1940 U.S. Federal Census of Midway in Gadsden County, Gadsden, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Gadsden County > 1940 Census of Midway in Gadsden County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AltononBular born about 1898
AltononE Cborn about 1870
AndersonAlice born about 1932
AndersonBessie born about 1938
AndersonEli born about 1909
AndersonJames born about 1892
AndersonJames Jr born about 1929
AndersonJohnnie Maeborn about 1931
AndersonLeona born about 1901
AndersonMarie born about 1925
AndersonSallie born about 1935
ArringtonAndrew born about 1904
AtkinsonAnnie Dorisborn about 1923
AtkinsonEmory born about 1931
AtkinsonHenry born about 1928
AtkinsonMarcus born about 1925
AtkinsonMary born about 1898
AtkinsonRaymond born about 1922
AtkinsonWillie Lborn about 1889
AtkisonCatherine born about 1938
AtkisonClyde born about 1931
AtkisonEdith born about 1932
AtkisonFred born about 1937
AtkisonJeanette born about 1935
AtkisonJosephine born about 1913
AtkisonRobert born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BagleyRobert born about 1881
BaileyCurtis born about 1928
BaileyHandy born about 1917
BaileyHerbert born about 1922
BaileyIke born about 1921
BaileyMary born about 1927
BaileyOlie Delborn about 1930
BaileyRosa born about 1894
BailyLouis born about 1922
BakerDave born about 1882
BakerDave Jr born about 1917
BakerElla born about 1898
BakerLouisa born about 1912
BakerRoberta born about 1927
BakerRudine born about 1939
BakerThelma born about 1918
BakerWillie born about 1913
BakerWillie Jr born about 1933
BarnettHope Mborn about 1902
BarnettJuanita born about 1908
BatsonArmanda born about 1938
BatsonEloise born about 1936
BatsonEssie born about 1910
BatsonLee born about 1908
BatsonWalter born about 1933
BennetHarris Jr born about 1938
BennetMae Daisyborn about 1939
BlackAltha born about 1924
BlackBessie born about 1897
BlackCarrie born about 1900
BlackClifford born about 1930
BlackDaisy Leeborn about 1924
BlackDouglas born about 1938
BlackEdwin born about 1936
BlackErnestine born about 1932
BlackFrank born about 1927
BlackGreen born about 1896
BlackGreen Jr born about 1937
BlackGus born about 1887
BlackHenry Pborn about 1932
BlackJames born about 1892
BlackKetrine born about 1925
BlackLester born about 1934
BlackLouis born about 1923
BlackMargaret born about 1889
BlackMarvin born about 1930
BlackRosevelt born about 1923
BlackRutherford born about 1927
BlakelyAlma born about 1925
BlakelyAnna born about 1899
BlakelyBeaurean born about 1919
BlakelyColleen born about 1913
BlakelyDel born about 1936
BlakelyDouglas born about 1928
BlakelyEarmie born about 1897
BlakelyEddie born about 1864
BlakelyElizebeth born about 1902
BlakelyHenry born about 1887
BlakelyHilton born about 1858
BlakelyHilton Jr born about 1886
BlakelyLillian born about 1924
BlakelyLouise born about 1891
BlakelyMannie Bborn about 1888
BlakelyMary born about 1934
BlakelyMaud born about 1892
BlakelyOscar born about 1889
BlakelyPhilip born about 1930
BlakelyRichard born about 1927
BoydEdna Maeborn about 1930
BoydEulla Maeborn about 1928
BradlyAlice born about 1877
BradwellAbraham born about 1909
BradwellCatherine born about 1917
BradwellHelen born about 1880
BradwellLeory born about 1920
BradwellLevonia born about 1927
BradwellMandy born about 1899
BradwellMartha born about 1914
BradwellMary born about 1894
BradwellOscar born about 1919
BradwellRogenia born about 1918
BradwellWilliam born about 1895
BrielsfordJames born about 1911
BrielsfordPinkie born about 1920
BrightMary born about 1871
BrooksBill Rborn about 1926
BrooksEsther born about 1890
BrooksG Thorn Srborn about 1878
BrooksLucile born about 1922
BrooksMany born about 1919
BrooksMary Esterborn about 1939
BrooksRabin Mborn about 1917
BrooksTom Jr born about 1911
BrownFranklin born about 1921
BrownRachel born about 1928
BuggsDorothy born about 1916
BuggsKetrain born about 1936
BurgessJames born about 1940
BurgessLou born about 1918
BurgessMary born about 1938
BurksMandie born about 1917
BurksWillie Jborn about 1907
ByrdIsac born about 1917
ByrdJulia born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellE Jborn about 1925
CaldwellJohn born about 1923
CaldwellRobert born about 1926
CaldwellSusie born about 1898
CaldwellWill born about 1886
CaldwellWillie Maeborn about 1922
CarterJoe born about 1901
CarterJoseph born about 1930
CarterLillian born about 1926
CarterMary Annborn about 1905
CarterRalph born about 1928
CarterRuth born about 1924
CarterTenna born about 1881
CarterTenna born about 1932
ClarkGilbert born about 1921
ColemanLouis born about 1911
ColsonAnnie Louborn about 1901
ColsonCarrie born about 1892
ColsonElla born about 1927
ColsonEmma born about 1928
ColsonGussie Frankborn about 1936
ColsonIdra born about 1904
ColsonIsabelle born about 1914
ColsonLeroy born about 1915
ColsonLotta Belleborn about 1922
ColsonRichard born about 1888
ColsonRichard Jr born about 1931
ColsonWillie born about 1933
ColstonDelia born about 1864
CooperClinnie born about 1908
CooperEarl born about 1935
CooperNellie born about 1918
CreelSolomon born about 1897
CromartieCalendar born about 1912
CromartieEssie Maeborn about 1916
CromartieLeatric born about 1934
CurtisHorace Jr born about 1938

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D Surnames

DaltonEthel born about 1915
DaltonFrancis born about 1934
DaltonGeneva born about 1939
DaltonJoyce born about 1936
DaltonW Henryborn about 1909
DavisEdith born about 1900
DavisEugene Mborn about 1887
DavisEugene Jr born about 1919
DavisFoster Gborn about 1914
DavisHerbert Bborn about 1896
DavisJames Cborn about 1936
DavisLillian Jeanborn about 1930
DavisMary born about 1899
DavisMary Margerteborn about 1928
DavisMoes born about 1925
DavisPreston born about 1938
DavisRemel born about 1926
DavisSterling born about 1923
DavisVivian born about 1920
DixonErnest born about 1889
DixonMary born about 1891
DoctorRebecco born about 1908
DoctorWillie born about 1905
DoughtyAlma born about 1920
DoughtyAuthor born about 1913
DunnDelila born about 1892
DunnMaggie born about 1925
DunnRoy born about 1932
DunnThomas born about 1885
DunnYouria born about 1923
DupontSolomon Kborn about 1863

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E Surnames

EdmondLeora born about 1931
EdmondRachel born about 1934
EdmonsIda born about 1936
EdmonsJannie born about 1934
EdmonsJessie born about 1938
ElbaFrank born about 1922
ElkinsCarlton born about 1926
ElkinsCouncil Wborn about 1897
ElkinsDossie born about 1900
ElkinsEttie born about 1900
ElkinsManning born about 1893
ElkinsThomas born about 1923
ErwinJoe born about 1914

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F Surnames

FainElla born about 1913
FainWyatt born about 1902
FalkNewt born about 1885
FennellElla born about 1902
FennellEphrow born about 1903
FennellHaywood born about 1901
FennellJ Lborn about 1935
FennellJ Tborn about 1929
FennellLeola born about 1931
FennellLissie Maeborn about 1933
FennellMargaret born about 1939
FennellMary born about 1901
FennellRachel born about 1924
FennellStella born about 1924
FerrellAgnes born about 1927
FerrellAlbama born about 1895
FerrellEmmett Mborn about 1918
FerrellJ Pinkborn about 1893
FerrellWilliam Dborn about 1859
FieldHazel born about 1928
FieldIra born about 1915
FieldIrene born about 1921
FieldsAngeline born about 1864
FieldsCandies born about 1878
FieldsHenry Jborn about 1935
FieldsLessie born about 1937
FieldsThedow born about 1926
FootmanRuth Opalborn about 1930
FootmanThelma born about 1927
FordAlberta born about 1900
FordAmerican born about 1931
FordCharlie born about 1898
FordCharlie Jr born about 1921
FordChristine born about 1926
FordEddie born about 1918
FordEffie Maeborn about 1920
FordGarnell born about 1924
FordHarry born about 1926
FordIda born about 1911
FordIrene born about 1922
FordJunatie born about 1927
FordLeon born about 1926
FordLouie Maeborn about 1937
FordNellie born about 1924
FordNep born about 1894
FordPaul born about 1932
FordSallie born about 1898
FordVirginia born about 1932
FranklinAlice born about 1932
FranklinEthel born about 1914
FranklinHosa born about 1933
FranklinWillie born about 1913
FranklinWillie Jr born about 1938
FreemanBetty born about 1939
FreemanDavid Cborn about 1903
FreemanGeorge born about 1908
FreemanMaebelle born about 1905
FreemonAlonzo born about 1939
FreemonAuthor born about 1930
FreemonFannie born about 1886
FreemonFannie born about 1937
FreemonHenry born about 1934
FreemonJoe Nathanborn about 1925
FreemonLayer born about 1885
FreemonLeala born about 1918
FreemonRobbie born about 1927

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G Surnames

GallowayEthel born about 1916
GallowayJames born about 1912
GallowayJames Jr born about 1932
GanieManuel born about 1922
GeeAuthor born about 1936
GeeAuthur born about 1936
GeeSara Leeborn about 1938
GodwinEthel born about 1887
GodwinIra Myrlborn about 1926
GodwinThomas born about 1882
GrahamJulia born about 1895
GrahamWill born about 1892
GreenA Gborn about 1927
GregroyEtta born about 1886
GriffinCharles born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HarrisDorthy Leeborn about 1933
HarrisEthel born about 1898
HarrisGeorge born about 1935
HarrisGladys born about 1917
HarrisHenry born about 1904
HarrisIda born about 1869
HarrisIrma Maeborn about 1932
HarrisJames born about 1861
HarrisJathenia born about 1928
HarrisLouis born about 1872
HarrisLuvert born about 1925
HarrisMildred born about 1939
HarrisMorman born about 1930
HarrisPara Leeborn about 1923
HarrisPhil born about 1869
HarrisWill born about 1888
HaulWillie born about 1924
HaywoodArmanda born about 1917
HaywoodBarbara Jeanborn about 1939
HaywoodBobbie born about 1939
HaywoodFrances born about 1936
HaywoodRiley born about 1911
HaywoodSammy born about 1934
HendersonEmma born about 1871
HendersonHarvy born about 1875
HendersonHenry born about 1863
HinsonAlrdian born about 1938
HinsonAngeline born about 1911
HinsonEllie Maeborn about 1929
HinsonEllise born about 1936
HinsonFrancis born about 1931
HinsonPrince born about 1909
HinsonPrince Jr born about 1933
HintonAnnie born about 1873
HintonBasil born about 1930
HintonMaggie born about 1920
HintonOlie born about 1928
HintonRoberta born about 1910
HintonWally born about 1924
HintonWalter born about 1925
HintonWillie born about 1874
HintonWillie born about 1900
HogansPinkey born about 1898
HollomonAuthor born about 1909
HoltSara born about 1864
HopkinsonLorene born about 1872
HowardPrince born about 1862
HudnellArclee born about 1932
HudnellLayfette born about 1884
HudnellMargaret born about 1888
HudnellMary Louborn about 1918
HudnellWillie Leeborn about 1921
HudsonRebecca born about 1930
HudsonSara born about 1872
HumphreyElbert born about 1932

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J Surnames

JamesWill born about 1882
JeffreyBen born about 1886
JeffreyBen Jr born about 1921
JeffreyClarance born about 1925
JeffreyClyde born about 1930
JeffreyCora born about 1891
JeffreyEdna born about 1899
JeffreyEloise born about 1928
JeffreyElton born about 1935
JeffreyEva Marieborn about 1919
JeffreyJames born about 1923
JeffreyLevader born about 1917
JeffreyLillie Maeborn about 1915
JeffreyLuevinia born about 1870
JeffreyNeomie born about 1922
JeffreySammy born about 1937
JohnsonAlthi born about 1930
JohnsonGeorgia Maeborn about 1938
JohnsonHenry born about 1875
JohnsonLone Jr born about 1935
JohnsonPhyby born about 1856
JohnsonRossetta born about 1917
JonesAda born about 1914
JonesAlee born about 1912
JonesArcline born about 1891
JonesBertha born about 1928
JonesDaisy born about 1932
JonesExtemead born about 1938
JonesHoward born about 1906
JonesJames born about 1927
JonesMable born about 1906
JonesMattey born about 1935
JonesRoss born about 1909
JonesRuth born about 1931
JonesWilliam born about 1940
JonesWillie Leeborn about 1929

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K Surnames

KeenonDorhty born about 1929
KeenonEmenul born about 1912
KeenonGeorge born about 1859
KeenonJames born about 1862
KeenonReidy born about 1908
KeenonRuth born about 1928
KeenonSallie born about 1879
KeenonSusie born about 1865
KenonAlonzo born about 1927
KenonArdel born about 1930
KenonDaisy Maeborn about 1930
KenonDoris born about 1936
KenonFannie born about 1908
KenonHamp Jr born about 1926
KenonLeamuel born about 1917
KenonMary born about 1925
KenonMary born about 1929
KenonMary Ellaborn about 1893
KenonRebecca born about 1912
KenonRosa Maeborn about 1921
KenonRoveanna born about 1937
KenonSam born about 1903
KenonSam Jr born about 1924
KenonSolomon born about 1912
KenonSolomon Jr born about 1940
KenonTom born about 1931
KirklandEthel born about 1936
KirklandGeorge Wborn about 1928
KirklandHarry born about 1929
KirklandJ Corbetborn about 1902
KirklandJack born about 1934
KirklandJames born about 1926
KirklandMae born about 1904
KirklandMildred born about 1925
KnightAlice born about 1892
KnightAllen born about 1933
KnightAnnie born about 1916
KnightAza born about 1925
KnightCora born about 1882
KnightDosh born about 1937
KnightEddie born about 1933
KnightEthel Maeborn about 1932
KnightIrene born about 1923
KnightJames born about 1920
KnightJasper born about 1894
KnightJohnny born about 1878
KnightJohnny born about 1935
KnightLecter born about 1899
KnightLee born about 1927
KnightLee born about 1937
KnightLeona born about 1889
KnightLeory born about 1936
KnightLillie born about 1933
KnightMamie born about 1899
KnightMargaret born about 1905
KnightMary born about 1891
KnightMary born about 1915
KnightMary born about 1938
KnightMerit born about 1915
KnightNero born about 1891
KnightNero Jr born about 1934
KnightOla born about 1930
KnightReacer Maeborn about 1934
KnightRobbie Leeborn about 1925
KnightRobert born about 1927
KnightRosa Maeborn about 1936
KnightRuther born about 1906
KnightRuther Maeborn about 1935
KnightSpencer born about 1913
KnightSpencer Jr born about 1939
KnightWatson born about 1855
KnightWillie Leeborn about 1936

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L Surnames

LambEliza born about 1939
LambEugene born about 1910
LambMajorie born about 1917
LambOla Maeborn about 1938
LambRosevelt born about 1936
LambertEarnest born about 1922
LambertFlorzell born about 1881
LambertIrama Leeborn about 1934
LambertMinnie Leeborn about 1900
LambertMyrtice born about 1930
LambertRalph born about 1890
LambertRobert born about 1925
LawsonAlfonso born about 1920
LawsonAlfred born about 1922
LawsonAlma born about 1928
LawsonBeatrice born about 1912
LawsonClarance born about 1939
LawsonClemons born about 1926
LawsonClydey Maeborn about 1940
LawsonDaisy born about 1933
LawsonDave born about 1896
LawsonDorthy born about 1924
LawsonElisa born about 1930
LawsonElizebeth born about 1935
LawsonEloise born about 1927
LawsonErnest born about 1915
LawsonErnestene born about 1936
LawsonEssie born about 1931
LawsonEugene born about 1873
LawsonEugene Jr born about 1910
LawsonFredlew born about 1939
LawsonGeorge born about 1938
LawsonIra born about 1929
LawsonJames born about 1928
LawsonJohn born about 1920
LawsonKetrean born about 1929
LawsonL Tborn about 1932
LawsonLessie born about 1916
LawsonMae born about 1909
LawsonMamie born about 1920
LawsonMarie born about 1908
LawsonMary born about 1861
LawsonMattie born about 1912
LawsonMildred born about 1933
LawsonOrlean born about 1924
LawsonRachel born about 1939
LawsonRosevelt born about 1922
LawsonSilvia born about 1875
LawsonSolomon born about 1898
LawsonWilber born about 1934
LeeBertha born about 1886
LeeFrancis born about 1920
LeeJohnnie Maeborn about 1922
LeePerry born about 1915
LeePhilip born about 1918
LeeWilliam born about 1921
LevyIda born about 1865
LockAlf born about 1892
LockMaggie born about 1894
LowElla born about 1920
LoweHattie born about 1889
LoweJohn Mborn about 1871

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M Surnames

MaconCunelia born about 1936
MaconEredle born about 1938
MaconFred born about 1902
MaconFredie born about 1932
MaconHenry Nborn about 1924
MaconMaggie Louborn about 1926
MaconR Lborn about 1931
MaconRichard born about 1930
MaconRuby born about 1904
MaconTereather born about 1934
MaconWillie Aborn about 1923
MannCharlie born about 1919
MathewsJames born about 1914
MathewsReathel born about 1921
McCelveyCarrie born about 1906
McCelveyClyde born about 1902
McCrayAgnes born about 1895
McCrayCarrie born about 1937
McCrayClarance born about 1921
McCrayElizebeth born about 1928
McCrayElla born about 1874
McCrayEmma born about 1927
McCrayEster born about 1915
McCrayGeneva born about 1937
McCrayHarrison born about 1908
McCrayHarrison Jr born about 1938
McCrayLarance born about 1927
McCrayLitten born about 1892
McCrayLitten Jr born about 1933
McCrayLorean born about 1919
McCrayLuvienry born about 1911
McCrayMaggie born about 1935
McCrayMany born about 1926
McCrayMargaret born about 1935
McCrayMattie born about 1923
McCrayR Mborn about 1932
McCrayRosa born about 1932
McCraySolomon born about 1917
McCrayW Fborn about 1930
McCrayWillie Leeborn about 1939
McGiffDella born about 1938
McGillArtie born about 1913
McGillAugusta born about 1934
McGillGladys born about 1937
McGillHelen born about 1882
McGillHenry born about 1912
McGillHenry Willieborn about 1932
McGillLewis born about 1908
McGillLoranzo born about 1935
McGillLucy born about 1916
McRaeJim born about 1888
McRaeJohn born about 1902
McRaeLucile born about 1937
McRaeMany born about 1891
McRaeMerties born about 1929
McRaeRalph born about 1923
McRaeReattie Maeborn about 1926
McRaeSusie born about 1912
MitchelEdith born about 1928
MitchelR Cborn about 1931
MobleyBurton born about 1915
MonroeAustin born about 1929
MonroeJulia born about 1893
MonroeOlie Maeborn about 1922
MonroeRudolph born about 1918
MooreAda born about 1904
MooreAnnie born about 1870
MooreFrank born about 1889
MooreMartha born about 1899
MooreWesly born about 1908
MorrisCurtis Wborn about 1915
MorrisMyrle born about 1917
MorrisSusie born about 1937
MorrisWilliam C Jrborn about 1939
MullensHerbert born about 1922
MullensHoward born about 1929
MullensHoyt born about 1925
MullensRose born about 1900
MullensWilliam Eborn about 1878
MunroJessie born about 1900
MunroeElbert born about 1924
MunroeIda born about 1876
MunroeIdas born about 1924
MunroeMany born about 1927
MunroeRalph born about 1923
MuseCarrie born about 1928
MuseClarance born about 1904
MuseClarance Sborn about 1933
MuseEd born about 1895
MuseJames born about 1927
MuseLillie Maeborn about 1921
MuseLucile born about 1900
MusePennie Annborn about 1873
MuseRalph born about 1934
MuseRosa Leeborn about 1926
MuseSammy born about 1925
MuseWilliam born about 1924
MuseWillie born about 1872

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N Surnames

NazwarthEmma born about 1871
NelsonFrankie born about 1933
NelsonIren born about 1937
NelsonJennes born about 1935
NelsonMascellar born about 1925
NelsonPomp born about 1893
NelsonPomp Jr born about 1931
NelsonVictoria born about 1910
NicklesGus born about 1880
NicklesJames born about 1930
NicklesPatsy born about 1917
NicklesRaymon born about 1906
NicklesRosa Leeborn about 1938
NicklesSammy born about 1938
NicklesSeanie born about 1892
NixonAnna born about 1868
NixonHanna born about 1909
NixonLindberg born about 1933

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P Surnames

PannerWade born about 1855
ParkerCarry Leeborn about 1921
ParkerD Wborn about 1925
ParkerElizebeth born about 1937
ParkerEsby born about 1930
ParkerHorace born about 1887
ParkerIra born about 1911
ParkerJoe Lewisborn about 1939
ParkerL Jborn about 1932
ParkerLewis born about 1918
ParkerOla born about 1895
ParkerR Tborn about 1919
ParkerVernella born about 1935
PerkinsJames born about 1934
PerkinsLela born about 1908
PerkinsLeroy born about 1930
PerkinsMissour born about 1895
PerkinsWalter born about 1877
PetersArther born about 1928
PetersAuthor born about 1928
PetersC Jborn about 1938
PetersCassom born about 1891
PetersDandy born about 1888
PetersEmily born about 1893
PetersErise born about 1930
PetersGa born about 1934
PetersGirtha Leeborn about 1925
PetersHenry born about 1905
PetersHerman born about 1909
PetersIcolar born about 1896
PetersJulia Maeborn about 1929
PetersMany born about 1936
PetersMarjorie born about 1930
PetersMary born about 1902
PetersNancy born about 1902
PetersPaul born about 1905
PetersPaul Jr born about 1939
PetersPerry Leeborn about 1920
PetersRanie born about 1917
PetersRebecca born about 1921
PetersRoberta born about 1912
PetersRosevelt born about 1913
PoundsellJohnny born about 1916

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R Surnames

RandallFloyd born about 1924
RandallHenry Lborn about 1909
RandallJessie born about 1918
RandallM Eugeneborn about 1884
RandallMason born about 1915
RandallOdessa born about 1922
RandallPerry born about 1928
RandallRosa born about 1892
RandallRuby Maeborn about 1916
RandallRufus born about 1926
RandallWilliam born about 1914
ReeseLawrence born about 1883
ReeseMinnie born about 1891
RevelsAnnett born about 1939
RevelsEarly born about 1914
RichardsonElizia born about 1866
RichardsonHenry Cborn about 1889
RichardsonRafford born about 1899
RobersonAnnie born about 1918
RobersonBinjman born about 1932
RobersonCharlie born about 1896
RobersonClyde born about 1916
RobersonColo born about 1919
RobersonCurzy born about 1916
RobersonDollie born about 1869
RobersonElizebeth born about 1917
RobersonFredie born about 1934
RobersonJohnie Maeborn about 1923
RobersonLorris born about 1937
RobersonLouis born about 1935
RobersonLulla born about 1902
RobersonMaybell born about 1913
RobersonMayola born about 1921
RobersonMelissa born about 1936
RobersonOliver born about 1932
RobersonOssie born about 1929
RobersonSimon born about 1875
RobersonWilliam born about 1938
RobesonSara born about 1875
RobesonThomas born about 1875
RobinsonA Lborn about 1925
RobinsonAdell born about 1922
RobinsonClidie Maeborn about 1928
RobinsonCostell born about 1932
RobinsonGeorge born about 1882
RobinsonGertrude born about 1920
RobinsonGirsie born about 1889
RobinsonHattie Leeborn about 1934
RobinsonLorene born about 1927
RobinsonWalter Jamesborn about 1939

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S Surnames

ScottJohn born about 1901
ScottWillie born about 1902
ShepardCharlie born about 1876
ShepardMamie born about 1894
ShulerCora born about 1885
ShulerRichard born about 1880
ShulerSelect born about 1916
SimoneJohn born about 1862
SimoneLottie born about 1869
SimpsonAngie born about 1898
SimpsonCary born about 1922
SimpsonEugene born about 1926
SimpsonWilliam born about 1896
SmithBeulah born about 1895
SmithElina born about 1915
SmithHauston Iborn about 1885
SmithHayden Tborn about 1917
SmithHenry born about 1911
SmithJoe Annborn about 1938
SmithJohn born about 1898
SmithMany born about 1912
SmithPolly born about 1906
SmithXenophon born about 1921
StewartRalph born about 1936
SullivanRuth born about 1936
SwiftMattie born about 1897
SwiftSam born about 1887
SwiftSam Jr born about 1920

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T Surnames

ThomasAltemase born about 1936
ThomasBen Lborn about 1924
ThomasBeron born about 1923
ThomasClifford born about 1934
ThomasConnier born about 1929
ThomasDozell born about 1928
ThomasEdward born about 1926
ThomasElla Vborn about 1925
ThomasFlorida born about 1922
ThomasGeorge Lborn about 1932
ThomasGladys born about 1926
ThomasJack born about 1885
ThomasJoshep born about 1935
ThomasLilly born about 1877
ThomasLizzie born about 1897
ThomasLois born about 1937
ThomasMammie born about 1909
ThomasMarie born about 1913
ThomasMelvin born about 1939
ThomasMingo born about 1905
ThomasMingo Jr born about 1932
ThomasOscar born about 1926
ThomasRobert born about 1924
ThomasSamuel born about 1932
ThomasSanders born about 1902
ThomasSivicare born about 1909
ThomasThames born about 1892
ThomasViolet born about 1914
ThomasW Jborn about 1927
ThomsonJosephine born about 1928

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W Surnames

WalkeRuby born about 1914
WalkeWillie born about 1919
WashingtonAlec born about 1928
WashingtonClint born about 1914
WashingtonDennis born about 1923
WashingtonGac born about 1918
WashingtonWillie born about 1917
WatkinsAca born about 1873
WatkinsSara born about 1878
WatsonDerry born about 1900
WatsonLillie Maeborn about 1910
WeathersAnnett born about 1931
WeathersGreta born about 1932
WeathersJosephine born about 1935
WilliamDave born about 1927
WilliamEmma born about 1907
WilliamFredie born about 1925
WilliamsAlbert born about 1931
WilliamsAnderson born about 1871
WilliamsAnnie born about 1898
WilliamsAnnie Maeborn about 1916
WilliamsAttamae born about 1909
WilliamsElbert born about 1932
WilliamsElise born about 1932
WilliamsEmma born about 1930
WilliamsGertrude born about 1939
WilliamsGladys born about 1929
WilliamsJames born about 1928
WilliamsJerry born about 1936
WilliamsLenora born about 1916
WilliamsLeon born about 1937
WilliamsLevader born about 1929
WilliamsLianze born about 1938
WilliamsLuerina born about 1897
WilliamsLuther born about 1919
WilliamsNathaniela born about 1935
WilliamsPhilip born about 1892
WilliamsRandolph born about 1908
WilliamsRosco born about 1921
WilliamsRuben born about 1930
WilliamsRuby born about 1926
WilliamsSara born about 1879
WilliamsWillie Sborn about 1875
WilsonOtis born about 1916

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Y Surnames

YonAlbert born about 1924
YonDuane born about 1927
YonFannie born about 1893
YonJ Lborn about 1929
YonLevell born about 1934
YonOliver born about 1882
YoungSara born about 1866

Z Surnames

ZandersAlex born about 1905
ZandersAlex Jr born about 1937
ZandersOcie Leeborn about 1915
ZandersSusie born about 1849

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