1940 U.S. Federal Census of Millview, Escambia, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Escambia County > 1940 Census of Millview

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderHelen born about 1924
AlexanderLeonard born about 1921
AlexanderMargaret born about 1927
AlexanderRuby born about 1917
AlexanderVirginia born about 1889
AlexanderWilliam born about 1890
AlexanderWilliam Jr born about 1919
AlsipJewel born about 1923
AlvordAnita born about 1927
AlvordClaudia born about 1928
AlvordClifford born about 1899
AlvordMary Vborn about 1905
AlvordSally born about 1937
AndersonAnnie born about 1886
AndersonHerbert born about 1895
AndersonJohn born about 1884
AndersonMildred born about 1903
ArdJulia born about 1885
ArdLeon born about 1903
ArdLucille born about 1911
ArdMary born about 1927
ArdRosa born about 1930
ArdWalter born about 1883
ArdWalter born about 1899
ArdWalter Kborn about 1928
AshGertrude born about 1906
AustinCarolyn born about 1939
AustinCray born about 1927
AustinEdward born about 1892
AustinEdward born about 1928
AustinEleanor born about 1934
AustinHarold born about 1915
AustinHenry born about 1922
AustinIda born about 1905
AustinJohn born about 1927
AustinMabel born about 1937
AustinMargaret born about 1921
AustinMarie born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackhamJoe born about 1909
BaconHenry Wborn about
BaconIrene Rborn about 1889
BarnabeoAnthony born about 1902
BarnabeoMildred born about 1906
BarnabeoNellie born about 1925
BaronCarrie born about 1911
BaxterEvelyn born about 1899
BaxterGeorge born about 1901
BellingFloral born about 1935
BellingLeona born about 1899
BellingWill born about 1892
BellowDavid born about 1895
BellowEva born about 1909
BillricheryBessie born about 1908
BillricheryMary born about 1925
BillricheryMaybelle born about 1935
BillricherySilas born about 1906
BlumMartha born about 1859
BoyettCarrie Maeborn about 1932
BoyettColeman born about 1916
BoyettFrancis born about 1922
BoyettHelen born about 1916
BoyettHerbert born about 1917
BoyettJerald born about 1939
BoyettNitalie born about 1891
BoyettOscar born about 1877
BradleyAlvin born about 1928
BradleyDoris born about 1932
BradleyEva born about 1911
BradleyFlossie born about 1894
BradleyJames born about 1893
BradleyJames Owenborn about 1925
BradleyJoyce born about 1935
BradleyLeroy born about 1930
BradleyOliver born about 1915
BradleyWillie Leeborn about 1918
BrewtonAnna born about
BrewtonBen born about 1882
BrewtonBobby born about 1932
BrewtonBurt born about 1922
BrewtonDolores born about 1921
BrewtonDuane born about 1890
BrewtonDuane born about 1917
BrewtonEdna born about 1914
BrewtonGlen born about 1911
BrewtonHugh born about 1904
BrewtonJack born about 1906
BrewtonJames born about 1875
BrewtonJoel born about 1901
BrewtonLizzie born about 1879
BrewtonLottie born about 1884
BrewtonMosell born about 1891
BrewtonMurle born about 1911
BrewtonPearl born about 1893
BrewtonPerry born about 1939
BrewtonRichard born about 1928
BrewtonWilliam born about 1879
Briggs?luura born about 1909
BriggsRaymond born about 1909
BriggsRaymond Jr born about 1927
BrockLa Man born about 1938
BrockLeslie born about 1916
BrockVallie born about 1917
BrockmanChristine born about 1872
BrockmanHenry born about 1870
BrownEarl born about 1901
BrownElizabeth born about 1907
BrownEsse Lborn about 1906
BrownEva born about 1920
BrownHoyt Hborn about 1897
BrownJulius Aborn about 1895
BrownJulius Jr born about 1923
BrownMaurice born about 1922
BrownMillie born about 1901
BrunhildaSister born about 1893
BurneCarlyn born about 1909
BurneDonald Tborn about 1933
BurneJohn Eborn about 1907
BurneRobert Bborn about 1940
BushEllis Mborn about 1912
BushIrma Lborn about 1913
BushRichard born about 1940
ButlerLilly born about 1891

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C Surnames

CainMabel born about 1885
CarlosDonald born about 1934
CarlosJoseh Harryborn about 1910
CarlosKathleen born about 1913
CaroHerbert Pborn about 1911
CaroHerbert Pborn about 1932
CaroThelma born about 1911
CaroW Jacksonborn about 1933
CarterBessie born about 1921
CarterHelen born about 1921
CarterInfant born about 1939
CarterJackie born about 1925
CarterLa Leita born about 1937
CarterMe Lainborn about 1903
CarterMozie born about 1886
CheathamSamuel born about 1868
ClaiborneClara born about 1922
ClaiborneCora born about 1896
ClaiborneFrancis born about 1895
ClaiborneLeo born about 1921
ClaiborneVera born about 1919
ClarkFlossie born about 1919
ClarkNita Graceborn about 1938
ClarkWilliam born about 1914
CleggBenjamin born about 1876
CleggBenjamin Jr born about 1913
CleggIra Tborn about 1862
CleggJennie born about 1930
CleggJoyce born about 1924
CleggMagdalene born about 1886
CleggMy??il born about 1910
CleggNoralene born about 1914
ClipperCharlie born about 1917
ClipperDordenella born about 1924
ClipperJuanita born about 1931
ClipperMartha born about 1891
ClipperMose born about 1929
ClipperRuth born about 1926
ClipperSam born about 1929
ClipperSamuel born about 1883
CobbArthur born about 1939
CobbBetty Ruthborn about 1940
CobbDon born about 1908
CobbNellie born about 1920
CochranAda born about 1875
CochranIvan born about 1896
CokerWillie Maeborn about 1923
CooperOphelia born about 1907
CoppersmithJulia born about 1873
CoughlinGeorge born about 1912
CoughlinMary born about 1882
Crawford born about 1909
CrawfordThomas born about 1906
CreechAnne Francisborn about 1936
CreechBernice born about 1913
CreechNorman born about 1939
CreechNorman Pborn about 1911
CreelBarbara born about 1931
CreelDonnie born about 1936
CreelJackie born about 1934
CreelLavada born about 1921
CreelMarion born about 1926
CreelMary born about 1926
CreelRuby born about 1895
CreelWilliam born about 1883
CreelWinfred born about 1924
CreelWoodrow born about 1919
CroweCharles born about 1919
CroweDonald born about 1934
CroweFred born about 1928
CroweGertrude born about 1898
CroweHarry born about 1922
CroweJohn born about 1895
CroweRuby born about 1931
CroweRuth born about 1936
CroweVernon born about 1925
CrowtLucy born about 1873
CrowtWilliam born about 1868
CuttingMabel born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

Davis??? born about 1934
DavisAlice born about 1932
DavisGladys born about 1909
DavisHenry born about 1936
DavisJefferson born about 1939
DavisJohn born about 1938
DegowskiDolores born about 1925
DegowskiJoseph born about 1921
DegowskiStephen born about 1899
DiffenbackElizabeth born about 1857
DiffenbackHenry born about 1914
DonaldsonArkansa born about 1910
DonaldsonEd born about 1894
DonaldsonElijah born about 1926
DonaldsonFrancis born about 1927
DonaldsonRaynel born about 1930
DonaldsonWesley born about 1938
DonaldsonWilbur born about 1931
Ducych???le born about 1881
DucychLewis born about 1875
DuvalBertram Cborn about 1876
DuvalRoselle born about 1874

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E Surnames

EatesBetty born about 1903
EllisJohn Nborn about 1918
EllisVallie born about 1921
EllisWilliam Eborn about 1940

F Surnames

FellElizabeth born about
FellGusie born about 1895
FellJewel born about 1920
FellJoyce born about 1924
FellLeona born about 1904
FellPaul born about 1903
FellRosemary born about 1898
FeltonBarbara Annborn about
FeltonBeverly Jr born about 1939
FeltonClara born about 1915
FeltonElmer born about 1918
FeltonJohn Mborn about 1907
FeltonJohn Jr born about 1940
FeltonMary born about 1921
FergusonHerbert Tborn about 1917
FergusonSara born about 1919
FloydCharles born about 1930
FloydDoris born about 1939
FloydDorothy born about 1937
FloydGenevieve born about 1909
FloydJeanette born about 1933
FloydJoan born about 1932
FloydLeslie born about 1905
FountainCarl born about 1891
FountainDavid born about 1928
FountainEarl born about 1891
FountainFanny born about 1892
FountainFlorence born about 1925
FountainGrady born about 1925
FountainJames born about 1923
FountainRose born about 1890
FountainRoy born about 1935
FountainVelma born about 1922
FountainWinnie born about 1921
FrancisCamille born about 1884
FrancisJames born about 1875
FrancisSam born about 1908
FreemanCharles Eborn about 1925
FreemanCharles Gborn about 1888
FreemanJoy born about 1929
FreemanKate born about 1902
FreemanMargaret born about 1927
FreemanMary Janeborn about 1933

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G Surnames

GathersLawrence born about 1917
GathersRichard Cborn about 1929
GathersVirginia born about 1917
GathersWilliam born about 1939
GeorgeBerta born about 1900
GeorgeLuma born about 1914
GirdlestoneAnna Lborn about 1873
GirdlestoneCharles born about 1870
GodwinBuelah born about 1904
GodwinEnoch born about 1901
GodwinHelen Dborn about 1920
GodwinRaymond born about 1926
GonzalezHargis born about 1889
GonzalezMabel Wborn about 1894
GoodmanFloyd born about 1922
GraneirJoseph Aborn about 1904
GraneirMargret born about 1911
GriffinAnnie Dborn about 1907
GriffinDonald born about 1936
GriffinErnestine born about 1927
GriffinMarcelom born about 1929
GriffinMrs Wm born about 1870
GriffinRosa Leeborn about 1911
GriffinW A Jrborn about 1933
GriffinWilliam born about 1904
GrimesMinnie born about 1900
GrimesTom born about 1895

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H Surnames

HadleyAl???m born about 1924
HadleyArch Dborn about 1902
HadleyFountain born about 1899
HaltonMartin born about 1908
HancockAline born about 1911
HancockBilly born about 1931
HancockEverett born about 1910
HancockJohn born about 1906
HandropLonnie born about 1884
HandropPerlie born about 1894
HandropRonald born about 1924
HansonJason born about 1888
HardyBetty born about 1932
HardyCristobel born about 1908
HardyJoyce born about 1930
HardyMarvin born about 1938
HardyWilliam born about 1896
HardyWilliam Jr born about 1928
HarrisonEura Maeborn about 1909
HarrisonMalcomb born about 1898
HartleyGeneva born about 1936
HartleyHorace born about 1914
HartleyHorace born about 1939
HartleyJuanita born about 1920
HartleyMargaret born about 1938
HartleyMarian born about 1940
HawkinsJim born about 1872
HebensreitElmer born about 1905
HebensreitOla Maeborn about 1916
Helton??? born about 1927
HeltonAlton born about 1932
HeltonBernice born about 1930
HeltonCarl born about 1938
HeltonClayton ?born about 1919
HeltonDennis born about 1905
HeltonDennis Jr born about 1930
HeltonDummy born about 1915
HeltonElmo born about 1923
HeltonElsie born about 1924
HeltonEvelyn born about 1935
HeltonFrank born about 1931
HeltonFrankie Maeborn about 1930
HeltonHelly born about 1933
HeltonHenrietta born about 1939
HeltonHenry born about 1915
HeltonHughes born about 1901
HeltonJuanita born about 1938
HeltonLilla born about 1903
HeltonMartin born about 1937
HeltonOudia born about 1933
HeltonShirley born about 1936
HeltonVelma born about 1910
HeltonWilliam born about 1932
HiggsNora born about 1891
HiggsThomas Jborn about 1876
HixonJames born about 1865
HodgasDe Witt born about 1912
HodgasJames born about 1940
HodgasMayme born about 1920
HokettLilla born about 1867
HoldenAnna born about 1930
HoldenEdna born about 1925
HoldenF Reedaborn about 1896
HoldenHarold born about 1940
HoldenHarry born about 1923
HoldenHelen born about 1933
HoldenWilliam born about 1890
HoldenWilliam Jr born about 1937
HomesIrvin born about 1890
Hopkins??? born about 1913
HopkinsBenjamin born about 1925
HopkinsHenry born about 1922
HopkinsLa Baron born about 1931
HopkinsLola Maeborn about 1921
HopkinsLucille born about 1924
HopkinsLydia born about 1932
HopkinsPearl born about 1903
HopkinsPhilip born about 1926
HopkinsRosebelle born about 1934
Howard??? born about 1928
HowardDaisy born about 1895
HowardJonathan born about 1878
HudsonElisha Tborn about 1903
HughesIrene born about 1919
HughesLei Lanaborn about 1939
HughesMorris born about 1915
HulionArthur born about 1929
HulionEarlene born about 1935
HulionIvey born about 1930
HulionJohn born about 1927
HulionMabelene born about 1932
HurleyJessie born about 1907

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J Surnames

JarmanArthur born about 1920
JarmanHarold born about 1930
JarmanLizzie born about 1891
JarmanObadeh* born about 1884
JarmanViolet born about 1928
JarmanWilliam born about 1926
JenkinsWesley born about 1919
JohnsonArdella born about 1901
JohnsonAron born about 1890
JohnsonCharles born about 1933
JohnsonCurtis born about 1931
JohnsonDaniel born about 1888
JohnsonDoris born about 1936
JohnsonDorothy Maeborn about 1932
JohnsonElla Maeborn about 1927
JohnsonFlorence born about 1922
JohnsonGeorge born about 1926
JohnsonHyelen born about 1923
JohnsonJames born about 1930
JohnsonJimmy born about 1936
JohnsonJohn Henryborn about 1939
JohnsonJoyce born about 1930
JohnsonLewis born about 1925
JohnsonMinnie born about 1923
JohnsonRogester born about 1918
JohnsonRussell born about 1938
JohnsonSadie Maeborn about 1902
JohnsonSandy born about 1872
JohnsonSusie born about 1905
JohnsonWillie born about 1884
JohnstonJewel born about 1890
JohnstonJuanita born about 1921
JohnstonJuel born about 1919
JohnstonMelvin born about 1890
JohnstonSallie born about 1854

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K Surnames

KapertonEffie born about 1891
KapertonErnest born about 1914
KapertonHerbert born about 1922
KapertonNat Oborn about 1880
KapertonOneil born about 1926
KapertonSylvia born about 1912
KeithHelen born about 1903
KeithRay born about 1904
KellyMary born about 1858
KillyElla Mborn about 1879
KinderHarvey born about 1911
KinderMarie born about 1911
KowskiCarl born about 1918
KowskiGussie born about 1920
KowskiInfant born about
KowskiLizzie born about 1883
KowskiThomas Eborn about 1939

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L Surnames

Land born about 1899
LandAileen born about 1932
LandBetty Joyceborn about 1935
LandBilly born about 1939
LandEarl born about 1919
LandEldridge born about 1937
LandGeraldine born about 1926
LandJames born about 1929
LandJeanette born about 1924
LandNeal born about 1890
LandR Cborn about 1921
LandryFloyd Pborn about 1912
LandryShirley born about 1920
LayClara born about 1928
LayDonald born about 1936
LayEarnest born about 1932
LayJames born about 1934
LayLena born about 1900
LayWilliam Jborn about 1895
LayWilliam Jr born about 1930
LeeLeashe Dborn about 1889
LeeRobert Eborn about 1884
LewisJordon born about 1880
LikesLizzie born about 1880
LobdellClaude born about 1886
LobdellCleo born about 1902
LobdellGrace born about 1877
LobdellThelma born about 1932
LowellVirginia born about 1885
LoweryCharlene Kborn about 1939
LoweryEleanor Kborn about 1915
LoweryLoretta Leaborn about 1936
LoweryOra Lborn about 1911

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M Surnames

ManningSusie born about 1873
McBeeDorothy Jborn about 1935
McBeeJohn E Jrborn about 1939
McCabeMartin born about 1878
McCardEdward Dborn about 1923
McCardFrancis born about 1899
McCardJohn Aborn about 1898
McCardLuticia Sueborn about 1934
McCarthyMary born about 1855
McCurdleBen born about 1880
McGeeMinniew born about 1881
MedlockCarl born about 1935
MedlockLaura born about 1913
MedlockTerrell born about 1907
MillerBetty Euniceborn about 1940
MillerDoris born about 1914
MillerElbe Miltonborn about 1936
MillerEvelyn born about 1938
MillerGilbert born about 1911
MillerRacene born about 1934
MognoniBarbara born about 1939
MognoniHenry born about 1915
MognoniLeona born about 1913
MoonPearl born about 1912
MoonSam born about 1905
MooreCharles born about 1900
MooreEunice born about 1917
MuldonCornellia born about 1933
MuldonEvelyn born about 1901
MuldonJames born about 1859
MuldonLucille born about 1930
MuldonMary Ellenborn about 1919
MuldonMiley born about 1864
MuldonMilly born about 1927
MuldonThomas Eborn about 1918
MuldonTom born about 1896
MuldsonRuby born about 1858
MurphyEdward born about 1909
MurphyHelma born about 1913

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N Surnames

NallBruce born about 1924
NallEleanor born about 1923
NallFrancis born about 1906
NallGlen born about 1934
NallIsaac born about 1895
NallKatherine born about 1926
NallKenneth born about 1929
NallLeatrice born about 1926
NallMildred born about 1929
NallMinnie Leeborn about 1932
NallNicholas born about 1928
NallRildia born about 1899
NallStephen born about 1897
NallWillie born about 1922
NickAlbert born about 1905
NickLouise born about 1879
NicksA Louiseborn about 1915
NicksJackie Cborn about 1936
NicksJohn Cborn about 1910
NilsonMaggie born about 1895
NilsonNels born about 1899

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O Surnames

OlesonLoren born about 1905
OlesonLoren born about 1939
OlesonMarion born about 1916

P Surnames

ParsonsArlene born about 1937
ParsonsGuy Eborn about 1913
ParsonsWinnifred born about 1915
PaulGarl born about 1881
PaulIda Maeborn about 1907
PaulJuanita born about 1927
PayneL Lborn about 1883
PeakeAllin born about 1911
PeakeCora born about 1910
PeakeWilma Leeborn about 1937
PeeblesRuth born about 1902
PeevesEther born about 1885
PeevesRex born about 1900
PeopleLeon born about 1907
PertAlice born about 1889
PertDaniel Cborn about 1880
PertLawrence born about 1922
PetersonAltha born about 1892
PetersonBillie born about 1929
PetersonJames born about 1919
PetersonJoseph born about 1912
PetersonLola born about 1911
PierceEmory born about 1900
PierceMary born about 1879
PolkCorinne born about 1914
PolkDezzie born about 1912
PolkEmmett born about 1920
PolkEugene born about 1914
PolkRobert Aborn about 1880
PorterPinkie born about 1921
PorterWilliam born about 1919
PowellBernarro born about 1934
PowellIra born about
PowellJanice born about 1939
PowellVivian born about 1929
PowellWina?ow born about 1910
PowersElizabeth born about 1929
PowersGeorge born about 1902
PowersJuanita born about 1925
PowersLilly Maeborn about 1937
PowersLouise born about 1891
PowersMargaret born about 1926
PowersMargaret born about 1930
PowersMillie born about 1908
PowersWill born about 1875
PowersWilliam born about 1928
PowersWillie born about 1931
PursellAlfred born about 1927
PursellCharles Aborn about 1888
PursellDennie born about 1919
PursellDorence born about 1920
PursellEugenia born about 1900
PursellGeorge born about 1918
PursellJames born about 1922

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R Surnames

RadfordFaey born about 1933
RadfordFate born about 1910
RadfordFaymae born about 1934
RadfordLurie born about 1915
RadfordRay Amosborn about 1940
RauscherCharles born about 1910
RauscherHazel born about 1918
ReevesAlbert born about 1916
ReevesEthelyn born about 1896
ReevesFrancis born about 1930
ReevesIda Maborn about 1925
ReevesIran born about 1932
ReevesJuanita born about 1929
ReevesLaurel born about 1935
ReevesLewis born about 1922
ReevesLewis Jborn about 1891
ReevesMary born about 1874
ReevesMary Leeborn about 1937
ReevesMurray born about 1918
ReevesRuth born about 1922
ReevesWilfred born about 1927
RibinsonAlice born about 1911
RibinsonCliff Dborn about 1905
RichmondBessie born about 1884
RichmondEdith born about 1916
RichmondHerman Mborn about 1907
RichmondMarcus born about 1935
RileyFlora born about 1914
RileyJohn Eborn about 1909
RoachCharles Aborn about 1888
RoachHelen Mborn about 1895
RobertsAustin born about 1916
RobertsCharles born about 1918
RobertsGeorge born about 1922
RobertsHerbert born about 1919
RobertsJosephine born about 1924
RobertsMabel born about 1889
RobertsWilliams born about 1882
RobertsonHayes born about 1877
RobertsonLouise born about 1904
RodwayMary born about 1872
RodwayWilliam Pborn about 1895
RoffsClara born about 1870
RoffsEmil born about 1869
RogersCourtney born about 1922
RogersGeorge Fborn about 1891
RogersLois born about 1919
RogersMyrtle born about 1913
RogersNita born about 1894
RolfsJohn Jr born about
RolfsJohn Sr born about 1910
RolfsMildred born about 1936
RolfsMildred Maeborn about 1914
RothElizabeth born about 1921
RothJames Cborn about 1918
RufusE Jborn about 1928
RufusEarnest born about 1930
RufusElijah born about 1886
RufusJessie Maeborn about 1926
RufusLov??? born about 1927
RufusRebecca born about 1897
RufusTommy born about 1936
RyderBobby born about 1923
RyderCapman born about 1896
RyderCapman Jr born about 1922
RyderLouise Leeborn about 1906
RyderWinfred born about 1925

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S Surnames

SadowskiCharles born about 1867
SamuelsLe Roy born about 1912
SamuelsRuby born about 1921
SandersAlbert born about 1903
SandersJoe born about 1867
SandersJudith born about 1914
SandersNorver born about 1923
SandersRosa born about 1876
SchiaffinoEllen born about 1916
SchiaffinoFrank born about 1939
SchiaffinoMyrtle Janeborn about 1936
SchiaffinoThomas born about 1906
SchiaffinoThomas Jr born about 1933
SchiaffinoWilla Beeborn about 1934
SchmidtFerrie Annborn about 1939
SchmidtJohn born about 1913
SchmidtJohn born about 1936
SchmidtMary born about 1917
SchurtleffEdmund born about 1908
SchurtleffHoward born about 1938
SchurtleffJanet born about
SchurtleffVirginia born about 1933
SchurtleffZora born about 1910
ShelbyAlvin born about 1933
ShelbyDoris born about 1927
ShelbyFrancisa born about 1868
ShelbyJoseph born about 1925
ShelbyJunior Sborn about 1892
ShelbyKenneth born about 1938
ShelbyLucile born about 1921
ShelbyRodney born about 1938
ShelbyVernie born about 1910
ShelbyWiniferd born about 1916
ShellAlva born about 1897
ShellElizabeth born about 1912
ShellJames born about 1888
ShellMarvin born about 1936
ShellMarvin Lborn about 1905
ShowersMary born about 1883
SidesBarbara born about 1937
SidesGeortge Le Royborn about 1926
SidesLuther born about 1929
SidesLuther Lborn about 1900
SidesMarshall born about 1934
SidesWillie Maeborn about 1907
SierraMary born about 1876
SimmonsAlto Jborn about 1912
SimmonsCynthia born about 1917
SimmonsRuby Earlborn about 1935
SimmsAbraham born about 1915
SimmsAlma born about 1920
SimmsClyde born about 1921
SimmsIrene born about 1917
SimmsLilly Mborn about 1875
SimmsPerry born about 1895
SimmsRoy Clydeborn about 1938
SisterAugustina born about 1904
SisterCarmella born about 1885
SisterGertrude born about 1898
SisterLucy born about 1914
SisterThresa born about 1903
SmithEugene born about 1903
SmithEugene Jr born about 1927
SmithGlennie born about 1918
SmithGrace born about 1926
SmithHelen born about 1932
SmithHettie born about 1907
SmithMartha born about 1936
SmithMurel born about 1929
SmithPeter born about 1910
SmithRoland born about 1907
SmithTalmadge born about 1925
SpikesLeonard born about 1936
SpurlingFrancis born about 1932
SrachleBetty Ruthborn about 1935
SrachleClarence born about 1934
SrachleDorothy born about 1939
SrachleHomer born about 1937
SrachleMinnie Leeborn about 1916
SrachleWilliam Hborn about 1912
SrachleWilliam Jr born about 1933
StaffordArthur born about 1938
StaffordCarol Jeanborn about
StaffordEva Maeborn about 1921
StaffordFloyd born about 1902
StaffordJessie born about 1917
StaffordLeaug??? born about 1912
StaffordNaomi born about 1922
StaffordSybeal born about 1936
StaffordThelma born about 1914
StaffordVanpelt born about 1912
StaffordVanpelt Jr born about 1939
StaffordeSmith born about 1904
StaplesBetty Joyceborn about
StaplesThelma born about 1924
StaplesWalter born about 1921
StrahleGeorgia born about 1885
Suarez?alcs born about 1920
SuarezBarbara born about 1938
SuarezJoe born about 1905
SuarezMary Louiseborn about 1872
SwingAlma born about 1928
SwingAnna Maeborn about 1901
SwingClara Maeborn about 1924
SwingClarence born about 1922
SwingGeorge born about 1882
SwingGeorge Juniorborn about 1931
SwingJewel born about 1934
SwingMildred born about 1933
SylvesterCyrus born about 1895
SylvesterJoyce born about 1927
SylvesterNora born about 1900
SylvesterPatricia born about 1932

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T Surnames

ThomasAnnie born about 1893
ThomasEarthie Leeborn about 1928
ThompkinsLuther born about 1901
ThompkinsMary Rborn about 1908
TourellDavid born about 1881
TuzMary born about 1915
TuzSamuel born about 1914

W Surnames

WainwrightDolores born about 1936
WainwrightDouglas born about 1925
WainwrightGerald?? born about 1932
WainwrightLe Roy born about 1927
WainwrightOpal born about 1929
WainwrightVivian born about 1902
WainwrightWilliam born about 1899
WardMildred born about 1926
WatersAnnette born about 1930
WatersCecil born about 1922
WatersJae born about 1925
WatersLeila born about 1897
WatersRebecca born about 1927
WeeksFairy Bborn about 1901
WeeksFairy Bborn about 1925
WeeksGertrude Cborn about 1920
WeeksPerry Cborn about 1888
WeeksThelma born about 1922
WhyteAnnie born about 1910
WhyteEula born about 1932
WhyteJoe born about 1906
WhytePhilip born about 1918
WhyteTeeney born about 1887
WilkinsGrace born about 1878
WilliamsAnnette born about 1914
WilliamsAnnice born about 1926
WilliamsCharlie born about 1899
WilliamsCharlie Tborn about 1932
WilliamsFlorabel born about 1924
WilliamsFreeda born about 1928
WilliamsHughes born about 1924
WilliamsMary born about 1933
WilliamsMildred born about 1905
WilliamsRoderick born about 1911
WilliamsRoderick born about 1935
WilsonAlma born about 1921
WilsonDewey born about 1917
WilsonFloren born about 1885
WilsonFrancis born about 1914
WilsonJimmy born about 1939
WilsonJohn born about 1914
WilsonLornie Maeborn about 1938
WilsonLynell born about 1936
WilsonOna Maeborn about 1934
WilsonRaymond born about 1936
WilsonWill born about 1884
WintersJulius born about 1920
WintersLouise born about 1923
WrightAllie Maeborn about 1939
WrightAndrew born about 1886
WrightCharlie born about 1925
WrightHenry Leeborn about 1914
WrightMay born about 1906
WrightTerrell Jeanborn about 1930
WrightTheresa born about 1918
WrightWilliam born about 1875
WrightWilliam Jr born about 1923
WrightWillie Janeborn about 1938
WrightWillie Maeborn about 1921
WyattAngel born about 1910
WyattCecil Cborn about 1902
WyattPeggy Sueborn about 1935

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Y Surnames

YadenJohn born about 1876

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