1940 U.S. Federal Census of Maude, Hardee, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Hardee County > 1940 Census of Maude

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AustinOla born about 1898
AustinW Mborn about 1880

B Surnames

BarrowStancel born about 1925
BennettEdna born about 1904
BennettElla Maeborn about 1930
BennettI Lborn about 1892
BennettIrma Leeborn about 1931
BestAddie Leeborn about 1913
BestC Cborn about 1913
BestCharles Leeborn about 1934
BowenDora born about 1875

C Surnames

ChildsGeorge born about 1927
ChildsJohn Willieborn about 1929

D Surnames

DevaneAnnie Rborn about 1899
DevaneJames Wborn about 1893
DrawdyAlton born about 1923
DrawdyCharlie Dborn about 1883
DrawdyCurtis born about 1898
DrawdyDell born about 1919
DrawdyEstelle born about 1918
DrawdyEtta born about 1881
DrawdyGrady born about 1918
DrawdyIda born about 1889
DrawdyJuanita born about 1930
DrawdyM Mborn about 1873
DrawdyM Vborn about 1880
DrawdyMaggie born about 1875
DrawdyNeta Aliceborn about 1880
DrawdyT Lborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HendersonDelia born about 1919
HendersonEve born about 1907
HutchinsonArtis born about 1900
HutchinsonJoe born about 1915
HutchinsonMittie born about 1872
HutchinsonPerdue born about 1899

J Surnames

JohnsClarice Maeborn about 1927
JohnsJohn Pborn about 1886
JohnsLawrence born about 1928
JohnsMargaret born about 1895
JohnsRoy Allenborn about 1933
JohnsTeresa Joyceborn about 1925
JohnsVirgil Johnborn about 1926

K Surnames

KennedyEunice born about 1911
KennedyFred born about 1907
KennedyLanell born about 1939
KennedyPeggy born about 1934
KennedyWilda born about 1937

L Surnames

LambL Bborn about 1870

M Surnames

MooreOllie born about 1928

O Surnames

OwensMartha Aborn about 1864

S Surnames

ShearBetty Jeanborn about 1939
ShearNathaniel born about 1911
ShearSarah born about 1911
SkipperAlma born about 1888
SkipperDelbert born about 1922
SkipperJohn Wborn about 1885
SkipperVasco born about 1912
StewartGurthrie born about 1907
StewartJuanita born about 1930
StewartJune born about 1938
StewartTroy born about 1908
StewartTroy Jr born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorRandal born about 1923

W Surnames

WhiteJewel Corineborn about 1918
WhiteJohn Dborn about 1936
WhiteJohn Wborn about 1904
WilliamsBen born about 1881
WilliamsEdith born about 1870
WilliamsEmma born about 1897
WilliamsPolly born about 1887
WilliamsShade born about 1879
WingateAddie born about 1892
WingateCenetta born about 1921
WingateGeorge Lborn about 1895
WingateJ Mborn about 1882
WingateJames Daleborn about 1930
WingateMabry born about 1923
WingateMae born about 1902

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