1940 U.S. Federal Census of Monroe, Seminole, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Seminole County > 1940 Census of Monroe

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlberta born about 1891
AdamsRobert born about 1884
AkersFrank Pborn about 1887
AkersFrank P Jrborn about 1926
AkersVirginia Lborn about 1892
AllanBelle born about 1884
AllanEaton born about 1913
AllanEddie born about 1914
AllanEugene born about 1924
AllanHildred born about 1911
AllanMable born about 1926
AndersonBetty Joborn about 1926
AndersonFred Hborn about 1906
AndersonMinnie born about 1908
AndersonWillis born about 1907

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B Surnames

BardCatherine born about 1878
BehrensElizabeth born about 1873
BellCharles Jborn about 1931
BellClara Maeborn about 1929
BellDelma Lborn about 1924
BellEnoch Jborn about 1877
BellEnoch Jborn about 1929
BellIda Maeborn about 1911
BellSusie Aborn about 1902
BellThelma Fborn about 1922
BellVelma Aborn about 1927
BlueEd born about 1889
BlueEddie born about 1928
BlueFrederick born about 1935
BlueNettie Maeborn about 1933
BlueNettie Maeborn about 1938
BluePearl born about 1893
BoothJessie born about 1891
BoothRobert Hborn about 1885
BoothRuby born about 1911
BoydHenry Lborn about 1929
BoydJohn Lborn about 1922
BoydLula Cborn about 1925
BoyetteEddie born about 1925
BoyetteIcer born about 1896
BroadwellCostella born about 1937
BroadwellEdna Mborn about 1939
BroadwellEthel Jborn about 1933
BroadwellHelen born about 1935
BroadwellRosie Lborn about 1909
BrownCorrinne born about 1908
BrownEvelyn born about 1930
BrownJack Rborn about 1939
BrownLou Ellenborn about 1937
BrownLucy Eborn about 1922
BrownMaggie born about 1893
BrownMary born about 1884
BrownMay Lizzieborn about 1910
BrownRobert born about 1939
BrownRoger born about 1932
BrownTroy born about 1933
BrownWesley born about 1927
BrownWill born about 1899
BrownWilliam Mborn about 1880
BruceThomas Aborn about 1885
BrutonClara Mayborn about 1909
BrutonEmily Leonaborn about 1936
BrutonJames Hborn about 1907
BrutonMyrtice Mayborn about 1929
BurtonElura born about 1909
BurtonRoosevelt Bborn about 1906
ByranMandy born about 1891
ByranWill born about 1896
ByrdMary born about 1920

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C Surnames

CainBertha Lborn about 1887
CainDorothy Aborn about 1939
CainEldon Mborn about 1909
CainGeorge born about 1930
CainGeorge Sborn about 1875
CainOla Eborn about 1910
CainRebecca Jborn about 1938
CainWilliam Dborn about 1933
CainWillie born about 1912
CainWillie Mayborn about 1931
CampionJosephine born about 1893
CarrawayAlice born about 1904
CarrawayEdward Fborn about 1895
CatesEvelyn born about 1919
CatesJames Jborn about 1876
CatesWilla Mayborn about 1900
ChapmanAgnes born about 1898
ChapmanEarl Tborn about 1897
ChristianMary born about 1857
ClevelandArnold Cborn about 1905
ClevelandJeannette born about 1937
ClevelandMargaret born about 1911
CoopMabel born about 1915
CooperLe Royborn about 1901
CooperLola born about 1913
CoxonEmma Lborn about 1874
CoxonThomas born about 1867

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D Surnames

DavidCattie born about 1910
DavidHorace Hborn about 1903
DavidMary Elizabethborn about 1928
DavidR Holdenborn about 1930
DavisAnnie Bborn about 1901
DavisWilbur born about 1903
DekleAgnes born about 1906
DekleClarice born about 1904
DekleGeorge Wborn about 1923
DekleHarold Bborn about 1922
DekleKenneth born about 1924
DekleLucille born about 1921
DekleMelvin born about 1925
DekleReubin Dborn about 1898
DekleRobert Dborn about 1937
DekleWilliam Cborn about 1900
DickEllen Vborn about 1871
DickWilliam Gborn about 1868
DickertSally born about 1867
DoyleE Harrisborn about 1895
DoyleGrace Sborn about 1912
DunnAubrey born about 1936
DunnDoris born about 1928
DunnElmer Lborn about 1907
DunnJacqueline born about 1933
DunnJames Lborn about 1899
DunnMartha Annborn about 1912
DunnOzena born about 1906
DunnSarah born about 1939
DurakClarie Marieborn about 1903
DurakMichael Jborn about 1911
DurakMichael Jr born about 1938
DyerEmma born about 1880

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E Surnames

EdgeSylvester born about 1921
EdgeVester born about 1885
EdgeWillie born about 1899
EllisonLeatrice born about 1925
EverittAndrew born about 1902
EverittFannie born about 1913
EverittFerristine born about 1926
EverittJames born about 1928

F Surnames

ForresterCarrie born about 1863
ForresterCharles Dborn about 1889
ForresterHelen born about 1896
ForresterJean born about 1922
ForresterMary born about 1918
FosterLily Bborn about 1913
FosterWilliam Cborn about 1915
FrederickGordon born about 1925
FrederickLily born about 1903
FrederickMelba born about 1932
FrederickVictor Hborn about 1902
FreemanBenjamin Fborn about 1918
FreemanJimmie born about 1880
FreemanJimmie Louborn about 1924
FreemanLaura born about 1898
FreemanToy Leeborn about 1921
FreemanUlysses born about 1936

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G Surnames

GanttCharles Clarenceborn about 1881
GanttJosephine born about 1880
GavosekGlen born about 1916
GavosekMary Mborn about 1919
GeorgeFred born about 1913
GeorgeJulia born about 1888
GeorgeMary born about 1917
GeorgeThomas born about 1915
GeorgeWasaf born about 1888
GeorgeWilliam born about 1923
GideonAmos born about 1909
GideonCatherine born about 1938
GideonFannie Louborn about 1924
GideonJames born about 1928
GideonJohn Henryborn about 1926
GideonTweedy born about 1898
GideonUlysses born about 1929
GilesAnna Lauraborn about 1918
GilesBruner born about 1915
GilesCarrie Rborn about 1881
GilesChristine born about 1923
GilesEdna born about 1902
GilesIda Eborn about 1882
GilesJames born about 1925
GilesMarie born about 1921
GilesMartha born about 1920
GilesW Rolandborn about 1892
GovocekBessie Aborn about 1895
GovocekJoseph Jborn about 1890
GreeneEthel born about 1914
GreerAnna Marieborn about 1920
GreerGrace Eborn about 1901
GreerJohn Fborn about 1891
GreerMary Elizabethborn about 1925
GreerSarah Louiseborn about 1932
GroomAlfred born about 1922
GroomAnnie born about 1893
GroomBertha born about 1917
GroomHenry born about 1923
GroomLewis born about 1924
GroomLewis born about 1925
GroomNathaniel born about 1921
GunnBessie Leeborn about 1938
GunnDock born about 1900
GunnFreddie born about 1928
GunnPhillip born about 1934
GunnRuby Leeborn about 1915

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H Surnames

HackinsArthur Dborn about 1936
HackinsDavid born about 1904
HackinsEdith Fayeborn about 1933
HackinsLeila born about 1914
HallAlice born about 1917
HallGeorge born about 1897
HallHarry Jr born about 1922
HallMellie born about 1909
HardyErtha Lborn about 1939
HardyGeorge born about 1903
HardyLonnie Lborn about 1940
HardyMattie born about 1904
HarnageAlma born about 1892
HarnageLynn born about 1923
HarrisA Prestonborn about 1912
HarrisEmmarine born about 1918
HarrisEugene born about 1915
HarrisJeraldine born about 1938
HarrisLorene born about 1939
HarrisonMinnie born about 1893
HarrisonRandolph born about 1892
HawkinsAlbert Sborn about 1877
HawkinsAnnie Bborn about 1878
HawkinsClaude Iborn about 1914
HawkinsClaudette Eborn about 1939
HawkinsDaniel born about 1915
HawkinsGladys Eborn about 1918
HawkinsLaura born about 1918
HawkinsRena Eborn about 1914
HawkinsW Sladeborn about 1873
HawkinsWilliam born about 1875
HayesCharlie born about 1867
HaynesJames Hborn about 1935
HaynesJohnnie Bborn about 1932
HaynesLillie born about 1937
HaynesSamuel born about 1905
HaynesWillie Maeborn about 1915
HittellAddie Jeannetteborn about 1880
HittellClarence Aborn about 1876
HittellHazel born about 1920
HittellKenneth born about 1924
HittellMary born about 1906
HollandAnnie Bborn about 1891
HollandOllie born about 1927
HollandPhillip born about 1925
HollandTommy Tborn about 1929
HollowayJohn Bborn about 1919
HollowayJossie born about 1888
HollowayRoss Gborn about 1921
HollowayWalter Bborn about 1890
HolmanLucey born about 1906
HolmanManfield born about 1895
HowardClyde Lborn about 1914
HowardJohn Lborn about 1939
HowardMary born about 1918

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J Surnames

JacksonBetty Janeborn about 1934
JacksonCurtis born about 1934
JacksonErnest born about 1939
JacksonJosephine born about 1938
JacksonLenora born about 1931
JacksonLeroy born about 1932
JacksonLois born about 1929
JacksonWilbur born about 1928
JacksonWilliam Mborn about 1892
JacksonWillie born about 1872
JamesCatherine born about 1934
JamesElizabeth born about 1938
JamesMagnolina born about 1930
JamesMary Leeborn about 1918
JamesMathew born about 1896
JamesMathew Jr born about 1936
JamesSam born about 1901
JeterReuben Jr born about 1936
JeterRose Ellaborn about 1939
JeterSammy Leeborn about 1939
JewettGeorge Lborn about 1859
JimenezAnita born about 1931
JimenezBetty Louiseborn about 1939
JimenezDorothy born about 1927
JimenezEveline born about 1924
JimenezHorace born about 1890
JimenezHorace Aborn about 1911
JimenezJulia born about 1891
JimenezLouisa born about 1918
JimenezRene born about 1916
JimenezRoger born about 1914
JimenezWilliam Aborn about 1933
JimenezYolanda born about 1919
JohnsonClaude born about 1916
JohnsonManuel born about 1928
JohnsonMary Louborn about 1918
JonesCalvin born about 1934
JonesDavid born about 1922
JonesDavid born about 1936
JonesEdith born about 1915
JonesEdwin born about 1940
JonesJohn Tborn about 1867
JonesJulia born about 1902
JonesJulius born about 1930
JonesLeora born about 1938
JonesMarie born about 1927
JonesMarion born about 1897
JonesNellie Mborn about 1937
JonesOtis born about 1910
JonesRose born about 1881
JonesThomas born about 1933
JordanAllison Kborn about 1880

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K Surnames

KellerAllie born about 1899
KellerClarence born about 1928
KellerGertrude born about 1926
KellerLee born about 1898
KellerMarjorie born about 1923
KennedyWalter born about 1927
KinardAnnabelle born about 1913
KinardAnnie Maeborn about 1925
KinardClifford born about 1911
KinardDoris Jeanborn about 1932
KinardEdward born about 1934
KinardFrances Pborn about 1931
KinardIrma Jborn about 1936
KinardJimmie Leeborn about 1935
KinardLee Jr born about 1908
KinardLee Sr born about 1882
KinardMary Annborn about 1939
KinardMary Tborn about 1887
KinardMorgan born about 1939
KinardThelma born about 1911
KinardWilliam Hborn about 1929
KingAlfred born about 1876
KingArrie Wborn about 1881
KingBessie Leeborn about 1933
KingBetty Janeborn about 1926
KingCharlie Lborn about 1935
KingCorrinne born about 1927
KingElder born about 1904
KingErcell born about 1902
KingEveline born about 1929
KingHenry Lborn about 1937
KingRaleigh born about 1900
KingSarah born about 1907
KingSarah Leeborn about 1931
KnightArthur born about 1935
KnightGodfrey born about 1903
KnightGodfrey Jr born about 1927
KnightHarriett born about 1904
KnightIsaac born about 1934
KnightLucille born about 1929
KnightPaul born about 1939
KnightRebecca born about 1934
KnightSamuel born about 1924
KreinbringAdelbert born about 1909
KreinbringDale born about 1921
KreinbringHenry Jborn about 1875
KreinbringMary Aborn about 1933

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L Surnames

LamarrEssie Mborn about 1929
LamarrHannah born about 1901
LamarrMartha born about 1923
LamarrWillie born about 1898
LamarrWillie Jr born about 1919
LanphierAlphonsine born about 1864
LawCarrie Maeborn about 1919
LawWillis born about 1939
LeeCarl born about 1921
LeeEbba born about 1901
LeeHelen born about 1922
LeeJesse Aborn about 1895
LeeJohn born about 1927
LeeUrban born about 1924
LoganMyrtle born about 1874
LucasHarry born about 1889
LucasSarah born about 1860

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M Surnames

MadryErnest born about 1900
MannArie Eborn about 1903
MannHenley born about 1866
MannLewis Bartoneborn about 1894
MannNeola Catisborn about 1896
MathewsEmily born about 1930
MathewsIrma born about 1929
McBrideB Cborn about 1918
McBrideBertha born about 1916
McBridePennie Leeborn about 1920
McBrideWillie Cborn about 1917
McClellanDolores born about 1931
McClellanJoe Wheelerborn about 1899
McClellanOllie born about 1904
McClellanPauline born about 1928
McCrumGeorge born about 1881
McCrumGwynne born about 1922
McCrumLouise born about 1881
McNabLucy born about 1865
MeischHarold Rborn about 1919
MeischNicolas born about 1883
MettsMinnie born about 1897
MettsMorris born about 1933
MettsVirgile born about 1897
MettsWonnel born about 1923
MillerAlberta born about 1913
MillerMartie born about 1911
MillerSadie Maeborn about 1939
MillerWillie Jamesborn about 1935
MitchellAlvie Leeborn about 1939
MitchellGeorgia born about 1917
MitchellJames born about 1937
MitchellJohn Henryborn about 1917
MitchellJunious born about 1861
MitchellMary born about 1872
MitchellMinnie Leeborn about 1936
MitchellRichmond born about 1912
MorrisCharles born about 1918
MorrisCorrinne born about 1919
MorrisCurtis born about 1933
MorrisDonald born about 1937
MorrisEnnie born about 1914
MorrisMilton born about 1914
MuseBernice born about 1929
MuseChester Iborn about 1918
MuseFlorence born about 1899
MuseRalph Eborn about 1920
MuseRichard born about 1872
MuseSally born about 1890
MuseWilliam Curtisborn about 1897

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N Surnames

NettlisCharles born about 1916
NettlisMollie Rborn about 1879
NoblesIvan Fborn about 1908
NoblesJune Eloiseborn about 1940
NoblesMildred born about 1920

O Surnames

OwensFred born about 1919
OwensRuby born about 1921

P Surnames

PackardMarie born about 1896
PackardRex born about 1880
ParhamArthur Kborn about 1914
ParhamCarl Aborn about 1916
ParhamJames Lborn about 1919
ParhamOscar Aborn about 1882
ParhamTena Maeborn about 1892
PatmonMinnie born about 1901
PatmonPearlina born about 1922
PatmonSam born about 1901
PemsMargesten born about 1926
PemsRobert born about 1925
PetersLeona born about 1882
PringleAnita born about 1933
PringleGladys born about 1910
PringleWilliam born about 1907
PringleWilliam Doyleborn about 1929
ProctorJohn born about 1867
ProctorJohnny Bborn about 1921

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R Surnames

RabunCharles Talarborn about 1923
RabunDoris Ireneborn about 1926
RabunVirginia Maxineborn about 1934
RayJohn born about 1851
RobersonChristine born about 1919
RobersonGrady born about 1939
RobersonWillie born about 1909
RobsonCharles Fborn about 1881
RobsonDorothy born about 1889

S Surnames

SacraStanley born about 1933
SchaenemanAgnes born about 1925
SchaenemanCarl born about 1888
SchaenemanMaude born about 1887
SchaenemanWalter born about 1924
ScottJohn born about 1915
ScottSusanna born about 1912
SeeleyCharles Hborn about 1863
SeeleyEmma Aborn about 1876
SeymoreCarina born about 1931
SeymoreCarrie born about 1905
SeymoreJulia born about 1929
SimpsonWillie Mayborn about 1920
SingletonOra Belleborn about 1921
SlaughterGilbert Cborn about 1899
SlaughterMarie born about 1909
SlaughterMary Janeborn about 1937
SmithCarolyn Gailborn about 1939
SmithEstelle born about 1914
SmithGretchen Fborn about 1938
SmithJesse Cborn about 1908
SmithRolly born about 1931
SoderblomKarl Gborn about 1876
SpinksJohn Cborn about 1871
StaffordCherry Eborn about 1925
StaffordDonald Rborn about 1924
StaffordEzekiel born about 1868
StaffordGuy Mborn about 1896
StaffordKate Bborn about 1895
StaffordRush Nborn about 1903
StaffordSarah Cborn about 1871
StaffordSidney Sborn about 1922
StanalandGoldie Mborn about 1898
StanalandIrma Lborn about 1925
StanalandMay Gborn about 1928
StanalandRobert Hborn about 1922
StanalandWhit Wborn about 1930
StanalandWilliam Wborn about 1898
StaplerAlice born about 1890
StaplerGeorgia born about 1922
StaplerMary Ellenborn about 1926
StaplerWilliam Aborn about 1884
StaplerWilliam Aborn about 1928
StevensBelton born about 1924
StevensLewis born about 1879
StevensMonette born about 1900
StevensVirginia born about 1922

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T Surnames

ThomasAlvane born about 1934
ThomasBettie born about 1938
ThomasEddie Mborn about 1916
ThomasFreddie born about 1936
ThomasLouise born about 1940
ThomasRosie Leeborn about 1935
ThomasZanie born about 1913
ThomasZanie Jr born about 1931
ThompsonAnnie Belleborn about 1863
ThompsonNathaniel born about 1927
ThurstonCharles Hborn about 1925
ThurstonEmmeline born about 1901
ThurstonEmmeline Mborn about 1923
ThurstonFrederick born about 1889
ThurstonHenry Jborn about 1896
ThurstonHerbert Aborn about 1920
ThurstonLouise born about 1889
TindelJohn Hborn about 1898
TindelLorena born about 1904
TindelSamuel Aborn about 1927
TroutmanClarence born about 1910
TroutmanJohn born about 1911
TroutmanLily Maeborn about 1921
TroutmanM Cborn about 1915

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V Surnames

VannessAlfred born about 1874
VannessFreda born about 1881
VannessMargaret born about 1921
VenableRoy born about 1933
VenableSadie born about 1913
VenableWalter born about 1937
VidalEmma Jborn about 1852

W Surnames

WainwrightBetty born about 1931
WainwrightCarolyn born about 1939
WainwrightDoris born about 1933
WainwrightGilbert born about 1936
WainwrightVivian born about 1930
WalterGertrude born about 1877
WalterLeonard born about 1907
WalterWilliam born about 1873
WaltersMamie born about 1894
WaltersSam born about 1893
WhitbyAnnie Fborn about 1927
WhitbyHenry born about 1898
WhitbyIzola born about 1901
WhiteCurtis Lewisborn about 1931
WhiteHelen born about 1932
WhiteJimmie born about 1904
WhiteMattie Maeborn about 1930
WhitePearl born about 1906
WhiteRoosevelt born about 1933
WhiteRosalee born about 1935
WhiteUlysses born about 1929
WhiteWillie Albertborn about 1928
WhitlawEaster Mayborn about 1936
WhitlawHattie born about 1919
WhitlawJoseph born about 1937
WhitlawOllie born about 1910
WilliamsAmos Cborn about 1932
WilliamsCecil born about 1934
WilliamsFrank born about 1893
WilliamsHenry born about 1891
WilliamsHenry Jr born about 1930
WilliamsJames born about 1914
WilliamsJohn Wborn about 1939
WilliamsJulia born about 1886
WilliamsLewis born about 1882
WilliamsLucy born about 1927
WilliamsLulu born about 1899
WilliamsLulu born about 1924
WilliamsLuthenia born about 1936
WilliamsMae Lizzieborn about 1919
WilliamsMary Eborn about 1924
WilliamsMattie born about 1898
WilliamsRosie born about 1917
WilliamsWilliam born about 1913
WilliamsWillie Bborn about 1926
WilliamsWillie Eugeneborn about 1940
WynneEmma born about 1886
WynneLola Maeborn about 1925

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Y Surnames

YoungCharlie born about 1914
YoungMary Schellborn about 1921

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