1940 U.S. Federal Census of Moultrie, Saint Johns, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Saint Johns County > 1940 Census of Moultrie

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlexanderJoseph born about 1914
AlexanderJoseph Aborn about 1935
AlexanderRufus born about 1936
AlexanderSylvester born about 1914

B Surnames

BarnesBetty born about 1927
BarnesCatherine born about 1923
BarnesCordin Leroyborn about 1905
BarnesCordin Jr born about 1929
BarnesJames born about 1883
BarnesJames born about 1933
BarnesJerald born about 1936
BarnesMinnie born about 1885
BarnesRuth Carolineborn about 1906
BassGarfield born about 1894
BelcherAlec born about 1863
BelcherCornell born about 1917
BelcherFlorence born about 1880
BelcherLula born about 1921
BelcherThelma born about 1921
BelcherWallace born about 1910
BelcherZack born about 1938
BlackwelderAgnes born about 1939
BlackwelderEra born about 1904
BlackwelderGeneva born about 1936
BlackwelderJeanette born about 1931
BlackwelderPauline Mborn about 1929
BlackwelderRichard born about 1934
BlackwelderRoy Gborn about 1904
BlackwelderRoy G Jrborn about 1933
BrownBetty born about 1912
BrownEdna Dborn about 1890
BrownSeamon Dborn about 1882
BrownSteve Wborn about 1906
BrownSteven W Jrborn about 1938
BrowningJames Wborn about 1892
BrowningLouisa Jborn about 1870
BrowningRobert Hborn about 1865
BurdenW Douglasborn about 1899

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C Surnames

CampbellPaul Pborn about 1868
CollinsDoris born about 1921
CollinsLonnie born about 1917
ConkFred Mborn about 1912
ConkLois born about 1922
CowarttDoris born about 1928
CowarttJune born about 1935
CowarttMyral born about 1930
CowarttOpal born about 1911
CowarttThomas Aborn about 1906

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D Surnames

DarseyConsella born about 1927
DavisEdward born about 1900
DavisRuby born about 1919
DavisWilliam Jborn about 1855
DennisCorine born about 1924
DennisEleanor born about 1934
DennisEstelle born about 1931
DennisHelen born about 1937
DennisLouis born about 1939
DennisMary born about 1920
DennisRosa born about 1903
DennisTony born about 1875
DillaberryClara Edithborn about 1883
DillaberryOwen Eugeneborn about 1883
DinkinsOscar L Jrborn about 1910
DinkinsSandra Galeborn about 1936
DinkinsSarah born about 1883
DinkinsWilma Lborn about 1916
DixPolly born about 1895
DixRobert Mborn about 1861
DrysdaleAlvin Zborn about 1877
DrysdaleEvelyn Cborn about 1911
DrysdaleW Irvingborn about 1905
DustenEarl born about 1928
DustenJames born about 1923
DustenLaura born about 1926
DustenMaggie born about 1902
DustenMattie born about 1932
DustenWilbur born about 1900
DustenWillis born about 1929

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E Surnames

EasonM Adaborn about 1886
EvansDabert born about 1917
EvansRuth born about 1920

F Surnames

FlackLarson Marjorieborn about 1898
FrancisFred Jborn about 1899
FrancisJean Dborn about 1914
FugateWilliam Cborn about 1886
FugateWilma born about 1886
FulmoreBertha born about 1898
FulmoreJames Rborn about 1886

G Surnames

GodwinGrace Mborn about 1918
GodwinHarry Bborn about 1917
GodwinPearl born about 1905
GodwinWilliam born about 1896
GolstonEvelyn born about 1912
GolstonWillie born about 1910
GoodeJerry Dborn about 1931
GracyJennie Eborn about 1878
GreenAnice Nborn about 1886
GreenChris born about 1860
GreenEdith Sborn about 1890
GreenGloria born about 1926
GreenHenry Fborn about 1864
GreenHenry F Jrborn about 1928
GreenPerry Mborn about 1885
GreenRebecca born about 1909

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H Surnames

HallJames born about 1918
HamnerAnnis Rborn about 1880
HankinsJames Fborn about 1866
HankinsMary born about 1873
HartBessie born about 1873
HeymanDillie born about 1861
HoerachLouis born about 1890
HowardFrank born about 1891
HowardRichard born about 1889
HowardRose Eborn about 1888
HubbellAlfred Hborn about 1868

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J Surnames

JacksonAlec born about 1924
JacksonAlice born about 1939
JacksonElizah born about 1898
JacksonEloise born about 1928
JacksonJ Williamborn about 1935
JacksonJohnny born about 1932
JacksonMary Louborn about 1911
JacksonNathie born about 1936
JacksonRosevelt born about 1930
JacksonRuby born about 1911
JellisonCarrie Sborn about 1852
JellisonChalmers Uborn about 1884
JellisonJoseph Wborn about 1854
JellisonVelma born about 1898
JenkinsonJohn born about 1882
JohnsonJames born about 1939
JohnsonRoberta born about 1936
JonesAda born about 1934
JonesAlice born about 1918
JonesArnie Leeborn about 1930
JonesBetty Pearlborn about 1924
JonesClarence Mborn about 1906
JonesDorothy born about 1916
JonesEliza Maeborn about 1926
JonesFrances Bborn about 1938
JonesJussie born about 1932
JonesNathaniel born about 1932
JonesOscar born about 1881
JonesTuck born about 1905

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L Surnames

LammeVernon Dr born about 1894
LarsonHilma born about 1921
LawElizabeth born about 1918
LawLaura Mborn about 1935
LawLuvina Aborn about 1937
LawPatsy Jeanborn about 1939
LawWilliam Cborn about 1907
LehmanGeorge Wborn about 1890
LehmanSarah born about 1888

M Surnames

MastersAlma born about 1898
MastersFrank born about 1894
McQuaigJosie born about 1873
McQuaigSidney Jborn about 1867
MercerClara Lborn about 1884
MercerClinton Bborn about 1883
MicklerNellie Mborn about 1875
MicklerVincent Jborn about 1870
MillerAlbert Donaldborn about 1928
MillerAlbert Louisborn about 1904
MillerLouise born about 1897
MooreCharles born about 1901
MooreJames Aborn about 1927
MooreLeon Henryborn about 1924
MooreMary Francesborn about 1914
MooreMary Francesborn about 1926
MungerAravilla born about 1857

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O Surnames

OsborneArthur Royborn about 1938
OsborneEddie born about 1924
OsborneElbert born about 1939
OsborneEthel born about 1897
OsborneEunice born about 1932
OsborneGeorge Aborn about 1893
OsborneGeorge Hborn about 1914
OsborneJohnny Wborn about 1929
OsborneMartha born about 1921
OsborneRalph born about 1928
OsborneRoy born about 1916
OsborneViolet Marieborn about 1923

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P Surnames

ParkerDemps born about 1871
ParkerEffie born about 1875
ParrishJohn Dborn about 1910
ParrishMargaret born about 1915
ParrishPatricia born about 1931
PellicierEugene born about 1876
PellicierGeorgia born about 1881
PomarDorothy born about 1905
PomarJune born about 1925
PomarOthena Hborn about 1901
PowellAmy born about 1901
PowellWill born about 1880

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R Surnames

RansomEddie born about 1926
RansomFlorine born about 1929
RansomJunior born about 1924
RansomPompie born about 1882
RansomViola born about 1917
ReeceCatherine born about 1891
ReeceJames born about 1892
RegisterCarl Jborn about 1899
RegisterJennie Lborn about 1915
RegisterLelia Iborn about 1938
RegisterRuby Maeborn about 1937
RegisterSam Mborn about 1935
RichardsonCharles born about 1936
RichardsonNoah Jborn about 1902
RichardsonOrlene born about 1912
RidaughtHarold Lborn about 1919
RidaughtJo Annborn about 1938
RidaughtLeslie Jr born about 1937
RidaughtWinona born about 1921
RilesMartha born about 1865
RobinsonWilliam born about 1900

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S Surnames

SchoolCaroline born about 1934
SchoolJoan born about 1936
SchoolJoe born about 1875
SchoolLouis born about 1938
SchoolViola born about 1916
SessionCecil born about 1916
SessionDaisy born about 1910
SheetsJoyce Annborn about 1935
SheetsLaverne born about 1913
SheetsStanton Aborn about 1912
StricklandLizzie born about 1881

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T Surnames

TannerCharles born about 1922
TannerEugene born about 1933
TannerJames born about 1923
TannerJo Nellborn about 1928
TannerJohn Hborn about 1901
TannerVerdie born about 1902
ThomasIsaac born about 1938
ThompsonRosa Bborn about 1874
TomlinsonFreeman born about 1909
TomlinsonMyrtle born about 1916
TurnerMina born about 1908

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V Surnames

VailEvelyn Wborn about 1893
VailFredrick Jr born about 1927
VateyDorothy born about 1893

W Surnames

WeffJesse born about 1892
WeffWilliam Sborn about 1890
WilliamsBertha born about 1881
WilliamsBertha Maeborn about 1912
WilliamsMcconnell born about 1881
WilliamsThomas Aborn about 1895
WillisDan Oborn about 1871
WilsonHazel born about 1921
WiseAdele born about 1930
WiseAlice born about 1928
WiseCalamine born about 1905
WiseColeman born about 1939
WiseDaniel born about 1925
WiseDempa born about 1887
WiseDempa Jr born about 1935
WiseDorothy born about 1932
WiseGeorge born about 1936
WiseMattie born about 1924
WisePompie born about 1938
WiseSamuel born about 1926
WoodleyBeatrice born about 1891
WoodleyLevi born about 1915
WoodleyPerry born about 1880
WoodsFlossie born about 1913
WoodsHamp born about 1908
WrightEdith born about 1915
WrightHuey born about 1901

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Y Surnames

YoppDavid born about 1882

Z Surnames

ZahlerJames Fborn about 1880
ZeilerGeorgia Mborn about 1923
ZeilerJ Williamborn about 1917

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