1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mount Dora, Lake, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Lake County > 1940 Census of Mount Dora

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames
I SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottCharles Eborn about 1870
AbbottFrank Mborn about 1874
AbbottLetta born about 1871
AbbottNora Lborn about 1879
AbellRose Wborn about 1910
AbellWalter Lborn about 1907
AbellWalter Lborn about 1937
AbrahamsonCarlina Mborn about 1864
AbrahamsonHans born about 1869
AckeyFelton born about 1921
AckeyLilla born about 1891
AckeyWashington born about 1880
AcreeDorothy Aborn about 1916
AcreeRalph Wborn about 1909
AcreeSamuel Wborn about 1937
AdamsAmos Aborn about 1902
AdamsDorothy Aborn about 1926
AdamsHerman Mborn about 1917
AdamsHorace Lborn about 1929
AdamsJames Wborn about 1923
AdamsJanice born about 1919
AdamsReba Tborn about 1904
AdkinsEddie Wborn about 1898
AdkinsFlorence Iborn about 1923
AdkinsFredrie Sborn about 1939
AdkinsMary Eborn about 1933
AdkinsSrah Wborn about 1918
AdkinsThomas Pborn about 1921
AdkinsVernon Sborn about 1927
AkehurstHarold Jborn about 1877
AkehurstKate Lborn about 1878
AlinVictoria Mborn about 1859
AllandJohn Jborn about 1871
AllandLyla Pborn about 1868
AllenAnnie Pborn about 1927
AllenCorinne born about 1922
AllenCurtis born about 1940
AllenDan born about 1911
AllenFannie born about 1893
AllenLeola born about 1916
AllenMarvin born about 1925
AllenUlyses born about 1917
AllenWalter born about 1939
AlvardIrene Pborn about 1876
AndersonHelen born about 1912
AndrewHenrietta born about 1912
AndrewMabel born about 1918
AndrewTuma born about 1893
AndrewWillie born about 1913
AndrewsBarbara Aborn about 1937
AndrewsBertha Eborn about 1888
AndrewsDorothy born about 1931
AndrewsEvelyn born about 1933
AndrewsHenry born about 1875
AndrewsJerome born about 1911
AndrewsJerome born about 1939
AndrewsLeatha born about 1913
AndrewsMildred Dborn about 1935
AndrewsNewson born about 1916
ArmstrongMaxine Jborn about 1925
ArmstrongNellie Aborn about 1905
AshleyCornelia born about 1881
AshleyRosalee born about 1921
AtkinsClara Jborn about 1940
AtkinsClara Rborn about 1912
AtkinsFlorence born about 1906
AtkinsJ Dborn about 1863
AtkinsJohn Bborn about 1936
AtkinsJohn Pborn about 1905
AtkinsLoyd Mborn about 1901
AtkinsMarher Jborn about 1939
AtkinsMattie born about 1866
AultFlorence Hborn about 1904
AultPaul Tborn about 1899
AveryCharles born about 1911
AveryJames Eborn about 1919
AveryMarie Eborn about 1920
AveryMary Bborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackusClara Bborn about 1895
BackusGeorge Bborn about 1924
BackusHarry Eborn about 1892
BaconRebecca Aborn about 1865
BakerSarah Gborn about 1854
BakerSophia Cborn about 1873
BakerWilliam Aborn about 1867
BaldwinCharles Jborn about 1869
BaldwinMary Wborn about 1873
BanksBuler born about 1890
BanksCarrie Sborn about 1875
BanksFred born about 1885
BanksHenry Wborn about 1865
BanksJoseph Sborn about 1876
BanksPearl born about 1899
BarberHarry Tborn about 1917
BardeenVirginia Mborn about 1915
BardenCarrie born about 1934
BarkerJohn Bborn about 1873
BarkerMinerva Fborn about 1873
BarrettElizabeth Mborn about 1870
BartletAuther Eborn about 1911
BartletIona Aborn about 1913
BartletRoslind Eborn about 1937
BartletWilliam Eborn about 1935
BasstonCharlotte born about 1885
BattleAngeline born about 1898
BattleBetty Leeborn about 1925
BattleGeorge Mborn about 1923
BattleWilliam Rborn about 1896
BaumgardnerMarie born about 1875
BeachAnna Mborn about 1865
BeasleyClara born about 1892
BeasleyGeorge Sborn about 1884
BeebeCarrie Oborn about 1870
BeebeEarl Wborn about 1882
BeebeOllie Eborn about 1877
BeebeWilbert Jborn about 1870
BegoleGertrude born about 1869
BelsheAlta Bborn about 1878
BenfieldJohn Lborn about 1916
BennethWillie Bborn about 1894
BennettGladys born about 1933
BennettHelen Dborn about 1909
BennettMartha born about 1898
BennettMay Eborn about 1880
BennettRuth born about 1867
BennettWilliam Pborn about 1879
BensonAugust born about 1866
BensonMatilda Lborn about 1868
BergerRosa Lborn about 1871
BerlandWilliam Hborn about 1870
BertFreda Jborn about 1907
BertHoward Sborn about 1903
BertJames Hborn about 1928
BertWilliam Fborn about 1930
BirkbeckAlexandra born about 1912
BirkbeckAnna Hborn about 1877
BishopDaniel Hborn about 1885
BlackmanDoris Mborn about 1925
BlackmanJacqueline Iborn about 1928
BlackmanMirian Hborn about 1924
BlackmanRoy Jborn about 1903
BlackmanRuth Cborn about 1903
BlairArdelle Pborn about 1925
BlairLizzie Rborn about 1885
BlairRobert Mborn about 1883
BlaireCatherine born about 1888
BlaireLewis born about 1882
BlanchardDavid Bborn about 1934
BlanchardElizabeth born about 1924
BlanchardFlavilla born about 1895
BlanchardRay Mborn about 1884
BlanchardRay Mborn about 1926
BlodgettLulu Mborn about 1875
BlodgettOlive Wborn about 1882
BloodElenor born about 1880
BluntElizabeth Hborn about 1898
BluntGeorge Wborn about 1934
BluntHarold Rborn about 1930
BluntHorace Wborn about 1891
BolesCuffie born about 1886
BolesGeorgiane born about 1914
BolesJoseph born about 1909
BondAnye born about 1903
BondDorthy Jborn about 1928
BondGeorge Sborn about 1932
BondSusie Jborn about 1930
BonksHarriot born about 1908
BonksLillian born about 1878
BoreyCecil Hborn about 1904
BoreyWren Nborn about 1911
BotsfordFrances Mborn about 1909
BowldinArnie Fborn about 1914
BowldinThomas Wborn about 1904
BoxellCharles Dborn about 1923
BoxellLois Fborn about 1857
BoydAlma born about 1925
BoydAnnie Bborn about 1904
BoydBoby born about 1933
BradleyIrene Vborn about 1904
BradleyMary Eborn about 1923
BradleyZens Bborn about 1903
BradnaEdith Cborn about 1886
BradnaHiram Rborn about 1881
BrantleyLenard Bborn about 1882
BrantleyPearl Pborn about 1888
BrantlyJohn Cborn about 1873
BrantlyMartha Fborn about 1880
BrantlyMorgan born about 1886
BreedonClinoton born about 1908
BreedonLaconia born about 1909
BrinkmanA Hborn about 1855
BrinsonJoseph Lborn about 1866
BrochClarence Eborn about 1903
BrochErma born about 1905
BrockJohn Tborn about 1905
BrockRuth born about 1900
BrockVirginia born about 1927
BrooksAnnie Lborn about 1899
BrooksBetty Jborn about 1936
BrooksCarrie Bborn about 1878
BrooksCharles Eborn about 1874
BrooksCharles Eborn about 1917
BrooksClarence born about 1932
BrooksDewey born about 1933
BrooksDorothy Rborn about 1920
BrooksEvelyn born about 1927
BrooksGladys born about 1925
BrooksJesse Pborn about 1893
BrooksJohnie Maeborn about 1912
BrooksKay Fborn about 1937
BrooksRoosevelt born about 1929
BrooksRoselle born about 1929
BrooksWillie Mborn about 1888
BrothersonLoretta born about 1881
BrothersonMary Annborn about 1940
BrothersonMary Sborn about 1908
BrothersonTom Aborn about 1904
BrownBertha Aborn about 1890
BrownBertie Pborn about 1916
BrownBetty Rborn about 1938
BrownC Mborn about 1881
BrownCaroline born about 1915
BrownCharles Lborn about 1939
BrownClara born about 1905
BrownDavid Lamarborn about 1940
BrownEdna born about 1903
BrownEmma Dborn about 1856
BrownGlenn Lborn about 1912
BrownGlenn Lborn about 1937
BrownJoan born about 1929
BrownJohn born about 1897
BrownLester Oborn about 1914
BrownLucy Mborn about 1913
BrownNoel born about 1889
BrownSherlon Lborn about 1939
BrownWill born about 1889
BrunerBetty Rborn about 1894
BrunerBeverly Annborn about 1935
BrunerMargaret born about 1922
BrunerNoel born about 1893
BrunkerGertrude born about 1916
BuchIva Mborn about 1890
BunnellAlbert Lborn about 1866
BurkartEmma Cborn about 1893
BurkartFrank born about 1879
BurkartJohn born about 1925
BurkartRobert born about 1923
BurkeLizzie Lborn about 1884
BurkesCarie born about 1877
BurkesLubide born about 1917
BurkesOscar born about 1918
BurleyEdward born about 1925
BurleyEvelyn born about 1936
BurleyFrancis Fborn about 1940
BurleyJanie born about 1901
BurleyLeon born about 1937
BurleyReete born about 1929
BurleyRemus born about 1934
BurtonFrank Eborn about 1870
BurtonMarion born about 1873
ButlerLilla born about 1877
ButlerWillie born about 1896
ButterfieldGrace born about 1868
ButtsElla Cborn about 1860
ButtsRuth Cborn about 1891
ButtsWarren Cborn about 1859

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C Surnames

CadmanSina Fborn about 1872
CadmanWilliam Sborn about 1857
CainDelta Dborn about 1877
CainNellie Lborn about 1878
CallwellHope Eborn about 1922
CameronMarjorie Jborn about 1919
CampDoris Aborn about 1912
CampLucila Aborn about 1912
CampPearl Lborn about 1882
CannonHenry Cborn about 1902
CannonRuby born about 1911
CarpenterCharles Eborn about 1901
CarpenterElwood born about 1868
CarpenterOleta Cborn about 1880
CarrAnna Mborn about 1869
CarrBenjamin Hborn about 1892
CarrSarah Eborn about 1873
CarrollLewis born about 1903
CarrollNadine Eborn about 1911
CarrollWilliam Fborn about 1934
CarroyAnnie Mborn about 1911
CaryCharlotte Cborn about 1864
CaryGeorge Fborn about 1867
CassieMary born about 1925
CatonGuy Nborn about 1880
CavanaghAlice born about 1908
ChamberlinEarnest born about 1901
ChamberlinRuth Mborn about 1906
ChampMargaret Lborn about 1917
ChampRoxenna Sborn about 1890
ChandlerWill born about 1914
ChandlerWillie Mborn about 1909
ChapmanGlen born about 1912
ChapmanRuby born about 1915
ChasmarEdward born about 1868
ChasmarVerda Aborn about 1880
ChatmanAllie Cborn about 1888
ChatmanClaud born about 1882
ChatmanMilton Rborn about 1919
ChatmanRalph Eborn about 1908
ChatmanVirginia born about 1921
CheathamDorthy Mborn about 1919
CheathamLamon Mborn about 1914
CheathamLaurence Mborn about 1939
CheckLeon Bborn about 1919
ChestnutElla born about 1881
ChildStanton Mborn about 1862
ChildersAlva Tborn about 1904
ChildersElbert Tborn about 1904
ChildersFlossie Vborn about 1926
ChildersMary Aborn about 1934
ChildersWilliam Eborn about 1938
ChippleyJennie born about 1895
ChippleyVernell Jborn about 1928
ChippleyVernon Cborn about 1895
ChristopherEdward Jborn about 1876
ChristopherGrace born about 1881
ChristopherRoy born about 1917
ClappHattie Bborn about 1867
ClappVirgil Eborn about 1909
ClarkAllen born about 1897
ClarkHarry Aborn about 1911
ClarkHarry Hborn about 1938
ClarkJeanette Hborn about 1914
ClassAuther Wborn about 1890
ClassEloise Jborn about 1921
ClassRoy Vborn about 1932
ClassRoyce Jborn about 1927
ClearyHomer Gborn about 1885
ClearyJohn Tborn about 1850
ClearyJohn Tborn about 1903
ClearyMabel Mborn about 1875
ClearyRosa Bborn about 1867
CliffordEmma born about 1853
CliffordOrpha Aborn about 1880
CliffordPaul Cborn about 1871
CodyRichard born about 1902
CoffinAurelia Cborn about 1895
CoffinEmily Eborn about 1932
CoffinGeorge Wborn about 1894
CoffinGordon Eborn about 1919
CoffinJohn Pborn about 1929
ColdwellAnita Dborn about 1928
ColdwellEdna Kborn about 1898
ColdwellRonald Cborn about 1930
ColemanEdith born about 1891
ColleyJean Gborn about 1922
ColleyNellie Fborn about 1901
ColleySanford Cborn about 1890
ColleySanford Cborn about 1925
CollinsAndrew Jborn about 1902
CollinsLaura Sborn about 1904
CollinsMay Fborn about 1936
ConditAnna Mborn about 1858
ConditMarian Cborn about 1881
ConklinEmma Bborn about 1876
ConklinRaymond Cborn about 1871
ConnerEula Mborn about 1906
ConradGloria Jborn about 1932
ConradOwen born about 1906
ConradPatsy Aborn about 1936
ConradRosalee Bborn about 1911
ConverseAlden Eborn about 1885
ConvoyEmmerson Gborn about 1903
ConvoyLinnie Hborn about 1903
ConvoyMary Gborn about 1935
CookAnna Hborn about 1890
CookBenjamin Fborn about 1911
CookBennie Mborn about 1940
CookEmma Sborn about 1892
CookHarold Kborn about 1891
CookLeote Mborn about 1914
CookWalter Mborn about 1866
CookinghamEdith Gborn about 1916
CookinghamLottie Mborn about 1884
CooperAlma Aborn about 1926
CooperBessie Mborn about 1897
CooperBetty Mborn about 1925
CooperClarence Wborn about 1889
CooperJames Cborn about 1914
CooperJohn Cborn about 1890
CooperLois Hborn about 1915
CooperLorina born about 1934
CooperMamie Hborn about 1892
CooperOrvil Cborn about 1923
CooperVirginia born about 1900
CorleDewitt Cborn about 1882
CornishFrank born about 1873
CornishMalvina born about 1899
CornishMarcia born about 1905
CorrintonIvey Eborn about 1916
CorrintonLesley Jborn about 1940
CorrintonNellie Wborn about 1922
CourterLaura Eborn about 1874
CowlerEdna Mborn about 1875
CowlerGrant born about 1869
CraneDavid Fborn about 1897
CraneGladys Iborn about 1903
CraneGladys Jborn about 1927
CrossFreddie Wborn about 1869
CrossIda born about 1869
CrouchMyrix Jborn about 1866
CrouchMyrix Jborn about 1925
CrouchRey Cborn about 1882
CrovellDora Dborn about 1867
CrowMildred born about 1911
CrowellElmer Wborn about 1863
CrowellEmma Jborn about 1870
CrowfordJames born about 1906

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D Surnames

DahlinGeorge Wborn about 1896
DahlinIsodle Eborn about 1897
DallasEdith born about 1886
DanielBuddy born about 1914
DanielsAlice Dborn about 1939
DanielsMargaret Lborn about 1905
DanielsMarjorie born about 1927
DanielsMary Aborn about 1937
DanielsRaymond Eborn about 1898
DanielsRita born about 1925
DapkinMary born about 1898
DarleyBellie Rborn about 1933
DarleyDan Websterborn about 1911
DarleyMary Edithborn about 1940
DarleySyble born about 1914
DausonElizabeth born about 1912
DausonElla born about 1897
DausonRufus born about 1899
DavidsonPamona born about 1923
DavisAlfred Eborn about 1877
DavisAlice Mborn about 1880
DavisCaroline Eborn about 1856
DavisDewey Oborn about 1898
DavisElizabeth born about 1874
DavisFlorence Mborn about 1927
DavisFrank born about 1912
DavisGrace Aborn about 1883
DavisJames Nborn about 1927
DavisLaura Mborn about 1910
DavisLotia Mborn about 1920
DavisPercy Wborn about 1910
DavisViola born about 1898
DavisViola Eborn about 1928
DawsonJames born about 1911
DawsonMaude born about 1911
DayMaude Dborn about 1862
DeanCharlie Cborn about 1908
DeanDorthy Mborn about 1914
DeanNathaniel Wborn about 1879
DeanPatricia Rborn about 1934
DeanRachel Hborn about 1883
DeneFelton Dborn about 1923
DeneJames Tborn about 1888
DeneLinnie born about 1890
DennisLena Eborn about 1889
DensonMargaret born about 1915
DensonRichard Tborn about 1914
DensonRichard Tborn about 1936
DentonElsie Cborn about 1903
DentonGeorge Bborn about 1933
DentonGeorge Iborn about 1903
DettenBarney born about 1872
DettenBarney Jr born about 1908
DevorsakEmrie Cborn about 1897
DevorsakMildred Mborn about 1896
DewrellJoseph Tborn about 1868
DexonJames born about 1927
DexonJerry Lborn about 1900
DexonLessie Mborn about 1909
DexterJohn Aborn about 1867
DicksonMary Dborn about 1895
DicksonRobert Wborn about 1874
DillardJack born about 1927
DixonIda Aborn about 1869
DixonJames Sborn about 1900
DixonJohn Wborn about 1872
DixonMargaret Eborn about 1868
DoddFred Cborn about 1858
DoddMary Mborn about 1865
DolemanMargaret Aborn about 1858
DolemanSusan Aborn about 1876
DonahueDaniel Dborn about 1905
DonahueIrene Mborn about 1907
DoreyEdward Sborn about 1875
DoreyEthel Fborn about 1923
DoreyHarry Jborn about 1921
DorneDorthy Pborn about 1936
DorneHelen Cborn about 1875
DorneMildred Jborn about 1917
DorneWilliam Hborn about 1914
DosterRuby Jborn about 1905
DosterSussie Mborn about 1873
DouglasAnthony born about 1891
DouglasMattie born about 1902
DounsEugene born about 1891
DounsLemuel born about 1916
DounsPearl Eborn about 1897
DragerAdolph Jborn about 1873
DragerEmma Aborn about 1891
DraggAlla Bborn about 1868
DraggDoris Eborn about 1902
DraggHenry Lborn about 1874
DraggProctor Lborn about 1907
DraggShirley Eborn about 1910
DrakeEvelyn Mborn about 1867
DrakeHelen Dborn about 1884
DrakeLindsey Fborn about 1884
DrakeRussell Wborn about 1896
DrakeWalter Hborn about 1866
DravaHelen Sborn about 1875
DrawdyElizabeth born about 1923
DrawdyGertrude Mborn about 1894
DrawdyJames Aborn about 1921
DrawdyJerald Wborn about 1921
DrawdyJulius Eborn about 1921
DrawdyLewis Jborn about 1891
DrawdyLewis Jborn about 1916
DumasJames Cborn about 1915
DupreeLucille born about 1899
DurdenBobbie Fborn about 1939
DurdenHazel Mborn about 1938
DurdenL Cborn about 1935
DurdenLevis Cborn about 1914
DurdenRosa Vborn about 1917
DurhamArnold Wborn about 1923
DurhamCharlie Hborn about 1894
DurhamChartine born about 1937
DurhamCornell born about 1918
DurhamEllis Lborn about 1913
DurhamGladys born about 1920
DurhamNellie born about 1916
DurhamSarah Mborn about 1897
DusenMarietta Rborn about 1890
DuttonJoseph Mborn about 1898
DyerTrva Mborn about 1880

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E Surnames

EberheartCarl Eborn about 1915
EberheartCarl Eborn about 1940
EberheartZaida born about 1916
EddieBertha born about 1882
EddieJessie Rborn about 1870
EddyMargaret Mborn about 1910
EddyRichard Rborn about 1897
EdgertonBlanche Bborn about 1903
EdgertonDavid Rborn about 1903
EdgertonMarie Pborn about 1913
EdwardsJames Aborn about 1899
EdwardsLottie born about 1901
EdwardsMildred Bborn about 1926
EdwardsWilliam Tborn about 1853
ElbertLottie born about 1893
EllsworthElizabeth born about 1874
EmmersonEugene Hborn about 1855
EngelhardAugust Mborn about 1864
EstatesVenton born about 1914
EvansAnnie Aborn about 1908
EvansDonald Jborn about 1931
EvansEdward Dborn about 1929
EvansEdward Jborn about 1909
EvansGeorge Bborn about 1878
EvansJeanette Pborn about 1873
EvansLida Nborn about 1869
EvansSanford Bborn about 1872
EwingNevel born about 1905
EzzardCharles Wborn about 1911

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F Surnames

FairleyEddy born about 1912
FentonMae Oborn about 1895
FentonRobert born about 1885
FerrellFloyd born about 1897
FerrisLula born about 1875
FertidaFrancis Aborn about 1935
FertidaJoseph Cborn about 1933
FertidaJosephine born about 1929
FertidaMary Gborn about 1931
FertidaMary Pborn about 1902
FertidaMichael born about 1921
FertidaSalbidor Aborn about 1923
FertidaSarah Jborn about 1927
FertidaStephen Pborn about 1925
FertidaThomas Wborn about 1938
FertidaVent Pborn about 1920
FessonEarl Bborn about 1860
FieldingElizabeth Sborn about 1873
FieldsJessie Mborn about 1906
FimzelleAblyn Mborn about 1891
FimzelleRodger born about 1911
FinnAlfaretta born about 1903
FinnThomas Rborn about 1877
FitchCharlotte Fborn about 1874
FlahertyEster Mborn about 1903
FlahertyVivian Eborn about 1922
FlemingBetty Jborn about 1928
FlemingCone Cborn about 1886
FlemingCorinth Nborn about 1898
FlemingThomas born about 1933
FletcherDora born about 1875
FletcherJesse born about 1880
FloydMamie Mborn about 1905
FloydRobert born about 1898
FordChrety born about 1917
FordLorina born about 1935
FordMack born about 1915
ForgerGordon Mborn about 1905
FormonMartha born about 1913
ForsytheDerby born about 1896
ForsytheLe Roy born about 1892
FortnerMary Aliciaborn about 1908
FosterArthur born about 1911
FosterFlora born about 1918
FosterIna Rborn about 1915
FosterJanie born about 1913
FosterJohnie born about 1908
FosterMarcia Jborn about 1933
FosterWillard Cborn about 1905
FoxMark born about 1910
FoxMinnie Mborn about 1915
FragierMary born about 1890
FragierRobert Rborn about 1875
FranklinGrace born about 1886
FranklinIsacc born about
FranklinIsacc born about 1881
FranklinPhoche born about 1925
FrenchDavid Rborn about 1926
FrenchDonald Dborn about 1928
FrenchJoan born about 1924
FrenchJosephine born about 1887
FrenchLee Aborn about 1880
FrenchLee Aborn about 1921

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G Surnames

GainesJohn born about 1902
GainesVirginia born about 1904
GainsLulu born about 1929
GallawayEthyl Aborn about 1890
GallawayGibson Pborn about 1889
GallawayKathleen Mborn about 1910
GallimoreHelen born about 1892
GallinsWillena born about 1856
GallonWashington born about 1881
GambleAlfred born about 1925
GambleCalvin born about 1920
GambleCatherine born about 1922
GambleCherry born about 1885
GambleLillie Mborn about 1923
GambleMattie born about 1886
GambleRobert born about 1928
GanunGilbert Eborn about 1857
GatherMinnie born about 1881
GatherPerry Bborn about 1882
GeigarDorothy Eborn about 1927
GilbertCharlie born about 1918
GilbertDaisie born about 1884
GilbertEddie born about 1882
GilbertEli Jborn about 1883
GilbertHenry Fborn about 1872
GilbertJohn born about 1915
GilbertMamie Lborn about 1887
GilbertSarah born about 1898
GilmoreCleta born about 1907
GilmoreLoren Fborn about 1901
GlenDorothy Lborn about 1912
GlenJames Tborn about 1908
GlenPatricia Aborn about 1936
GlenWilliam Eborn about 1933
GloverAny Lborn about 1914
GloverBen Hborn about 1911
GloverWilliam Hborn about 1933
GodwinJohn born about 1886
GoetheCelie Jborn about 1905
GoetheKemey born about 1931
GogginsLe Roy Wborn about 1922
GogginsPearline born about 1907
GogginsTheodore born about 1902
GoldmanEllis born about 1914
GoodmanElizabeth born about 1909
GoodmanEthyl born about 1928
GoodmanRobert Mborn about 1890
GoodmanRobert Sborn about 1927
GoodmanWilliam Eborn about 1928
GoreEaster born about 1905
GoreJetson born about 1893
GraimAlice born about 1882
GranthamMartha born about 1888
GranthamMath born about 1887
GranthamRobert Aborn about 1916
GranthamRuby Lborn about 1923
GranthamWillia Kborn about 1919
GravesCarl Sborn about 1900
GravesHelen Mborn about 1899
GravleeClarence born about 1890
GravleeClarence Cborn about 1918
GravleeFrances Mborn about 1918
GravleeIda Hborn about 1890
GravleeMartha Lborn about 1913
GrayCharles Wborn about 1895
GrayElizabeth Mborn about 1888
GrayJohn Aborn about 1880
GrayLouise Mborn about 1925
GraySarah Wborn about 1908
GreenBertie Lborn about 1878
GreenBlanche Lborn about 1900
GreenErnest Bborn about 1910
GreenEsbon Mborn about 1902
GreenEunice Eborn about 1904
GreenFrankie born about 1906
GreenJames Eborn about 1873
GreenLillie Mborn about 1922
GreenLurlene Bborn about 1917
GreenLuther Cborn about 1896
GreenMalory Hborn about 1891
GreenMather Mborn about 1896
GreenMildred Hborn about 1909
GreenRoy Bborn about 1920
GremanLucille Bborn about 1905
GremanRoss born about 1906
GridleyMay Aborn about 1881
GridleyWilliam Jborn about 1878
GriffinCharles Jborn about 1936
GriffinDoris Eborn about 1934
GriffinDura Cborn about 1925
GriffinEulita Nborn about 1929
GriffinFred Fborn about 1902
GriffinJim Tborn about 1931
GriffinKatrine Vborn about 1907
GriffinLena born about 1922
GriffinLillie Mborn about 1927
GriffinPatricia Lborn about 1939
GriffinRewel Fborn about 1933
GriffinRoy Fborn about 1936
GrimstadClayton born about 1923
GrimstadFlora born about 1897
GrimstadOlaf born about 1895
GrinsteadCarswell born about 1904
GrinsteadEllan born about 1886
GrinsteadEttie Lborn about 1883
GrinsteadFrank Nborn about 1886
GrinsteadKeith born about 1930
GriswoldAlice Wborn about 1888
GriswoldJohn Bborn about 1878
GrooveAnne born about 1927
GrunJoseph Mborn about 1919
GrunYvonne born about 1921
GudgeonClarence Mborn about 1892
GudgeonMary Eborn about 1884
GudgeonRuth Kborn about 1903
GudgeonThomas Jborn about 1865
GumaerAdeline Dborn about 1872
GumaerJohn Iborn about 1871
GutelinsAnne Eborn about 1867

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H Surnames

HachworthLuther born about 1874
HadlockFrank Mborn about 1889
HadlockMary Nborn about 1899
HadlockMaryanne born about 1930
HagueLouisa born about 1863
HagueNell born about 1886
HaleMinnie born about 1877
HaleOlis Mborn about 1878
HaleOtis Lborn about 1904
HaleRose Gborn about 1912
HallAlice Eborn about 1934
HallAlvis Sborn about 1917
HallCaroline Eborn about 1921
HallCharles Mborn about 1881
HallFrank Nborn about 1936
HallGeorge Eborn about 1906
HallGeorge Rborn about 1932
HallHelen Fborn about 1940
HallJames Fborn about 1933
HallLillie Aborn about 1938
HallLillie Bborn about 1914
HallMarvin Aborn about 1900
HallMary born about 1916
HallMary Eborn about 1888
HallMildred Rborn about 1912
HallRobert Mborn about 1907
HallSara Dborn about 1912
HallWilliam Joesphborn about 1918
HallyDan Fborn about 1891
HallyHettie Mborn about 1895
HallyIva Cborn about 1925
HallyMelba born about 1926
HallyWhitson Mborn about 1929
HamlinMaxine born about 1905
HammondsElmo born about 1914
HammondsPerlie Mborn about 1912
HanstonEddie born about 1897
HanstonFlorence Iborn about 1871
HanstonNellie Mborn about 1898
HardeeKarl Nborn about 1882
HardeeRuth Dborn about 1886
HardingDoris Aborn about 1930
HardingEdward Bborn about 1932
HardingEdward Gborn about 1892
HardingLena Eborn about 1926
HardingLucille Aborn about 1928
HardingMary Aborn about 1897
HardingMary Aborn about 1919
HardingWilliam Pborn about 1937
HardingWinfred born about 1925
HardyEugene Gborn about 1870
HardyMinnie born about 1873
HarlowAbby Fborn about 1864
HarlowHerbert Wborn about 1872
HarperDella Mborn about 1922
HarpsMargurete Eborn about 1871
HarpsOtto Oborn about 1869
HarringtonMary Lborn about 1914
HarrisAlfred born about 1930
HarrisBetty Gborn about 1938
HarrisCharles Gborn about 1934
HarrisElbert Lborn about 1939
HarrisFrank Mborn about 1935
HarrisJannet born about 1931
HarrisJohn Hborn about 1900
HarrisJohn Hborn about 1928
HarrisJuanita born about 1929
HarrisLucille born about 1932
HarrisMary born about 1910
HarrisThomas Wborn about 1936
HarroldHenrietta born about 1876
HarroldHerbert born about 1863
HarsleyReuben Wborn about 1886
HarsleyWalker Lborn about 1928
HarveyFrances Bborn about 1883
HarveyStephen Dborn about 1919
HaskinsAnnie Pborn about 1940
HaskinsArthur born about 1918
HaskinsDonnie Bborn about 1920
HaskinsElmer born about 1921
HaskinsGeorge Hborn about 1915
HaskinsHerchel born about 1913
HathawayAlfred Fborn about 1862
HathawayElizabeth Mborn about 1861
HavensAnn Bborn about 1869
HawkinsCarrie born about 1912
HawkinsNathaniel born about 1916
HawksCurtis Aborn about 1911
HawksGran Mborn about 1919
HayesJames born about 1879
HaywardMay Lborn about 1877
HaywoodMaggie born about 1888
HaywoodMose born about 1884
HazlewoodAgusta born about 1865
HeckerOlga born about 1908
HeckerRobert born about 1926
HelmMilo Eborn about 1907
HelmsEdna Mborn about 1919
HelmsHoward Aborn about 1920
HendersonCarl born about 1906
HendersonIca Gborn about 1902
HenryJean Cborn about 1860
HermaAbby born about 1914
HileyAnnabel Pborn about 1899
HileyCharles Bborn about 1892
HileyCharles Hborn about 1935
HileyClinton Bborn about 1926
HileyFrederick Mborn about 1931
HileyHelen Mborn about 1933
HileyIda Jborn about 1923
HileyJean Eborn about 1929
HileyMabel born about 1938
HillAlto born about 1911
HillBen born about 1903
HillJulia born about 1926
HillMary Wborn about 1868
HillNafoleon born about 1890
HillRose Lborn about 1906
HobdyClarece born about 1931
HobdyErnest born about 1929
HobdyHazel born about 1911
HobdyJesse Rborn about 1908
HobdyMarther Aborn about 1882
HobdyRoland born about 1939
HobdyWiley born about 1938
HobdyWill Tborn about 1881
HoldyGeorge Mborn about 1917
HoldyGoldie Aborn about 1919
HollidayHelen born about 1917
HollonCalvin Mborn about 1933
HollonGertrude Fborn about 1937
HollonGrover Tborn about 1931
HollonHansond Wborn about 1927
HollonHarriat Lborn about 1902
HollonJohn Aborn about 1863
HollonVirginia Sborn about 1929
HollonWalter Wborn about 1895
HollowayBarbar Aborn about 1938
HollowayBonnie born about 1916
HollowayWilliam Eborn about 1936
HollowayWilliam Mborn about 1915
HollyZephery born about 1896
HopcraftHarry Jborn about 1912
HopcraftViolet Fborn about 1910
HortonBelle Jborn about 1872
HortonFlora Mborn about 1868
HortonGeorge Iborn about 1863
HortonJames Mborn about 1865
HoudimeyerHoward Cborn about 1877
HoudimeyerRose Rborn about 1888
HowellColbert Rborn about 1915
HowlandMargaret born about 1861
HudsonJoseph Cborn about 1912
HudsonJoseph Cborn about 1935
HudsonOneil born about 1919
HudsonPatricia born about 1939
HudsonRuth born about 1915
HueschinMargaret born about 1915
HuminstonHoward Bborn about 1879
HuntEdith born about 1909
HuntressSarah Aborn about 1844
HurlkurkIrene born about 1890
HurlkurkRichard Tborn about 1876
HutchersonAlvin Eborn about 1916
HutchersonJackie Rborn about 1936
HutchersonKatherine born about 1917
HutchersonToonnie Aneborn about 1938
HutchesonEstelle born about 1906
HutchesonGeorge Eborn about 1894
HutchinsonGeorge Cborn about 1872
HutchinsonHerber Dborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IveyFrances Sborn about 1909
IveySamuel Rborn about 1912
IveyWilliam Sborn about 1939

J Surnames

JacksonCurtis born about 1926
JacksonDothan born about 1918
JacksonEleanor Nborn about 1897
JacksonHenry Aborn about 1851
JacksonIda Eborn about 1859
JacksonLeslie Fborn about 1891
JacksonRosie born about 1893
JacksonUla born about 1886
JacksonZeb born about 1884
JacobsRuth Mborn about 1903
JamesAndrew Jborn about 1869
JamesEarl born about 1894
JamesIda born about 1903
JamesIrene born about 1917
JamesLilla born about 1897
JamesLucy Aborn about 1871
JamesRachel born about 1877
JamesSylvester born about 1891
JavensCharles born about 1928
JavensEffie Lborn about 1895
JavensMary Oborn about 1867
JavensRollin Cborn about 1898
JenkinsSam born about 1900
JensonNora Mborn about 1884
JensonThedore Cborn about 1881
JesueClsie Dborn about 1894
JesueGeorge Cborn about 1922
JesueLois Eborn about 1921
JesueLouis Cborn about 1883
JohnsArthur born about 1887
JohnsSuzie born about 1886
JohnsonA Cborn about 1898
JohnsonAlbert born about 1881
JohnsonAnnie Lborn about 1910
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1885
JohnsonErnie Lborn about 1928
JohnsonGladys born about 1902
JohnsonJames born about 1874
JohnsonJanie born about 1858
JohnsonLillian born about 1874
JohnsonLoma Lborn about 1908
JohnsonLouise Lborn about 1906
JohnsonMarilyn born about 1927
JohnsonMary Iborn about 1878
JohnsonMinnie born about 1891
JohnsonPatricia born about 1938
JohnsonPaul Hborn about 1893
JohnsonRobert born about 1938
JohnsonThomas Lborn about 1903
JohnsonThomas Lborn about 1934
JohnsonWilliam Jborn about 1878
JohnsonWillie born about 1883
JohnsonWillie born about 1891
JohnsonZella Mborn about 1913
JohnstonAxeline born about 1878
JollyAmelia born about 1912
JollyLois born about 1927
JollyWillie born about 1911
JonesAbereta born about 1903
JonesAlfred Lborn about 1868
JonesCarrie Eborn about 1905
JonesCatherine born about 1890
JonesDelila born about 1868
JonesDock born about 1890
JonesDoris born about 1919
JonesEssie born about 1902
JonesEva Pborn about 1896
JonesFannie born about 1902
JonesGilbert Wborn about 1886
JonesGladys born about 1924
JonesGraves born about 1939
JonesHenry Eborn about 1870
JonesJames born about 1929
JonesJoe born about 1889
JonesJohnie Mborn about 1924
JonesJuanita born about 1937
JonesLandyer Mborn about 1911
JonesLaura Mborn about 1866
JonesLillian born about 1920
JonesLucille born about 1908
JonesLuther born about 1914
JonesMabel Dborn about 1891
JonesMattia Mborn about 1923
JonesOliver Jborn about 1924
JonesOliver Vborn about 1897
JonesOnnie born about 1899
JonesPenelope born about 1918
JonesPerry Pborn about 1903
JonesQuillian born about 1916
JonesRoberta born about 1929
JonesSphenche born about 1934
JonesSusan Bborn about 1875
JonesWilliam Sborn about 1866
JonesWillie born about 1905
JordenAlma born about 1884
JordenSherman born about 1891
JosephErnest born about 1940
JosephJanie born about 1920
JosephRobert born about 1938
JuddFrank Lborn about 1874
JuddKarry Mborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeenEffie born about 1896
KeenMarguria Aborn about 1936
KeenWillie Eborn about 1886
KellerEdith Eborn about 1877
KellerGeorge Cborn about 1866
KellyGeorge Bborn about 1902
KellyMargaret Eborn about 1912
KellyMargo Jborn about 1940
KellySolomon born about 1915
KerrAlexander born about 1875
KerrMarcus Wborn about 1932
KeyMary Jborn about 1903
KimballAda born about 1925
KimballClarence born about 1903
KimballHarry born about 1894
KimballTom born about 1922
KimpJohnie born about 1907
KingAnnie Hborn about 1909
KingDouglas Dborn about 1863
KingFrankie Tborn about 1876
KingHarry born about 1886
KingIdenes born about 1882
KingJesse Tborn about 1898
KinseyAnna Jborn about 1876
KinseyIda Cborn about 1882
KinslerBennie born about 1913
KinslerClarence born about 1911
KirbyCatherine Gborn about 1886
KirbyGeorsia Rborn about 1913
KittrellJ Lborn about 1929
KittrellJinnie Mborn about 1908
KittrellLuther Sborn about 1902
KittrellOdell born about 1927
KleinJosephine Pborn about 1882
KnightElla born about 1870
KnightSally born about 1900
KoebkMary born about 1884
KramerElizabeth Bborn about 1888
KramerElizabeth Bborn about 1924
KramerHoward Bborn about 1920
KramerTracy Mborn about 1883
KramerTray Mborn about 1918
KransJohn Hborn about 1878
KranseClarence Jborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LabrukGeorge Rborn about 1890
LabrukMabel born about 1889
LacinIda Bborn about 1873
LadereJerome Gborn about 1876
LadereJulia Eborn about 1876
LamoreauxAmelia Wborn about 1873
LamoreauxGeorge Wborn about 1870
LaneAltha Lborn about 1920
LaneEmmit Lborn about 1915
LaneEmmitt Lborn about 1894
LaneHarrold born about 1920
LaneJohn J Pborn about 1919
LaneJohn Rborn about 1939
LaneMartha Jborn about 1937
LaneMaud Hborn about 1876
LaneOthel born about 1922
LaneSidney Hborn about 1878
LaneZenolia born about 1895
LantonJulia Aborn about 1867
LarrabeeEdith Vborn about 1895
LarrabeeJames Eborn about 1876
LarryGeorge born about 1913
LarryLouise born about 1886
LashasEdith Hborn about 1873
LathemElizabeth born about 1881
LaurenceFrank born about 1875
LeaJames Eborn about 1869
LeaMary Aborn about 1878
LedgerBertha Gborn about 1873
LedgerFrederick Jborn about 1869
LeeFlorence Jborn about 1925
LeeGrace Mborn about 1927
LeeJulia Dborn about 1901
LeeRobert Eborn about 1898
LemertHelen Oborn about 1870
LendmanAnna Nborn about 1870
LendmanH Johnborn about 1866
LendmanMary born about 1898
LeonEmitt Cborn about 1900
LeonFoster born about 1902
LeonGeorge Tborn about 1929
LeonJames Wborn about 1937
LeonJoyce Eborn about 1935
LeonLottie born about 1913
LeonRuby Lborn about 1904
LeonVirgil Oborn about 1929
LeonZadamae born about 1928
LessleyBobby Sborn about 1934
LessleyJoe Wborn about 1926
LessleyMay Fborn about 1931
LessleyMilton Eborn about 1924
LessleyModenah Lborn about 1904
LessleyWilliam Lborn about 1903
LesterDovey born about 1894
LeuisMarguret Rborn about 1880
LevisMary Cborn about 1933
LewisBlacfull born about 1891
LewisCora born about 1908
LewisDora born about 1878
LewisElmer Eborn about 1867
LewisGrover Wborn about 1932
LewisHannah Fborn about 1866
LewisIda born about 1922
LewisJames Fborn about 1925
LewisJanie born about 1922
LewisJohn Jborn about 1894
LewisJohn Nborn about 1918
LewisJohnie Cborn about 1910
LewisKing born about 1918
LewisLucan Eborn about 1914
LewisMary Mborn about 1923
LewisSamuel Mborn about 1860
LewisWillie born about 1910
LilesAlbert Aborn about 1925
LilesArthur Aborn about 1898
LilesBessie Mborn about 1923
LilesDorothy Rborn about 1938
LilesEveline Aborn about 1928
LilesHallie Dborn about 1906
LilesMabel Mborn about 1931
LilesMarjorie Rborn about 1935
LilesMyrtle Mborn about 1933
LilesThomas Nborn about 1921
LintonGeorge Hborn about 1865
LintonMinnie Mborn about 1865
LittleMary Bborn about 1913
LittlefieldAlice Lborn about 1863
LivermoreMary Aborn about 1879
LivermoreRobert Gborn about 1881
LockettHenry born about 1900
LockettLizie born about 1902
LodorElmira born about 1874
LoeschEllsworth born about 1889
LottHally born about 1912
LotzJoseph Lborn about 1888
LotzMary Eborn about 1922
LotzMattie Lborn about 1886
LoundersNora Vborn about 1914
LounsberryLulu Hborn about 1864
LovelaceCarl Gborn about 1884
LovelaceDonna Cborn about 1879
LovelaceDorothy Joborn about 1919
LussonDorothy Mborn about 1934
LussonLouis C Oborn about 1893
LussonMarie Eborn about 1934
LymanJennie born about 1892
LyndanAgnes Nborn about 1878
LyndanGilbert Lborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MabenAlfred born about 1883
MabenMurel born about 1882
MacdonnellMary born about 1866
MackayMargaret Aborn about 1867
MaddoxJ Lborn about 1904
MaddoxLeana born about 1898
MahrtHenry Wborn about 1914
MahrtThelma Lborn about 1916
MalloryHarriet Bborn about 1875
MaloneGeorge Wborn about 1895
MaloneGeorge Wborn about 1925
MaloneGladys Wborn about 1894
MargesonMary Yborn about 1865
MarshElla Sborn about 1872
MarshallJames born about 1904
MarshallMary Cborn about 1886
MarshallOllie born about 1904
MarstonGeorge Wborn about 1869
MarstonRosa born about 1871
MartonsonCarl Dborn about 1888
MartonsonChester Aborn about 1923
MartonsonEtta Mborn about 1886
MartonsonLeon Cborn about 1919
MastellaClyde born about 1931
MastellaEarnest Pborn about 1903
MastellaThelma Fborn about 1907
MastenH Sborn about 1873
MatthewsMina born about 1918
MatthewsOnnie Cborn about 1893
MayoMary Cborn about 1867
MayoNelson Sborn about 1867
McCabeBernard Jborn about 1924
McCabeGladys Mborn about 1895
McCabeThomas Fborn about 1889
McCabeThomas Fborn about 1921
McCartyFrank born about 1875
McCartyMary Eborn about 1880
McClellanEliza Sborn about 1888
McClellanRichard Tborn about 1884
McClellandJoy born about 1924
McClellandMarilyn born about 1926
McClollumNancy born about 1843
McCownJohn Mborn about 1884
McCownJohn Mborn about 1918
McCownMattie Rborn about 1891
McCownWilliam Rborn about 1921
McCreeBellie Jborn about 1933
McCreeHattie Jborn about 1911
McCreeJoe born about 1935
McCreeJoseph Wborn about 1904
McCreeLois born about 1931
McCreyBeatrice born about 1910
McCreyWillie born about 1925
McDonaldDonald born about 1904
McDonaldDoris born about 1920
McDonaldEtta Oborn about 1872
McGeeEdward Sborn about 1865
McHenryGertrude Jborn about 1869
McHenryRalph Wborn about 1916
McKayBettie Lborn about 1927
McKayEarlie born about 1910
McKinneyHorace Lborn about 1923
McMurryCarolyn Aborn about 1894
McMurryRobert Eborn about 1914
McMurryRobertia Wborn about 1917
McReeHoward born about 1930
McWatersWalter born about 1917
MeadFred Lborn about 1864
MeadHattie Mborn about 1863
MeadousHelen born about 1913
MeanorMary born about 1862
MedlockAdam born about 1905
MedlockEddie born about 1909
MeeMary born about 1878
MeeWilliam born about 1877
MerchEra Mborn about 1910
MerchHelen born about 1927
MerchTas born about 1902
MetonMaggie Mborn about 1886
MetonWilliam Jborn about 1878
MilesAndrew Jborn about 1863
MilesArabelle Eborn about 1867
MillardJane Lborn about 1889
MillardJohn Jborn about 1868
MillerCornelius born about 1900
MillerJohn Gborn about 1913
MillerMarguerite Nborn about 1901
MillerNathaniel born about 1935
MillerRuby born about 1914
MillerStella Lborn about 1869
MilnerBessie Tborn about 1877
MilnerMadeline born about 1872
MilnerPaul Cborn about 1873
MinkleyAline Dborn about 1897
MinkleyAnnet Vborn about 1939
MinkleyAuther born about 1926
MinkleyCarl Hborn about 1922
MinkleyCurt born about 1891
MinkleyCurtis Dborn about 1919
MinkleyEarnest born about 1924
MinkleyElenor Aborn about 1921
MinkleyEvelyn born about 1933
MinkleyLucile born about 1929
MitchellAlice Jborn about 1884
MitchellBen born about 1865
MitchellIda Eborn about 1920
MitchellJessie Lborn about 1937
MitchellJohnie born about 1935
MitchellWillie Jborn about 1939
MitchillLouise Bborn about 1879
MonroeFrank born about 1891
MoonAda Jborn about 1888
MoonAllene Jborn about 1926
MoonHester Rborn about 1860
MoonMartha Jborn about 1939
MoonMary Bborn about 1918
MoonWilliam Wborn about 1918
MooreDempsey born about 1922
MooreGeorge Eborn about 1912
MooreLonnie born about 1931
MooreOpal born about 1928
MoorheadAnnie Mborn about 1892
MoorheadCharles Cborn about 1880
MoorheadDavis Tborn about 1930
MorleyFrances Wborn about 1880
MorleyNelson Wborn about 1872
MorrisClara Lborn about 1900
MorrisFrankie Lborn about 1923
MorrisIda born about 1899
MorrisJohn Nborn about 1889
MorrisJuanita born about 1930
MorrisLeta Mborn about 1925
MorrisLloyd born about 1926
MorrisMontel born about 1923
MorseAlice born about 1886
MorseJanat Pborn about 1920
MorseMay born about 1875
MorseRoland Jborn about 1885
MossAlfred Gborn about 1871
MossMinnie born about 1871
MostellerAndrew Jborn about 1897
MostellerDwight born about 1928
MostellerJames Dborn about 1917
MostellerLennie born about 1898
MostellerPaul born about 1926
MouringMary Bborn about 1913
MouringRobert born about 1913
MouringRosalie born about 1928
MueckeAnna Sborn about 1874
MueckeHenry born about 1859
MurdockAnnie Mborn about 1938
MurdockDouglas born about 1939
MurdockMattie Mborn about 1917
MurdockRobert born about 1917
MurrayEverett born about 1937
MurrayGeorge born about 1925
MurrayHenry born about 1896
MurrayHenry born about 1934
MurrayJames born about 1928
MurrayMary born about 1900
MurrayRosabelle born about 1927
MyersEdith Sborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeelMary Eborn about 1916
NeilonRose Aborn about 1876
NelsonAda Pborn about 1891
NelsonJames Aborn about 1869
NettlesDan Cborn about 1898
NettlesDan Cborn about 1924
NettlesDorthy born about 1908
NettlesJessie Mborn about 1926
NettletonClark Jborn about 1859
NewhallLouisa Mborn about 1862
NewmanAllelia Lborn about 1877
NewmanWest Kborn about 1879
NoonamFay Aborn about 1918
NormanDelphia Lborn about 1911
NorrisCharles Hborn about 1915
NorrisDella born about 1864
NorrisMabel born about 1900
NorrisWilliam born about 1892
NorthropeMabel Pborn about 1898
NorthropeRaymond Bborn about 1902
NortonBarry Pborn about 1934
NortonDoris Aborn about 1931
NortonDoris Mborn about 1910
NortonGeorge Cborn about 1938
NortonJ Nborn about 1907
NuttRobert Hborn about 1855
NuttSarah Jborn about 1860
NutterEdward Eborn about 1891
NutterFlorence Eborn about 1904
NutterHoward Eborn about 1931
NutterMargurite Lborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellNinetta Lborn about 1859
OharaAuther Dborn about 1886
OharaEmma Eborn about 1861
OharaLeslie Tborn about 1863
OliverDorothy Fborn about 1912
OliverElizabeth Aborn about 1933
OliverFloy born about 1915
OliverGeorge Wborn about 1908
OliverGeorge Wborn about 1934
OliverMary Jborn about 1917
OrrEvelyn Cborn about 1906
OrrJames Cborn about 1903
OrrJulia Mborn about 1929
OverhiserFred Wborn about 1857
OverhiserHarold Dborn about 1900
OverhiserHarold Fborn about 1925
OverhiserPearl Lborn about 1902
OwensDella born about 1875
OwensStella born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PageCharlie born about 1900
PageJulia born about 1870
ParkerCecil Tborn about 1918
ParkerCharles Eborn about 1876
ParkerClaribel born about 1875
ParkerCorinna Fborn about 1858
ParkerElmer Dborn about 1862
ParkerFrank Rborn about 1871
ParkerHattie Jborn about 1902
ParkerHelen born about 1918
ParkerIva Jborn about 1935
ParkerIvan Eborn about 1901
ParkerKate Hborn about 1882
ParkerMary Cborn about 1882
ParkerMary Eborn about 1865
ParkerNeta Cborn about 1913
ParkerPaul born about 1908
ParkerReginald Vborn about 1906
ParkerSam Lborn about 1880
ParkerThomas Mborn about 1917
ParkerTyrone Vborn about 1939
ParkerVera Aborn about 1909
PartridgeJohn Wborn about 1865
PateAnnie Bborn about 1928
PateDeliha Nborn about 1909
PatePaul Eborn about 1900
PatersonEdward born about 1922
PatersonFlore Aborn about 1899
PatersonJack Aborn about 1928
PatersonMary Lborn about 1924
PatersonTom Leeborn about 1880
PatterEmma Bborn about 1854
PatterThomas Fborn about 1872
PattersonStella born about 1872
PattersonWilliam Tborn about 1869
PattonEdna Sborn about 1885
PattonWalter Dborn about 1878
PaulAline born about 1936
PaulEdna born about 1913
PaulRalph Cborn about 1909
PeckAlice Mborn about 1866
PenningtonWilliam Lborn about 1875
PerkinsMarther Cborn about 1871
PerminterMinnie born about 1893
PetersonAlbert Aborn about 1928
PetersonAlbert Cborn about 1902
PetersonDorothea Mborn about 1881
PetersonDorthy Aborn about 1930
PetersonEphrin Bborn about 1905
PetersonHans Cborn about 1866
PetersonIrene born about 1900
PetersonIrma Eborn about 1906
PetersonJanie Rborn about 1930
PetersonLe Roy born about 1933
PhelpsEdward Wborn about 1876
PhelpsHelen Bborn about 1875
PhilbrickLoodwin Fborn about 1861
PhilbrickMary born about 1904
PickrenBellie Mborn about 1938
PickrenBenny born about 1915
PickrenBill born about 1913
PickrenJacob Eborn about 1940
PickrenMurless born about 1916
PickrenSarah Mborn about 1939
PickrenSarah Rborn about 1875
PickrenWillie Mborn about 1918
PinkstonRodger born about 1911
PohlmanCharles Cborn about 1920
PohlmanEva Eborn about 1898
PohlmanJanet Mborn about 1926
PohlmanLafe Lborn about 1893
PohlmanRobert Gborn about 1924
PoolBishop born about 1906
PoolFlossie born about 1908
PoolNettie Lborn about 1926
PoorDaisie Eborn about 1886
PoorJohn Fborn about 1882
PooserFrancis born about 1917
PorterFredrie Jborn about 1872
PowersElizabeth Mborn about 1877
PowlGertrude born about 1918
PriceFred born about 1870
PriceFred born about 1907
PriceHenry born about 1937
PriceJoseph Rborn about 1901
PriceJoseph Rborn about 1932
PriceJulia born about 1906
PriceMary Oborn about 1910
PriceMelisse born about 1871
PrintzMarguerite Lborn about 1907
PrintzWilliam born about 1901
PurnellPatricia born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuixleyAndrew Cborn about 1882
QuixleyJulia Aborn about 1886
QuixleyRobert Aborn about 1918

R Surnames

RadcliffeBertha Jborn about 1858
RadcliffeWalter Wborn about 1855
RamsdellGeorge Bborn about 1881
RamsdellMildred Iborn about 1900
RandallCatherine Bborn about 1868
RandallWinfield Sborn about 1868
RaybounAlfred born about 1895
RaybounAlfred 3rd born about 1939
RaybounAlfred Jr born about 1918
RaybounKathern Mborn about 1918
RaybounMary Lborn about 1920
RaybounRuth Hborn about 1898
RaymondAdaline Rborn about 1875
RaymondGeorge Vborn about 1858
RealEmile born about 1878
RealGeorgie Cborn about 1875
ReddittNancy Wborn about 1862
ReedHarry Wborn about 1876
ReedMarjorie Bborn about 1891
ReedWilliam Mborn about 1914
ReeseWesley born about 1889
ReevesDorothy Gborn about 1922
ReevesTheodore Jborn about 1939
ReidJewell Hborn about 1914
ReidMillard Cborn about 1911
ReidWillard Cborn about 1939
RelfElizabeth Mborn about 1879
RelfWilliam Hborn about 1853
RennDora Aborn about 1893
RennHarry Tborn about 1888
RennJune Cborn about 1925
RennMarhta Hborn about 1919
RenshawFrances Lborn about 1906
RetanAlice Cborn about 1902
ReynoldsAnnie Fborn about 1869
RichardGeorge Aborn about 1865
RichardGlen Tborn about 1910
RichardsEmily Hborn about 1884
RichardsHoward born about 1877
RichardsMabel Eborn about 1878
RichardsonBlanche born about 1905
RichardsonCleveland born about 1930
RichersonJerild Aborn about 1892
RichersonJerildine Gborn about 1923
RichersonLena Tborn about 1893
RichersonThedore Cborn about 1925
RickettsSamuel Wborn about 1874
RiddervoldAdolph Sborn about 1874
RigdonJames Lborn about 1916
RigdonMargaret Rborn about 1939
RigdonReta Tborn about 1917
RikeJessie Sborn about 1875
RisleyCarl Sborn about 1889
RisleyFloid Sborn about 1933
RisleyRuth born about 1930
RisleyRuth Kborn about 1899
RiversElisie born about 1878
RobertsCharlotte Sborn about 1936
RobertsHerbert Vborn about 1906
RobertsHerbert Vborn about 1929
RobertsMarion Pborn about 1911
RobinsonClarence born about 1915
RobinsonElza born about 1933
RobinsonEstella born about 1935
RobinsonGeorge born about 1896
RobinsonIda born about 1913
RobinsonMa Jalineborn about 1940
RobinsonMary born about 1940
RobinsonMerose born about 1939
RobinsonMinnie Lborn about 1937
RobinsonOdell born about 1921
RobinsonReetha born about 1931
RobinsonSamuel born about 1938
RogersCarl Wborn about 1933
RogersKennith Gborn about 1907
RogersWilma Rborn about 1911
RootCora Mborn about 1859
RoseMinnie Eborn about 1862
RoseboroughDouglas Dborn about 1897
RoseboroughDouglas Dborn about 1923
RoseboroughFrederick Jborn about 1936
RoseboroughLaura Bborn about 1930
RoseboroughMarion Lborn about 1933
RoseboroughMary Dborn about 1898
RoseboroughSarah Eborn about 1926
RossAnna Zborn about 1864
RossLouise born about 1910
RotheMargaret Kborn about 1890
RussellAnnie born about 1879
RussellBarbara Aborn about 1936
RussellBertha Mborn about 1908
RussellJohnie born about 1925
RussellManuel born about 1876
RussellMaybelle born about 1926
RussellWillie born about 1924

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S Surnames

SadlerAdrain born about 1881
SadlerCora Aborn about 1938
SadlerDixie Aborn about 1916
SadlerEdward Oborn about 1917
SadlerMartha Cborn about 1939
SadlerOrin Wborn about 1882
SadlerRobert Cborn about 1906
SanbornLaura born about 1886
SanbornMary Aborn about 1868
SanbornWilliam Jborn about 1855
SandersAlbert Dborn about 1853
SarvesIra Fborn about 1876
SarvesMaude Sborn about 1880
SaulsLucinda born about 1877
SaulsVirgie Mborn about 1928
SawyesSuzanne born about 1916
SchallerMary Mborn about 1867
SchallerMary Mborn about 1911
SchmidJullia Cborn about 1887
SchmidWilliam born about 1880
SchoenenburgerAdolph born about 1873
SchoenenburgerAnna born about 1875
SchoeningerJulius Rborn about 1873
SchoeningerLouise Tborn about 1877
SchoonmakerJohn Hborn about 1868
SchoonmakerMary Eborn about 1880
SchwartzBarbara Lborn about 1939
SchwartzBetty Rborn about 1933
SchwartzEunice Cborn about 1916
SchwartzWalter Vborn about 1908
ScoginChristine Cborn about 1917
ScoginGeorge born about 1904
ScoginGeorge Wborn about 1936
ScoginHarold Aborn about 1913
ScoginMertice born about 1915
ScoginOlive Mborn about 1925
ScoginRobert Cborn about 1920
ScoginRuby Lborn about 1903
ScoginThomas Cborn about 1905
ScoginWilliam born about 1939
ScottBetty Sborn about 1936
ScottElizabeth born about 1898
ScottHarold Aborn about 1908
ScottJames Aborn about 1923
ScottSue Mborn about 1909
ScottThomas Hborn about 1924
SeemElizabeth Cborn about 1881
SellersDavid Lborn about 1884
SellersDurward Dborn about 1912
SellersIda Lborn about 1884
SellersLouise Mborn about 1902
ShaferAnna born about 1881
ShallenbergGrace Mborn about 1886
ShallenbergMyrtle born about 1926
ShawJames Wborn about 1921
ShealyClimpson born about 1901
ShermanAllen born about 1873
SherwoodMaude Bborn about 1872
ShipesBarbara Aborn about 1932
ShipesBeulah Sborn about 1891
ShipesFaye Lborn about 1927
ShipesGeorgia Jborn about 1925
ShipesRichard Gborn about 1894
ShipesRichard Gborn about 1921
ShipesRuth Lborn about 1929
ShipesWilliam Tborn about 1923
ShortCristine born about 1885
ShortIrving Mborn about 1880
SidelAlvin Pborn about 1880
SidelEmma Mborn about 1882
SillsBetty Lborn about 1939
SillsChristine born about 1934
SillsCorene Bborn about 1913
SillsGradey Eborn about 1936
SillsJames Fborn about 1932
SillsManuel Fborn about 1894
SillsTearry born about 1898
SillsTheda Nborn about 1932
SillsWilliam Rborn about 1867
SillsZelma Dborn about 1906
SilverAda Mborn about 1885
SilverLamar Mborn about 1916
SilverLouise Sborn about 1916
SilvesterFannie Dborn about 1866
SimpsonBilly Aborn about 1914
SimpsonBilly Aborn about 1939
SimpsonEvelyn born about 1911
SimpsonHoward Jborn about 1916
SimpsonJames Wborn about 1875
SimpsonJohn A Fborn about 1859
SimpsonMargaret Fborn about 1869
SimpsonMary Eborn about 1918
SimpsonMary Hborn about 1902
SimpsonMary Mborn about 1853
SimpsonMary Mborn about 1932
SimpsonO Mborn about 1900
SimpsonSam born about 1912
SimpsonVirginia born about 1917
SingletonCharles Wborn about 1927
SingletonOtis born about 1905
SingletonWilber born about 1925
SleightEthel Wborn about 1890
SleightWinfield Cborn about 1881
SloutAlice Mborn about 1903
SloutJames Eborn about 1892
SloutRichard Oborn about 1939
SmithCarrol Dborn about 1873
SmithDaniel Eborn about 1866
SmithDock born about 1898
SmithElizabeth Mborn about 1872
SmithEthel Dborn about 1879
SmithGeraldine born about 1900
SmithHarriot Hborn about 1878
SmithHarry Bborn about 1898
SmithIsabelle Eborn about 1906
SmithMarcia Sborn about 1939
SmithMelissa Bborn about 1936
SmithRobert Cborn about 1876
SmithRuth Kborn about 1876
SmithWilliam Tborn about 1859
SnallJone born about 1850
SnellAgvilla Cborn about 1877
SnellDavid Tborn about 1904
SnellEmmit Wborn about 1874
SnellHurbert Rborn about 1931
SnellJames Hborn about 1919
SnellZola born about 1895
SnyderJohn Mborn about 1868
SofleiansConrad Cborn about 1870
SofleiansJessie born about 1874
SomersCarrie born about 1884
SoudeMarion born about 1882
SpearEtta Mborn about 1875
SpeedRobert Wborn about 1869
SpencerDavid Bborn about 1854
SpencerMinnie Mborn about 1873
SpilkyFannie born about 1895
SpilkyNattie born about 1922
SpilkySheila born about 1925
SpilkySol born about 1892
SpillardBlanch Eborn about 1939
SpillardMarleene born about 1930
SpillardRandolph born about 1928
SpillardUbell born about 1909
SpillardWilliam Fborn about 1936
SpillardWilliam Hborn about 1906
SpillardsSarah Eborn about 1871
SpillardsW Fborn about 1872
SpoonerHenry Mborn about 1865
SpragueClaire Fborn about 1870
StakeleyJosephine Gborn about 1915
StakeleyWilliam Kborn about 1911
StancellMinnie born about 1862
StarerCarrie Kborn about 1868
StarerThomas Jborn about 1865
StarkeyAnna Bborn about 1877
StarrettFred Cborn about 1864
SteinAllyn born about 1889
SteinJosephine Eborn about 1889
StevensEsther Cborn about 1920
StevensLiona born about 1912
StevensLysle Eborn about 1889
StevensMarvin Aborn about 1911
StevensWilliam Jborn about 1921
StevensonAlbert born about 1880
StevensonCecile born about 1922
StevensonFrazier born about 1926
StevensonFreda born about 1926
StevensonJack born about 1928
StevensonMary Eborn about 1890
StevensonMelvin born about 1934
StewartEdward Lborn about 1911
StewartEdward Lborn about 1933
StewartJoyce Mborn about 1938
StewartKatherine Lborn about 1897
StewartMarjorie Wborn about 1913
StewartWilliam Cborn about 1920
StillmanElizabeth Fborn about 1887
StillmanRaymond Bborn about 1886
StoklyCharles Lborn about 1875
StoklyDelta Cborn about 1881
StoklyFloryne Eborn about 1916
StoklyWilmer Cborn about 1912
StoneEmmaline born about 1908
StonerBlanche Mborn about 1875
StonerJohn Aborn about 1865
StoryCharles Lborn about 1931
StoryJoseph H Dborn about 1860
StoryMary born about 1910
StoryOris Rborn about 1910
StorySophia Mborn about 1901
StoryWarren Lborn about 1879
StoryWarren Lborn about 1927
StoutAlice Mborn about 1903
StoutJames Eborn about 1892
StoutRichard Oborn about 1939
StovallJennie Mborn about 1881
StreeterEmma Fborn about 1855
StricklandDonald Fborn about 1920
StricklandMary Jborn about 1917
StricklandRosalee born about 1927
StrittonHilga born about 1886
StrongEva Sborn about 1862
SullivanJanice Aborn about 1866
SwainAdie Wborn about 1885
SwartzFlorence Jborn about 1855
SwiftHenry Hborn about 1874
SwiftMabel Hborn about 1882
SwigerSamuel born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TallantEmma Jborn about 1891
TallyPink Jborn about 1915
TanaseyIsabella Mborn about 1872
TanaseyOscar Fborn about 1865
TancimoreAlbert born about 1873
TancimoreCaleb born about 1907
TancimoreEugenie born about 1909
TancimoreGrady born about 1906
TancimoreJessie Bborn about 1916
TancimoreMarjorie born about 1934
TannerAuther Aborn about 1868
TannerMarion Nborn about 1902
TaylorCharles Pborn about 1856
TaylorEdith Lborn about 1889
TaylorEmma Eborn about 1857
TaylorGeorgia born about 1890
TemplinDaisy Dborn about 1879
TerrentineAnnie born about 1889
TerrentineRobert Cborn about 1876
TerrentineRobert C Jrborn about 1906
TharpBurgess Dborn about 1894
TharpDerma Cborn about 1901
TheallFrank Aborn about 1874
TheallLouise Gborn about 1874
ThomasBillie born about 1902
ThomasJoe born about 1900
ThomasJosephine born about 1859
ThomasLe Roy born about 1925
ThomasLucille born about 1927
ThomasLucy Aborn about 1868
ThomasRobert Cborn about 1868
ThomberryCallie Hborn about 1911
ThomberryJames Mborn about 1898
ThompsonAlbert Aborn about 1914
ThompsonAnna Rborn about 1868
ThompsonDorothy Eborn about 1899
ThompsonEva born about 1871
ThompsonFrances Fborn about 1929
ThompsonJames Mborn about 1888
ThompsonMary Cborn about 1890
ThompsonMary Eborn about 1923
ThompsonRose Pborn about 1916
ThompsonRosemary born about 1940
ThompsonSamuel Mborn about 1868
ThompsonWilma Lborn about 1932
ThorpAnna Lborn about 1881
ThorpCharles Wborn about 1875
TillmanSarah born about 1902
TimmonsEarl Eborn about 1905
TimmonsRuby Eborn about 1924
TinbrookAlice Vborn about 1913
TinbrookDerrick Wborn about 1857
TinbrookLula Gborn about 1870
TincherClarence Eborn about 1881
TinckerClarence Eborn about 1881
TinckerTirsa born about 1885
TishEdith Mborn about 1875
TownshendLa Verne born about 1922
TraceHomer born about 1860
TraftonFrances Dborn about 1884
TraftonWillis Aborn about 1876
TreadwellBilly Mborn about 1929
TreadwellGeorge Wborn about 1930
TreadwellJohn Gborn about 1927
TreadwellJohn Tborn about 1902
TreadwellMartha Eborn about 1922
TreadwellModelle Hborn about 1902
TreadwellOra Wborn about 1886
TreadwellWilliam Tborn about 1879
TremainJessie Cborn about 1879
TremainLewis Rborn about 1871
TremanDorothy Aborn about 1939
TremanDorothy Hborn about 1915
TremanL Claytonborn about 1913
TrueCarrie Aborn about 1879
TrueMary Mborn about 1889
TruskettMary Gborn about 1888
TuckerJean Bborn about 1917
TuckerSylvia Bborn about 1938
TurnerJesse Mborn about 1897
TurnerLana Bborn about 1898
TurnerPhylis Aborn about 1931
TurnerRobert Eborn about 1929
TurrentineEvelyn Mborn about 1924
TurrentinePaul Wborn about 1898
TurrentineRuth Aborn about 1899
TurrentineWilliam Mborn about 1920
TysonJacob Lborn about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UdallMadeline Eborn about 1867
UdallWilliam Sborn about 1868
UhackOswell born about 1869
UnderwoodAlma Nborn about 1903
UnderwoodGreen Bborn about 1898
UnderwoodWilliam Eborn about 1928
UrquetChristine Cborn about 1881
UrquetJohn Cborn about 1863
UtterDemarcus Aborn about 1869
UtterNellie Lborn about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandellemCharles Jborn about 1907
VandellemVe Lora Gborn about 1907
VanvoarhisAdeline Dborn about 1886
VanvoarhisElliot Hborn about 1885
VanvoarhisMarion Eborn about 1918
VanvoarhisRichard Rborn about 1920
VanzantDavid Mborn about 1881
VanzantDavid Mborn about 1919
VanzantDavid Mborn about 1939
VanzantDorthy Vborn about 1920
VanzantMyrtle Cborn about 1896
VanzantWilber Lborn about 1924
VincentClaudia Nborn about 1903
VincentJames Eborn about 1931
VincentRobert Wborn about 1926
VincentWilliam Aborn about 1904
VintonJosephine Dborn about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaiteEllen Lborn about 1882
WakefieldBertha born about 1911
WaldenAnnie Lborn about 1909
WalkerTracy Bborn about 1879
WalkesClyde born about 1898
WaltersAugusta born about 1896
WaltersJoseph born about 1881
WaltzAlbert Jborn about 1879
WaltzAnnie Zborn about 1883
WardEffie Mborn about 1878
WashingtonAnetta born about 1932
WashingtonBertha Mborn about 1937
WashingtonDilery born about 1931
WashingtonErnest born about 1909
WashingtonGeorge born about 1905
WashingtonGertrude born about 1923
WashingtonGrady born about 1924
WashingtonJames Eborn about 1935
WashingtonRebeca born about 1920
WatkinsBarbara born about 1927
WatkinsJune born about 1932
WatkinsL Rborn about 1907
WatkinsMabel born about 1912
WatsonNell born about 1922
WattAdaline Mborn about 1864
WebbIsabelle born about 1881
WeeksLottie Mborn about 1872
WeemanVera Mborn about 1914
WeidmanFrank Eborn about 1881
WeidmanMartha Mborn about 1886
WellsHelen Lborn about 1925
WellsMilles born about 1889
WellsPatricia Bborn about 1939
WellsRobert Gborn about 1922
WellsRuth Mborn about 1902
WentworthElizabeth Tborn about 1863
WerksFrank Gborn about 1866
WestElizabeth Fborn about 1894
WestJohn Jborn about 1860
WhaleyBeula Bborn about 1910
WhaleyFrancis Mborn about 1910
WhitackerJohn born about 1897
WhiteAlton Lborn about 1906
WhiteAnna Mborn about 1926
WhiteAnnie Lborn about 1883
WhiteDorthy Lborn about 1920
WhiteElizabeth Cborn about 1844
WhiteGeorge born about 1931
WhiteGeorge Jborn about 1898
WhiteJoseph Cborn about 1905
WhiteJoseph Jborn about 1878
WhiteMary Eborn about 1890
WhiteRosemay born about 1896
WhiteWilliam born about 1886
WhiteheadBetty Mborn about 1932
WhiteheadHelen Lborn about 1934
WhiteheadHerbert Iborn about 1901
WhiteheadRuth Aborn about 1939
WhiteheadSidnia Aborn about 1938
WhiteheadViolet Bborn about 1907
WhittenManfred Mborn about 1879
WidmanEmil Fborn about 1881
WidmerRichard born about 1923
WidmerRobert born about 1919
WigginsIda Mborn about 1926
WigginsJoe born about 1904
WigginsJohn Henryborn about 1934
WigginsLily Mborn about 1928
WigginsMary Louborn about 1933
WigginsRoberta born about 1929
WigginsRossie born about 1913
WigginsRuthie Mborn about 1931
WilderJohn born about 1881
WilderLiza born about 1890
WileyEstelle Mborn about 1940
WileyMadson born about 1910
WileyNorma Cborn about 1924
WileyOllie Fborn about 1917
WileyRussell Eborn about 1939
WileyShirley Aborn about 1940
WileyVera Mborn about 1935
WileyWilliam Bborn about 1918
WilkensonAline Aborn about 1906
WilkensonCharles Hborn about 1929
WilkensonJack Bborn about 1895
WilkersonCoralee born about 1901
WilkersonGeorge born about 1893
WilkesLola Hborn about 1882
WillardJacob born about 1870
WilliamHerbert born about 1940
WilliamsAggie Lborn about 1908
WilliamsAlvis Eborn about 1934
WilliamsAnnie Mborn about 1893
WilliamsBen born about 1885
WilliamsCatherine born about 1900
WilliamsColima Cborn about 1906
WilliamsCora born about 1880
WilliamsDouglas born about 1900
WilliamsEunice born about 1900
WilliamsFloyd born about 1891
WilliamsJames Pborn about 1899
WilliamsJean born about 1933
WilliamsJesse Lborn about 1918
WilliamsJoe born about 1914
WilliamsJohn Cborn about 1937
WilliamsJohn Dborn about 1907
WilliamsLavon Lborn about 1919
WilliamsMarie Kborn about 1906
WilliamsOliver born about 1915
WilliamsRobert born about 1896
WilliamsRollins born about 1886
WilliamsRuth Jborn about 1900
WilliamsTheresa Hborn about 1878
WilliamsTrudy Mborn about 1928
WilliamsWilliam Cborn about 1878
WilliamsWillie Mborn about 1927
WilmatHazel Wborn about 1893
WilmatWilliam Eborn about 1883
WilsonBenjamin Fborn about 1923
WilsonCorine born about 1908
WilsonFlorine born about 1924
WilsonFrank born about 1889
WilsonHoward Dborn about 1917
WilsonMarion born about 1876
WinglerFlora Eborn about 1890
WinglerWilliam born about 1890
WinglerWoodrow Jborn about 1918
WiseAdaline Cborn about 1884
WiseBertha Jborn about 1877
WiseCurtis Cborn about 1910
WiseDennis Paulborn about 1940
WiseEvelyn Nborn about 1917
WiseHarriet Bborn about 1918
WiseHarry Jborn about 1876
WiseNorma Fborn about 1912
WiseNorma Jborn about 1939
WiseRobert Lborn about 1914
WiseWilliam Cborn about 1935
WoodardJohnie Lborn about 1940
WoodruffFlorence Lborn about 1894
WoodruffJean Rborn about 1926
WoodruffWilber Lborn about 1924
WoodsAbby Eborn about 1854
WoodsGeorge Mborn about 1922
WoodsGeorge Wborn about 1883
WoodsHerbert Wborn about 1880
WoodsHiram born about 1914
WoodsJ Nellborn about 1923
WoodsJ Ninaborn about 1923
WoodsJohn Iborn about 1905
WoodsLucy born about 1899
WoodsWill born about 1889
WoodwardJames Wborn about 1922
WoodwardMary Lborn about 1924
WoodwardThomas Wborn about 1920
WoodwardWilliam Dborn about 1918
WrightLois born about 1926
WyattEsther Eborn about 1896
WyattMable Cborn about 1929
WykesFrances Nborn about 1907
WykesFrederick Jborn about 1906
WykesMallory born about 1929
WykesRoger Iborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungFannie Jborn about 1906
YoungJames born about 1937
YoungLuther born about 1933
YoungMimy born about 1866
YoungRoselle born about 1919
YoungsJohnie Mborn about 1934
YoungsLouise born about 1920

Z Surnames

ZepplinAlvaretta born about 1870
ZepplinErnest born about 1873

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