1940 U.S. Federal Census of Muscogee, Escambia, Florida

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Florida > Escambia County > 1940 Census of Muscogee

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AmosCharlie born about 1892
AmosHoward born about 1914
AmosJuliette born about 1918
AmosViola born about 1896
ArdColer born about 1885
ArdEd born about 1886
ArdJames born about 1922
ArdLewis born about 1915
ArdRoy born about 1924

B Surnames

BaisdenBelle born about 1891
BaisdenFaye born about 1932
BaisdenZack born about 1884
BaisdenZack Jr born about 1923
BellV Jborn about 1928
BlackAndrew born about 1926
BlackJames born about 1919
BlackNovella born about 1929
BradleyBelle born about 1881
BradleyClarence born about 1873
BradleyClyde born about 1914
BrillLouverta born about 1930
BrillOpal born about 1929
BrillRobert Hborn about 1903
BrillRobert Jr born about 1927
BrillWillie born about 1908

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C Surnames

CallowayGeorge born about 1889
CallowayRosa born about 1889
CheatumJames born about 1932
CheatumJulius born about 1930
CheatumMary born about 1911
CheatumRosalie born about 1939
CheatumSaul born about 1910
CheatumWillie born about 1937
ClaytonMaude born about 1906
ClaytonWesley born about 1901
CorleyAbbie born about 1919
CorleyEverett born about 1922
CorleyEverett Lborn about 1886
CorleyGeorge born about 1916
CorleyHildred born about 1924
CorleyLottie born about 1896
CorleyRaymond born about 1937

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D Surnames

DonaldDaniel born about 1918
DonaldJohnnie Edwardborn about 1929
DonaldMinnie born about 1896
DonaldWade born about 1897

E Surnames

EtheridgeJewel born about 1922
EverhartEarl born about 1881
EzelleLeventia born about 1913
EzelleNat born about 1900

F Surnames

FerrellArthur born about 1913
FerrellC Dborn about 1938
FerrellClara Lucileborn about 1934
FerrellEarl Frankborn about 1940
FerrellRichard born about 1936
FerrellSolana born about 1917
FordBertha born about 1929
FordDaniel born about 1926
FordDora Maeborn about 1932
FordMary Ellaborn about 1933
FordQueen born about 1902
FordWilliam born about 1923

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G Surnames

GastonCleo born about 1939
GastonLouise born about 1924
GastonWillie born about 1920
GrayBernice born about 1917
GrayDamon Jamedborn about 1940
GrayEva born about 1906
GrayFannie Maeborn about 1927
GrayJohn born about 1910
GrayLeonard born about 1884
GrayMattie born about 1885
GrayMattie Lewisborn about 1938
GrayPerry born about 1925
GrayRaymond Lewisborn about 1915
GrayWillie Jamesborn about 1917
GrippsRhoda born about 1868
GulledgeMollie born about 1877

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H Surnames

HallLeevester born about 1908
HardyCarl born about 1926
HardyCleo born about 1936
HardyElsie born about 1932
HardyEunice born about 1928
HardyLennie born about 1907
HardyLonnie born about 1926
HardyLucy born about 1903
HardyMargie born about 1939
HardySam born about 1893
HardySam Jr born about 1932
HardyVernice born about 1927
HardyWill born about 1891
HarriosJohn born about 1909
HarriosJohn Leeborn about 1937
HarriosMattie Leeborn about 1917
HarrisAddie born about 1890
HarrisDella born about 1884
HarrisDorothy Maeborn about 1935
HarrisDoshee born about 1896
HarrisJimmie Rborn about 1933
HigginIke born about 1890
HolimanMary born about 1896
HolimanRichard born about 1882
HollandEstelle born about 1919
HowardNancy born about 1899
HowardWilliam Cborn about 1912
HutchersonMalvenia born about 1887
HynesVirginia born about 1872

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I Surnames

IngleVirgie Maeborn about 1919

J Surnames

JohnsonEd born about 1887
JonesHelen born about 1924
JonesInez born about 1905
JonesSophronia born about 1879
JonesThomas Gborn about 1903

K Surnames

KittrellMary Vborn about 1878
KittrellR Nborn about 1879

L Surnames

LeeDelvin Oborn about 1938
LeeJoyce Marieborn about 1939
LeeLoyd Lborn about 1915
LeeMary Louborn about 1915
LintonMabel born about 1919
LoftinDelia born about 1889
LoftinHelen born about 1931
LoftinL Jborn about 1874
LoftinLevi Jr born about 1928
LoftinLouise born about 1926

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M Surnames

McDonaldAnnie born about 1932
McDonaldEula born about 1924
McDonaldGeorge born about 1927
McDonaldJohn Hborn about 1939
McDonaldTommy born about 1928
McDonaldWilburn born about 1939
McDonaldWill born about 1880
McNallyAletha born about 1925
McQueenElias born about 1885
McQueenElias Jr born about 1926
McQueenMattie born about 1897
McQueenOrrie born about 1924
McQueenViola born about 1928

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N Surnames

NellumsAgnes born about 1895
NellumsG Bborn about 1891
NellumsNoah born about 1928
NellumsWilliam born about 1922
NoridMary Louborn about 1916

R Surnames

RichardsonAda born about 1872
RichardsonLottie Maeborn about 1924
RichardsonStella Leeborn about 1930
RichardsonWillie born about 1925
RobersonCarrie Leeborn about 1931
RobersonD Cborn about 1938
RobersonG Kborn about 1923
RobersonHenry born about 1893
RobersonHerman born about 1931
RobersonJohn Henryborn about 1929
RobersonLouise born about 1933
RobersonRobert born about 1926
RobersonRosa Leeborn about 1896
RobersonV Kborn about 1922
RoperMary born about 1880

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S Surnames

SappElla born about 1901
SappHoward born about 1890
SappHoward Jr born about 1931
SappJ Dborn about 1936
SilcoxBenjamin Gborn about 1910
SilcoxBenjamin Sborn about 1880
SilcoxMary born about 1888
SpannOlgerms born about 1926

T Surnames

TaylorMattie Maeborn about 1929
ThomasAugusta born about 1918
ThomasDaniel born about 1897
ThomasElizabeth born about 1893
ThomasHazel Lborn about 1937
ThomasRuby Leeborn about 1922
ThomasWarren born about 1923
ThomasWillie Jamesborn about 1939
ThomlynMollie born about 1893
TownleyAvery born about 1913
TownleyClifford born about 1922
TownleyDoris born about 1938
TownleyFrancile born about 1932
TownleyJeanette born about 1936
TownleyLovenia born about 1928
TownleyLuke born about 1912
TownleyLuther born about 1925
TownleyMary born about 1885
TownleyT Eborn about 1881

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U Surnames

UnderwoodBernice born about 1928
UnderwoodElsie Reaborn about 1933
UnderwoodLena born about 1910
UnderwoodWillie Bborn about 1931

W Surnames

WalkerRobert Hborn about 1902
WilliamsArchie born about 1886
WilliamsEd born about 1905
WilliamsEstes born about 1900
WilliamsFannie born about 1889
WilliamsHazel born about 1912
WilliamsLouise born about 1910
WilliamsMary Elizabethborn about 1917
WilliamsRichard Maxwellborn about 1936
WilliamsRobert born about 1901
WilliamsWalter Mborn about 1916

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