918
HowkinsClarence born about 1911
HowkinsMattie Lborn about 1913
HowkinsSerena Maeborn about 1933

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I Surnames

IngramCornelia born about 1888
IngramOna Mayborn about 1923
IngramWilliam Mborn about 1863

J Surnames

JacksonWilliam born about 1860
JacobsAlbertice born about 1935
JacobsBenjaman born about 1933
JacobsBooker Tborn about 1937
JacobsCoralee born about 1936
JacobsEddy born about 1926
JacobsElehue born about 1928
JacobsGertie Maeborn about 1940
JacobsGladas born about 1919
JacobsHarriett born about 1876
JacobsHurbert born about 1922
JacobsInez born about 1921
JacobsJeff born about 1892
JacobsJonas born about 1882
JacobsKathrene born about 1930
JacobsLewis born about 1933
JacobsLola Bellborn about 1923
JacobsMaggie born about 1926
JacobsMartha born about 1911
JacobsMary born about 1929
JacobsMella Bborn about 1924
JacobsMelle Dborn about 1902
JacobsMittie born about 1876
JacobsMollie born about 1934
JacobsNathaniel born about 1940
JacobsRuthe Maeborn about 1926
JacobsSusan born about 1858
JacobsWillie Cborn about 1903
JamesFrank born about 1917
JanesAlpine born about 1908
JanesArthur Cborn about 1886
JanesArthur C Jrborn about 1923
JanesFrancis born about 1924
JanesLeo Chesterborn about 1930
JefersonRosa Bellborn about 1907
JohnesHenry Mborn about 1923
JohnesWash born about 1868
JohnsonAbraham Lborn about 1932
JohnsonAckalee born about 1917
JohnsonAddie born about 1883
JohnsonAlbert born about 1927
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1923
JohnsonFloyd Jr born about 1935
JohnsonJulie Mborn about 1919
JohnsonLincon born about 1870
JohnsonLouise born about 1928
JohnsonLula Mayborn about 1934
JohnsonOllie Mborn about 1938
JohnsonWilliam born about 1903
JonesKathrine born about 1934
JonesMamie born about 1899
JonesRal born about 1889
JonesVictoria born about 1925
JonesW Cborn about 1924
JordanEdna born about 1927
JordanFlora Bellborn about 1910
JumpGeorge born about 1919

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K Surnames

KellerJ Aborn about 1865
KensleyGeorge born about 1905
KensleyIsabella born about 1913

L Surnames

LeeRobert born about 1920
LeeSarah born about 1922
LeemanAbby born about 1911
LeemanLang born about 1914
LeemanLuella born about 1920
LeemanRichard born about 1891
LewisAbraham born about 1924
LewisAlex born about 1906
LewisAmos born about 1934
LewisAnnie Maeborn about 1932
LewisArmstead born about 1920
LewisArris born about 1900
LewisArthur born about 1888
LewisArthur Jr born about 1922
LewisCora Maeborn about 1917
LewisCornell born about 1932
LewisEarl born about 1936
LewisElay born about 1938
LewisErvin born about 1920
LewisEstella born about 1905
LewisFrancis born about 1870
LewisGeorgie born about 1889
LewisHenry born about 1927
LewisHosia born about 1881
LewisIsiah born about 1916
LewisJanie Bellborn about 1928
LewisJoe Bennieborn about 1920
LewisLeo born about 1917
LewisMae Oliverborn about 1920
LewisMartha born about 1894
LewisOdessa born about 1939
LewisRobert born about 1889
LewisRobert Jr born about 1938
LewisRuby Lborn about 1923
LewisSilvesta born about 1933
LewisTheola born about 1917
LewisWillie Maeborn about 1922
LipscombPhill born about 1874
LucasFrank born about 1878

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M Surnames

MarkhamKatie born about 1919
MarkhamWilbur Kborn about 1914
MarkhamWilliam Lborn about 1938
MarshalLandy born about 1883
MarshalNancy born about 1883
MaultsbyCallie born about 1927
MaultsbyEli born about 1872
MaultsbyOctavia born about 1877
MayweathersLuana born about 1885
McCallAlbert born about 1901
McCallCatherene born about 1935
McCallMark born about 1903
McCallMary Leeborn about 1905
McCallRosetta born about 1918
McColloughElbert born about 1889
McColloughEssie Maeborn about 1902
McCrayEdna Maeborn about 1932
McCrayEvelena born about 1912
McCrayLevi born about 1931
McCrayLissie Leeborn about 1935
McCrayNelly Bellborn about 1933
McKinneyMack born about 1919
MeeksAlbert Tborn about 1895
MeeksClariece born about 1906
MeeksEdward born about 1936
MeeksJannett born about 1938
MeeksWilber born about 1935
MenchenClarence born about 1939
MenchenDavid born about 1931
MenchenEvelena born about 1901
MenchenEvelyn born about 1940
MenchenFrank born about 1895
MenchenFrank born about 1929
MenchenGeny born about 1898
MenchenGorgia Mayborn about 1936
MenchenHolly born about 1887
MenchenJames born about 1937
MenchenJosephus born about 1909
MenchenJuanita born about 1934
MenchenLetha born about 1917
MenchenLorentha Eborn about 1939
MenchenMoses born about 1928
MenchenRaymond born about 1919
MichaelElizabeth born about 1926
MichaelIsabell born about 1922
MichaelJulie born about 1885
MichaelMarie born about 1924
MichaelMay Eborn about 1938
MillerAderson born about 1923
MillerAdgie born about 1927
MillerBenjaman born about 1924
MillerBessy born about 1907
MillerDora Iborn about 1899
MillerElizabeth born about 1908
MillerElmo born about 1931
MillerErvin born about 1885
MillerGeorge born about 1902
MillerHurbert born about 1907
MillerJessie born about 1907
MillerJinnie born about 1904
MillerJoyce born about 1929
MillerJulie born about 1906
MillerLeon born about 1929
MillerLeon born about 1930
MillerLuvilla born about 1889
MillerManval born about 1889
MillerOla Maeborn about 1930
MillerRenella born about 1899
MillerVernon born about 1900
MillerWillie Jborn about 1883
MillsDaisy Eborn about 1895
MillsJohn Wborn about 1919
MillsLean Cborn about 1923
MillsWayman Lborn about 1921
MillsWillie Leeborn about 1888
MimsElouise born about 1877
MimsThomas born about 1870
MobleyAnna born about 1915
MobleyBernice born about 1930
MobleyDoretha born about 1934
MobleyEdith born about 1921
MobleyEdith Maeborn about 1939
MobleyEla Nborn about 1893
MobleyJames born about 1918
MobleyJohn Jborn about 1870
MobleyLee born about 1914
MobleyLee Jr born about 1932
MobleyM Tborn about 1863
MobleyMary born about 1891
MobleyMike born about 1899
MobleyNethanel born about 1926
MobleyWillie born about 1888
MoodeyJoana born about 1897
MorrisonJames born about 1921
MorrisonJohn Wborn about 1862
MorrisonLillian born about 1914
MorrisonM Jborn about 1925
MorrisonMalcolm born about 1939
MorrisonMargarett Annborn about 1939
MorrisonMerrit born about 1888
MorrisonNancy born about 1935
MorrisonRandolph born about 1912
MorrisonSarah born about 1870
MorrisonTirzah born about 1896
MosblyEli born about 1879
MosblyEllan born about 1926
MosblyL Cborn about 1929
MosblyLaura born about 1890
MylesNaoma born about 1922

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N Surnames

NanceElmer born about 1897
NanceJerry born about 1898
NanceViney born about 1872
NealElizabeth born about 1936
NealFrancina Sborn about 1874
NealMabry Cborn about 1906
NealSamuel Aborn about 1860
NealSamuel Lborn about 1938
NealVernon Fborn about 1904
NealWenona born about 1906
NealWilliam Mborn about 1910
NelsonBertha Maeborn about 1933
NelsonEmma born about 1880
NelsonJohn Hborn about 1872
NelsonWilliam born about 1903

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P Surnames

PageJohn born about 1886
PaulLloyd born about 1894
PaulRose born about 1894
PetersonCally born about 1900
PetersonElizabeth born about 1861
PetersonEthel born about 1888
PetersonHarry born about 1862
PetersonHenry born about 1898
PetersonLucy Janeborn about 1903
PetersonNecy Janeborn about 1889
PettyEmmet Mborn about 1871
PettyInez Wborn about 1906
PettyLonnie born about 1914
PhillipsCarry born about 1883
PingstonGracy born about 1890

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R Surnames

ReddickEdna born about 1923
ReddickGeorge born about 1876
ReddickLessie born about 1888
ReeseDaisy born about 1888
ReeseElline born about 1926
ReeseGeorge born about 1879
RiceWill born about 1877
RichersonRich born about 1870
RifeEd born about 1896
RineAbby Leeborn about 1936
RineIsabell born about 1935
RineMarie born about 1931
RobersonCarry born about 1871
RobersonEdward born about 1931
RobersonJames born about 1893
RodgersAnnie born about 1897
RoweLazarus born about 1886

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S Surnames

SeckingerFredie Ruthborn about 1939
SeckingerJ Hollieborn about 1870
SeckingerJosiah born about 1864
SeckingerKate born about 1869
SeckingerRebecka born about 1904
SeckingerVaness born about 1906
SerrellDewitt born about 1931
SerrellMary born about 1899
SerrellRose Marieborn about 1928
SerrellT Pborn about 1900
ShelleyArris born about 1890
ShiveleyMary Ellaborn about 1893
ShiveleyWilbur Hborn about 1893
ShiveleyWilbur Kborn about 1926
SikesLinas born about 1879
SikesLula born about 1887
SimmsJames Hborn about 1882
SimmsJames H Jrborn about 1919
SimmsKaty Lborn about 1892
SimmsThelma Lborn about 1921
SimsEdgar born about 1923
SimsLuzy Lborn about 1928
SimsNathan born about 1924
SimsRosa Bellborn about 1904
SimsWillie born about 1901
SingeltonInez born about 1898
SingeltonShelly born about 1893
SingletonAnna born about 1878
SingletonElija born about 1913
SingletonLeola born about 1939
SingletonLora born about 1936
SingletonMargarett born about 1920
SingletonPearl Anborn about 1891
SmithDorithy born about 1937
SmithErenst born about 1907
SmithJohn born about 1877
SmithMiranda born about 1871
SmithWilfrid born about 1903
SpindleMarry born about 1877
StaggersEda born about 1923
StaggersHenry Wborn about 1875
StaggersIsiac born about 1915
StaggersNancy born about 1874
StaggersSusie born about 1905
StancilA Ralphborn about 1907
StancilEthel born about 1917
StantonThelma born about 1927
SternsElla born about 1869
StevensonAnnie Elizabethborn about 1893
StevensonHenry Rborn about 1871
StevensonJames born about 1930
StilesEula Bborn about 1894
StilesJunior born about 1928
StilesWesley born about 1874
StricklandClair born about 1927
StricklandLewis born about 1899
StricklandRuby born about 1892
SuttonLeon born about 1931
SuttonOphelia born about 1914
SuttonPauline born about 1933

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T Surnames

ThomasCornelia born about 1933
ThomasEdna born about 1921
ThomasGordon born about 1887
ThomasInez born about 1937
ThomasJames born about 1929
ThomasLouise born about 1933
ThomasMargaret born about 1939
ThomasNancy born about 1882
ThomasOlen born about 1926
ThomasOss born about 1913
ThomasRadford born about 1937
ThomasRosie born about 1912
ThomasSadie born about 1935
ThomasSally born about 1892
TuckerCarolyn born about 1936
TuckerLloyd A Jrborn about 1913
TuckerMarie born about 1916
TuckerMittie Janeborn about 1935
TylerElvy born about 1900
TylerPolly born about 1893
TynerDonald born about 1934
TynerLouise born about 1917
TynerRay born about 1920

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U Surnames

UnderwoodBena born about 1893
UnderwoodCader born about 1889
UnderwoodCecil born about 1927
UnderwoodCharley born about 1919
UnderwoodClara Maeborn about 1921
UnderwoodFrancis born about 1934
UnderwoodKatrene born about 1930
UnderwoodRaymond born about 1925

V Surnames

VareenKatherene born about 1934
VareneHederie born about 1885
VareneMamie born about 1873

W Surnames

WallJohn Gborn about 1930
WallLeveda born about 1903
WallNan born about 1934
WallStewart Tborn about 1928
WallWilliam Hborn about 1902
WallaceAlbert born about 1917
WallaceCarl born about 1928
WallaceWoodroe born about 1923
WashingtonBemie Jborn about 1932
WashingtonEdward born about 1931
WashingtonGeorge born about 1934
WatsonJeraldne born about 1925
WeathersW Vanceborn about 1874
WhiteVolumaie born about 1896
WhitterRachel born about 1883
WilliamsAgusta born about 1879
WilliamsAmie born about 1895
WilliamsAnnie Leeborn about 1935
WilliamsEarnestine born about 1915
WilliamsEdward born about 1925
WilliamsElla born about 1903
WilliamsFannie Mborn about 1927
WilliamsFrank born about 1917
WilliamsGrover born about 1906
WilliamsHellen born about 1938
WilliamsHenry born about 1923
WilliamsIona born about 1910
WilliamsJ Bborn about 1907
WilliamsJames born about 1933
WilliamsJaniva born about 1920
WilliamsLucile born about 1922
WilliamsMamie born about 1924
WilliamsMildred born about 1930
WilliamsOllie born about 1901
WilliamsR Jborn about 1915
WilliamsRobert Lborn about 1921
WilliamsRuth born about 1936
WilliamsSol born about 1885
WilliamsZewadski born about 1888
WilsonAda born about 1899
WilsonCharley born about 1900
WimberelyAnny Graceborn about 1929
WiseCora Leeborn about 1918
WiseCornelious born about 1910
WiseDave born about 1891
WiseRena born about 1892
WiseStella born about 1932

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